So after leaving England on Monday i traveled through France, Germany and Austria I made it to #slovenia .

    This is an outstandingly beautiful country and I stayed a wonderful campsite called Forest camping Mozirje.

    For the first time ever I managed to download a route from Komoot directly onto my Garmin watch I decided to go for a little ride.

    I was on my #orbea rise with my amazing @wrensports inverted forks and beautiful carbon handlebars.



    👉 Find all of my links here:

    👉 Buy the awesome Wren forks here:

    👉 Join the brilliant community and donate to their projects! #TotalMTB #LetsAllRide


    ❤️ love these guys 👇

    so for today’s ride I’m in the gorgeous country of Slovenia Betty’s parked up let’s go for a bit of a ride right I am in Slovenia at this gorgeous campsite and I’ve got the OB rise I’ve just downloaded for the first time ever a route from kamut onto my Garmin watch so I don’t know how that’s going to play out but um I’m not even sure how to read it but let’s have a bit of an adventure I think I can use this to spin you around oh you lucky thing and look you get to see where we’re going I don’t know where I’m going but you can see where we go oh my goodness look how pretty this is look how pretty this is I’ve stopped here because I wasn’t sure whether it was just sort of a fire road but as we got some rocky sections immediately safety first people going to put me helmet on rather than just my hat I didn’t bring my um fishing rod because I think we all know from my various other videos I have lost the ability to catch any fish and I’m trying desperately to make my peace with the fact that I’m not actually a fisherman right this is good I can spin you around tilt you down and we are off over some rocky terrain I love it this is actually the trail I wonder if those girls when their touring bikes go down here they did F play them cuz this is pretty abup foror I’m not sure i’ want choring VI Wheels over this couple of pedal strikes this is actually a path that’s ridable that was a hell hello a little track okay I’ve stopped here cuz this is really interesting so I was Ching to the guys at the campsite um and they were one of the few campsites to in this Valley uh to survive there was some flooding recently now you look down how far that is that’s a good I don’t know let’s say 35 ft and you look there on that bit of tree that is where the flood water came up to so the flood water came up to from down there about 5T above my head and it flooded cars were Swept Away absolutely crazy but these guys managed to survive apparently a couple of other campsites that were down by the river didn’t survive just got washed away amazing power of nature isn’t it [Music] is such a pretty country [Music] got a bit lost there but I did trust the satav and I just 10 minutes on the road and I’m back again I just passed a African Pizzeria uh on the road in this sort of rural bit of Slovenia African Pizzeria do you know what that’s proper Fusion that is proper Fusion people [Music] may have got distracted and gone a bit off piec so now this is just a track used by heavy machinery which I’ve decided to climb up I’m really high now I’ve done a lot of climbing I mean it’s super easy cuz I on an ebike but this is really steep H is insanely steep I’m still on trail but and Granny Cog here’s an ebike still a workout is if you go up the biggest that’s a rough Lorry track from forestry Machinery then yes it is still a great workout oh my God so the secret to getting a really good workout on any ebike is to think you’re smarter than the Kut suggestions can’t pay and then get to the top and discover it’s a dead end with a sheer sheer drop down there and a sheer face up there so after that bit I’m going to go down again oh what an idiot what an absolute noobed can you get a workout on an ebike yes if you’re an idiot still at least this bit should be fun no can I got this bit trust me you bike trust you if I do the same thing again going to go there I’m going to have a bit of a cry I did it again I did it again this is a horribly steep section that I think is going to take me down to where I started climing oh you absolute you absolute Richard this is taking me back down to whoops today [Applause] e that took me down to the road I should have been on oh oh my God Richard you’re such a dick never stop about people [Music] this is Slovenia the mountains aren’t quite as high as in Austria but then again the people aren’t right up their own ass like they are in Austria [Music] beautiful look this Meadow wild clowns if you’re a bumblebee looking for your next holiday may I very much recommend Slovenia [Music] this is really loose gravel I’ve going really fast I’m going really really fast help [Music] this Slovenia this is beautiful [Music] are street it’s getting easier with love it’s getting [Music] with st breaks the darkness new day begins I feel cold and heartless I’ve run so th like the dist have you TR far I miss you in my heart incredibly steam that last section I basically just skidded my way down and there big l l in the way lot whole trees fall over can I scoot around it oh this is like mountain bike skills dude oh my god dude I’m so skillful at this bit I’m having to say dude just truly convey my goodness ask how You’ been hug my roof slow walls are cing in the dist St have you TR now I don’t know where I am pania Monday I was in England being a bit bored wondering what to do for myself now my biking I’m a bit [Music] L you love those rides when you’re completely lost and then you s realize you’re about half a mile from home HRA harah for me there she is there she is what un betting so there we have it hope you enjoy being on board um this was just Campsite in Slovenia and I went on to kimot um and uh follow the Kut mostly then I got a bit lost actually got lost five times cuz I didn’t follow Kut but what a laugh what a laugh and sun shining I am going to cook some food have a nap look cool I look like a pirate um and relax for the rest of the day Echo what I said on some of that just you know it’s Sunday today on Monday I was in England been to France Germany Austria now Slovenia just in a camper van just driving and it’s cheap and it’s easy and this campsite is uh about 20 I’m going to Bosnia tomorrow for a campsite in the middle of a reservoir and and it’s 16 a night find that in England uh have fun be safe be adventurous thanks for watching

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