It’s race day at the Monaco Historic Grand Prix. Tune in to watch F1 racing cars from pre-war right up to the 1980s attack the current Monaco F1 circuit, just a couple of weeks before Max Verstappen, Lewis Hamilton and co. race on the same circuit. We’ll have full coverage of every race from this incredible weekend right here on GRR.

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    fre The Monaco historic good morning everyone I’m Andrew marot and with me to bring you the eight race action today is Bob conson jurus Bob lots of history but also judging by qualifying yesterday some great Wheel to–he racing action too yeah looking forward to it enormously the uh various different classes as in 2022 and the various different divisions uh between uh when they first ran this race back in the 1920s 1929 was the first uh one all the way through to just before or just the uh beginning of the turbo era in the early 80s when uh turbos began to come in and uh pushing normally aspirated engines out so that’s the difference uh all the way from 19 as I say 1929 which is when the first uh race was held here all the way through to approximately 1985 with cars from that era including including one sports car race because they ran a sports car race instead of the Grand Prix in 1952 absolutely the latest cars that be racing could be 1985 mainly dfv Formula 1 cars they make a great sight uh and we anticipate a very close race there just a quick shot of our French colleague down there I think we might pick up a few interviews from him as well uh at the end of races but uh the red and white color scheme of Monaco so famous Bob I mean you’ve been covering Monaco Grand pris for the best part of 50 years I suppose and uh you’re going to be here in in two weeks time so it’ll be a very different atmosphere this a little bit more relaxed it is indeed it’s absolutely fantastic to be here for the historics uh to see the historics here in Monaco as well and uh it’s just so great to see the cars the cars move around so much around the circuit and you can imagine what it was like back in the 1920s without the surface I mean this is a smooth surface it wasn’t the same but I tell you what there’ll be a lot more overtaking today than there will be in two weeks down of that there’s no question are we’re going to start actually with Siri A2 this is for front engine Grand Prix cars which were built before [Music] 1961 yes the 14th Grand Prix historic started back in 1998 roughly been every couple of years yeah if I can just correct you 1997 199 yeah and it was uh in order to celebrate the 700th anniversary of the Grimaldi family which is the royal family here in Monaco that’s why the historic was was founded back in 1997 so as you say we start with A2 uh which is front engine Grand Prix cars built before 1961 there’s the palace and we got an intriguing front row of the grid because on the pole is a veteran we have to say German lady racer she won here first 24 years ago her name is Claudia heren and alongside her is the brother of Dario frankii Indie winner of course there you see the grid coming up now so heren and Frank heiti and look how close point three of a second then Max Smith hilard in his trusty low to 16 and then another low to 16 of your in FK rusong then Tony wood in the tech mate he’s won this race in the past and then the uh entrepreneur millionaire John Spears in his 250f Maserati then well what about the guy in ninth interesting story with him yeah actually he’s a late replacement uh he uh basically Claudia hkin changed to Alan Alex Burkin stocks Ferrari and replacing Claudia hen is Stefan d uh if I’ve got that correct uh he’s down there as being French but um uh he’s quite a theatrical character and he’s in a Maserati 250f and he’s Belgian yes and but belg or French you’re not certain cycling through one very interesting car the per Ferguson P99 a car the last front engine Formula 1 car to ever win a Formula 1 race that was at Alton Park um and I was there to see it Sterling Moss was the driver so intriguing four-wheel drive car and and we’ll look forward to seeing that there they all are look lined up and a couple of red cars at the front the Ferrari 246 of methus zulum racing uh being driven by Claudia hen but owned I think by Alex burkenstock of the shoe uh Fame and uh as you say the Maserati 250f which Marina franki told me yesterday he absolutely adores driving it’s the most beautiful racing car he’s ever driven so uh what a couple at the front of the grid it being true ining to see those two getting off the line Claudia heren with the most extraordinary racing uh career around here she’s W uh so in so many different cars and actually it’s a circuit where her uh career actually ended in single seaters when Formula 3 when we think she probably landed on her head but damaged her hand so badly that she was unable to drive for quite some time and that was the end of her uh single seater career but she’s come back and and really made name for herself in historics that’s Claudia heren and she’ll be on the front row of the Grid on Pole Position ahead of Marina franki younger brother of Dario and then Max Smith hilard in the Lotus 16 then a couple of Spaniards um uh we mentioned yakin fch rusinol the paint magnate from Spain and also uh his fellow um Spaniard and uh uh also a businessman uh in Spain G Fiero ala Maserati 28 yeah he’s been a winner around here this race two years ago this event is only every two years at last time out it was cloudia hen that won this but only by just a second and a half from Tony wood in the techmech and we’ll talk about that in a moment and then gilo was third but the techmech is basically a reworked Maserati 250 after the classic Grand Prix car raced in Period by the lights of Sterling moss and and very many others of fjo and so on but that they decided to try and make the car a bit better at the end of its life a company called techmech and uh it wasn’t great in Period and did very little racing but uh since then it’s been fettled um to uh great speed in fact well I think if you look at it if you look at the size of a of a 250f and you look at the techmech it’s sort of had a bit of a diet really and it’s not uh quite as Porky as as uh 250f is no and it’s got different rear suspension I believe as well yes it’s paired down so here the cars and there’s Max Smith helard the former wholesale butcher I call him the Sausage King but they sold that business now and uh a very chatty chat we also got a very rare American car in here called a scar and Bob you’ll probably fill in the details on that a little bit Yeah Mark Shaw in the Scarab he starts in sixth spot on the grid Mark Shaw so uh the Scotsman uh that’s a car that’s been here before in the hands of Julian Bronson of course the Bristol Enthusiast we’ve seen it here before but now it’s in Mark Sha’s hands they only Built three of those cars and they they built them too late really because everything was going rear engined and uh backed by um Lance rento I think he was from the Walworth family if I remember correctly but it’s very intriguing it’s got American ofen housing engine in like the engine that used in Indie Cars a long time ago and that engine lies flat in the chassis so the Pistons don’t go up and down they go horizontally um intriguing device they’ve really got it going very well indeed um and I understand that they’ve got a new engine coming for it from America but this this this is uh the original one so uh that be some something to watch this is a bit tired is it yeah okay so they got a re rebuilt so they’re just going round on a warm-up lap going through the iconic tunnel underneath what is now called The Fairmont Hotel it has been the Lowe’s Hotel it’s been the Grand Hotel it’s been the station as well it’s even been the clay pigeon uh T the pigon um you you mentioned that yesterday i’ never heard that they they shot the Clays over the over the harbor yeah yeah so what a magnificent site it is here down on Riviera this uh little principality um Prince rer was here yesterday had lots of Prince yeah Al uh a former Olympian in in um bobay racing and but we also had lots of uh Grand Prix drivers Charles Clair was here we saw him we saw Orlando Norris we had the actor Patrick Dempsey and a good racer too is Patrick he was here Oliver bman Oliver bman I think there might be a few more as well Fernando Al alsoo on Friday as well yes because interesting the the day we’ve got some big names better known in in the management and design side of current Formula 1 racing and including Zack Brown of course BOS of McLaren in fact Fernando seem to be giving him a bit of advice um looking at the Times didn’t make a huge amounted so the cars coming around to take up their grip positions for this first 10 lap race and it’s going to be intriguing to see uh and it’s going to be so fascinating to see the way the cars move around on this track uh because of course they’re on much skinnier tires than uh modern formula cars uh and therefore much more influenced by the surface of the of the track so here they come up to take up their grip positions number 30 there and uh is uh Vio Aleta but there on PO position is cladia hkin from aen in uh Germany just right on the Belgian border also known as aches AES yeah and uh just behind the green car with the yellow nose if you see that crash helmet you’ll recognize it because uh that is actually a Graham Hill stroke Damon Hill crash helmet because D Graham raced that car in Period the London Rowing Club colors which Max hilard he loves those colors so he wears them in tribute to the man who who drove his car Imperial there a blue of tall but there a there a lovely shot of a 250 F masera the Scarab stopped and the drivers walked away from it Thomas shareth uh the Australian new owner of the Scarab and I fear sorry The Ferg he’s the owner of the Ferguson yeah it’s Mark Shaw who owns the Scarab so uh I think we’re going to have a delayed start while we get that uh car off the circuit well that’s a big disappointment that car qualified six with its unusual cast iron wheels or cast um aluminium Wheels I I think well at least they can they can move it they can maneuver it we had quite a lot of incident do we in qualifying yesterday and uh couple of fancied Runners sticking under the barrier look at that sign writing there this is Marshall cam so this is one of the Marshall’s pushing the car off the circuit and uh he’s got a camera attached to him which is why you can see you can see they they’re carrying a dolly as well these Marshals are very very well trained um they were doing the Formula E here two weeks ago they’ll be doing the Grand Prix in two weeks time and that rapidly that c is being removed so that’s good news yeah so we’ll be should be underway fairly soon but what a disappointment non-start for the Scarab for uh Mark Shaw we’ll see him later on but uh he’s obviously not going to take any further part in this but he is in other cars as are quite a lot of drivers actually some doing double leaving triple Duty yeah one after another as well jumping out of one car straight into something else there are a few cars here which were designed before the war Bob and then uh obviously didn’t race then and then were resurrected the little gordini there French car there’s another Lotus 16 that’s the number 40 uh car it’s run by classic team Lotus the organization run by Colin Chapman son Clive he is here hugely enthusiastic and the team still based at he where the original formula one team was um they do a great job they probably got eight or 10 cars here and they got a little test track there as well which I wasn’t aware of but it was still there so they can test the cars which is uh kind of a luxury isn’t it yeah it sits right outside the factory uh Gates really um so anticipation in the air heartbeats Rising I think they do one more lap by The Works of things there’s that gordini was all that that mural painted down the side of it we were discussing this yesterday they certain didn’t do things like that in Period and some people love it others think maybe they shouldn’t have done that but there you are that’s that’s what he likes and little French company gordini Amed gordini was uh the originator uh it’s his car so he can do what he wants with it absolutely number two there is uh mimo diio from Italy in the Oscar that’s another uh small manufacturer and actually derio who Imports Chinese cars into Italy and Reb badges them um is uh so he’s very much involved in the automotive industry and he has the the rights to the name of Oscar as well Yim folk says on his crft he’s got this long Spanish name with a presumably his mother’s family name in there but Yim folk on the crash helmet makes it a little bit easier for us he used to drive a braam bt49 which was loan to him by Bernie eckl and I remember him being on the front row of the Grid at um at uh Barcelona during a Grand Prix weekend and uh we saw Bernie talking to him and asked him what he said after the race he said well you’re on the front row of the grid but why aren’t you on pole we did spot car down the pit Lane there ready to come out that’s Eric Leroy and the other gordini he had a penalty I think which is why he’s in the pit Lane yes so Claudia hen green flag so this is their final warm-up lap and Away goes Claudia Herman laying down some rubber on the grid there excellent so we’re going to see a superb start and here they go off the line for this final warm up lap so looking forward to this yeah cloudy has one some big races endurance races um something many years after that big Formula 3 accident here and she won the Dubai 24 hours for instance think she was second in the the spa 24 won some uh vln races around the ring hugely experienced so there the harbor glinting see how the later cars in this group so the one close to 61 are so much lower than the the the older ones the profile changing trying to cheat the air of course as the car’s got through pass some very expensive shops there Bob and then turning into Casino Square where you noted um there been a bit of regening done used to used to be flower beds just as that section you see there in front of there’s the casino down the hill past the tip up on the left and into mirabo upper mirabo some people call it upper Miro Superior uh and because below it is Neo anterior I think they call it and you see that particularly this corner here you see how the curbing chamford back 30 years ago it was an oldfashioned Square Curbing and if you hit that you broke a wheel you had to be absolutely accurate now you can ride the curbs it’s made the circuit faster uh generally but I remember remember tyry botson who we saw yesterday told me that he reckoned he could go and he has a business here in Monaco selling Jets um as you do um and uh uh he told me he reckoned he could go around there faster on his scooter than in a Formula 1 car looking down the list we’ve also got Jeffrey O’Neal from United States in Maserati 250f and he runs a very nice historic Festival in Sonoma California that’s the car waiting in the pit lane and then you see the stickers on it showing it’s been in this race before I think Bob you said yesterday when you come back in two weeks those Yachts there will be much larger yeah they will have grown yeah getting a birth for the mono Grand Prix is is a work of art and negotiations with the Harbor Master I believe yeah yeah so obviously people filtering into a very early start but we saw some pack Grand stands yesterday for practice are they will definitely be filling up in the next hour or so tremendous crowd yesterday absolutely everyone told me oh it’s really lovely to be in Monaco for the historics cuz you know it’s so much quieter and it but honestly the grand stands were so full that tobac grand Cent we’re looking down on the famous laras gas restaurant I’ve never eaten there not sure if you have um but that is one of the corners that was changed must have been 40 years ago I suppose that was just a straight hair pin it didn’t turn left and then go on a long Loop right originally and that was known as The Gas Works hairpin briefly we saw the techm there here they come this Max Smith hilard coming up to take up oh no that’s your FAL coming up to take up his position in the low to 16 and we did just see the Ferguson briefly as well it’s a blue car in the colors of Rob Walker and Rob Walker famous independent ENT he ran that car for the Ferguson research organization Sterling Moss raised it intriguing car because it’s four-wheel drive and as I said the last front enry car ever to win a Formula One race or International Formula 1 race anyway little Cooper going through the field and again Yim vulk so the two Spaniards intrig oh somebody’s threading their way yeah that that’s uh Christian dulong from Belgium he’s getting a bit lost I think as well yeah um he’s not really really doing that very well is he he he might have had a bit of a hiccup across on a warm-up lap yeah and I’m not sure he’s in his right spot in fact he I’d say he definitely isn’t no should be May ignore that it doesn’t look as though he’s going to reverse and probably best not to actually at this stage no yes doesn’t look right back there does it so there’s d uh Marina Franti and uh below us the pole lady pole sitter uh Claudia hen ready to go we’ll keep an eye on the lights Etc and uh they’ve hanging out a sign it wasn’t delayed start so I think yes they’re going away that is that the start I doesn’t look like it does it no I think it’s another there’s the techm there just yeah in the foreground there’s the Ferguson extra formation lap there on it and your sergeson I noticed went into the pit uh and he was one of the quite competitive drivers not sure what’s happened to that car I going to report he was in another Lotus 16 well known for having rather tricky gear boxes those they actually called it the queer box it was developed it was developed by lotus and we’ve seen various people race Lotus 16s over the years and they can be very very competitive Philip Walker I think in particularly and uh sometimes the gearboxes do let them down so maybe that’s the problem see a 250f Maserati there in white which looks a bit unusual so there another lap which probably means it it’ll be a nine laap race rather than a 10 laap 26 there is the uh talo T lgo from the Canadian driver Dennis Boni pale blue of course quite a big car that’s probably 4.5 L because that is the uh UNS supercharged version or normally aspirated version 4.5 probably I’m saying cuz the these are there are four different classes here so 46 to 55 supercharg 1500 or 4.5 Class 2 Formula 2 cars built before uh 53 under 2 L and then class 3 Formula 1 cars January 54 to December 60 under 2 L or 750 supercharged and class 4 uh cars that weren’t in the one two three but we built uh between 50 and 60 so uh yes if I said turbocharged I meant supercharged of course supercharge mechanically boosted rather than turbocharge which is gas boosted um the induction sometimes we forget the huge elevation changes here at Monaco because the principality is basically on the edge of a mountain uh coming down into into the uh the Mediterranean as a steep climbs up towards the casino and then after this in very steeply down again through The Hairpin Bens and just a magnificent track all around and a huge challenge of course and so easy to make a mistake you talked about track limits yesterday Bob track limits which is an expression used in Modern Motor Racing well it doesn’t exist here because except for a couple of circuits a couple of places that she came for example and around the swimming pool but otherwise track limits is very very well um what can we say ated I suppose by barriers yes so 18 turns squeezed into 3337 km 2.07 miles and uh we’re about to have our first race hopefully uh in a few moments under blue skies just a few clouds up there back in the AL Mar team but a beautiful day for racing yeah as we’ve had so far with the practice on oh there’s yes you we did see a car in the pits yes it’s un sergis doesn’t look as though it’s going to take any further part there is stationary in the pit Lane you in surges in the Midlands garage owner uh from Scotland originally but uh in the Midlands so I’m not ofly certain why we had that extra formation lap but it could have been because of the Belgian driver not being in position on the grid dula Duma so uh hopefully this time he will be in position on the grid [Music] yeah over the next few hours we’ll see the evolution of of motor racing design won’t we but here we still got cars with wire wheels and engines in the front I think lesson here they go and away they go Claudia H leading away Max Hillard oh Max Smith hilard stopped on the grid I think he oh he moved forward very briefly but everyone’s going to miss him hopefully and into the lead goes Claudia HK really good start for her huge disappointment from the uh guy who was in third position on the grid I wonder if he can there’s Marino with his uh crash helmet and I think that’s uh the end of that oh look at this great racing up into the casino Square false ruso in third place being pushed hard by his compatriot Fiero alecta and into Spanish battle there and the techmech trying to come down the inside going into mirabo that’ll be interesting who comes out first got great respect for one another these competitors spirited racer is Tony wood as we said had success in this race in the past won it in 18 won it in 16 as well grade low to 16 they won here in this category also in the past so uh Claudia hen leading them around really doing a good job with Marina franki in second place no it’s not it’s uh uh up into second place is Yuen false rusinol and of course it’s so easy to make a mistake not only uh mechanically but also in terms of driving as well missing a Breaking Point missing a gear etc etc so it’s very easy just to lose a fraction of time and to be overtaken but Fel rinel doing a good job there up in second place behind Claudia Claudia hen absolutely cracking start from from her I think Bob and uh see if she can start to pull away 40 30 that’s false ruso and then di ala and uh I think Marina must have dropped back so they complete lap one with Claudia hen in the lead from and it’s a good lead as well from Yen F ruso then G Fier ala Tony would up into fourth place and then John Spears in uh sixth place oh oh no they’ve re they’ve redone it said Marino is in the lead so uh is that a penalty don’t know how that’s worked maybe he’s got a problem with his transponder and that’s why they didn’t pick that up but franki according to that is in the lead so we’re not looking at first and second at the moment I’m sure that will unravel itself but uh we we know Marino’s crash helmet now they’ve changed it Marina goes down to eighth place so I’m sorry confusing you but we’re confused as well well by the by the computer but let’s let’s see what’s actually happening on the racetrack cuz that I think is is more significant yeah indeed the uh cladius Ferrari they built just five of those in 1960 and raced by the lights of Richard gther and William MZ Cliff Allison and so on Cliff Allison wck one of these cars here at Monaco back over what 70 years ago however long it was and look at that lead of Claudia hen after one lap with 6.4 seconds wow what a start from her here it is and there is Max smithard being left behind uh he’s uh it was a great start from Claudia HK and she did a grand job and thankfully uh ma Smith hilard was missed by everyone behind so on the road Marino is definitely second I’ve just looked out of the box window and seen Marino in second place the Ferguson going very well and uh so Marino on here is dropping on the timing I would suggest his transponders packed up and now now it’s writing itself so now we got the right order on your screen he is yeah yeah there’s franki in second place this is him coming up the hill out of sand devot and there is false rusol in third place FAL rusol really has look at there’s the tech Mech all over the back of f ala Tony wood trying hard to get PES a former winner here certainly is and you can compare the original Maserati 250f with the the modified techmech version FAL renol in number 40 in the little Lotus nicely colorcoded in this sort of uh uh era of racing the red cars are Italian the green cars are British yeah Marino hasn’t had the career of his brother but he’s had a good career one of his best pictures Sebring 12 hours um driving for chip ganassi famous team and I love his crash helmet B shows that he’s Scottish but with the uh tricker of Italy going through it showing the the heritage of the family of course and Thomas slth in the Ferguson in eighth place so he’s doing pretty well as I said he’s the new owner of that car from Australia and he’s been coached by Stuart Hall who put in the fastest lap of all uh in this meeting in qualifying so obviously Stuart’s taught him quite a bit um I think he is a German Heritage with sure he’s shown as Australian nationality but he’s definitely of German Heritage I spoke to him uh on Friday and he’s delighted with the car car hasn’t raced much Bob for a long time and it’s great that somebody’s bought it recently and it’s now racing it and racing it well yeah exactly very very good stuff from him uh coming through up into eighth place well actually he’s benefited from a couple of retirements hasn’t he uh Mark Shaw not starting in the Scarab and Max Smith hilard same thing he failed to get away as well so there is the techm Tony Woods still worrying Fiero Aleta that’s uh in your picture at the moment as they go up the hill and sanot and uh just ahead of them is number 40 FAL rusinol so Spaniards in third and fourth at the moment Tony wood trying to uh establish the techmech uh and push it to the front yeah the techmech only raced in one Grand Prix the US Grand Prix in 1959 with a actually a Brazilian driver called Fritz dor just did that one race it was it just a bit too late really it was a good idea I think you’d say but um by then that rear engine cars a in particular were were coming in and the lotuses and Ferrari of course switched also to rear engine six years ago Tony wood won here ahead of false ruso was in third the Scarab was in fourth and Fiero later in fifth and Smith hilard in six so you can see uh all these people have been racing against one another for quite some time and Tony wood also won in 2016 ahead of the Scarab which was in second place of Michael ganss at that time yeah that Frank his um transponder still playing up so now he’s sh has dropped to to 12 but that’s not the real case I’m sure they’ll sort that out in a little while but now great to see the Ferguson race as I said I saw it in Period win the Gold Cup at Alton Park was taken there for a birthday round past the swimming pool this circuit Bob I mean you’ve been here so many times um has changed a little bit that’s one section isn’t as it was when these cars raced in Period most of it is yeah there’s the techmech again just keeping an eye on that very distinctive and what a battle this is over third place for false renol who’s just holding on there and they’re threading their way through b markers traffic really is a problem around here but these are cars that are a lot narrower than modern formula cars of course so therefore we’ve seen them actually three a breast going down the hill into Miro there’s Marino that characteristic crash helmet of his and he definitely is second on the road and a timing screen has corrected itself again so Marino 9.9 seconds nearly 10 seconds behind Claudia hergen who is absolutely running away with this not in that race bot but it did reduce it by one and we’re just about halfway through now as it’s all happening down there is there’s a tech M look getting stuck you see it’s lower profile uh the lotus in the typical uh Colin Chapman colors green and yellow and uh well having in trouble the eight car that’s Paul Grant um Paul Grant sounds very British he’s Belgian but I think he operates in Belgium probably has operated in Belgium for a long time no he is Belgian okay and his father wasn’t so they gave him an English name so uh he operates just outside Brussels selling Grand Prix cars some formula one classic cars classic racing cars yeah i’ had a chat with him on Friday if they nice chat and uh anyway he’s got problems but Claudia heran what pulled 10 seconds away from Marino in the car that owned by Marino’s father-in-law Nick Mason famous drummer of course and um great Enthusiast RAC at the mall has Nick and most of the family have raced haven’t they yeah yes with varying amounts of success but yeah as you say doesn’t put another hole in the the arm go hole in the wall Nick’s two daughters have both raced his wife has raced as well and Nick of course has raised himself has been a long long time collector of uh cars and uh his fellow bandmate Dave Gilmore is also a a collector of racing yeah he had a brm p25 didn’t he at one stage Gil here the tech me side by side up the hill really trying to get past via and that battle is still continuing why are they having fun out there those two yeah sliding it through there do you think you’ll find a way now this is another possible overtaking situation cross the zebra Crossing I’m sure Tony wood would Echo if I say I’d love to see this happening all over again I hope if only they could have another race a bit later on today and do it all over over again theier ala is defending very well though yeah and um well placed car isn’t it yeah yeah showing he’s got quite a lot of experience absolutely just holding on and Tony W must be so frustrated hope taking a slower Lotus there now that wasn’t f r no it wasn’t he’s still there so we’ got Ferrari Maserati Lotus yeah so the battle really still IS F managing to maintain a gap to his compatriot so just holding on to that third place false rusol yeah in the Lotus as they come up to the swimming pool and a very good run by John spares in his 250f Maserati uh British entrepreneur last weekend he was racing a TVR at Donington Park this weekend he’s racing his Maserati here at Monaco what a contrast look at Tony we absolutely all over the back of the 250 F giving us a great comparison between the two cars and they’re followed all the way as you say by John Spears right behind him and uh now false renol did he make a mistake oh no that’s the Cooper Bristol going up the hill isn’t it yeah so they got past that quite easily and that’s uh Marino franki and look at this traffic you can see exactly you only got to have one or two slower cars W and cloudy hurt going quicker and quicker just gone purple in the first sector so she is really flying around here tremendous stuff she’s now got a lead of 13 seconds over Marina frankii well not many people can say that no well right from the start of this meeting this first race showing the brilliant racing you can get from historics and there is Fiero ala getting ahead ofo yeah that was a good move wasn’t it down into Miro yeah into the Miro corner now through the the tunnel which again has changed its shape over the years used to be a more traditional rounded Edge tunnel if if you will but very modern with a hotel on top of it now another back marker has to keep out of the way there’ll be some interesting Spanish words after this with on now demoted to fourth place in the Lotus and Fierro ala promoted in the Maserati 250f and Tony wood is still there but not quite as close as he was H low to 16 trying to have a little look but uh no way through there pass another row of shops and uh down into L rascas Corner accelerating out of there sort of a two-part Corner isn’t he’s got sort of double Apex corner and on a Lotus 16 really sliding at our camera beautiful stuff and being beginning to be challenged I wonder if he’s just got a little bit of a a problem he’s being challenged but he’s coming back at his compatriot at Fiero ala is false rusol in the Lotus but he is under pressure from Tony wood as well but gordini there being shown the uh blue flag blue flag for a BL blue cart 34 there is John Spears and that little blue uh gordini I think that’s the one that started from the pit Lane uh that’s already a lap down uh and another Spaniard bergo signs to baranda or Bara just keeping out of the way he’s down in 21st position he’s just been lapped now so Claudia hen still out in the lead not to confuse the red cars there there was a slower back marker but Claudia H doing a grand job absolutely what is required for methusalem racing these people come from all sorts of different backgrounds different backgrounds of cars and competition history we’re talking about Paul Grant a few moments ago Paul started his competition career in a little daff aramatic rally car yeah if you remember those all the belts wearing around well of course they also excuse me powered Formula 3 cars as well they did check a flag Formula 3 Cars Tony Hall and Mike Becki I think the drivers love them actually they were strange cuz the engine note just stayed the same and Williams Formula 1 tried a similar system you know many years ago and I was privileged to film it and then the then I think it was banned before it ever got to the official racetrack because there we are Perkin in this beautiful Ferrari owned by Alex Burkin stock and run by Mausam racing just doing an outstanding job here eight laps completed by her so one lap they’re on she’s on her last lap oh Marina Frank goes through 4 and a half 14 and a half seconds behind H and then Fiero ala three and a half seconds back in third place Tony wood is in fourth Spears is in fifth false rusel has we’ got a problem cuz he’s dropped back oh and he’s facing the wrong way that’s the problem yeah so false rusol yes facing the wrong way up the hill and uh that is a problem for or is that at the is that a toac yes it’s out I think it’s through toac isn’t it yes uh after no sorry it’s after the swimming pool quite an interesting place cuz he’s some way after the corner Fortune is off the line isn’t he but how can he turn that round I I think that might bring out the uh a full course or the the safety car well they’re on the last lap yeah so yes he’s just sitting there hoping that somebody’s he’s going to he’s going to climb out of it yeah so he’ll be disappointed it’s not a full not a full course yellow yet so uh their speeds are not not regulated yet still see the green light flashing there so well that’s just after the incident here is Claudia hen coming through gas heading heading towards virage noguez uh that’s the last corner should be the checker flag for her here oh well we didn’t see a checker flag now it’s the end of the eight flat wasn’t it well nine laps completed yes according to our screens indeed yes the Oscar has been abandoned on the way up the hill out of sand devot um but clavia hgen uh yellow FL there now a green flag so one lap to go one lap to go organization so keep going girl because uh so many times you know there’s been problems U people are back off yeah lost the race before she got 22 lead though or you get a a penalty for doing an extra lap like Dorian pin did in jeda earlier on this year yeah talking about another highly talented but now a female racing driver yeah think she’s she’s a real deal isn’t she yeah I think so um so clonia hen in the tunnel uh we thought that was the last lap be interesting to see how they how they signal it yeah 10 laps out of nine yes so well terrific great racing wasn’t between Fiero Aleta and wood but Tony wood has made it up into third place and uh so great stuff there John Spears perhaps getting past uh Fierro Aleta on this last lap we’ll have to keep an eye on that we’re