Pothole Armageddon – Why Our Roads are DESTROYED and Can Anything be Done About it? | TheCarGuys.tv

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    Once upon a time our roads were smooth, well-maintained, largely empty transport arteries that allowed for rapid uninterrupted progress.

    Not any more though!

    Roads all across the UK and many parts of the world are rapidly deteriorating leading to car-destroying potholes – it’s POTHOLE ARMAGEDDON!

    Why and how has our road infrastructure completely COLLAPSED? How DAMAGING are potholes for our cars? What types of potholes are out there waiting to DESTROY your wheels and suspension? And can anything be done about it?

    Thank you for watching

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    Special thanks
    The AA

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    Once Upon a Time our roads were smooth well-maintained largely empty transport arteries that allowed for Rapid uninterrupted progress not anymore though welcome to the car guys and this week it’s pothole Armageddon today roads all across the UK and many other parts of the world are rapidly deteriorating leading to are destroying potholes in your country you might call them chuck holes in my country we call them annoying why and how has our road infrastructure completely collapsed how damaging are the potholes for our cars what types of potholes are there and can anything be done about it so let’s drive this car guys episode recklessly into a pothole and see just how deep does the rabbit hole go [Music] this this is what we’re talking about as you can see this portion of Country Road typical for the UK is well it’s a war zone there’s more hole than Road the crater for that’s what it is is way more than a mere pothole it’s got serrated edges it’s wide and boy is it deep even a Land Rover has to take it through here a normal cars forget it hit something like this at speed at night or when it’s filled with water like it is now and your wheels will be buckled your tire shredded and you may also lose Bodywork and expensive suspension components the cost could be thousands this is a 60 MPH National speed limit Road imagine h hitting this on a bicycle or a motorbike at speed that my friends could easily be fatal so leave something like this for so long is criminally negligent and the local Council responsible is opening itself up to all sorts of civil prosecution and yet this one has been here for over two months the AA recently published figures for 20123 that showed it was called out to 632,000 52 pothole related incidents a 5year high that’s over 1,700 a day and of course it doesn’t include the huge number of pothole interactions where you manage to get home or to a tire supplier to fix the damage without calling out a recovery service the AA estimates that reported damage due to poot holes costs UK drivers nearly half a billion pounds a year it’s become such an Earths splitting epidemic that the AA has joined up with other groups to form the pothole partnership with a five-point plan to improve the situation whether that’s going to make any difference however remains to be seen the total cost of fixing all of the UK’s roads is estimated at 12.6 billion and it’s going to take 11 years for years councils in this country have diverted funding away from basic services like this in order to spend it on pointless vanity projects or pandering to vocal activist groups and it’s worth noting that Council Highway Maintenance budgets have also been cut since 2020 we’ve seen our drains left blocked causing flooding that can be blamed conveniently on climate change we’ve seen critical reductions in local policing crime prevention and solving and of course the roads have gone to Hell in a hand basket it seems that rather than fix the problem councils prefer to just pay out compensation if drivers can even be bothered to claim it’s also worth mentioning that as bad as we have it in the UK many countries around the world as you can see here are much much worse wait wait wait with potholes almost as deep as the cars that are falling into them know your enemy they say so today I’m going to drive a familiar route to me which just so happens to have an example of pretty much every type of pothole sounds like a good excuse to hit the road not literally and see just how bad it is out there here I am then and I am out today in the mayac S600 A peculiar choice to go pothole hunting I would agree because of course this has got extremely large 22in rims and they’re basically painted black on the outside for all the good that the rubber is on this car exceptionally lowprofile tires which are very very susceptible to poth hog in fact this car has had five punctures in the last year five and all of them caused by potholes so of course it’s the Natural Choice for me to take on this trip so what we’re doing now is we’re going to drive along a road that I know quite well it’s got lots of potholes in it and I’m going to attempt to explain just what we’re up against as motorists how dangerous are they what are they like I’m also going to give you my pet names for these potholes which you may use yourself in common parants and we’re going to explain exactly what they’re like and the Damage that they do so hopefully this will be entertaining and instructional also worth bearing in mind if you’ve got any potholes near you that you particularly think are horrendous do send them to the car guys either by email or via Instagram or any other way that you can send us something we’d love to see it and also if you got any of your own pet names for potholes please send them over as as well and maybe I’ll feature them in a follow-up to this episode if this episode is popular now in the last four years particularly potholes really have become an epidemic and they’ve got worse and worse there is a fix where you can Chuck some grit in it and stamp it down a little bit and hope that will fix it but it doesn’t at all within a few weeks it’s back and generally worse than ever now the roads in the UK particularly are known to be bad if you go into Europe for example you will find incredibly smooth well-maintained roads in places like Germany and in Belgium but over here not so much mainly because obviously our climate is much worse we’ve got to contend with a lot more rain a lot more frosts quick Frost quick Frost rain quick Frost all that sorts stuff which is absolute death for tarmac so you can understand why the roads are so bad but one thing I’ve never understood is that considering the amount of money that we pay in Road tax and insurance and all sorts of other costs and just general tax council tax Etc why that money isn’t going into the roads to improve them and the simple answer is ladies and gentlemen is that they keep squirreling away that money and spending it on very stupid things and many politicians if not all don’t see the roads as a priority at all as soon as the cuts come that’s where