If you like my work and videos also you may wish to buy me a coffee @ https://www.buymeacoffee.com/leedshkercg
    I don’t get paid much on delivery work and i spend a lot of my space time editing video for all of you.

    [Music] you got drinks in that one food in that one cool thank you where’s this one after uh New York square I expect yep hi hello thank you perfect timing thank you that’s why I L with customers I I get down wi away and not wait until the time will run out oh you’re the best bro okay pleas one2 one triple2 woohoo yep thank you welcome there you go buddy enjoy much thank you take care good night bye yes okay thank you so much you’re welcome wow daers right some milk some banana some tomato all right all wow all right thank you [Music] okay sorry go ahead all right PA all right can’t turn left on the Shakespeare approach then turn right where are you hello you all right what wow huh 41 41 5 five okay holy smoke all right it’s so grocery enjoy it yeah thank you there’s one more there yeah thank you welcome bye now 200 me at take the first exit onor Road taste your fruit enjoy thank you darling see you later all right bye now thank you sir okay thank you see you you’re welcome man let’s do it yes thank you all right yep your customer is 2.2 mil away yeah yep all right see you straightening break your turn left left wow okay on straight up turn left on the road 200 M turn right on SP l call hi there you go thank you you’re welcome have a good night bye now they are closer close the door too much come on two orders what do you mean too much holy sh 26 bloody evening gentlemen having party or something yeah and your name is will there you go that is heavy as hir enjoy man all right see you next time turn left onto Wesley Place then turn right turn right towards upper accommodation road then turn right onto upper accommodation Road yep wow that’s a nicest neighborhood I ever seen around that awesome I wish my neighborhood do a thing all those decoration yeah oh yeah well anyway peanut two 4147 4147 y there you go you enjoy ma have a good night bye bye bye yep oh that’s okay where the hell I’m going now all right oh c okay all right I learned my mstic now hey bro turn right to stay on Park Lane and your destination will be on the right wa your destination is on the right Sky yeah Sky sorry about delay m is crazy tonight I was just worried cuz I was worried there’s something wrong well you I’ve had you I’ve had you as my eat ster for like three four times now okay fair enough they always have problems I’m on the Riders you know anyway um p number pleas sir 4379 4379 correct answer let’s see thaty well they do they do a lot busy at night busy um it’s course when the bar is Clos at a certain time people are hungry yeah they rushed your McDonald’s oh that’s cool there you go thank you very much welcome enjoy sorry about the again yeah that’s all good all right that nothing happen to you to me oh thanks for caring me i’ yeah right you too man new message from speak outside morning we will yeah wow I see VW nice here okay good sorry about delay ma is so busy okay enjoy see you next day maybe all right you let’s try up all right H 28 there you go this one on the doorstep plz put on doorstep okay fine okay [Applause] Drive m do not this all continue on hello there you go enjoy thanks so much have a good day bye [Music] me my this one all right turn [Music] cheers thank you you’re welcome [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello Amy yes did you bring any add ID or sorry got it on me I am 30 though I I look like it but uh I need to confront your data first place all right tie and a wine all right enjoyed bye thank you you’re welcome you’re welcome te [Music] share with me one sec only one sec hang on my lovely delivery driver has just hello Oh I thought you talking to me all right oh yeah thank you so much thank you enjoy food H you drive safe oh of course there go brother yeah thank you okay you’re welcome [Music] 3 me you shut up you off come on come on come on come on come on run faster suckers go for it your lights what your what the you doing huh do that again I’ll kill you piece of oh yeah come on don’t run away I’ll go you up hey new come here you C hell City me to stay on right to stay on turn right on City Square hi hi yep all right all right bit strange the GPS location didn’t pin in this building all right sorry uh sorry computers yeah sometime make jokes okay need to check the thing there dat of birth all right and the Egg pack appears all right one second Pi up wait oh that’s strange they tell me to take a fure a that too thanks very much that’s the first time right have a good night turn lane then turn right on Water Lane turn right onto Water Lane then your destination will be on the left what the hell okay okay great wrong way okay arri y can I confirm your name please there you go great thank you very much cheers good night [Music]


    1. We will never know if you're a red light jumper due to your superb video editing 😅 but on a good note many thanks zipping the bag fully zipped up to keeping the food warm 👍

    2. Great content again m8. The taxi driver must have been drunk on the wrong side of the road near the market and that guy trying to kick you. What an absolute prick

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