#White knuckle ride France
    #European Tour
    #Tour Europe
    #Jim and Kay
    #Motorhome Touring
    #Dreamer D68
    #wildax pulsar

    European Tour Episode

    Hello and thank you for tuning into our channel.

    We have set off on our six week tour of France, Nice, Switzerland, Germany “Black Forest Region” and Northern Germany, Gorge de Verdon and other southern areas of France.

    We traveled from Leyland, entered France and are travelling Europe on a 50 day tour, come along and see some of the sights we see. We hope you enjoy our travels.

    We have used “what three words” to help you locate the stops accurately in the event you want to tour the same route.

    So far the weather has been mixed rain, wind, hail, snow and sunshine.


    The places visited so far is Luxembourg on a camping car AIRE, Germany (Black Forest), and Switzerland, Nice & Antibes (South France)

    I have included some links below to help you research if you are interested.

    We are recording our full itinerary and costs, so on the final video we will let you know how much we spent on everything.

    I hope you will follow us on our journey and find our videos satisfying, interesting and funny in some parts.

    Thanks for watching and please subscribe and hit the like button.


    Our power bank ALLPOWERS S2000 pro

    ALLPOWERS S2000 Pro Portable Power Station | 1500Wh 2400W

    Our discount card for camping ACSI


    Our SIM card and data for Europe. 100GB for £20


    Our Wi-Fi Router


    How we watch tv on the go 12.9”


    Water fill tank cap Tank Cap 2-Pin D: 78)

    Watertwin Motorhome Water Tank Adapter, Caravan …Amazon UKhttps://www.amazon.co.uk › Watertwin-Motorhome-Ad…


