1. The one with the person gesticulating wildly while driving like an absolute lunatic is an interesting one… (04:46)
      I can't work out if it's Methed-up Mel or Shitfaced Steve, can someone help?

    2. The worst bit for me is the fact that I recognised at least 5 of these clips took place in Brisbane, where I live. Now I am nervous to go driving with all those idiots. 😬😬😬😬😬😬

    3. What's up with all the investors this month? Stock this, start up that, how about you pay bloody attention to the white lines on the road, not the red lines on your portfolio you pencil necks

    4. "Hi Dash Cam Owners Australia,

      This is to notify you that we have received a privacy complaint from an individual regarding your content:
      The information reported as violating privacy is at 10:0710:23 "


    5. Every time a clip starts with the car driving on a country road I'm filled with such dread it's like I'm watching the opening scene of a horror film

    6. I’ve noticed that a lot of this months footage has been from Macquarie, NSW. yep I ain’t gonna be driving around there anytime soon

    7. Impressed by the PIT at 8:50 Looked like they might be trained. Off duty cop, special forces, VIP bodyguard or a well educated Japanese businessman with a black belt in Car Fu?

    8. the general moral of this video compilation is: "don't allow foreigners with dodgy/illegally-obtained driving licenses to drive on your roads!". LOL Australia you really do ask for it. Worse than the russian dash cams and most of them have an excuse of being intoxicated.

    9. Love the champ at 3.20 just leaving the barrow on the road for someone else to run into. Zero @#$*'s given for anyone else's safety.

    10. As much as I enjoy watching the Aussie version of dash cam batshit, the Chinese make the rest of the world look like amateurs, no sense whatsoever, no built in self preservation at all…take a look..

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