keeping an eye on the leader at the moment Claudia hen as she comes up behind number 50 that’s Jeffrey O’Neal in his Maserati 250f they’re all a little bit different these 250 FS uh because they they built them over a period of years didn’t they so the car was evolving and well look at this great stuff she overtakes and uh didn’t overtake under the yellow flag now we must see the checken flag out now and there it goes and she makes it second consecutive victory in this A2 front endine Grand Prix category cars built before 1961 and there’s Marino he crosses he’ll be delighted with that he’s told me that he’s getting more and more used to this 250f he has raced it quite a lot in the UK but uh here you know a daunting experience what did you tell your father-in-law if you crash a thing that’s worth over a million pounds I suppose um third place Tony wood in the tech Mech so well done to him just ahead of G Fiero Aleta in fourth place John Spears fifth Stefan dut in fifth place and then Thomas Scher in his new AC position should go through in seventh but uh what a race great fun certainly was beautiful sounds too for this spectacular stuff these uh drivers I I love the blister on the front of that Ferrari and if you you can just see it there and you could just see the top of the the carburetor intakes it’s great to see bits of of it’s quite iconic that um yeah she look she’s happy with a black crash helmet we’ll see her again later on today and uh but what a start to the day for her cladia heren well done there is a possibility we might get an interview with her he might be to dive into the French feed for that we’ll find out in a few minutes but herun fragi would that was the the top three but terrific battle between wood and Fier letto he just didn’t give up Tony wood did he laugh after lap he couldn’t find a way pass finally he did it yeah he was there all the time wasn’t he just then that’s what you have with these cars that’s exactly what you have to do you have to be there to exploit any slight mistake of your uh adversary and if he makes a mistake you you take the chance you have to the way you get past one of the great things about cars of this era is the braking distance are so much longer than they are currently so the window of opportunity for outbreaking somebody is increased so more chance of of overtaking under the brakes there’s cloudia waving to the fans early start here of course at Monaco but we’ll be cracking through the eight races Bob well it may be an early start wherever you’re watching in the world you’re very welcome yes now these first three I suspect will come up onto the Grid or will they go into the pit Lane we’ll see in a moment that little scooper C channels air down into the car there is the abandoned car still it’s still pointing in the wrong direction of Yim F rusol in the Lotus 16 so the the Spanish you say he a paint magnet yeah yeah Marshall’s signaling the first three to go through onto the uh onto the start finish in line to go onto the podium here it is hen franki wood Fiero ala just misses out and then John Spears in fifth Stephan the group sixth then shareth Brad Baker from Canada G plant guy plant in uh Ninth Place uh Bobby won his class didn’t he I think guy plant G plant and then 10th Jeffrey O’Neal signal from the USA that’s uh those who have completed the race and now perhaps we will be hearing from Claudia hen and Marina look CL has been racing I mean she won a race here 24 years ago so unbelievable 24 years ago there she is and uh the German team who runs that car so successfully there the two great uh makes of Italy Maserati and Ferrari who race so much in the history we are hoping to get that interview pretty soon see cameraman down there CL rcing the team and now she’s been Led Out get that black crash helmet off there the crash helmet comes off and uh [Music] is smile on her face the victory Garland she uh I thought she was going to put it on Marino Tony woodl Tony happy with his third after cracking race so first win of the day here is our interviewer yes Claudia congrats for your win unbelievable driving for you with this weekend with a f for you another win the second in a row po position first slap in the victory I was it to attack this weekend for to take the win it was a little bit difficult because on Friday we had a little problems on the car so we prepare everything for the qualifying so it was car was really good in qualifying so I know I must set the car on pool because that’s the target uh for for the race and then I will full full concentrate for the first three four laps I know I will push because there’s no traffic and I have a good start and then I can continue and in the first time I look in the mirror was after L 4 and say okay come on relax and uh go ahead it’s always something special to drive here in Monaco but of course to win in Monaco of course it’s is special for me you know 93 with a big accident in formal 3 so uh yeah first uh I when I came back here to Monaco I love Monaco and yeah it’s for me really like my hometown and uh it’s a special feeling when I drive here in Monaco thank you thank you [Music] Cloud ah excellent a good interview from Claudia hen yes well done very nice to hear from her there’s Marino um flank Kitty there are the cars the lovely Ferrari Dino yeah just uh dino cuz this late son of Enzo Ferrari who died early and uh cars named after him racetracks named after Dino Ferrari as well we have a Podium ceremony as well well isn’t that great to to have a a a lady winner to start the day really did a fantastic job Marino Frank there and obiously Tony would as well Marino will be very happy as you said with that second place although the Gap 15.4 seconds yeah but one of his best results in that car I think he’s been driving RAC it now for about 5 years off and on but not very regularly Marino with his shaved head and of course his brother dar’s got a fine head of hair hasn’t he but I remember Marino racing back in formul 4 years ago and a lot to live up to your older brother and a nice traditional Laurel Garland not used to following you yes not a wreath a wreath is for dead people exactly and and so many people get that wrong a Garland a Garland that’s it and that will hang on the wall of the uh methusalem Racing Organization I’m sure in a couple of days time and they’ve got the all the kit back to Germany a just a phenomenal driver cloudia her I just wonder what would have happened if she hadn’t had that huge Formula 3 crash huge Talent Tony wood trying to get the crowd to cheer proudy wearing the badge of the British racing drivers club and great historian is both Ino and Dario know a lot about the history of motor racing ah little jump from cloudia and a very nice trophy is handed over and I’m sure that would take pride of place in the trophy C back in Aran yeah nice trophy isn’t it superb they always do things properly at Monaco no expense Spar but a different sort of trophy there for a second trophy some cartoon character wearing a 1950s crash helmet so he can park that one next to his Sebring 12-hour winning trophy well done also remember him racing at L more in the Delta week yes yeah Tony wood in third place gets his trophy as well and now the national anthem of Germany come [Music] the for so the champagne did not spray there keeping that for later but coming up at about 20 minutes time Bob conon jurus will be uh the next race we’re going to move on in history a little bit because uh gby up will be a race for uh the Siri B cars and uh I think it’s series 1 a actually oh is it a yes it is A1 next yes so they have moved it around a little bit so A1 so that’s the earlier cars yes we going to go back in time now yeah seems a bit counterintuitive but that’s what we’re going to do Bugattis eras um cars that are perhaps well certainly the Bugatti is 100 years old so we’ll look forward to uh seeing that in a few moments time a champagne breakfast meanwhile for our first three oh lot how civilized drinking out of that special glasses as well I’d love to take one of those home I’d even drink champagne well you said champagne so many times Bob at Grand pris over the years you’re famous for it of course but you don’t get to say that anymore no no it’s bubbles these days bichin bichin yeah because it’s not champagne that is sprayed on the on the is it a sort of champagne recipe with the three regular grapes or is it more a sort of spaman it’s more of span sparkling wide should we say Yes um great stuff so we’ll take a little break now and come back to you with a One cars that’s cars from before the war and also vetes so uh as I say we’ll see Bugattis we’ll see uh eras Maseratis and an Alfa Romeo as well okay perfect thank you very for you we’re going to help you we’re going to help you e [Applause] hallah [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Music] you put your helmet [Music] so the highlights of our first race here in Monaco the front engine Grand pre- cars built before 1961 and uh this was the grid with Claudia hen on Pole Position from Maro Franky and what a start she made Claudia herk and left on the grid was uh Max smithard in the low to 16 but at the front the two red cars Ferrari ahead of Maserati yeah Marino Frank T slotting into second place sadly that low to 16 to failing but there was a other similar models right in there with J Fiero eleta there is the car being pushed away some early action up into the casino square but Claudia hen just in a different Zone really to the others witho Frank in second place and really the battle was all over third certainly was and there was tremendous Racing for third place to wood who’s had success in this race uh in the techmech the modified Maserati 250f going very well indeed and trying to find a way past we also had John Spears moving up and also had the Ferguson P99 Racing for the first time for many years and looking really smart the oneoff four-wheel drive car raced in Period by Sterling Moss there is the techm going around the ascar hapin and in fact we have the two Spaniards theier Aleta in his uh in his uh Maserati and FAL rusol in the Lotus 16 so two Spaniards amongst that mix with Tony wood as well and John Spears and that number 40 that was uh the uh false renol Lotus and soon Bob they were having to lap quite a lot of back markers weren’t they and that made it even harder work but cloudia hen the little Ferrari Dino 246 going superbly there’s that big battle Fier later against the uh against his compatriot FS renel yeah I they’ve raced each other a lot in the past but uh really entertaining scrap for a third place watched all the way by the techmech of Tony wood but uh heading for the checker flag all the way was Claudia htun there was just no doubt about it in the Ferrari and then Fels ruso had this spin which uh meant the car was abandoned just before rasc and so he was out of third place yeah heading for the checker flag was our winner Claudia hen and Claudia hen making it two wins out of two in this A2 category which started the weekend in Grand Style with Marino Frank kitti in second place and in third Tony wood in the tech Mech e spe [Music] spe e e [Music] so cars winding their way onto the track now this pre-war Grand Prix cars and vo tourettes and we will have the British eras in it [Music] 14th running of this Grand Prix historic here at the wonderful Monaco Street circuit and uh we’re rolling the clock back Bob consen jurus now yes not just in it the eras but on the front row both of them both of them having been owned by padin staling uh but the second car now owned by Brad Baker and uh both prepared in fact by the same preparation company so the two eras uh r5b which is the famous uh Remis or is it Romulus I think it’s Remis it’s re and uh by Prince be of Thailand or Siam as it was in those days by Prince tuler but driven by be given to him as a given to him as a 21st birthday present as you do and he had three eras at stages uh Prince be and a fine racing driver he was uh so Dowling has won this race in the past in 2018 the uh main contenders from uh race two years ago last time they ran um are not uh in the race uh Patrick BL the Evans in the Evans Edwards in the Fraser Nash should have been in the race but they I think they dropped a valve tried to repair it R in qualification it stopped on the opening lap so that’s a huge disappointment and uh PBE officially scratched so uh he was third three years ago and in 21 um he was leading and uh then the car had uh fuel uh vaporization problems if I remember correctly so not a happy hunting ground for him but Dowling Irish I think he’s right Bas in americ and the paddings Dowling and back in 14 he was second here but he’s definitely going to be the class of the field here and uh also in third place uh you’ll see Michael bir um races all over the world really in various different historic cars including a lovely tolit yeah just to go back to paddin ding he was a close second in 2012 and also in 2014 as well but then won it in 2018 in in the 5B ER a5b which is the car he will be racing this time but he had r10b which is sold to Brad Baker the Canadian driver who will be racing it today they will be on the front row of the grid 17 of these R type ER were built and uh of course Raymond Mays very much involved in fact they finished first second and third here in 1936 led by Beer’s r2b Romulus um ahead of Marcel Lao and Nicki and baricos in their private cars beating the might of Maserati in what was the Rainer Cup in 1936 You Were Here Andrew I was yes this race named after Louis shiron a former winner uh imp period of the mono Grand Prix but Bob we noticed it’s another very disappointing non-starter obviously some mechanical failure from the the Alpha Romeo yes uh the Alpha Romeo Fritz burkard who has the Pearl collection of cars in Switzerland uh he had this extraordinary Alfa Romeo HC Monza from 1933 delivered new scrier Ferrari for Tao nuari but sadly it’s blown a head gasket so unfortunately won’t be starting from Seventh on the grid in this uh in this race but we have got Bugattis and the Bugatti was launched exactly 100 years ago uh amazing to think that Battis are racing this weekend uh particularly the car of fra fuk hat v um and he starts eighth on the GD wall seventh on the grid without the alphao and uh that car was built in 1925 so it’s 99 years old and here it is still being raced you would have thought just to put it out of its misery and allow it to retire gracefully but no it’s being being raced 18 there another similar Bugatti unusual color in white [Music] um that car the 18 machine of stacks so fantastic cards the mg there number four and that is John gillet from Australia in the mg K3 magnet 1934 one of the Vette cars under 1500 CC I think that might be another caret Prince beer raced didn’t only race ER he had three of them the third one was called Hanuman look at the the the engine there from uh the Bugatti love to see that just lifted the body and we did see a quick shot of Martin haoa um down there he’s racing his he’s um the founder of Apex Partners both his sons are racing this weekend as well yes it’s a name you’ll hear quite a lot of uh Australian by birth but lived in Britain for quite a long time Martin H so I think he’s based down in here at Monaco why not um so darling versus Baker we think in this with the ER English racing founded by Humphrey cook Raymond Ma and Peter Peron in November 1933 in the little town of born in lincolshire where of course brm were based for many years and subsequently of course now the great preparation company H and Hall uh are still up up in that town so great motor racing history there I thought Hall and Hall seem to be based in our breakfast room this morning well in fact the most of the mechanics were not sure what I I think they were hoping for full English but they got aaso that’s yes Lincoln sh boys probably do link are sausages of course there’s paddin dling and uh looking very focused looking down into the cockpit oldfashioned goggles yeah good oldfashioned goggles there padin stalling and um you see some stickers yellow stickers on in front of the cockpit if you no some of the shape of a cockpit that signifies that they’re exempt from from wearing a hands device uhuh quite a lot of stickers those round stickers that they are basically the scrutineering tickets from this meeting over the years here is race control quite a brain strust there we believe the famous Belgian uh rally and race driver Mark dwiz is part of that team and he’s also assisted I think by Olivier Beretta who is a former Formula 1 driver from Monaco so local boys 72 there is Mark winter um a pseudonym for a German driver in the ma Maserati 6 cm we quite a lot of German businessmen tend to do that uh I think there’s more German if you look at the entry list for the Nur ring 24 hours you’ll see about 20 different names some of them quite peculiar and there was a famous German racing driver in one Lamar called allegedly John winter but his name was Louis kras and he moved to America met a sorry end actually very nearly killed me once at the nurburg ring did he yeah he was one side of the Armco about 6 in away from it and I was the other side 6 Ines away from it and he was off the circuit um being lapped by Bob wck at the time his teammate and in a porch 935 and he wasn’t on the circuit and he probably wasn’t in control either but we both got away with it 72 the Maserati it’s famous badge on the front with the Trident sometimes you see a big Trident uh particularly the 250 F Maseratis in the radiator ARA now you were talking yesterday about the colors there is uh the pole winner uh in the colors of sayam yes the the blue and yellow sayam uh back in the day there was well there are still are National racing colors and obviously green for Britain red for Italy White the blue stripes for United States blue of course for France it couldn’t be anything else uh yellow for Belgium dark green and gold for Australia and so on I think there still is a list in existence you can find it on the internet but back in the day these cars were painted those colors and of course it’s the color of the entrant I think rather than manufacturer yes they’re all uh not exactly on their grip positions because of course they’re elderly people and they need a push start so that’s exactly what they’re all getting and then they come up onto their group positions once they’ve been push started once they’ve got those engines up running far in now we have to say that at this race it’ll be a surprise if Dowling doesn’t dominate it uh because he is very quick in the CRA and he knows it well they the car now being rolled back um but this is motor racing you never know yeah exactly especially with these elderly cars as well they will move around wonderfully on this circuit as well and 15 seconds to go before they set off on their final parade lap or formation lap if you like and uh elderly cars of course tend to fail we forget just how much how unreliable they were perhaps uh and away they go on this final formation lap they all got away I hope so as I say we’re missing the Alpha Romeo sadly of Fritz bergart but uh I think everyone’s got away so let’s hope so and uh through sand up the hill and really in TV pictures doesn’t show you how steep The Climb is up there and uh you know when you walk up the side there you get a bit of puff at the end well old BLS like us do anyway pass Rose’s bar or way Rosy’s bar used to be of course that’s Rosie of course ran the bar on the left hand side of the go up the hill where Graham Hill used toh celebrate his many victories five victories here and then through Mass the left-hander into Casino Square now denuded of its Gardens on the left hand side of your picture now um and I don’t know what’s happened to those but hopefully they’ll be restored and then through Casino Square then down the hill to mirabo the right hander at the bottom of the hill there past the tip top bar on the left never been there of course uh we’ll talk about that later on then Through The Hairpin it was the station hairpin and it is really very tight round there yeah yeah uh in fact modern formula cars have to have special steering racks to get through there and then the right hand at Portia the right previous right hand is sometimes called mirabu uh Sha uh and then the right hands are at p8 and then into the tunnel and of course big change of light as you go eyes have to adjust as you go through it’s much brighter than the old tunnel was but uh still bit of a shock as you dive into there I’m sure on this formation lap and then out of the tunnel hard on the brakes for the chicane it wasn’t always there of course that chicane and there’s a bit of a bump there as well to settle the cars through the chicane right and then left-hander and then the blast past the boats all of which have to pull out from the key there for safety’s sake uh both this weekend and uh in two weeks time as well into to back the left hander yeah in past years two Grand Prix cars Grand Prix drivers have finished in that Harbor uh managed to swim strongly to the shore Paul Hawkins a great Australian of course splashed down there but now there’s yachts in the way let change the trace of that there’s a swimming pool and of course toac featured in the 1950 race because there was a wave broke over the sea wall uh and deposited a lot of water onto the track at toac and uh the first I think they lost something like half the field uh crashed on that war that wet to track in 1950 so much history here isn’t there everywhere you turn water water everywhere yeah and down throughly marasas which is the name of the restaurant there hairpin again the trace of that has changed over the years it’s a more complicated corner now a straight hairpin through the NOG rander which is named after the founder of the circuit yeah Anthony Noz and then onto the pit straight which is not really a straight slight right-hander that hairpin back in the old days um the great so Jack braam and we’ll see some braam cars later he actually crashed there on the last lap when he was in the lead into the straw bales don’t see many straw bales around here now but let’s concentrate on the start of this one ding there just pumping up the fuel pressure on come the lights out get the L and away they go and it’s padin styling into the lead but Brad Baker keeping him honest in second place those two eras first and second as they go into Sandy bot was it Michael bur a bit slow away somebody fed de up the hill they go and Dowling from Baker in the black er that Mark I think Michael bur is there in third place it was wasn’t him then that it’s Jonathan Bailey yeah I think you’re right yes up into third place and uh then it’s Michael Burge you were right Michael it’s got the Ruben barell tribute crash helmet miss that down the hill on the brakes there’s bir he’s already up into third yeah Michael’s got super string of of cars he was racing last week and Donington Park as well it’s so many historic meetings these days and the first of the Battis is the yellow car that’s I think uh Mark winter yes Mark winter and followed by Martin haloa so pretty much grid order at the moment uh having been restored by Michael bch getting up into third place but uh oh yeah Brad Baker under pressure on bir yeah Michael bir see saying earlier on this weekend very competitive around here he likes likes these sort of cast um probably his favorite as the T but he races at the lon classic the the lon classic is every other year for Monaco so they don’t clash and that’s a big meeting but that’s all sports cars this is all about Formula 1 with a little bit of sports cars we’ll see those later so here they come up towards the completion of lap one but this is the battle over second place this is Brad Baker being pushed hard by Michael Burch they go through Noz onto the pit straight already Paden Stalin has gone through Paden Stalin in the lead from Baker in second place 4.5 seconds the gap between Dowling and Baker and then uh Michael bur being pushed hard or pushing hard behind Brad Baker can that’s an absolutely cracking first lap isn’t it we see replay of the start e e e two laps completed Now by these cars and bur beginning just to ease away a little bit from Brad Baker Brad Baker used to uh much quicker cars he’s been uh he’s had much quicker Formula 1 more contemporary Formula 1 cars as the Canadian driver but he’s certainly hanging on to Michael bur not letting him get away had in staling maybe pull pulling away but uh Michael bur being kept very honest by the Canadian a nice little scrap between the uh the two cars stats is up into Seventh Place ahead of rala eming in eighth Stephano Rosen the shipping uh expert in ninth place and then Fuki edilla in 10th place this is the traditional ra that we’re seeing darling the traditional shape they did later bring a more rounded and streamline version called the G model didn’t they GP yeah GP I think they made two or three of those and I were never never really that successful great noise of course from uh the eras what Des is like sound of ripping Calico as we said yesterday Calico never heard it being ripped but I suppose we know what it’s like I’ve never worn it so no one’s ever tried to it off me quite sure what it is even but uh obviously some special kind of cloth which difficult to tear us under but probably where also yes so just looking at darling’s lap now and to he probably notics the situation but now Michael bur is doing almost exactly the same lap time yeah look at this really Titanic battle isn’t it but B needs to do that cuz he’s under a lot of pressure of course from Baker there’s the Canadian using his experience as you said bobbing lots of different cars charging up the hill and uh the gap between the two Dowling and bir came down a little bit on that last lap by just under a second so uh they are catching with this uh great battle going on on for second place padin staling has got to keep his eye on that Gap uh he’s got a nice comfortable lead but it’s not that comfortable he goes a little bit wide there as well on The Descent to uh mirabo and uh mist is breaking just a little bit so the Gap may have come down even more uh there it is the leader going through the hairpin and then into the corner before portier still Brad Baker keeping the pressure all the time on Michael bur Michael bur perhaps I wonder if he’s oh Brad Baker pulling alongside in the tunnel looking to get past it’s very very close what about under breaking here for the chicane not close enough perhaps no Birch in the Masarati 4 cm four being for the four cylinders and uh this car used by the arati Factory back in 1936 and then various Italian drivers uh raced it when you look at the front of them it’s not dissimilar to the ER they’re quite similar looking cars yeah in a way Michael still under pressure what about down at the swimming pool no no room there and then down into rasas and uh Michael just inched out a little bit more the the Gap has actually come down to under 5 Seconds now between him and Dowling so this is far from all over just another 10 laap Race we just preap in and now now he’s now he’s almost side by side but bir closes him off it’s gone back up by half a second between Dowling and bir yeah I suppose bir defending and taking rightly different lines and what about up the hill there oh there he goes yeah just pure on power that was just done on power wasn’t it so Baker up into second place and now ahead of bur but Birch will be fighting back still this is further back number two there is Ralph eming in the mg and Battis as well various iterations of Battis 35 35b which is the powerful one 35 C 37 using the same chassis is the 35 and a 3744 and a 51 as well so lots of uh ious iterations of Battis but the 35b was the car which won the very first Monaco Grand Prix driven by the English driver William Grover Williams uh an intriguing character a sort of up Market chauffeur turned spy and uh some a brilliant book by Joe Seward uh about that uh driver and that period in time yeah telling the story there’s the replay just purely done on power uh so just a little four-cylinder engine of course in the uh bir car but uh Baker now actually fastest first sector yeah the race completed the Gap has come down to 4.7 Seconds come down again so it’s very elastic that gap between Dowling and uh the car he used to own Brad Baker in the second of the eras little Riley front of those two Bugattis just so iconic the shape of that Bugatti uh radiator the car launched at the French Grand Prix the 35 launched at the French Grand Prix at Leon uh in 1924 1924 100 years ago well of course they strapped some uh pod guards on these cars and drive them on the road as people do I remember doing a classic car rally years ago in oname and there was about 20 of them and at the lunch HW they lined them all up it looked fantastic so the gap down now as Bob is pointing to the timing screen 2 and a half seconds now and the battle is on the battle is very very much on isn’t it Brad Baker getting a lot closer to Padden staling Padden stalling having first been uh introduced to motor racing in his native Island going to the mondelo Circuit in Dublin and uh that’s where he originally became enthusiastic about Motorsport but he sold this ra I think to Brad Baker and maybe beginning to regret that because Brad Baker getting closer and closer and Brad Baker’s pull away easily from Michael Burch Mark winter in fourth place Jonathan Bailey in fifth and Martin husa in sixth place then Ralph eming back up into Seventh Place ahead of Stephan Rosina and then the French driver stacked in ninth place and fuk Eda in 10th yeah Pan’s now living in California and as well as the C he’s kind a very old 1962 Lotus 7 that he races uh down in uh little local Californian circuits yes somebody getting a little bit wide at the chicane there and of course getting your breaking right on these oldfashioned drum breaks uh is pretty crucial but as you were saying earlier on Andrew of course uh it uh the breaking distance is a lot longer but uh of course that that’s something they’ll get used to Dowling 2.2 seconds oh it goes back up between Dowling and Baker to 4.8 seconds yeah that’s a bit of a surprise really because Baker’s still on this time he’s on another Qui quick lap he seems to be quick in the first sector but losing out on the second and of course you know if you use up the brakes if your brakes are a bit soft yes and there’s a bit of traffic around I mean I know it’s not the the fullest of grids with 14 cars but you there’s still some slower cars out there have to be lapped just like that and uh that’s John gillet in the mg K3 so Brad Baker 3.1 seconds after six laps now between Dowling and Baker so it is very elastic and as you say probably it is because of the traffic there is padden’s Dowling he’s still in the lead there in the background is his teammate in some ways Brad Baker Michael bur just dropped back now um so he’s now another couple of seconds behind baker having led him yeah more than a couple six or eight now seconds further back so uh yes indeed but these you know at the start of the race everything is absolutely ready to go and the brakes are cool and the engine is absolutely sharp and so many things can go off uh after two or three laps around this circuit and so many settings can readjust themselves and be less efficient than they were at the start Brad Baker coming into the chicane in r10b no spring chicken pulas 69 years old and driving like a young man here well this is what you find at historic race meetings isn’t it you they drive like young men and then they take off the helmet and the hair is completely the wrong color um or not at all well was a bit like that in the commentary box actually so ding I think he’s put the pressure back on a bit now uh he’ll be getting his pck balls and no obviously no uh radio pits the car radio and of course the reason for the uh the fact that these so many of these drivers are not spring chickens and they’ve also got hair the wrong color it’s uh because they’ve been very very competitive not just on the racetrack but in business as well and that’s where they’ve made their money and now they’re indulging in their hobby yeah some of them are still obviously in in senior positions quite a lot of others have retired as we we mentioned earlier but there is uh third place car Michael Birch just see how he uses his body almost like a motorcycle racer leaning into the corner transfer of weight as you say as you say that Ruben’s bar Kell helmet is it intended to be a Ruben’s Barry K helmet oh yes it loves uh loves Ruben’s Barry K it says it’s in its last year cuz these things have a a shelf life and he’s going to change it and he’s not sure if he’s going to stick to the same color scheme but it also says Michael on it and it’s that’s where on the ruin one it said malra but he he put Michael obviously his name and easy to see I I had wondered if it was one that actually been owned by uh rubben but that is not the case it is a it is a replica tribute helmet of course there’s quite a trade in in secondhand uh famous racing helmets I mean you know in the old days a Formula 1 drive go through a whole season with just one helmet now they should have a different one and sometimes a different color scheme for every race and as you commentated on those races uh Bob that must be pretty frustrating sometimes yeah it gets quite complicated really padn St in there we’re watching him from the Drone as it were and uh beautiful watching that uh car going around and uh he’s really doing a good job last time the Gap was 5.8 seconds here he is through rascas accelerates up the little Hill towards Noz through Noz steers clear of the curb on the outside and the Armco on the outside and then on the pit straight now completes lap eight two to go so we’ve got uh this car driven by originally imp period by a tie and of course in two weeks time we’re going to have a a tie well part half tie driver competing and here is Michael Burch in second place Brad Baker where’s BR Baker 10.4 seconds he has dropped well back yeah but has bir closed on him it’s the whole field is spreading out now yeah uh and uh yeah bir oh yellow flag wave does he uh the white Bugatti pulls off yeah it’s slowed on the way up the hill it uh whatever it lost I think it’s got it back it’s TI stats uh French driver uh and uh he’s doing a bit of Maintenance as he goes around it looks like is it something to do with the brakes well it look like that to me yeah yeah he went through there okay and then slow oh oh they hit yes yeah watch this here’s a replay it’s the mg isn’t it and oh it almost went over wow the dri and very nearly hit the Armco I think that’s the Riley isn’t it yes it is a Riley yeah but there’s two riy does that say anything yeah that’s not Ty shanan it’s Ralph eming it’s Ralph eming who was involved in that and uh and then now he’s decided to park it he’s still looking aroundin those iconic wheels of the Bugatti those cast Wheels most cars had wire wheels back then Marshalls come to the rescue hopefully I think the the car basically I either he lost Mr gear or he lost power or what for whatever reason and uh eming came up on him so quickly couldn’t avoid him yeah and that was could have been a very nasty moment so padin dlin completes lap nine one to go for padin stallin untroubled drive to Victory here paddin who last won this in 18 won by an ER last time out the British driver Mark Gillies in r3a U Mark is now the head of uh public affairs for Volkswagen in the United States and I thought he was was coming to race here actually but uh he’s he’s not he a well-known