Nathan Paddison and Jesse Kelly discuss Sydney’s crime and where it happens!

    #Crime #Sydney #Culture #MountDruitt #Campbelltown #Parramatta #Merrylands #Sydney #NathanPaddison #JesseKelly #Spanian

    yo people what’s happening what what what’s going on everyone did you did you see the new video that um the Spanish guy dropped everyone see oh [ __ ] spion SP but it was his area it was a little bit of an yeah cuz I thought he would have had but think right you got to break it down but he’s from that area and [ __ ] that’s supposed to be stomping ground and that no one turns up for him he says a lot about his uh yeah no one say a lot where’s boys the only people on there that really spoke to him were the um kids but um there was a guy on there he pretty much just gave himself up for AA and even said the guy’s name that he hit I was like yeah even if you ble the name out then there’s like they got no victim you know what I mean but just hit someone you say their name and you tell the whole story I’m like [ __ ] bro yeah a little bit awkward but the thing that caught my attention was wait where is it this is why I was like what the [ __ ] um calling it the um bars P how are you the birthplace of culture G bro come on what about the West bro when 90% of it happen like no one copies come on yeah what is don’t get me wrong good boys from yeah uh you know what I mean like there’s bro gleb’s only small bro [ __ ] is yeah I don’t know personally I don’t know how big G is but I know it’s not that big you got places like CX jail Maryland all that that’s where happens that’s where [ __ ] gets down those Court kids taught me how to steal line B I know that was weird I was like bro why’ you it could have at least blured the kid’s face out or yeah yeah but this is the thing right this they’re good money makers but they’re good money makers for a reason that cuz they [ __ ] in their own backyard brother cuz’s in the city that’s where you what I mean yeah and I’m not bagging the boys like [ __ ] obviously they got to go to the next door neighbor to get an earn you know I mean I’m not Bing like [ __ ] you know what I mean that’s why they that’s why when he says like this where the good earners are they make good money yeah but [ __ ] that’s that’s that’s the differ you know what I mean yeah and that’s where most of the money comes from so they know because CTS are like I brow out my work this is there [ __ ] this is there they know their way around there too I don’t know know about the crime culture getting getting sorted from there because um like you know the crime culture in Sydney is like Drive buys and [ __ ] stabbings and that and that’s all happening in the west yeah it’s right nobody earn these days nobody ears any yeah all the Leos the crime culture in Sydney yeah yeah they do actually yeah you’re right yeah um I don’t know man they they come out of imagine like imagine putting drw rap on the scene five years ago K me like what the [ __ ] this [ __ ] you know I mean remember when K come and go oh bro he’s a rapper when curs started coming would Rapp and we’d be like bro do do a [ __ ] line and we’d be like oh am mad but we’d still be like bro what the [ __ ] you doing like this isn’t America bro yeah but now they [ __ ] made it now they made it bro M like when they put be behind it and that I’m like cut a lot I’m cutting I think yeah I think it’s my internet cuz um cuz I think it’s because um we cut the internet off today from the kids cuz they they running a MK on us bro so we cut it off for a bit to see how they go you know cuz we can’t we don’t know how to just get internet for us and then not them when they’re not playing up when they’re not being good you know so [ __ ] got my phone hey take their phone that’s like it’s like trying to get blood out of a stone brother they got them stashed in that do know I mean they know they they can smell a a conver um a confiscation coming you know what I mean telling you they’re good ah smash that is where all the killers come from yeah yeah there is a lot of boys like dbo and [ __ ] like that you know but yeah like when you go in there from places like that but most they from like like the actual people in for murder most of them are from syy City yeah yeah not the actual City but the suburbs and that you know yeah that’s right manown Newcastle in the Central Coast yeah right Wong’s a bad area now bro Wong’s a bad area bro especially Bambi bro not bagging anyone to loser and stuff like that but mate it’s it’s a bad yeah bro good boys down there good boys but they’re not Campell Town boys or M Jew boys you know what I mean or like you know they’re not syy boys you know no they follow the of like always down they follow like Campbell Town M Dru or or [ __ ] they’re always here they’re always up here with the cam Town boys and the M boys you know yeah but but in in jail Bro [ __ ] how many mount dreu in Campell town and [ __ ] um Maryland in that param area [ __ ] it’s 10 to one you know I mean 10 to one from c town to G yeah easying anyway 100 to one yeah it’s right like M probably got like an extra 20,000 from their population in prison at any one time as well yeah yeah are good earners but they’re good earners out there bro yeah is one of the few areas that still [ __ ] do earns like robberies and [ __ ] caddies and [ __ ] like that you know what I mean yeah cuz there’s no real camera anymore yeah because you can’t get not many areas do anymore because you can’t get away it anymore you know what I mean even houses bro people’s houses have all the cameras and yeah people on their phones bro like yeah that’s right very hard to get days KY yeah ky’s got a few boys in inside bro ksey does 100% where are you up to I don’t know Doan erns has definitely got it harder over the years popping seals back in the day No cameras barely security oh yeah when there was no cameras Bro Look the world’s changed dramatically just with the camera the criminal world in the cowboy days BR I’ll be rich on yeah Central Coast is worse than the glob 100% where’s B never I haven’t heard of it you mean Nara nar’s a bit of a ghetto now n’s narrow run over gleed yeah how things good I’ve heard a few people say they take five years in silver water instead of 6 months in tenorth that they take five years in oh 100% bro I’ve never been to tenorth but I heard you get drops over the F stuff like that but it’s just a black out there bro you know what I mean but what’s the drama you know I mean look you when you’re in but bro you get lot lots of drops there’s always ugrs there and that yeah yeah like anywhere in Sydney you know yeah everyone’s got visits everyone’s yeah it’s swe pumpy that’s that’s a good conversation that one he the country JS and that compared to countrys yeah there’s no comparison yeah no comparison bro like how many times have we up there [ __ ] struggling you know what I mean thinking [ __ ] when’s our next visit you know like at LIF go [ __ ] yeah remember when I come up and I was talking about the Beatles And I was like bro watch this yeah everything that remember you said yeah you’re right and little bit and then the baby there’s a beetle I was like I get every time a beetle comes something comes and every day we go the beat and flooded for a few months then I left and everything went was it you are used to do the be prayers with nah but you showed me them yeah [ __ ] that was funny that was funny fellas from Melbourne melbour yeah bro yeah cities all have their BBS their suburbs villawood and Fairfield still earning hard but I don’t really go to villawood and Fairfield that much bro so I really don’t know na would know about them M areas I was born Inwood yeah I’m fairfi to hung around a bit but they’ve always been pretty like yeah they’ve always been a little bit ghetto and [ __ ] yeah but they’re like they’re like next to the like main areas you know like Yeah Yeah the more hectic areas yeah Julian Walters all the I’ve never met anyone from I’ve never even heard of it yeah same no offense to the area lad but it’s it’s not even on the map yet like inside unless an area next to it you know some people say like I’m from here but it’s like next door to it yeah yeah yeah 80s and 90s P [ __ ] I agree that that’s where the [ __ ] the hard criminals were you know yeah CH now 100% now they’re all on the Internet or in a car that g esper he’s mad I always smash that like button and that you know us he’s a mad yeah [ __ ] know Uncle there hit the thumbs up like people allergic to hitting the like button I know that when I first got on here the likes were just yeah easy bro they go up now [ __ ] hit them for some reason thank you for whoever’s hitting them thank you how hard is it to do it like I I I haven’t really done a YouTube in that before I can’t but I’ll do it on this one Uncle handy instantly removed LOL good work mods you tell him get a Fellers from can Queensland awesome Vibes you guys thanks bro that’s me x x the chat oh yeah yeah yeah and then just press the chat again there you go guys that’s how easy it is thanks a yeah Jesse Harley Morford still around I don’t know bro might be Woody wood Legend bro are you going to Henry vers have Henry vers huligan heft bro as if huligan he’s gonna fight Henry bro oh look this barille is up the North Coast where fre say yes I don’t think huligan would hey so the baville is up the North Coast where three indigenous kids were killed but the guy that did it is still on out there free [ __ ] that’s sad man that’s sad I haven’t heard about that BR not KN in that bra but yeah that’s that’s sad story man yeah why haven’t we heard about it that’s weird hey three kids yeah I’m going to look it up actually be Reve that’s hday n how we like bro you get one kid missing in like a white kid and and that’s it you know like that’s a bit sad bro yeah [ __ ] know honestly three kids bro break your heart that sort ofu how is he on baale no look I don’t think they’ve caught him oh okay because you know why probably because the coppers are [ __ ] Duds up there down here they they catch you [ __ ] straight away bro because they got a they got a [ __ ] 100,000 coppers for every person bro that’s from a long time ago if that’s who you’re talking about I did a podcast with him that’s yeah jubin I did his podcast but I told him not to um there was a couple of things I said bro just wait and then I haven’t told him to release it I did it last year with him hey I remember being on a bus to Easter show 2005 and got robbed by an eight-year-old grabbed a fat bundle from the tals and legged it back Leed it back before opal card stuff everywhere was stor ja yeah years old what a cracker what a cracker BR the happy gun nice with g Uncle hoodie nice one woody Sam Lazar how is it being at from all the time inside was the transition easy nah it’s never easy bro yeah they make it as hard as it’s easier to go back in yeah 100% good evening P Jesse members and Subs please hit the like button support p and Jesse with super chats and super stickers hope you all have a good night thanks Justice much appreciated much love see can’t Justice yeah uh English from bar is he English oh yeah Greg englas oh so it’s up near Queensland yeah got a at back in the day out of a tab threw the thing in a creek thinking it had GPS in it farmer found the [ __ ] and took our heart ear so we stole his sheep that’s a true story by that’s a she go away yeah that’s funny as I hope he didn’t get it he wouldn’t want to hand it in I’m telling you I was going to say if she get that on a podcast you obviously didn’t get done for it CRA and EDS can’t compare no oh look EDS is a hectic area bro Ed’s one of the areas like in Campell town that still goes off a bit but a lot of it’s changed there now actually you know so but got they still got the boys out there yeah Cabra I don’t know about Cabra either P would be better with Cabra yeah Cabra I don’t know how it is now it’s always been pretty hectic but Cabra especially in the 90s like yeah yeah the late 90s bro even the midnight is like yeah [ __ ] crazy there hectic there man bar murders the bar murders they’re they’re from a long time ago Robin Smith it’s messed up yeah I agree man bad Che brother legit didn’t know how to like a live YouTube video love your content thanks bro Brad Winter thanks Brad win Legend mate media 88 who’s that drop talking about I don’t know who you talking about um he’s not talking us because he’s all right drop 88 on you he’s not talking about us 82 man people got some weird nails on names on the a nucleus now 82 what made him come out that one what was the shorter about you having a fight in the ring soon oh did you hear my tonight yeah I put the up of my saying oh Nathan Patterson [ __ ] say [ __ ] Yeah he bro he done a good he done a good 10-minute video bro on and like on other [ __ ] and that mean he’s done a couple he yeah Suzuki word drop 88 Justice giving even P me Subs please hit the like yeah bro Jo abin said it’s best lucky we didn’t grow up in hoo out west a lot better closer to city oh 100% yeah it just it just determines who you become you know people people that [ __ ] didn’t grow up they’re all like or even if they did and they didn’t CU my brothers and sisters did but they didn’t hang around people that I hung around friends influence you 90% of like who you become you know yeah uh was you in will and Jesse yeah of course I was I used to run when P was in jail yeah 100% Jess did Jess’s one on him yeah look right on this side look it’s got say it’s got will to kill and I got it there too look two will two two times we’re going to start our own brand soon it’s called Willams yeah [ __ ] know got to go push some coal so we can all keep our phones charged to watch Pat on Jessie tube catch you all tomorrow night thanks Nathan Legend bro he’s