    Destination Nice Côte d’Azur

    [Music] so we set off from inter Len and we’re heading towards nice on the way we stopped at Lake an uh which was quite a a bit of a drive where we had some ice creams and that then we went on and we stopped at uh monaster de clemont which they had the Sunday market and from there we did a a quite a big Journey then it was about 7 hours uh to ni where we’re on our campsite and we love it here right well we just left the campsite it’s uh um 20 past 8 and we’re on our way now to Ana which we’re hoping to stay we’ve got change a plan we’re going to stay in an air because it’s forecast bad weather bad weather cold and I don’t want to be cold yeah so rather than um stay at Lake anes we’re going to head right down to the south coast and um hopefully the weather is showing to be a lot sunnier there and warmer so that’s the plan we’re going to stay at Ane just to have a look around uh have a ride around the lake yeah have a ride see what it’s all about and then at least we we’ll know uh and we can come back again yeah we cuz we don’t want to be there if there bad weather cuz it’s um you know you want to be able to sit out and admire the views and and talks people at that all oh God he just pulled out didn’t they they might he you know the drivers some of them are don’t care [Music] right we just arrived at uh ansy Lake um we’re on a camping air tonight AR we we are yeah we’re only staying the one night but we’re going to go into ansy now have a have a look around yeah uh and have a look around the lake it looked nice when we was coming in didn’t it very busy Place yeah yeah hling yeah um the weather’s not forecast very nice today or tomorrow it’s actually dry today isn’t it yeah and it’s it’s dry Tom it’s got Sunny spells today but tomorrow it’s just cloudy but it’s 16° yeah so um we’ll show you around in a bit um as as we’re walking around ourselves [Music] [Music] so where’s the lake I think this all the way down yeah yeah it’s like where we was last time was it come on let’s go and get some to eat get some lunch there are the boats [Music] and this is where the uh the lake comes into the town uh now I know you can’t pass this bridge here because it’s blocked off on the other side but um whether you can whether these boats have come through here I’m not too sure but that’s blocked off there on the other side Ando well the coldish weather isn’t Stu as eating as an ice cream is it R ra yeah lovely can’t believe how busy it is here it’s a lovely Place enjoying it up now after this I want a nice big coffee like a Starbucks yeah don’t know whether we’ll get that you never know what you’re getting when you ask for a coffee here no highly recommend this place busy weekend so probably good job we’re moving on tomorrow [Music] we got it wrong again with a coffee didn’t wey what did it was coffee with water coffee long we call it was called and we thought was coffee with milk but it was coffee with water anyway she talked it up with milk now hot milk and uh it’s the nearest thing we can get to a flat white but it’s the best one we’ve had is it said Cafe yeah we should have it’s a nice little coffee shop after you can see well we’ve had our day in Ana the weather’s kept dry for us hasn’t it yeah it’s actually G quite warm now and we’re heading back to the van we’re going to get sorted out and we’re going to pick a campsite for tomorrow hopefully we’ll be in the south of France tomorrow o I hope we got a bit better weather there warm so that’s the plan um bought yourself a nice card again yeah I bought a c because I’m cold yeah well you and you brought that big th jumper and that’s too warm in your Co so he said to pay €69 for a Z card against now aren’t you I am um so hopefully we will catch you in the morning um just before we leave um but it’s very impressive on at the Town yes and that all the BS seen this absolutely fabulous boat um where you can have a meal on it and it look really Posh inside doesn’t it like a restaurant yeah like a restaurant on the boat and it was like a different set menus W there yeah um what was the cheapest one per person 35 35 yeah and the de is was 98 what said that’s per person uh but it did look absolutely gorgeous if i’ have seen it earlier on and we had have had that big pizza for lunch I’d have said to Jim oh let’s do that tonight and get on that lovely boat but I’m sure there’s going to be other opportunities to do that and the other places that we still got to visit right so we’ll see you in the morning so we’ve had our day in Ana the weather’s kept dry for us hasn’t it yeah it’s actually got quite warm now and we’re heading back to the van we’re going to get sorted out and we’re going to pick a campsite for tomorrow hopefully will be in the south of France tomorrow oo I hope we got a bit better weather there warm so that’s the plan um bought yourself a nice card get them yeah I bought a c because I’m cold yeah well you and you brought that big thick jumper and that’s too warm in under your coat so he said to pay 69 for a zip card against hisil now aren’t you I am um so hopefully we will catch you in the morning um just before we leave um well it’s very impressive W it the town yes that all the boat we’ve just seen this absolutely fabulous