May the 5th be with you , ok it may not be May the 4th but you can see where I’m going with this . May bank holiday weekend was the very first open day at the Empire Rochdale for the Brass Knuckle Scooter Crew accompanied by the Brass Knuckle Motorcycle Club and in aid of raising funds for the MacMillan Support Charity .
    As you can see the weather was glorious for the day and what a turnout for their maiden event , scooters and bikes from all the surrounding areas turned out to show their support .
    There was trophies for the scooters and live music was provided by the Tall Faces in the afternoon and the evening entertainment was the brilliant Manchester Skate Foundation and dj Jimmy Mush was spinning the decks throughout the day. I want to personally thank a friend of mine , Gareth for inviting me and my friends , congratulations mate you did yourself and your club proud , already looking forward to next year for another belting day out .

    #manchester #rochdale #empire #brass #knuckles #motorcycle #vespa #lambretta #show #custom #scoots #openday #rideout #vespa #lambretta #festival #2stroke #scooter #scootering #rideouts #club #ska #mod #skinhead #rally #northwest #cancer #macmillan #fundraiser #fundraising

    the H all right go all right all right [Music] good sorry you’re right [Music] I don’t think y [Music] good all right like [Music] skir and a jum a you’re all right I think I’m a b [Music] nowy Roy well Lely [Music] wait a bike all a bit TI [Music] it’s allor right m [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [ __ ] hell you know scooter day is not scooter day we without you being here hello mate how are you you’re all right to see you how are you oh not good glad we’re here you know what I’ve been here a bit I’ve been here a while I was one of the first turn up I thought [ __ ] am I in the right place no one of the um one of the L Lads these clut Gable went on and I was trying G for a minute you just got to the point where I can’t just said this I’m really sorry I can’t hang on any longer oh determined to come here it’s your first one isn’t it yeah yeah yeah decent turnout you pleased with it and the weather I know well I was in t yesterday I’m going to say I thought you were here I didn’t think you were here yeah I get I get around a bit not say I was in TBE got back last night got up first thing this morning thought I’ll come here oh no look out L out this morning saw the sun shining like that get in I know couldn’t have got better we could you so who do we see about the patches R where is he do I know him of course you know Robble do I Robble patches got um I got to get some money out my bag I’ll go see him how much are they mate three all right I’ll go get some money out my bag and I’ll be with you you’ve met car before Haven you yeah yeah yeah not many people I don’t know well that’s it they they [ __ ] everywhere all the time beat down let’s get Pi you Lads see you in a bit all right hello right mate oh how cute is that little one I am you’re right Miss for the blind [Music] what yeah you then uh went down I left qu left at qu 6 yesterday morning got down to 10B about midday turn around and come back over and then I spent about what three 4 hours down there and then I come home I got home about 9:00 last night [ __ ] 300 that’s up to you mate that’s to 380 mil that’s a quality [ __ ] ride on the se0 GTS that’s [ __ ] well well no I’ve got the GTS um and I’ve put a new exhaust on it be a danger there in back just no no put is epic M put an afpr exhaust on the um GTS but now we got a [ __ ] engine management light stuck um a polyon but now I’ve got an engine management light on yeah and it’s coming back saying that the Lambda sensor is failing not connected to the pipe it’s in the pipe but it’s not working right and um I spoke to the guy who’s doing theot and he’s told me it’s anot failure yeah it is um cuz it’s emissions or something yeah so I’ve got to get I’ve ordered a new Lambda sensor SC the other one out but to get the other one out is going to be an absolute [ __ ] pig you got got to drop drop it again we um it was easier to it was easier to drop the exhaust my mate did it for me we had to sorry it was easier to drop the engine to get the exhaust out cuz everything was so [ __ ] corroded I’ve been on there so long if we weren’t careful we were going to snap the bolts off in the end so but we got the exhaust done put it all back together again thought the job done [ __ ] lights on so like I said it’s going to be a new sensor in it I’ve got a pipe with Mach I’ve got the pipe pipe’s brand new but I’ve ordered one it’s 50 Quid brand new so the PES already on yeah but with the old lamb sensor yeah but it’s