While I was grinding my wins in Rostock Racing, I’ve also started another grind in another Roblox game, Bike of Hell, where I had done a video on before, and now I will be live streaming myself getting to 1000 wins in this game

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    What is Roblox?

    Roblox is a global platform where millions of people gather together every day to imagine, create, and share experiences with each other in immersive, user-generated 3D worlds. The types of gameplay on Roblox are just as limitless as the imagination of the creators themselves.

    All the online games you see on the platform have been built by members of the Roblox community for members of the Roblox community. Players can build the ultimate theme park, compete as a professional race car driver, star in a fashion show, become a superhero, or simply design a dream home and hang out with friends. Roblox is free to download and free to play on all modern smartphones, tablets, computers, Xbox One, Oculus Rift, and HTC Vive.

    #ThomasTubeHD #roblox #robloxbikeofhell

    [Music] hello hello hello hello hello everyone we are back again with another live stream it’s definitely been a while or actually maybe not that long it’s the last time live strect about maybe I don’t know it’s loading very slowly April 20th nearly three weeks my goodness so yeah we are back again with another live stream and today we will be starting another road to thousand wins you might remember the last time we did this but on a different game and that game is roast stock racing and we live streamed for two hours before we got some disturbance that forced me to turn off my mic and started racing quietly and I’ll assured you we will continue that road to 1000 with ro stock racing but for now we are starting another road to 1000 in another game that I’ve done a video on before called bike of Hell or if you have watched my video on it before the to basically the Tower of hell for bikers and yes let’s get started right and also you might realize that this live stream is slightly different for example the viewing points game and that’s because I’ve got a new monitor and now it’s complete and now the game covers the entire screen instead of having two black orders on the side here left and righted so yeah I’ve got a new it’s not another whatever know an actual monitor that was given out for free to me by my teacher at school yes you hear me right from my teacher at school why why did she decide why the teacher decided to give me one for free or it’s because of whatsap so if you don’t so basically so basically how I got it is that my my school uses WhatsApp a lot to first of all for the teachers and students to communicate with one another and second of all to deliver School news even though we we also have an app that’s completely made to do that but it doesn’t have any messaging features so so the school uses WhatsApp to communicate between students and teachers can I so one day my class teacher decided to post post a message on our WhatsApp group showing us a free monitor like a computer monitor for sale which doesn’t cost literally anything literally for free and I and I said and as soon as it’s posted I immediately raise a hand to get it and that’s how I got it that’s how I got this Monitor and now you are able to see a full screen of Roblox i l cannot get through this talking on Focus also I haven’t played this game for a while now because seriously I have just literally stopped playing when I got to 900 W just like in R stock racing and also we are test we are testing how good of L stre this would be if I’m using a second monitor to play the game while my MacBook manages the broadcasting I cannot get through this I haven’t play this game for like two months ago or so I have beaten this game to the point I’ve got 900 wins and I usually get like like 25 wins a day each of these levels takes six minutes to beat so you could imagine me trying to beat this game and get all those wins and it would take like like I don’t know three to five hours that that’s not real it’s not right the ma is not right I may definitely have gotten a lot more in short amount of time because when you finish a level it much like Tower of Hell timer up here it go so you have less time so you create less time for other people to finish it like really I haven’t played this game [Music] for a goddamn amount of time because all other things obviously now here I am anyways back to the monstor story so I got the monitor as soon as like this this week’s Wednesday I got it this week’s Wednesday and here we are me live streaming with this mon I mean first of all it’s it was a bit of a diff was bit of a difficulty trying to set this thing up because for all my life I’ve never deal with so many cables especially setting up this because all my because in all my life I never deal with Windows stuff I always play the easy with apple with the iPads iPhones and Macs but never have to De with a Windows monitor now with apple it’s definitely the most user friendly tech company you know you just plug in your Mac MacBook and then it PW on and you just get into it simple as that there’s like a ton of different cables you have to do with and I have a bit of a problem sorting out these cables I’ve been playing on like easy mode with the tech ID as I start out using Mac and other app stuff instead of Windows like some other people but really it’s no different there are slight differences like for example app you don’t really need a PC at monitor because you’re buy already has all those features it has a screen which acts like a monitor for Windows and the PC which is built into the computer so really you only need like a monitor to have run you can improve it but in the end at will space state computers are very while Windows you need a monitor to show you wherever you’re playing and also PC for the actual window stuff and I don’t have have a Windows obviously I’ve been using Apple for my entire life no I have all right anyways back to go about tech so yeah I’ve