@AdvenTourTravel Presents.
    Looking for the ultimate summer vacation destinations? Look no further! In this travel guide, we’ll take you on a journey to 25 must-visit summer vacation spots around the world. From tropical paradises to cultural hubs, get ready to plan the trip of a lifetime! Whether you prefer relaxing on a beach or exploring historic sites, there’s something for everyone on this list. So grab your sunscreen, pack your bags, and get ready to experience the best that summer has to offer!
    Stay tuned for our top picks and insider tips to make the most of your summer getaway.

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    Number 25: Palawan, Philippines.
    Number 24: Banff, Canada.
    Number 23: Lauterbrunnen, Switzerland.
    Number 22: Thailand.
    Number 21: Pamukkale, Turkey.
    Number 20: Bocas del Toro, Panama.
    Number 19: Bled, Slovenia.
    Number 18: Giethoorn, Netherlands.
    Number 17: Cochem, Germany.
    Number 16: Singapore.
    Number 15: Hoi An, Vietnam.
    Number 14: YellowStone National Park, USA.
    Number 13: Maldives.
    Number 12: Edinburgh, Scotland.
    Number 11: Florence, Italy.
    Number 10: Geirangerfjord, Norway.
    Number 9: Rome, Italy.
    Number 8: Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
    Number 7: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
    Number 6: Paris, France.
    Number 5: Cyprus.
    Number 4: Glacier National Park, USA
    Number 3: Bali, Indonesia.
    Number 2: Hallstatt, Austria.
    Number 1: Amalfi Coast, Italy.

    [Music] welcome to a world of Adventure Beauty and Unforgettable experiences AV ventor Travel Channel in this video we’ll take you on a journey to discover the 25 best summer vacation spots across the globe from the sun-kissed beaches of barley to The Majestic peaks of Glacier National Park each destination offers its own unique charm and a lore don’t forget to subscribe to see the beauty of the world so sit back relax and let your wonderlust guide you as we explore these incredible destinations together get ready to be inspired for your next summer getaway [Music] number 25 palan Philippines palan often held as the Philippines Last Frontier is a mesmerizing destination that boasts breathtaking natural beauty diverse ecosystems and Rich cultural heritage its beaches among the world’s most pristine include El naido coron and the underground river area with crystal clear waters powdery White Sands and dramatic Limestone Cliffs these these Coastal gems offer both relaxation and Adventure the waters surrounding Palawan are a divers Paradise harboring vibrant coral reefs World War II shipwrecks and diverse marine ecosystems coron stands out for its exceptional wreck diving sites while ARA and Tabatha Reef are UNESCO listed Marine reserves renowned for their pristine underwater Landscapes moreover palan’s landscape is adorned with towering Limestone casts lar jungles and emerald green lagoons elnido and the underground river in Porto Princessa boast UNESCO world heritage site status inviting visitors to explore otherworldly caves and cast landscapes [Music] number 24 ban Canada nestled in the heart of the Canadian Rockies ban is a picturesque destination celebrated for its all inspiring natural beauty and Outdoor Adventures home to ban National Park Canada’s oldest National Park This Charming town is surrounded by towering Peaks turquoise lakes and vast glaciers among its most notable attractions are Lake Louise morraine Lake and P Lake renowned for their stunning turquoise Waters and breathtaking Mountain backdrops ban offers a plethora of outdoor activities including hiking skiing snowboarding and Wildlife viewing with opportunities to spot iconic Canadian Wildlife such as grizzly bears elk and big horn sheep the town itself exudes Alpine charm with cozy care Boutique shops and historic landmarks like the ban Springs Hotel adding to its Allure [Music] number 23 L brunin Switzerland they sold in a valley surrounded by towering Peaks and cascading waterfalls L branon is a picturesque Village in the Swiss Alps renowned for its breathtaking natural beauty and Outdoor Adventures the name lter brunen translates to many fountains A fitting description for a place dotted with 72 waterfalls including the iconic stag Falls which plunges dramatically from a cliff side The Village serves as a gateway to the young fra region offering access to popular attractions like the Yung fra y known as the top of Europe and the shieldon famous for its panoramic views and connections to the James