30 Most Disturbing London Gang Encounters Caught on Camera

    Prepare to be shocked by the “30 Most Disturbing London Gang Encounters Caught on Camera.” This video showcases chilling footage of encounters with London’s most notorious gangs and criminals. Witness the raw reality of street crime in the UK capital, highlighting the dangers lurking in urban environments. Watch at your own risk!

    * (Disclaimer: This video content is intended for educational and informational purposes only) *
    Here are 30 of the Most Disturbing Things Caught on Dashcam Footage. Featured in this video are some of the most disturbing, creepy, shocking, and scary Dash Cam Clips on the internet ( Scary Dashcam Footage , Horrifying Dash cam Videos , Disturbing Videos From Around the Internet ).

    DISCLAIMER: All materials in these videos are used for entertainment purposes and fall within the guidelines of fair use. No copyright infringement intended. If you are, or represent, the copyright owner of materials used in this video, and have an issue with the use of said material, please send an email to contactuntamedvideos@gmail.com

    in a rather scary scene in Nottinghamshire these 10 gang members try to break into a house the boys batter the doors with their legs trying to force it open after ramming at the door a few more times the door opens up what follows this is instead a surprising scene the owner of the house attempts to prevent the boys from entering but they overpower him forcing him to flee for safety while some boys chase after him others seize the opportunity to break into the house and ransack it in a somewhat surprising scene something scary is happening these two gang members are admiring a bicycle parked in a public space no sh suddenly their real intentions are revealed by the next move they take that’s my one brings out a little electric saw and starts cutting off the chains securing the bike it becomes apparent to all that they are trying to steal the bike instantly the owner of the motorcycle challenges them screaming but this has little effect as the boys take the bike and one of them Cycles away on it badman what was a regular day is about to get chaotic these thugs pull up at a jewelry store with knives and other deadly tools some go inside to loot the store While others wait outside on scooters some people call the police immediately to inform them about the robbery hello the next moments that follow are nothing short of chaos made Road and jewelry quickly they have a they have a knife yes they went inside they have a knife they’re attacking people in the robbers run out of the store followed by some workers and other well-meaning people trying to catch them while many Escape in this instance one is caught and handed over to the police this leads to the arrest of the remaining gang members tonight in Kingston upon temps a Sinister scene unfolds three gang members Dismount their bikes outside a residence as the neighborhood sleeps they examine one of the bikes but a passing car grabs their attention prompting them to retreat and wait after the car leaves they come again and try to cut the bike free using angle grinders then something happens the owners open the window and scare the boys away the boys retreat and leave on their bikes it’s a rather scary scene at an iPhone store in London this Thug is just taking every iPhone on display he goes from table to table taking the phones and putting them into his pocket all the people in the shops keep a distance from him fearing he might have a weapon when the thug has taken as many phones as he can carry he does something weird [Music] he runs out of the store with all the phones and enters his car he gets in and speeds off leaving everyone in disarray something sinister is happening here is that your bike huh is that your bike two gang members are stealing a bike one uses a grinder wheel to free the bike while the other watches a man interrupts the boys by asking if it was their bike the boy working ignores him and finishes the job then something more shocking happens come the boy gets on the bike before the few onlookers and drives off without stopping by the time the bike owner would be back crying the boy would be somewhere riding into the sunset this incident occurred in a shop involving a moped Rider d a masked gang member sits on a blue scooter in front of the store and uses his horn nervously his accomplice seems to be operating inside the store they’re calling someone suddenly it goes Ary for the gang members heing a cigarette fu there go a man comes in and intervenes he deals with the gang members robbing inside the culprit Runs Out dropping the loot he gets on the scooter but it doesn’t start the gang member on the scooter comes off and tries to get it working so they can run away the scene at this Kingsland store is quite disheartening this Jeweler is fighting for his money and his life as he faces a gang of thugs who are trying to raid his store in broad daylight the jeweler holds his ground and resists the thugs as much as possible the thugs throw things at the Jeweler to distract him but he remains unfazed the thugs change the angle of attack and try to get the Jeweler to back down but he has some help from a fellow which gives him some Advantage it’s another scary scene on the streets of leads these two rival gangs take to the streets to show their hate for each other they can be seen swinging axes and machetes at each other on the streets onlookers can be heard screaming out of fear although no particular casualty is registered it’s a rather frightening scene the gang members can be seen retreating after the encounter some onlookers can be heard telling the gang to calm down C down the police later came to the scene to inspect the area and see if any damages had been done the streets still looked deserted even after hours this driver is so stunned by what is going on that he has to stop his car and interfere we did these two gang members are trying to steal a motorbike but no one is stopping them this driver tries to threaten them to stop but the boys are adamant