in the M all the Nathan are yeah spion get upset you used his b reckon get up used his b he’s on the internet bro that’s what happens maybe maybe you grow some of them things you know that hang down low and uh pick a b we’re trying to get him on there yeah py reckon spion get upset yeah who knows hopefully he might do a video and cry or something I don’t know no I don’t think he would I don’t think he care bro heaps people use it it’s clickbait what suburbs go off these days bro [ __ ] bro look they all they all still got like a little bit of blood in them you I mean all of them the ones that always have usually have the housing it’s always going to be the areas but it’s like it’s in the west bro it’s not you know it always has been in you know what they so with with Campell town when they started to clean the area up after the riots and that they kick them all down Wong and that’s how Bambi and that started to kick off because everyone from down Bambi all from camel town they kic them all down there get them out of Campell town you know what I mean yeah they send H [ __ ] up to um the coast too bro they had the I couldn’t believe they had the highest ice rate or the second highest ice rate in New South Wales next to Black yeah yeah but it’s It Go and flows all the time you know how they do them tests yeah they test the stage water to see how much yeah yeah yeah I remember that yeah yeah crazy everybody wants my painting a yeah it’s a good one he yeah nice today mels like it’s been raining here all day oh go drop it goes I was thinking the same thing YouTube can strike for a copyright D lad race copyright it’s just a picture Nathan HST what I’m out got to go push some coal so we can all keep our phones oh that’s but I’m way behind you yeah who no because when he say down the bottom when it pops up the circle the orange circle thing oh yeah yeah yeah do you hit it when the money pops up if you press on it the message pops up with it P it back down yeah and you send the love back can you oh no you can press the love hard or the or the thumbs up okay saying do you know boys from lexo East Sydney housos Lexington no I don’t e yeah same bro what I’ve noticed when I go to areas in that for working [ __ ] there’s all these little Houser areas in the monst the like and they’re ghettos they’re full ghettos there but there’s only like a couple of like blocks of H like houses and they build up around them a yeah yeah yeah we’re all soft compared to Johannes oh [ __ ] know bro Johannesburg it’s nuts Justice wants to do an interview n yeah mad I’m just WR an email to your number so we can all Legend thanks Justice [ __ ] yeah hsty with the drop such a legend bro go keep the lights on for a how much would you charge for a tap pad or not doing them oh yeah it depends what it is bro how much time it’s going to take me to be honest I am yeah I’ve only that be a good live that’ be a good live but not a m not like massive tto but just doing it on a live by and having a and loock you know with a jail gun yeah M [ __ ] why not a hey that’s how M done want to see people like to see that brother I’m telling you right now yeah full make it and then do it a yeah I’ve got a video on that where I make it yeah we should start own podcast bro if we live close to each other it’ be so much easier man yeah we’ been looking for houses up there I can get studios in um Sydney and meet and just do like a few people in a day you know yeah yeah and then Dro one away yeah Rose me Rose me’s part of C B’s part of M that you know I mean like they they’re pretty bad areas bro they’re pretty full on yeah pretty full on my opinion I might be a bit biased but G nothing on Campell Town mad yeah you just know from jail too yeah that’s right and from the news I’m not saying not good earners BR they [ __ ] we’re talking about man ofms and stuff like that but look boys out here do good ears for out here and say you know and the crimes people do all the crimes people the most crimes that people are in because it’s when you talk about crime culture you’re talking about what people are doing and copying and [ __ ] yeah yeah they’re all doing what everyone does in Mount Jord and Campbell town and Maryland they’re doing shootings and drug run like having drug runs and [ __ ] all that [ __ ] you know breaks and yeah that’s right I can’t see no one hitting that like button bro what’s going on bro know you know people we got 146 in here Justice not much bro just chilling after dinner how’ they get back there oh if you slid down sometimes it jumps say black keath don’t even have aday just big bush Bloks who love punching on where black Lico yeah it is it’s up Lico that’s where I got a couple I got a couple good Ms up there remember um Joy Jo no now they good boys oh it’s Jordan all offerson P Jess salute thank you my brother j50 evening Jordan Allon hope you’re well mate 100% jail gun or real one I’ll go live for you p real gun a handgun bro I got a handgun yeah use a jail gun bro it’s easier it’s easier for me because I’m used to him I tried to use the outside gun on my brother and I ended up making a jail gun hey he’s right why is there 100 less likes them people in here that’s crazy man people on can’t like man please hit the like button bro three dots up here or down there on your desktop or you hit the X in your nice love your work whoever done that M who is that he’s been under a rock he’s um oh he’s the ex Nomads president National president of Nomads so a jail gun’s made out of a um CD player and a pen mot there’s a video on it in my um if you go through my videos yeah but um it describe the whole thing here it’s pretty like once you’ve done it it’s pretty easy even I don’t even know how to draw man and I I shaded that myself don’t that cuz they bloke [ __ ] up in jail bro all my ja all my T ja you know that n yeah same yeah I said I got a couple of outlines and my daughter’s name outside walberton you ever heard of that name War Burton Craig Brew was asking n some boys in jail can do some mad tattoos I can’t even draw a good Circle but some boys are blessed like that a good Circle bro do you know how hard it is to draw a circle yeah yeah it’s always you know circle is actually the hardest thing to draw like a proper like symmetrical Circle yeah yeah yeah that’s right uh Chris erson saying smash that like button guys it’s for free show your support for the channel M bro Justice come on people let’s get the likes up 134 house you can cut in my face I’ll pay you for it tribal chin design 100 oh yeah hectic bro that’ll be a mad mad um thing Aussie pugalis that would be a mad video bro that yeah brother tomorrow night BR I’m going to try and if we do a live that’s see if I do a live tomorrow I’m G to try and be somewhere else and do something like what would what you know like make a bit more interesting or something we’ll come up with something do you think the lad clothing comes from inner city Sydney what’s your thought n bro no way buto the like inner city Sydney and the whole crime just say the whole network of criminals in Sydney in a city Sydney is not even [ __ ] they’d be lucky to be 2% of it like yeah that’s right yeah like most everything comes from the boys in the west like the western suburbs because that’s where everyone is and that’s where all the shit’s happening and that’s where the worst [ __ ] is and that’s where everyone looks up to and that’s who’s all in the media and that’s who’s [ __ ] all in jail and that so that’s where everything comes from but also when you go to jail it’s not like it’s segregated from areas and that like you got your Coes and stuff like that but look at me and naif like naif was from a different area and M look at us now you know like everyone comes to give anyway we got nothing against GLE yeah 100% who’s your favorite Aussie rapper um ahra I like aano a lot of people don’t but I like I like him after that disp he on who on yeah putrid sh do you think do you think the lad clothing comes from inner city Sydney what’s the thoughts on this I didn’t understand that sort of thing oh you saying I just said that one oh did y sorry Dar deadly oh yeah I got a daughter from up there bro deadly up there in that LSA Northern Northern Territory you got your own [ __ ] um yeah he are doing your own [ __ ] there aren’t you that like button touch it inappropriately oh listen this us pen Boys called black keath boys mountain goats they from the mountain tops the Blue Mountains goat the goats are here Boys CD player pen and a power supply isn’t it oh pretty much that’s the one bro You’ been a jail felt tip yeah no [ __ ] Will T my face in a shop it’s my flipping fa it’s my flipping face yeah that’s good Michael Andrews is saying it’s good that um doing a for last that can relate especially when getting out all love boys no Diddy no Diddy yeah man thanks Michael yeah he bro we’re doing good bro move [ __ ] up we had it easier than most in there so if we can do Ito yeah that’s right love thanks fuchi support Jess’s Channel as well there there’s his link guys I think I forgot to put it in the description I went to go get it and I get distracted so e yeah that’s right kend what year were you born um uh 84 think 2002 you’re an 83 Sor 2003 I’m 21 yeah 83 keer jeans I remember them do you remember they old yeah ugly old G you P the chin yeah sweet Brother YouTube thanks Chris hey Jesse brother Jessie you know him I think you know I don’t know he is the his name’s know clothing and pig latin originated in the city no it didn’t bro the clothing originated overseas all their cloes come from overseas Pig my mom speaks Pig Latin bro she’s from [ __ ] Sheed at school spin on it the spin on the pig latin B like how they’ve got it like the p and that that’s come from ja like straight up years old I’m 40 all that all that spin on [ __ ] comes from comes from inside yeah only had one thing I’ll give the GLE boys they they dress nice bro give yeah you know who does good BR the maruba boys maruba boys do all right yeah every everyone does bro it’s just different crime in different places but you know what I mean like when all drug runs and that yeah you know I know you don’t like him but was a good owner DZ Carter you know D Carter’s dead oh yeah I like him I didn’t I didn’t have a problem oh go I wasn’t you then that’s that’s car is dead oh yeah yeah tauns the the mission the Mexicans what Kendon are you meant to be Kendon because I painted Kendon bro when I was growing up was warm because it was easy to flog back then from Myers and pania that’s why H was the first big lad crew I remember from out that way Lio yeah lipol [ __ ] know used to be Walkman in we used have a yeah we used to have a crew MC Fields called The Manhattan crew but all like mostly all on the boys in that but oh yeah I need to um get that painting a night it’s Chanel bro real Chanel hey 210 boys a BL called what about this a BL called stre tried tatt me once with one are [ __ ] we yeah same with me I think he owed money for for for that or something yeah he did hr10 was big Sydney Searchers yeah I remember them all killers who would win the fight P you or you or me bro p k my ass no me or spion oh [ __ ] P mate I don’t know I reckon P him bro yeah I reck but there’s no point in asking me because I’ll say me in every fight yeah I know that’s you know that’s how it goes bro you know yeah always com back myself what’s my 26 red Kendon I remember 26 red [ __ ] I haven’t heard that in so long can someone put my channel on for Mark CU I don’t even know what it is I don’t even know how to put it on there for someone to look at yeah you need to edit your profile and change your name so it’s easier to search yeah I will I will I will but if I change my name will that will that um affect people that follow me no they’ll still be following you okay up the boys you have a different um now clean and try my best day good on you Michael Andrews fui question marks Haley eldering yeah true Johnny we used to call all the boys from the Blue Mountains mountain mountain mountains laugh Al loud CRA bre just boys always have been always will be most ferocious don’t [ __ ] with the Asians yeah I agree mate I’m not not not disagreeing with that oh yeah bro Asians bro they’re [ __ ] people don’t think bro but they’re quiet for a reason because they’re [ __ ] smart they WIP but they’re not really earners put you in you know I mean they’re more they’re drug dealers but more Asians you know I’ve never really seen many Asian earners yeah no they’re about the money yeah yeah no there’s not many earners they’re dealers and fraudsters yeah Capal voice always been always will be most for yeah I’m from that way Craig I grew up with him bro Mark David David John’s what about Grace Brothers was the in the day yeah Grace Brothers was and girls hit that like button please boys and girls there’s a link in the chat what do the likes do for you n like they go for it’s for YouTube and that so they it spreads the um like it spreads my channel it helps the algorithm so that I pop up on more people Pages yeah it’s not that we want money off here we just want to get our names out there now that’s all it is so that button and we want money yeah of course yeah obviously see how see how good I’m at these name put your money away L all you [ __ ] I want to see some [ __ ] cash in there right now fash follows the UK oh it sort of does now I don’t it used to follow America but now it UK see like even with the r the Dr rap even with the drill raing now we follow England because because we got the internet but before that it was always America of movies and [ __ ] and TV shows yeah interesting inab be who would win in a fight you or spion are we already from UK no CL comes from China everything comes from China interesting you or spion chat TOS a coin