never had to deal with like cable problems with Windows but now now I do because I have to work with monitor that my teacher gave me and I’m not make it I have to do a like HDMI three cbles I can connect this this monitor too but in the end I just had to connect an HDMI to an adapter that’s pluged into my and allowing to use monitor the one you’re seeing right now playing Roblox as a second Monitor and it’s so [ __ ] cool like I never never a Windows mon I got like I never ever had to deal with windows moners before now now that I’ve deal with the issue it’s so cool using a second monitor like my family never ever has a big monitor we always use laptops because they are number one small and two quite convenient but my God it’s so bloody cool having a second monitor I really feel like a game right now it’s really awesome [Music] actually and yet again with app’s user friend I could just link up an extended extended screen which is absolutely incredible like my God I think it’s although my teacher is against me using this for gaming Stu because you know that’s [Music] not just enjoy while I still so yeah that’s how I got second I’m really struggling really haven’t completed a [Music] single I mean not the individual levels of struggling to get through them but haven’t finished an entire hell works much like Tower of hell it has t of different Min Min levels them once you do you’ll up the timer making it harder for others to finish the level I just it’s so fast I’ve deal a Longs weeks now here I am haven’t played this game God CL not make it out this Dam all right so let’s do this again [Music] oh yeah on Twitter if you don’t know on Friday I went and watched the new Planet of the Apes Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes the fourth the Apes reboot the second yeah the second re where we and The Story Goes the movie anyway we follow a different name Generations after Caesar’s death and the main protagonist a this time is named Noah and he is part of a ape clan that centered around eag but then a human scavenger destroy his EG that that he’s holding in in his pouch and then one night he has to go out in the darkness to find another egg to replace his Broken Egg but then a bunch of bad not the B that also from w a bunch [Music] of track down and then just kill some survivors and one of those and one those father and he was left presumed dead in his village and then find his CL bring them back the main premise of Movie that that kidnapped his clan was serving you know the yeah there’s a pretender now and he is nam proximus Caesar who is trying who leads a powerful faction kingom and that to break into this Bunker full of like past human Technologies and stuff but they are not the only ones trying to there there’s also a human named CL Andy intellig and Raa is one of the original stay true sadly he will later in the F which is very sad we can actually see Noah learn about about Cesar the original Caesar he not quite aare but so anyways after break explained earlier but want to let the ace have the technology because you know the last time got of human technology the survivors of San Francisco the survivors in San Francisco literally almost got wiped out does a different plan of De signing to the entire facility proxim are finally defeated and his so-called Kingdom didn’t really last very long like for for a movie that’s named Kingdom of the pl of the Apes there is definitely a kingdom but not very focused upon mainly focused on Noah his clan and May and there are also some really cool references and callbacks in this movie like for example in one of in one of the scenes in the bunker Noah May and also Noah’s two friends anay and went to check out some human stuff there’s a a human doll that has like the same sound effect as the human doll in the original cloud released Back in 1970 something and it’s so [ __ ] surreal like they like this is this is what means to have people know what they do and allow to do it creat behind passion andial have respectus of and also along with the sound effect that’s [ __ ] theising in the original re the second re anyway with rise Dawn and War none of them best visually [Music] appear earlier this we have and that movie also looks very andom having the best visuals in any movie this year I’m quite sure I’m quite sure that will win but always espe takes place at like like a city that’s covered in nature you can’t still like ruin that you can’t unless very familiar Haven 2 minutes my God so yeah I would say overall King of the CL the is awesome and that’s that get back I sometimes the key to success swing winter slow down allows to re [Music] there are definitely hard levels to get in this game like for example the spinning Diamond the hardest level in this game some hards especially event be [Music] not stop my God [Music] is playing this2 we will get there diamonds but aot this is something I quite notic when I was making the time stamps for my past live streams and I die oh my God there one minute left no one else is finished it’s just me the other guy I crash into might not make it this sucks the lag is just absolutely stupid 30 seconds can we make it on that one come on oh my God unacceptable come on that slow me down and he’s got there really before me oh my God this really sucks really sucks a and I fell off because it’s black my keys will not react because first of all my w key is broken still functional bit delay second MacBook keyboards are not good for gaming and also some of these boosts don’t sometimes work properly oh my God even the slce bounc like that could just throw you off course and then you just fall off the level [Music] Crush into that again really try but the just caused me prevents me from saving my character falling off oh my God I’ve said when I was live Ro stock racing but guys I am definitely better than this everyone else is here this really sucks the problem is that speed I swear to God just keeps just boosting so much I’m trying to land on this platform that’s so [ __ ] low you can barely reach out got some