journalist for many years work for British magazines and then for some of the big uh magazines in America and then jump to what they call the dark side PR but no he’s not here Brad Baker in second place 13 seconds now behind Padden staling last lap being shown to uh the rest of the runners we’ve had Dowling uh Baker and Burch 1 2 three we wait for fourth place Mark winter and there is TI stats out of his car now Ralph eming has managed to keep going in spite of that moment like a bucking bronco that was 45° to the horizontal wasn’t it but ding Baker bir so uh Mark Winter’s gone through in fourth place Jonathan Bailey in fifth place indeed Mark winter just putting his his fastest lap in thus far I think but little bit late in the day darling heading now towards the check a flag through the swimming pool section for the last time breaking down under the bridge turns right into rasas keeps it wide all the way around bumpy on the exit of there and now to the checked flag and darling wins Siri A1 pre-wall Grand Pre cars of voets and wins it in fine style and I’m sure he’s going to be very happy as he uh just take his SL down that Baker makes it a onew for ra and then Michael Burch will come home in third place in the number 70 car there’s Baker up the hill now not on full power of course race over but Michael still racing cuz he grounds ra rascas for the last time under the bridge and not at the speed he was going earlier on but safe in third had a lovely little battle earlier on with Baker got in front of him and then dropped back so Michael bur in third place who’s going to be fourth it should be Mark winter the pseudonym Maserati driver should be in fourth we shall see in a moment but uh Paden stallin acknowledging the congratulations of the marshals particularly so uh Mark winter went through in fourth place Jonathan Bailey we didn’t see too much of him no in fifth place um driving the Bugatti another of the Bugatti drivers Jonathan Bailey in Bugatti 35c and then Martin haoa in his Bugatti 35b in sixth place then it was Stephano Rosina uh in seventh um fra fuk ATA in eighth place Ralph eming not awfully certain if he actually did complete it I’m not certain maybe he did stop um so uh and then uh Julia de balansa we had Julia balansa who’s a regular here and uh she was uh yeah she actually took Ninth Place and pantelli was in 10th place that’s uh the Italian driver maritzio pantelli and another Bugatti of 37 so uh padin staling heading for the podium we hopefully will hear from him as well yeah um we we did speculate was was this Rus or ramulus two different cars that was raced a lot by uh Prince you were right the first that time Bob is is Romulus r2b um been knowed by a lot of famous racing drivers so not many people have nicknames for the racing cars but one person did so all way to yours Sebastian vettle he named nearly all his form one casts some of them was quite silly names great shot there is Dowling balls in so we’ll see the victory uh celebrations in just a moment how narrow those front tires you see the front brake drums as well and here the second ra coming through e [Music] Jonathan Bailey Bugatti Martin Bugatti stuk canadi Beaker winner of this race padin dling well congrat for itn’t easy behind some point the race no it wasn’t the car beautifully he’s only a new driver in it so uh I was worried describe they managed to do really well with much better drivers than me so I have to be a lot more careful an amazing privilege thank you m for congratulations [Music] congratulations everybody will you because me to I like winner so up on the podium Michael bur there car prepared by his friend Gareth on the national anthem of irelands coming up yeah another nice Trophy and the cartoon star TR you tell congratulations G benett with the uh the pace preparation company Michael works with very close they often race together as well in the tall bits and uh pin turning here for success with the superb Romulus now the trophies and great days for that Trio has to be said that Monaco does things properly and well nice nice trophies for everybody well done and now the national anthem of Ireland [Music] la [Music] well done to P stalling then our winner and uh are they going to spray the champagne are they going to spray the champagne question the ver C I think the answer is negative so there’s paddin when he’s not racing the already races a little old low to seven in California yeah yeah just to keep sharp as it were why not so the podium party will leave they’re going to hold on to their champagne and share it with the mechanics why not absolutely they’ve done a lot of hard work here so we went back in time but now because going to go forward to uh Siri B yeah first of all we’ll have the highlights in a few moments as we look down on the the great pits area here at Monaco Grand started to fill up they were very full yesterday yeah and uh the B race will come up there’s lovely shot of Dowling with a proper Laurel ging and now the sh p in the very special flute and he’s offered yes a glass there uh pattern’s not taking part in any other races so that he can’t partake they do that at the the Grand Prix as well they the flutes at the end I [Music] think so marvelous shot there of Michael Burch working the [Music] wheel second place Baker in the black unusual color for in ER but here’s the man who dominated the race pin’s darling from Ireland in R5 [Music] so this was the race for pre-war Grand Prix cars and vetes 10 lap race and Monaco just absolutely in its element as beautiful as it gets this is today this is really how it is it’s not uh just one of the best days it is the best day and here was padin Stalin getting off the grid in Pole Position straight into the lead a good lead from padin Stalin from Bad Baker in second place but Michael bur made a slow start so he had to work his way back up the field I think he dropped to fifth but he was doing that very quickly indeed there he is currently up the hill to Fourth Place quickly he moved to Third and then ensued a battle between Baker and bir there you see the two of them coming into the casino Square while Peng Dowling in the erra managed to uh disappear down the hill well in the lead in the colors of sayam there was bir making the pass for third getting ahead of Mark winter and the black erra there was his next Target at this stage early in the race Michael ber seemed to have plenty of pace and managed to get ahead of Brad Baker the Canadian driver in the second of the eras while paddin Dalin pulled away up the front he certainly did and he pulled away to a lead of some 14 odd [Music] seconds Michael bur under a lot of pressure from Brad Baker for quite some time peering over the top of the little AOS screens as they call them and trying to resist the second of the raas here and I think powered by him up the hill didn’t you if you remember Bob got lots of power on and just uh kind a small engine four cylinder engine in the Maserati of birch and after that Baker was able to pull away but Dowling pulling away from the pursuing pair behind both of the R’s uh prepared by the same company yeah some big Specialists couple of specialists in eras 17 of these R type eras were built and we learned this morning that 16 of them still still running yeah amazing isn’t it available to run shall we say and there was this incident here between uh the Bugatti of t stats and Ralph emling uh obviously t stats slowed as he went through sand devot and uh unfortunately Ralph eming couldn’t miss him but that did not affect the winner and he went through took the Checker fly padin darling victory for him ahead of Brad Baker an er12 [Music] [Music] don’t [Music] fore [Music] spee for fore [Music] for [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] for [Music] for foree [Music] well we have a very large a very race we had over 20 cars over 30 cars on the track and it’s a Revival of the battle that’s gone on in previous mon stor between Ferrari and lotus lotus [Music] represented really quite number of in the of World Championship G5 world championship and so he starting well coming up series B for rear engine Grand pris 90 1500 CC from 1961 to 1965 and as a small class they’re also performing two cars 1956 to 1960 the sun glits off the palace here at Monaco C the grand stands are filling up now interestingly Bob in the whole history of Grand Prix racing these are the least powerful cars that raced as Formula One cars but they’re certainly some of the most Nimble and certainly the most pretty and we got the usual in this category two main protagonists Joe kisaco in the most marvelous Ferrari and Andy middlehurst in the team classic team Lotus owned Lotus 25 that he’s raced here to more successes in the past but last time out two years ago it was kosako who uh took the award took the first prize and got Lucas haloa in there but also the grid has uh not totally reflect the uh practice times because uh little bit of controversy in qualifying and uh Mark Shaw is now shown in fifth place although Mark Shaw was actually his second fastest and and challenged for the pole position in his uh Lotus 21 an older model than the middle Hurst Lotus 25 but he was involved in one of the slower back markers and was penalized for that incident and the back marker in little the little South African Assa guy with the Alpha Romeo power uh I don’t think he’s going to make the start because the rear suspension was damaged yes so uh middle Hurst then on the pole position uh and absolutely a driver who knows this car knows it so well nice Nimble cars as you said and quite small cars as well uh Mark Shaw uh really kept him on his set second fastest time not in the same class either mark Shaw uh that was a slower Cooper and a slightly different uh shape yeah he got four cylinder engine rather than a V8 a lovely centry flx V8 that’s a a company you don’t hear of anymore because they were absorbed by jaguar and they started by making uh engines for uh little little well for fire pumps and things like that yeah Mark Shaw actually sorry I said Cooper Lotus 21 yes lus 21 um so Andy middlehurst third generation racer and his son Chris who won the wter ha Trophy last year was a fourth generation of middle Hurst that racing so I’m sure Chris will be uh down there in the pits probably with the pit board we had a chat with Chris last night but uh an middlehurst now 61 years old from St Helens up there near Liverpool used to be a Nissan deala now they’re just selling quality secondhand cars and uh and racing cars five years in a British Touring Car Championship uh started his life as a grass tracking Speedway racer raced in Formula 4 all those years ago a huge success in uh the production saloon car championship in Britain winning that on five different occasions and coming here from a victory at Donington past Donington Park last weekend where he won in the fire breathing Nissan Skyline the car that they nickname Godzilla so Andy middlehurst against kisaco that will be the story of this so Joe kosako is an uh an Italian born citizen living in Connecticut in fact his father worked for Alfa Romeo and was uh in Italy and then was posted to the USA to look after Alfa Romeo’s there and that’s where Joe kisaco also established his alpar R business and that’s where he met Lawrence or Oriana who uh also is of Connecticut and uh that’s uh he it’s his car Lawrence Oriana’s car the Ferrari 1512 um and this chassis was raced three times at Spa by CS Monza by vandini and Mexico City by Pedro Rodriguez I believe Lawrence has got a big collection of Italian cars some 30 really wonderful Italian cars I I think this is probably the star in the collection this lovely little Ferrari the most magnificent exhaust system it’s absolute work of art spag and uh the red but with the the blue wheels that ran on Ferraris for a while and again very Nimble machine just 1500 CCC uh the authorities um thought at uh 1960 that the cars were getting a bit too powerful so they decide to change the uh formula down to 1500 and uh say climax built engines for it brm and [Music] Ferrari but this should be a cracking race between uh middlehurst uh kosaka lot racing in America in sort of lower pad single seates sort of formula 4 formula 2000 they call it in America and they formula 1600 cars in the Sports Car Club of America series he’s been very successful in that but we’ve seen him with this uh wonderful Ferrari in Goodwood as well in the past uh so great to have him here but uh the Lotus on PO position in the traditional Lotus colors with for sponsorship came along with the green with a yellow stripe down the middle and Colin Chapman the great desider engineer and entrepreneur who founded Lotus cars his son Clive uh is the custodian of many of the team’s cars it’s a terrific operation classic team Lotus are running about 10 cars here but long time ago through the chief mechanic Bob dance they picked Andy middlehurst to drive the car and third spot on the grid is Lucas haloa and he is the second youngest son of Martin haloa who we saw earlier on today and Lucas haoa in number 22 um promoted one place of course and he’s driving the brabon bt7 climax uh from Austria but uh I think spent quite a lot of time in the UK and Philip boofer is next up in uh fourth place uh the Swiss driver driving uh [Music] Philip buaer in number 24 and uh he is also in a Lotus 24 climax uh next up is Mark Shaw who as I mentioned earlier on has a penalty or as we mentioned earlier on the Scotsman has a penalty which pushed him back three places on the grid and uh that’s where he starts uh and then Christopher Drake uh also from Great Britain and Christopher Drake has uh raced to Pensky into eighth place here in Monaco McLaren m1b he also races formula Junior Ela he deals inclass in these sort of cars so uh various different cars from Christopher Drake very experienced he’ll go well I suppose the story we’re watching for here will be if Shaw comes through because he he was very quick yeah he really uh kept middle Hurst honest didn’t he in that qualifying session so he latched onto the back of him and literally tailed him all the way to set a similar time yeah absolutely St Tony in there in seventh place Nick Taylor in eighth Andy Willis a replacement driver in Ninth Place Andy Willis in uh Charles McCabe or it was going to be Charles McCabe number five uh brm P 578 and uh then in 10th Place Dan Collins completing the top 10 Dan Collins from the UK and uh he’s basically stuck to Lotus throughout his career Dan Collins yeah it’s a big supporter classic team Lotus a huge Enthusiast um when we saw this grid uh going through on your graphic there you would might have seen the name of Mr johon of B now Mr John of B is a French entrepreneur who has a a very large group of composite manufacturing companies I think they make parts for airplanes all sorts of stuff but uh we did find out his real name is Jean Romey gard and we spoke about pseudonyms earlier didn’t we with Germans but we can’t work out what the be is he Mr Jon a b but where is be or what is B we haven’t found out yet here is on the front row of the grid and he is one of the drivers I I mentioned earlier on when you take off the helmet the hair is the wrong color as it were for the espri and the determination if you like behind the wheel but it is alive and well and living with Andy middlehurst here on po position a driver who has won many times around this circuit uh and many times elsewhere as well and he starts on Pole Position from Joe kisaco in second place in the Ferrari and such a unique car that Nimble little Ferrari yes I think that 402 years ago Andy middlehurst was the formula for star of tomorrow yes if you’re from the UK that used to be a category prize to win uh 16 there is uh well 15 was Dan Collins this is Lucas H haoa just picking up a bit of the last minute conversation there just trying to listen whether it is in English or in german yes and the brm there number 28 is that brm certainly is brm colors um 28 that’s Mr John of be oh it was a Lola sorry Mark for Lola Mark for apologies and Philip boofer in the brm there the Swiss driver competitive driver I mean he’s you know he’s somebody who finishes in uh good grid positions Philip boofer from Switzerland uh he’s got the bt6 he’s also raced a Lola Filman junior Here races the lutus 44 as well at Goodwood that’s a beautiful C I love the the that car and uh middlehurst versus kisaco will Mar Shaw come through the field I think he probably will lots of other Intrigue all down this very large grid there’ll be a little bit of traffic later on in the race I I think uh Andy middlehurst and Joe kisaka are going to have to work pretty hard to get through some of the back markers further back we’ve got katoko kaboto who is we’ll see quite a few times to today uh he’s very much a Lotus driver and he’s well back on the grid surprisingly far back the Japanese driver software he’s got a low Lotus 24 climax is usually in lotuses and uh so here is the driver we need to watch as well he’s back in uh uh 15th Place on the grid so uh he’s got a lot of work to do as you say a lot of traffic a huge grid here of cars and uh in total uh 30 cars on the grid we’ve lost a few over the last couple of days yeah it always happens but also further down the field um starting about 14th John Romano he this is I think his ninth appearance here and a real veteran of racing particularly in Cooper Sid Hall who who in the past had successes here Sid back in 14 he was second in this race to middlehurst and even back going back even two years earlier uh he was second again to middlehurst and that particular day um Lord Dron finished in third place if you remember he starts 23rd on the grid today so he’s going to have a lively time said who yeah very distinctive crash helmet of Dan Collins Chris Drake with a very distinctive paint job at the front which we looked at yesterday Andrew uh Gerard Bob Gerard’s uh paint job at the front of the car yeah Bob Geral was a Leicester car dealer and great racing Enthusiast and successful driver seem to remember he raced in ER we just seen the eras recently and then supported a lot of British drivers subsequently now this is one you know as well Nicholas Taylor in this White Lotus 18 yeah this is a car that was raced by the great German count Taffy Von trips before he he became a Ferrari factory driver quite a lot of people raced that car uh over the years and uh Nick Taylor’s beautifully presented this this car and uh when he had it in the padic he had a a book all about it a beautiful produced book about the car lots of pictures of Fon trips in this Lotus 18 and then a a perfect little model sat in the cockpit of the car I thought that that was uh very well done by Nick Taylor great Enthusiast who um comes from Derby and uh used to have a factory right next to the Derby County the Rams football ground in Pride Park just you’re looking down and we see the steering wheel Bob and I mean in two weeks time you’ll be S looking down into the cockpit and you’ll be seeing something that isn’t round and it’s basically a steering wheel but it it really is just a control system it’s computer it’s a it’s a it’s a computer whereas uh the steering wheels here are exactly what they’re designed to do steer the car well these these ones still do steer the car but they don’t do any else anything else do they number 16 how things are so the cry climax name there the the the the earlier engines were called f fpf fire pump F series things like that Phillip uh the Halland Hall think we had breakfast to that up he’s looking after Philip boofer the Swiss businessman who uh starts fourth on the grid yeah I we mention H hold there is a number Britain absolutely leads way in preparing historic racing cars and classic cars and some great organizations but one of the very best known of course is Hall and Hall maybe main focus would be on brm because they come from a brm background for the from Bourne well another great organization of course is classic team Lotus and there we see classic team Lotus C so the Lotus 25 was a total Revelation from Colin Chapman until then racing car chassis like this one here were built from tubes a u a collection of tubes welded together Colin Chapman came up with the idea of taking aluminum sheet aircraft spec aluminium sheet folded into a bath CB style and it it absolutely caught on for many many years until carbon fber came in as way every Formula 1 racing car was built everybody copied Colin Chapman there is the superb lines I love the way of that exhaust beautiful Chrome SS out a long way at the back he wouldn’t want to be poing the eye but it’s just got that little heat patterer on it as well hasn’t well the again the exhaust of the Ferrari is just a work of art a 12 cylinder engine there Ferrari badge AGA AGA water temperature yeah another nice shot he’s got his little computer uh fixed to the wheel that wasn’t there in Period of course that’s Lucas haoa that’s interesting it’s got a an American uh flag I think Lucas possibly works in the states uh I believe he does yes um so green flag final play lap final formation lap somebody not getting away but eventually they do that’s the one with the Tartan nose which I think you researched Andrew yeah that’s so well that was for in his Island when he raced that car uh in period in his Island was a Scottish driver a journalist alltime interesting uh and funny guy who uh did H have a Grand Prix win and uh was very much part of the scene for many years and always fun to be around in his Island was a troller Captain as well after he retired Racing for short period of his life and um he’s got relations still involved in uh in Motor Racing enthusiastic I remember when he died we were in Japan and Ken trell bought a a bunch of journalists a drink and then said this is a toast to inis isand our friend who died today yes it was a very poignant moment yeah I took a photograph of inis Island when he won the Brooklyn’s Memorial trophy at Goodwood and he was presented with that trophy by Mike Hawthorne yeah and I’ve got the picture of the two of them together but I haven’t got the picture any longer it’s published I think in a book ah well anyway he was a great character he drove that car at the uh in the those BRP colors there’s a very different Sid green of that braam going through Stefan yst who uh from Australia yeah yeah he races a lot in Europe he races in in for very successful for junior category as well forly Junior and for 3 always used to be uh part of the program here a little more and it’s it’s where driver Talent was spotted by some of the team managers we still have Formula 3 here but it’s rather all the cars are the same now in back imp perial it was about 20 different makes they used to have two Heats in a final too didn’t they they did and a lot of them are still racing they usually race at goodw our old friend doer ragati behind that with his daughter Sarah they run a terrific organization but job is one of his regulars so they’re on the final formation lap it’s going to be a very busy race this a lot of these very Nimble little formula Juniors you Formula One cars almost look like formula Juniors they do and in fact the Lotus 18 sometimes ran in former and Junior form you can get three of these a breast around this circuit which is more than you can say about some uh formula cars these [Music] days so a great race coming up 10 laps for the Grand Prix rear engine Grand Prix cars from 1961 to 1965 and formula 2 from 56 to 1960 I think you got four or five of those you say the uh Formula 1 cars are split into V8s and four cylinders effectively in two different classes and Mark Shaw being the the fastest runner in the forend category and uh some of the intrigu will see if he can come through the field having been penalized for that accident with the asy which is one of South African for one car got name camarad that’s a name of a a long departed but famous American Racing Team looking down Jim Clark RAC his car he had a blue crash helmet as well so it’ll take a moment or two there we are green flag at the backat the lights come on and out they go and Away goes Andy midur good start from him but Joe kisaka also a good start and they’re going to be threading their way through it’s going to be a big traffic jam at sandat but it is those two cars of middle Hurst and kosako really out in the lead yeah pretty clean start wasn’t it everybody getting through the first Corner safely and uh middlehurst getting the jump just a perfect start kisaka right behind him here as they come into Casino Square Lotus versus Ferrari recapturing great battles of Y and Joe look down the inside there but decided that discretion was the better part of valor not enough room and and is not going to fall for that now down into this very very tight uh hair pit we for many years called the Lowe’s now the Fairmont OD and there’s a drama is that the B that the 28 car has uh hit the barrier I think that’s Mr Jon of B Mr Jon of B Mr Jon of barrier unfortunately W anyway he’s trying to get the car off the circuit so well done to him he’s got a bit too much Towing there hasn’t he on the yeah front wheel but uh up into third place is Philip boofer into fourth place it was Chris Drake and so Mark Shaw could have made that good a start then Mark short yes he’s still in fifth place but uh kisaco keeping the pressure on yeah this is the Dual isn’t it yeah absolutely but you know Andy all this success over 45 years he’s going to know how to defend here I just uh speculate that maybe the ferrar’s got a little bit more power than that climat engion and then we got that’s a dodgy spot yeah uh that is was that 24 Philip boof yes he was yeah he’s gone around he’ll drop right down the field there out of fourth place so boofer making a mistake middle Hurst sh up into third place then with that spin of boofer 28 being removed and uh that was of course Mr JN of B so uh look at Andy middle Hur he’s easing away already from Joe kisaco but I’m sure kosako will be trying to keep in touch double yellow flag there although the car has been removed yes take those flags in in a moment but uh there [Music] kosako great first and second look at this kosako middle Hurst did pull away just a fraction here’s the uh replay of Philip boofer who went over the curb oh no uh and that was at the swimming pool and middlehurst perhaps just held him up just a sorry Chris Drake perhaps held him up just a fraction and Philip boofer had the spin so that’ll be frustrating for Philip boofer he was one of the Front Runners yeah me do we saw Mr John B out of the car taking his gloves off the uh French composits entrepreneur so Mark Shaw was in third place Chris Drake was in fourth Lucas haloa in fifth place Andy Willis up into sixth place and Taylor going well in the eight car as [Music] well Willis from ninth on the grid incidentally here they come up to complete lap two Andy middle still in the lead it’s not comfortable Joe’s kosako is right there ready to relieve him of that lead and that’s exactly what they’ve got to do middle Hurst from kisaco just e one mistake doesn’t it um so easy to do that as well this is the start and that was the slightly poor start from third on the grid of Lucas haoa which dropped him back but Mark Shaw in third place now fourth is Christopher Drake fifth is Lucas huca and sixth is Andy Willis from ninth on the grid and then seventh ston eighth Taylor ninth Collins and temp is Hagen from uh great bre Hagen in that replay we just saw Mr joh B with his wheel of suer in the Lola Mark 4B the bow maker livered car so disappoint him but notice Andy’s just turning the pressure up a little bit now I think uh and just opening that Gap a little bit more yeah while he’s got a clear track that’s what he’s got to do because he’s going to come up on some traffic fairly soon on lap three so he needs to uh just get himself a nice little margin so that they he gets the blue flag and can get past any slower cars and not get involved in any of the traffic number 50 there goes through that’s uh James Hagen who is just in the top 10 yeah I think he’s lead in the former two category and uh yeah Andrea St ston not a well-known name to me and his Lotus 18 he’s having a pretty good run as well and they in just behind Andy Willis Nick Taylor there was just demoted and uh yeah I think by James Hagen briefly so uh three laps completed by Andy middlehurst just three qus of a second back to Jo kosako it’s nothing at all and uh that is a watching and waiting brief from kosako Mark Shaw 9.2 seconds further back in third place and we thought Mark Shaw May well be on terms with the leading Duo but uh quite a gap at the moment let’s see if uh they can do anything about that yeah it might feel a little chasing having got that penalty yesterday but look at this closed right up again now it’s literally wheel to wheel gearbox to nose and uh kosako I Andy was he held up a bit was he seem to be inching ahead on well well kosako absolutely keeping the pressure on and uh two extremely experienced drivers particularly around here yeah and they’ve raced wheel tohe around here in the past and uh Joe just going a little bit wide see if he can get a better drive out of the chicane and just a brilliant battle between the two of them for the lead and Andy middlehurst just pulling away a little bit couple of length through to back there and uh we’re now in the swimming pool area through the second half of that don’t take too much curb there otherwise you end up the arm coat and now into rascas a couple of lengths between the two of them as they go up into Noz to complete lap four this will be and look at that brilliant shot as they go through Noz and head up to the end of lap four kaco absolutely glued to the back of Andy middlehurst Lotus Ferrari great two entirely different pieces of Kit yeah absolutely and uh kosaka really pushing now but you know Andy with all that experience quite more experience than Joe to be honest but although Joe’s done a lot of racing in the States but they both know this track well and uh middlehurst just uh went faster in the first sector this time and noticed his previous lap he was slow on in the uh first SE a little problem uh going into the uh up the hill perhaps but uh he’s gone purple in the first sector pulled out a little bit on kosaka Mark shw hanging in there halloa Drake Willis ston Dan Collins another uh classic team Lotus car there in Hagen and then Nick Taylor in the private tier Lotus 18 the X1 trips car James hegen a great character he was playing rugby until uh he had injury and turned his hand to Motorsport back in Ninth Place having overtake Nick Taylor for 10th wow this be all little bit of a scrum for him and uh as just that beautiful Lotus 2 one of my all-time favorite racing cars uh I [Music] think Sid hul up into 20th Place we mentioned him earlier on yeah so he’s having a busy time and working his way through the field but not easy and already starting to lap some of the back Mars tizard there in the uh number 12 cff Cliff gray rather sorry in the in the the older Cooper and that’s one of the earlier cars here so it’s from 56 to 60 there they see that wonderful shot from up high the mediterranian the Blue Waters and we have blue skies as well virtually all the clouds have rolled back now perfect conditions perfect and so far touch wood we haven’t had any oil drop on the circuit either halfway through this 10 lapper uh as we work through the program we have some longer races but as these older cars 10 laps is is enough a spectacle in itself uh as we have Lotus versus Ferrari middle Hurst versus kosako UK versus the United States marshaw third Sao working hard to try and keep he doesn’t want to be too close does he cuz I suspect there may be an overheating issue if he’s too close with this car um I don’t know how much uh they suffer from overheating but uh six and four middle Hurst and kisaco that’s what it’s all about couple of lotus 18s there yeah that’s a battle for ninth and 10th or 10th to 11th I think yeah well three car battle actually and Nick Taylor going wide trying to find a quick exit as he comes down onto the harbor side finally got past Hagen and he’s got Stephan yobst right behind him as well in the newer Lotus yeah lest 24 rather than 18 so a great battle as you say this is over uh Ninth Place Hagen Taylor and yobel yeah the 24 was uh more a customer car and uh when people bought them they didn’t know the 25 was coming out and I think a few of them were a little bit agreeed who couldn’t get got such a step forward with the monok chassis as they dive down the inside there the little number 18 that’s uh that’s Elliot Han in his Cooper t41 and this has closed just as we predicted this has closed the pair the leading pair up there is the ex Rob Walker number 19 that’s sidh yeah and K kisaco got held up behind him as well so uh middle Hur went through kisaco was held up and that will open the Gap up a little bit and it’s now half a second and kaco pass now let’s have a look at this again sidul very very experienced but he just had to take a line didn’t he yeah in the corner as as you say yes kosako just held up a little bit by sidul there but uh Sid hul certainly didn’t do that on purpose and it wasn’t for the want of looking in his mirror H that’s by way so we see how the Gap has stretched already really kosako losing a second or so in fact the Gap has now gone to 2.3 seconds that really has made the difference hasn’t it yeah but it’s definitely the battle between these two Mark shaes 21 seconds further back in third place least the two stars of this show without any question let’s see what kisaka can do now he’s got another three laps to try and close up again but I think that was possibly a defining moment of this race as uh they came down onto the harbor and through portier and uh kosako held up so what can he do about it we look at some of the uh possibly keep an eye on the sector times this is the end of the first sector coming down into Muro Andy middlehurst does it 28.7 kisaco couple of 10 quicker so uh he’ll be trying to cut that gap of 2.2 seconds between the two of them it’s going to take a little while maybe more than three laps yeah now and he is going to to get through there isn’t he it could happen again that kisaka no he gets through this time that was another of the the former two cars I think he went past and uh middlehurst and kisaco been putting on a great display here showing excellent one and a half liter cars you know everybody said they were two underpowered for Grand Prix cars but they’re so well balanced they look great m a lovely noise as well Mark sha in third place in number seven there with Lucas haloa in fourth place 2 seconds behind him and doing a good job the young haloa there’s uh number seven that’s Mark Shaw Scottish driver but in amongst traffic now and uh that is going to make a big difference coming UPA coming up to lap to dban uh us driver BRP but is racing partnership brm powered that car another car that was driven by this island I should think so difficult to thread their way through 46 there y de delbane that’s going to be difficult for young Lucas husa very large number on the front of that 46 guy can’t miss that little problem I’m just W the move there that will be Lucas husa though there’s uh yes haoa I think threading his way through but having to be a little bit more careful than Mark Shaw wow kosaka is doing everything he can he’s just gone purple in the first sector so he certainly hasn’t you see how much closer he is now he’s closed back up on the middle Hurst and now it’s just in coup of car length so game still long on with uh just over a lap to go is Middle