Talk’s Mike Graham and founder of FairFuelUK Howard Cox furiously blast cyclists.

    It comes after a speeding cyclist, who knocked down and killed a pensioner, avoided prosecution because speed limits do not apply to bicycles, a court head.

    Brian Fitzgerald was doing timed laps of Regent’s Park in London with a group when he collided with Hilda Griffiths, 81, while she was crossing the road.

    An investigation by the Daily Mail recorded some cyclists breaking the park’s speed limit by more than 40 per cent.

    Howard says cyclists “feel they are untouchable” and should be “identifiable, registered and insured”.

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    let’s talk now though to Howard Cox founder of fair fuel UK Howard a very good morning to you sir good morning Mike good to talk to you uh this will come as no surprise to you but after that terrible case of course in Regent Park that we knew about just last week uh where a cyclist was uh doing as much as 29 miles hour uh hit a a poor pensioner um an elderly woman walking her dog she died as a result of her injuries he could not be prosecuted the daily male God bless them went out and did a little study they took a radar gun into Regent Park and I don’t know whether you’ve seen this with your own eyes but decided to measure how far some of these pelons of men were going and they were doing an awfully big speed there were many of them doing above 25 miles hour it’s a 20 mph Zone some of them doing as much as 32 well it’s no surprise to you and I we we see it every day in London don’t we and the the fact is that you know they even boast about how fast they go they’ve got league league tables in their offices you know to say how fast they go the point is it’s getting worse and worse and worse and and they’re riding rough shot over the highway code and completely and utterly they’re selfish sanctimonious and and they feel Untouchable yeah they do and he I mean I don’t if there’s a name for this particular syndrome that some of these people suffer from because you know I can I can as much as I hate cyclists I can even understand people who want to cycle to work in many ways it’s a quicker way to get to work I don’t mind it you you you cycle yourself a little bit I’ve got no problem with that but these people you know who think that they’re in a race who are artificially creating a racetrack on a public road I mean if you did that in a Subaru uh you know that was lowered down a bit with a couple of big exhaust coming out the back you’d be called a boy racer why are these guys allowed to do this willy-nilly I I I think it’s not there is a syndrome it’s called idiocy um these people fundamentally have lost the way and they believe because they’re Untouchable and and don’t forget they’re encouraged by the mayor of London and because he’s been reelected for four years we’re going to see more and more support for the cyclist and less and less for the car um and and don’t forget there’s also these higher bikes lime High bikes which are LED everywhere dangerous that’s a disgrace isn’t it I mean the way that they are just discarded and there’s so many of them they’re just left by the side of the road um I often mention this on this show but if you opposite our building here on on the corner of London Bridge the southeast Corner if you like in London Bridge there are sometimes a hundred or more bikes there just lying all over the road people who have got you know disabilities and people who have got you know difficulties walking people in wheelchairs they can’t get around them yeah but it’s just this is littering I mean it’s unbelievable they should be prosecuted and Li the lime H company that actually you know issue these things they should be taken to task and fine so they actually pleased them better absolutely right because when we had one set of bikes we used to call them Boris bikes you know you had to you had to put them in a dock you had to cycle it from one dock to another put them in another dock I mean that was a system that worked whoever gave uh these idiots permission to do it where you can just discard the bike anywhere uh because you can pick it up with a with a credit card you know and I presume it was sadik Khan um has got to be taken to task for it surely absolutely right and the other thing also and I agree with I think I spoke to you last week about people like Nick Freeman have been calling for this for a long time these cyclists should be identifiable and registered insured and I think cyclist because it is a vehicle it is whether it’s just human driven I know this whole thing the reason why that person who killed that unfortunate pensioner uh wasn’t prosecuted because it’s not motorized that’s irrelevant it it killed someone and it is a road vehicle and so it should beot as well yeah those are sorts of things that everyone who used the roads should have Road uh usable vehicles that are actually registered and identifiable and surely as well they can ban these races and and turning Regent Park into a race track because after all it is a public Highway it is a road which supposedly should be used by cars and it’s not you know for them to just take it over well I I’ve spoken to many drivers who used to use that that part of region part they don’t go in there now because they’re scared of cyclists now can you believe that that the cyclist say they’re scared of cars sorry when they’re in bulk like that they’re intimidating scar people and the police are allowing him to get away with it and this is exactly the thing and they’re breaking the law they’re doing more than 20 miles an hour if you were doing that in your car you’d get a ticket yeah but the point is that there the argument is it’s nothing in law because it’s not motorized vehicle that’s can only be do speeding if you’re a motorized vehicle you couldn’t write this could you you could invent this you really couldn’t it’s absolutely mad because it’s very clear to most people that there are parts of of of of this country where you can cycle and there are parts of this country where you should not be able to cycle but these people kind of want cart blanch to go everywhere well this is the point you know I’m relaunching fair for UK and I will be pushing very hard for this them to be insurable and identifiable and I’ll be contacting Nick fre to say if he’d like to work closely with this because more and more people are writing to me and I’m not just talking tens or 20s hundreds and hundreds of people emailing say please can you give our roads back to people that use theads honestly and fairly well exactly right because you see every single day now certainly on social media videos of cyclists who despite the fact that the highway Cod has been revamped to suggest that pedestrians are now the most important individual on the road um they just seem to think it’s them and they’re running into people all the time and you go get out of the way and it’s the pedestrian’s fault for getting in the way of their cycle Lane which of course doesn’t mean they have to adhere to any Highway code rules either no there’s this the highway code was revamped as you know about a year and a half ago and they had this hierarchy of blame wasn’t it the pedestrians are at the top then the cyclist right at the bottom as poor old truckers yeah who and my daughter drives a 40 ton truck articulated truck and when she drives through various cities and things like that she’s scared stiff cuz cyclus are coming inside outside they’re going cross in front of her all that sort of thing and and it’s very dangerous and one of the things that actually did help actually was uh she actually got a couple of cyclists that come and sit inside the cab and see what she looks at and sees then they realize oh I didn’t realize it really is point they’re not very well educated I’m afraid no I’m afraid not and the the sanctimonious as you say self-absorbed and privileged overprivileged people that need to be taught a lesson in my view but how thank you very much indeed Howard Cox there founder of fuel UK


    1. What gets me that if a car hits a cyclist, the cyclist can claim against you as you have a reg that can be traced.. But if a cyclist hits you! Good luck getting anything.