speed and it doesn’t help when jumping also increases your speed like really I should be trying to jump on that other so far the spaces between the there no time to react as well because the lag is just making it worse like really there’s no there’s no safe space you just have to fly thats we’re not even going to finish this course it’s only one the [ __ ] s out it’s not my problem it’s l balls they don’t like bikes you had to do so many of them this really sucks there’s no way we’re getting through no way not with this lag not with this broken keyboard I swear to God I need to retire my MacBook keyboard for that more suited to gaming like a new keyboard actually also I can’t type anything on my second monitor I only got the MacBook I only got the MacBook keyboard to type things for [Music] sometimes you go far sometimes you fall short want it it’s basically how Bea trying to beat this levels are how I feel this my reason my w broken because I’ve been playing games on my MacBook since I’ve gotten start of covid-19 and it resulted to my ma book multiple times had to break down but then I managed to restored because in in Hong Kong Apple quite Apple Serv is there not you have to fix yourself that’s what I do lost the first edit of Dream Team like apple they could not [ __ ] help with my external hard drive shenanigan but now I’m actually to fix it myself how funny is that cheaper to fix yourself than have the corporation behind this behind the computer you’re using right now fix it also people includ me e I’m quite familiar with thank God too close I’m fall nope it’s just what I said earlier the the boosters especially the jump pads they don’t [ __ ] work probably sometimes it sucks my Poss fail right now can I reach the finally after 45 minutes finally being the first level now let’s get 25 more [ __ ] minutes p no way getting no way they can a lot more people joining now interesting goodbye and hello new level let’s do this also unlike Ro stock racing there is no break time the break time is when you finish level and I going faster I want to like you can sell yourself but sometimes no use and then you also want to and then you also fall short when you want to go further in this game a lot especially circumstances in your favor and also you could do that my goodness this game is so bu you could jump on the the kill I don’t know why but I sometimes like you sometimes can just jump on those killing blocks like to call those those pain blocks whatever and then you’ll be absolutely fine like the hit box of your character is extended to the bike but then when your bike doesn’t registrate that you are getting something that inst kills you you just jump over it like it’s nothing incredible exploit not as good when you have to deal with the same level that you you faced before this oh my God just expect to fall those gaps and I have to fall through them 100 th times now L care nope [Music] computer not buil for gaming it my God really sometimes slow down get through some of these levels and I’m still do you guys see that I crash into like the wall but I’m still going like like at a constant speed this game is just so busted most like Ro stock racing it’s terribly awfully designed BS to flourish level you’re familiar with would still die my God again yeah there are there can be duplicates duplicates of the same level in the same level if you know one referring one to another again going so FAS sometimes speed see what’s ahead of you yes another level complete back to back excellent now there’s only three seconds left now the third level let’s see the Le the most unenjoyable part playing this game is sometimes the events like really some of the events are absolutely terrible like there’s this one event that allows you have a lot of time like it gives you like 10 to 14 minutes to beat it and even when you beat the level the timer does not sped up it just keeps going at a steady Pace no faster not becoming [Music] faster except instead being the same and even if you beat the level twice it does not register or a second just St having to wait through the the 14 the 10 to 14 minutes remaining to go on the next level and that’s it’s going to be the same [ __ ] it’s activated by new players joining the server and that event really slowed down my progress is getting towards 900 wins but that level but that event is gone now and I hope the Creator does not bring something like that back always keep up always keep the feature of whenever a player beats level time goes faster it is limited time five speed this the timer here is Li to going faster five times but yeah do not let that thing go keep it there whenever you’re when you’re hosting another event do I see that timer again I would not play this game until the event is over really slow progress getting WIS usually in one session of playing this game I get like 20 get five 25 wins depending on how my mood is if I’m feeling quite bored after playing it so long I will stop after getting a five wins so if not I will continue grinding until I reach specific Target like for example 900 wins and also I don’t think we’ll be getting into 1,000 WIS in a single live stre that’s that’s not quite possible will split it through several live streams like Ro stock [Music] R here here it is again the jump pad it doesn’t always work as intended you need to get either a lot of or jump on it multiple times it would be effective some reason spawn back here this sucks really sucks oh my [ __ ] god very very unreliable and you can’t J I swear to God I there we go f level complete or actually someone else beat me to but I don’t care whenever I finish a level I just decide just you know keep going because there’s really nothing else to do like there is nothing in this game most like to of hell you just get to the end and you’re done like nothing else there’s nothing else to do there are some stuff you could buy but I don’t do like it it’s much cooler to have all of this money laying around instead of spending it this one again didn’t make it and now yeah you can also go