Hurst in control a canny driver he knows what he’s doing well I didn’t think after he got stuck behind S Hall it it was it was all was over all over yeah it isn’t look there’s another back marker but fortunately he keeps out of the way but kosako is right there ready to pounce if middle HZ makes the slightest mistake they got to cross the line now and go onto the final not onto the penal lap that is this is nine laps completed now last lap last lap yeah nine laps completed goaso you just feel that somehow middle heurst is always just in control but look two back markers again this could be absolutely crucial some Jeopardy here for uh Andy middlehurst looking for I think it’s his fifth win with this lad to 25 here and uh John Romano there in the braam yeah hugely exp experienced John Roman but what about the 56 car about to be lap that’s Clark and they keep out of the way beautifully and now it’s inches between them but closing up is one thing getting past is a very different one and uh middlehurst Under Pressure kosaka literally staring down the barrel two exhaust system pipes scking out of the back of the lotus and here they come up to the Chic for the final time long breaking here there’s a slower lotus in the way that’s yeah that’s toughing Salsbury the Welsh driver and oh and Joe goes straight on and into the lead seing of course as he has to yeah so crazy moments here as they head towards the checken flag pass those Yachts round by the swimming pool Andy middlehurst doing just what he has to and he eases away again a little bit from the Ferrari inter rascas for the final time no for the final time as well absolute Precision from Andy middlehurst as he heads towards the Jacker flag what a victory for Andy middlehurst great Stu Joe kiso in second place did all he could absolutely all he could yeah awesome some battle between the pair of them and kisaco get just dropping back pushing forward again and last couple of laps outstanding but no way around Andy middlehurst Mark Shaw will come home in third place he’s not there yet uh in a different race really and uh nevertheless Mark Shaw will win his class and he is also lapping so Mark Shaw is in third husa will come home for Chris Drake Stony Dan Collins Willis and Hagen winning his cther jobst just got past Nick Taylor to snatch 10th place as well so uh Chris Drake in fifth place behind n Lucas haloa we wait for ston to come through in sixth y there he is no not [Music] yet oh thoroughly enjoyable wasn’t it that a fantastic a great a really good effort from both of the drivers you did I personally got the feeling that Addy midur somehow just was controlling that was able to control it all the time but having said that he was rapidly caught by Joseph kosako what a great job he did uh particularly when he was held up and was able to come back cuz he was quite someway down but how much was Andy middlehurst controlling it well it’ll be interesting perhaps to hear that’s the the question that uh you would be weedling out of him at the end of this race yes well see what we hear [Music] just ston in sixth place col in seventh Willis in eighth Hagen in ninth uh Taylor in 10th Place Kabota as expected managed to come through a little bit up into 11th place yobst down into 12th Philip boofer after that incident in 13th Place SSB in 14th in Lis and John Clark from Scotland in 15th Place and Sid hul eventually came through in 20th nice big grid we will move on after this to a slightly longer race but the ceremon is coming up let’s see if Clive Chapman is down there to greet Andy middlehurst say Andy selected to drive this car um by the veteran former Chief mechanic of lotus he did go to other teams Bob dance who we talking about that happy birthday from a couple years ago to Bob days ago what did I say couple of days ago a couple of days ago yeah he had one couple of years ago as well but well he did he does it every year birthday yes so the Marshall’s just pushing the car back and uh nobody there to greet Andy just yet man with the camera is going to give us a nice closeup there’s kiso get the boards out quickly enough I love all the uh trumpets for the uh carburation of the U of the Ferrari you’ll see it uh in a moment so yes well done to Joe kosako Mark Shaw joins them there is the final list of finishers all the way down to 12th Place Stefan yobst lot of Australia yeah a lot of Union Jacks there but it was Britain versus America Philip bhof for probably a little a little bit frustrated yes final of un lapped Runner and I’m sure in a few moments time once uh Andy gets out of that Lotus we will hear from him on the grid with an interview and uh we’ll hear just how he there he are I told you about the hair being the wrong color yeah it gets the the Garland of massive smile from St Helens and there there kosak well his hair same color yeah pensioners having fun yes the way you think Andy with the Monaco Automobile Club badge on his race suit let’s hear from him well Andy congrates uh the race was very very difficult with the big battle with Joseph kako um how did you manage to take this win from the pole position um well I just decided from the outset was going to go flat out and just see what I could do Joe kept with me and um so mirrors I can even hear that Ferrari over the V8 climax engine so it’s it’s never away from you um then the bat markers work for me a little bit and then they work for Joe so it’s just 50/50 but uh we got clean race lot of teric to to manage is this something that maybe added you pressure to to manage to take the V win yeah um I missed a g once and um it’s it’s been it’s always very close here at Monte Carlo because of the nature of the circuit so you just I was a little bit quick through the swim pool so I just pushed hard through there and then I managed to pull a bit of a gap then so I knew that as long as I had a bit of a gap before there I could just be able to get a bit more of a gap thanks congrates congratulation thank you yeah interesting he said he’s quicker through the swimming pool section yeah interesting you know he he had it all sus didn’t he yeah Clive Chapman down there at the front of the car uh taking the photograph so we’ll see them on the podium in a few moments time with Mark Shaw from Scotland he’ll be on there as well yeah but Andy middlehurst and a big thank you from Andy middlehurst to his mechanic yes yeah to the classic team Lotus mechanics and a quick word for Chris Dage who who runs that operation classic team Lotus for Clive Chapman but uh was a a chief mechanic for team lotus in Period there’s there’s Joe and really when you think of the Mischief that team lotus used to get up to I’m surprised they’re welcome back quite where they are they used to get up to quite some Mischief yeah but then they probably drank a lot of beer and added to the mono economies for a lovely flag with our King on it there’s Mark Shaw yeah kak say come on let’s go and get the go and get the trophies up onto the podium there is actually a lift that will take them up there but uh staircase as well so we W see kosako or middlehurst we’ll see see Mark Shaw later on as well but just one race for those two but uh plenty to celebrate and here he is then Mark Shaw in third place or from Bine scotman in second place Joe kisaco from the USA from Connecticut but the winner is Andy middlehurst from sellen UK national anthem of Great Britain sorry trophies first of all oh that cartoon characters Graham Hill yeah so what ah this was this was the Graham Hill Race categories has a caricature trophy of of the the man who the race was named after so we’re getting there yeah we work that out now I bet you it’s in the program somewhere is well something different isn’t it I’m sure that that will well that would go to Team Lotus classic team Lotus rather than the driver that’s a normal procedure anyway most raised teams the team gets the trophy there we go and so we will hear the national anthem of Great Britain [Music] [Music] they’re going to take the champagne with them thank you very much going to be we got to have a photograph first of all with your trophies ah you see help the agents there and helps them with the trophies I just just wonder if Charlotte CLA has had a good look at that Ferrari I bet love to have a few laps with him laps with that car so different from current Formula 1 car how over 40 50 years uh the evolution of of uh the racing car has proceeded and uh so we got up to 1985 at this meeting and we probably won’t have another category added on sort of 85 to 90 because suddenly the cars got very very complicated to run yes exactly the turbos came in in 1977 they’d already been going for eight years by the time the dfv was really phased out yeah of course the dfv was really plug and play and uh the later then the engines came you needed various people laptops as Mark Shaw came home in Siri B in third place Joe kisaco a spirited drive to second but uh Andy middlehurst had him covered in the beautiful classic team Lotus 25 bit quicker as he said around the swimming pool and he takes home the victory trophy the trophy being signed it yeah probably as you say it’s going to the team so uh Andy is perhaps signing it he says two two Andy said two Andy didn’t it yeah yeah yeah uh I wonder if that’s the chap who designed the trophy there it is the Graham Hill helmeted trophy so this was for the rear engine Grand Prix cars 1500cc 1961 to 65 and formula 2 1956 to 1960 and it promises promised to be a great dual between the two drivers on the front row of the Andy middlehurst and Joe kisaco and at the start of the race it was Andy middlehurst straight into the lead a relatively slow start from Lucas husa in third place he was swallowed up uh and uh the leading two uh immediately started their 10 laap fight for victory between middlehurst and kosaka middlehurst in the Green Lotus with the yellow stripe and kosako in the red Ferrari yeah V8 versus the 12 cylinder Ferrari and uh early on Joe was certainly challenging the American trying to get down the inside but Andy middlehurst with four victories in his car in the past knows his way around Monaco and a huge racing history behind him Mr Jon AB B had problems with his Lola and uh had the 24 car spitting around the yeah boofer in the brm dropped him down the field eventually finished 13th that’s Mr Jon and B going up the hill with one will arai but this really was the The Duel of the race between these two and Andy middlehurst sometimes was able to ease away he said at the end of the race he may able to ease away around the swimming pool and this was a crucial moment they came up to lap sidul sidul tried to keep out of the way as much as possible look at him he’s looking in his mirror and he can see the leading Duo coming but he has to take his line and that cost Joe kisaco time and it took him two or three laps before he could catch up Andy middlehurst middlehurst admitted afterwards that he missed a gear at one point and so that allowed uh oh yes there was a little contact there yeah was we missed that on live comment little bit of contact in the slowmo we could see it but B markers was always a worry Mar Shaw fought his way through the back markers into third [Music] place and all the way through the field a big field of cars here over 30 cars taking part and Andy middlehurst right at the end there uh under pressure from Joe kosako but kosako had to run wide when lap a slower car yeah missed his breaking a little bit uh probably could have Take the Lead there but uh the race direction would have made him give it back so he just dropped him behind but uh remain right up the gearbox of the lotus 25 the Ferrari making so much noise as it crossed the Finish Line it almost drowned out the Lotus and uh Victory then for the man from St Helens Andy middlehurst and classic team Lotus taking the win here for for Club for comp por for [Music] Dom [Music] featur of the mon last few years other has cars enjoyed and [Music] and was the main St form on for very many years but others tried the larent room Ferrari in particular so it’s class three kit of those S of cars built between first of January 197 and the 31st of December 1972 so those are the classes one of the entries was going to be cloudly hurt we’ve seen the wind already today if you up early enough spe was what had when he was D first all by Rell then it was by Ronnie Peterson the 72 introduced in 197 but still being bu where he’s been for a long time uh he’s designed or led the designed team of various World Championship winning CS not just from Red Bull but also from Williams before that well yesterday ex gust racing team car raced by Mike Bo the number five Mach because was money wasy spee [Music] fore for for [Music] [Music] my so two beautiful mattres there going through our picture as they filter down the pit Lane getting ready for Siri D Formula 1 cars 3 lers first part of the 3 L section of Formula 1 1966 to 1972 Andrew maritt here with Bob Con jurus in the commentary box and on the face of it this uh should be dominated by Michael Li in his 30s ts9 in the past in this category we’ve seen terrific battles between Stuart Hall and Michael Lions but uh the car that Stuart raced and one in here the the car m19a is owned of course by the great collector Ro Goa the German with his two sons at race and Ro is opted to drive the car himself uh this weekend so there it is being pushed out the beautiful mcaren m19a in its yardly colors although still with a bit of McLaren orange on it and uh so we won’t see that battle as is certainly not of the pace of Michael so be interested to see what happens but we’ve got some very well one particularly other interesting entry in this a Lotus 49 Bob yes the lotus 49b which is one of the older cars it has to be said we’ve got to remember this uh one of the older cars in the field the Lotus 49b been driven by Adrien newie man in the news uh Superstar designer uh and technical director of redw racing of course but uh in the past so many other car uh uh companies as well even let’s remember Lon house March for example uh marched themselves in indicar uh but then of course uh Williams McLaren Etc and uh uh absolutely masterminding the Red Bull operation for so many years so uh here’s a man practicing what he preaches uh Adrian Yi in a Lotus 49b it’s uh in golf Le Gold Leaf colors and uh he’s here just to have a good time he loves racing loves his racing and he’s qualified uh that Lotus 49b on Eighth on the grid it’s quite a small grid today sadly yeah um he’s done quite a lot of racing of course both mod and he raced at Lam more in a Ferrari with uh some years ago and uh also raced GT40 goodwi quite a lot he’s raced this Lotus 49 a few times yeah and as you said a very welldeveloped e type but some intriguing cars is something called the Eiffel land this is actually a march with some special Bodywork on and again Bob that’s another good story yes exactly the Eiffel land was bought by a German Caravan company to publicize that Caravan company so that’s why it’s completely different um Bodywork it doesn’t include a kitchen or a toilet that body workk is and it’s not towed behind a Dutch car but um yes the Eiffel land being driven here um by D Shaw uh who’s put it what fifth sixth on the grid fifth on the grid yeah and he’s got this intriguing Central mirror which was meant to help the air flow I’m not sure it really went at one stage that particular car lost all that Eiffel land body work they put it back as as an original March but then uh it has been restored as the Eiffel land and just another intriguing car we saw it briefly a moment ago Franco miners in the sper Navy there it goes around the uh uh around the uh Lowe’s hapin or Fairmont hapin uh down to py there it is uh right in the center the spav spav means snowplow in Italian uh was designed by Mao forier as a design exercise but it never raced so it is technically speaking it’s a 312 B3 um with a flat 12 engine there is the Eiffel land and behind it the sper Navy so uh there are some odd balls here if you like and it’s another great story The Mexican driver one of the top Mexican drivers uh over the recent years Adrien Fernandez uh a very Su successful team owner successful driver also in the American Lamar series but particularly in champ car indie car racing had a lot of success um from 1993 to 2004 founded Fernandez racing with Tom Anderson won the American little Ball series so a driver Talent very professional man really goes about his racing seriously he was asked to demonstrate this brm p153 at Mexico City because it had been raced and won the 1970 Belgian Grand Prix by a Mexican driver Pedro Rodriguez [Music] yes so yeah these are the Jackie Stewart uh series D cars Formula 1 Grand Prix cars from 1966 to 1972 sorry finish your story yeah we’re just picking up on Adrien Fernandez making his debut here at Monaco the age of 61 uh the former Indie Car Racer and team owner and driving a brm from the 1970 season which won the Belgian Grand Prix at the hands of Mexican driver Pedro Rodriguez demonstrated the car fell in love with it had a b a battle to buy it but he’s bought it and he’s uh had the car uh spaned by Hudson uh Hudson historic team in America they brought it over here and he’s going to make his uh mono debut so terrific story but there’s another little Mexican twist to that story because he’s got another Mexican admirer down in the uh Paddock area and a man that you know well Joe Ramirez and we saw Joe yesterday and Joe for many time the team coordinator at McLaren but actually came over to Britain with the Rodriguez Brothers a long time ago and he had something in the padic to prove it yeah yes he had the armband uh of Pedro Rodriguez no Ricardo sorry yeah Ricardo the driver armband they used to have driver armbands in those days and he was wearing it he says he has all kinds of of uh Ricardo Rodriguez at memorabilia because he was their sort of Confidant and helper when they came over very teenagers you know but uh jir is a great name uh in management of of Formula 1 so this is Yan sergus he’s got some really uh decorative should we say um pit uh assistants who we’ve seen Wheeling the car onto the grid he’s starting fourth in this race it’s Michael Lions on Pole Position from katsuaki Kabota uh the Japanese driver in Lotus uh then Matthew Wrigley son of Mike Wrigley in third spot Yan sergison in fourth spot David Shaw in fifth and Adrien Fernandez who we’ve just been talking about in six then it’s Franco miners in the spenzer Navy Adrian Yi in the Lotus 49 Tom Harley Junior perve of Exotica automobile Exotica in ninth place and then Mr Jon a be back out again in 10th Place well there we Lo down on the helmet of Adrian Nei but the man on Pole Position Michael Lions looking to add to his seven victories over the years here some of them in the 30s that he’s driving today so looking for his eighth and it makes him the most successful driver at uh this wonderful historic meeting katsuaki Kabota don’t think we’re going to see sha Lynn by the looks of things we were meant to see sha Lynn in the BR and bt37 of Jamie kable but uh replacing Jamie kable but I don’t think we’re going to see him there is Mr JN of be in that Matra uh and we just love those mantras he’s even got Mr JN a b embroidered on his racing gloves I noticed and uh we’ll find out what the be’s for one of these days but he’s got a big collection of French racing cars mattress and Li but he’s also got a Bentley Speed 8 from Lamar uh much more modern racing car thumbs up there again this is an intriguing car because it started off as a Formula 2 car but uh was adapted to Formula 1 March 721g yeah but so four London stock broker sponsored a private tier called Mike bitler oh there’s a nice crash out look at that that’s a bit different yeah so they March had a different form of Formula 1 car that year in 1972 but they took this uh smaller Chassy it was a after the the season had started put a dfv in it increased the fuel fuel tank capacity and was a pretty effective machine was the uh 7 721 G supposed to G was for Guthrie so it was the four stock Brokers one of them was Guth was Jack deraka who’d previously been one of supporters of your mate Rob Walker yes um so and Wrigley down there he is driving that car he’s had a lot of success in historic racing in Formula Ford level and much more powerful Formula 2 level he could be the main opposition to lies although kotas up there as well but uh I I I can’t see Michael Lions um really coming under a huge amount of pressure unless unless the car has a bit of a problem there’s that air scoop as well as part of that special Eiffel land Bodywork and uh well what an interesting shape as we said I we say it again in this uh commentary you know these days all the Formula 1 cars look pretty well the same well they certainly did in this uh period of uh the late 60s early ’70s all kinds of different shapes different mechanical ideas there’s see Ferrari sper Navy with Franco man is from Monaco there’s a few monagas actually Franco is Nicola mati as well and roal gerte is down here as monagas as well um Adrian Nei there uh lining up and uh he’s as I mentioned eighth on the grid is Adrian but remember that is one of the older cars remember the 49b was the or the 49 was the first car to have the dfv engine in in 1967 at xanor and uh we’ve got Lotus 72 here which was almost its Formula 1 successor uh katsuaki Kabota second on the grid yeah you could just see the chassis plate there for the eager beavers who used to collect chassis plate numbers have to admit to being one of them um so Michael Lions very much on the pole back to the uh intriguing r Stan car and um come seen L see Fernandez wouldn’t we on on the grid here Tom Harley Jr in this ex Jackie Stewart uh March 701 he hasn’t done a huge amount of racing Tom hary Junior so he’s having to uh adapt fairly well he’s uh in the middle of the grid just behind Adrian Yi we’ve got a gap there um do you know what that’s that’s and that’s why we haven’t seen it that’s Fernandez so what has happened to that brm well what a disappointment for Adrian and all the Mexican fans and I know people back in Mexico were going to tune into this part of our broadcast so we’re trying and find out what has happened to to Fernandes lunch time will be a to pop into the panic I out a little more Mr Jon be in the matchup and uh he starts 10th on the grid the JPS katsu cbera so the carbon crash helmet there with the you see the weave and then The Marvelous DF engine behind developed by Cosworth in northamptonshire and uh Keith dark with Mike C of course the men behind that company there that was a a flame out fire ex that was a shortterm sponsor team cage car very much in team cage colors red with the white arrow on the front a lot of cage cars are like that we will see the other car in the brook B colors that is blue with a white stripe another look at this ex Jean Pierre belto mat John Pierre belto a driver who won here actually in the brm not the 153 like Fernandez was going to drive but the next model after that on a rainy day here all those years back niol La we’ve been walking past his flower shop every uh every day yeah very much a man of Monaco is’s on all sorts of committees particularly about Gardens and flowers oh right okay there also a real estate Merchant as well which I suspect is where the money comes from I suspect you might be right there’s only so many carnations and Roses you can sell what he leaves everything out I mean when we go past you know those shops shot and there are plants all over the pavement should have plucked a carnation just put it in your button hole Bob so and anticipation here in what I put money on a Michael Lions win but as we say every time there’s no there’s uh no certainties in motor racing and U Anything Can Happen yeah when you’re on the limit yeah and and that man will be pushing as hard as anything very experienced in this low to 72 a car that uh of course in period was uh very much a competitive car around here as well oh particularly wasn’t it they went through various iterations and uh different different suspension geometry and uh the 49b won in 1968 with graham hill and in 1969 also with graham Hill won of course five times here the 72 uh oh sorry the 49c W in 19 70 and then uh the 72 only fifth in F Pal’s hands in 71 still stopped on the grid two cars uh well there’s Fernandez car being pushed no sorry that’s the completely wrong there’s another yard that’s R go in the car that was one here in the past with Stuart Hall driving it and just abandoned the seven carard and he just uh got I don’t think he’s going to start is he oh you and that’s you and Cirus yeah toally got a bit over excited there thinking the Mexican of course they are in the same color scheme but absolutely right um so the survivors really uh Contin sha Lynn never took up his grid position Adrien Fernandez didn’t and Yan serg’s car being wheeled back into the pits as is roal gerta’s car as well yeah well so much for all the help of the uh grid oh that now this is earlier on yes so they were pushing it up the hill in the first place into the into the paddock and it’s still being pushed oh through the fuson throws out his uh throws out his steering wheel very much oh that at least has started number 15 he’s going to start from the pit Lane yeah rco team boys have got that going on look stick of tires as well his golf colored crack helmet can he go to the pit L can he go to the pit l no stay there okay well he’s got the chance anyway that’s the important thing is uh to have the chance of driving around this fantastic circuit this is a 12 lapper so a little bit long in the races thus far in terms of distance not necessarily in terms of time exactly cuz these are quicker cars right so I think he is going to go isn’t he uh you can see uh on roal Goa he’s got the golf colors on his helmet he’s very much he’s involved in the gas and oil industry and he very much is a collector of Gulf sponsored cars not just in Formula 1 but also in sports cars as well but also he owns a car which we’ll see in the very last race of this uh meeting which Ste Hall will drive is on PO position for that race and that isn’t a car which is most rare for him it’s a March in rothman’s Colors oh dear in motion overcome this chat yeah you work so hard you know to get these cars and then you and cuson crew so the cars are on the grid ready for the lights to go out 12 laps coming up of Grand Prix casts 1966 to 72 and they’re away and straight into the lead of course oh Adrian Adrian UI hasn’t started now he gets away Y and alongside him I think it was uh it was the uh March of Tom Harley Jr didn’t get away either the yeah number one there H maybe it was a lack of experience he just stalled it now it’s now it’s fired up and he’s away the March 7 first March uh Formula 1 car that was launched in fact launched I orchestrated that launch at Silverstone so it’s Lions ahead of R Wrigley in second place Kubota in third and then David Shaw in fourth and the spener Navy of miners in fifth place so uh they are charging through the tunnel and this is our first chance to hear dfvs around the circuit and a couple of Matra v12s of course which will scream highly but uh R linky doing a good job there hanging on to Michael Lions yeah it’s not going to be easy young for young Matthew Wrigley but Michael Lions so much experience in all sorts of casts and you will see him several times uh this afternoon as well this is his first appearance we’ll see him many more times as well driving for the family team this car belongs to the family but later for the big German chrome cars Opera this car in the Rob Walker Brook Bond colors but actually in period it raced uh mainly in South Africa with a Rhian driver Zimbabwean driver John love in the team Gunston colors so it was a team gston car rather than a Rob Walker car as I understand it there’s the two matches are both a different iteration you see the different nose treatments as Adrian newiy is that thinking about getting a little bit racy and let’s see how he Powers up the hill there there’s the first match up there’s the second one there’s neie trying to Bob out and get past and the uh Mr Jon AB B and uh also Matti the flly shop [Music] owner let’s see what Adrian can do while Matra covering him off yeah the match are going down the hill everyone tries to avoid that bump uh they happened earlier on but now they do with these lower cars and Adrian near he goes for the inside line at the hairin oh oh great move great move past Nicholas Matti not everybody can get past there but he’s got past Nicholas Matti who was a local guy so he knows the uh he knows the roads but Adrien instantly pulls away and below us Michael Lions leads Matthew Wrigley first and second Matthew Wrigley in the March 721g but Lions turning the timing screen purple fastest section one fastest section two and really getting a stride in this 30s and we said this yesterday raced previously by his mother and not many people can say I’m racing my mother’s old Formula 1 car in fact I don’t think anybody else could say it 34359 the uh lap of Michael Lions but Wrigley you know he’s doing a very good job there hanging on now uh yeah Matti pretty much left the door open didn’t he for uh for Adrian yui Round The Hairpin and said if you’re brave enough I’ll give you the space and uh you don’t say that to Adrian Nei too often because he’ll take it thank you very much there he goes so up into what is now 7th place for Adrian remember he got left behind on the grid at the [Music] start here it is here’s the start again there in the background is Adrien Yi not getting away kataki Kubota beaten into sand devot at the start uh by Matthew Wrigley and that’s still the situation between those two go goas did get racing out of the pit Lane and he’s running in 10th position now y so 11 starters or 11 runners in this here’s Michael lions and he’s beginning to pull away a little bit from Matthew Wrigley in second place lions in the 30s of course Wrigley in the March and here comes the 30’s round to uh complete lap three the advantage was 2.5 seconds between lions and Wrigley and it is now 2.2 seconds so uh Lions isn’t having it all his own way Wrigley has the chance to get closer Kabota in third place another 3.8 that has come down as well so as these drivers are settling into the circuit so they’re getting more competitive yeah I did think that Michael Lions would run away with this but that’s certainly not the case Wrigley keeping him honest and the ex Mike boiter car we rather um perhaps shouldn’t have said this but used to call him blocker Boer he made a very wide car particularly in the Formula 3 days did Mike um died many years ago now in San Francisco absolutely Charming Man and uh very fiery driver too but uh you couldn’t do that you couldn’t do it anymore managed to get into Formula 1 because he was good in Formula 3 and formula to with with a group of stock Brokers backing him able to buy and commission this special March and uh so he was a privateer now because we don’t have any privateers there used to be lotson back in the period of uh the early ’70s well we’ll see some more Privateer cars uh over the next few races as well won’t we indeed we will Kabota there in the uh Lotus 72 run by classic team Lotus again uh he had a bit of a a nudge with the Arco yesterday and lost the nose section but they obviously had a spare one so uh he’s able to race that but um yeah lost the no section and bangled it of a little bit but uh very very accustomed to this Lotus 72 is katsuaki kaboto absolutely loves a car doesn’t he yeah races it all over Europe and in the states as well yeah software magnate if you like from Japan katsuaki Kabota these dfb cars there is a a season long race series for them the Master’s group run Formula One we’re seeing these cars split in about four categories they them all in the same race but there aren’t nearly so many they’re such a magnet for people owners of these cars to race them at Monaco they sometimes only come out of the box every two years but uh it’s so interesting to see things like this Eiffel land I mean it never ran anywhere like uh fourth in Period although R scan who was guy who drove it German driver was a very fast Peddler yes he was he’s very good so uh David CH at the moment in fourth place oo two marches going up the hill there yeah that’s Tom Harley Jr and haral Becker um the German driver yeah that’s in the in the ones in the tiell colors because March provided cars for TI in 1970 and they had a factory team with people like Amon and andreti drove that’s we’ve got the SCP on the car a nice little battle between these Trio this is right at the back mati keeping out of the way of Tom Harley Jun goes through and uh in fact he lets all three of them go through so Harley jior Becca and Gerta that’s gerter in the m in the McLaren uh number 15 there they all get past the uh Matra mati being uh very well managed Yeah March company the H was Robin herd he was the designer of this March 701 I mean they went absolutely crazy that first year they had a Formula 1 team had a Formula 2 team had a Formula 3 team which I ran and they had a Canam car as well and um they did a great job and then had lots of success subsequently in uh in Indianapolis in the states so lions with a 4C lead now over Matthew Wrigley who in turn is 2.8 ahead pits is the Matra of mati no that’s the Eiffel land oh it’s the you see that mirror yeah oh what a I thought Mar show was going so well in that what a disappointment for him and uh there is roal Gerta in the McLaren getting ahead of Harold Becka going up into eighth place yeah Harold Becker the German driver year after this March of course had the funny tea tray thing on the front of the car you remember that and sometimes we see those racing and uh the STP March particularly that’s what they did but the for me that that McLaren m19 is a beautiful car as we said Stewart had been in it I would have been right up there dicing wheel tohe with white lions but uh Stuart’s got we’ll see him a bit later Stuart Stuart no Stuart Hall I mean got to be precise I have to be and there different spelling in Stuart as well Kabota has just done a the quickest lap of the race so watch out for him he’s back in third place but he’s only a couple of seconds behind Matthew Wrigley in the yellow car on your screens at the moment there is the battle over second place or potential battle between Wrigley and kava yeah this race got a bit more intrigued in at the light expected Mr jol in fifth place in his mat the later of the two Matas matro was a a French Aerospace company that went into Motor Racing to promote its brand now they’re looking at the front of that car of the Eiffel land as though it could be something to do with the brakes ah looking like brakes isn’t it yeah looking at the uh front so uh there is Michael Lions oh got a little bit out of shape didn’t he there it doesn’t spare much says he Michael I mean I mean he’s still got uh you know Wrigley just 5 Seconds behind him just a little trip up in a Escape Road or something and uh wle be right there yeah yes Matthew Wrigley doing a good job the uh young British driver Matthew Wrigley along with father Mike Wrigley of course yeah last he was uh well he’s he’s done a certain amount of racing elsewhere in Pensky Lotus Alan Etc didn’t like modern racing so he stuck to to uh historic racing Michael Lions now threading his way through the back markers yeah what doesn’t get much better than this racing at Monaco doesn’t in a classic Formula 1 car probably better than say I don’t know Croft on an Easter Monday or something slon on a rainy day perhaps [Music] yes so Michael Lions now with a 5.7 second lead over katsuaki Kabota and I see that Adrian knew is now in sixth place and uh improving on his lap times oh yes that’s that’s what happened to Wrigley that’s how he lost that second place yeah straight on at Sand devot and katsu Kabota said thank you very much was he able to turn it around in that space sometimes you can so Wrigley trying a nice little battle amongst this group here the Goa Rebeca mat but that’s kaboto at the back trying to thread his yeah he is he is and uh yeah lots of blue flags but they’re not necessarily taking any notice of them here it comes here comes katsu Kabota getting past roal go in the McLaren and now looking at Harold Becker ahead of him does Harold Becker go straight on there there’s Michael Lions eight laps completed of the 12 he’s on his ninth lap at the moment and he a lead of 8.4 seconds now over Kabota in second place yeah Wrigley able to regain the track in third place ahead of minus but the uh snow plow going particularly well I think don’t you well I think that for it for a car that never raced it’s uh fourth place is probably Beyond expectations yeah I think quite a few of the Ferrari drivers Jackie X who we’ve seen here to this weekend tested it uh and I don’t know whether they just had too much down force on the front any the plan was abandoned yeah but the great thing is the car lives on to remind us of maybe coldest accs that designers went down on occasion yes uh Mara Fieri the uh Ferrari engineer who not only uh was a chassis specialist but also an engine specialist which was still well it’s unheard of now but it was very pretty rare then as well yeah it was to be but specialists at both uh combining the the two the talents and Maru Fieri was the man who was in charge of that cwith once built a for fourwh drive car that never raced but I saw being demonstrated at mallerie Park and so they done the engine and the chassis that was designed by Robin her before he went to Marsh oh dear allance has made a mistake that is so uncharacteristic what has happened there that was very strange accelerating out of Ras Cass and got sideways he’s uh kept the engine running and he’s virtually blocking the road not quite and in fact uh Wrigley has gone past up to Second Place what is now second place and I think he’s going to well Michael that love to see that don’t know what happened there but he’s got to explain to Mummy afterwards yeah here it is turns in something was wrong already because C was so much closer raised his arm before he spun didn’t he I think it was a gearbox problem maybe yeah something was already wrong yeah and look at that strange how it turned so sharply right yeah well it be interesting if he carries on I suspect no he isn’t that’s that’s that’s it for Michael lions or is he just going to his pit yes he is so as we said nothing certain in Motor Racing Bob and that’s absolutely the case yeah we had it him as a certain bet for the victory here all that money you put on him and then yeah and then Wrigley of course going down the Escape Road and suddenly we might have the Japanese national anthem at the end of all this yeah and uh he will know he’s in the lead I’ll be a little bit surprised but uh could have two consecutive races one by classic team Lotus well he’s certainly about to complete 10 laps his Katsu Kabota with Matthew Wrigley in second place 18 seconds further back and Franco miners is on the podium at the moment in the spenzer Navy Matra in fourth place Adrian yui in fifth and then Tom Harley Jr in sixth place then Harold Becker in seventh these are really the survivors if you like uh Michael lions in the pits David Shaw in the pits as well Nicola mati on circuit but cat Kabota leading around I I’m just try to think what could have gone wrong for Michael Lions because he’d lost a huge amount of time katsu kaboto caught right up even before that spin yes he had and I I’m thinking maybe transmission and uh adri newiy in fifth place overall now and each lap going faster than the previous which is impressive so he’s really getting to grips with the lus 49 I think oldest car in this race there’s there’s Mr J and B so Adrian not close to him but uh he’ll be enjoying himself only going to win his class although he was the only one in it here’s Franco miners in the sper Navy with Mr Jon a close behind 1.2 seconds between the two of them last time and Mr Jon a be closing closing closing could have a on the podium this is the penultimate [Music] lab Mr Jon a be getting closer all the time and he’d love to be on the podium here wouldn’t he but so with Franco miners who’s a Monicas yeah and uh quite a b he’s going through dive down the inside Mr J and be nice move into the chicane yeah and perhaps Franco maners didn’t quite might have the confidence there and uh Mr jip gets through frankco man is not letting not letting him get away though uh Franco man is staying with him around these familiar streets and here it is again came from well back didn’t he yeah yeah terrific just perfect move there but as you say a longer breaking distance here that miners ah yes it is miners a spun and Adrian new is G up to fourth place so miners has had a spin as well what drama and uh so Mr jnab in third place Nei in fourth and miners in fifth place so Kabota on his last lap he’s got a big big lead of 17 seconds seconds and uh here he is coming round the swimming pool area just a couple of Corners to go now well it isn’t a given we’ve seen other people stop around rascas let they put the power on but he makes it okay katsu Kabota here he comes up to take the checker flag at the end of this 12 lat race for 3 l cars from 66 to 72 and victory for katsu Kabota he will love that and here is Matthew Wrigley a good second place for him uh in the March 721g and an excellent but he knows he could have won that if he hadn’t gone up the Escape road that will be niggling to him and Mr Jon AE here he is in the Matra got a few Corners still to go before he takes the checker flag in third place rascas just to go beautiful engine noise as he come up comes up into no the final corner and accelerates towards the checker flag and he too is on the podium we’ll see them in a few moments time but uh a great result Adrian yui there in fourth place well he kept his nose clean didn’t he did reminding us of the great days of uh Graham Hill Racing that car and winning here at Monaco katsu Kabota there the winner and he’s greeted by the marshals flags and the marshals as well great enthusiasm from the marshals around the circuit they’ve been doing a lot of work over the last few weeks and uh still have a a busy weekend of course in two weeks time at the Monaco Grand Prix very early starts as well for them yeah yeah so kerasan whatever the congratulations in Japan japaneses well done to him and that was the important thing keep your nose clean keep the car out of the barriers no dramas well prepared car and whoa that’s what happened he was trying to stay with the Matra and just outbreak himself thankfully didn’t hit anything at uh rascas um that’s the spenzer Navy having its moment it’s a bit like a go-kart isn’t it it’s really yes it is yeah suppose that was part of design philosophy so uh kotan accelerating towards rascas and ready to head towards the grid and uh another Victory as you say for classic team Lotus well done I think we see could see some uh effusive celebrations here car looks absolutely great that wedge shape of the lo lo of 72 designed by uh with Colin CH with Morris Philip Mr John AB incidentally started 10th on the grid finished third got pretty brzy morning haven’t we Bob because we l race coming up fairly soon then we take uh our lunch break and then we have three races this afternoon of the three fastest [Music] categories gloves coming off members of the team closing in there’s a Matt rley takes his crash hel off confirmation then of the surprise result really cataki Kabota winning with a 16 second margin the end of Matt Wrigley Mr JN AB be in the Matra coming third Adrian Nei fourth while a result for him and then Franco miners was in fifth place in the Ferrari snowplow already got the uh Laurel Garland around him Hogs all around and kataki congrates you’re Monaco winner how does it feel to be a Monaco winner yeah fantastic I’m a second time guys uh my father passed away uh 25th April and uh coming he pushed mebe it’s very emotional for you to be here and win again in Monaco yeah I think so thank you thank you so much for for your time hey congr congratulation yes he woned 10 years ago this racing that car so it’s obviously very emotional for him and for katsuk Kabota and uh we’re very pleased for him to have won here J I’m just wondering if if classic team Lotus were looking after that car he certainly raced them before but just looking at the mechanics around the car yes no I agree uh I agree he seems of late to have not necessarily split from them but he’s it’s not necessarily classic team Lotus looking after it any longer sometimes these cars are owned by classic team Lotus sometimes uh owner to Lotus let classic team Lotus run them maybe he does own that car um we’ll try and find out the history that here well sad sight of uh the car we thought was going to win being pushed away Michael Lions is off to drive the next race hopefully we’ll have some better luck it’s under his own power there isn’t it it’s a bit of a mystery so there is Mr Jon AE uh briefly and Matthew Wrigley there with katsuk Kabota the podium procedure just being explained to the first three in this series D and I think we called it the jack is toart didn’t we oh let’s see what that uh cartoon style uh trophy is like should have a helmet with a Tartan strip around it we’ll know who it is up the stairs they go we lost the winner yeah they lost the winner they said didn’t get we suddenly saw him turn around so I’m not sure he was looking for there he goes so here is Mr JN of B he’s very happy with that yeah not surprisingly well done uh Matthew Wrigley yeah comes down the steps and onto second spot on the podium and the winner katsu kot from Japan heads to the top step which he hasn’t visited for 10 years but he has been here before 10 years ago well done and uh Mr John be John Remy guitard looked to me he about to open the champagne he was had a little look at could wait yeah are we going to see him again I think we are aren’t we yeah I think we are all three I think we’re seeing again well there’s the Jackie St hel open face helmet he’s got a few trophies ASAT a while has he not sure if they have a a serious sort of historic race meeting in Japan you’d think they would but I I don’t recall one no one of the big new historic meetings in Dubai of course yes some of these uh competitors we’ve seen around the world at some of the major historic race meetings at nurur for example Spa lar classic goodward Revival so let’s hear of Japan [Music] yes the emotion really coming out there repeats his victory from 10 years ago collecting up the uh hasn’t got enough hands quick photograph gather them together so Mr in the match here under pressure from Franco manes in the Ferrari SP but it was Mr JN who got third place and in second place Matthew Wrigley did a excellent job in the March 721g but the winner the man who kept his nose clean kept out on the circuit all the way through katsuaki Kabota no mistakes from him and he was there when Michael Lions pulled off and was able to claim the victory a glass of something for everybody perhaps Mo a certain no he’s going to spray we haven’t seen it yet but it be the first time in this meeting that it’s actually being sprayed and not taken for the dinner table that’s F clle isn’t it with the orange label yes so yeah oh I said Mo a sh well we’re so used to Mo being such a large part of Motoring aren’t we yes SP CCO and you’ll give us the French translation because it’s interesting isn’t it the old Widow yes yes yes sorry threw you a bit of a cur Bob is outstanding at French he’s he’s now I wonder what that’s about no I don’t know Tigers might it would to be about something look like a team flag didn’t it look like it yeah you know who who are the tigers well do you know strangely enough baseballs Big in Japan yes exact well it used to be yes it’s not quite they’re quite fickle in some ways the way they SP uh follow their Sports and uh here is the signing of the trophy to Katsu for the helmet congratul so absolutely fabulous weather and that is absolutely how it is it’s not that they’ve wasted waited 365 days to get this shot to publicize Monaco it’s how it is today and here is the high highlights the highlights for Formula 1 ground PR cars 1973 to 1976 Ah that’s the previous one apologies this is uh Grand Prix cars 1966 to 1972 the highlights program with Michael Lions immediately getting off pole position with katsu kaboto trying to hold on to Second Place uh Adrian yui getting away late in the Lotus 49b yeah definitely surprises in this uh particular event and lots of very inter ing cars in different shapes cars have to be push started we had the disappointment of Adrien Fernandez the mexan indie car driver not being able to start his brm had other cars in the pit Lane that’s Tom Harley Junior getting away Adrian Yuri putting pressure on the matcher of Mr John and B and Adrian y one of the older cars but katsu Kabota uh in the low to 72 giving Chase to uh the first first two Michael lions and Matthew Wrigley but it was katsu Kabota who came through to claim the checker flag because uh Michael Lions this was not Michael Lions this was the Eiffel land Michael L was out in the lead from Matthew Wrigley in second place then katsuk Kabota getting closer to Matthew Wrigley but Matthew Wrigley had a trip up the Escape road which dropped him to third there he is back underway again in the March 721g uh very much a one-off machine from the aista factory but then suddenly Michael Lions looks he had it all in hand in a car in which he’s won here several times before and absolutely fine there but it just wasn’t to last that’s at Wrigley trip up the Escape Road I mentioned somewhat prematurely but he was able to turn it around and rejoin the race in third place kaboto was setting a very good Pace in this race that he won 10 years previously then the Gap closed and then that happened we don’t know why the 30s and lions had slowed but obviously was in problem and then there at the rascas it slewed sideways see again very nearly hit actually by Kabota there’s the snowplow Ferrari of Frank miners he was going very well and having a terrific battle with Mr John and B in the Matra Ms 120b and we had then Min has managed to spin also L rascas that’s the place to watch for there was Adrien Nei going through and heading probably certainly through his best ever result in uh his beautiful period Lotus 49 probably the oldest car in the race meanwhile kaboto headed towards the second flag an emotional win for him as his father just died a few days earlier and uh great to have another Lotus Victory Wrigley came home in second place the second generation driver who uh has had a lot of success in historic racing and they at the number one and there the trophy and then the emotion came out you for for [Music] [Music] spe [Music] spe [Music] spe [Music] fore for spe h for for get for [Music] [Music] e [Music] for for spe e [Music] Qui e [Music] [Music] half the M go g fre uh so took part in 10 races 19 by Chapan and alanes the only one of the three cars used to take part in all the races of the 1976 season Ronnie Peterson drove it spe for [Music] spe for for [Music] [Music] [Music] and [Music] foree spe the Great [Music] for spe e fore speech spe fore fore [Music] the 14th running of the mono Grand Prix historic just fantastic meeting around the streets of Monte Carlo coming up now Bob conson jurus is Formula 1 grand pris 3 lers but now from 1973 to 1976 just four years but four years when there was lots of great racing they looked down from the palace on what is going to be absolutely cracking race course this is going to be super competitive with the top four or five drivers very closely matched and some of the big names of historic racing will be competing in this and men who have been successful around this track and one here before we’re talking about Stuart Hall we’re talking about Nick padwell we’re talking about the three times Lam winner Marco verer and we’re talking about Michael Lions who was about to win the previous race just went down to the paddock area managed to catch a few words with Michael who tells me the 30s ts19 had a problem with a steering rout not quite sure what happened they think a tooth has broken off in the steering so coming down we saw him sideways on at the uh The Hairpin at L rascas but actually the problem had happened before that as he came out of the swimming pool he couldn’t he didn’t hard have any steering he managed to to get down and was going to try and get into the pits and then of course he couldn’t get around the corner because he couldn’t turn the steering so he said up absolutely gutted I thought that was another win for me and as we know he’s won more races here than anybody else so disappointment we had a huge disappointment too of Adrian Fernandez the Mexican Indie Car Racer and team owner failing to start that was that was a broken shaft in the in the differential of the p153 and the mechanic actually opened his tool kit and he showed me the broken piece just like they used to do in the old days so that was that mat reg we saw him didn’t we go down the Escape Road apparently I’m told that he felt the pedal go to the floor but then the pressure came back maybe the fluid boiled or something and he was able to continue but he might not have finished that race either so wow what a lot of incident terrific um that previous category but I think we’re going to have more fun in this one uh series is e and uh we’re getting faster and faster as well aren’t we these cars well yes exactly uh great uh beavering there from you Andrew well done getting down there it’s nice to be amongst the the boys down there yeah well uh and I saw Jackie X down there as well oh good so did he did you ask him about the success of the Spitzer Navy I should have done shouldn’t I no he was in conversation uh with someone so uh I just waved and carried on so Matthew Wrigley out again uh so is Michael Lions uh their preparation has been interrupted by Andrew Marriott but I’m sure they will have recovered um but we’ve got so many top drivers out there Stuart Hall uh Nick padmore marenas he was saying James Davidson a bit of a surprise an Australian driver who is uh resident in the USA uh Lucas haloa we’ve got um uh Steve Brooks Jean Den deatra the X Formula 1 driver he did a few grand pris uh quite a few drivers who with have a lot of experience and these are the cars as I say 3 l from 73 to 76 class one is all the dfv cars class two are the others and the others are basically two Ferraris uh which is now I think uh just one Ferrari that of Mr JN of B again having been on the podium he’s out again so oh no he’s not out again he didn’t he failed to uh he failed to practice so he’s we’re not going to see him again apologies so St Hall won this race two years ago by 1.5 seconds over Marco verer and Michael Lions was third uh Lions won the race in 21 over Stuart by 7 a second so there’s a lot of needle there and uh Michael won this race also in 19 the Italian former Formula One driver Alex caffy he’s not racing today but he won the race in 16 and then was before that was Lions again so we take a look into the cockpit here of Stuart Hall’s car just to go back uh in Period of course it was this era was Stuart one in the Chell 006 in 73 Peterson in the lad to 72 in 74 and then the next two years were Nikki louder in the Ferrari 312t um The Flat 12 so uh it’s a shame that Mr JN of B doesn’t have his Ferrari here because that would have been a very an entirely uh appropriate car to bring bring here yeah so Stuart Hall son of Peter Hall who involved with Team lotus in the L days a great touring car race and back the Andy Rouse team and might remember them with their sieras and Stuart been racing a while now he’s been racing since he was 15 I remember first interviewing him at that age uh in a teac car at Brian’s hatch comes from charford and uh in 2013 in modern day racing was the 2003 GTE am World Sports Car Champion Alex Ames just the driver coach just talking to haloa Hall and Hall not having anything to do with Stuart Hall no absolutely right too many Halls too many holes the big surprise of this was actually Stuart Hall getting ahead of the three chome car lotuses so that was really quite something I think this car no two two two here and later of course we’ve got three chrone cars and Michael Lions driving for the family here but we’ll switch to Chrome later I know it’s all a bit complicated isn’t it and I’ll get the hang of it by Monday wow yes so yes that was a bit of a surprise because of course the Chrome carices the 76 for marcoa and Nick padmore in the 77 well being outclassed by Stuart Hall in the roal Goa McLaren M23 which of course was a very very competitive car and earlier on we saw Max hilard in the lotus 16 not getting off the grid stuck in gear we talked about the the unreliable gear box of lotus 16 well that’s what that was so just see James Davidson there in a in a Damon stroke Graham Hill helmet didn’t we and of course Max hilard also has similar helmet design so obviously tribute to to them there’s Marco verer and you see just on his SLE brightex Motorsport that’s the company German that runs these cars for Chrome which is a a wonderful collector of various racing cars guy called Kai Nikon who comes from lorf in Germany I’m must quite sure where lorf is but uh he got a great collection of cars and loves to see them racing so there’s uh so it says right hel Marco verer who started his care career by building his own formula Ford car went on to race many years at Lam more I mean we we we’ said it before yesterday he’s for six years at LaMore in Audi it was third second third first first first racing both in petrol and Diesel R8 r10 also winning American L more champ set there is Wrigley um so he hoping that he won’t have any breaking problems in this race in a Pensky but uh this is Michael Lions fourth on the grid the McLaren M26 uh with the front radiator rather than the M23 uh which didn’t display that had side radiators but M26 for Michael lions and uh this is in this instance entered by his father Frank Lions yeah from Essex so that’s the first three places on the grid Stewart Hall in the M23 whereas Lions is in the later M26 the M23 a very effective piece of Kit in indeed number 19 there that’s federick Lau in the 30s 30s ts19 with the durx sponsorship on the back I’m sure you can tell us all about that yeah I was involved in brokering that particular deal obviously was a bit of controversy afterwards it was a very effective marketing campaign actually the advertising agency bent and Bs did huge posts one one of the logos was the small family car it was a very good motor racing campaign and uh so there is an ex louer Ferrari that is the one so unfortunately I missed that that’s a a 312 B3 of Andrea bani uh he’s actually penultimate on the grid but it’s certainly a very very significant car for this race and he’s got a Mario andreti crash helmet on or tribute helmet to andreti if you look closely M23 was course the car that James have won his world championship in the M26 also designed by Gordon Cooper but didn’t seem to be a big step forward and as you mentioned by they changed the position to the radiators there’s the yardly McLaren on pole position on Stuart Hall and they’re just waiting for the green light there it is and away they will go for their final formation lap this is an 18 lap race so they’re getting longer they are but uh of course these cars are quite a bit quicker so time I this is the race heading us up to lunch time got end signs and shadows there’s a hesk as well there’s another Shadow Lotus is further back as well there’s a bit of uh pensis there’s quite a few pensis in here there’s a Trojan or at least there was a Trojan uh an insign as well so uh quite a bit of variety 30s as I mentioned earlier on as well back then you could buy that uh package the H and gearbox and the COS with DF engine and design a chassis around it and that’s what people did uh and they as I said earlier it was a sort of plug in and play engine and very efficient designed by uh Keith duth and Mike ctin and uh probably worth pointing out perhaps one of the major garage East as uh they were known by the Europeans was monan with the end sign of all the people who had a tiny tiny setup that was probably the smallest well the certainly earlier end signs it might have only been the Formula 3 cars were designed built in his garage next to his house in walaw uh up in the the Birmingham area there but Mo then went on to be very successful running teams in Indianapolis and uh together with his wife Sylvia whenever you went to see them P there was always a cup of tea handy that Sylvia would provide di but Mo died a few years ago I had had an attempt to try to write his autobiography or his biography for him having been a extremely well-respected figure in American Racing in Champion yes yeah great engineer and uh he he probably achieved more in America than he did in Europe I think he probably moved off to braam but en managed to keep going in Formula One for a number of years number 31 is an end sign if you want to know what we’re we’re talking about number 31 the red end sign of f Marco figali and we have had an IGN winning this race in the past with Alex Cathy driving a very effective piece of Kit actually uh designed mainly by Nigel Bennett EXO Lotus and uh so they’re coming up to take up their grip positions for this 18 lap race 18 laps magnificent shot looking down there from a drone I presume Bob I guess so or a helicopter I see any helicopters up in the sky but uh yeah it’s a magical place Monaco I mean you’ve got to put it on your bucket list of your motor racing fan if you’ve never been here and uh you know this is a great meeting to come to Historic only every two years we should point out um just going past the UBS science here at that organization uh one of the sponsors yeah worth pointing out the first one was here first historic was here in 1997 as a celebration of the 700th anniversary of the uh ruling family the lights are on the lights go out and Away goes Stuart Hall straight into the lead yeah absolutely I saw padmore come across trying to get into second place but verer hung on in there and up the hill now oh they got oh that was close wasn’t the Pensky getting completely out of shape it and oh de the shadow number 15 that is Tony cider the Swiss driver Tony hugely exp experienced but uh some problem lost the engine perhaps they haven’t got very long to wheel that off the so here they go uh it’s Hall from padmore verer then lions and then of course it’s Davidson and the embassy Hill a pretty unfavored racing car that we’ve never seen going this far up the grill I think in the past with UOP being UOP was the the sponsor universal oil products for America sponsored the Don Nichols team and uh it’s all getting a bit hectic though I having side by side through the tunnel I think that was the hesketh wasn’t it yeah it was James Hagen and uh well the quite a break uh the first six have got away on their own and uh then there’s a gap behind Matthew Wrigley or Luca yeah and I think uh ver past padmore didn’t he that’s Vera’s helmet the pink one there’s padmore behind him so Davidson then haloa then there’s the Gap back to Matthew Wrigley who is next up but uh here they are they’ve completed lap one they’ve managed to get that car off the grid very rapidly that’s uh they only had a minute and a half to do it or something uh so it’s Hall Vana padmore Lions Davidson uh then haloa then the Gap to rley in no it’s Lau in seventh place Wrigley eight federi Lau from Monaco has got up into seventh place in number 19 that’s the uh C ts19 and down in 13 place his story man called Steve Brooks who is an adventurer has flown pole Toole in helicopters and circumnavigated the world with with a group of others in a a a Spitfire uh World War II plane and done many the other crazy things has to be said and racing successfully in the Master Series in Lal perso from 10 years or so back but it is Hall who is hanging on there just see if verer can offer a challenge or maybe padmore there’s padmore Nick from sausage I think Davison is in trouble he Dr well back uh it’s a shame let’s see the start again you see how padmore came across on verer but wer forced his teammate out and hung on to Second Place uh terrific battle and that was there Pensky getting all out of shape here we see it from another angle uh with the UOP Shadow uh not really getting away that Pensky I think was Matthew Wrigley so that’s why he dropped to the back of that grid group and uh so they’ve completed two laps Stuart Hall pulling away from Marco Vera 1.8 seconds between the two of them van being shadowed by uh padmore that is the embassy yeah that’s Davidson’s car yeah and that’s in a pretty dodgy place there but two Chrome lotuses JPS is slightly different model onee difference I think having a terrific battle here and then they are followed by Michael Lions in in fourth place and then fifth uh is Lucas haloa burner is in the the slightly older uh the 76 while pad’s in the 77 and jisa then there’s the Gap now from haloa back to Lau in sixth place after that retirement of uh of James Davidson yeah well Hall’s really going for his trying to e decent Gap over the two Chrome sponsored and back cars owned cars I should say another yellow flag there yes well no but it’s green green there didn’t see anything liks of Denny hm and Peter revson driving The Marvelous yardly colored M23 there’s the 30s under pressure from the delayed m Matthew Wrigley after getting so out of shape out of sanot on lap one and Matthew Wrigley lining up the Cs of Lou trying to get past the monagas I’m pretty sure he’ll do that in short order but hul it is from ferer padmore and lions yeah the Frenchman defending well this battle well Manas in sixth place and they’re shadowed of course by uh uh the next car number number 37 that of G Romo in the ins [Music] sign so uh H yeah the lotuses have got one another to keep an eye on as well as Michael lion so in a way they’re they’re they’re almost uh distracted by one another whereas Stuart Hall almost has a clear track and he can concentrate on pulling away he’s got a 2 and a half second lead which he I should imagine he’d be pretty happy with down in 15th Place another great Enthusiast Doug mock in another pensy used to seeing Doug racing inals if I remember correctly in the past but look padmore’s keep under the pressure yellow flag waving again I wonder what’s that are yet the greens I can’t see anything in between I think it’s something on the inside there of the swimming pool uh cross a well offline that’s why we can’t see anything but this is really the battle over second third fourth that’s what it is that’s what it is oh a bit of aerodynamic uh appendage which people don’t actually need obviously no I notic he got the so logo on it so we should be able to work out what car it came from maybe we’ll see one with a missing bit of wing well St Hall doing a grand job there 2.9 second lead now yes J be racing again in the final race of the weekend in a March in which he was Mega quick um that’s a p down Force car full Arrow uh package on it we go quicker this pad’s really keeping uh oh that’s the that’s the MC Hill of davidon and got a spinner there the ex John Watson P that so he got the comment curs didn’t he yeah mock you put the mockers mock yeah I did indeed Doug mockit there well actually all those pensas seem to have x uh xwy uh and there’s another Embassy car so Embassy cars not really having a very good time we’ve got two cars stopped on circuit we’ve got a pie of DeBry three cars in fact we got one pety going past another so yeah just putting the power down and not getting it down on the Zen tires and this is number 31 this is the end sign of ah that was bit of pushing and shoving go it turned and the hesk yeah so lots of uh incident all the way around the circuit uh the hes being driven by Philip Bonnie no sorry that was the TR Trojan James Hagen James ha yeah so it’s still H Hall Vana padmore Lions haloa uh then Wrigley Lau Romo uh denetra in ninth place and figal was in 10th 28 that’s fton yeah he was RIS up the back of the that’s Stanley fton from the states in his PC3 Pensky although the American C of course Roger pensy one of the most famous entrepreneurs and team owners of all time in Motor Racing although under a bit of pressure at the moment after something happened recently in in the Indie Car Series uh started in a March but then built his own cars had just one Grand Prix win with John Watson spoke to what he earlier in the week I think he would have liked to have been here [Music] really padmore still putting a lot of pressure on his teammate L and it’s good stuff isn’t it look Co closes right up there as they go through the swimming pool still that piece of wing there and it gone by and problems for the ver car yeah did he miss a gear or did the engine just falter he’s not oh he is coming for the pits heading for the pits that’s marcoa coming into the pits so we’ll keep an eye on that if we possibly can and so that’s really unfortunate so padmore up into second Lions up into third haoa in fourth that’s Lucas husa and then fifth is Matthew Wrigley sixth is fedick Lau there’s the Trojan you’ve been talking about the rather ugly uh not pretty front downforce idea and of course Trojan used to make cars for McLaren they did indeed yeah Peter AG The Man Behind that company Sussex company I said that company I said I did say Sussex yeah so uh there is now padmore look he’s actually racing away almost as though uh he was being held up throughout he’s now pulled well away from Michael Ry so they’ve left that to Embassy Hill in that position but it’s out of the way isn’t it yeah it’s offline yeah everyone should know it’s there b now but uh really a good effort and I noticed uh barani uh was one of the late comers uh moved up the field a little bit he’s in 15th Place in the Ferrari Y and uh Vera is out of the car [Music] and this is where it happens Vera suddenly is overtaken by padmore and lions what was the problem with uh Vera well as I say he’s out of the car not surprisingly and whatever the problem was was terminal Stuart Hall in the lead yeah I got to guess at transmission no problems lack of Gears but still a hall there just 5 Seconds ahead of dick padmore now but Michael Lions worrying at the back of padmore’s car they raced a lot together padmore a lot of success in the past in the Masters Formula 1 series races around Europe being a champion of that and Nick pad long career M Racing for many years thought it was in the lower reaches of like radicals where he was a highed handing coach but suddenly is Blossom now in this form of racing and definitely one of the hot shoes you want to have in if you got a really nice historic car Paul padmore Lions Nick gets to drive a lot of race cars um and you know everything from a mini to a formula Junior car Formula 3 cars all sorts of stuff he just absolutely loves it there’s Michael lions with that black almost look like a motorcycle helmet doesn’t it rather unusual design on it with the the SE silver detailing you see the grand stands filling up but uh if if they’re