Soldiers from the Royal Regiment of Scotland’s ceremonial unit have passed their final inspection to ensure they are fit for role.

    Balaklava Company will be undertaking state ceremonial duties at Edinburgh Castle and the official royal residence in Scotland, the Palace of Holyroodhouse.

    It marks the end of weeks of demanding training on the parade ground as well as taking meticulous care of their ceremonial uniforms.


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    [Music] marching proudly onto the parade [Music] Square the pipes and drums the soundtrack has balaklava company get ready for their test all the time meticulously prepping their uniform and making sure their parade drill is Flawless is being judged today you can tell that the effort that the troops have been put in over the last week um has paid off dividends uh of course it’s a gradual thing what you’ve seen there is the as the end result of about a week and a half of uh very hard work so I’m very pleased being in the Royal r at Scotland is it as simple as being in an English regiment where you merely put on a a Woolen suit you have noted a lot of our Footwear is a variety of different colors so you’ve got a lot of black polish on the shoes to make them shine Whitener on your Gators to make them gleam white and of course neither the T of them should meet when they’re freshly done and then of course you’ve got a variety of pieces of brass that need shined those soldiers who have been on operations need to make sure the medal is also polished the Royal Regiment of Scotland uniform looks superb but it is a very intricate Beast to to get ready the soldiers are being scrutinized by commander of 51st infantry brig Gade Brigadier Jory Davis who’s making sure they’re up to scratch ahead of the summer ceremonial season it’s a good experience and I’ve reckon that every soldier gets the chance to whether it be any parade or what and it’s uh it’s I know it’s monotonous getting all your kit in that ready for the big day but once it’s there and it’s on everybody’s in line you’re all Marching In Time the band’s playing it’s quite static really and it’s a feeling that not everybody gets soldiering out in the field and soldiering on the Square they’re related in sense of principle but not necessarily the actual exucation of it uh out in the field for example we were in Germany not that long ago uh before that we were with the ranger battalions and their uh Army Special Operations Brigade on exercising solsbery plane uh that’s that part of the cycle is just to re reinforce our soldiering skills getting the basics right because at the end of the day we are still a light R infantry company for some it’s all part of the job at this time of year but for others it’s a new experience I’ve only just recently came here about 2 months ago in for Scots we never really done much of this this is one of the first times I’ve actually been in the number one dress um so it’s it’s a lot it’s different from my previous but I’m really enjoying it just bringing everything up getting it to look good for parades [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the soldiers will be busy representing the regiment on G Duty and in Freedom parades across Scotland over the coming months aiming to impress the watching public David civil mccan forces news Redford barracks in [Music] Edinburgh thanks for watching for more from forces news like And subscribe to our Channel


    1. The soldiers of the Royal Scotland Regiment have a different charm to those of Buckingham Palace, with their own unique musical instruments and culture.

    2. Ah, the life of a muddy boot soldier. In the field, you are expected to perform, at the top of your game. In garrison, you are expected to look and perform as impeccably as a Ken doll. So, OK, we'll do it, if you insist. But only top leadership will tell you that we're pleased and proud about it.

    3. Verry very smart lads… a proud day watching my son pass out from Catterick to then join the black watch he was also part of the 22 tattoo beaming with pride thay all looked gleaming 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💪

    4. Spewed up whisky and claret sticks out like a sore fanny on them White moccasins…luv ye really cousins 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🤝🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 =🇬🇧….im sure the taffy's will be dropping in for a chat aswell…

    5. You are not redy for war you have availability od inches of England and you are going to variety ofe free water and meat fish vetables and if you you think you have you miity kill eqment then you are thinking like a baby

    6. So, I was a medieval reenactor in the US for many years. There is NOTHING quite like advancing as a shield wall to 'Scotland the Brave'. And it's pretty fun as a current Civil War reenactor as well.
      There are just some songs that jerk you into step and make you unconsciously check your pace and alignment. Scotland the Brave is definitely one of them.
      Have good season, Balaklava. Stay safe, stay alert, stay hydrated,.

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