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    have seen you suspicious Le with that group SE drugs no you don’t know that intelligence okay I I’ve got that Intelligence on my system so I’ve been I’ve been told that okay because that and you see me you’ve walked off okay no well you’ve been there a long time you’ve been seen there by playing Co off for a long time you’ve seen the uniform police officer you decided then to walk off that on top of recent drugs intelligence you’re being detained under section 23 drug that’s that’s not granted to detain it my friend thank you very much but that’s more than enough you see him walking off that’s my ground did you hear the second bit stop your video the second bit yeah you can’t treat him because of his past said said about you can’t you can’t do that there’s intelligence his past there’s intelligence linking him to drug Supply you might choose to ignore that because it do doesn’t fit in with your agenda but there’s intelligence liing this young man a drug Supply yeah but no no no what no no no no no don’t pull out the argument that’s his pass that’s his pass engage with you anymore you saw him walking away no no no no that is your that’s your agenda I told you what what that’s not my agenda I don’t need to I heard didn’t say it we saw you walking off I’m onik don’t you to push me off my because you told me okay You’ told me you’re on B for you’re told me you’re on B for robber you’re not you’re not yeah of course of course you get involved again [ __ ] you talking to the man in the camera invol so he’s detained se3 Sergeant doesn’t have his epileps he doesn’t have started to walk have ice cream had ice cream no you didn’t have an ice he saw him and he decided to walk off inally it’s probably because he doesn’t like you w mer yeah West Merc West mland yeah but I’m just telling you that that build up the picture are you West mer don’t to me like so this is all recorded on your camera so you can review it but you’re going to keep saying your numbers your the numbers where your show the numbers where’s your should the numbers sorry where’s your shoulder numbers 7254 where are they here they are underneath here where here I can’t see them they underneath here where can’t see them I I don’t I think I think you’re mistreating him he saw you he saw you he he walked away maybe he doesn’t like your face I don’t know well no you get revie review your footage okay I know what you said he’s probably got you’re just choosing okay he messed up in his life maybe I don’t know yeah he just mistreating him as far as I know even if you find something you have no ground Sergeant where’s your shoulder number I still don’t see them oops that’s not F that his provisional driving license when you got return you don’t have to be answer him nothing man pretty exensive condition don’t nothing and see what what you’re on Bell for you’re digging for something now we you’re digging for something you’re just digging for something do he saw you he walked away he doesn’t like you it’s clearly no to be a if I if I ever see you again I will walk away I’m not oh that’s not very nice but you’re not a very nice person man oh no no clearly where’s your shoulder numbers for the fourth time my name is here and I’ve given my name where’s your shoulder numbers are you not supposed to and I heard your Coles calling you Sergeant are you a sergeant where’s your stripes just underne where are the stripes you keep saying underneath but because it’s gorgeous weather I haven’t taken off a jacket but well you should go and get him oh no that’s not that’s not very practical is it what do you mean it’s not practical you shouldn’t walk around without your should the numbers look this guy’s going to sh the numbers he’s going to sh the numbers she’s going to show the numbers I’ll take that on board you take that on board take moment to reflect yeah also take on board when somebody walks away from you do not search them like that no no no you keep repeating that’s part of your agenda isn’t you put in hand agenda there’s many there there’s much more grounds to what you’re say you keep repeating the same grounds but there’s many more friend if you didn’t find anything don’t give them name nothing no I’m not oh well done got my name I’ve met this officer before lady have I met you before yeah you have was it in uh where yeah I thought so yeah you look bit different with a hat yeah how was uh did you like the video a claim is on its way by the search by the way you watch me as well all right the sergeant obviously doesn’t Sergeant you bad attitude man no I’m not no no no no not all my friend if you’re not detained you can walk away I I want to it’s up to you yeah this offic going to do I’m going to engage with this this ma it’s in your favor not to talk to them Sergeant do you need to go and get your shoulders and come back I do now whether you choose to interrupt me sure okay I’ll tell you what this team is so we are um Guardian task force okay City Center yeah there’s a huge amount of serious well I say huge there’s a lot of serious H violence young people choose to bring weapons into the city Rob each other commit quite high levels of violence I don’t want none of that okay so if we see suspicious Behavior we engage with people if he tells me he’s on Bell for robbery which he did and you clearly heard that yeah okay you’ve got that recorded I’m a bit suspicious because who’s there with two males they didn’t hang around he’s passed his bag to those males whether that’s his bag or not they’ve gone off committing an offense on that e like you shouldn’t be okay okay okay no now listen to me so it’s my so so