I have a score to settle with the famous Cap Formentor route on Mallorca. Last year it beat me but this year I was ready to take it on and show it who is boss!

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    good morning Welcome to The Not So sunny island of [Music] mayorca yeah unfortunately as you can see the weather here today is not great it’s 10° C and that is only 2° warmer and it is back in the UK now we came out here this time last year in fact it was a week earlier and the weather was absolutely fantastic but we’re not going to let that put us off we’re going to try and enjoy it as best we can yesterday it absolutely chucked it down but uh at least it’s dry today and the plan is we are going to do we’re very famous C Forman tour [Music] [Music] ride I’ve got a bit of unfinished business with this climb when I came out here last time uh I managed to get out to the lighthouse okay okay but then I just ran out of steam on the way back and I had to send one of my friends who I was riding with back to the house to get the car to come and rescue me now I hadn’t done any training last year or not a lot anyway but this year I have so hopefully fingers crossed I’ll be fit enough to get to the lighthouse and back and uh up both of the climbs [Music] first challenge of the day is the ca crua about 4 km at about [Music] 5% as usual my strategy is just to chug away I’m on a higher bike so um it’s a strange bike to me but uh I did a bit of tinkering on it yesterday and the position is just absolutely perfect so I’m kind of looking forward to [Music] this that’s the C the creta wasn’t quite as easy as I was expecting but it’s still you know pretty good fun so uh the next part is The Descent and then continue on up to the lighthouse basically there’s there’s no other road so we get to the lighthouse turn back on ourselves and come straight back again oh you got to go look you can’t come here that was easier than last year Leonard yeah you may recognize Alan from other videos he’s come out to uh to New York he’s brought a couple of friends with him Tony and Mark and we also got tell here somewhere and Oscar Oscar actually lives on newor so he’s joined us today but I don’t know where he is at the moment we’ve kind of lost him on the road [Music] somewhere although this is an absolutely iconic route for cyclists the disadvantage is that it is very busy very popular with tourists so there’s lots of cars buses etc etc so you just got a car to put up with it I think this is it once I make this descent I’m pretty committed to doing the whole thing and uh getting all the way back let’s hope I make [Music] it that’s the Descent done and that is just the long slug out to the lighthouse it’s about 6 km away now and it always amazes me just how deceptive this road is at the moment I’m riding up what I think is an almost flat road but according to my computer it’s 5% that’s why it’s so hard [Music] the good thing about this route though apart from a few little downhills like the one I’m on now the road out to the lighthouse is mainly a climb which obviously means it’s going to be a descent on the way back [Music] not much further to go now [Music] hopefully we’ll get our first glimpse of the lighthouse fairly [Music] [Music] soon last 500 m is chaos yeah they need to close it far earlier than yeah that’s me at the cap Lighthouse and it’s about 35 kilm in still feeling good although obviously I’ve got to cycle back but um blim it it is so busy up here I I know they’re going to close the roads to cars at least in in about 2 weeks time but while they’re open it is absolute chaos the last 500 M to get up here took me about 10 minutes just because there was so many cars so many cyclists going both ways Bonkers you know you’re somewhere pretty iconic cycling wise when the signs are all covered in stickers oh we found Oscar we found Oscar in Bell’s in Okay so now for the return leg if we can get out of the car park here with all this chaos and uh make our way [Music] back that’s that really first tough bit done couple more ups and downs now and then we’ll be on the long descent to the bottom of the big climb [Music] I’m now at the point where I basically ran out of steam last year I felt pretty rough at this point uh and I ended up in the hotel there just having a bit of a rest waiting to be rescued but um today I’m feeling um a lot better so I’m going to take on the climb of the CER crua again [Music] my word that was tough I thought it was going to be easier than that but uh no I was wrong it’s never an easy climb but today was particularly hard had to have a couple of breathers on the way up but yeah I’ve made it to the top but it’s all downhill now we’re going to palenta and we’re going to have a meal I think it’s welld deserved just had a very nice meal stop there in Port palena had a pizza and uh obviously something to drink as well and uh now we’re heading back to the house have to admit I I was starting to uh get a little little bit uh bonky coming back then I was Jolly glad to have something to eat and drink at the cafe fortunately it’s only another 12 15 km or so back to the house and that will be today’s ride done just R your shot that’s F yeah luckily the weather has brightened up Sun’s come out it’s a bit warmer not desperately warm 18 CSUS but yeah I’ll take that there we go that’s today’s ride done um it wasn’t as easy as I was thinking but it wasn’t as hard as the last time I did it so I made it all the way back and a little bit further because we’re staying 2 kilm further down the road than where we stayed last time so all in all that’s six 57 km in the Bank of fitness and about 1100 M of climbing or so so a fairly respectable ride I would say not so bad in that wind but uh yeah that’s uh cap for Mentor conquered unfinished business done I showed it whose boss


    1. This has given me the appetite to get back to Majorca , I do prefer October time to visit for the cycling, great video Leonardo well done fella 👍

    2. Well done! I was there last week and traffic was busy, but not as bad as during your ride. It would be great if they would extend the closure of the road from the beach to between 1st of May and end of September (which they are talking about).

    3. The other side of the Island is not so scenic but a hell of a lot less crowded. Starting to look crazy in recent times up that end of the place..

    4. Tip, when you don't want to ride over the mountains on your way back: There is a ferry from Platya Formentor to Port de Pollenca, which conveniantly skips the climb 😁

    5. So different from my first visit in March 1962! Much of the road was single track, very tight hairpins and apex gradients! Only small coaches allowed, had to reverse back to get round curves! Hitched a lift back to Pto Pollensa on back of an old Lambretta, interesting! Roger in Spain 76. Well done to you once again

    6. It’s spectacular but tough ride to the lighthouse. I was over there for the 312 and rode out to it on Wednesday when the weather was fantastic.

    7. I went in late September, left Alcuida at 7am for my rides and had the roads virtually to myself, it’s stunning at that time of day with the sun just up, soft light and hardly any people.

    8. I did Cap Formentor last year and thought the ride back was easier than ride out to lighthouse. Might be perception but it's something I thought at time. As an aside, my photo is at Formentor lighthouse.

    9. Congratulations – My brother and I did this ride one week ago in not so good weather and as you experinced the cars at the lighthouse were an issue but the cold wind in truth was worse. The roads have improved since I last rode this route and the road surface in the tunnel has improved immensley and it has also been lined because last time water was dropping form the roof. Keep up the good work.

    10. Bumped into you on a hill on the Isle of Wight – Was just heading off with the gang but great to see you in the wild. Hope you had a good ride, mine was a little slow with some beginners in our group but we had a great day. I have uploaded a video but did not manage to capture you. What an amazing decent here and a little big longer and bigger than the IOW, plus great you made it up this time. I must admit it looks a bit crowded with coaches etc but looks lovely. I am certainly to head over there to try this one off-season at some point.

    11. Don't know why people cycle on the Puerto Pollenca to Alcudia road on the left hand side of the road after the ring road island against the correct flow of traffic. It is not laned as in the port cycle track. Seen to many crashes caused by cyclists doing this .

    12. 🖖 Hello, I'm also a heavyweight like you and I know what it means to carry your own weight to the Cup Formentor and bring it back. 🙌🏼👏🏼 you mastered it super. I subscribed to your channel, I like what you do – Greetings your bike Fritz

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