(31 Dec 1956)

    The friendly ties between Italian and Bulgarian sportsmen are developing. Italian cyclists are our guests today. The old rivals Guido Costa and Alexander Bitchev meet again, but this is time as coaches. The real masters in the sprint the Italians Merloti and Oriani, have qualified for the finals in fastness. In the last two hundred meters – 11 seconds 6 – this is the excellent time of the winner Oriani. Deniu Novakov and his friend Morosl will compete for third and fourth place. To beat the Italian sprinter whose record in the last two hundred meters is 11,3 seconds, is a difficult. task. A hard struggle goes on for a fraction of the second. But the will for victory has the upper hand over mastership and Novakov finishes first. Team chasing. Teams of Italy and Bulgaria are at the starting line. Our team begins with a fast tempo. The Italians try to keep up, however, Simonig has an accident and leaves the competition. The Bulgarian team makes wisely its changes and does not slow down speed. The Italians try to diminidh the interval. Last tour. A last effort of our team and they cut through the finish in an excellent time: four minutes, 46.8 seconds-a new Bulgarian record.

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