they take the money from in order to pay for their expense accounts and their second homes so coming along this stretch a road we’re going to come across the first pothole on our list this is a great example coming up here so we’re going to approach it relatively slow speed and it’s one that I like to call the house now this is a pothole that’s large enough to fit in an entire wheel but it’s not large enough for you to spot at speed they’re also deep enough to shatter suspension ruin shock absorbers and buckle rims often the first thing you notice about this pothole is the impact at speed it’s the bone jarring crash that you get and that’s why it’s one of the most dangerous types now this is one of the worst potholes in areas of road that I think I’ve ever encountered especially as it’s on a main road and quite a busy road essentially what we’ve got here coming up ladies and gentlemen is the landslide now look at this absolute disaster of a road first of all you get this big bump on the landslide which is that one just to unsettle the car then as you you rise you can see the surface of the tarmac is bulging on one side with a deep rough crass on the right near the white lines which basically means that in order to get past this successfully you’ve pretty much got to go on the other side of the road if you stay to the left though you’re treated to a seismic shock of violent bumps changes of Direction and of course inevitable Tire Damage oh that is absolutely horrendous horrendous feeling if you hit this at speed you’re in proper trouble you could actually lose control because of the deep ruts that are in it but yeah I have to say the landslide is one of the worst that you can ever encounter because basically the road has just given up the fact that a road like that exists and hasn’t been fixed is shameful the worst thing about hitting a pothole hard is of course you stand a good chance of ripping the tire apart which means it goes down straight away and you’re trapped by the side of the road you got to wait for a recovery service and often they are in pretty dangerous positions and of course even if you suffer damage and can get home you still then got to get a call out service or try and find the right tire and tires are in short supply so it’s generally a bit of a nightmare and don’t even talk about suspension damage but just look at this part of road as well this this whole section here on the left has completely failed so this whole carriageway has been closed off and they and basic basically they’ve just put traffic lights in because it is not even possible to drive on the left it’s absolutely outrageous just up here we’ve got a really good example of what I like to call the iceberg this is a pothole that looks smaller than actually is when you hit it and like the iceberg 3 fifths of it is actually beneath the surface they’re much deeper than you think as you approach and if you don’t take avoiding action you may find the whole tire dropping in resulting in severe damage to your alloys and possibly also your suspension Co that’s a bad one there as well now this one is a shredder and this is a real car killer and it’s actually been responsible for two of the punctures that I’ve had in this very car this is a pothole where the edges are so sharp that if you roll your tire over them you risk tearing a Titanic sized hole on the inside of the tire typically shredders are long and thin and located on the very edge of the road so that they’re difficult to spot and if you’re avoiding oncoming traffic they’re very easy to hit without warning this results in a rapid deflation of the tire even when you’ve got run flats and you’re stranded straight away by the side of the road often in a very dangerous place okay so now we’re going to look at a phenomenon known as the pits now you can see here coming up y yep there they are you got to take avoiding action to get around them now these are very common as the road begins to degrade and in many cases this is the precursor to the full-blown pothole this is actually a pretty good example pitting on the surface of the road about half an inch deep not quite large enough to fit in a tire but enough to take a decent nibble out of them by far these are now the most common potholes and if you leave them they only get bigger now I’m going to take you back to the one that all started this oh hang on look at that oh that’s a good example of a house right there lovely just along here is the pothole that we started with in this episode and this is one that I like to call the crater because it’s so enormous it’s almost not a pothole at all it’s like an asteroid hit the earth as you can see here this to me is the king of potholes a pothole or series of potholes that have grown into one enormous crater they can easily fill with water they can be multi-leveled and and this is no exaggeration can fit an entire car or SUV inside hitting a crater at speed is a major seismic event especially on a motorbike and this is by far the worst I have ever seen in fact look at this there’s a lot less water now than when I first came in can you see this so we’re going to enter a crater right now look at the size of that pothole that is absolutely terrifying we’re doing no speed at all oh there you go front of the car has just fallen in there’s there’s the other side note the distance just oh taking it very easy in this car cuz it’s so easy to get a punct hole that is an absolute catastrophe of a pothole and this is another pet peeve of mine fly tippers absolute who just dump rubbish down lanes and then just leave it Builders Tradesmen these are the worst kind of humans they just dump it there then drive off and leave it for someone else to sort out I loathe you people and here we are then the last one on my list this is the absolute bastard here’s a good example hiding on the brow of a humpback Bridge so you have no chance of avoiding it and this is a pothole that’s large enough to do some serious damage but it’s entirely hidden from view until you hit it hence oh you absolute bastard and this one’s even worse because your tire is loaded up on the left hand side cuz your you’re negotiating a corner which means you got more pressure on that tire therefore there’s more chance of a puncture so there you are pothole armagedon the roads are disintegrating the budgets are shrinking our cars are being trashed and no one seems even the slightest bit bothered about it in positions of power it’s costing motorists Millions every single year and it only seems to be getting worse thanks for watching this episode of The Car Guys on pothole Armageddon the of our roads all over the world actually not just the UK and the fact that no one seems to be doing anything about it hope you enjoyed the episode hope you found it entertaining and useful if you like what we’re doing on the car guys please subscribe leave comments and likes there’ll be another episode hopefully next [Music] week [Music] n