just arriving they miss some fantastic racing thus far there’s the pensy going through there’s that Trojan raced in Period by Tim shanken for many years a race director at the Australian Grand Prix and hugely successful as a sports car drive of Ferrari that’s for Ferrari and that lovely uh ex louer Ferrari also in that battle now what was happening there that there that’s that’s Hall going that’s Hall going past padmore padmore I think is in trouble but Hall was ahead of had more anyway well no no no no it’s that burner gone back out no it’s another JPS Lotus the third one is yes yeah I think but I’m equally confused well well sorted out that’s for sure and uh is that Chris Lock’s car yeah yeah it’s Chris lock absolutely right yeah yeah sort of Forgotten Chris lock as it was in here with a another low to 77 I think yeah the American driver but uh some way further back at the moment so Hall still out in the lead by 4 seconds so it’s come down a little bit yeah between Hall and padmore in second place and then Michael lions in third who is 2.2 seconds behind padmore and 7.5 ahead of Lucas haoa who is in fourth place Matthew Wrigley Fifth and G Romo uh in number 37 in fifth place in that n sign n175 yeah doing a good job on that car yeah just um [Music] so they are on lap 10 nine laps completed that’s Michael Lions when he knows the St state of the circuit as he goes through Mass into cassino square and uh we seem to have is that two cars there now yeah another one and uh so two cars at the entrance to the tunnel the second one in the dark [Music] and almost as though there’s something above that white line let’s have a look so oh that was a yes and that was a Pensky then slowing well here see well something was being parked wasn’t the other side H has actually dropped down the order hasn’t he and I think that’s I think might have been him yeah yeah in fact I’m pretty sure that oh careful careful careful Stuart as he Stuart Hall tried to lap number 27 and that is Steve Brooks Steve Brooks driving Jamie Constable’s Lola Run by Martin oconnell and Stuart Hall getting through 10 laps completed as we said this race quite a bit longer than the previous ones only just halfway through had plenty of action yet and uh we got padmore going a little bit quicker than Stewart hall now y gap’s coming down between Hall and padmore but uh Hall won’t be able to see padmore in his mirrors now there is Hall where’s padmore coming there he is we go to ass certies and the shadow that’s uh the shadow is Je deatra number 16 ah did a bit of form One racing in the past three or four races and just ahead of him I think uh it’s Mark divis yeah the Belgian racing car dealer he had a lot of success over in the states in a in a Lola T70 always races at the Daytona class six nice another nice uh meeting to go that’s being all sports cars of course just remember this uh track is uh relatively short relatively short at uh 2 point three is it 2 point yeah I’ve got it written down here um at uh 2.07 miles uh up but 3337 kilm 18 turns it means an awful lot of inputs into the car and uh in modern Formula 1 uh Mercedes calculated that you put in input something like over 200 different controls and lots lots of gear Chang as well hallers bres accelerator everything padmore obviously is closing a little bit on Stuart H Stewart answered the uh Challenge on that previous lap by putting in his fastest lap so far and pulled away from padmore but as we know Le say Bobby will be here in two weeks time coming to the Grand Prix and probably 17 or 18 of the 20 barring acents will finish the race yeah in the old days sometimes half a field retired yes exactly very often you’d only have six finishes five finishes yeah so over the years we’ve got a lot more [Music] mechanical reliability yeah reliability I tried to C um Paul padmore Lions three of the best historic races in the business here first second and third the gap between padmore and lions really came down point8 of a second uh a moment ago it’s now double that uh Lions is almost sort of dropping back a little bit and it’s fluctuating quite a lot that Gap that’s what we’re looking at at the moment there’s the JPS there’s the malra the two uh liveries going through second and third and then in fourth spot still Lucas Huka doing a good job for the young Austrian driver and then fifth Matthew Wrigley sixth federick Lau from here from Monaco then it’s divis delatre Brooks and Hagen completing the top 10 and Andre fani who is the last minute addition to that number 12 methusalem racing Ferrari in the andreti helmet he’s still moving up the field up to 13th now and I noticed his last lap was his quickest so he’s doing a good job in a car I’m sure he doesn’t know very well yeah I think he’s being fairly careful as he would with a car like that [Music] thundering through the tel and back markers now for Michael Lions but he’ll get past that Pensky I think fairly quickly he does so but uh he’s been dropped a little bit by Nicholas padmore 2.4 seconds between Nick padmore and Michael Lions it really is elastic around here uh with the back markers there is Stuart Hall completes uh 13 laps of 18 and that was his fastest lap at 132.5 for Stuart Hall as he charges up the hill and his next Target is jeon deletraz brother uh so sorry son Louie deletraz racing in contemporary sports cars was in Formula 2 up until uh this season yeah doing a good job in sports cars as well won the Sebring 12 hours big sports car race yesterday of course at spa and congratulations to the jota team on winning that and winning outright it must be said as well CU of course before they were in LMP 2 but this time winning outright yeah with our Porsche number 19 federick Lau in sixth place [Music] monagas and yeah sixth place so little bit of a gap behind uh Matthew Wrigley quite a gap there between the two of them and I think he may be the first driver who’s been laed you might know this B not sure how many laps The Monaco Grand Prix the current Monaco Grand Prix is these days it was 100 laps for many years wasn’t it it was exactly yeah uh these boys he just get to do 18 and those early races would take three or four hours yes you know they were really really long so uh yeah blue flag waved as uh Michael Lions carves his way through [Music] so disappointment for Marco verer hoping to get on the podium in this race we’ll try and find out during the lunchtime period what happened to that car and of course he’ll be out later on as well we’ll see him again yeah again with the chrome cars Trio which will then be a tri Trio of uh padmore uh and Vera joined by their previous adversary Michael Lions yeah well they got a great line up of cars and the garage down there they’re using the regular for formula G gar just looks very professional the setup so Stuart Hall 8.5 seconds out in the lead now for Stuart Hall and threading his way through the back markers frederi muu I think is the next Target in the 30s number 18 there no it’s Mark divis in that c and Mark divis uh great respect from these competitors for one another and uh if you’re being lacked you try very hard to get out of the way as we saw earlier on with Sid hul who was trying very hard get out of the way so Hall heading for second successive Victory this remember last time he was kept very honest two years ago by Marco Vera not the case this year kept pretty Honest by Nick padmore but padmore now 7.4 seconds down I think Lucas haloa having a very good run also have to tell you know for somebody isn’t fulltime I think he works uh in the financial industry whereas you know whole padmore and lions are all know effectively professional racing drivers their livings from it and preparing what with lions this case preparing cars as well but uh the others also coaching a lot of coaching going on uh stew Hall and Nick padmore and St at Hall remember racing roal gerta’s uh McLaren that’s what this car is um so uh Royal gerto who is the car collector I thought at one point he was interested in Aston Martins but uh anyway he’s has got he’s in the golf and uh sorry gas and oil in industry and consequently has a collection of Gulf sponsored cars which is why he’s got this McLaren but he’s also got not necessarily Formula 1 cars but other cars sponsored by Golf and now he’s beginning to start a collection of silver cars as well interestingly Lions just done the fastest middle sector of the race thus far so what can Michaels only 3 seconds behind Padma he’s going to have a push for second place I think as we uh head into the final couple of laps here of the uh final race of the morning they are on their penultimate lap the uh lead Gap is 5.5 seconds and then second to third padmore to Lions 3.2 seconds so he’s got quite a lot to catch up Lions lapping quite considerably quicker than haloa for example in fourth place 13 seconds back to haloa but as you say doing a good job because those in front of him pretty professional Stuart Hall fastest lap of the race a little earlier 132.5 58 just a little bit off that pace now but keeping padmore and lions at [Music] Bay we haven’t seen much of barani moved up another place barani in the Ferrari but uh still at Hall in amongst the B markers or rather yeah that’s the M26 of Michael lions in amongst the bat markers there’s Stuart Hall coming up to complete lap 17 one to go I always wonder when the sticks bloke stick S I mean can you really see that when you’re speeding pass at 120 m a one finger I don’t know unlikely isn’t it but they have pit boards so uh they’re out a situation hall now this is so so crucial for Stuart Hall look at the back markers he’s in amongst them it’s so oh yes it’s really got to bite his time here it held up that’s it couple of seconds yeah you’re really relying on somebody else to look in the mirrors yeah and that that was that other JPS 77 wasn’t a Chris lock yeah that’s the second time and uh the Gap has actually come down to 3.2 seconds and look how uh padmore has been caught by lions that’s come down to under two seconds as well on what is the last lap it could all still change hopefully everyone gets through the back markers okay but Stuart Hall certainly heading now for the checker flag in the background the two JPS cars and uh padmore overtaking Chris lock not very far behind 3.2 seconds still that Gap but uh just a few Corners to go just a couple of Corners to go for Stuart Hall yeah to Hall round lkas H him for the last time in the superb McLaren M23 designed by Gordon copak and there he goes and takes the checken flag and Stuart Hall adds to talles of Victories here makes it two out of two in this Seri e race the margin of victory in the end 3.5 seconds Stuart Hall to Nick padmore in second place and then Michael lions in third place 1.35 further back so uh Lions did close out but not by enough at the end Lucas aloa comes through in fourth place that still be a satisfactory fourth place for Lucas Huka haoa St Hall slowly around the lap just soaking in the atmosphere soaking in the uh success and uh you know stewards had double wins here in the past certainly one of the Monaco Masters isn’t he so really going round here slowly fifth was Matthew Wrigley and I think the rest may have been lapped I’m not certain if federick Lau was lapped or not he will be in sixth place and then Mark divis in seventh place eighth Steve Brooks ninth Jean de deletraz and 10th Chris lock couple of laps down double thumbs up from the marshals here wonderful to see these cracking cars from the uh mid 70s which uh we both reported back in Period didn’t we Bob and uh yeah different times in Formula 1 then when uh we were able to mix with all the drivers and mechanics uh social events and uh lunch and on the plane home and so it’s all a bit different now access uh somewhat restricted so Hall padm more lions that was the top three we’ll have a little replay and repre of it in just a few moments see those Yachts all park there in the harbor and Stuart waving his finger arm number one but I noticed uh after they finished padmore was uh also pumping his fist outside the pit he must have been pretty happy with that just superb shape of a racing I always love the M23 with it side radiators and that and then coming back to still punching the out he’s really pumped up Stuart after that Victory he’s very happy indeed with that the Peter revson car Red by Peter revson uh great uh American Californian uh driver from the Revlon cosmetics Corporation and you pointed out yesterday he was he raced a yardly car from a rival aftershave or or or perfumery but rev is superb guy was proud to have known him and did did die in a testing accident in kyami not driving from McLaren but uh Ravi really looked like a racing driver and there’s a very good revson autobiography that or biography that is still available so the whole Victory margin in the end was 3.5 seconds as he comes in receives the Applause Just Taps the number one checker board go team come over to congratulate him yes they’re very pleased with that aren’t they that’s obviously means a lot to them steering wheel comes off Stewart leevers himself out of the cockpit he really has pumped up with that success isn’t he [Music] yeah yeah they’re looking forward to some more too H they might get it potentially some more and uh there is the result Stuart Hall Nick padmore and Michael Li on the podium from Lucas husa in fourth place he’ be pleased with that Matthew Wrigley in fifth federick Lau in sixth so that will be uh very acceptable as well all the way down James Davidson sadly one of the retirements let’s hear now from Stuart Hall who uh is out of the car and hopefully after he’s put on that small hedge uh he’ll be talking to our interviewer on the grid yeah s Nick padmore down there Stuart will receive the Garland he’s so pleased yeah I’ve rarely seen Stewart pump like that well stat congrats you kept the lead from the race from start to finish to claim this Victory from po position um you managed perfectly to win the race it was a the perfect Race For You H there’s a bit of a fuss going on inside the cockpit um it’s quite a major problem that arised itself about seven laps from the end and uh yeah just trying to manage that really just try and get the get the old girl to the end but you know R go build him strong so you know credit to the boys you know she held together you know I didn’t 10 laps to go I thought it was done I honestly thought it was done so the fact that we’re here is a testimony to these boys over there you know they’ve done an amazing job and uh yeah a little girl and a wife at home would believe in me you know so it’s amazing physically and mon how difficult is it to to fight with this car in this Monaco circuit yeah I mean it’s you know it’s the same for everyone you know you just got to go out there you just got to focus try not to make mistakes you know easier said than done when you got padders Mikey Marco and a whole host of seriously quick boys behind you you know it I kept on I see I see the lap time coming down and down with with pads I thought oh God’s sake will this when will this race end cuz you know but it did you know we managed it and uh thankfully I’ve got a nice Gap at the start and uh we could manage it a little bit with the issue and uh yeah we’re here yeah ecstatic you now ready to do the same in the G Series I will worry about G Series in a few few hours I’m just going to enjoy this you know it’s a different race different car different circumstances so I’ll enjoy this thanks a lot T out congrats congratulation thank [Music] you so there’s patters as uh Stuart calls him and then like [Music] Lions Michael actually wearing his Chrome Cast suit but of course racing a family car will’ll get into a chrome car’s vehicle a little later well speculation Bob what do you think the problem was I suspect gearbox yeah difficult to say really isn’t it um I think he might be missing a gear we didn’t anything it wasn’t nothing obvious was there at all no we didn’t see any breake problems for example no um suppose it could have been that didn’t hear any power problems either so yeah difficult to say another another thing in the notebook for lunchtime uh yeah isn’t it so I’ll find out so uh they’re ready to go on the podium shortly Stuart Hall Nick padmore and Michael Lions well some consolation for Michael Lions after the steering problem in the earlier race with the the Cs and he really was gutted about that so the winner gets on come back Tom st’s done so well with his career you know and uh his success of world champion in endurance racing but there third place Michael Lions yeah Michael Lions into third place into second place here is Nick padmore and uh in West Sussex and the winner Stewart Hall ah spectacular [Music] jump and uh they will be presented with their trophies in a moment including the Nikki louer trophy as well so first of all the Winner’s trophy first Stewart gives it a kick kiss I wonder if he’s going to kiss Nikki louder kiss Nikki louder as well question that’s for you guys and now to the second place driver Nick padmore well done and the third place driver Michael Lions does he have a separate um transporter to take his trophies home ah he might need one hadn’t he so three brdc members up there on the podium and we will hear the national anthem of Great Britain [Music] my well they get together for the photograph on the podium now these guys have won a lot of races uh on many circuits in Britain in Europe but there’s always something so special about winning here at Monte Carlo absolutely and there is the man who finished third Michael lions in the m the M26 in second place Nick padmore in the Lotus and the winner of course Stuart Hall in the McLaren M23 and that’s the way they finished uh we now have a short break of about an hour and 20 minutes before we then go to the final three races starting off for the sports car race which you may wonder why have we got a sports car race well because this race was held for sports cars in 1952 the Grand Prix was held for sports cars in 1952 because Formula 1 seemed to be in a bit of a state of flux and they weren’t awfully confident of getting a good entry for Formula 1 so they decided instead to make it for four sports cars and those sports cars will be on circuit in approximately just over an hour’s time and we got a very good entry for that and then the last two races are 45 minutes long um half the length of a Grand Prix and the two fastest categories of all and we’ll be seeing these boys back in more recent Formula 1 cars going through in the G category to ground effect andless champagne is spraying [Music] now the rco guys who uh they’ve still some more cars I think to uh enter oh absolutely car at might when the the G race course so they’re going to be smelling of champagne for the rest of the day a dab of champagne so excellent stuff we’ll talk to again very shortly yeah for now for me Andre M from Bob con Jus see you later fore spee spee [Music] [Music] [Music] you so this was uh race e for Grand Prix cars from 1973 to 1976 and uh for the Nikki louder class and all three liter cars of course and on Pole Position was Stuart Hall in a McLaren M23 and it was he who immediately got straight into the Le yeah Stuart who won this race last time was held two years ago had one car not getting away Ste it into the lead Marco verer the former La more winner in second place up the hill in the Chrome Lotus the shadow there was stranded and then it was Nick padmore and then behind him Michael Lions after the disappointment of the previous race in which he retired but for the very top historic races anywhere in the world doing battle here as they wind the way back down through the Hain down to the haror and there is verer but uh it was a a great battle between these two uh lotuses separated by one year actually verer in a slightly older car of the pair but Hall got a cracking start and pulling away everyone else hanging on but it was about this quartet really at the front of the field we had quite a lot of spinners didn’t we particularly down at the uh hairpin before the pits regular space there’s another one going round that’s the number 34 pensy of um Douglas mockit and then we had this little tangle but uh out front it was uh the story as before with a Stewart Hall pulling away the two lotuses locked in combat and then behind that the M23 and then suddenly verner’s car faled we’ll find out later what happened he pulled it into the pits and took no more of the action which meant that uh Michael Lions could close up a bit on Nick padmore pads as they call him and then as the race wore on there is Stuart Hall but he was fighting some battle in the cockpit which he alluded to at the end of the race it might have been a gearbox issue we will discover later but uh absolutely able to still put in the lap times despite whatever the mechanical issue was and there he is in the yardly lied car been raced in Period by Peter revson uh and others quite a lot of cars to be lapped and there’s going past that Cs and at this stage Michael Lions is also closing up but the hall car prepared by the rofco organization still able to stay out front and take the Sheck flag coming home in second place the Lotus Nick padmore and then in uh third place there he is on the podium Michael lions sh for for for for want [Music] Senna was exceptional he was always my idol I only ever had one and that was Aeron seeing the cars He raced in his Day always evokes emotion especially this particular one yeah yeah just [Music] voice just make sure it’s okay okay spe spe foreign [Music] the rest of the field is mainly [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] w [Music] the [Music] [Music] a I wish have been s [Music] for e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] midle [Music] oh [Music] was [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] m [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] Christo [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] 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[Music] [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] and mid super [Music] no [Music] here [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the m [Music] [Music] all [Music] [Music] [Music] chist [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this is wa [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] spe [Music] black [Music] [Music] [Music] open the foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the best of field Main [Applause] [Music] [Music] the [Music] [Music] w [Music] f for for e for I for for for for for e for for for for for [Music] for for [Music] e [Music] [Music] e for for e for for [Music] for for for for [Music] [Music] spee for [Music] for foree [Music] spe [Music] foree [Music] spee [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] foree for [Music] speeech [Music] spech e [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] well ladies and gentlemen coming up next is series C so sports racing cars front engine from 1952 to 19 57 you may wonder why there’s one sports car race amongst all these single Seer races it’s called the Victorio marotto because in 1952 the Grand Prix was run for sports cars and Victorio maroto was the winner in uh that year in 1952 the reason that he ran it for sports cars was because uh Formula 1 was in a dire State and they weren’t awfully certain whether they were going to get a good enough uh entry for Formula 1 so they got uh sports cars instead and uh certainly had a good entry in sports cars so that’s the reason why and uh in fact they had castellotti in second place and slag noty and beyonde in a Ferrari in third Sterling m in a Jaguar probably a c type I suspect was on the front row and he led for 24 laps but then retired so we’ve got uh a full grid of cars very full grid of cars indeed it’s there a little bit bulkier of course than the single seaters or the single seaters we’ve seen so far uh so it just might be uh we might uh it’s just a little bit more difficult to overtake but uh they are intriguing sports cars uh all sorts of different um vintages as well as even back to 1948 uh conort uh but also um all the way through to 58 as well uh even to a d typ Andrew marott is here my name is Bob conen Jus Andrew marot is here alongside me what do you think of all this I think it’s absolutely terrific but I also think there’s an outstanding entry for this and this race is always very competitive these cars race quite a lot at other meetings but this is absolutely the Crown Jewel in U 50 sports car racing and we have Intrigue as well Bob because some of the quick people in practice at least three of them are right at the back of the grid and we’re not sure the exact detail why but they have obviously transgressed in some manner maybe over a line or something like that we haven’t had it in the earlier races but anyway we’ve got Gregor fiskin and Fierro elet has won this race in the past and Nicholas haoa and they were way down at the back of the field so they’re going to have to work their way through which makes it just that little bit easier to two of the the very best cars in this category drivers we’ve seen race in England a lot the American Fred Wakeman and Richard Wilson Richard Wilson’s got a fabulous uh Maserati 250s not 250f that’s the the uh that’s a that’s a Cooper Bristol isn’t there but uh waitan and Wilson will be definitely battling for the front we got Max hilard is always quick in this uh sadly had problems uh with his Lotus 16 in early race when it got stuck in gear but weman and Richard Wilson Richard Wilson just fresh from using this car for a victory at the Goodwood members meeting as well but we will watch for Fiero Ela the the Spanish industrialist and and Gregor fiskin perve are fine racing automobiles to um landed gentry um coming through the field and Nicholas heloa in that D Type Jaguar because he’s also been knocked back to 2 second on the grid fiskin to 24th and Fier Aleta to 23rd so they’re all together there um it’s going to be intriguing just to see how they can come through the field Fred Wakeman you mentioned is an American well it just just in case they he wins and they play the British national anthem he is a Brit uh Living in America isn’t he Oh I thought he was American but we’ll find out he’s GB on the list here he’s GB on my list and he’s GB so out voted I’m out voted but can I suggest that he has a British racing license because he speaks with an American accent but I don’t know where he was born so you know um but anyway he works for the schroers bank in in New York I think and he won this last year in his Cooper t38 from Lucas aloa it was Lucas husa who raced in this last year those Brothers tend to send uh share cards uh but Lucas is in a Maserati 300s and then it was Shilo Fiero eleta and uh he was third last year and then Nicholas husa um he was in a DP but we also got in this Claudia hen who of course we saw winning the first race of the day so she’s obviously feeling pretty racy Cooper Jags have been very successful in this race in the past um and again um jilo Fiera eleta he won this in 19 21 with Nicholas haoa second that year so we we got all the hot shoes I think in this but as we said you know Fier letter way down there where’s about 20th starting position from this penalty got to watch out for the Maseratis Richard Wilson in Maserati 250s uh which uh I think you mentioned earlier on the weekend isn’t is a particularly um unknown quantity in a way they well they only Built four of those and uh that car’s worth a lot of money it’s worth in the millions anyway and uh and Richard drives it I mean Richard’s one of these um very successful entrepreneur businessman um who spends his money wisely after so some very nice cars but he also races a lot and he’s really good and he’s have very good coaching raced with some top people Richard Wilson will be quick Fred Wan will be quick also on Maseratis then uh Claudia herin and also Greg uh Gore Fiero Aleta also in Maserati as well further back um Smith hilard in the Lotus 10 um uh and Tony wood uh is in number 36 and just looking at the shot on the grid we should say that uh although most of the cars are open there are some closed cars here as well which I suppose you know we call GTS these days 56 to go back to that or 36 to go back to that is Tony wood uh we’ve already seen him in the techmech and that’s the list of Bristol and then next up is the hwm of uh number 62 Martin hunt who actually qualified 10th and in spite of having a penalty start sixth in the hwm jagu and those hwm him and Gregor fiskin are going to be particularly uh competitive aren’t they yes and uh I mean that’s a company we know a bit about from the past um HW Motors in sorry Heath Walton Motors or HW yeah Heath Walton Motors yes and um they they had some Formula 1 cars for a little while so company with some good history lovely shots here from the grid beautiful picture of Fred waitman number 70 there I’m able to go 26 there is uh the Steve Wards fras and Ash Lamar replica do you want to talk about replicas it isn’t a replica strange fras Nash had Works cars and then they sold a further run of them to privateers to differentiate between them they called the ones they sold to the the customers replicas well they were replicas of The Works cars they’re not replicas of been built 50 years later they just make that absolutely clear um and I didn’t know that for years actually well it’s a very useful piece of information I didn’t know it either so um obviously imperior didn’t have a great big rooll cage on it like that um cycle wings and the phaser Nash company so became the Porsche importers in Britain with the alington family Richard Bourne is uh in the Lotus 10 as well there and then Brad Baker who we’ve already seen out in an erra he’s got a Maserati 300s uh he’s in the top 10 as well and then uh uh we’ve got number 18 and that is aan sukari from Argentina in a Maserati A6 GCS as well so uh that’s basically the top 10 on the grids but uh watch out for those coming through if they possibly can come through there’s so much traffic and it’s only a 10 lap RAC we’ve gone back to a shorter race for the older cars of course yeah so it’s uh it’s going to get complicated out there and they’re going to be some slow cars who eventually are going to have to be lapped as well yeah number two uh I think is uh Phil Von Frankenstein’s ke sport uh there that’s quite a rarity cuz I always thought keiths did um did uh single seaters but not in this instance now there’s a thing there called the list of flat iron yes raced by um great period driver Argie Scott Brown in 1958 and uh I think it’s the shape of I quite sure why it was was called the flattie I didn’t know the answer to this many years ago well it’s driven here by Steven Bond and uh he is sort of Midfield yeah in that car away they go on their final formation lap it’s a 10l laap race as uh Andrew was mentioning so way they [Music] go a beautiful day here on the Riviera with uh mono absolutely at its best isn’t quite a cool breeze however blowing off the sea I noticed so uh the cars making their way around and uh just about everybody is out there I’m not certain number 88 is on circuit and uh that is Jeffrey O’Neal from the USA in the Maserati 350s not certain he’s out there but otherwise uh we’ve got a lot of Cs making their way around for 10 laps led by Fred wakan British or Californian or New York I must I must check with him actually because you know quite a lot of people do sometimes race under the license of where they live and then AB sometimes the computer know traces that back um before lunchtime we had a a super race and uh I found out in the lunchtime period quite a lot what happened that I think we’re going to save that to when we get back to the single seaters okay because some of the drivers are the ones that were involved and was to be seeing them again people like Marco verer and Stuart Hall and son who Stuart of course won that race he told our commentator uh our interviewer down there he had a problem but uh he didn’t elude anymore I found out what it was but we’ll go back that later it wasn’t a major thing though actually so Wakeman and Wilson and then Smith hiard Claudia H what a terrific Drive she started the day off with Bo it seems a long time ago now it was it was started at 8:00 in the morning Tony wood Martin hunt thinks are local to you Rick Bourne I remember for many years racing uh Morgans and then uh the 86 car who we saw um Baker a little bit earlier didn’t we and uh not Brad Baker yeah the ER yeah earlier on the Canadian driver so they’re making their way around on this final formation lap it’s fairly slow formation laps they’re not exactly warming up their tires and they’re going through to back around the swimming pool at the moment and 18 Corners here at Monaco um and crammed into a pretty small lap as well the lap is only 3.33 km or 2.07 miles with 18 Corners so you’re a busy boy in there with a gear stick and the certainly are no no belts to hold you in um just looking to think how we got one on starting there is it um I think it’s O’Neal it’s O’Neal yes who’s he um that runs a historic Festival in uh up in CS points in N uh in uh California look at this the final cars are just coming out of the swimming pool whereas the front running uh already taking up their grid positions they’re going to be sitting there for a while I think this is the biggest grid of the race uh of the whole meeting eight races of course here seven for Grand Prix cars of various age groups the last two age groups coming up after this and they’re much longer races also but uh the sports car race is uh always very competitive indeed and of course it would be with all these entries with some very good cars in there it’s almost like having an endurance race around Monaco although it’s only 10 laps but uh so many [Music] cars so we still waiting in the background you can see the cars coming through vage NZ there a place free there isn’t there yes there is after 26 so who is that that’s O’Neal that’s where O’Neal should be yeah well spotted here we go lights coming on out they go and away they go and a really good start there from con yeah that Connell went to into third place immediately yeah so uh good effort there from um the Conor of Thomas Rawlings or is it the other Conn no I think it might be the other one yeah yeah I think it is anyway soon as he get into the lap we catch up on that but Wakeman got a good start Wilson got a good start too no unusual fins on the back of that car but yeah good start is it the con or is that a a Lotus that’s a Lotus smithard isn’t it yeah very very good start from the Maserati there of Wilson in fact ahead of of Fred Wan and then the first of the lotus 10 oh oh and the 52 5276 number from taking part in the Mia Mia that car but it’s it’s gone around on the breaking for the hapin it’s facing the wrong way and all of a sudden yeah he’s got a lasty view of somebody coming straight at him so apologies were number 80 there yeah is Wilson yeah Wilson is Wan and then Smith helard and that is uh Adrian Sakari in a Masarati A6 GCS Argentine driver so come a long way to spin on the first lap and hit the barrier basically he was offline and uh yeah hit the barrier twice he did he hit the barrier twice I think he’ll be able to carry on I no Argentine stripe down the car as well but uh Wilson and waitman they’ve raced together a lot Goodwill and other places Silverstone classic and it was Tony wood who made such a good start so I’m sorry it’s taken us rather a long time to work that out but uh there it is Wilson Wakeman uh then Tony wood uh then Claudia Herman in fourth place Martin