and whatever it lands on hit that like button hit the like button guys smash the like don’t smash it just get it once because you unlike it Steve Steve John Kelly that’s my uncle I think a the pig Latin language come from all those young kids trying to talk was from jail New South W in Queensland was that different starles of ging is that Uncle Steven is that you Uncle Steve is that you Uncle St my M from when she was a kid they just yeah it’s been around for [ __ ] [ __ ] 70 years it’s been a long time it’s the most basic um kids just made it up [ __ ] not what in the 60s 50s like my mom my mom spoken in like the 60s and 70s she said yeah I thought it was fresh when I was a kid yeah it was DA’s nephew that died wasn’t it Jess that was Trent died as well a sad story bro they both died separately different times yeah yeah they died separately so what happened was Daz bought Daz a mad earn got nearly [ __ ] million dollars and then he end up buying Tren a mad bike when the braks failed on him and and then Trent died but then Daz I don’t know how Daz died if anyone knows like inbox it on here bro I want to know yeah um what canvas do you use um I use normal canvas but that’s um that’s Chanel print like you know the lever for the bags I’ve got like Louis Vuitton Chanel Gucci [ __ ] bbry like all the brands yeah [ __ ] stallen freak I got it wait but I pain Johnny wrote Johnny wrote strey is a massive flop bro didn’t he get got on who’s that Dave why DJ Anaconda what you’re cutting out look at his face why is his face like get one you look like Tyson Fury just said H yeah 100 times I like I like the stuff I’ve got a couple of things from there like I like super dry too I like getting [ __ ] that people don’t have and stuff like that LOL showing your age bro who’s that who you saying that to 21 always me getting old fight the like button let’s pump it would you do any work well it depends what it is case in I’m just waiting on a few people to send me some stuff but before I would make if you get into this fight thing then yeah because I know people want to see big cash yeah hit the like button down do the down F maybe they hit it let’s get our name out there right con let’s go the pig latin from the inside pesses there’s you know what but there’s Pig ltin and there’s what’s the other one and what and then what’s the other one the other one’s like that one oh yeah that’s the one yeah yeah that one I forget what it’s called but yeah yeah El Bo that’s it Alibi yeah it’s Alibi in the name it’s called Alibi can you speak the pig latin from oh that’s already back there yeah from from China bro it’s fake it’s all fake Double B clothes yeah iar had to cook off man David Jones at Max Square was red hot rack from by why do you think now they got wires for everything in there bro you go in there you try to try a shirt on lad you can’t even try got ask them yeah that all the Earth in there they they do but they’ve got things now where you can um you can fake put it on your feet or your body like a you take a pH of yourself and it puts it on you yeah yeah just to stop your stealing bro it’s crazy but I don’t think stealing from shops earning like I think that’s stealing you know that’s big deal I think that’s different yeah yeah the Asian ones at Port Philip prison they called Brothers Behind Bars they punch on they right they’ll always punch on the Asians bro doesn’t matter about size with them they’re all in like that bro they’re just like boom thou shall not lie thou shall not cheat thou shall not get caught or you’ll end up just like me oh K’s a bit should have known better if I had a what I don’t know had a witch or Wicked I don’t know or [ __ ] WiFi yeah yeah bro do bro do the Topia straight boys is that what you’re talking about bro yeah I’m pretty sure that’s what they’re talking about that were pretty hectic hey everyone thought they shot up the Cop Shop a more front than Grace Brothers more bridg yes throw the grace Brothers in there bars hook the boys up send that send that cash UK yeah UK is BR [ __ ] you wouldn’t think so like it’s crazy how all these civilized countries been longer civilized than us and they’re [ __ ] just they’re back day and we follow them we follow what they do if people really want us to get out there and um do some videos and stuff like that content and get it cracking and out we do need a bit of funding behind it that’s the reason you know so look if they want to see us yeah some better get I’m telling you I got some be on the stre right now interviewing people random people yeah if you do want to see it that’s you know it’s up to use no no pressure but yeah that’s that’s the go we’re not shy with them we conver ham oh [ __ ] I hate that don’t answer me that I [ __ ] I have to pick Whitaker I feel like but I love Hamza I just want him to win but keep going and winning um P got a leot at work mate spoke with my promoter mate and you today waiting your your call when you’re ready to chat said be hard to get it sanctioned in Sydney but better if you have a chat he might be right n you might even be able to have these fight in Sydney but oh yeah no I know it should be all right as long as we keep um like the other crims out of it you know what I mean okay yeah even if we don’t have them turn up like we don’t bring people we can um if it’s mostly the social influencers and pro boxers and that it’s just yeah yeah it’ll be a lot easier I understand what he’s saying 100% because I I said that to um I said bro we kind of have heaps of um crims there because they’ll just shut it down before it even starts or we go to another state because if we travel to another state then our boys aren’t there yeah as well you know what I mean so they they should have a problem then yeah yeah yeah way to do it you know and there’s [ __ ] bro you know how many people have emailed me and [ __ ] like promotion companies and [ __ ] venues and just [ __ ] everyone’s seen it bro the media TI to everybody watch Tik Tok these days they don’t like like as I said the saying the other night they don’t like the bikies and he he’s he’s he’s been there front and center and um probably want to see and then on the other side of it K are like oh [ __ ] willing to kill him this that one two three you I mean like story you knows [Laughter] Leos my said that too like it’s Aussie versus Leo it’s [ __ ] yeah want to see himash get bashed so he said that now that he said that Leos will fund it now watch yeah well got my side too because they don’t like him um a SM lad knows if you can fight span and that’s the ticket his views are huge and get anyone on the map yeah look people have said that a million times like that’s that’s been on repeat for months where’s the [ __ ] um he’s already put up a thing saying he won’t fight a video Steven John Kelly I’m not [ __ ] you bro I got an uncle named Steven John Kelly that’s why I thought it was you but you know I don’t need any more Uncle Stevens believe I don’t know where you were up to oh yeah I know where you’re up to now yeah see Sten John Kelly with the two fac yeah PR your Jabs on the like button my brothers o was OD I was gonna say OD kend yeah Carter Palm now Aussie but always thought Oz took elements of both UK and us oh 100% scuba soy yeah we do bro we follow them and even um like you notice when you go to out of Sydney Melbourne’s probably on par with it’s not far behind but like all they’ been on par but you go to the western side but they like 20 years behind us yeah like they probably just stopped wearing keppers last year yeah right hey it’s [ __ ] crazy bro I’m like [ __ ] man everyone’s like years behind us you know yeah but then I suppose if we went over to America or England or you know them places we’d be years behind them the way we are act and dressed no guys in the UK was dressing like ADLs in the 90s but I’ll tell you one thing ADLs come from Australia like they might have said lad in in England but yeah the way that Lads are in Australia was built in Australia maybe we stole the they stole the word but the TN the the star the [ __ ] mullets the the whatever else they come from here brother where’re the same as them they just don’t they wear pants not shorts yeah that’s right like in England cuz it’s cold but the the tops the like the hats and the polo shirts with the collar up and all that that’s all from England 100% yeah wack up with some cash people come on something anything say say chavs no we say SJ SJ just meant yes I don’t know why people call it’s [ __ ] weird YouTube p um what’s my YouTube I don’t know I don’t know if you’re talking about me or someone else someone will drop it I think yeah I’ve dropped it we’ve dropped it a couple of times but um if you swipe up in the comments we’ve dropped it a few times in here I can drop it here but I’m not a member of my own channel you have to copy and paste we go Rocky Stefano Manan thank you Aussie life bro them ones actually on Javon Davis today what’s UPI that Chrome Hearts brand oh okay Bri streaming in 3G he’s talking about you Jesse oh my God an ad just popped up on my on my live that means I’m getting monetized on it yeah oh yeah nice he said you’re streaming in 3G yeah I know cuz my my internet Stars I said before my um I kicked my kids off the internet so we had to like cut the internet off for a couple of days just to teach them a lesson I was yeah oh bro that card for Crawford is hectic he it’s like five main events in at just the five top five fights I’ll make Lorenzo or Lefty old school Heavies who mine went all the way to the bottom for some reason oh it’s cuz I pins Jordan’s message okay get the likes up 133 in the house again support Jesse’s Channel thanks Justice hey Moody was on there tonight Moody was on there tonight saying there like I’m you know I’m not a weak KH and look I I’m not a professional fighter or nothing like that but I’ve been in the cell with like I can I can punch I can hold myself in that you know you guys I can promise you I’m not going to walk away from this you know he was trying to justify what Happ with the biking bar which I don’t think he’s on the same level as this like BR like what happened to him was a bit of a [ __ ] go and I agree with that yeah but um people that don’t like him say it in another way just to get to him yeah put him down that but yeah Noto he’s not gonna bash [ __ ] 10 [ __ ] B and you don’t know how many were behind the camera either yeah he’s not [ __ ] Jesse Kelly where he can fight five blocks at once you yeah their Shoppers not owners yeah oh Shoppers the ones that still yeah Shoppers I’m on I’m on that street B frr but that’s a good idea e villawood immigrants bro I was born in villawood Kenan I love picking up dope [ __ ] from the op shop it’s always a buzz when you find something sick that no yeah [ __ ] know Uncle Andy well somebody else has found it because they they gave it to them it’s second hand bro he was training for the fight hey um a lot of good trainers he reckons has reached out to him n you know are you gonna get a trainer are you gonna get a trainer yeah I’ll go to a boxing gym yeah yeah I think I could just punch the bag and he could get a good trainer and it’ll be a bit more fair yeah wuen clothing now is just like a goo brand but like someone’s asked about the wuen like I’ve never wear wuang but yeah apparently back in the day it was all right but not anymore it isn’t yeah but I know he’s done boxing and all that in the past like it’s not like doesn’t know how to throw a punch like yeah you can tell how people hold themselves whether they can fight or not Ibraham and you know he could um you know he didn’t have to fight much that that just doesn’t mean you can’t fight like yeah yeah but you know yourself n when you go to jail and you’re trained by the hit pads and like anyone hit pads they can throw punches doesn’t mean they can fight yeah but they throw punches yeah [Music] um to form some type of media company you’re right that’s what we’re trying to do that’s why we need the likes we need the cash you know that’s that’s what we’re trying to do trying to form something up yeah then we’ll be on here all the time yeah I got out in uh not the Kardashians but the Kelly Pattersons um when did I get out I got out um in February yeah I got out in February bro yeah he was out for a bit and just um yeah I was out for a bit my cousin died and I just I went off the rails a little bit but I found myself again I think I needed a break but from everything because when you spend so long in jail sometimes you don’t have to handle things yeah it’s easier to just [ __ ] um [ __ ] up no way yeah kie that’ be sick straight be forr would be a good idea yeah but we’d get charged for it Mark yeah it’s right you need you need big licenses and insurances all that sort of stuff and you would never get it here anyways Australia’s very strict on [ __ ] like that but otherwise Mark I’d do it 100% I’d be like yep let’s go yeah broy stefo aie yeah thanks lot of room for Australian social media content to yeah [ __ ] off casing well that’s what we’re here for bro we’re here to develop it Aussie um pug was saying I was the 67 fer about 20 minutes ago and there’re still only 67 come on there’s 120 people in come on boys please hit that like button he need to getes up just so get our names out there not please [ __ ] Moody put a video up not long ago he was cooking and training for the fight 12 weeks he reckons he’ll be ready yeah it because of the weather us are lagging maybe is it raining down there it is yeah bro it’s it was pissing down before it’s not now I can’t hear it now but it was my Wi-Fi cut out earlier but it’s all right now is it because of yeah do you remember CL clothing yeah wuen clothing and Eminem clothing yeah [ __ ] um I think expensive now way like if it’s old yeah