    1. We need to start demonstrating like the French. If we withheld council tax and VED it would get the attention of the local councils and politicians. We shouldn’t have to pay through the nose for such a rubbish road network. Politicians aren’t scared of the public and they need a wake up call !

    2. Great video and its pathetic the way they do substandard repairs (pour some low standard tarmac in and tap it down) some in Sussex return less than 2 weeks later. One cost me £800 in suspension damage, not happy 😢

    3. Just shredded a tyre on one today avoiding one pot hole and hit another absolute fucking joke the roads.
      Been responsible for to deaths recently in Lancashire

    4. Watched a retired Highways engineer consultant interview and he says the main reason we are getting so many potholes is because the old practise of Tar and Chippings which he says used to protect against potholes for a minimum of 15yrs is a victim of cutbacks. He explained the tar in liquid form sealed the cracks against water penetration and the chippings dressed the surface against premature wear. It used to annoy us driving on freshly laid chippings but the practise needs bringing back urgently.

    5. Maybe we should NOT let government be “lobbied“` by big business who wanted the wagons to carry more for less waste. Wagon weights went from 28 tonne in the early 1980s to 44 tonnes today. The government should have installed a stronger grade of asphalt before “`overloading“` the roads for corporate greed. OH yeah Lobbying, we call that Bribery.

    6. Thanks for making this video. I found it very entertaining, but also extremely sad, with the seemingly couldn't care less attitude of MP's and local county councils ,resulting in the deterioration of the basic services and infrastructure.If this continues for a few more years , many roads will have to be closed.

    7. I broke my car suspension and tyres last weekend. 2 thousand pounds to repair! No car for a week! Mother father ! 😂

    8. Surprised no one has blamed electric cars for the pot holes. Councils "dress" damaged roads instead of resurfacing them properly. There are several sections of test tarmac on the M4 in Wales and guess which version they picked ? Yep the cheapest. Councils would rather waste money and don't forget the wage rises and bonus payments.

    9. Yet lancs police treat you like some dangerous offender if your 3 mph over the limit I wouldn’t want to drive them shambolic roads if it wasn’t necessary

    10. Cycling north out of Mentmore in Bucks last week. There’s a downhill section where the whole road surface has disintegrated. I hit it at about 20 mph, couldn’t brake as I was hanging on for my life. I couldn’t even see because my eyeballs were banging around in their sockets. Much to my surprise I didn’t crash. Reported it on FixMyStreet and the council closed the report saying it would be fixed next year. They should close the road before someone dies.

    11. if the government spent the road fund licence on the road there would be no problems i told my wife it would take a death to make a change to them and look a car,s driver death ! vehicle owners raised 63 billion on road fund licence per year !

    12. Ive had completely switch my route to my work at least 10+ miles out of my way just to find a road surface with minimal lesser dangerous potholes because the narrow lanes I used to use (because of the minimal options from A to B) got so bad after the flooding earlier this year I got tired of the focus needed to keep a mental map of them all. A huge one I liked to call a moon crater (although nothing like the one in this video) appeared very quickly one day and took me by surprise. I hit it at a good rate of knots, my TPMS went off in seconds, tyre destroyed, no spare only puncture repair fluid, had to sit in an inn in bumfuck nowhere for 4 hours waiting for a recovery.

      Its time road tax was ringfenced for actual roads. We also need a regulatory agency, DoT or something, that takes reports of damage from potholes and provides compensation directly, THEN fines the council responsible for where it happened a significant multiple of the cost of the damage for every single incident. I reckon shit would get fixed real quick.

    13. The French just build better roads. You can't just blame it on the weather, they have plenty of rain & frost to. You must also factor in the yellow jacket, sit in van tea break culture. A culture worthwhile losing. Best wishes.

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