it’s my team’s job all right really now you might you’ll probably roll your eyes at this I’m not but they they actually put themselves in danger on a daily basis to stop and search young people right and I’m going I’m going to give you a list of weapons we’ve taken off people within last 6 weeks okay machetes yeah zombie knives yeah combat knives knes right Rambo knives right imitation Firearms right so that’s a list of what young people bring into City Center so when someone sees a police officer walks off and then when I catch up with him turns around tells me as on Bell for robbery he’s not allowed in a whole police area and H containing about four or five counties I’m going to get suspicious great we have information which you probably heard because you’ve been recording I’m not telling you anything that I am I listen to everything you have to say because Ser shoe violence is fueled by drug Supply and and vice versa okay so it’s all linked kids fighting with Rambo knives and stabbing each other sure a lot of the time it’s linked to drug Supply and feuds over drug drug dealers right okay so you can’t blame my officers for placing people in hand been a detained for a search you get involved get involved I all right so that just can I speak now can I speak now all I’m saying to you is okay because he has a a past he’s on ba hang on hang on let me you spoken like I’ve listened to you now now you listen to me okay he’s on ba right now for you to detain him put him in cuffs and search him because he’s on bail it doesn’t give you that hang on listen you spoke and let me speak it does not give you them grounds if he saw you and walked away it still doesn’t give you the grounds to search him the ground CH to search him if you saw him with a weapon or you have some serious information that somebody told you that or say for example under his pocket I can see like a weapon like a shape of a weapon that’s grounds other than that you don’t you didn’t have the grounds you search him today unlawfully if I was him I will claim against you okay have you finished have I have finished you then cuz you you you’re in a bit of a cycle you keep repeating the one ground but I’ve told you when you cuz you heard there’s Curr he said he’s on bail no no no and that’s the second ground but what the first one he walked away from you no there’s current intelligence linking him to drug Supply you ever heard that I’m not telling you anything because you heard that and you recorded that while I was telling him okay that’s the information I’ve been told that there’s current intelligence now obviously we can’t tell him that what the intelligence is and you might choose to disbelieve that but why would I make that up I don’t think you have any grounds I’ll be honest with you no no well okay you’ve to ignore that but that is the ground I didn’t because you clearly told him the ground I heard the ground he’s been searched under section 23 the Miss of drug yeah and then you mentioned weapons and all sorts no no no for drugs we search him for drugs yeah the fact the fact he’s with two other males and he’s tossed a bag to them without me being able to search it and they’ve gone off on an ebike even more suspicious which is all part of our grounds okay he two two Lads on on an ebike who’ve come up he’s tossed them a bag before I’ve searched it and then they maybe R after that back then come on yes anyway so I’ve told you what we do thank yeah you told me what you do that’s okay where’s your shoulder numbers you still didn’t give me I’ll go back in my van I’ll get i’ll get my jacket I’ll be I’ll be here because I like you you like me yeah I’ll do it for you because apparently you’re very popular I’m not that popular you might you’re bit of a celebrity Bo account so is that why is that why you trying to explain yourself and no wow it looks like it you said I’m not very nice offic is he still being detained anyway I’ve explained to him that he’s no longer detained fre to go he chooses to stay that’s up to him then he didn’t find anything cool cool cool what about that chain a chain looks suspicious man that’s huh no it’s got nothing to do I didn’t see the show got super eyes I know you saw the CH you told me ony chain don’t do that that’s what you told me the first thing you told me is earn money you where where’s your friends from are you huh you din we I’m getting a b about 35 40 anyway officer uh you know that how was the parking in that the station have they fixed that uh parking attached that station oh what were you doing there that day huh what were you doing there it was just a show up that come through just wanted assistance so what are we doing in uh what is it the what’s the name wampton yeah wol Hampton that’s it that’s where you I don’t wear that anymore oh so just your lucky day to go to to go shopping I don’t Mak I’m just saying you know you’re um you know your boundary then bound are you baned from a certain area oh see place oppos the hey Sergeant we’re still waiting on them numbers I’m not I’m not here to get directed by you but thank you very much you’re not here to my name’s clearly on show you shouldn’t come out I show the numbers sorry you shouldn’t come out I show the numbers this he you might was a color number I’ve got a feeling you might not even be a police you want to copy that you can scan it I feel like that called imposter syndrome is it so what’s happen to your children members on on a serious note I’ve told you three times not going to tell you a four you said the end of there and I keep looking end of there but they’re not there right okay so do I have to follow you to your van so I can see them all I would me