boat um where you can have a meal on it and it looks really Posh inside isn’t it like a restaurant yeah like a restaurant on the boat and it was like a different set menus w’t they yeah um what was the cheapest one per person 3535 yeah yeah and the de is was 98 what said that’s per person but it did look absolutely gorgeous if i’ have seen it earlier on and we had have had that big pizza for lunch I’d have said to J oh let’s do that tonight and get on that lovely boat but I’m sure there’s going to there be other opportunities to do that and the other places that we still got to visit right so we’ll see you in the morning morning morning well we just left Lake Anese which was Brill and we are now heading for Monier de clemon probably not PR pronounce that right at all but that’s where we’re heading and we booked um a site this time cuz we’re hoping to well we’ve not booked it yet we’re oh no we’ve not booked it no we haven’t so we’re hoping and praying that they’ve got a space so trying to get where the weather is getting a bit better we would have stayed in ansy but we’ve been on the weather forecast and it don’t seem to be getting any warmer does it no it’s pretty chilly actually 8° I think it said yeah you needed your coat on still but it did get a bit warmer in the afternoon we had that we had that pizza outside and and we didn’t have a c on so it wasn’t too bad but you still need a bit of a cardigan jumper on or something now someone’s recommended this play so it’s on our way down towards um ni and um where’s the other place we going k um Mar are we going Mar yeah so we’re going to hit Mars first cuz that’s that’s the first stop and then to I think well we should have been doing The Verge to what is it g to Verge on inset but we don’t know whether we we giving that a Miss we’ll see what we like for time but we we have seen it around there haven’t we before yeah we have been there before so if we need to give it a Miss it’s not um it’s not a problem uh but yeah the world’s our I and we can do what we want can yeah so um yeah we’ll catch up with you later [Music] [Music] [Music] I’m just coming into this campsite now at montier de clemont and we’ve not booked is just hoping and praying they’ve got a space for a couple of nights well we got to our campsite finally after a bit of a bit stress what happened was um this satellite navigation which is uh Google Maps or Apple Maps uh took us a direction where the were warning sign saying that the height was 2 six I think it 2.5 2.6 maximum so we had to divert and then I had to put on another sat now uh which you put the the length and the height and the width of the vehicle in and it redirect you down the main rolles but it’s not as good anyway we we did that we got out of that and then I put it back Google Maps so it took around the houres a little bit at that point because we didn’t know which way we were going we do we did take a few long turns didn’t we we have to go around in body circles to get back oh God so it must have put about an hour extra on our journey so yeah but we’re here now we just just got here AR we this minute yeah the sun’s been beaming and when the sun it’s like cloud in the sky that hides the Sun Sun comes out and when that sun’s out it’s going half burn it’s red up red up and then when it goes in goes bit chilly that well it’s not chilly but it’s when that little bit of a breeze comes the breeze is a bit chilly without the sewn in it but anyway we’ve put to sort of like just chill out really chilling out today we’re not doing anything yeah we’re having two ni here aren’t we yeah and we apparently it’s supposed to be a nice little town so we’ll go to the town tomorrow SCS are off ready AR we yeah so we’ll see but what’s your your first impressions of the camp site we’re very friendly yeah i’ be very friendly it’s um It’s Only just not so long ago so one of the toilet blocks isn’t working yet yeah but uh we’ve got one on so as long as we can get a shower we had a shower at done last night didn’t we yeah we did actually yeah that was nice feel good you had a look at the hour yet so I don’t know what they like but it’s only a small campsite this but can imagine when it’s in the summer months it’s probably really nice it’s quite qu surrounded by feel like you’re in a little wood it’s all surrounded by trees yeah yeah it’s quite nice so yeah we’ll just have to see the water I’ve just emptied the chilot thing out myself oh God and he said there were no there were no water on I think he had a bit of icy weather I think the water on was on the air as well there’s a few logs in it God oh he’s disgusting you’re disgusting you are you’re disgusting anyway I thought I’ll do the bit and I’ll empty toilet because I’ve not done it for a while got bomb I’m like and he’s to press the button and then it won’t Splash well I’ve got a bit of arthritis in me so it kills me so I’m trying to hold this flamy blue button in and and tip up at same time I’m like this and then it’s when the THB come off the Buton it’s all splashing and I’m going it’s wonder I did drop that cette oh were horrible oh Horrible no wonder the men do it but oh no it’s not a woman’s job that is it you know I’ll stick to washing up and in laundry you know doing the CL and that and