Bond film on Her Majesty’s Secret Service lter Brennan has a rich history dating back to the Middle Ages when it was a farming Community today visitors can explore its Charming streets lined with traditional Chalet as well as learn about its cultural heritage at the local [Music] [Music] Museum number 22 Thailand Thailand famously dubbed the land of smiles captivates Travelers with its vibrant culture diverse Landscapes and mouthwatering Cuisine from the bustling streets of Bangkok to the Serene beaches of the Southern Islands Thailand offers an array of experiences for every type of traveler in the capital Bangkok visitors can Marvel at or temples and indulge in delicious street food while in the north Chang ma beckons with its historic charm and Lush Mountain scenery the country southern coast boasts some of the world’s most stunning beaches and Islands drawing beachgoers and water sports enthusiasts alike throughout the year Thailand’s Rich cultural heritage is celebrated through colorful festivals and events while its renowned Cuisine Delights the taste buds with bold flavors and fresh ingredients [Music] [Music] [Music] number 21 pukul turkey pukul meaning cotton Castle in Turkish is a mesmerizing natural wonder located in southwestern turkey renowned for its striking white Terraces of travetine formed by mineral Rich thermal Waters cascading down the hillside over centuries pukul is a UNESCO world heritage site and a must-visit destination for travelers The Terraces resembling a series of cottony pools create a surreal landscape that seems almost otherworldly especially when jucks deposed against the surrounding Greenery and the ancient city of heropolis perched at top their the hill visitors can soak in the thermal pools believed to have healing properties while exploring the archaeological ruins of heropolis including well preserved Roman baths theaters and temples additionally nearby attractions such as the ancient city of apicius and the picturesque Village of Sherin add to the allur of pomoc making it a captivating destination steeped in natural beauty history and culture [Music] number 20 bcus Del Toro Panama an archipelago located off Panama’s Caribbean coast it’s a Tropical Paradise renowned for its pristine beaches vibrant coral reefs and laid-back atmosphere the main island ISL colon serves as the archipelago’s Hub offering a Charming blend of Caribbean culture and natural beauty visitors can explore the colorful streets of Barker’s town where waterfront restaurants Lively bars and boutique shops ly the Waterfront while nearby beaches like player Estrella and Red Frog Beach beckon with their crystal clear waters and powdery White Sands Adventure awaits in Bas Del Toro with opportunities for snorkeling surfing kayaking and jungle trekking in the surrounding rainforest nature lovers can discover the Region’s Rich biodiversity at the best dementos national Marine Park home to manro forests sea turtle nesting sites and diverse marine life [Music] number 19 bled Slovenia nestled in the Julian Alps of Slovenia is a fairy tale destination renowned for its stunning natural beauty and iconic landmarks at the heart of the Town lies Lake bled a glacial Lake surrounded by forested slopes and overlooked by bled castle perched at top a cliff the lake is adorned with a picturesque Island home to the Charming pilgrimage Church of the Assumption of Mary which can be reached by traditional Wooden Boats call platinas visitors can explore the lake Tranquil Waters by renting rowboats or taking a leisurely stroll along the Lakeside prominade soaking in the breathtaking views of the surrounding Mountains and the medieval castle towering above bled is also a Haven for outdoor enthusiasts offering opportunities for hiking cycling and swimming in the pristine Waters of the lake additionally the region is known for its delectable cream cake or kemne a local delicacy that can be enjoyed at one of the Lakeside cafes while savoring the idilic atmosphere [Music] [Music] number 18 keithon Netherlands often referred to as the Venice of the north you can explore a Charming Village in the Netherlands renowned for its idilic canals picturesque thatched roofed cottages and tranquil Ambiance situated in the province of over isil Geor is a carfree village where transportation is primarily by boat or foot adding to its enchanting Allure you can navigate The Village’s narrow water waterways by renting a whisper boat or traditional punt gliding past quaint Bridges Lush Gardens and historic homes the village is dotted with