Jack is back. Track walk today checking out some of the new stages for the Enduro world cup in Poland before heading to get an MRI on his wrist to get another look. Fingers crossed everything is all good and the big man’s able to race his bike this week!

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    takes a lot of years of found some Hidden Treasures here I always go over the tape when there’s a chance smack the little pal did you see that that was some po polish parkour that just takes a lot of years of practice and determination we just found some Hidden Treasures here on track I reckon this one’s maybe a little too sharp and pointy to leave it in the track what went back here there’s huge pieces right here hey at Le at least it’s right near the finish of stage five yeah I mean you’re on mine go a flat here stagy mate how we doing Gary oh Gary rough first week to the trip mate we’ve made it to Poland obviously hurt my wrist couldn’t race theale um where you are tracks this way mate yeah couldn’t race which was a massive bummer had such a good off seon was super fit riding fast and was really excited to race felt like I could go good again and then I just washed out on a corner on Wednesday before the race nothing major at all just a little wash out hurt my hand anyway I tried to hold on in practice but it was too sore so hopefully try again this week I’ve got a MRI the sa it was like nothing showed up on the X-ray which is good news but it was just it was the next day it was early and there was heaps of swelling so spoke to the surgeon back home and get an MRI and hopefully he can see what’s going on or hopefully there’s nothing bad and I can have another cack this weekend but yeah I’ve I’ve been as I’ve been a sad guy for the last couple of days so I’m uh yeah I’m over it now hopefully ready to have a good week ready to have a good week bro done being a sock and hopefully it all works out she’ll be right this looks pretty sick actually and track walk today yeah got to do I’m just going to cram as many as I can as as many like walks in as I can before I go to uh back to the city the sa to get that scan first Trail right at the bottom looks pretty fun lots of roots me oh and um massive shout out to our boy big Chris for subbing in with the GoPro last week German guy much appre the viewers loved it the German viewers love it also guys big Chris is going to start doing his own YouTube all German for the German viewers so make sure you check that out not sure what it’s called yet maybe big Chris TV Tex Mix TV something like that we see competition no friendly competition it’s good bro we love big Chris yeah we love big Chris what a guy and dude very impressed with how he was riding same as Cappy boys are on I think they’ll just get better too hopefully we we can all smash it this weekend fingers crossed tap and it’ be a nice it’s a really nice line to go over I just you I always go over the tape when there’s a chance that’s just [Music] me they they’re everywhere who is it I don’t know it might be an official just listening to us talking jumping the tape you better be careful manate yeah but where do you want to you going full triple surely yeah you do that Cy okay all re going to just come in here real hot inside see what the tires made of well bang smack the LI po just Chuck it in Bud Chuck it in cool going to the Moon baby holy gppa when was the last time you had one of these in the stage can’t remember br oh I got sorry guys I have to report this I think that Jump’s not okay yeah yeah you have to cancel that jum on stage five it’s not on eh way too dangerous for under Riders nah they don’t have the skills for that now yeah thanks just tap it off eh all right what you got four kids you a bit scared of that jump bro I’m I’m just concerned for all the breas and sisters out there yeah fake Co it’s pretty gly can’t leave that in just a little but then that next thing is still going to be pointy at got him yeah I know the next thing send into like the next like it’s a potty boy section yeah it it looks like a section that wasn’t built to go fast through so I mean I can’t decide where the tracks are going to go but so far positive mindset on the uh first track we’re checking out here it is going downhill for the most part lots of you know pretty long sections of no pedaling so that’s what we like to see you know no complaints from you yeah no complaints I mean could always be steeper but we’ll take what we can get we got looks like we got another Booter up there some of these some of these booters weren’t exactly meant for uh fast riding so that will be quite spicy they’re meant to go like half the pace I think we’re going to hit them in practice and then race space will just be something else R ma yeah I’m just going to Ronny Mac straight into the next lip and then just kind of do that the whole way down make sure you jump the tape here too it’s just perfectly set up but you a bad man Chris yeah that one you don’t really need to don’t let the officials hear that what you got I can put that on my chain I run that one yeah that’s for you cheers bro you want to come in just you know you never know when you’re 8 hours deep into the back country and that might just save my ride