getting to it is it you do put it up yeah put it up you ti What com from yeah take off yeah and it’s looking at you all you do is look 10 m long short socket on a knuckle yeah yeah yeah I do 15 minutes I’ll do that when I get home then it’s just a side it’s a lower side panel is it yeah this side the Lower Side the lower bit yeah so when you get a to look straight at it yeah and you can see your two B looking at right you see a bird going past it but you knock over top of that you right all you all you have to do is just Jack back back of it back make it you need a FY exhaust I’ve I’ve got two for one of them well new I’m be the exhaust I bought two B brand new [ __ ] proper St steel exhaust and I don’t like so have two come and stand exhaust they come complete this [Music] might be interesting I’ll give you where have you been anyway oh you’re all right right we’re going to do a bit sorry we wonder or anything I I’ll do it while you wa you get brilliant I’ll come and see you there she is PES are we going to go and have a look yeah let’s see if we can find some familiar faces anyway they never got good turnout yes you happy with it I am Mr riding though doing well I didn’t well I didn’t realize did I I mean we had a we’ve had a apparently the guy who was organized it had a breakdown what ment scooter SC yeah [ __ ] mental breakdown i’ I feel like I have one of them many a time in my scoop I’m sick of them all right d you’re all right could you not get a picture of that pink thing superimpose Andy’s p on it a godamn guy well it you know I can do I can do that I I’ll um get a picture I’ll get a picture of him and I’ll put a picture of him satting there yeah I’ll do that I’ve got I’ve got a picture of him some I got [ __ ] loads of pictures of everybody but um I’ll find one I’ll get picture that when we come back up okay yeah I tell you what [ __ ] cracking little IDE here though guy really the guy pulled up and obviously he was in a in a wheelchair and I thought how [ __ ] Smart’s that you know the lad can still get about still enjoy the still still feel part of it yeah you know I think I’d be a bit iffy about pink well you know that’s I think I’d be worried about do you know what if it meant if it meant me getting out and I couldn’t walk I wouldn’t give a [ __ ] I’d be and they see it coming and all don’t oh I’m sorry WR well after things you say to ble if I start say the carry on out of you and you want to stop complaining about people swearing swearing with all your sexual [Music] inuendos them cables they bother me like that yeah yeah which [Music] one’s very nice very nice I going long I don’t even know where that is massive oh you did the riding yeah very nice it’s we we missed that didn’t we we didn’t even know it was um well I did well I didn’t know I did but you do about the riding yeah what did you tell me [Music] you oh Andy Bolton’s just turned up yeah and you going that a [Music] wig at 1:00 I’m hoping to get a an interview with them she stick she sticks this camera and everyone’s well I stick the camera and everyone [Music] J did you jump did that make you jump looking at that SC that SC Andy Bol in that helmet over there which one with the gold stuff on oh yeah all the runes and everything absolutely beautiful h right I’m moving back down here a bit okay oh you oh you being reported she is sheit channel makes a change you been out for ages you want we see if we can find some of the um yeah going see if I can there andy Bolton over there it’s going have a word with Andy he’s is he the wizard or is that another fell no that’s Paul booy all right Andy all right did you go to skate Nest yesterday garage what you been doing not watering with that again I can’t tell anybody it’s very controversial yeah oh you not you making um building another chop are you making a a I can’t I can’t tell anybody what are they call surprise yeah it’s very controversial I would’t be surprised if I didn’t lose sprad to it What was what is it they called it’s not um is it half V half half Lamy or is it Lamy Lamy vetta they call vetta or or what’s the other one with a kazaki oh they do the uh Yetta yamah 350 yeah that’s the one laki my friend of mine’s got one of them yeah you can do anything can’t you yeah but sometimes he gets frowned upon when you start [ __ ] about but then what’s her name the Rd 350 they’re a classic bike in their own light and the Loretta is a classic in its own so you’re butcher in two to make one that’s know not well I’d be scared to deathro one of them no no not F my fat ass on that and mine as well no what you going to sit on that oh my God not much of a not much of a seat is it tail would it no you not you’re not won any shows lately no