Got some data from some blood tests, still lots more to do.

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    I’m back guys sorry for the radio silence uh since I’m out South Africa a few things have been going on so this video is just a little bit of an update health update if you haven’t seen the dnf video from Iron Man South Africa that will give you a little bit more context on what I’m about to go into but uh for those of you that have I’ve basically seen loads of people loads of Specialists sport do sports doctors um I’ve had some blood work done multiple blood work done I’ve got one test back today and so that’s why I thought I’d do this video get a bit of an update to you guys um I did the medi cheek’s ultimate performance blood test for anyone who’s interested and then went to see a sports doctor got some other blood work done still waiting on that and then I can have a call with him so he can interpret the results for me essentially actually the many checks results came back and suggest that my white blood cell count is like Rock Bottom like really low uh which I guess suggests some sort of infection or easy to get infection um and then iron levels one of my iron levels is like really high which is or quite High which is weird but I don’t know what the levels are meant to be for an athlete because that’s that’s obviously going to be very different different to a a regular person who doesn’t train for a living and race for a living so that’s why I’m seeing this Sports Doctor Who’s going to hopefully interpret it all for me and we can get to the bottom of it but yeah it’s it’s still Ono I’m still you know struggling with a bit of a bit of stomach pain but um we’re we’re moving in the right direction um and hopefully it’s something that can get resolved pretty soon I’ve thought about racing obviously this getting the stomach sorted out is the priority but um yeah I’ll talk about racing a bit later on cuz I do have a plan obviously want to get back to racing as soon as possible but you’ll notice this doesn’t really look like Bradford and aen up here and it’s because I’m in Andor for two weeks with these two guys Leon and Freddy and we’re doing a twoe altitude Camp which is going very well so far I’m absolutely loving it the roads here absolutely insane and it’s just a chance for me to get away get some good training done take my mind off you know some frustrating things that have been going on um and figure some bits out we’re working hard here for 2 weeks uh working very hard and well yeah session today we’ve got already done a swim which has gone very well swimming altitude got to be honest wouldn’t recommend it it’s not very fun but it gets you fit and then we’re doing 3-hour ride today 3ish hour ride and 8 by3 minutes pretty hard trying not to get dropped but probably will and then an easy run off yeah we’re going hard we’re getting the days ticked off we uh went on a 90minut trail run yesterday ended up with 3 hours on the clock got lost up a mountain at 2500 M um and it was a little bit sketchy so yeah we won’t do that again but we’re going to be documenting some of the training we’re going to be doing obviously with Freddy and Leon if you guys want to know any information about what they’re up to or whatever drop them in the comments section below and uh yeah I’m just going to be documenting the pain of trying to hold on to them basically pain to hold on to me mate talk about the TSS we’ve got so far so we’re on uh day 3 and 1/2 yeah I’m over I’m over 1,000 TSS already 20 hours as well [Music] [Music] yeah so session done 8 by 3 minutes we’re pretty buggered uh I think I’ve averaged around 400 Freddy a bit above yeah just a bit above yeah I mean that’s everything we had on the day we uh yeah 2 and 1/2 hours in 240 in and what over 1,00 M of climbing yeah think we’re close to 19 yeah just over 1900 now so 1900 me of climbing in 55k we’re getting some elevation in problem is the French frog is up the road yeah we’ve come on Camp with a mountain goat and he just keeps on Bloody going we need to like stop him somehow yeah what we going to come up with well I feel like we could mess with his bike a little bit but we get in a lot of trouble should you just take one crank off or something like that he’s got one leg he never notice then the other we put the other crank back on you equal it out yeah yeah we got to do something cuz it’s uh well it makes us work hard but do do the fans watch some stats go on for me very in mind my paret has dropped out about a million times average power 240 yeah normalized 310 big day and we still got a lot to do work’s getting done chopping wood all about the TSS and for all the fans keep saying not doing any bloody training apparently we’re on a holiday this is a Bloody Business trip this is a business trip business is getting bloody done yo yo yo yo it’s run off the bik time we’ve had a very quick transition of about 25 minutes be longer than that it’s it’s closer to an hour okay we don’t need to talk about that there’s a step there why you running with your series a7000 Sony thingy I’m just don’t to slow myself down why you H H am I even allowed on this run if I’m not wearing hookers no you got it’s not a walk yeah this run may not go well for me as well it’s only a 30 minute run off the bike but uh my stomach’s not feeling amazing suddenly got quite a bit of bloating um but we’ll see how we go obviously we got to get a GPS and Miss fossil takes a while does the job the original Garmin I’ve got it got it I’ve got one bar 4 965 solar sponsored ath no it’s not Sol it’s AMOLED breakf I just going to run around with this you my legs dropped us very early actually 4 minutes in for car it’s just bloody hilly up [Music] here a bit no limits no carbon no carbon no carbons what else does he say no cheeseburgers big day in the uh chal web and palm household little what a triple barrel that is that’s a mouthful isn’t it the kid would definitely get bullied yeah we need to rethink and the brand of this but enjoy it l good nice bit of uh egg fried rice for dinner we’ve already we’ve realized Freddy and I are pretty much 1,200 TSS already this week aren we oh yeah 20 and we’re on Thursday 22 hours in so far slightly more 23 hour 23 we we also got