vintage yeah paying lots for it um someone said I think those blos that jump Moody were some of the drop 88 biky mates fair enough yeah jaz6 mates bucks you know what yeah mad Justice you know what’s funny they um I said that to someone a couple of people like that with the things I messaged them I said o bro you guys should um sponsor me like how funny would that be if you guys sponsored me against like why wouldn’t you yeah I start selling the drugs [ __ ] even more now just to sponsor yeah I’m like d you have money what come on uh broy Stefan Aussie did he do it again aie life yeah shoppers make man only third of the price or some [ __ ] it’s not real pumping earns bro yeah me shopping isn’t really doing sh shanigan earns yeah like proper earns yeah like bro to get a proper earn being a shopper [ __ ] you’d have to be out all week stealing all day you know what I mean you know what you can’t Grand like bang I our shoers you make two three grand a day cash bro and that’s no [ __ ] bro like they’re actually some good good [ __ ] Bo that’s a good shopper but then to do that bro and to get like a 50 Grand earn that someone get like an earner would get in [ __ ] you know yeah you’re right you’re right thing is the thing is but the risk to to to jail time do you know what I mean like it’s so much you know so it makes more sense for someone to earn a couple of grand a day and they go and do a robbery and get 10 years you know like that’s what they’re get now for but but then you see the Shoppers bro and like remember um [ __ ] I forget his name but but he’s done so many years just for stealing clothes and [ __ ] that’s all he does there just shopping but he’ll be out for a few months get done get six months or nine months or he been done so long so many times up bro but yeah his release date is always soon sometimes when I’m in there right now and I get like a three four year sentence something and someone comes in on a shop in charge going I’m doing three months I thinking [ __ ] I wish I was you mean true doing that three months instead of three years yeah [ __ ] know I wear Wang every day day can’t think about the outside drop 88 says I wear wuang every day I got a link behind the ship so you know what about that Mark Ryan Garcia set up so Ryan Garcia was talking about fighting Connor Ben Connor Ben’s already um already called um and I got the video actually yeah here someone was asking so Conor Ben the actual Conor Ben Conor beneficial yeah sent it to myy saying that he’ll he’ll help us support the um where’s my volume yes bro no problem man it’s my pleasure but yeah send them over and I’ll be able to give you some tips as well uh but leave with me until find nice he’s undefeated world champion in England too that’s my bro but he follows M for some reason yeah I re I reckon it’s going to happen um what sort of charges were you on Jesse and if you don’t mind saying I was on uh I got done for a gun and a and a pound of weed but the gun got dropped and um I end up going down and and I got done with driving charges yeah and I end up getting a f for the weed and I got 10 months huh I was saying Justice they gifted someone a membership yeah oh yeah yeah so what’s a membership name oh like um because I do members only lives as well andu and they can put special stickers up and there’s members only videos on my page oh yeah yeah there’s a few I got put some more up too yeah so they got M content members only this it’s like a dollar a week bro yeah there is there is some more levels up that people if they if they can afford it to do more you know but yeah if I had more members at the higher level then I’d do like special stuff as well when I get them just dropped some cash down M who was that Bren Jay oh thanks Bren Legend bro jazza 66 a [ __ ] beast day MMA Legend with a clubhouse in his backyard what’s Krab Maga oh Krab MGA it’s is that that’s the Jewish um fighting style I’m pretty sure oh yeah weapons as well that’s pretty sh they’re actually yeah it’s actually pretty pretty um good [ __ ] bro and their special forces use it yeah I know what you’re talking about now it’s pronounced C it’s yeah it’s like good fight it’s like good even without the weapons in it it’s still like very very good bro very um like you know some styles are like just stupid like yeah you know I mean most of the [ __ ] you can’t use in a real fight yeah yeah use it in the sport because that’s the sport you’re playing but yeah that’s right the street you know like it’s not like m muai [ __ ] eat [ __ ] in the street you know yeah it’s been proven but then karate bro you know what I mean like you’re like hit that Lo boys come man please man I need to get that name out there um any way you see what’s drop 88 NOS Jazz a six they practice rapping together that’s the one that chased him out of the place oh thanks Braden I usually use my other account Johnny but I wanted to pump a little love for p and Jessy so if you can KNE jab headbutt preferably press the like button did he did he just drop another 10 did you oh no I just caught up to it okay Inu versus ner about to startop [ __ ] Chris [ __ ] is it is it on a live thing or is it on a fake one how long does it feel when you know you’re getting out it feels like two weeks the last two nights yeah it does bro it does you got six months to go to three months or to one month it’s like like you know that’s quick that last month kills you then the last two days it’s just like but when that release and then you do like 10 laps 100 laps [ __ ] eat lunch train everything come back and it’s 106 you’re like what the [ __ ] just happened one minute you know the worst like people a lot of people think that getting out of jail is the best feeling ever but like it depends on who’s there at the time and stuff like that so you got good friends that with you are it’s can be a very sad moment but like once you walk at them Gates that hit you that you’re out getting out to nothing and you got half a cental link pay and you got to go rob someone like like yeah that’s [ __ ] that’s [ __ ] that’s happened to me a couple times yeah every time I get [ __ ] got nothing bro I’m like [ __ ] hell except for this time yeah up until 2008 I never had a job in me life bro so I was just an ear then and then uh yeah same now [ __ ] operating grains now you doing paintings and that you know I mean like making [ __ ] Heap when you and Garcia or maybe um M Smith Ryan Garcia’s offered out about 20 people so yeah yeah yeah Eric The Croc a full snitch a you know who who’d be doing the time if we were Co a yeah the likes are the views are good don’t get me wrong but we need that interaction people so smash the like and leave a comment in the comment section once the live is uploaded please boys that’ll be good he appreciate see Chris going forward you’ll probably need a team of people to help yeah 100% case in but it just depends like once we get paid bro then we [ __ ] can get people get people on bro then we can just [ __ ] record and [ __ ] we can do so much [ __ ] we just didn’t we just have 170 people on you and then now they’re gone we just go guys I’ve seen before no it was a I I thought I saw 179 it Peaks like 83 to 9 it usually Peaks 8:30 to 9:00 like it yeah I think people yeah yeah um going for you probably need a team of people are you doing cont for all levels of membership um M never lose hopes so um I was going to do stuff for the top tier but no one’s on the top tier so and because no one’s really in the middle like if I get enough people in the middle and bottom and top then they’ll have different different things you know like behind the scenes and stuff like that yeah count on Art and stuff as well yeah bro M come BR look he just uh Roy Legend bro where you been Bry been working I was on live and I was filming his workers when he was on ones Su a prospect Suzuki’s a prospect for the Gremlins grins that was my gang in um primary school I called it the gremlin don’t make me ankle pick you guys I was the first 10 member on P Jesse I’m team P we both hated man good on you brother yeah bro look how many I got now hey not me but subscribers yeah I got about 150 members I think yeah support p and Jesse’s channels help them get to the let’s go Mark [ __ ] thanks Mark bro can watch it for free oh okay c m that’s w t for an armed combat in the Infantry just to say yeah Jesse got a lot of respect for you brother much love uh bad as bad bad as Mitchell thank you Michael thank you brother I appreciate that e [Music] um Brian support yeah you’re Legends man I can see that coming now thank you um broy seen that again oh brockie’s done it again or Bren J come up again look at this underage chip this is oh wait I hit something don’t smoke weed anymore bro but I thought this was the in um boxing fight yeah I accidentally pressed the link it says before you start help us choose your preferred display content straight gay lesbian trans and I was like what’s the difference I boxing match going on what’s going on I sound s of [ __ ] weird porn yeah I press that on the thing on the comments or something [ __ ] how do I get to it I had to stop smoking weing I’ll get you paranoid in that bro but oh look I have a I have a truth here in there Justice yeah broy lad not Kos ver l monco who got who you got unarmed combat in the Infantry [ __ ] oh just they they do that a lot around the world yeah M Smith 29 bucks BR what a m CT thank you Bren thanks brother I’m catching up M Smith yeah mad 2999 thanks M Smith much appreciated bro legend or yeah doesn’t say if you’re a girl or guy they just am broy said yeah just been working just been that funny film that workers budging I know J’s good he like he just forgets to film sometimes he does ha of funny [ __ ] I do bro I got to get some of this content bro but I just I’m I’m very like I’m not as smart as knif like I’m very slower but like I get I’ll start getting it done I will oh thanks who sent that always I think I’m on it but is that it it says it’s live every time I press on it it just opens up to a new page yeah where are we from New South Wales bro Sydney like from Sydney originally Jesse’s out in C Town still how come Moody want to fight you now p m Just One of Them Things bro oh so I’ll tell you what happened um how much a strip go for um so Jesse um oh not Jesse sorry myy put up a video on his YouTube people been telling me if a br you should fight this person fight this person I’m always like yeah yeah I’ll fight anyone whatever um yeah you know it’s good if um but I have to yeah obviously I don’t want to take my time out or go to jail or you know what I mean if I’m taking my time out then we need to get paid and do charity [ __ ] or whatever you know but either way I’ll fight anyone but then Moody put a video up saying that oh everyone thinks he’s a [ __ ] got jumped at puns [ __ ] all this [ __ ] um he wants to have a boxing match and fight someone so I was like o bro I’ll fight if you want to fight I’ll fight you you know what I mean if you jump in the ring with me buto everyone knows I can fight so you’re not being a [ __ ] there yeah school yard beef brother so that’s how it happened yeah yeah and and and we Nelly had a fight in you7 and [ __ ] it got broken up you know yeah but then I was like yeah it’s like unfinished business and plus we’re both there’s no way we’re both going to get in the ring and not want to [ __ ] you know put the other person like you know what I mean we’re not going to [ __ ] um want to lose or [ __ ] dance like we want to [ __ ] impress people yeah that’s right you’re going to fight out yeah I tell everyone that I’ve never lost a fight so I’m not gonna [ __ ] jump in there but look he’s not a p so it’s not gonna be easy it’s not gonna be P gonna walk in there smash him over but a bit a go but P win be could be two seconds yeah I wna I want to say that but people people don’t want to go watch a fight that’s two seconds you know what I mean they want to see I have to watch of them then poor Moody he just threw two steaks in the oven straight on the rack no drip plate or nothing hey it’s amazing how people notice did he put it on the veggies I seen him put it on the veggies I thought he put it on the veggies I was like what what the [ __ ] is going to leak into the veggies all the blood in that um thanks Justice for the gifted support thank you brother how are you just as new as the chat now he’s saying you’re talking [ __ ] about him on a new post yeah hey boy got there’s always been a little bit of tension there because we’re both like like I was like you know Mar I was like the Aussie like um Alpha and he was like the Leo Alpha yeah yeah um hey boy got 28 charges for fuel Drive offs and some Bunning shopping how you reckon I’ll go I think uh depends on whether you got form for it before you got got form for it 28 charges of Lo stealing it’s probably 6 months yeah have you got form or have you been to jail before have you got a Ico are you on a Ico yeah um I’m 40 there’s a lot of um the 28 number doesn’t matter really um you know 10 20 it’s multiple yeah but they know a lot of people that going with stealing [ __ ] and you know taking taking petrol whatever have multiple charges of it because they don’t just do it once yeah hey boys please hit that like button he we want to try to get over 100 if possible yeah [ __ ] know k b surely from now on you’ll have better things to do than that stuff yeah Cas no worries mate enjoy enjoy remember boys good earners back in the day yeah I don’t I don’t know if they were earners were they earners yeah look there’s a cut now look you got the where Trent and Daz from like there there are good earners from out there right but there’s not many from everywhere Lo yeah yeah yeah every every area has got them and bra boys bro bra boys no on the