as they are holding some deadly tools the driver attempts to call the police but they take a long time to arrive I can’t I can’t I can’t get a clear picture of their face there’s no number play on their pen the driver decides to wait to see what will happen eventually that’s when the unexpected happens 22 bikes a day in London alone being stolen look oh culprits are almost getting away when two guys from nowhere intervene and stop them once again it’s happening in leads and you would not believe your eyes the horrible oh my God a group of thugs are robbing a shop in daylight they first break down the glass in their way using some complex tools before looting the Wares they can get from the store’s Broken Window what’s impressive is the sheer number of people standing and watching them Rob the store while doing nothing about it got WS fill in the [Music] bags others are just walking past like nothing serious is going on after a while the culprits do something fascinating [Music] they pack their loot get into their car and drive off it’s a rather funny sight in front of a Selfridge store why why not the guards are trying to handle this young culprit caught stealing from their store the culprit knows he is headed to jail so he commits an act he starts screaming which makes it difficult for the security men to handle him when he sees things won’t go his way he plays a wild card act he falls to the ground and begins to scream for help some passes by stop to intervene in the matter but when they realize it is a case of theft they allow the security men to do their job it’s an ironic situation as these criminals attempt severe theft we a bike they walk up to places where bikes are parked at Westminster and get on them the next minute they start moving away the motorbikes one by one some ladies are on the scene and watch as the first Thief zooms away in such instances people usually stand and look but this time something surprising happens we the bike one of the ladies approaches the thieves to confront them one of them zooms away immediately but she can stop one of them from zooming off with a motorbike these two thugs have stolen a moped and are trying to get away with it you just nicked off that h no it’s already been broke it’s been there for years it’s yeah 21 plate what are you lying for yeah just all this they are arguing with the bike owners who are afraid to engage with the thugs when they finally start the motorbike they try to escape but something unprecedented happens call the police they drive the bike straight at a blue car and crash into it one of the thieves gets away with the bike while the other is left Stranded by the look of things he seems to have broken his thumb and is asking the onlookers to call an ambulance instead of the police they call the police call the police call the police they just robbed that bike the police later confirmed the bike was stolen these two thugs are driving a moped around but they do not know if he is being followed or videoed by a dash cam the thugs turn turn into a street and what they do next is surprising one snatches a bag off a woman on the streets and they drive off immediately the thugs must have thought they were getting away when something unexpected happened [ __ ] a brave man heroically intervenes he knocks one of the thugs off the bike and can retrieve the woman’s bag the thug gets up defeated and immediately runs to his partner on the moped so they can both get away it’s night in London and these two thugs are on a moped awaiting the traffic light to change unknown to them the car behind them is recording the whole scene when the traffic light changes these two moped thugs swing into action they go straight at a person just standing at the roadside and try to snatch their phones out of their hand however things go differently than they planned the phone falls off the owner and onto the floor the moped thugs just drive away in frustration at their failed theft attempt they take a bend and disappear into the night it is rather unique at this phone store in London it’s not coming on it’s still these three thugs are trying to steal phones at the store but it seems it is not going well they try to get the phones out of the holder but can’t frustratedly they kick the phones to get them out of the holder all of the people in the store are watching the drama in amazement people are laughing and making fun of these thugs as their plan is not working at all and to make things worse many people make videos of their Foolery of course they eventually left the place in shame it is a night scene at nightsbridge these moped thugs pull up at a traffic light and patiently wait for the light to turn green why they coming out doing laps unknown to everyone these thieves already have a clear plan for what they want to do just before the traffic light turns green the thieves swing into action Dr Dr one of the asants Dismounts the bike and approaches their intended victim spotting the threat the man tries to flee but stumbles allowing the thugs to catch up they swiftly Rob him and then speed away on their bike disappearing into the night as shown in the video in a jewelry store in London something sinister is happening oh my God move away from him move away come Hammer move away a lone Thug wielding a hammer breaks into a store shattering the glass while some bystanders attempt to intervene others urge them to keep their distance Witnesses quickly alert the Police to the unfolding Crime After looting the shop the next phase of the surprise occurs my God move away from him move away he walks through all of the people who were present without getting stopped he walks away still speaking threatening words to the people it is unclear whether he ever got caught and he’s got a knife he’s got knife it is a somewhat crazy scene at this London jewelry store watches robbery in watches yeah in a rather frenzy State thugs run out of this jewelry store to escape the shop owners two of the members quickly get on their scooters and Escape one of the members of this gang falls off his scooter and attempts to run