    2. Dear god, not only is this Gammon Central, with Mike Graham, Howard Cox, Daily Mail etc, but the comments "I can even understand people cycling to work, I don't mind it" shows it's also Sanctimonious Central. Don't be fooled by these people, these are the people talking about things that don't matter in order to distract from things that DO matter. All brought to you by Tory donors.

    3. Of course all car drivers are absolute angels…Of around 400 pedestrians killed in collisions in the UK each year, on average around 2.5 involve a bicycle. Put it another way: more than 99% of pedestrian collision deaths in this country involve a motorised vehicle. I think you may be aiming at the wrong target here lads…

    4. That video footage of cyclists in London looks like Ride London – a closed road event, designed for all sorts of cyclists, young and old, specifically designed to let people enjoy riding round some of the iconic parts of London! It's being used totally out of context here.

    5. That video footage of cyclists in London looks like Ride London – a closed road event, designed for all sorts of cyclists, young and old, specifically designed to let people enjoy riding round some of the iconic parts of London! It's being used totally out of context here.

    6. I empathise deeply with the family❤️💐🎊 of the pensioner who died. However, cyclists are disproportionately more likely to be killed. I am 58 and have cycled full time of 15 years (no driving). MOST cyclists are safe and are themselves more concerned about getting home safely than causing pedestrians harm. We seem to have a very ANTI-CYCLING culture here in the UK. I can’t imagine a piece like this in country like the NETHERLANDS. Time trialists are different from the average commuter just trying to get to work.

    7. Hostile to the environmentally friendly, cars and vehicles block bus stops and park on the pavements, no right wing commentators ever mention this.

    8. Richmond Park gets the Peleton time-trial bunch all the time, couldn’t care less about other people or the deer and just seem to think the park is their private track – ridiculous🤬

    9. I live in Norwich and I walk everywhere. When I'm on the pavement these cyclists think they own the pedestrian pavement as well. They ring that bell behind me but I refuse to move so I have to move around me and they complain. I tell them they do not own the pavement and they don't like it. They get well and truly punished and disciplined by me. I give them short shrift. I tell them that they do not own the pavement of which I'm walking and I don't have the right to expect me to move. And this is a pedestrian walking in me.


    10. I once worked in Manchester city centre. A woman in my office was crossing at a pelican crossing near our building and a cyclist ran the red light, plowed into her and broke her arm. The police told her that it even if they could find him they couldn't charge him.

    11. I don't know why they don't make them register an mot the bikes and fine them for braking the highway code. This government is always trying to make more money out of us. They'd make that much money out of cycling they'd be able to sort the NHS out an the boarder with money left over

    12. What can I say cars are going so fast by my house and on the estate that no wonder so many cars kill people – what are we doing about these idiots ? Hang on we don't suddenly tarnish all car drivers BUT when we have idiots on cycles its a general " All cyclists" – 90% of 'cyclists' over 20 I would say are car drivers as well – We are ALL simply road users .

    13. Wakefield met are making the middle of our town and some of the main road cycle friendly at the moment it's against the law to ride on precinct and you can only drive on it after a certain time at nite. The council have ignored the people against it and are going ahead with it which will have two affects one it will cause rid lock in town with shutting the road down and two you'll have the local yobs doing wheelies with pedestrians in close proximity which is a recipe for disaster in mine and thousands of other people's minds

    14. On Saturday morning I was out my 10 yrs old husky who is terrified of cyclists, electric scooters and for good reason when she was a puppy she was rammed into by a Lycra wearing lunatic, thankfully she wasn't badly hurt as I managed to pull her out of the way, but Saturday just gone we were out for our usual walk , literally my heart nearly stopped when about 50 lycra wearing lunatics came racing up the path that we share 😳 so I moved over to the bus lane as I knew my dog would go nuts ,they kept coming there must have been about over a hundred of them, what I forgot to mention is that I have a problem with my knee,so I walk with one crutch ,so we carried on our walk always being vigilant but my worst fear came true, as I looked down the bus lane there were about another 100 or more lycra wearing lunatics charging towards us at speed,I pulled my girl Luna close to me as they rode past at speed, they could see my dog and myself were in a dangerous situation as I was trying to keep my dog safe whilst trying to not fall over 😞 sadly most of them thought it's hilarious one of them told me to get out of the way you tucking cripple 😞 this went on for what seemed like an eternity. The colour of their jerseys was orange and blue it happened in Swansea in the morning, I managed to get on the grass verge and got home,but myself and my dog Luna were traumatised by this, they didn't care about me my dog,my situation or the other dog walkers . I must explain why I choose to walk on the bus lane it's a quiet route where the park and ride buses drive up, I trust them more than I do any cyclist and to say that is something. They get away literally with murder and they have ,the old lady ,a married woman, many injured, they know damn well what they are doing but they are the first to moan when someone puts their life in danger, I can honestly say I hate cyclists and there should be a law that if they kill or injure someone or a pet they should be punished to suit the crime

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