r veggies when next to oh okay imagine what the bottom of his oven looks like yeah what a conversation he boil on something it’s like the combination all over again you know the movie combination no what is it it’s Leos in that oh yeah yeah that’s what yeah and Aussies and that you know I mean like yeah Blackwater PMC 2004 Good Times Moody said it on the thing he go on his video he goes it’s aie Leo but you don’t want to start that trust me BR it be [ __ ] uh what is it ruber all over again yeah uh sorry what is it konala well my daugh my daughter’s a Syrian so we can’t start tough time stealing fuel yeah no look people lot M it is tough times out there at the moment man like wages are going wages are staying stagnant while [ __ ] cost going so I understand price is so exp you know how many people are stealing it petrol [ __ ] BR why would you want to go and pay [ __ ] $100 a fe your tank you just [ __ ] you know what I mean yeah you can put a little um bit of tape on your thing I remember we used to put a little bit of black tape on our license plate just to make letter yeah and then just pull up fill it up and drive off so bro look think about this now like for me I’m a bloke we [ __ ] I got five kids with my my girl like we got we like together and the thing is like if we’re just a like we survive of just my pay and um bro if I didn’t have such a good job like if I was only earning like [ __ ] $1,200 a week but how we gonna survive on that pay that’s just crazy it blows my mind bro you know he’s eating [ __ ] de sandwiches for dinner every night you know I mean imagine how many families out there struggling right now doing that well I think that even like when I was going good with me and that I’m like [ __ ] look how much I’m like [ __ ] cost me imagine people that are on C link and [ __ ] yeah yeah people just with the basic job I’m like [ __ ] man I’m [ __ ] I got I’m like sweet you know and I’m still thinking [ __ ] expensive I still only buy [ __ ] that’s got a yellow docket on it at yeah [ __ ] I’m not paying full price yeah true [ __ ] him bro you do I seen a thing on H Tik Tok the other day boys just walk in there changing the stickers and that on the cheap ones they SC him yeah four likes away from H yeah hit those likes guys we just need a few what’s the best jail these days and the worst jails you’ve been to where did you get out on of in February I got out of jun and um there are no best not one ja is better than any other ja that all the worst yeah yeah that’s right yeah they’re all [ __ ] they’re all [ __ ] yeah there nothing like there’s good boys in places and there’s yeah [ __ ] boys like same as when you say what’s the worst jail it’s like yeah depends who’s there really you can have the best time at in a [ __ ] place like or looks like a [ __ ] Place yeah it’s just best best jail for me is closest closest to my family bro yeah or when my M locks me in the bedroom that’s the best jail see p see J I got a early one in again don’t worry I’m not far behind you bro much appreciate it brother for for the super stickers in that Legend mate Aussie Park Boys is’s funny Aussie gang movie [ __ ] have I seen that I need to say that he have you seen Boyce wallows Universe Jesse Yeah I have no actually I haven’t it’s a new one it’s pretty like um I feel like it’s going to be a classic Aussie Aussie hit you know yeah it’s got like a it’s got like a two hands fi sort of thing not like um what’s the other one getting Square sort of what’s the story line but just the feel of the movie of the show is it past 9:00 yet hey is it past 9:00 yet it’s 9:42 oh [ __ ] I’m gonna go in I’m fall off in about five minutes cuz my daughter’s birthday today oh yeah jump off you’re all right I love thanks for everyone F coming on and and supporting and supporting Na and me we love you z um n I’ll um call me tomorrow and I’ll [ __ ] we’ll have a chat yeah yes wait call you all right all right love you bro love you N Legend bro all right byebye by it’s always like I love you more now I love you more with him hello bishy Bishop Mari Mari is a Muslim Assyrian is he how do you get caught for the petrol petrol price is a cook oh no way [ __ ] $220 something I was paying today I didn’t I don’t even look I just pick it up and I start going and I’m like like I look over I’m like oh I wonder how much this is cuz the money’s going up I’m like [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it keep going up for like holy [ __ ] man that’s crazy Brothers myo is in bed waiting for me for ages say better Che [ __ ] raen J Legend bro Chuck is spinning elbow that like button running out of charge no good stuff P thanks Andrew hey Andrew how are you brother Legend mate I met up with Andrew the other day guys Andrew Kirby he’s [ __ ] [ __ ] bro he’s got a [ __ ] hectic story he’s still got way more like way more stories he’s [ __ ] he’s been through some [ __ ] too like I’ll tell you what he’s been through some hecktic [ __ ] and he’s come out the other side and he’s doing positive things like that just goes to show you how [ __ ] um like good of a bloke is you know and how much good there is in humanity to go go through all that [ __ ] and do all that [ __ ] you know like it leaves [ __ ] like it it leaves a mark with you inside your [ __ ] heart and inside your body and yeah it’s pretty [ __ ] messed up so and then the [ __ ] that’s happened to him like back in the days when there was no cameras or like there was cameras but not like you know when the officers would [ __ ] like do [ __ ] to you like torture you and [ __ ] like yeah some pretty hectic [ __ ] how do you get caught for the petrol Rocky there’s Brock’s Channel guys if you can um follow brocky Depo Aussie life he’s got all um Aussie Stu if you’re not from Australia it’s if you are from Australia support an Australian if you’re um not from Australia then you know subscribing is free then um you can see all like Aussie stuff and that because he’s always ask about stuff especially wildlife and stuff he’s got a lot of that on there P Jesse either of you related know anyone who served in military no justice did Craig Brewer Justice justice has I’m on D I have two kids you check his check their Channel out actually Craig I don’t know if you can just hit on their name and check them out yeah that’s [ __ ] Mark like something has to be done who’s smoking dabs these days what’s a dab isn’t that like that I don’t know if I can do it it’s funny doing [ __ ] with my daughter I seen my baby today [ __ ] it is so great when I see her like like I can’t even explain yeah I can’t even explain the feeling like it’s just insane and she was so happy I was there now whenever she hears my voice or sees me she just gets so happy yeah I just love it so much we were making um Simpsons videos like it turned you into the Simpson the filter and she kept pulling faces with me and stuff every time she’d do one I’d copy it and she just kept doing it and usually she’s so easily distracted like she’ll just take off on you you know but she kept doing it with me it was so good that means I get a hold out while she does it so food CS better but it kept making her an old person me a black person then me a black person and her an old person and then yeah it’s a weird sometimes she be an old man be like she’s a little girl what the hell is the food is better with medium I’d be like this like trying to do a real young face to try and make myself younger on it chat come on toss that coin whatever it it lands on hit that like button 100% let’s go you might have to flip your credit card because um we don’t no one has coins anymore changes is food guys you should or start paying with money but you know what’s happened I’ve noticed all the fos now they add 1% so all these 1% they’re all one percenters now do you know how much that takes like if you just keep doing it and doing it if you add that up over a year you’re spending thousands of dollars just to use your card times millions of people in the country do you know how much they getting for fos now like that should be on the shop mate if you want to use fos but I think if you put your card in it doesn’t but they just automatically type it in there they add it get you to tap you know but I think if you if you put your card in it doesn’t um charge the store but you have to tell them first that’s [ __ ] he I feel like I’m going to pay cash everywhere like the Howell can they do that well record in title fights 19 and0 17 Knockouts you know three and one two Knockouts for ner he’s 35 And1 27 knockout 26 and0 23 knockout go in going to [ __ ] hit me with the [ __ ] no money for that every J is Hell 100% [ __ ] off Andrew like when you get out like yeah you can’t say anything you might smile in jail you might have a good day but it’s a good day in there it’s not a good day on your life believe that you mean that Mar I think he’s joking how did you find J Jesse sorry guys I was a bit behind CH there’s Justice Channel guys good yeah follow Justice they’re um very good couple they’ve been together for a very long time so you know you need to be good people if you can be with someone that long be together that long you need two good people do that thank you such a good a genuine BL respect thanks Andrew you too mate yeah there’s Jesse’s Channel too hope you’re well love and life from London love your lives P I’ll keep supporting you bro thanks Mark pressed we why are you writing all this stuff broken it’s always a good time in these live 100 dabs are sticky weedo kids are our purpose [ __ ] o bro like how crazy is that and I wish I knew it sooner in life I like I just seen your baby good for the Sal it’s so good and you know what the problem is like I never want to go when she’s there and like I have to do work and I have to do things and like I always fall behind when she’s around cuz I just won’t I’ll just attach to her but it’s so good like yeah I wouldn’t I wouldn’t swap it for anything I’d rather have no money but enough money just enough enough money I just need to make one more dollar than everything that I need don’t worry about the wants just worry about the needs and everything else is time with her oh that’s good the way you speak about them so sweet yeah 100% like you can’t even explain it it’s not even in words you can’t even like love isn’t even a word when I think about about a r it’s I come it’s just infinite like yeah there’s no like I could talk forever about the way I feel and I still wouldn’t be able to get it out it’s just insane hope everyone gets to experience that even other people with their babies they’ll be like or their kids and I just like and I’m no but you don’t understand no you don’t understand dabs are concentrate oil that you vaporize I’m only half watching cuz I’m making up a badge into cards as we speak oh okay oh yeah dab okay talking to this chickp ended up finding out she was a fenzy cop the [ __ ] must have read my record cuz she ditched after being Cen [ __ ] where’d you find her at the swing that’s true flipped the card yeah 1K for every 100K spent yeah hectic K Ken how crazy is that yeah think about that like [ __ ] I spend a few hundred a year which probably I shouldn’t spend that much I’m addicted to clothes and my girls have everything like when I got my daughter a ball pit she now has three ball pit why does she need straight ball pits just cuz she can’t walk 10 m to the next one what the [ __ ] she like oh she just wants it she likes it I’ll push her through the toy section and she’ll just like look at something and her eyes will be happy so that’s what she’s getting she actually stole a car from Kmart um don’t tell anyone I don’t want to arrest it but I was like she had this wooden car cuz she likes them like she always likes the wheels and then I was like like while we walking around I gave it to her to hold and play with and then she kept dropping things and I was like all I picked them up picked them up picked them up then when I got there I was like [ __ ] where’s your car and I’m like I she must have dropped it way back there or something I was like [ __ ] I feel like I would have heard it you know but then I looked over couldn’t find it got back to the car got her out and she had it under her like she put it under her and behind her so like like I’m getting this I like oh my God you stole your first thing it’s so naughty but I can’t even explain it to you and then her sister’s like she needs to be in trouble for that she gets so jealous of the baby yeah but they get equal attention the baby might get a little bit more but I explain that to her I’m like I got to teach her things like she’s a baby but I give um yeah boom boom gets a lot of attention too she’s got I think as well and I left a toy for her today like I put it there so that when she got home she’ get it it’s a baby got one so when she gets home she’s going to be like oh my God he was here oh he’s seen Isabella what the hell yeah she’ll get so jealous make the effort to use it cuz once it’s gone we’ll be I know that’s what I thought Daniel if everyone stops using it then we’re all going to have to pay that 1% so everyone needs to keep using it more and more someone told me mcari bank is [ __ ] cash free now everyone should leave them P they’ll give me a suspended sentence or some Comm there is no suspended sentence anymore in if you’re in your southwes I’m pretty sure Community work rather than just lock me up never been before after all the years of staying out I don’t want to go some pretty [ __ ] yeah well if you don’t have a bad record of it and it’s um you might have a little record but if you’re not on an Ico I don’t think they will send you in I think they’ll put you on an Ico intensive correction or they might give you community service or something they like to do