Geraint Thomas reacts to a third stage win in dominant style by Tadej Pogacar in the Giro d’Italia 2024. Pogacar won Stage 8 at Prati di Tivo, a summit finish. Presented by @buycycle #Giro

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    was it out there yeah we thought breakway had a good chance we wanted to get Johnny and and Magnus in there which we did and was really good um obviously UAE set a good Tempo on the climb just to so we didn’t get out of control for them um and I guess cuz it was still quite close I don’t know if they wanted to ride for the stage from the beginning but they certainly uh decided to go for the stage and we kind of knew that then and um yeah for me well a lot better than yesterday night and day but uh confidence-wise I was just so going to sit in here and do today and then kind of move on and um in the end I felt pretty well really comfy actually I was quite surprised people were getting drops was always a good sign then I guess so um and yeah then in the Sprint I got a bit bogged down but yeah I didn’t have uh the likes to to Sprint with those guys can you try to describe the the last climb the the Dynamics in the group uh yeah I kind of I set the time and they’re just going to ride a solid temp mic is going to pull as long as he can until they start attacking and that’s what happened and um yeah from my point of view again was trying not to jump too hard and just let everyone else sort of Chase each other um and yeah like we knew you know Timon would come back or uh Micah would come back and it was just a case of just stay in with the boys last been are you surprised that t pach and UAE wanted to go for the stage with with a solid lead now down to you and Danny Martinez not really I think uh you know they’re just incredible and um yeah hats off to them today cuz uh they pulled hard and they really set it up for for T and he does what he does thank you g appreciate it scared today after yesterday not knowing maybe how the body would respond and pleased now that you finished how you did today yeah I wouldn’t say scared but just a bit sort of apprehensive you know a bit like Po I’m not too sure how this could go but uh no at the start I was a bit like but then by the end I felt pretty good like I said so um yeah that’s good at least representation in the Escape also the rensman right there with you all the way up on the climb teamwork all around is what you want for the upcoming two weeks yeah for sure boys um since day one been riding really well and just keep on that role now we got good morale in the team obviously like to have done better yesterday but at least a bounc back today just finally uh last year you fought to the end and it was a close one is this were to tell you over is p does t have it in cruise control or what’s your assessment it’s certain going to be hard to beat him but I think um it’s going to be quite strange I think it’s going to be like the last few days of a grand tour from now you know with the other guys on GC watching each other and he can just sort of sit there now he’s got no pressure to do anything but um it’s just insane is he really but you know we got to just keep doing what we’re doing try and keep improving and you never know thank you made that first attack inside the final 2 kilom before before that we didn’t really see the you guys in the top 10 GC trying to make a move was it about being patient yeah yeah yeah of course when they start to move I keep I was really focused on Tek because I want to win also the stage but yeah on the spring but the L is at the limit and yeah an incredibly strong time trial from you yesterday second place today one more stage before the rest day you must be very very conf in your abilities here and a strong team around you too yeah yeah this the team is also amazing they they really good job today and yeah let’s see the next week Al tomorrow is uh more easy than today but yeah keep Focus how’s this stage shaking out were you surprised UAE wanted to give t or try to put T in for the stage win yeah yeah of course today was a really hardest day and I tried to do my best on day the spring but yeah that was more strong call a cannibal already is that the feeling he’s cannibalizing the Ste Italia yeah at the moment the feeling is good and yeah keep focus on the tomorrow and also the next week and do you think T is cannibalizing the year Italia taking everything yeah yeah of course he’s one of the best of the world and let’s see because zero is too long keep going thank you Danny


    1. I respect GT! cycling is different from the 80s and 90s. So hard to watch these guys suffer so much for media. Rest recover have a beer or two or 3 ❤️

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