cozy cafes Artisan shops and museums offering glimpses into traditional ddge life and craftsmanship nature lovers can Venture Beyond The Village to discover the surrounding Wetlands of the rear verber V National Park teaming with birdlife and Scenic hiking and cycling trails [Music] [Music] [Music] number 17 cokum Germany nestled snugly in the Majestic mol Valley is like a page torn straight from a story book it’s crowning jawel the reichberg castle purchas majestically a top of hill casting a watchful eye over the quaint Town below but here’s the twist did you know that this fairy tale Fortress was destroyed by French troops in the 17th century laying in ruins for centuries until a wealthy Berlin businessman Louie ravan fell in love with its romantic charm and restored it to its former glory in the 19th century today you can step back in time as they wander through the Castle’s ground Halls a dawned with medieval tapestries and armor while soaking in panoramic views of the Mel River winding through the valley below as if plucked from the pages of a medieval epic kacham enchants Travelers with its half timbered houses winding cobblestone streets and the aroma of risling grapes hanging heavy in the air [Music] number 16 Singapore a vibrant tapestry of cultures Cuisines and skyscrapers awaits you this dynamic city state seamlessly Blends tradition with modernity offering a kaleidoscope of experiences for every traveler from the iconic Marina Bay Sands and Gardens by the bay where futuristic super trees light up the night sky to the the bustling streets of Chinatown and Little India where Aromas of spices and sizzling street food fill the air Singapore is a Melting Pot of sights sounds and flavors did you know that Singapore is one of the greenest cities in the world with over 50% of its land covered in Lush Greenery and Parks earning it the nickname City in a garden Beyond its Urban landscape Singapore boasts a rich tapestry of cultural heritage from the historic colon IAL architecture of Raffles hotel to the vibrant street art of Lane [Music] [Music] [Music] number 15 hen Vietnam time seems to stand still amidst the graceful architecture Lantern LD streets and bustling Riverside markets this UNESCO world heritage listed Town exudes an enchanting charm that draws travelers from far and wide as you wander through the ancient towns narrow alleys you’ll be captivated by the be ly preserved historic buildings adorned with colorful lanterns and intricate wooden carvings remnants of his illustrious past as a bustling trading Port but here’s the twist did you know that hoan was once a major trading Hub on the Silk Road of the sea where Merchants from China Japan and Europe converged to exchange goods and cultures today you can immerse yourself in this Rich tapestry of Heritage by exploring the town’s vibrant markets sampling local Delicacies like cow Lao and banme and visiting traditional Artisan workshops with skilled Craftsmen create Exquisite silk garments and handcrafted lanterns and as a sun sets hoyan transforms into a magical Wonderland with thousands of lanterns Illuminating the ancient streets and reflecting off the Tranquil Waters of the Thor born River [Music] number 14 Yellowstone National Park USA a breathtaking Wilderness Sanctuary where gers erupt Wildlife roams freely and natural wonders abound as the world’s first National Park Yellowstone is a testament to the power and beauty of nature offering visitors a glimpse into Earth’s primordial forces here you can witness the iconic eruptions of Old Faithful Marvel at the vibrant colors of grand prismatic spring and explore the dramatic canyons and waterfalls that carve through the landscape did you know that Yellowstone sits at top one of the world’s largest active volcanic systems known as the Yellowstone Caldera beneath its tranquil surface lies a seething cauldron of geothermal activity fueling the Park’s famous geers hod Springs and mud pods Beyond its geothermal wonders Yellowstone is also a Haven for wildlife with grizzly bears wolves bison and Elk roaming freely across its vast expanse [Music] number 13 Mal Dives a Tropical Paradise where crystal clear waters powdery White Sands and swaying palm trees create a picture perfect backdrop for relaxation and romance comprising 26 atals spread across the Indian Ocean the males is renowned for its pristine Beauty and luxurious Resorts making it a top destination for Honeymooners and sunseekers alike here you can immerse yourself in the vibrant Underwater World snorkeling or diving amidst colorful