hunt upper Place into fifth and then uh Bourne in sixth Smith hilard in seventh Baker in eighth uh in ninth place and then in 10th Place Gregor fiskin already up 13 places that was outstanding was they’re pushing that car will it go through that Gap just about I think we’re not we’re not being shown that no um J later up into 13th Place yeah but uh Wan’s g into the lead yeah Wakeman into the lead you’re right and where did that happen well we were looking at that other car being pushed back at the time and still waving the look well they hav got it through that Gap cuz I think there’s a strut that’s holding the arm Co yeah exactly they’re not going to get it past that it’s sort of out of the way there but if he can spin there somebody else might yeah so we don’t know where Fred waitan raid his move yeah I wonder if they’ve got a a replay of that and fisking up to n you know and fastest on the first sector this uh second lap so fiskin certainly moving up the field and I’m afraid heloa is going the other way uh dropping back so I’m not certain why but uh I think he’s probably stopped on circuit somewhere so number 70 there Fred wakan ahead and that’s claria Herman I think going up one place definitely yeah so she’s up into third not to be underestimated the lady from Aken who’s been winning races here for quarter of a century the best part of anyway magnificent fiskin then up to ninth now and uh his fiskin middle sector on this lap was 3 seconds quicker than anyone else so he is really flying Gregor fiskin done quite a lot of um racing in the modern idiom race at places like I think RAC racing at Sebring amongst others now now is this the replay this is what happened Wilson in the lead in that shot that Lotus 10 is not pretty cut and round the outside round the outside of mass which is one of the quicker Corners people don’t do that normally do they they don’t do that um lots of yellow flags now now they just brought them in that was for the argentine’s Maserati but look at this under pressure again Richard Wilson’s come back at him what our timing scoring’s gone a little bit awall I think hasn’t it what have they done with that um what have they done with that they managed to get it oh no they must probably so out in the lead is waitan from 80 Richard Wilson and then clodia hman right behind them putting pressure on them then a gap has grown now to uh uh Tony wood be interested to see if F fkin can get past two or three on this lap I mean he’s raced so many different cars such Gregor so we got it battle with three of them now and there you see the Trident on the front of those two Maseratis not the same model the 250s and the 300s so one presumably two 2 and a half laders the other three laders yes that’s right but then I could stand corrected on this I’ve got anide the 250 engine is the same that’s in the 250f uh Maserati bit before my time really is but um superb machines aren’t [Music] they well this is a great battle for the lead isn’t it Fred wman really being put taken to task here a driver who uh is well known around these parts uh he’s won here I think he won what two years ago didn’t he um a very regular guy in a s of goodward Silverstone the big historic meetings in Britain with his car prepared by Pat Patrick Blakeley Edwards who had problems of course this morning when he he was racing but he’s got a nice stable of cars which are definitely kept in the UK Fierro ala also in trouble I think on that last lap he’s dropped back to 19th Place Gregor fiskin however still oh halloa now that’s must be a problem with his transponder because he suddenly appears in ninth place he was dropping right down the order yes and now he’s appeared back in ninth place that would seem about right for him wouldn’t it yeah so we can a look yes I’m sorry it’s it’s all a bit confused around there Brad Baker in amongst them as well uh we’re giving you wrong information principally cuz we’re getting it off the screen and it’s not quite right there either what I do know is that fiskin made up two places on this last lap and suddenly gone back up again that’s what fkin just moving up the field but some of the others the transponders are playing up but well sorted out Wakeman in the lead but Wilson putting pressure on him as is hen and there’s a little Gap then to um Tony wood and then Max hilard and uh Martin hunri Bourne Gregor fiskin and fishkin’s got a next car to snap at the heels of will be Rick Bourne and there’s a little bit of a gap there to catch up and oh look a challenge for the lead Wilson trying to get back in the [Music] lead couldn’t quite do it there but he he’s looking at it he’s thinking about it isn’t he oh it’s tremendous tremendous high speed these three really going for it as well Fred Wan uh well just trying to push him into some sort of a mistake preferably nowhere costly uh in terms of body damage but uh Jud just trying to get him off line a fraction that’s uh what Richard Wilson would be trying to do in the Maserati and now they’re coming into the Realms of back markers and the first that they’re going to hit is number two that is Thomas Rawlings in you insur Conor yeah L2 model they’ve got past him all three but it’s going to Bunch them up isn’t it certainly is and this is intriguing bit Yeah and uh Wilson’s really worrying at him isn’t he’s trying trying to push him into a mistake cloudia heran taking different lines as well just in case uh something goes AR and uh just a tremendous trio highspeed trio they’re going to be weaving between these back markers yeah Cooper Jaguar it’s a lot of success Cooper Jaguars around this just suits this particular track I think is this the uh Colonel Michael head uh CER Jaguar I believe so yes Patrick head’s father well he was a colonel when I saw him racing but I think he went up to Brigadier he was in the Diplomatic Corp he was Secretary of uh defense not secretary defense atachi okay to Sweden so Fier lettera former winner of this race is up to 10 having had that penalty fiskin is up to eight seems are stuck there a little [Music] bit great the way they the B markers do really try and get out of the way they must spend their entire time looking in the mirrors now which can’t be much all that much fun but great respect for one another in the the competitors in historic racing yeah and they know each other well so Richard Wilson and Fred wman know each other very well indeed and uh cloudia H has just been dropped a little bit because of the traffic there and uh is she going a little bit slower well she’s certainly dropped back from the leading Duo now Wilson hasn’t given up by Any Man of means he’s really pushing trying to find a way past is he going to try now down into Miro ah waitan defending well placing the car yeah both right hand drive incident even the Maserati yeah that’s unusual isn’t it and also so is Claudia hin Maserati as well now they’re coming up to more traffic it’s going to get complicated again we are actually halfway through this race little bit of oil smoke there from is that the pigasso possibly ahead of them or uh David Franklin and the Ferrari no plenty of traffic threading their way through and Wan seems to do a slightly better job of it than Wilson in the car is raced in Period by famous Americans Carol Shelby of course AC Cobra Fame and Jim Hall raced the car Rich has survived a horrific shunt at Goodwood um about eight years ago [Music] now first and second wakan and Wilson there’s Claudia hen they’ve weaved their way through those back markers quite successfully and uh again they all close up as they go through rascas and uh once again Fred Wan really covering the road making sure there isn’t any possibility it’s only a short blast between the two and uh [Music] they head up towards sand devot Wan really positioning the car well but not this time he caught it though got lots of opposite lock on did Richard Wilson thought it was heading for the barrier but of course that caught him a second or two where is Claudia hen I think she has dropped back yeah she dropped behind Smith hilard oh that was so close yeah Rich having basic take to the Curve but pretty difficult to get past them into there isn’t it and Smith hilard then up into third place and uh Claudia hen has dropped back now I’m not a certain how or where that was but now smithard right on the tail of Richard Wilson There is Claudia heren she’s still there but she obviously was delayed briefly for whatever reason and her place has been taken by smithard and the lus [Music] 10 I have to confess I’m not certain what power unit that would use the Lotus 10 I would think of for climax wouldn’t it we’ve got some excellent turn we have yes that might reveal it excellent excellent notes the ja your engine from in Wan’s car I’m pretty sure it’s basically a dtype engine um but yes Lotus 10 and that begat the Lotus 11 which is a much prettier car I thought it was H successful they built an awful lot of lotus 10’s a pretty rare sort of Beast so we have three there is a Lotus 11 they just overtaken the White Lotus 11 but uh we’ve got the a trio but it’s a different Trio to last time it’s now waitman Wilson and smithad and fiskin finally got up to seventh place they’re now charging after Tony wood and I think he might be able to get past him smithard dropping back just a fraction now on the the blast along the pit straight [Music] now ah yes Claudia heren was bulked by a slower car to such an extent that uh Smith got past her and uh just on the blast between the swimming pool and rascas oh and a spin from Richard Wilson hit no so he really got a bit wild hadn’t he had that previous incident and Richard Wilson hopefully he can get it out of there but uh that’s any chance of a Podium gone for him yeah so yellow flags out of the casino square and uh hopefully that isn’t too badly damaged it looked as though it could should be cosmetic but uh in theory if he’s still got the engine running he should be able to get away with that but smithard was really pushing him but I don’t think there was any contact no I don’t think so bit of battel beter needed hopefully that’s all it is but uh he’s still in the car and uh I would have thought he should be able to drive out of there but uh noty certain that’s going to happen so Fred Wan in the lead then from Max Smith hilard in second place and uh they are about to complete lap eight of 10 there’s ma Smith hilard that’s the an as Martin db3s That’s not him um but uh beautiful laston Martin here comes from Fred weitman there’s the lotus in the background what’s the gap between the two of them waitman to Smith hilard it was 2.6 seconds and it is now 2.5 seconds so it’ll take a long time for it to come up down at that rate um but uh we shall see what he can do about it and Claudia hen now comes through in third place Tony wood in fourth Martin hunt in fifth he’ll be happy with that Gregor fiskin in sixth now then uh born in s yeah but look at the dam yeah look at the damage on the front of that uh number 10 Smith H car though on the left you’ll see it on the left front he’s going to need a so you think there was contact yes yeah I see what you mean well but that looks like quite strong contact it didn’t appear like that on our screen but oh getting a bit bold down there now isn’t he Fred wakan they following that Aston Martin through portier now beautiful db3s look at smithard on side the battle for the lead continues but he hasn’t got the grunt out of the corner the jagu of power uh superseding that of the lotus not surprisingly and they accelerated through the tunnel and fr wman that’s the biggest challenge he’s had to his lead and it was quite a challenge that the Lotus certainly seems to handle well well been a cracking race though this hasn’t it cloudy HT can be probably going to be on the podium just checking Fisk in he’s challenging now for Martin hunt for fifth place I think he might uh Snick that one yeah he might do they’re very very close of course uh they’re both in hwm hwm making single seases and then making sports cars out of those single seaters yeah Smith Hillard really is trying hard doesn’t to have a go well he does though about start the last lap still behind the Aston yeah and they’re going to go past the Conor now and they hopefully they find way through one lap to go and waitman versus max Smith hilard and all the disappointment Max had this morning with his low to 16 well very different story with this car and accelerating [Music] through uh up the hill from sanot up to M through the long left-hander at M uh still the yellow flags there so uh Smith hilard can’t attempt to overtake there because of the Maserati parched on the right there in the barrier and they go down the hill for the last time it’s ma Smith Hillard try and round the outside round the outside but no doesn’t manage it but uh might try again he’s trying everywhere actually isn’t it that’s the lovely thing you know there are certain places that you do or don’t overtake a Monaco not in historic racing everywhere is an opportunity done it look he’s got inside him oh waitman spins oh goodness me and waitman get going again I don’t know if he’s got going to hold on to Second Place cloudy hen will go through i’ expect quite a lot of people will go through there’s that Fraser asash replica and in his Graham Hill helmet just now he’s in the lead look he’s in cars everywhere now that con stop wakan is maneuvering himself but he’s going to get back in the race well he really was trying hard everywhere and there was just left a little Gap didn’t he he left him Wan offline rear end stepped out might have been a bit more slippery out there where he uh yeah didn’t hit anything but thank heavens couldn’t get it into gear and away quickly so he’s probably D dropped to fifth or sixth place I would have thought um but oh entertainment all around this Monaco track Smith Hillard H and wa well wman shown in third place still um but they are coming towards the checker flag now there it is checker flag for Max smithard has gone into the lead in second place Claudia hergen to go with her first place earlier on now who’s going to come through in third the suggestion is Fred waitman but we shall see see if he got it turned around quickly enough well done to Claudia hen congratulations to her it’s after all that it’s Nicholas haloa from that penalty well done to him yeah from 22nd on the grid Nicholas haoa in third place Tony wood in fourth Gregor fiskin in fifth place Martin hunt deot demoted to sixth by Gregor fiskin and then seven Fred M wakan who led for so long just ahead of number eight and that of course is uh Richard Bourne yeah well Max was lucky wasn’t he that uh the body work wasn’t rubbing on the tire yeah yeah after that incident I’m certain there wasn’t contact but there obviously was unless that was some other instance but we shall see so what a result what a race that was too yeah afternoon started so well had cracking racing earlier on but that was terrific and uh well Fierro ala finished in Ninth Place Brad Baker in 10th then Nicol Bert in uh 11th Place Ali Kelby in 12th and when you think Ma Smith hilab was actually left on the grid at the start of this race and uh then got going and that car originally was owned Max smithard Lon by a big character called Cliff Davis who was famous for his Motor Racing parties where Graham Hill used to used to perform uh his rugby ditties and that is where that uh number plate is so well known from Cliff Davis he was a he was a West London car dealer wasn’t he yes he was and uh he dealt in American cars quite a lot if I remember and there was quite and the and the the the lockup garages behind his for court uh or show space there was quite a lot lot of racing teams in there I remember going there as a kid um so anyway that car did uh raceing 55 and 56 had a a good second class second in class the nine hours of goodward but uh yeah that famous number plate and interested to see what Max has got to say for himself after that race yeah exactly CU you got obviously some of the big names making mistakes Fred waitan well it’s wait a say that’s all taped up that is almost uh is it taped up no it is no I don’t think so no I didn’t see a big hit but we’ll see the highlights who mayble to see it more but maybe something else completely different now I wonder if our interviewer will ask him about it yeah exactly well here’s Claudia hero well done to her for her second place she stayed out of trouble and did of watching and waiting see how it says Hill L you got Hill in big letters just as Graham had Hill on the side of his helmet some of the time he jumps out gets gets a hug from his wife and the team there so after all that disappointment this morning um it’s all come good guess there’s a couple of incidents he could be asked about couldn’t he uh yeah and here is the young third place driver Nicholas haloa well done to him of course the D typ was still being developed at the cut off in this so that was one of the early ones I think probably with a 3.4 engine and uh they’ll cherish that Garland Laurel Garland [Music] there it is there’s the result Tony wood in fourth place Gregor FIS in fifth Martin hunt from the South Downs in sixth place then Fred Wayman Richard Bourne Etc so uh great result lots of uh names in there to be conjured with but uh some a really excellent drive for Nicholas haloa up into third place as well from so far back in the grid working his way through the the order Richard Wilson yeah down in yeah after yeah after his spin um so counts yeah well thank you well Max me congrats win here in Monaco what to race big battle with the move for the win in the last lap can you describe this last lap please uh I was I did I did a really poor start um and I didn’t really know how many cars had taken gone by me uh but when I saw sort of the three quickest cars out in front I knew there was something to go for and pick them off uh I I just guess I knew what I got to do in that last lap really and it’s great I’ve got to write a new bucket list now you enjoy this race this a magnificent race yeah it it was super it was good it because I was behind I was chasing and that’s probably better than defending for me uh so I was chasing chasing and uh it came good in the end so brilliant thank you very much Monaco thank you thank you too thanks a lot congrats now I’m interested if he walks around and has a look at the front of the car because I Bob I didn’t see I didn’t see a push did you no and I just wonder if it was there before that’s Richard Wilson he’s got his crash helmet off look looking a bit glum as well he might the car being loaded onto a flat bed ready to be there that’s I mean that’s quite a big hit to do that I know it’s an aluminum it’s aluminum sheet but nevertheless that’s a fair amount of panel bashing as you say yeah I’m so lucky it wasn’t to fouling the fouling the tire yes exactly ah he’s pointing at something well I think they’re just pointing to uh to go onto the rosom yes uh so is he have a look at the front of the car think he has and it’s a normal thing a racing driver do do after that so kind of think maybe that wasn’t it was there at the beginning let’s have a look at the early pictures of this and see yeah let’s hope we we will obviously we got this Victory a celebration first and there’s uh Nicholas Nicholas haoa and uh Claudia hen so certainly a good weekend for her a first and a second she has a big chat with uh Nicholas haoa and to be honest those two are old enough to be his parents so a little bit of a debrief of what’s happening on the podium for Max smithard Claudia doesn’t need that because she’s already been out there thank you very much and Nicholas haloa I think has had results here in the past uh perhaps not in this particular car cuz of course the haloa family do chop and change Nicholas halloa in 21 was second right here they go up onto the podium up onto the rostom and uh first of all it will be Nicholas haoa who goes onto the third spot what once again the uh Union Flags there Here Comes Nicholas aloa well done congratulations to him and uh well one of the Halo’s has been on the podium anyway that’s good news yeah in second place Claudia hen big congratulations to her to go for her win earlier on today Max smithard in number one position Max Smith hilard and uh he goes through and uh onto the top step of the rustom and now we get the presentation of the trophies with uh first of all to Max Smith hilard the Winner’s trophy now does he get a picture of Victorio mat Mato no I think he does do they know what Victorio look like oh yes they do yeah oh yeah look at that yeah now whether that’s him or he gets a kiss too he does and the second place driver there we are to clavia hen and to Nicholas hen uh to Nicholas aloa excuse me third place Trophy and we will hear once again the national anthem of Great Britain [Music] [Music] mono Max so well done to Max smithad get together for the photograph with cladia hen and Nicholas haloa there we go fine result well done congratulations to them and of course now there is the lovely D type with that uh distinctive number OK V1 and there is the Maserati 300s of Claudia hen and the Lotus 10 of Max Smith hilard the drivers off the rostom has Nicholas haoa is he racing again I’m not certain so uh carrying their bottles of Verve Cleo with them champag [Music] Claudia dreamed hers and here it goes the champagne [Music] flies I’ll tell you what Claudia hergen went after her mechanics like something else just she wasn’t going to let her get away and you know the winning car actually appeared in a film called checkpoint which stars of very famous actors of the time Anthony steel and James Robertson Justice it was in that [Music] film moment of and well quite a celebration there and uh the trophy is signed as well will be signed I think for Max yard I have to assume he’s the guy that produces uh most unusual trophies never seen anything like it in my life seen models like that but not used as trophies no I’m sure that will be absolutely treasured yeah of it’s is and a special bag there for I guess is it for the trophy or is it a kit bag a helmet bag I think it’s it looks like a helmet bag yeah exactly from Stan 21 I think yeah yeah so an extra little uh gift as well so under the blue monagas Skies this is how the race for sports racing cars front engined from 1952 to 1957 how this worked out series C for the sports racing cars from 1952 and of 1952 of course it was a sports car race here the Monaco Grand Prix and the series C race over 10 laps commem ated that race from 1952 and at the start it was Fred Wan who got away but in the background there slowly getting away is Max smithard uh it wasn’t a quick start no he said in the interview it was a quick start but it certainly wasn’t but then I think when he got it up into uh third gear suddenly moved ahead and up they stream in what was to be a pretty hectic [Music] race and just remember we trying to see if there’s any damage on the the front of the Smith pillard car early on there he is no there isn’t is there no there isn’t no there was an odd spin here as they went down into The Hairpin into the barrier and so there was a yellow flag there for a while and uh then it was Richard Wilson out in the lead from Fred wigman and uh the Argentine own car just being maneuvered but Fred waitman here coming under a lot of pressure from his old rival Richard Wilson yellow flags at The Hairpin and uh Richard Wilson sticking his hand up and saying we’ve got a slow here for the yellow flags and that’s why because the marshals were maneuvering that M Maserati and then Fred Wan round the outside through massan into the lead that is not often done no fabulous move that but it was all to come to n later on and Richard Wilson really challenging yeah just managed to hold on there but Richard Wilson’s getting a little bit Wild by then wasn’t he yeah and uh he managed to hold it all together as you say and then they went through Casino square and behind him but was contact I I was hit you know he was by uh Max h I just saw the car bump up and the car of Rich Wilson ended up in the barrier Max Smith hilard got away with it and then was challenging Fred wakan for the lead as they went down into portier Fred waan very sportingly left the door open and uh Max Hillard said thank you very much offline uh the Cooper Jaguar of Fred waitman spun here it is again took a little time to get it fired up again after that spin fortun he didn’t hit the barrier but that left the way for ma Smith H after disappointment in the previous Race come home to take a treasured Victory here in what was a classic race and super run from haloa and of course also Claudia hen inheriting second place so Max smithard in his G Hill helmet on the podium cloudy hen on the left well coming up uh next Bob will be uh classic Grand preast 1977 to 1980 we just let a the colleague speak to uh the French audience for a moment for for [Music] [Music] watch [Music] foreign speee fore spe spee e for the next start 197 this [Music] sucess number 24 the and thir spe so our next group of cars is Series F Formula 1 grand prix Cars 3 l from 1977 to 1980 this was the start of uh the uh turbo era 1977 was when the Renault Formula 1 uh turbo first appeared and uh it was the Renault as I say the 1977 car so this is when the turbos began they weren’t competitive immediately so these uh most of these normally aspirated cars were still competitive and also when Ground Effects came into uh effect and uh started of course by Colin Chapman’s Lotus team with the uh motus uh 78 but uh not all these cars are ground F but here is an we have a boy’s own story in this particular race because Mike Lions is on the pole Miles Griffith was on the poll two years ago and then the car broke is second and then in the number four tile is Steve Shanley we went who because you know we follow this and we know these people and the most incredible story has emerged now we tried to Google them we found a racing that name from New Zealand it’s not him we found some guy in America in the financial world it’s not him this is a guy actually from a building family in Britain and what has he done he’s rode the Atlantic single-handed he has Lando enjoying the action here he has climbed the the matter horn two or three times before but not having any previous experience before he’s climbed the three highest the climb the highest mountain in England Scotland and Wales and he’s done some racing in a Lotus Alan I think maybe in a V Tov car and never driven a Formula 1 car that’s what you know he then went to the AGS racing score is is in um leuk in France France just to long and they had a troll entered for Frank Mont former Formula One driver and they’ve got quite a collection of racing cars there and for one cars and a school and a nice simulator and he has gone to this school he’s virtual laps and then with this tur he’s done some other laps and then he’s gone third fastest I mean it is unbelievable now I’ve tried to track him down I’ve been to the padic two or three times to try and talk to him have not done that successfully yet but uh so we haven’t actually spoken to this uh Mr Shanley but it is just the most incredible story now qualifying third in this is one thing and I think we got also one person since moved down Bob hasn’t he after a problem but can he hang on for 45 minutes uh and right behind him is a Jonathan kosher who is a French driver with a lot of success behind him um and he’s uh you know obviously going to be pushing hard and he’s prob Jonathan 47 now and races in things like the the V Tov Championship but uh in the past it he’s been a French formula Rena Champion French Formula 3 champion race successfully lmp2 Jonathan koset so he is forth well Lando there talking to fans yeah Lando was trying to wind up uh somebody else from Formula 1 Zack Brown who starts uh in Number 27 Williams Zack Brown of course the CEO of McLaren the McLaren racing team and uh uh he was just trying to wind him up a little bit no doubt they’ve uh had words about how to go quickly around here but Z Brown does not start really amongst the Front Runners he’s a bit beyond halfway in this quite Big Field of cars it has to be said and strangely he’s not the only team owner uh racing here because Wayne Taylor very successful team owner from the United States although of course he’s originally from South Africa a lot of success racing himself in the past in the big sports car races in America and did two sons also racing that and uh he has acquired a war which has been driven by two South Africans in its career so now we’ve got three South Africans driving um that’s Zack Brown 18th he starts on the grid yeah and then uh I say Wayne Taylor uh to be honest he hadn’t raced for quite a long time he seen a little bit over by it all he hadn’t been around Monaco it he’s fulfilling an ambition the car raced in Period by Jody Sher of course South African world champion later uh by Desiree Wilson but of course met uh Jody Shea at when he was a kid in South Africa yeah yeah so actually that wolf is a really nice looking car who was it a posel weight design yes it was Harvey pel TW yeah and that was after Frank Williams his team have been taken over by the Canadian Oil magnet Walter wolf who also lent his name to a perfume as related yesterday which is still available yeah well let’s see if we can get to the number four car in our sights so 1977 to 198 was just at the back of that group group wasn’t it yeah so Wayne Taylor Who’s got two sons as well Jordan and Ricky both of whom are very successful races as well so the genes have passed on well yeah they race for Wayne’s team now which is now joined with andreti Motorsport but for many years he ran it himself completely sometimes the boys go and trve for other team teams um particularly Ricky but uh family outfit Wayne one of the best P people you can interview in the middle of a race when things are getting a bit hectic because uh he uh has some pretty good theories at times but uh yeah he’s U great team owner and fulfilling an ambition here he really did confess that it was all a bit overwhelming uh when I spoke to him just before before qualifying yesterday just needed to get his head together there was so much going on around this circuit so much for him to do it’s not like an urance race not like Lamar where you can have a bit of a breather on one of The Straits or anything like that this is all action especially when you’ve got a big dfv 3 ler behind you uh pushing you as hard as possible and a few other cars as well miles Griff is in one of the several fter big lineup of fitter poers today uh one of the 5as from 1977 and uh nice to see the uh engineer Emerson’s engineer of those days Dave Lu here enjoying the the action but miles in that FY f58 I mean we have to say in its time it wasn’t a great car and obviously for miles to do that man who uh runs the high-tech Motorsport outfit well then we got this Intrigue in third place of this Steve Shanley what he what is he going to do run by uh the AGS as it was called automobile G sportive a little village north of tulong where uh H Julia used to make uh racing cars single seaters all of them formula Renault initially and then Formula 2 and then Formula 1 it sounds like they still got a very nice operation there yeah uh with what they’re doing with uh race driving schools and uh experience days and so on so a lovely lineup there of the Monaco colors and Jonathan koser uh was really an espo a hope uh for the future but one of those drivers who his career just didn’t quite take off as it should have done and so uh he’d never got any further but a real shame because Jonathan Kos was certainly a talented I think he won the French for 3 CH he did yes so Michael lions in this ex ruper Keegan hesk the later model 308 e and uh has the Penthouse Pet there she is on the front and that was modeled on a real person I believe it wasn’t somebody’s imagination so Michael there getting ready for this and we see Griffith just in the background in the 14 F poy really that hesketh wasn’t wasn’t particularly competitive I don’t think the one that James won in was the previous one it was yes yeah yeah and and I think Alexander by then at Lord Alexander hesus was not putting so much money into the team they’re desperate to try and find a sponsor and they never did actually find one and then they wound up the team it’s been a very successful book about hesker team published quite recently I believe it’s done very well and I I went to a forum Silverstone the end of last year where Alexander was uh being interviewed and it was absolutely hilarious [Music] actually so here it is Series F for Gil vilner for Grand Prix cars 1977 to 1980 coming up 18 laps scheduled and uh yes the 14th Monaco Grand Prix histo the uh yeah it’s got a bit cloudier uh bit cooler as well 20° at the air temperature the wind coming off the sea now and uh that’s quite cool so Lions Griffith and then what can this boy’s own hero Shanley do he’s an adventurer we can imagine he had very little experience of rowing and it rode across the Atlantic I mean it’s extra orary and then he climbed these mountains and then he wants to go race I want a race at Monaco in a Formula One car oh here I am oh I’m third help Shanley Finance is what he is involved in as well yeah I think they build they build homes I believe um so we’ll see what happens um also just noting going Carlos De cada the um driver from Tampa Bay congratulations son won a race yesterday today around the Mitchell in Pilot race in in America so uh I’m sure there’s been phone calls between Michael and Carlos dad and son uh overnight Lee mole out there in the classic team lotus lotus 78 so there’s a few lotuses out there as well basically tis there was a Ferrari Jurgen bton quite some way down in the Ferrari 312 T5 McLaren’s of course M26 is uh marches as well Lotus 81 to and 78 FY palis about four or five of those at least there were we lost one sadly um that of Sam Hancock uh who made a rare mistake in the f8 uh the wolf um we’ve also got a couple of hesket as to say n signs Williams’s fw07b and fw6 that’s quite an early one and then the arrows as well the Le which is a one-off uh not quite a one-off but um it’s the only one that exists in complete form for Ron Maiden who used to run uh the Master’s Championship and has now handed it over to Fred fatia uh and then we’ve also got the Theodore Philip Hall in the Theodore and brm 207 pt7 Bruce M uh if he is out there but I’m not certain he is and of course L made racing cars and refrigerators char pearly David Son one of the few father father sorry yeah uh one of the few British white goods manufacturers down there on the south coast B bogler yeah there is Shanley that is Shanley what’s he thinking well I had some racing experience but at Club level and this is big boy stuff this is big boy stuff they just getting the gloves nice of Welsh uh dragon on the helmet of Mark Hazel another FY just hoping Dave Lu you who’s the chief engineer for FY hope to see him on the grid looking at the cars probably thinking I’m sure we didn’t design it like that but it looks better in the early just before lunchtime uh remember we had Stuart Hall uh saying he had a problem and I found out it was and strangely enough I thought I saw the cockpit coming up a little bit a couple of times I looked again and I didn’t see it and what was happening actually a little bracket holding the cockpit down had broken but still little holding in with his shoulder so that’s why we didn’t see it lifting again thought been the last minute work there yeah on Lee Mo’s car yeah um also Marco verer in that race remember he retired when