that with boys you know like give them a chance especially if you’re um if you’ve got time to go and do some life skills or see a drug and alcohol counselor or see a psychologist or anything like that anything that shows you’re trying to improve your life um yeah or go to a detox even if you’re not on drugs just tell them you work go to a detox and give them clean urines thank you for your service Justice welcome home brother which regiment did you serve with how I saw it was you’re in there whether you like it or not best way to do your time is forget the outside it or make it a lot easier I hated the morning count that loud bloody bang Bell where were you bro that a new hoodie man yeah bro actually I’ve had it for a while I just didn’t um really wear it much cuz I’ve got another one with stripes cuz it’s this color here this reddish color it’s like a watermelon like it’s like a watermelon red but it doesn’t match many of my clothes so it’s hard to it’s hard to match up my other one’s hectic but it’s got lines like this but different colors it’s like dark green dark blue red and yellow but you probably haven’t seen um a lot of my clo oh you would have on my um wardrobe tour but that wardrobe tour was from like [ __ ] 10 months ago maybe so there is some some new stuff in there especially hoodies and stuff yeah got a new winter winter hoodie collection might be 10 hoodies yeah might be 10 hey fellow Aussie hey T T A yeah with dabs I did it home made got hair straight night and then get baking paper place the baking paper on the hairst then get your flower and stand on it voila dab YouTubers ticktockers what you doing Adam love is energy Love Is invisible invisible like our souls yes but it’s not it’s more than love what I got for my children love yeah there’s not a word in not every single word in the world couldn’t describe it and with my misses for in years two sons loveing to be daddy’s the best f ankb p always got the fire get up drip on he’s always looking color coordinated [ __ ] and is drop dope Brands as well you can’t say he doesn’t have style that’s for sure yeah see look the Hat matches the Hat’s got all the colors on it and then the the track pants match that’s the bottom of the jumper goes into the track pants so it’s like boom I match everything oh so what would I wear with these I’d have my um my white or maybe the ax actually the 360s cuz they got a little green bit on it but they’re white or I just wear the plain white kn actually i’ got a pair of Polo shoes in there I’ve worn them once I’ve only worn them once but they’re white they’re just like I what you call them like just like basic shoes like basic shoes they’re just white lever shoes but they got a um blue and red stripe around them around the sole thin one and then a gold Polo thing horsey M I really appreciate M have been together since October 1996 28 years this year guys how Cool’s that I I actually envy that that’s that’s so cool like you should be so proud of that’s so great you got to spend that much time and yeah be best friends that long and that’s that’s not even yeah still got plenty more ahead of you hello from Brazil m p have a good night bro see you next live thanks Mark you too mate KB oh my dad used to drink KB in the gold can a was it Kings better Kings bear but Carlton made it I’m pretty sure that’s M make good stuff too many people always looking for the next best thing how much was the car she stole like $6 or something $5 yeah it was just one of them wooden ones with the wooden Wheels I was like is it what are you doing yeah I don’t know if she meant it or not like yeah but it’s like she hit it you know but she she I don’t know she knew that we had to pay for it she’s in her own world all like she just plays you know but yeah she never put anything else behind her she should have known I was going to give it to her get it for her she gets everything else see Drake or Kendrick I don’t know bro not big fans of either of them but I do like some of each of their songs I’ll go Dustin I hope Dustin gets him wake up like [ __ ] I so hope Dustin gets him I’ve been writing stuff on his um post just like manifesting it like just saying oh bro you you’ve already won champ like I can’t believe you won and [ __ ] you know like yeah just trying to manifest that [ __ ] he [ __ ] he deserves it so much he like he’s just been at the top for how long had a jail BR but I still find myself in trouble not on drugs bro just lock the quick Rush yeah we can pretend you were on drugs KB and just go to um detox for three days it look so good to the judge yeah Phil up for oh nice likes to wear nail polish on his what the hell back 2282 holy [ __ ] this [ __ ] oh my God yeah so painted my toenails once and I come out I couldn’t believe that he in my sleep painted my toenails and I come out and then am [ __ ] how old was she three or four she was so shocked like I did it she’s like yeah I forget what she said or whatever she’s like looking at me all weird and [ __ ] I’m like what what I didn’t even know and they’re all laughing and [ __ ] I’m like what the hell yeah then I seen it I’m like holy [ __ ] your art is mad bro styl and like good to say thanks KB Dy thanks Biz Philip Fulham getting her clown on I know I hate this [ __ ] she thinks she owns me she thinks she can just do [ __ ] to me like that sad when you got kids I remember on drugs you’re not there man you miss them growing up they want your attention but get them things but it doesn’t it oh no way out of valentia Gucci amanii jenci know you know how it’s pronounced really Shoni do G moso which is favorite um oh doy out of them yeah 100% doy then javoni and moino but I like Gucci I do have a valenciaga shirt because I bought it for my daughter’s first birthday um actually I’ve got a couple which I don’t wear them now obviously but um yeah they’re like $1,500 each so don’t feel like chucking them out I did paint one of them like painted [ __ ] on it about Balenciaga and I was like [ __ ] man that cost me $1,000 I thought maybe I’ll just leave it because people buy [ __ ] back and you just sell it back to them sell it back like yeah that’s what’s good about designer clothes you can resell them and when they’re out of stock or it’s been a few years you can sell them for a lot especially if they’re still brand new but the pink shirt I said I was going to wear it for my daughter every year on her birthday so yeah it’s getting I want it yeah on all her birthdays I bought it for her kids beer Craig PR will join 95 so see oh they’re going to the center bro they’re going to the center what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] Adam Adam thanks brother please you go to came up and pay for it my thanks Adam join 95 look look Adam in on you know I always say it wrong m turn a bunch of units deployed to banville Iraq 2003 was the first you can only watch this live but you can’t pause it that’s the problem m i served in a bunch of units deployed to BV to Iraq 2003 I was the first a in Baghdad wow two times Afghan are you going to have that fight in yeah yeah Jason was trying to organize it Adam thank you bro let’s go Islam yeah I think he’s too good for him Adam but I still I want Dustin to win I just he just deserves a proper title you know like [ __ ] all the winds he’s had all the people he’s fought like he’s fought the top guys for for so long far oh yeah I like that bro same fendy yeah burber’s my favorite B because they take me everywhere they VIP me they give me birthday presents and everything Christmas parties um opening show firsts take me to Mansions my 2-year-old girl saved my li she’s about to turn 60 I’m still kicking in have three more girls nothing on Earth comes close to feeling your own kids can give you no money can buy ra I know I that’s why I quit the weeding the cigarettes and that cuz I was just like [ __ ] I just want every moment on this Earth that I can have with them it’s so much more important than man [ __ ] I went through a lot of anxiety and [ __ ] like not having them and I still got a packet in there sometimes I feel like one but there’s no way oh [ __ ] Inu just got dropped Inu just got dropped I was thinking I was just looking at minut going going [ __ ] this guy’s hitting him hard like he just got dropped he’ll have to end it early he’s not going to yeah well almost trying to surprise he doesn’t want him to figure him out when it’s a great fighter you s oh [ __ ] you sort of got to end a early a ner Bo [ __ ] he Nelly dropped him again should keep it on because he’s probably going to drop him he’s got some power what are they fighting at 130 or 125 look at him he’s [ __ ] so good he he might have surprised him bro he got him with a hook they show they should show it on the break hit the thumbs up if you haven’t hit it guys anyway [ __ ] I should um before the AI picks that up he all right let’s see might get copyrighted if you show the fights oh yeah know way maybe if I show it on an angle it’s too late now he here we go watch yeah [ __ ] sorry guys the crack streams sup P tppy he G brother who’s fighting Inu ino in inway inway the Japanese guy that reckon pound for pound in the world got dropped in the first round thought on Spanish guys Jesus preaching Born Again been in the life for a long time and it wouldn’t matter what I did I wouldn’t hand my phone over freely um I think it’s a I think it’s a bit of BS because he also promotes crime like he was just showing on his latest video how to steal um the bikes in Sydney well sh how the kids do it hopefully the kids don’t get charg for that same as the guy that just said he hit someone hopefully he doesn’t get charged for either cuz he said the guy’s name that he hit as well 122 they’re fighting that new drop oh no way Chris I stole a pipe cleaner at 3 years old they made a fire at the back to burn it and hide it obviously got busted with the fire how funny is it when we’re little that we think we’re going to get away with stuff and now I see it with the kids like they especially is Isabelle is so silly she’ll look at me run look and then hide while I’m looking at her and then Peak as if I can’t didn’t see her I’m like what the [ __ ] best P God bless you all the best thanks Sam Lazar dropped hard I bought a sick baggy D squ oh cuz I saw you one on your oh yeah the pink one Gary or the purple and gray one that both okay the the um the fluo pink one or the the gray and purple one’s better but yeah yeah sweet bro CU it’s half and half oh P set up mirror behind you YouTube allows that bro that way you can okay yeah I’m just going to turn it down guys so the noise doesn’t he just put on crack streams no worries 88 yeah guys crack streams just Google it if you want to watch it Sergio tachini was big back in the 90s it’s not much of a why in br oh know you know what they’re wearing it in that BM Oh he just dropped old mate any way just dropped old mate yeah gray and purple C when I popped into his life how did it go you saw you saw I was live when I when you popped into this live wait what like Sergio was hectic was it $1,000 per tracksuit that’s pretty expensive junor hey guys I’m back oh he went home oh he was home he um it’s his daughter’s birthday he just wanted to go in he he was on longer than he thought he was you’re either in or you’re out can’t preach Jesus tattoos and promote the theft of bikes and kids see what did he even do jail over anything no I think just breaking into houses and [ __ ] um I don’t he wasn’t a like he’s not he’s not known he’s not known as a criminal bro you can um you can watch his latest video bro he’s in his hometown no one’s there no one no one like literally no one it’s just um him and Humdinger oh he say Hees a couple of people but and then like a heap of kids and [ __ ] but yeah most of the people on there are kids riding their bikes and [ __ ] but there’s no one um like maybe he ran through after what happened with Tasmania but yeah it is his hometown it is only a small small town too but I don’t have the words to mount my gratitude for your selflessness that’s my father’s great friend David pierer Tripper for the 24 flight horse lost his life in 07 in Afghanistan 217 boy broken those forer oh is it HEC di I’m off bro all right Adam have a good one bro thanks mate I bet you can do a backflip I bet you I can’t what if I bet you I can’t and you put the bed up so didn’t know was oh no that’s all right Chris everyone else can know I can’t show it because um it’s gonna it’ll [ __ ] my channel up what’s up with myy trying to fight my is an all right guy and I’ve not seen either of you guys fight but real no real please myy don’t fight P myy get seriously hey P H up love your [ __ ] brother live thanks be real real and dead back in the day one of only places in Sydney you could get them was glaz tennis Ranch anybody remember that the tennis Ranch Le quiet now thanks Adam night brother do you have your bubbers yeah yeah Gary they got they got Gucci and Burberry and [ __ ] mosino and yeah Ral they got some really good stuff Bubba’s got like a um matching brown jacket you know that brown like the trench coat style but like the fluffy sort of like it’s actually Peak coat yeah I got the brown one like the tan one with the Burberry print inside and my daughter’s got the same one a little bubba yeah mine was mom was a few grand but hers was 800 or 850 or something and then then the Babs oh my God she’s got two that are five grand each just two jackets 10 grand what the [ __ ] that was um yeah she got them after I um two of my exhibitions where I sold out straight away that was um that was like 18 months ago now but I bought him for it you know did you do a boxing match yeah yeah sorry you’re about the 400th person to ask me that but P behind you for sale bro I can’t find yeah B I just done it just