no I I did uh one last week a bike club and uh oh yeah you won that one didn’t you best scooter no that was the egg R all right I was just looking at that SC does it not play out with your tackle no you not like the way it’s as comfy as anything yeah yeah you end up a bit sore I [Music] reckon com if you have a have a sit on it I’ll get a picture of you play AOC with your hips well I mean got beave it h look at you look fit you like a glove don’t look a weide I’ve never seen your legs that wide [Music] before you no good for you knock it off its stand for [ __ ] sake go on if you’re getting off is it still on it is it is it safe think so move away move away very quickly before it falls over you know always just changed you have your legs up don’t you yeah I had them down so you had yeah would imagine that you sit back if you lay back a bit put your legs in the air I think of England I used to do that so now in town have painted that ceiling oh yeah okay you realize this is a children’s channel as well people under the age of 18 can watch this where’s Mr Nice Guy not bad turnout was it like a lovely C it’s me brother-in-law thanks me to thanks wait to see the other one Chang then yeah my is over there just admiring not got helmet and everything but I just uh no I’m safer no not for you not for me I’m much safer on four wheeels have you ever been on the back of a only yeah but only like around the block I’m a bit scared really no I understand some it’s not not for everybody no you no you didn’t you broke the exhaust we both we both got on it I’m extra two stones you stunned on it we we we both sat on it didn’t we we heard a crack I thought [ __ ] hell that good oh how many times have I told you how many times don’t let out your secrets oh how many times have I told you about the have you got any cards what’s your name J J Paul Paul your name the airport what are you in a scooter Club no no no no no just just solo Riders oh right lovely thank you just check it out if you want you might see us yeah go you might see yourself on on one of our videos where are you from then Warrington well I am Debbie’s from Eckles e as the original Eckles T can’t take your anywhere but you’ve been well you you have been you have had scooters haven’t you off it three you you fell off and that was end I know you’ve got to feel confident on him there’s no point you know and I don’t so I don’t bother uh I was in tber yesterday was you really yeah was it like the weather like this was it red off rub yesterday red panicking today I thought is it going to rain but glorious it was beautiful down there and it was red up and you know first time I’ve been down there okay and honestly the sea water was crystal clear oh was it yeah surprised me is there he is Gareth Mr Mr Nice Guy the original is he moaning original not so not so miss a nice guy it’s good turnout is it for a first event you know would have lik to have maybe seen a few more stalls yeah cuz I I I’m a bugger for collecting or whatever bit some pieces bit a mag pie see Shiny have to have it yeah spend too much money yeah that’s the trouble that’s what you do a what you got a pine just go and grab it then right I’m wa for a minute leave them [Music] all everyone okay [Music] take a [Music] picture the way she said don’t [Music] call was [Music] [Music] so go we have a work we have work got have a work with the stalles and then [ __ ] out H it’s just I think it’s just nice afternoon right G hello what’s your name Martin Martin Gareth Gareth now Gareth is the guy that’s organizing today’s event you’re doing it yeah yeah yeah it’s one of mine pleased with it is it your first one my first event um we’ve got John here as well John Rober you’re right no because basically it’s it’s it’s the collective it’s rock St sco clubs We’ve Come [Music] Together Knuckles and mystery tours so we’ve all come together uh the Empire’s umal Clubhouse so that’s why we’ve got the event here uh first one basically uh for one yeah good call um but yeah I say d National R is on today but it’s them for those that AR there we’re having this this is going to go on all night that’s say so yeah t faces are on shortly 2:00 2:00 oh 2:00 now when I come back when I get back down they com on okay we got another band on which be with me I forgot the name an eight band uh got Jimmy Mo DJ all day long yeah V countdown a young girl doing bits and pieces bits singing in between and we’ve got the man scar Foundation playing tonight say this is our all day event um as the clubs yeah it’s our first one um far as the brasal side of itas R the biking yeah that’s what I was saying um we had a show year before last but because Paul’s had the ire they’ve been going 2017 