coral reefs teeming with with marine life including manta rays whale sharks and tropical fish did you know that the Mal Dives is the lowest lying country in the world with its highest point reaching just 2.4 m above sea level this unique geography gives the Mal Dives its distinctive charm with overwater Bungalows and Villas perched above the Azure lagoons offering unparalleled views of the surrounding ocean Beyond its pristine beaches the Mal Dives boast a rich cultural heritage with influences from India Sri Lanka and the Arab world evident in its cuisine music and [Music] [Music] architecture number 12 Edinburgh Scotland Scotland’s historic capital for ancient cobblestone streets wind beneath the imposing silhouette of Edinburgh Castle at to its volcanic perch this city is a captivating blend of medieval Grandeur and modern vibrancy offering visitors a wealth of experiences to uncover as you stroll through the atmospheric Lanes of the Old Town you’ll be transported back in time passing by centuries old buildings hidden closes and quaint taverns echoing with Tales of Scotland’s past did you know that Edinburgh is home to the world’s oldest continually running festival the Edinburgh International Festival which has been captivating audiences with its diverse array of Performing Arts since 1947 Beyond its historic charm edra is a cultural Hub boasting world-class museums Galleries and theaters including the iconic Royal Mile and the Majestic holwood Palace the official residence of the British monarch in Scotland and let’s not forget about the city’s literary Legacy with Edinburgh famously being the birthplace of authors such as SAR Scott and JK Rowling whose magical tales of Harry Potter were inspired by the city’s enchanting streets [Music] number 11 Florence Italy The Jewel of the Italian Renaissance where art history and Beauty converge to create a city that captivates the soul nestled in the heart of Tuscany Florence is a living museum with its cobblestone streets and Ron’s palaces serving as a testament to its illustrious past as you wonderand through the cities historic Center you’ll encounter iconic landmarks in every turn from the Magnificent Dome of the Florence cathedral orw to the world-renowned eizi gallery home to masterpieces by Michelangelo belli and Leonardo D Vinci did you know that Florence was once the epicenter of the Renaissance a cultural and intellectual Revolution that transformed the course of history and gave birth to some of the greatest artists thinkers and innovators of of all time Beyond its artistic Treasures Florence is also a culinary Paradise with its trator reers gelas and markets offering a tantalizing array of Tusk and delights from hearty riolito soup to creamy galetto and let’s not forget about the city’s romantic Ambience with its Charming piazzas Hidden Gardens and winding Riverstone paths providing the perfect backdrop for a leisurely stroll or a moonl rendevu [Music] number 10 ganga fiord Norway this UNESCO wood heritage site is a testament to the sheer power and beauty of nature with its dramatic Cliffs Emeral Waters and cascading waterfalls captivating VIs visitors from around the globe every year millions of Travelers are drawn to the fi’s Majestic allore eager to witness its breathtaking scenery and immerse themselves in its tranquil Ambience during the summer months ganga fiord basks in a mild and pleasant climate with long daylight hours and temperatures averaging around 15 to 20° C 59 to 68° fahit making it the perfect time to explore this enchanting landscape whether you’re cruising along the field Serene Waters hiking to panoramic viewpoints overlooking the valley or embarking on a kayaking Adventure amidst The Towering Cliffs there’s no shortage of outdoor activities to enjoy one of the most iconic attractions of Gango fiord is the Seven Sisters waterfall where seven distinct streams Cascade down the Steep Cliffs creating a mesmerizing spectacle that’s not to be missed nearby you’ll also find the Majestic bridal veil waterfall shrouded in mist and myth as well as the historic ganga village where you can learn about the F’s Rich cultural heritage and Sample delicious Norwegian [Music] Cuisine oh [Music] number nine Rome Italy the Eternal City rims with ancient history from the Coliseum to the port of osta antika to Majestic Vatican City and the cinee chapel because of its history art architecture and beauty and perhaps his galletto and pasta Rome is one of our most popular cities modern rope has 280 fountains and more than 900 churches nearly €700,000 worth of coins are tossed in Rome’s Trevy Fountain each year the proceeds are donated to katas to help those in need the rans had built a road network of 53,000 Mi by the early 4th Century each Roman mile was about 4,800 ft and marked by a milestone giving birth to the saying all roads lead to Rome in ancient Rome only Freeborn men were allowed to wear togers a sign of Roman citizenship women wore stallers a female version of togers made from linen the mascot of Rome is a she wolf that cared for brothers Romulus and Reus the mythological founders of Rome Rome became the capital city of unified Italy in 1870 taking the title from Florence [Music] number eight Great Barrier Reef Australia one of Australia’s most remarkable natural gifts the Great Barrier Reef is blessed with the breathtaking beauty of the world’s largest coral reef The Reef contains an abundance of marine life and comprises of over 3,000 individual Reef systems and coral KS and literally hundreds of picturesque Tropical Islands with some of the world’s most beautiful sun soaked golden beaches because of its natural beauty the Great Barrier Reef has become one of the world’s most sought after tourist destinations the Great Barrier Reef is one of the seven wonders of the natural world and pulling away from it and viewing it from a greater distance you can understand why it is larger than the Great Wall of China and the only living thing on Earth visible from space [Music] number seven Rio deero Brazil Brazil’s vibrant coastal city known for its stunning beaches Lively culture and iconic landmarks from the Golden Sands of Koba gabana and epina beaches to the Towering peak of Sugarloaf Mountain and the Majestic Christ the Redeemer statue overlooking the city Rio is a feast for the senses every year millions of visitors flock to Rio to experience the exhilarating energy of Carnival where Sama rhythms fill the streets and colorful parades Dazzle the crowds with a tropical climate Rio enjoys warm temperatures year round making it an ideal destination for Beach lovers and outdoor enthusiasts alike [Music] [Music] number six Paris France the capital of France seems to have been designed specifically for the enjoyment of its visitors its streets squares buildings Gardens and monuments beckon tourists to return and indeed many do some of the most memorable things to do in Paris include visiting the Eiffel Tower the AR to Triumph and notredam Cathedral during the evening experiencing one of the legendary Mulan Rouge cabaret shows strolling through some of the most picturesque neighborhoods like MRA or climbing the M panas Tower is a must it’s always a good time to visit Paris depending on where you fly from you can either make the most of the lowcost airlines flying into the city from other European cities or take one of its direct flights from further away destinations [Music] [Music] number five Cyprus an island paradise in the Eastern Mediterranean known for its Rich history stunning beaches and warm Hospitality as the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite the Goddess of love and beauty Cyprus is steeped in Legend and mythology with ancient ruins and archaeological sights scattered across the landscape from the ancient city of paos a UNESCO world heritage site to the medieval castles of liol and Kenia history Buffs will find plenty to explore but Cypress isn’t just about its past it’s also a Haven for Beach lovers with Golden Sands and turquoise Waters stretching along the islands Coastline whether you’re basking in the sun on the shores of Nissi Beach diving among the shipwrecks off the coast of lanica or hiking through the trodos mountains Cypress offers endless opportunities for adventure and relaxation and let’s not forget about the Island’s vibrant culture and Cuisine influenced by its Greek Turkish and Middle Eastern [Music] Heritage number four glacia National Park USA Glacier National Park in Montana USA is a stunning wilderness with mountains lakes and Wildlife visitors enjoy hiking camping and fishing Aid his pristine Landscapes the park is famous for its glaciers although they are shrinking due to climate change the iconic going to the Sun Road offers breathtaking views of the scenery Wildlife such as Bears and Eagles roam freely adding to the Park’s Allure with over 700 mil of trails and scenic drives glacia National Park offers endless opportunities for outdoor adventure an exploration in one of America’s most majestic natural environments [Music] [Music] [Music] number three barley Indonesia often called