can’t reach it oh Chris death grip this section NZ car only turn left yeah holy bro no way bud that’s a lot of speed guacamole got it there’s a rock on the right that you had to wiggle around yeah so when you hooked left then it was just straight into the next Corner yeah DH plus a little bit of pedaling she’s Rocky man going be hard to hang on there isn’t a lot of dirt on the track e just embedded rocks with more rocks mixed with a couple roots and then more rocks can I loves the rock with some pretty insane jumps some of them are not really Trail speed but guess we’re going to just going to send the quad they did nice backpack that’s mad a I like that sheit bro snack time prever that’s basically my favorite part of uh walking around are you allow to banana and banana surely mate double banana double denim is that you oat milk and oat yeah yeah double banana on our banana it up with some dude you got to mix it dryinus three nuts bro how much is that you imagine having three nuts did you say dry I know you hope they just had leftovers not being tape DH man all over again I’m getting flashbacks to DH man dude shoers in the background actually hit that inside there look terrible this doesn’t look on not nice trees this is a progam coaching the interview is this Tex’s new vlogger T is going full time bro he’s got his own vlogger following him around Ryder oh checked yes scary how much you paying this guy for your stay out of the woods with the bikes ehy this is a nature program this guy yeah I can’t talk about that Bing on the scene with a big budget dude big Chris TV is coming he hey Tommy C what what’s big Chris paying you for his YouTube channel pardon we wondering what big Chris is paying you to be vlogger Chris who Chris who exactly I did not know you was Chris I know you was Taxi yeah true you’ve never watched an episode of my my TV in your life have you I don’t really watch YouTube I’ll be honest I’ll be honest spends his time do better stuff now you actually live live every now and then I tried to what the hell that’s weird yeah I watch YouTube stuff but just no no bike stuff really I kind of keep it separate [Music] makx work and pleasure yeah if I go on YouTube it’s like car or something completely separate like diggers or diggers diggers yeah or machine heavy machinery or Russian fails that’s mine Russian fail that’s my two are we going to say heavy machinery on we got some serious some serious uh um how do you say oh my English oh I’m spraying recommendations going down here so we have to put that in uh after the next moo TV like everyone makes a pick of his favorite YouTube clip and we put it in there so you might get a glimpse of heavy machinery Russian fails and some dash cam shot mine will be the surfing video if there’s any Surfers out there maps to know where that latest edit oh my God bro chips chips chips chips lots of chips oh not not a whole lot what is going on in here split Lane I don’t know I guess we got to you got to just roll the dice on which ways faster to the bottom taxi you got some Intel on this uh red or black that’s what I ask you black line or Red Line whatever you feel like today I feel like black [Music] bye-bye yeah was my little winter cabin for training here in B you know track well bro I mean I live the track side get cold in there got a good roof I mean look at it you got nice insation on you yeah yeah that was really good roof Tex knows how to build a property yeah for all nerds yeah look at there’s like a big rock there yeah throw a massive in here someone brought their excavator up here all H Hing that’s the one now would you would on something like that you know I generally like to keep the forest the way it is you know we already do enough damage as mountain bikers stay on the trail mate [Music] that’s a Sher where you going a be sorry far it’s very nice high five oh he’s doing a bit of a wiz with a new fire hose Edition fire hose he had the fire hose just swinging in the wind boy G now he’s got nothing left done what are we recking in Poland looking pretty good they they like to build really small jumps and they’ve got a lot of rocks let’s find some food pretty cool AR yeah I like that it’s going to be just rough on the hand so lots of rocks see how we go the rest they I like it looks sick Tex verdict I’m hungry man I need to eat something no comment on the you get hry quite easily can you give us a angry hry angry no I’m not a hry guy taxi doesn’t really get angry give us a track pray view in German they like hungry and angry hry so Trail a little bit Fen Z you like that sh


    1. Legs, keep your head straight brother. I know this is a major bummer, but you got this. You're fit and ready. You can't always control things like this, but your mental preparation will push you through to the top of the box! Good luck.

    2. man this is a paved highway compared to finale. Boi these will be some FAST stages! Good luck for the healing! Hoping for a "ready to race" from the doc!

    3. Tracks look good, tape job not so good. The first track looks like is going to be fast AF, hope you can ride Moi Moi. The nois are funny, Jack speaking german at the end almost spit into the camera lmao

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