Over the weekend, the far-right group Les Natifs staged a protest in Paris, brandishing a banner that read: “There’s no way Aya, this is Paris, not the Bamako market,” in reference to the capital of Mali, Nakamura’s birthplace

    READ MORE : https://www.africanews.com/2024/03/12/paris-olympics-condemns-racist-attacks-on-malian-french-singer-aya-nakamura

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    [Music] the Paris Olympics organizing committee condemned recent racist attacks against malan French singer Aya Nakamura by far right French groups the controversy erupted over report that Nakamura would perform a song by edit PF at Olympics opening ceremony despite migrating to France as the child and obtaining citizenship Nakamura faced xenophobic backlash supporters of far the conquest party also geared at R during a rally French leaders and fans have rallied behind Nakamura but the native a far group insists she doesn’t represent French culture despite the controversy Aya remains one of France’s top musicians


    1. Aya Nakamura is the most listened-to French-language singer in the world … she's also French. As the Olympics originally included awards for the arts, it's perfectly reasonable that she be invited to perform. Those who object to her aren't interested in the Olympics or what they stand for (or should stand for)–ignore them!

    2. She's like a second hand Nicki Minaj who can't sing without auto tune and so poor lyrics than nobody understand it… that's the reason. Don't bring racism… we welcomes millions of imigrates in our country since decades. Come on now…

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