I’ve got the time I’m not going back to the baret I’m going to do some more patrolling patrolling Yeah well yeah please don’t detain anybody else if they walk away from you no no it might be that they don’t like you that one ground I will detain because that’s the ground you’ve given inv in drug Supply okay thank you very much we see you again soon we see you again hello you want oh don’t film you okay they’re out of I’m filming that way yeah yeah they’re out of order anyway cuz they used to you see that you see the one with the fat one to stop me all the time the fat one what the police officer yeah yeah yeah the ginger looking one yeah the big one there the one that called my name I used to get Stu every day wish I could have seen you back then cuz back then I never knew about my rights they used to bully me I used to get slapped I do everything used to happen before yeah yeah all all my life I’ve been St say call my name when I’m sitting there said don’t call my name I was listening to I heard him shouting at you yeah having go you kind of thing yeah yeah I I was looking over to see what what was going on cuz I’m interested in stuff and sech you know about the rights and things yeah yeah he had no rights to search that boy that boy might be a a dodgy you know dodgy I don’t know I don’t know maybe he’s got a a bad pass maybe he’s done something but today today specifically he didn’t have no right to sear you yeah I hear that they just they just like to abuse their Authority and think that they can stop or do what they want but they have to wear a uniform the uniform says to them that they must you know have a correct uniform you m of the public don’t think you’re above the member of the public because you wear that uniform you get it they think sometimes they get above obviously we need the police but there some some of them abuse their Authority and power you said it [Music] all my paperwork from paperwork yeah years ago what they used to stop me years ago really yeah yeah all my paperwork right right i’ I’ve got all my paperwork from years ago all the col numbers some officers got some offic got they got sacked anyway you take it easy don’t think too much don’t think don’t worry too much and don’t let that don’t let the fat one bully you God bless you oh bless you yeah I saw that officer having a g him like in a horrible way don’t get involved something like that anyways I love berium that Sergeant he’s horrible he is absolutely horrible this is weird this security is like shouting close close is pleas [Music] [Applause] hello hello hello hello okay problem sorry sorry my friend hey quick question do you have to stop sing at certain time a come on don’t worry that’s weird brother so why why you not allow to hey huh why why you telling him to stop selling yeah because time is finished now so yeah see five five more minutes finished so what happens that time is finished they have to stop time yeah just them or everybody everybody not only everyone what time is yeah I know I know so what you need to pack up yeah canel huh canel you find him yeah everyone 200 every L 200 why 10 minutes by 10 minutes yeah why though I don’t know you don’t sometimes we give that like 10 minutes but I you taking the picture we take the picture you going get send it to the councel are you no no no don’t you something huh you want you want to take something do I want to no no no no just I just saw like he telling him close close close I wonder why normal CL yeah anyway take care brother that’s weird man so yeah apparently 5:30 they have to close if they don’t close they got a fine so that’s what’s going on and that’s security is taking evidence that he might oh sorry sorry that he might send to the to the council hello brother is it very nice oh I want one where can I get one it’s sure it’s closed former gr did look nice these people work hard man look at the state of this place [Music] h house what the heck it is a mad house oh can I have one give me one oh thank you very much I got myself a pomegranat I love pomegranates look at that pretty [Music] a video yeah yeah J I just make videos excuse me so what does that mean sorry don’t me video oh don’t worry don’t worry don’t like why don’t make me video oh you very bossy man what you going to do tell the council no don’t make me video all right all right don’t wor Don’t Make Me video so yeah yeah that’s that’s that’s my day in watch watch watch he’s doing something to his shoulder numbers he’s got look look at the


    1. "I'm going to give you a list of weapons we've taken off people… imitation firearms" – 1) nothing from him then. 2) imitation firearms? really? I'm going to imitate getting shot then… oh no.

    2. Love your stuff AB, you challenge and educate effectively but please don't mock knife crime. A friend of mine was murdered by a teenager in Birmingham. He was mugged then stabbed through the heart.

    3. Apart from no epaulattes im struggling see issue? With knife and drug crime rife in this country police should be disrupting these people as much as possible. Looking at search his given the grounds

    4. Bizarre
      Is that sgt really a cop please say he isn’t
      He’s spouting police information to a stranger with a video and therefore the entire world He’s told the world that lad is on bail
      His family wife employer etc can see this

    5. Its not practical…. its just the law. So if its not practical to adhere to the law, just carry on and break the laws because practical law adherence is on a lead by example basis and we have a sergeant here who is showing us how it should be done here.

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