through gaps like that walk straight through gaps like in Minecraft if a gap bit too small you could you could just simply walk over them you can do this in regular Roblox parkour it’s obviously going to work in b parkour really bad at talking you guys sorry but then again doing these live streams is good for me because I’ll be preparing for English speaking and determined to get a high mark [Music] I’m really focused is something sometimes do I get really focused you don’t see me talk something all other live streamers do unless they are technno blade where he just literally obliterates people while commentating it’s incredible want some really want such skills but no not all of us are built for something all of us are buil to do something yeah that’s Al I quite literally talk quite motherly when I’m not following the scri so [Music] oh my close no like really go much faster than you wanted to so you have to slow down but then you just slow out way too much just fall off you just slowly fall into the void as well that’s lot this lag because it causes me to fall off like that [ __ ] stupid long broken not really this level again my God I hate this my God I hate the jump pads I swear to God they don’t work properly very unreliable and seemly no intentions of [ __ ] fixing them I swear to godev really said [ __ ] you say do de with the jump pads your favorite the live I say shut the [ __ ] up I will [ __ ] find you and I will kill you one minute left [Music] can Al that’s something you also do in this game immediately after getting the next checkpoint it’s a good thing this game allows you checkpoints unlike Tower of hell because otherwise you have a lot of ground catch back not this level again I’m oh my God I hate this and I have no control that death jumping way well I’m not going to make this one not going to get my fourth win in a row this really sucks one hour three minutes really sometimes really help not when you have to [ __ ] oh my God this L fell into that hole like scoring a baset that actually rhymed [Music] wow and know yeah these levels these mini levels anyway also have NES so this level is called lollipops like this one time there’s this L there’s this update where it’s all centered around pizzas like really this the levels are really designed by the creators and depending on his mood or interest his levels are based on his F and stuff not sometimes not just based on events and stuff it’s only four minutes left and sorry someone so far ahead he’s at the halfway point also a glitch in this game I haven’t talked about yet where if you if you haven’t finished the level so you for example finished right here and then when the next when the next level starts you could just jump off the edge near the start and then you just immediately teleported to where you are in the last level when the entire thing gets reset because of some weird Spa that’s happens you can use it most of the time can’t always rely on it to finish levels because you don’t always land at like a favorable spot so you just fall off the edge immediately go back to the start and then once the timer start in what bike I’ve been using to complete these levels it’s showcased in my bike of Hell video before and that is the basic bike this green ugly thing I don’t like using fancy bikes I find that using doesn’t give you much control over your bike because they are they either give you like special effects like Trails or makes you go faster or jump farther which I don’t think is very much needed because much like my Roblox character number one I don’t quite have a style for my character if it’s slightly different from the regulars that’s good enough for me and forac reasons using this regular bike allows me to have more control over my bike so I just don’t fly off into the if I’m going too fast or jumping too high but most often not the big Racing for the players yes we do race in this game that slower than everyone else because they’re faster than mine one minute 35 25 minutes left come on biggest problem of me using my regular bike is like some rich person so just take a chance this can I actually make it nope fancy [ __ ] bike decides to take a chance he actually go faster than me because he’s using a fancier bike that’s actually faster well I’m stuck with this regular bike not that I chose to stuck to it it’s just because I don’t feel like having the ability to go faster or jump higher is necessary when over your bike is very important to ensure you don’t fall The Edge can you guys really hear me I swear to God every time I went to edit my vid my live streams at time stamps you know I just feel like I always talk very quietly maybe it’s because my voice you’re hearing right now is not not very loud or that my microphone is not turned up very much well because again with family Ms if someone for example decides to come home just now I’m live streaming I wouldn’t like you guys to hear it because want to keep my family safe first of all and second of all privacy you know the usual stuff when content creators have have to do with also there’s a lot of other external noises something that does not have to do with my [Music] family and they do create pretty loud noise pretty loud noises that might disturb the stream so that’s why I keep my microphone you guys see that I keep my microphone at half of it I just literally like cling onto the edge but then jump back up still fall into into the void that’s something you can also do in this game pretty chancy opportunistic but really when it’s but the opportunity is that you take it so bloody hell I’m going to be here God I hate never mind let’s go crashed into I [ __ ] lag Pac is too fast markable get WIS a broken keyboard lag in the game and haven’t played this game for months it’s absolutely [Music] incredible nope but sometimes you don’t it’s just wishful thinking oh my the lag absolutely terrible this is absolutely okay how do I die what the hell racing another person right now I get check point yes just again dying after you get the checkpoint really sucks well at