so they’ve had gigs here before the councel did our list so will it happen every year in we’re going for this because it’s one of them where yeah we have your Star Wars day you made the force in that look if we’ have done it yesterday it would have worked the samea I bought the weather for today I’ll to you yeah you don’t want to see what I was doing the dance I was doing today and he’s on the box oh no I don’t want to see that the [Music] landat so basically like that I think pretty much everybody knows someone who’s is yeah that’s it yeah we want it we want it every year you know what I mean it’s going to be the same car Millan every year might not be the only downside and yeah I’ll have a moan about it is Mill and Sh we ask yeah because in my eyes if we raising money for your charity you would it depends what they up to but if you get we we did a venue for for McMillan and one guy attended and we actually presented the big check on the night that we collected so sometimes they’ll turn up to receive that’s that’s it that’s what that’s the only downside for me we’re do it for your charity you come here and shake the buckets but let’s say we adapt so yeah that’s it got it all SED we on I look after it all you know what I mean and get it all sorted out that side of it but yeah we so do you have a website you done today um we we’ve done a we’ve done a Facebook page uh for it the Empire’s got their own Facebook page anyway what you’ve actually raised the day well that’s that’s it we’ll be putting that on the it’ll be on the Empire anyway because I say it’s the Empire rides back you know what I mean so yeah it’s the fact they’ve been promoting the thing the event as well uh as well as us as a scoo group was as a collective it’s it’s charity event so yeah we’ll be putting it up we get raised anyway you know what I mean that that’s the thing to get out there talking the scooters I’m going to shoot off now so yeah he can only come out for so many hours I’m come back the right see you say with all the scooters today as well we’ve actually got trophies that’s in about 3ish 3ish here for the trophies I say we do presentation we got one of the guys who who’s got a scooter shop he’s had his scooter shop here since early 80s B he’s he’s coming scooter shops in Rock scooter shops in rockar yeah Sol scooters Sol yeah yeah yeah all that say lovely he he knows what he doesn’t know about scooters is really worth knowing so he’s going to come down but he he’s going to be a a tough judge yes oh he is a very yeah yeah he is it’s one of them where he likes he likes it built if it if it impresses him then yeah you’re doing well that is impressive you’re doing well yeah all right nice one G I’ll see you soon mate are you doing Wigan on Wednesday uh probably not we the only it’s by the time iish work it’s getting over there all right okay well kren turn out kren good first one I’ll see you soon yeah we doing your s dance yeah in your pants in your pants [Music] all right Paul all right mate how are you who are you down here with just yourself well right Okie do all right see you later cracking busy beautiful weather oh it was it was red up down there brilliant I’ll see you soon yeah cheers now they’re all here to day sunshin everybody’s yeah you watching out with [ __ ] rain not someone else calling me sure I thought I heard someone call [Music] me and you sto here that’s a shame everyone else let them down apparently they’re only here cuz I told them about it yeah that’s good stuff is it funny M people know met [ __ ] tber yesterday I didn’t put a video up yet can’t do anything couldn’t sneak around could I Jesus that’s a nice pain yeah I thought they were [ __ ] cannabis pants I did I thought the same the on you about say [ __ ] Canabis Le [Music] mechanic I was W to retire how are you doing so you know what I I’ll for you over there not bad turnout though give you your je you you put all your stuff out all the time don’t you then again that’s a nice par behind you M51 is it an M51 it 751 is it how much you selling that for good price that it’s cracking that that’s a good price that’s a proper Parker not your primar ones why it’s not primar [Laughter] I your peacock’s Parker and your primar loafers yeah I’ve got me monkey on yeah I remember them first time around see you later anyway see you later see you soon see you put music on now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] our smallest Club member [Music] Club mascot yeah that’s is my granddaughter yeah collecting money yeah the charity [Music] [Music] it what you what you shouldn’t [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and yes [Music]


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