email me or um DM me on Instagram or t not Tik Tok because I can’t send pictures last time I passed through GL it was quiet yeah bro it was Michel I said he he’d H oh okay it’s about 3 to 400 for J but there would be ones that are more expensive 300 for surg sht oh yeah yeah there probably is bro it’s like um you know Polo like some some [ __ ] can be like 250 or something then you have a jumper that’s like $800 you know I think they just they’re just like limited edition they make a lot less 5K on a jacket is rid you tell Superstar you tell bro [ __ ] tell her team P till the end when he get Smash [ __ ] superar you tell her bro I know T be different now yeah yeah but she needs to know that it’s ridiculous Le Moody gets jumped by 10 people p get by three with knives and walks himself out to Medical that’s a whole different B Craig grew up yeah daavid appears name the W area you call it that after him it was in Afghanistan 9 months 2010 and 9 months 2012 if you go to my page I got some photos heck di serious but I want my daughter’s name on me would you tat M getting the of you yeah boss Monclair X Bape collab jacket oh yeah got a few baing Apes hereit um I got a Monclair ex Valentino jacket in there and Monclair you’re a good dad for buying it yeah 100% it was more bit selfish I wanted her to match me cuz it’s hard cuz she’s a girl to get her to match stuff on me but yeah but they do have a lot of other stuff like Gucci and like she’s always had it yeah Gucci actually makes a lot of baby stuff so it’s mostly and M Marino makes heaps of baby stuff some of it too is not that expensive yeah I got Jesse’s daughter when she was born a man jump jumper um man’s a designer I don’t know if you know what man is it’s another it’s like a designer brand but they’re just as expensive as like all them Brands um it’s a highend designer brand but they make really nice knitted stuff and I always want some M stuff but I don’t have any it’s like I just can’t find the right thing but I do like a lot of the stuff they make and I found this jumper for us so I got it for her is Moody real no yeah he’s real bro doing flight tracks so heck dud oh bro you know what he he’s um he’ll think he can beat me for sure he thinks he can beat his people he’s saying that like he knows I can fight obviously and he knows um like he is saying that online like you know making excuses but he does want to prove to everybody that he’s [ __ ] brave enough to to step in the ring you know what I mean so that’s like you know just showing people that he has a back bone that he will have a go she going to look as good as Dad yeah but she’ll always look better Superstar there’s nothing I can do to look like that baby even though she looks like me is so great it’s just like a mini mini little me it’s yeah what’s this if I wish I could still hold her like a little baby and give her a bottle and yeah and then she’ll just look at me like a papa any coming up in austr not not at the moment Biz but I was thinking about um making one you know like doing a couple of pop-up exhibitions maybe get a lot of um get some merch and get some smaller works there and a couple of big ones or not big ones maybe some mediumsized ones but there are galleries that I can actually hire for a week or two and do an exhibition there and then that way I’ll get all the all the money instead of the gallery getting half the money which probably work out better for me I just pay them up front and just for the rental of the place I could do one in Sydney Melbourne Brisbane situation with myy oh we’re going to have a fight bro hopefully yeah actually three one’s in it oh yeah the white one the white n that’s actually really nice he yeah and you got a CLA and a she got a like the shiny one never got a tattoo I would feel uneven you would feel uneven what if you get it in the middle and it’s symmetrical what about pra Prada P Prada P yeah Prada PR I don’t have any Prada but put money into crypto nah bro I never have Wendy P talks [ __ ] about myty I’ve watched all these videos and P is always respectful even on his subjects he doesn’t AG with oh yeah maybe he’s um it’s CU I do be respectful on M because he’s um like I know him and his brother I know them um you know and his brother like I’ve always been respectful with his brother but me and me and Moody have had dramas like at school and [ __ ] before and probably um you know we got mutual friends and mutual people probably stir [ __ ] up saying oh he said this or he said that you know that moody moody yeah Moody can get offended very easily he can [ __ ] 100% get offended very easily he’ll get offended he’ll get offended that I [ __ ] um called him out or said yeah I’ll fight you you know so yeah so it’s not like it won’t be a fight like none of us are going to step in there and think [ __ ] you know what I mean like we both got something to prove when your birthday come um July bro I’ll be 21 again yeah anyway he will pull out last minute yeah I know like there’ll be a contract and [ __ ] so it’ll sort of be the thing that he won’t I think the way the way I’ll be promoting it too is that you know him just stepping in there has a backbone he’s not going to pull out like I’ll be putting all that online you know and you know in the contract he’s not going to get paid if he pulls out you know what I mean and the promoters whoever does it they’ll Su him bro if he pulls out like you can’t pull out’s got to get that yeah said he has only thing P says is he has more subs who I have more subs it’s funny because he said oh I was doing it for CLA but you’re right bro I got more followers than him he’s got about combined followers I think about maybe 80 or 90,000 and I’ve got about 125 or something on all my channels yeah oh any a way just dropped him again anyway he pieing him up now only around it’s round five P I need to get them in contact to do this yeah sweet bro um my email and my Instagram and all that I think he’s about to end him he’s um he’s on some wobbly legs he’s on my what’s it called how do I do this where’s the screen oh this doesn’t have a screen record yeah in my bio or in the pinned comment Jordan always puts my um email too I’m trained by coach coach Oxford straight this anyway goes good never watch him P only watched like five boxes to be honest to R yeah drop he’s good bro they reckon he’s pound-for-pound the best in the world a lot a lot of people tank Davis always says he’s the best he’s a little beast he I think he’s called the monster maybe but for his size bro dropping people fighting at 118 and 122 pounds like pie behind you looks sick thanks Biz it is sick bro it’s gangster that one sometimes just a couple of couple of colors look like just bang just pop hectic you know you and my were friends or have respect for each other yeah Gary oh bro we definitely respect each other 100% but he wanted to fight someone in the ring and everyone wanted to see me fight too so I was like we’ll fight bro we’ll get up and shake hands at the end of it like we’ve always respected each other but I think we’ve always both as well thought like I’ve got you covered and he’s got me covered you know like I was probably the most alpha male in our grade as a Aussie and he was probably the most as a Leo I think that’s why he said Leos Aussies in his thing yeah but to me like my daughter’s a Syrian I don’t have and my other daughter’s Aboriginal and like I don’t have um any um to be honest I probably have more more Leon friends and I do Aussie friends yeah like Jesse’s Lebanese oh he’s Lebanese and Aussie so there we go he can fight himself in the on my bottom lip I have infantry with Aussie flag on my CH map of Australia FL C with the words M and memories I’ve hate more these me that’s that’s M Justice what the painting behind you tonight is Chanel skull that’s the Chanel print too on it oh I just stopped him as he would [ __ ] why isn’t there a screen record on this round six I think awesome I’m trained by owners of xfc could organize your boys onto a card can you get in touch can you get in touch of main promoters oh we need um sponsors first Maisy I’ve got heaps of um like we got heaps of promoters heaps of um gyms heaps of people that do events trying to trying to um like we can we can get the card organized easily like 100% we’ve actually got a whole card organized we don’t want to jump on someone else’s card because we’ve got heaps of um like everyone we’ve got it’s got like yeah like a million followers or or we got a few professional boxers we got a couple of um few people yeah hundreds of thousands like everyone has more followers than we do so it has the potential to be massive um massive support you know like M like big money behind it because um people we pay to see them they’ll pay to see us and yeah all these other people are a lot more popular than than us they’ll be able to sell a lot yeah who the hell is Morty he’s the ex president of the um Nomads like National president of Nomads he’s I think if you just search can’t fight fate Justice or if you’re looking my shorts he’s on that but it’s if you look up can’t fight fate he’ll pop up or can’t fight fate 14 it might be 14’s like n and for no much yeah for exact to send you something cheers he’s a Ibraham too um he’s one of the Abrahams too Justice he’s that date to send something Che yeah my brother ex noad who got jump Toby are you from G down yeah and he was M Michael Abrahams Co on both the murders him and him and his brother both the things that murders went down for there we Dam def fight Spanish car reckon you got more up and go about you more streeted I think that’s what me about the other oh yeah yeah KB but yeah hundreds of people have asked me we’re trying to get him on the card too but but we’re trying to get him um because I’m already locked in with Moody and I’ve already said yes to him cash everyone um who else Ann but we’re trying to get I know cash will agree to a kickboxing match it’s a matter of getting Spanish to agree to it because um we think he won’t agree to a boxing match because he keeps he hasn’t answered anyone everyone’s been saying it to him and then he put a video out saying he wasn’t going to fight anymore after he trained for 12 months so yeah I don’t know I’m not going to say that he’s scared of him like it obviously looks that way but um he said in a video I didn’t want to give him CL but big big cash has got a lot of followers himself already like he’s got um probably 200,000 followers on all his socials YY Roberts was my best mate Northface X MCM has a collab jacket same as Northface X Supreme oh do they where did you get the polo Hood from Polo bro doing it Polo North Face X Gucci oh they are yeah the Northface X Gucci all that [ __ ] is [ __ ] mad the collab I’m buron I didn’t get the North Face X Gucci hat with the it was white like this and had the color it had the color one North Face ex Gucci but it was the same colors as this as these Polo signs I had it in my wish list and then I didn’t get it CU I was like [ __ ] it’s pretty much the same hat as this but North Face X guci you know it was up yes so I just I didn’t end up getting that yeah I’m kind of speing fan of champion but there is a BAP X Champion is there well you don’t like Champion I don’t know how it’s making a comeback I’ve never been a champion fan I don’t know if it’s just the word okay if I want to throw onek or more towards the fight bro please let me know how long to get things going cheese p no worries turpy oh it’ll take a few months bro take a month to get it sponsors and all that up and then a venue um yeah that’s why I put it out start looking for sponsors plus get everyone else to sign hopefully getting that Jackson doy and Humdinger and all that should sign I know big cash for I don’t know spending will um yeah then there’s a few professional fighters but the social media ones are the ones with the big followings you know so they’re the the influencers they’re the ones that are going to bring in all the money and also you know me fighting Moody will bring in a lot of money because a lot of people know him um he’s had a lot of accounts banned too so but he’s always all over the media all in the media and just the old ex biky boss [ __ ] thing and ibra like with the Ibraham and that people will want to see him fight you know his enemies will want to see him fight they’ll all want to see [Music] it I seen it drop 88 yeah see love to donate some shirts for the boys to rock up yeah [ __ ] enough get a few GS yeah bro everyone everyone that that wants to support us SP once yeah like gyms and every like anyone and everyone yeah because they bro it’s a massive opportunity um especially with the followings everyone has that that’s that’s going to be on it you know um it’s way more F like [ __ ] yeah if you add up everyone’s following it’s probably [ __ ] there’d be over you know over 10 million followers probably a few people follow the same people but yeah you add all the numbers the pink pops bro I remember wearing a pink shirt collar popped 20 years ago but I thought it was the [ __ ] I got one in there now lock the dark pink lock that pink well not quite a little bit more magenta but um G one yeah number one organizer that austral Rob W came from xfc is yeah yeah yeah I’ve um I’ve already someone already sent me their details um Maisy but I don’t we’re not going to jump on their card we’re going to have our own card so not in Lo and it’s a um it’s a boxing match why does this m want to fight oh so he put up a thing saying he wanted to fight someone in boxing to show everyone that he can fight that so then I was like yeah bro I’ll fight you everyone’s been telling me that they want to see me fight so I’ll fight you and that’s how it all started and then everyone’s been ringing us like yeah like [ __ ] everyone the media um [ __ ] every promoter in Australia pretty much um yeah all the big um [ __ ] everyone yeah famous people leaving um random people random people leaving yeah it’s good but you know every every um everyone’s looking at it yeah and it only just said it what did it come out yesterday yeah yesterday get mad Paul jumpers from chat yeah mad bro po Patterson vers SK luren what who SK Lauren Justice I think because P said he had more subs to be honest I do have more subs clothing and snap pants I saw a Gucci jacket on eBay for 1,200 oh yeah that’s pretty good price I got a hectic Gucci jacket in there they um yeah it goes for 4 and A2 or 54 45 or 54 you know the denim one with the print all over it the chain link thing go throw my cash into my mate will donate oh you’re mad bro [ __ ] we try to donate 5K you’re mad yeah turby [ __ ] bro can he actually fight oh he can’t fight Lo M justice but he’ll have it go I don’t know if he’s delusion he can throw a punch like he can definitely throw a punch I’m a little bit um like he weighs a bit more than me but I said that’s all right to him because um I’ve probably had a lot more fights than him like in the street and that anyway and um like he’s up to here on me is he up to there he’s a bit maybe two Ines he’s about yeah I’m 5’11 I think he’s 5’9 or 510 here so A10 rack shop good way to get advertisement [ __ ] KN toy behind this promote this everywhere yeah but I can come there and train too you know do videos there when I’m training bro because but everyone like especially once it hits into the media and that once we get all the sponsors and [ __ ] lined up then we can just go ahead and [ __ ] put it on TV put it [ __ ] everywhere you know do some training videos like in the lead up like your message from The Gap go has been stay out of jail and live your life your event going to be definitely be biggest start something yeah and the reason we’re doing it too I told him he’s like oh he’ll do it but he needs to be paid for a time I was like bro if we can find sponsors sweet and then we need a at least put a cause on it I said so that we can at least bring attention to things like because we’re ex-criminals and you know young people would look up to us you know um former gang leaders and biky gang leaders and whatever you know put the [ __ ] knives down and put your hands up you know and it it’ be sad for the police to stop it which I don’t think they would because we’re sort of showing kids that you just can sort things out in the ring go and train get something together and [ __ ] do it put the gloves on and have it go so for them to stop it is more just telling telling the people that are out there to keep doing what they’re doing which is shooting and stabbing like so yeah we’re going against that we’re saying we’re saying put the [ __ ] down and put your hands up we’re going to lead by example so good about oh he’s just in the medor a lot Justice he was a former president of the um yeah byy club and he was in Ibraham so he’s been done for two murders and yeah his brothers his brother’s back in the club now yeah that’s in there Spanish is always letting off Shadow Boxing his Clips need to video yourself with some real J love to see how he go yeah I don’t I don’t know what he’s doing it’s everywhere people going to jump on ball for sure [ __ ] know bro what you call you out yeah B we’re ready to rock bro sorry but I had to throw that more subs but need to Hype the fight I do have more subs SC ref way back think he’s talking about oh yes she is that the one that [ __ ] um Tav bashed isn’t it noes down that how’s that for a name yeah bro um someone else said it [ __ ] or knives down hands up yeah but I don’t really want to say Knuckles just cuz it’s like sounds like be knuckle then we really want to promote the um the gloves a bit more because it is because you know what if it if it goes well and it works well that’s why we’re trying not to get any other you know we don’t really want other criminals on there cuz we don’t want it shut down then we can actually make you know we should be able to make more events where people from people that actually have dramas or have had dramas can come and you know it’s just a matter of not letting their boys come because they’re usually the ones that will start the trouble but for someone to jump in there and shake hands at the end loock that’s [ __ ] a man you know what I mean you can’t not respect someone for jumping in there win or win or win or lose excuse yeah hectic a Jordan the question is can you fight bro no I can’t fight bro so you have to watch a [ __ ] the short shitty short a shitty I’ll hit you bro if you need it cameraman I’ll film bro yes wait bro yeah just don’t want I just don’t want Knuckles positive Community I’ll brand it for you bro yeah down hands up you event big enough act oh no there’ll definitely be police there George there’s no way they’d let us do it without them we’d definitely be able to get it big enough like 100% like I’ve been to um events that wouldn’t get half the attention this would get bro like we would pack it out like that I’ve got [ __ ] hundreds of message people I want to tickets tickets tickets tickets it’s like well bro it’s not even there yet and then the other people on the bro they’re going to have heaps of people too like that would want it like we could sell it out like that bro the people we got on it to we could probably make it a paper view soing down gloves up yeah [ __ ] know pigs have gloves but let them know you want knives down oh yeah right we’ll do something I think we’ll do something like that where we get um we’ll get get everyone that’s going to be on the card together and put a pile of [ __ ] knives in front of us on the ground and then hold the gloves up you know and then put a big banner across it and it’ll also show them not to cancel it too if we can all stand there together in the same photo then that you know even though we’re going to we know we’re going to fight later so we don’t need to fight then just to make sure the event happens you know get a photo together all of us with gloves whatever um I think pretty sure George Farah wants to fight on it too Bill Kar and that so yeah don’t cost much yeah I know bro [ __ ] off Craig Brewers A10 B the [ __ ] May that will come even in the most hostile conditions I saw on Strife on a telep tomor I sort this T out Legend bro 200 per year put patn on it yeah Toby I’ve done it before with some things OD the members get free ticket yeah yeah I don’t know right because it won’t just be me on the card there’ll be like 20 people on there probably eight eight at least eight eight fights probably maybe 10 which I think three or four might be professional fights or half might be professional figh and then half will be yeah I know that Jackson Do’s been looking for [ __ ] too looking for a fight so I’m pretty sure I’ve spoken to a few people we can get him on there sure would have to beat alcohol and drug free event getting the venue like a Exhibition Center would be perfect for you don’t have to worry about legal license for the venue W to serve yeah I think we’ll get it um Pro yeah maybe at home Bush or something height and weight my height and weight now I’m 179 and I’m currently 93 yeah 93 kilos yeah but when I do cardio bro I haven’t done cardio for what since 2013 so I’ll probably be under 90 kilos by the time because I got got to do a lot of training it’s hard for me to keep weight on so I’ll definitely and I won’t be doing much um much weights and stuff more more circuits and and boxing and stuff so I’m just under 6’4 look at vid he’s just under my height who me but I’m 5’11 I’m 179 cimet yeah I can measure myself now even I’ve tried to measure myself heaps of time because I just think [ __ ] I just want to be six foot you know yeah what Jesse Yeah he was on earlier Rod Z Roose up BS is s Prince for us okay even post prin we yeah you have to message me bro in that pinned comment is my email what vide is there oh TP is Gary from the first um podcast I did with him about Tony D that’s giri that’s turpy imagine a mad painting on a full boxing CH oh yeah yeah bro I feel like I’d be able to sell art there too so it’s like it’s a very good opportunity for all of us to promote our stuff other brands to jump on board like we all have um wear shorts and you know how they put [ __ ] [ __ ] on their back too we’ll definitely be able to get it on TV like 1 million per will be able to get it over on TV or on a pay-per-view sort of thing with the people going on there like it would be hey yeah always get them me so happy in the bedroom came straight back to oh Johnny Johnny’s here go to the Mount yeah I know bro up in the high you can get masks now but too you can get the High Altitude um mask as well I’ll just walk around with one up but you know what bro I think my would just want to have a um few two-minute rounds but yeah he will get fit he probably um he probably get on the juice or something as well but I told him the weight doesn’t I’m not worried about the weight he can come in heavier than me all he wants I’m pretty I’m pretty confident guy when it comes to that [ __ ] like I said I’ll fight um cash and spion they both got 30 kilos on me at least you ever wear the [ __ ] yeah bro I got some in there there Susan willing got some trackies in there black and white ones I actually like it think I was looking at the other week I was like [ __ ] I wonder if they got more [ __ ] cuz no one wears it I like [ __ ] that no one has my to SK fre yeah you are pretty tall bro R yeah M Jesse left early it’s his daughter’s birthday done in your lifetime oh I’ve done everything bro mostly do body weight stuff I’ve Done big weights and [ __ ] when I was earlier there’s some pictures of me you’ll see I’m like [ __ ] a tank but I’m a tank I’m a tank should make that video on a tank and send it to myy I [ __ ] should I I’ll reenact that on a tank and I’ll like edit it in with that guy I’m a tank I’m a tank yeah enough bro that’ll be so funny I going to do the funniest [ __ ] to him people are writing on his thing they’re like bro it’s all good to have a fight that you know that Nathan Patterson bro he’s [ __ ] not all there and I’ll start putting videos out like that yeah done W and [ __ ] I’ve done I’ve done um boxing mu MMA Jiu-Jitsu heaps of [ __ ] Bro tby MMA do you want a fulls siiz boxing R cost to buy IND or rent oh I’ve got I’ve got a couple people have offered offered them George offer to use them 5 to 15 yeah that’s right bro it’s been everything off white has gone up since Virgil died on what you want bro yeah especially the stuff that he designed Jordan anything that he designed or has his name on same as the Louis stuff bro it’s um it’s like an art form now that designer stuff bro whoever designed [ __ ] like I don’t know why bbry got rid of um [ __ ] what was his name but he’s just gone over to jenci and now I like their stuff like their new stuff see because he does all the rips and [ __ ] and [ __ ] he does like the rock star [ __ ] like I like the rips in the clothes and that but yeah he’s done some um like he’s making sick clothes for them now and they’ve got a new one I don’t really like his new stuff I prefer [ __ ] the old guy that that was there he wasn’t there long either he did like a couple of Seasons they just jump ship all the time bro come in they get paid a lot but you want how are you good man how are you bro K to see thanks bro I’m G oh [ __ ] look how long I’ve been on for I’m going to jump off guys I’m way way over yeah I love I love stand up I just did you did to because um everyone else was doing it and there’s no way I was going to let someone get me in that way back in the day yeah is your snake please get a woman yeah you pretend that it’s your new s you don’t like the look of bro anding your reaction to that the other day I’m hey bro start that’s bro [ __ ] I know when they come in I’m like I was thinking that today it’s like my [ __ ] heart goes like it’s like I’m a [ __ ] about to [ __ ] rip out like a [ __ ] um what are they called the night wolfes [ __ ] hey bro how are you how are you like they must feel so uncomfortable bro I just fill the air with tension like bang thanks B well I’ll let you all go thanks everyone who dropped Super Chat stats super chck sckers everybody who told me I was um dressed nicely tonight I appreciate it just see tomorrow thanks Ro and I’ll um catch you all later and you can go now do something nice for somebody


    1. All the Glebe n Woolo boys know Spanian…there all Mainstream lads we grew up in the late 90’s early 2000’s the WRX Ram Raiders all came from Glebe and Redfern I won’t mention all the boys names but there all Mainstreamers..

    2. I think spainian meant the lad/adlay culture the way they dress and lingo etc glebe being one of the first in Sydney and being influential

    3. lad culture comes from the uk too… claiming he made polos and dry fit cool, haha. thats drill culture he didnt create nothing.

    4. Grew uo in boys homes in the 80s never meet a lad from glebe majority were from the penrith train line or the liverpool campeltown train line true story

    5. They not runnin a muck , they b all bout that $$$$$$ and glebe crimz go back 2 the 50,s proper old school but takin nothing from the boys out west they go hard

    6. When I think of Glebe being a gangster suburb I think of Michael Hurley & his friendly gang. They were called this because they didn’t engage in violent crime. He started out as a wharfie & thief & became one of Australia’s biggest cocaine importers & had an extremely high net worth at the time of his death at age 61 in 2007. He was one of Australia’s most successful crims.

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