some big days coming up so it’s going to be two just brutal weeks and this guy’s just flying along and well yeah 22 hours 50 yeah so far this week nasty we to go 1,255 t that’s what we came here for um let’s talk races Leon you allowed to talk about what you’re training for l l are you allowed to talk about what you’re training for yeah training for a challenge Roth nice going to win you going to win it yeah nice I heard it here first cool good talk moving on sorry okay what should I expand on new world record new world record um what what will you do with the prize money that’s what people want to know uh we’ve had this discussion already a jimney a jimney yeah and there’s a really nice one like driving around here that I really want um no uh potentially get a place in the mountains that would be cool so that we can come more often what are your thoughts on Andor so far it’s been really really good um Road are pretty me yeah I’ve wanted to come for a long time yeah um why why Andor like why here just why here well we’re going to she loves camworth it bums camworth I should not put that in the video um’s actually friends with all the pro cyclist around here as well making friends Jack Gray from EF off yeah new friend anyways uh we were going to go to the Alps cuz we know the Alps and it’s always nice to go to a place where you know the roads and you’re not losing any time and energy looking for places to train but most of the pools are shut in the Alps right now whereas here it’s just like open and um we’ve got the pool what 10 minutes down the road from here and um yeah it’s nice actually to try something new um and I think we’ve been impressed the road surfaces are really really really good yeah um the weather’s been we had a tough first day but today was short couple of days yeah second day was dry it was dry yeah it’s still cold yeah um yeah it’s been it’s been really good fresh air hard training altitude yeah but somewhat we were just thinking that it doesn’t feel like we’re at altitude because we’ve just been smashing it yeah we’re doing we’re doing pretty well pretty good numbers considering we’re at altitude yeah also loose turn pull more SAA yeah it’s about 35° in that pool it’s hot and it’s cloudy and we still managed to get some decent swims in so that’s impressive I think yeah we didn’t expect it first day we arrived and it was uh 12.5 me Lanes with with like 100 kidss in the pool it was more about going to the water slide so um yeah we yeah and we’d already done about 5 hours no six and six hours of training that day but we drove down to town and Ora Capital uh accidents and everything but we still got to swim in so that was a big day and um yeah I’ve just been riding that wave since then going well yeah web what uh races have you got coming up um that’s a very good question cuz I don’t really know ask the coach um I think challenge Wells yeah but yet to finalize that decision and then after that I genuinely do not know okay it’s uh I want to Valencia was good but it wasn’t don’t think quite showed where I’m at so I just want to like consolidate the work and yeah there’s quite a few things that happened in Valencia that I really want to like nail and practice and get better before I step onto a start line again yeah um so I think challenge Wells maybe Swansea but let’s see where the fitness is at after this altitude block um after the apps last year I was on a pretty big wave of Fitness so I’m hoping it’ll be the same and maybe challenge Wells then um let’s stop Butch that what was the pronunciation like it give it out of 10 okay well that sounds what it was the French sta um yeah maybe that all right sound well Freddy and I may end up doing um challenge whales together so we’ll punt it off the front and we’ll see Happ break off the front yeah we’re just going to see what happens but and then essentially uh I might try and do a few more 7 3es before I do my next full just to get some confidence back um and then prep for Iron Man Lake Placid which I believe is in like 10 weeks time or so um so that gives me good prep for that doing yeah challenge whales 7.3 Swansea in the UK easy to get to hopefully get some good results there some confidence in choosing numbers and then yeah we can build through that towards lick Placid and fingers crossed by that time I will have figured out all the stuff that’s going on with the stomach because it’s still kind of being a bit of a problem so but you have you have actually done something about it haven’t you yeah I have for all the viewers that think you’ve not done anything me and Leon have been on his back making sure he actually does something we we’re definitely doing trial and error and you’ve done blood tests you’ve seen a doctor You’ spoken to specialist yeah we think it’s uncurable it’s broken we’ve diagnosed Harry with uh chronic appendicitis yeah apparently that’s the diagnosis so he’s back on the paral color we thought so we thought it was a gluten intolerance which is like the worst thing when well when you’re an athlete when you’re an athlete and you want to go to the bakery and these two getting pan of chocol this morning and I was like it’s probably the worst day of my life I’ll be honest how nice was the bakery though after you couldn’t eat that the bakery looked and it smelt incredible I had to smell Leon’s um pastry before he ate it but but we think it’s not it’s not that so we might get back on the pastries tomorrow maybe Dr lonol is give me permission yeah right sweet we’re going to do some more videos while we’re out here um just finishing up some grub and then we’ll get back to training but if there’s anything you guys want to see specifically drop in the comments section below and uh we’ll see you guys in a bit peace out


    1. Gastritis? I suffer with it and it can be absolutely crippling for days after. Comes from nowhere. Normally triggered by booze, fats, spice. But I wonder if it is something about overloading the stomach with carbs?

    2. I ran a half marathon today and it was 25 celcius and 100% sunny, it was such a grind to finish the marathon let alone get a good time on the board. Bit of a shame but you know that's how it can go in spring marathons

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