least you got the checkpoint you can move on get the jump past this nope key just remains to be broken minute 36 seconds jump too early let hit that planet and he finished my God got get get my fifth win oh this was easy now this is veryy you would think the levels would get would get much more difficult as it goes along sometimes doesn’t because mostly time the levels are the Harvest are right around this range eest sometimes either at the front or if Lucky it’s at the very end of the level so then you can just cruise by and get your win I think the most the biggest problem with people trying to beat this game is that they’re not very familiar with parkouring with Roblox bicycles like the Roblox bicycles are very weird you go faster with them if you if you sprint which doesn’t seem to make sense a lot when you can’t do that in real [Music] life but again this is a g this is a game so sometimes you need to sacrifice realism for the sake of fun you ever heard of fun isn’t that something we all try to achieve when playing video games instead of making a [ __ ] job like really I sometimes feel like we forget we play games because it is to have fun sometimes I feel like we lost all way video games I really do also especially where we are in the world it’s like two minutes I can’t beat the Lev I SAR to God just fall just bounce off the [ __ ] ankled three minutes left no way getting through but then immediately I get through yep all right let’s keep going this is really the reason why I don’t feel comfortable game because the amount of lag that just that is produced slows me down makes me worse than I usually do in fact I don’t I don’t even register the checkpoint what the hell the pace is so [ __ ] fast that when you respawn it just speed throwing you forward you’re prepared or not liter one 40 seconds no way I’m Bea this at bare minimum you need like five minutes to get to the end least you have this little left the pressure is on get to the endast as you can we also at the same time be very [ __ ] precise with your jumps and also even a slight difference like for example a little bump that lifts your bike up in the air a little just a little bit could just throw you off B and then you fall into the void crash into a wall then respa oh that was close 35 seconds left just fall sometimes you just fall into that you cannot account for because you don’t know if it’s coming or not I can actually should have make it oh my God clutch yes oh my goodness SI wi now for if I just stop dying I swear to God terrible when you have a lot of speed you can just gaps Poss for [Music] [Music] [Music] not going to reach F so far so fast as well let me come to a h and fall into the into the [ __ ] void [Music] the reason you can’t quite jump properly these on these balls is that it’s not a flat surface in this and because it’s a b doesn’t have quite a lot of contact to balls to jump properly if you can understand my of what I’m talking about for I hate this level you can’t get past you to either jump over the entire level or not try to get to the end whoever designed this is a [ __ ] idiot I swear God and the other guy just IMM gets through I ate all this see someone else just beat you to it nope he doesn’t doesn’t good through finally oh my God dire a million miles hour full seconds no go you do feel like you always experience deja vu in this game Deja Vu is basically experienc something the same same thing that’s happened before but then you’re witnessing it happen again for example dying at the same level that you beaten before just bounced [Music] off for I’m going need to stop at like 1 hour 30 minutes or so I can’t I got work to do example English presentation at school on Tuesday and it’s going to be the last English presentation for this school year might be more the next school year definitely not much I can’t get from this [ __ ] Lev sometimes you feel like you just don’t get through Lev it’s design so annoying you just my God oh my [ __ ] god Ahad of me get stuck I think papaya [ __ ] watermelons I swear to God this absolutely sucks why they put so close together this is absolutely terrible there just some sometimes you just feel like some of these levels are just so annoyingly designed like they’re made to annoy you as much as they want oh my God just fly through that maybe too fast there’s no way being seconds oh my God just keeps going con hard to control just bounce off that beam no way that [Music] whatever down my for [Music] clush save nope just keep doing the same stake again again again again and again and again keep experiencing Deja my goodness I just can’t get up oh my [ __ ] god the lag is unreal my skills are diminishing [Music] for [Music] for for [Music] for [Music] [Music] for for [Music] there we go oh my God seventh win and I feel like I’m done this game no you know what just stop let’s just stop at Seven for now for now Ro stock racing and B of h both have seven wins towards 1,000 wins not including the 900 wins we currently have and yeah I think I I’m done putting this game right now there’s just so much [ __ ] I can tolerate before deciding to stop so yeah than you guys so much for watching if you enjoyed the live stream please make sure to click on the like button on the live stream And subscribe to the channel if you like my videos and also comment on the videos and Community post to get your chance of being in shout outs and leave your mark on my YouTube Channel’s history and also the 100 the 100 shout out yeah will be will be coming out on probably August 30th the anniversary of my Channel’s creation where I we we I’ll be probably reading all of this all of the shout out all the viewers and subscribers who have and the commenters who have commented and subscribed to my videos so that’ll be very special and if you don’t want to miss if you don’t want to miss it comment and subscribe now to get your chance in being part of the one 100 shout out so thank you so much for watching and I’ll see you all in the next video bye

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