a bit of cooking you do your jobs I’ll do mine oh but yeah I thought well I’ll just do it then I know what I’m doing you know just in case you never know here what happened last time o a nice rosé wine just to finish the night off well deserved after of the exercise we’ve just done isn’t it James mhm sure it is cheers I’m doing this um I cook breakfast this morning an old favorite chopped t with por so I’m treating cake to a nice breakfast if we’ve been on cereals most of the other day um and we’ve been waiting to do this or I have for a while I’ll just show you look at that look at that can’t wait for it anyway I have look what you think our triple Deckers well the sun’s in and out this morning morning but it’s still quite cloudy a bit nippy still yeah just a bit that sun’s not out still a little bit nipp oh what’s this spam spam Grill spam you got another sheet at the bottom oh oh oh it’s a triple it’s a Triple Decker oh God no I’m putting weight on with you oh [Music] God good old 1970s meal this gr SP Chopped with uh chopped time with pork I think Cho pork he’s gone for cheaper one too tight to park out for spam very nice we don’t have breakfast Mar every morning do we no no saus Tom have your chees shirts been getting tighter yet no my belly is definitely getting bigger oh bread and and ice creams got a few ice creams aren’t we even though it’s been cold we’ve been eating ice cream aren’t we we’re mad we are I’ve got put everything away before going to town because it’s going to rain apparently and it’s going to rain all day tomorrow so we’re traveling tomorrow apparently um was it Colin that told you in said they have a massive Market on well because we came we only stayed the one night there didn’t we so maybe we’ve missed it maybe the Market’s on on a Saturday cuz we arrived on the Friday didn’t we mhm which was a shame that we missed that and we stayed in the camping a didn’t we yeah because um we didn’t want to get caught up in the weather chasing the weather at the moment yeah yeah um it was only for 24 hours at a once to anyway some of them you can only stay the one night so but you can’t Grumble if it’s free right I want to show you this this is my little cooker and don’t you come and have a have a look closer look yeah dead small and that’s the good thing about it um so it’s that big it’s only only small um and you have the four feet like that and then these uh clip out like that you then fuel it with one of these cans so what happens is with a can you have two things there that you just put in you put it in and turn it to start it you turn that on press that and there we go red and where was that from and how much was it it wasn’t expensive I think it was about 8 quid and it’s called t m s h c o yeah I don’t know even how to pronounce that but uh it’s only a cheap one but it’s fantastic to bring in with us because did you get it offline I got it off eBay oh eBay but it it takes up no room K and um I always bring It win it because it just goes in a little a little corner and that’s what you fried your spam on this morning is it for breakfast yeah I didn’t want to get the the big barbecue going it’s a nice neat little B the size of that look at that look at the size of that tiny is it so um yeah that’s a good thing the other thing I’ve got obviously I think most campers have is like the ridg monkey so what we can do with this we can the chips we can do toasters and you put them in there you put them on turn it over and again do the same so that’s another good little Gadget to have I just have this with me camping stuff um in the boot wants of BL go clean sure I cleaned it last time um it’s a great little case that it goes in is it it goes in the case it’s insulated case it just there no clanging about in the van with it when you traveling it keeps it you know it keeps it all nice clean and that’s just cuz we’re in the camping here so just to show you those two really right we’ve had breakfast first we’ve put the bike back on because it’s going to rain this afternoon and we’re just having a walk into town yeah but is a Sunday so we’re not notes up that anywhere’s going to be open I’m expecting everything closed to you in the town yeah yeah yeah so we just found the tennis courts just uh at the entrance of the uh campsite and the swimming pools which looks like a communal swimming pool that you go to so the picture on the campsite that they’re advertised they’re showing the pools and we was wondering where the pools was but really it’s a bit of a con because it’s just outside the campsite and um you would pay extra for that there’s no water in them at the moment but um I know you can you can get an idea in the summer it probably be uh Buzz in really what do you think of the campsite oh it’s basic is it it’s very basic it’s a shame because it’s in such nice setting and that but uh I mean the shower was all right but yeah the thing with the shower is it’s a great shower but nowhere put your bloody clothes so yeah well there’s two hook two they need some on the back of the doors as well and the floor get gets Absol absolutely wet wet through and it’s typical of some campsites in France where they are all the dark brown tiles and when you go you ooh but the showers were clean enough nice but