he takes to his heels as the shop owners chase him watches robbery in watches yeah you can see on the shop owner’s face that these thugs have taken quite a lot and must be caught however it remains to be seen whether the police got these guys it’s night and something terrible is happening inside this zean coor at first all you will hear is the sound of the siren and nothing more but after a while we realized why the siren went off out of the store comes a thug who has broken into steel at first it looks like he is alone but then he returns to pick a tool and we get another surprise [Music] another Thug comes out of the store they carry their tools and their loot they stash it in the car’s Boot and get in the car as they drive into the [Music] [Music] night it was all quiet around Harrow wheelstone until this gang got there what they were trying to do wasn’t clear at first then they all swung into action they toppled a cash point machine and detached it from the building if that wasn’t enough they brought a tractor and tried to lift the cash point into a truck after a few trials they were successful they moved the tractor away and the van sped off with the c Ash Point the other gang members equally got into cars and followed the van as they all disappeared into the night that’s quite some Heist it’s a bustling day outside the cafe and it’s about to get even busier an older man is attempting to park his Brompton bike securely unaware that someone is watching him and his bike closely some thugs are already waiting to steal the man’s bike in a split moment they make their move to the bike they have done this a million times and thought it would be easy but they were in for a surprise the owner grabbed his bike with everything and struggled to keep it this surprised the thugs as they abandoned the motorcycle alt together and zoomed off these three bikes parade on this street and circle while shouting it needs to be made clear while they do what they are doing but suddenly the reason becomes apparent three more guys run out of a jewelry store with loot while brandishing weapons the guys on the bikes let them get on their bikes and they drive away it wasn’t a carnival after all it was a robbery case and these thugs had just charted away with pearls from a jewelry store the jewelry store involved must have lost a fortune on a bright day in a quiet neighborhood a dark event unfolds a burglar attempts to enter a house through a window using tools to pry it open after making a gap he retreats to the fence’s edge pausing briefly before something unexpected occurs another burglar leaps over the wall the second guy gets to the window and works another Wonder this second burglar breaks the window completely open the first guy stands watch while the second gets into the house to loot it it’s a somewhat crazy scene in front of this store in Norwich [Music] call these thugs on scooters are trying to rob a shop at first it all seems to be going well for them they are carrying out their activities and no one interferes with them after a while they get clumsy and uncoordinated some people on the scene noticed this and decided to act [Music] while the thugs were doing their thing some guys immediately moved and swarmed them up forcing them to flee the scene they even left some weapons on the floor as they drove away it’s a Public Square where bikes are parked and something is about to go [Music] wrong this bold criminal is using a chainsa to break into an electric bike fully aware that onlookers are recording him knowing that no one would dare confront someone on wielding a chainsaw and potentially armed with a knife he continues confidently when the chains are broken he prepares to leave with the bike after all no one is there to stop him it’s a rare sight in this video initially shocking seeing the hunter become the hunted becomes more familiar in this instance a thug attempting to steal a phone is caught by civilians a rare occurrence as bystanders typically do not intervene the video shows the civilians apprehending him marking a significant turn of events the civilians quietly hold him in place until the police arrive the police come to the scene and take custody of the culprit they question him before taking him in but this one is going to jail it is a rather bizarre and unbelievable scene at this grocery store look at all that here come it seems to be raining groceries for these Thugs who have forcefully filled their carts and are now filling their cars they did not pay a dime for the groceries but were loading them in their vehicle it looks like one car at first but then you discover more H don’t cuz you’re going to get a fire that’s why prices go up because of these can’t get behind the first car is a second one this time one of the thugs loading it is a female it really can’t get worse than this on these streets it looks like a regular day as this driver cruises around town however something weird is about to happen in a split second the the dash cam captures a tense encounter a cyclist is suddenly approached by a thug on a motorcycle the cyclist’s intentions are unclear but in a reflexive act he throws his bicycle at the motorcycle thwarting the Thug’s plans startled the thug quickly speeds away


    1. This brings to mind the works of the UK through time in many places. I read somewhere as you sow so shall you reap. Seems reaping time has arrived?

    2. This british people are completely idiots.. 10 people stay watch and record how one guy with hammer try to enter in jewelry shop and they do nothing… in my country if this happens the people gonna smash this guy with his own hammer.. and i living in the poorest country in EU just imagine…. 10 people afraid of one guy with hammer 😂😂😂 you are joke

    3. Wtf has that waste of space done get that Kahn and anything to do with Islam and illegally here England is full no more of this degrading treatment

    4. A good argument for free gun law asa usa. The public are gormless and cowards. This should be re titled the cowards of the county

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