the island of the Gods is a Tropical Paradise in Indonesia known for its stunning beaches Lush Landscapes and Rich culture from the vibrant Rice Terraces of ubat to the aure Waters of nadura barley offers a diverse array of experiences for traveler seeking relaxation adventure and cultural immersion one of the highlights of barley is its vibrant Hindu culture which is reflected in its orate temples colorful festivals and traditional ceremonies visitors can explore ancient sites such as the iconic ulatu temple perched on a cliff overlooking the sea or the Majestic basaki Temple known as the mother Temple of barley for nature lovers barley boasts breathtaking natural beauty including cascading waterfalls like taganan and Sako Lush jungles teaming with wildlife and iconic landmark such as Mound battle where adventurous Souls can embark on Sunrise hikes to witness panoramic views of the island B is also a Haven for Surfers with worldclass brakes such as ulatu Padang Padang and changu attracting Wave Riders from around the globe those seeking Tranquility can find solace in the Island’s Serene yoga retreats Spa Resorts and secluded beaches where they can unwind and rejuvenate amidst the beauty of [Music] nature number two holat Austria there’s a reent holat Austria is one of the most visited places on Earth a population of around 800 residents play host often begrudgingly to over 3 million visitors a year from the photos is easy to see why picturesque barely does it justice taring Alpine Hills descend into the blue lake waters with an adorable Austrian Village nestled in between it’s not surprising halat is popular I mean look at it absolutely stunning what you might be curious about is why it’s so popular part of that is Instagram and Tik Tok of course but also because of the town’s visual similarity to the city in Frozen also it was featured in a South Korean TV show the first thing you should know is that while visiting the town isn’t technically limited the number of tour buses and parking spaces are so if you’re driving get there early or go on an off-day season if you’re taking a bus reserve your spot well in in advance number one a malfi Coast Italy one of the world’s most famous roads the Amalfi Drive AKA ss1 163 is also arguably the most beautiful 48 km of Coastline in Italy and certainly high on the list of Italy’s top tourist attractions carved into Cliffs that are already cut by deep ravines the road clings high above the terranean sea in a series of breathtaking fuse and curves bounded by almost vertical mountains Rising on one side and long vertical drops on the other you don’t need to drive it yourself and unless you’re used to Italian roads you probably shouldn’t one thing is sure if you do drive you won’t see much of the the scenery there’s no place to take your eyes off the road even for a second and there are very few places to stop the alternatives are a tour the bus or the ferry the latter two stop in towns so you can get off look around go for a swim have a coffee or lunch and get back on a later one one thing to remember if you go by bus go west to east beginning in sarento and try for a window seat on the right side of the bus if you’re driving go east to west so you’ll be on the inside Lane the town of Amalfi is the favorite stopping point especially for travelers taking 2 days for the [Music] trip as our journey comes to an end we hope you’ve been inspired by the beauty and wonder of these 25 incredible destinations don’t forget to hit the Subscribe button to join us on future adventures and continue exploring the beauty of our world tell us where do you want to travel next summer and have you visited any of these places yet whether you’re dreaming of relaxing on the beaches of barley or hiking the Majestic peaks of Glacier National Park remember that the world is full of endless possibilities for unforgettable experiences thank you for joining us on this Advent tour and until next time happy travels


    1. welcome beautiful thanks thousand celebrity Russian…….. Pahad Parvat Nadi Nala……… O.Sadharan beautiful thanks good video……… Russia best modelling….. ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️💚💚💚💗💗💗👍👍👍💙💙💙💙❤️❤️❤️💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘💘

    2. "Wow, these summer destinations look absolutely breathtaking! I can already feel the sun on my skin and the sand between my toes just by watching this video. Can't wait to plan my next getaway and experience the beauty firsthand! ☀️🏖️

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