the dishwashing area it it initially looked clean but dated do it yeah it’s very dated and the the dish drainers were dirty weren they so I’m like you know it just sort of it wasn’t up to my standards if you know what I mean so you don’t want to start having to wash that before you wash your P here ear but it’s been okay it was cheap enough so we can’t Grumble €4 for two night God yeah it worked out 12 and that breath we haven’t got any electricity though have we no we chose not too D because we don’t need it yeah so it would have been extra with electric this guy do slow you always get one don’t you oh we got that yeah oh my [Music] [Music] God that’s some there is some dry hell excuse my language oh oh get it down there my God the bottom God [Music] knows Edge there oh shut up yeah all Dr down okay will you stop saying that it’s a fair old drop oh look at this I think we’re going under uh we’re going through mountain now going through a tunnel the way through o I’m going to get under I pretty hope so Jesus did it say anything about any restrictions did you know [Music] [Music] it’s a fair old drop down there okay is it will you stop saying that it’s a fair old drop oh look at this I think we’re going under a we’re going through mountain now going through a tunnel I’m going through a tunnel o we going to get under they bloody hope so Jesus did it say anything about any restrictions felt felt a bit tight that didn’t it oh God feel a bit look at the view there at that oh another one oh not going to get under there we will stop frightening Slow Down slow down slow down oh my God oh my God oh my God look at that right on Ed here oh god oh no don’t look over there don’t know how they make these roads on the edge like this don’t need a bit of wood going around Edge you bang that be off wouldn’t you no I mean how they how do they build these roads yeah know look this all C out like take it easy easy got to be glad to get off [Music] here right we’re just having a barie and the weather is gorgeous at last it is isn’t it yeah yeah and we’re just outside the ni aren’t we yep we’re on a campsite just near ni and um what’s the other place that we’ve been sold to go to next to me um is that what it is so we think going to go in there which is only a short ride he said on the scooter didn’t it he said it’s a quite nice that little beach and that but we’ve just G and stocked up with a bit of food super mark it was five minutes drive down the road Haven we we was packed to the brim we I had a bag at the front you had a bag at the back bag across me under the seat was full oh my God yeah don’t know how we did it but just looking cuz obviously we only got here a few couple of hours ago yeah um it looks absolutely lovely there along the sea front it do we’re going to have to wait and see see yes I’m looking forward to tomorrow and apparently it’s supposed to be really quite hot tomorrow is it yeah yeah well the rest of the week it P really nice so hopefully it’s going to be um I can tell it’s really warm cuz when we got back from the shopping I went in the van and it was stifling inside the van it’s like oh get them vents open on it yeah so we’ve uh just having a bit of salad and oh some of the stuff that we sell in the supermarket you look at it with it looks so nice it but you haven’t got a clue what it is so you have to translate it we you really want to know yeah you do yeah but it’s great having a guess you get you get what you get don’t you we’ve done a bit of that haven’t we the bloody mirror’s broke on the bike uh so i’ about to do a repair on that yeah um somehow it on the back of the bike it’s shook the mirror off and broke broke a piece anyway I’ve managed to glue it back on and put the the mirror back in yeah so always bring some glue with you because you never know you got glue and doublesided SP have toate and know that L to shut him up yeah so it’s a nice campsite this though isn’t it yeah yeah I mean there’s a pool in that which we’ve KN a nice pool in that we I it’s just a quick wand around we’ve not even been in the showers yet to have a look what the showers are like or anything but you have to we give you these bands we got put the bands on the shower scan it on the shower oh what a lot of FL that is that’s why you get your water there must be uh a lot of people fiddling them yeah there must be people fiddling you know what what did amaze me is that the ask you did you want 6 amp or 10 amp electric so I said oh 6 amp cuz I’m only charging my battery up at me um you know my battery pack up and it runs the fridge and um what they do they come out they open the door while you’re there and they take a circuit breaker out for 10 amps and put six amps for circuit break anyway as just tripped at new times I just keep pressing he does just keep pressing comes back on for a while determin to get that to battery charger all Char oh yeah it’s all done that’s all cool that so yeah so I’m looking forward to eating this uh nice barbecue we’ve not done one since we was in Switzerland no we have two beautiful days there didn’t we about the only days they’ve been nice days but it’s been cold it yeah even when that sh goes down you can feel a bit of a yeah nip in the air like you know yeah but now here I’m like it’s quite late now isn’t it getting on is it 7:00 no I bet it’s uh no 6 oh it’s 6 o00 but it’s really warm like taking in t-shirts and I’m always cold me but I feel just nice just nice so yeah so hey we’ve got some we got some fresh bread look at that yeah and I think it’s is it brown that yeah it’s a brown one yeah yeah yeah good so I’m looking forward to that bread some is it pork kebabs pork kebabs yeah so yeah so we’ll uh catch what we you tomorrow some strawberries and yogurt yogurt got his little dry out it’s a little coffee machine aren’t you and we’re just having strawberries with some natural yogurt we are trying to be healthy I know we’ had a few cakes aren’t we we have and and I’ve brought it outside just to show the French how we have a proper coffee a proper coffee a proper flat white proper flat white because we have not had one proper one he haven’t got a clue so we’re doing our own so um anyway um everyone’s been walking been Andy James no you was i’ had a few wines now so can you tell hey we got a this hippopotamus wine hippopotamus no I had a picture of an hippopotamus on the front and it looked it looked a really cheap a nasty bottle 2.7 for the bottle yeah 2.7 for the bottle of wine and I said on we’ll give it a go only like two quid in it I you know what it actually really quite lovely thought oh my God was expecting a cheap wine I I I thought I to took a taste and I gone but actually thought I went to Gim I went o Jim it’s actually quite nice we actually B some more expensive wine today aren’t we yeah we went to um another Supermarket wasn’t wasn’t a little this time with we got a little market we’ve got a few B they had for3 something oh the Dey is it’s D Money D money so we keep we keep taking a photograph of the winville light but when we go in the next supermarket we can’t find it can we no let me show you this let me show you this this is our coffee machine and this is a law coffee machine it’s made by Phillips it come free with uh 200 capsules I think you got you bought 200 capsules you got the machine free and it’s brilliant it’s absolutely brilliant and these here are like an espresso but they’re double the size they’re massive so we get like a big coffee like that so if you can see there we’ve actually got a big coffee which is what what I like more than he’s ropped his milk up now and he’s ra hey look at that it fits me cup it does fit your cup keeps me coffee it does it does so now now look at that if you French people are looking around this is how you do a proper coffee this is how you do a proper coffee coffee look at that look at that that’s a prop that’s like a Starbucks that is he that’s better than Starbucks G that’s a g it’s a gym books coffee definitely yeah yeah so taste now we’re going to uh don’t make me jealous oh look at that hey look to the full the full bit of milk absolutely look hey and I know that milk it might have a blue cover on it but it ain’t full fat is it James um there they semi is blue isn’t it I know but this isn’t semi oh God no because this is 2.5 uh fat uh 2.5% whereas the the semi one is 1.5 I think so but from what we’ve been looking at going to be putting a few this isn’t this isn’t fresh this is them that are it’s not that was the fresh milk fresh the other stuff because some Littles don’t do fresh milk only that long life stuff so we’ve got a couple of bottles and we put it in the cupboard and they’re going to be our emergency start G just in case we come a bit unstuck and we need some milk it’s there well we have come unstuck a little bit a couple of times hav we but we’ve had like packet stuff and uh and stuff like that in the van aren’t we yeah it’s lot goes with camping is it always got to plan like yesterday we got goody not lost but we’re sat now you’re not always going the right way you can call my god I’ve took the wrong turn in cuz it is difficult and it’s quite D and I don’t know how he does it is really good on these roads don’t really do I’m getting dead stress I’m like getting all worked up inside cuz that’s the way I am yeah but you are like on mountains and everything oh when we in their mountains on them bloody things and there’s only like ay yeah yeah but that what’s that little barrier like it’s only made of like that thin tin stuff is thinking oh my God I looked down and honestly it was hundreds of feet down Shear drop and uh amazing views absolutely amazing but you’ve just got to have your wits about your driv but um beautiful even is it it’s been quite nice driving down we’ we’ve only been on one p and that cost us about five one in total they were two points 2 so bad so uh we didn’t really want to go on in the pay but it was quicker last night to get to where we going was that exhausting we traveled 8 hours aren’t we we ended up going to um a camping car park uh air uh which was in the book and um there was a couple of spaces left but uh you think this time year it’ be empty it was uh they were 80% full most of them that we’ve been that was full the one in nce was it we couldn’t get on that one oh God yeah we we turned up at it and it was full but to be honest it says it’s a camping air but half of it was full of cars and I don’t think supposed to be on there it is for campers and motor s oh no so anyway we found another one so we had to add another 40 minutes oh God we just traveled 8 hours and now we got to do another 40 minutes anyway we turned up at this air and it was what what’s that card called camping car camping car park so we had to do that when we got there oh what was it like that was a pla because we hadn’t put the new registration the new van in we had to do all that thank God there were nobody behind us W then top up the credit on up oh God I can’t believe this I was near I was nearly ready for a new bloody breakdown I’m telling you anyway we got on it it was a lovely air wasn’t it no oh nice plants that was lovely nice and Qui was really nice easy to empty your toilet easy to fill up and yeah it was it was really nice so and I got I got a belted night sleep even though we’ done nothing all day and traveled all that time I was absolutely was exhausted yeah I think that was a bit of stress though I am a bit of a stress I had a shower last night in the van didn’t I yeah and I had one and then you had one this morning how was your shower yeah all right plenty of water really yeah and I stayed in a bit longer this time cuz he’s always taught me water’s precious when you’re in the camper so I’m likeit get the water on quick then get yourself stop it get yourself soaked up get it all off oh he gets in after me and he’s in he je and I’m thinking what’s he doing in there so I thought this morning I’m having a shower and I’m staying in ages just like he get the temperature right so that takes longer probably don’t take me longer it takes for two second what we do we have that phone burst so you can just L up over brilliant that that phone burst in a can that’s fantastic little tiny blob just the whole of your body it’s fantastic and it is really good is good for the showering but I am really looking forward to a shower here in the Campsite in the morning I could wash me air I’ve got helmet air you know been on the scooter and what yeah but um yeah anyway well tomorrow it’s walk out really nice and we’re looking forward to it so we’ve got loads of barbecue stuff haven’t we 25 de I think tomorrow so it’s not over she nice for me don’t like it tooot just so you can walk about in your T-shirt the second coffee coming up oh look at this this this is a flat white here we go look at that oh I did get him for his birthday you know got him a barista t-shirt saying he was the best best best B in town you should have brought that and put it on shouldn’t you right I’m going to try this and make sure it’s all right because it’s a different so nice look at the creme and the fru on that lovely watch your ver it that’s lovely that’s nice anyway we’ll catch up with you tomorrow [Music] this is the Old Town the old town and uh we was told to come here because it’s um it’s supposed to be better if it’s your first time at n there’s a cruise ship in there so we’re going to have a look around the boats I think how we love yeah we go there then I [Music] you have anything [Music] it depends what you want now okay oh my god well decided yeah nice I’m I’m having AIT fish I think squid and pasta you get a nice B piece of pachia some oil [Music] the scooter and Jim drink alcohol Ginger [Music] at the garlic there okay yeah that Jo seems a lot bigger it what the way they’ve done the sundried tomatoes yeah the way they’re all in the spices got to get one of them bikes for me and K I think you like these bikes don’t you been going on that would be brilliant for me and you you imagine if it’s raining you’d be nice and cover nice and well I drive a go on that than a motor bike or yeah we’ve got a we got an ice cream again Roman raisin terasu we’re going to be right poke P aren’t we when we get back now look at this where we are now I’ll turn this around and you’ll be able to see s you know what they nud mad over there aren’t they in Europe even he’s got no clothes on yeah yeah


    1. Excellent folks,the places that you have been are clean with Cristal clear lakes l bet that they don’t pump raw sewage into the lake like they do at Windermere,look forward to the next video

    2. Hi guys you have put in some miles we left with 506km on our van now have nearly 2000km up lol we’re at our fav site at frejus we’re here chilling now a bit knackered. Cafe au laite 🤣🤣🤣is white coffee weather here sunny 26c wall to wall sunshine enjoy Nice it’s an eye opener.

    3. Sorry fat finger again your on the rout Napoleon fantastic road, especially on the bike. The cote azure in the distance it’s been dry guys they are watering the plants on our site, lol according to the french your in the epicentre of the world for wine making, so of course it tastes nice, almost everywhere it will be only be long life milk, we have stayed on 4 sites with our ACSI card with all amenities cheapest 13€ most expensive 19€ some Aires are 16.50€. Your standing outside our fav bar when you were looking at the cruise ship, glad your enjoying yourselves in the sunshine, lovely, in the evening 5he square fills with performers it a great spectacle…. Pete & Sarah🇫🇷

    4. It’s lovely to see you back travelling again in your new van. Love watching your vlogs you both make us smile every time – enjoy your trip 😊

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