he was a front runner that was a dog ring second gear dog ring broke and also we saw that um the other Lotus um that had a problem and that was uh breakes and uh was that Nick pador that was yeah the pader yes so uh there was the the fw07 David sh no always like that FW so non ground effects car and then of course the next Williams fw7 was a very successful ground effects car Mr Jon of b a late entry in this uh and a good grid position for him he’s we’ve seen quite a lot of him this weekend yeah and is Didier Peroni lier I don’t know how many lier he’s got or how many mattress he’s got but it’s probably in the double figures and he’s got other cars as well as I mentioned before he’s got you know Lal Bentley Jamie conable who uh certainly has owned a few cars this weekend this is the first time we’ve actually seen him racing I think yes so good to see him I saw him racing at Kota in 2022 when he won three races out of four that day two in Formula 1 car and one in a sports car pescarolo so it was a tremendous day for him I think it was his birthday that weekend oh wow so he’s got a company called R invest and invest in emerging companies and a lot of them actually so uh well done to him you and ser Serge we’ve seen him uh not have an entirely successful weekend he was wheeled Off the Grid uh for one of his races so let’s hope this time uh he has a better race he’s uh about Midfield bit uh more about 11th or 12th is Yan sergus Scottish driver but uh has a garage in the Midlands yeah there the for Steiner uh livered number 29 arrows a1b that’s the an early arrows designed by Tony Southgate and always thought that car looked right if you read motor racing history was a bit of stuff legally stuff went on between Shadow and arrows now we’re just picking out who’s where from the graphic sixth on the grid missing so who is that that uh in theory should be Mark Hazel so I think we’re missing Mark Oh I thought well we’ll see um just to say that you mark Miles Griffith failed on the line last year or didn’t start anyway and Michael Lions won in that hisus is in um from Calon and lieo and uh in 21 it was Lions won this race not in this car but he has had they changed the categories around a little bit I think they they moved the year split so Michael has one in this this particular car more than once but not in this category always as you say they move them around a bit Yeah they Chang change the split don’t they um just to confuse us I think so uh great crowd here fantastic to see so many people two three four five yeah whoever should start Sixth and that that was Hazel yeah Mark Hazel yeah yeah so disappointment there sorry not to see him uh that was going to be Mark Hazel I’ll get there in a moment there it is Mark Hazel was a Williams fw07b he’s raced that car a lot and he’s been Racing for many years remember him truck racing a long time ago uh but he’s raced it here and in the Master Series the Curious Thing is he actually did the warm-up lap so ah now is it stopped somewhere around the circuit either it stopped somewhere around the circuit or was brought into the pits or is it in the pit lane somewhere can’t see I will find out where in due course so a couple of these 308 e uh entered but the man who’s going to ring its neck of course is is Michael Lions there Hightech on the helmet of Miles Griffith and the the Big M on the side of the crash helmet and and the Union Jack copper suar the uh sugar Cooperative of Brazil big sponsors of the fit of poy H we just uh marked that Emerson’s brother Wilson died recently had been well for some while particularly since Christmas Ari AR on R Ari vatan such an Enthusiast he comes always to the Grand Prix as well always great to see him and uh there he is he was a member of the European Parliament for this part of France which I thought was a rather strange thing for a Finn to do and he very nearly well he stood of course for president of the FIA he did against John Todd so two rally people and uh I think he lives down in this this area anyway I believe he does so uh we spends a lot of time here in Monaco whenever I come to Monaco I always seem to run into it’s a terrific chap isn’t he a greaty yeah and just a phenomenal competitor as well rallying I was rallying when he first arrived and he beat up opal Cadet and uh I remember being on a rally stage with my driver Andy Dawson and knowing that AR vaton was in the car in front of us and we could see the marks of his tires how did he ever get there and how did he ever not crash it was just tremendous so on the warm-up lap away they go for the final formation lap and we’ll just confirm that Mark Hazel isn’t there I’m not entirely certain gives me the impression that he is there well I suppose we’ll see the split times coming through weren’t we so yeah we will then no for sure watch out for number 26 then 26 either he’s not on in position and accidentally they’ve let that uh left that grid position free or I don’t stand maybe he’s uh yeah we’re getting some wonderful shots from our director in cameraman aren’t we look at that looking down Monte Carlo one of the four or is it five parts of Monaco yes you forget that don’t we yeah kin Fier Monte Carlo can’t remember the fourth but uh yeah Kine is the area more round where race control and the pits are above that lby L I think it is yes yes it is that’s and development there on the right incidentally uh that’s very new development and as they go through here you see it off to no you don’t see it off to the left but you can see it off to the left sometimes so what can Shanley this newcomer to this category this uh Venture do in the ex Jer daily tur won by a French team with his Club Racing Experience coaching I did manage to listen to a bit of a podcast with him last night actually sounds a really nice guy and obviously just a can do guy I don’t mean to say you can put the car in third position in a race like this though so he got it have a huge amount of inherent Talent so they’re just going through to back and accelerating past us towards rascas ready to take up their grid positions for this 18 lap race for these Formula 1 cars from 1977 to 1980 so Michael lions in his third race of the day in the first look see if we’re going to win it and then the steering seized probably with a bit of the uh rack snapped off inside then of course he was third in his next race now what could he do here such a regular winner yeah we’re expecting to be on the top step there we are they’ve taken up the grid positions there is the penthouse HTH rer Keegan drove that yeah rer not very well at the moment uh in London uh he has been in hospital for quite a while back at home now and having having treatment so the back end of the grid taking up their grid positions and uh the lights come on three four five out they go and away they go and oh Michael L not necessarily a very good start I’ll tell you something Shanley made a really good start that’s not difficult not easy to do and there he is in third place and they’re all pouring through there coll the back yeah what a shame that’s oh oh that’s Wayne Taylor oh Wayne oh that will be so distressing for him as well car looking quite badly damaged and and lot to some might have stalled in front of him get another view of it perhaps later liines from Griffith look at Griffith is putting so much pressure on but I suspect we are going to have a stoppage number 30 is the other car that’s Harold Beck yes in the arrows A3 yeah I think we’re going to have a red flag in a they have to Red Flag this surely start again but uh yeah Shanley getting away third koset Shaw Hazel Hazel he is there he is there Constable so who was missing anyway doesn’t matter Chand koset Shaw Hazel Constable mole de CA I think they’re going to have to do something about this very rapidly because Lions is coming round towards the start Finishing Line there must be Flags waving surely down there unless they unless they clear them away they can’t have done here they come uh flag there yeah and every yeah leaning over the pit wall and telling them all there people on the grid Wayne Taylor only now getting out of his car and not looking to he’s getting out very very carefully safy car Ginger he is and oh and shanley’s gone round and that’s in the swimming pool that’s inexperienced for you he’s uh good enough to do a three-point turn though yeah and didn’t lose the engine but that would have dropped him well down into the top outside the top 12 Harold Becka walking away and this is not uh now what happened here here’s the start now do we look further back and there’s a bit of a bump there from we see the wolf going up in the air but then it came back down again and of course Harold Becker involved as well so if we look further back they all seem to get away okay o what happened yeah I mean hadn’t gone very far and an army of Marshals ready to get the car off the circuit and this is what happened to oh Steven sh oh oh well at least he kept it out of the barrier and safety car they’ve got that onto a dolly very very quickly that’s uh The Wolf of uh Wayne Taylor oh Marshall Takes a Tumble oh yeah and Harold Becka we saw him racing earlier at the back of the field in his Mark 701 and I think they’re finding it a bit difficult aren’t they to push this car on that Dolly yes they have to lift up the front of the car and put the dolly under the front that’s the way they do it obviously the the heavy bits at the back so you lift up the front yeah got those little wheels there that bit susceptible to bumps in the circuit yeah yeah family time watching the super race there’s Wayne just walking away quite gingerly yeah and there’s the safety gu he probably thinking to himself I’ve had a bad injury to my wallet H seemed like a good idea at the time yes and a red flag quite wise perfectly wise red flag right thing to do there Shanley dropped right to oh Shanley dropped to 23rd Zack Brown is in the pit so the two team owners both in trouble yeah and the cars going into the pit Lane and uh this race temporally suspended they can this will give them time to clear clean up the grid as well oh that wolf I don’t think the tub’s damaged so that’s the main thing I’ll sort that nose out what a disappointment yeah exactly so Harold Becker’s lovely arrows A3 it was in good neck wasn’t it is pushed away there Shan Lee in the pits Jack in the rear end up from on that car don’t think he hit the barrier did he he did tou he definitely touched the barrier oh did he okay yeah on the initial uh spin not the second part of it was quite look fluid down where that incident was yeah so I think that Shanley fairy tale story is come to an end maybe we’ll see him again maybe he’s got the taste for it yeah well particularly for uh the grid position anyway so I I he rode the Atlantic solo he didn’t do it again but he did climb matorn three times apparently so so we read so maybe we’ll have another go at this I just it was a great story but um Michael lions got a little bit sideways didn’t he at the start and Marshall’s out with a Flags immediately that incident happened that was it yeah I don’t I don’t know if he moved over enough he was he got a um Wayne Taylor got a good start but he moved over enough he then seemed to make contact with uh with the arrows as he was trying to overtake it yes I agree with you that’s what happened everybody going through the pitch Zach Brown Williams in the background there I think it was Zach Browns Williams there’s the damage on the wolf yeah I’m going to need a new radiator it’s about 200 quid 2,000 I think yeah out of out of zero the damaged front wheel as well well we are somewhere in there one of those gray boxes in the middle of your picture wave hello everyone everybody else does yeah so a little bit of a Hiatus while he get this going again so Lee Mo quite well up he he did have last time out here had a third this was the race but when it was back in 2018 that Martino Connell here’s got his team uh working on lot lot of cars had a last minute call to drive the ATS owned by Mark Davis who we’ve seen and it was a wet day now the ATS was never the greatest Grand Prix car that particular one was basically a copy of an fw07 and Martin o good racing history behind him and British formula 3B Series champion and a lot of success in in classic Chevrons and so and he just aced the race you know they all these great Lotus cars which you won in Period and obviously the Williams that you won in Period and he moted away from took the checker flag in in Davis this gu Davis UND dispo indisposed for some reason it’s a terrific wi just showing you know real talent and Marty likes to get behind the wheel but he knows that business is the main thing and I think preparing four or five cars down there I suppose really if they you’re going to take the the car out testing unless the owner of the car really wants to one mess a day’s work and two maybe fly from the other side of the Atlantic uh to go around s for a day uh you might as well take it yourself and uh yes particular when when you’ve got a big racing background like uh o colell has yeah from uh but he’s got cars this race so everybody I think this like take a little while don’t you Bob to sort out yeah opposite us is uh the number 27 Williams of Zack Brown and there’s nobody in the cockpit and there’s nobody working on the car either so uh the United aut sports team leaving it where it is and it doesn’t look as though we’re going to be seeing that taking the restart of this race and I think I can see Harold Becka in the pit Lane as well and he looks okay I’m glad to see not quite sure and a bit worried by the chap who’s now leaning into the Michael Lion’s cockpit why he’s got a Broly there is that are we suggesting something we don’t know I know the Le being pushed back the sun isn’t that strong is it oh yes the Le yes there it is Ron maiden’s car he’s out not in that car either at the moment so uh one wonders why the uh man who runs golf courses and um calls big Bri on SE and Devon his home uh he’s walking back now and uh he doesn’t look as though he’s going to take a restart either big Brion C very attract acve little place in uh Devon on the south coast of Devon just trying to see if Shanley is getting back in the car uh he did bring it in I suspect there was damage from when he kissed the barrier just any experience kicking in I’m afraid ah look a road sweeper with a Monaco plate on it it’s principally used outside the tiptop during Grand Prix early in the morning yes so yes we’ve got well basically four retirements already and they’ve only done a racing lap so uh the Williams engine cover being removed but I don’t suppose there’s anything that can be done that quickly that three car we’re looking on that’s uh was Mike cantelon yeah he was quite some way back Mike celon surprisingly he was uh he started in 11th place he had a penalty as well yeah he’s in the tur uh 01010 1980 cast rather than his Williams that’s that lovely Ferrari Shanley I think is back in the cockpit isn’t he can I just see the tip of the yellow helmet there um just if look down from tag sign we’ve switched switched now to uh this fw06 and so Bobby weren’t to mindful of staying down here for two weeks getting a bit of Riviera Sun you be back here in just over a week I suppose well I’ve got to go got to do some work on imil as well of course the oh you’ve got to go to yes of course I will be going to Amilia Romania as the Grand Prix is called at Emil next weekend but uh I still have some work to do uh back in UK so uh I’ll be doing that next weekend so uh who do we have particularly making up places in that so Lee Mo had made up three places I think I think he was the main mover wasn’t he four Ron Maiden had actually lost five places so there’s obviously something wrong with that car at some stage yeah but there huge disappointment for these team owners uh Wayne Taylor Wayne Taylor basically a professional racing driver in the past which Zack Brown well I suppose he was as well he came to Britain originally to racing Formula 3 and will try to make a career in racing Wayne win of the Rolex 24 in 1996 and 2005 2005 Grand and Champion with Max the A and Angeli Angelie an angelelli angelelli yes sorry um yeah they spent a lot of time together those two didn’t they in their careers uh mimo angelelli and uh Wayne Taylor yes but interesting affiliation now with andreti um between them and Wayne Taylor racing in fact Zachary chalen Brown uh started in carting in ‘ 86 and moved to Europe uh in Formula Ford initially and then formula voxhall lotus in 1993 he was fourth in that Championship remember formula Vox or lutus absolutely some very good drivers came out just seen Bruno sen being interviewed at moment brudo did some very Swift laps in his um McLaren yesterday and we had a a Marv CER parade didn’t we with with cart so we we we had the the tollman Stop and we we SP spoke to the owner last night step Johansson driving wasn’t really sure why it had stopped it been fitted with a new turbo and had a a thorough spanner check and everything but uh there’s there’s Bruno Senna and uh some absolutely superb Center cars in that display so Lions including the formula 4 2000 of course yes I hadn’t seen that for a long time well had his formula 4 2000 Russian green van demon it was that’s not a color that’s the name of the team Russian green yeah Dennis Russian um and uh that was obviously the first Formula One car that uh he he raced and had that great result here and then I had a had the McLaren which he scored his second world championship and uh another car which uh was car in which he scored his first race win and that wet Portuguese event so the Lotus yeah the Lotus not an easy car to get hold of either I understand so it was a lovely display some aspiring young McLaren development drivers in a couple of the vehicles Eddie Irvine of course drove his route rt1 in which he had that Championship battle with Martin brundle and then went on to win of course the maau Grand Prix that year in 1983 yeah you recounted of course how that Center Formula 3 year when he won the championship it wasn’t that easy it was a big battle with Martin bro Sena getting off swiftly at the start of the championship but brundle really coming back to him um towards the end and uh great to see Martin still working in motor racing and of course the funny thing was they were both norfor boys well they were in a way yes um whether Aton still lived in norfor then but he did initially live in nor because because who drove for Van demon which was based near Setton the Ferman family yes later he was looking for a house near West s racing but he he didn’t want people to know it was him because he was getting a bit of a profile then so he got Dick Bennett to do it but he came with Dick benett and they looked at different houses and he said I want to see the garden I want to see the garden and Dick said you’re not into gardening are you oh no he said I just going to see if I can take off my remote control helicopter from the garden yes he was very keen on those he was I think he was very good at flying them too as he you might expect so uh we did tell a couple of CER stories yesterday we we had that the intensity of the man and the the skill and intelligence as well now they well they’re on a boat there you look at that group there’s not one glass in their hands no absolutely obviously has either gone or has yet to arrive Sun hasn’t passed over the yard AR and is sticking to it so we’re just waiting to get these cars running again I’m not certain of course what uh how will they start if they’ll start behind the safety car and then have a safety car start that would eliminate the necessity for starting uh on a grid with a clutch of of course because the clutch is always a weak point on these older cars as well and the clutches a tiny yeah these cars well we’ll find out pretty soon here df’s running a couple of them anyway and of course the next race will also be dfv dominated yeah that pretty well all ground effect cars only only some of these are uh but it’s all about cleaning up the the surface isn’t it because yeah you’ve got to be so careful it’s also a quick part of the circuit past the pits as well so they it’s a a DRS Zone during the Grand Prix itself we didn’t mention Fritz van ER who’s currently shown in 14th Place owns a the jumbo supermarket chain in Holland huge supporter of motor racing and been a backer of Max vapen from the very early days and he’s got he lost the manard Brad but he’s not racing manard here uh he but he has got several Mardis the Mardi team of course uh been through several transitions Tor Rosso and so now into just RB yes exactly and uh Fritz vaner has uh he’s one of the drivers who’ve raced in the boss Championship uh which is also uh a championship for uh older cars Nicholas mati is the same he’s also raced in the boss Championship as well boss Championship used to be run from from the UK but I think it’s possibly now run from Holland and it’s sort of a formula Libra as we use free formula you can run Indie Cars in it and Formula 3000 cars all sorts of stuff and I think the guys have a lot of fun doing that well everybody’s in the cars Fritz been 57 years old started in Dutch Formula Ford in 1999 he’s in 14th Place at the moment if that’s if they take any notice of those uh positions yesterday we saw the the actor Patrick Dempsey here didn’t we man’s also raced at the mall and uh very popular with the girls is Patrick Dempsey he was in a in a a part which he was nicknamed do to McDreamy because they all dreamed of him goodness me um but and I he was telling our French uh colleague down there story of his career and how he went to uh couple of racing schools and particularly the Panos racing school actually where he was trained by a chap called Joe Foster who who was his co-driver subsequently in in various uh American sports car races and Joe well been racing till very recently in the centic series and actually the team has just retired but it won its very last race just a few weeks ago was that the would that have been at rhod Atlanta he would have absolutely yes yes there was a pain off school there a lot of good guys um Charles espel another BL who was one of the coaches there well a fine statue and uh looking wide in the camera so quite a lot of people maybe you don’t have to pay to watch them up there getting a bit of a bird’s ey View and then the uh grounds there of the palace and Prince Ria B was here yesterday Prince R looking around Prince Alber Prince Alber you’re stuck in the I’m stuck in the P that’s the Prince Alber father and find raino was his father because absolutely um my eror yes he was here yesterday I do that sometimes with fathers and son are racing and call Call It by the father’s name you know you corrected me yesterday I still didn’t get it there’s the flag of the autom club of Monaco flying proudly above the pits here so just two of the 18 laps gone we obviously got a bit of a a delay fortunately our planes not until late so I’m not sure they must can’t see them still working on that area so an engine fires up engine fires up gives us uh anticipation and a little bit of hope that we’re going to crack on with this and this is awful for the drivers as well cuz you know sitting in the cockpit getting hot worried about what’s going to happen at the restart try to feel composed there indeed is the p Al Prince alar his Serene highness yes when he goes around at the Grand Prix he goes around and he chats to the marshals yes and all of a sudden he’ll give a big hug to a lady of a certain age who is probably a nurse and who’s somebody he’s known since he was a kid yes and and that’s it just shows what a sort of family is uh amongst the locals here yes and it’s a lovely familiar feeling and and a lovely atmosphere when you see that happening and it just goes to show he knows lots of the citizens shatney is in the car and uh back in the race other cars going through no chance of either the Le or Zack Brown going out so those two are still in the pits and we’ll remain there well we’re still not quite sure B are we of the starting order no exactly what are they going to do are they going to start it again it only was really only two laps wasn’t it wasn’t even that uh they are behind the safety car so it’s possible it will be a safety car start the lights are not on the safety car which always means it’s going to come in at the end of this race driver at the head of the field controls the pace but Shanley is in third place where he was before he had the spin I think they’ve gone back a lap okay well we’ll see w’t we they have to go back two laps wouldn’t they yeah they would wouldn’t they yeah because I thought Shanley spun on the first on the first lap yeah maybe they just gone back to the original lineup who else might have been out of position [Music] then well Canon would have been see they haven’t shuffled them around into a position have they so it’s as though they’re going to take up their original GD positions but we should see but canelon was someway back he was in 11th place he started in 11th place and he’s in 10th at the [Music] moment Mark Haz we didn’t know where he was well did he apparently no well we couldn’t see him on the grid but he was there somewhere maybe it was just a a funny camera angle so those two uh F Poes in their bright yellow stick out don’t they yeah happily for us Lions Griffiths I got a little flag in the leftand corner says red flag and the uh pace car the safety car is still on circuit as well so it hasn’t come into the pits and uh so they’re going to take up their original grid positions it would seem I think that I think was just starting again in the W what a what a Shanley is in third spot what a what a repri for him gets a second CHS this uh I said I thought the fairy story was all over but it’s obviously not well Mark Hazel is now in his grid position uh who was behind him there he is just coming in to take it in his position as well and it’s a bit of a mess behind because uh you’ve got somebody sitting in the middle of the grid there there’s Jonathan koset I think there’s a certain doubt and a certain uh confusion further back and in fact the safety car set off for another lap and as I say they got that one car sat in the middle who doesn’t really know where he’s meant to be well they can’t start it like this no they have to sort that out chap there in the middle is waving his finger madly Marshall’s hurrying off to uh sorted out I think whoever it is and engines Switched Off yes the number 11 car in not in the JPS colors but in the Essex colors an extraordinary man called David team became the Lotus sponsors after Imperial tobacco B out he was based here in Monaco and in a room in the back of the uh Hotel the Parry didn’t he yeah Hotel the Parry wore a what we called a Zoro hat uh very flamb boiled character who uh subsequently disappeared and uh I’d love to talk to him via the Swiss authorities no I mean there was some situation was it he he was trading in oil and we ran two concerts for him at the Royal Albert Hall uh back when well that yes I mean they’ got to do something about that yeah uh and then he fell yes something happened with the authorities I believe he did go to prison and then I never been and came out and never been seen since and but he was a wonderful C I enjoyed working with him he had tremendous ideas and uh but that is what the essic colors are and I mean that had the things we did at the albor hall was spectacular gave away a lot to sise you know in a raffle and uh we the second one we had Margaret Thatcher was in attendance because we managed to get her to attend I it was funny was like all the Albert Hall was filled but really it was entertaining 15 or 16 of his biggest clients and that the rest of us were all just wallpapering well the last time I saw him was at an Elton John concert in Ni and of course he was always recognizable because he had that Z Zoro hat that when was that I can’t remember which dat yeah number 29 being wheel back well that’s fair enough because he probably needs to go into that grid position that’s Marco Kini in the arrows a1b I don’t think we got Marcos not one of the regular front run brings his car out for this event and um un like the uh number 30 car which is not taking part Harold Beckers that’s in excellent condition as well isn’t it yeah beautifully prepared isn’t it and uh Mark warsteiner a beer in Germany beer companies tend to be more Regional than National but they were a very good sponsor now I’m just wondering if that is the car that Tiffany Dell uh race at wo uh you part Mike black who is the promotions manag manager of unipa he’s still around he might even be listening to us if he is hi there Mike and that’s Gian Luigi candiani from Italy owned by luano bamino who is also racing in this uh race number 11 and uh he is starting 2 second or that William still out of place here’s the end sign Paul tasol yeah that’s been Theodore racing that’s when Teddy Yip Theodore racing got involved with Morris nun’s company and uh that’s the car I was saying looks quite big yeah and Theodore um still continues to this day and maau and so on have continued in racing Teddy’s son looking down taking a little while to sort this out give us a bit of a breather fans up so waving his Ferrari fan I wonder if he’s seen Char here well I’ll race along here hopefully pretty soon so Lions it is Griffith koset now they’ve they’ve now produced a list with with Shanley at the bottom of it but he’s in third place on the grid so little bit of sorting out to do so when they start well they add the times together to make our wow interesting we haven’t got anything have on on any uh Forum or device or stuff from the organizers we still got plenty of cars to play with and hopefully they will be setting up on their green flag lap very shortly although so Mr John AB be will be in this as well such an Enthusiast and uh I mean has such an excellent result earlier on it’s one of his best results he would have had in single cater racing the first patience will rewarded well well the 2018 race here 35 entries and That Was Won by o’ Connell as you said uh Nick padmore was in a shadow he was second Jordan gror was third yeah uh and Michael Lions was fourth that day from Jamie conable in a shadow in fifth uh in 2022 uh Michael Lions had won it again and uh po man Griffiths did not start did not finish in the 50 pal de Canon was second and lie Mo third and now you see they’ve pushed Shany to the back right and there was something going on with one of the team Lotus people didn’t quite see it sort of seemed to be in deep discussion with one of the officials everybody just wants it to start really don’t they yeah and actually once you start playing musical cards with the like thises takes a long time yes the it’s being told it can’t be there is it the car is driver it’s being told that so yeah everybody go time to go for a cup of tea almost terrific period of Grand Prix racing uh though it from 77 to 80 just a foure gap and then the next race of course be 81 to 85 very fast cars of all expecting a cracking race there literally as the dfv was being phased out and being sueded by the turbo engines yeah that’ll be the the G Group G cars see a very interesting time wasn’t [Music] that Michael saying calm in the cockpit haven’t seen Frank here this weekend actually game discussions going on well I do hope we have a nice clean race after all this yes exactly we don’t want another stoppage last thing we want [Music] oh we got Mexican bit of a Mexican wave going on oh well we always get that when things are getting a bit boring and we want to get a move on a Japanese flag there because we had a Japanese winner earlier yeah hope they were there I I did manage to find out that the car is no longer run by classic team Lotus was a sort bit of a group of other not a race team from atra uh who have set up and are some of the Ex Classic team Lotus people and so kabot recently moved his car there so we thought classic team Lotus got two wins in a row but it wasn’t actually the case but previous race car had been run by them so got to keep up haven’t he yeah exactly not easy and he was such a a oil customer to clean Lotus for so long too yeah yeah but there you are these things happen so yes it’s gone back to lap one you see so we’ve had one lap whereas it had been two laps so it’s gone back to the order after the first lap that puts Jonathan Coos in third place in fourth place is David Shaw Lee Mo in fifth then Mark Hazel Jamie k you and sergison carer Ceda and then Mike kenon completing the top 10 see if you move a chap like Chanley from third to the back you didn’t got to shuffle everybody yeah that’s the problem just to round out that circle on the uh the new group that have taken over uh the uh running of of that winning Lotus they’re actually called uh Mirage and I say that in atle BR in Northfolk and some Ex Classic team chap so just to round out that story so we will have 22 cars remaining in this race 22 or 23 oh oh is that I hope that’s 5 seconds and not 5 minutes it’s 5 minutes of course it is uh 22 cars because we’ve got 23 on our screen there yeah minus one because ROM maiden’s in the pits oh Rob yeah 22 R maiden’s in the pits it doesn’t look if he going to start from there no it doesn’t well it didn’t unless is they’ve done something well this time who knows what’s gone on no neither R Maiden nor Z BR looking as though they’re going to go out that looked like a nice spot to spectate from well there always are remarkable places to watch from around this circuit and uh not just boats but flats and apartments and balconies even and Terraces roof Terraces and of course one of the best ones is literally on the outside of sand devot uh we saw it yesterday when they were uh craning a car across and that’s one of the best places to uh to watch if you can get onto that balcony but uh it’s almost unavailable just saw boats maneuvering in the harbor there quite a large yacht coming in and the the was it a we call that three m scona that was behind yeah lovely I think that may be quite a modern boat though that three Master it may not be as old as it’s pretending to be no so a little bit of announcement going on from our French colleague that’s uh where all the decisions are made Mark Duz is the Clark of the course who has been involved in the uh running of races here for a very long time and once again Mark Hazel’s Point part uh is vacant there his place on the grid is not filled oh that’s him behind it’s further back isn’t it that’s probably what it and now there’s some problems with that theod three minutes to go three minutes so Mark Duz yeah a Belgian uh rally man really um he’s he h family have a hotel near spa and uh he’s always been involved in rallies but he’s also been involved in this race possibly perhaps because of Jackie X’s involvement as well but uh he’s always always been involved in the organization here in Monaco I think it was a m the Austin Rover rally team for a while some very good results Mark D but it was an allrounder i’ say there’s not many all-rounders what in the sort of Vic Alford yeah in a yes I obviously RAC in Formula One and there’s a few of them I mean I call alono an allrounder he’s done Dakar Rally and he’s done World Endurance Sports Car Racing one at Lamar and then all his single seat of success we saw him yesterday but not today day before yesterday was that yes that long ago that long ago so yes lots of mechanics on rear wings I always love the idea that they set that rear wing up so precisely with you know everything and then about four BLS get a hold of it and push it like mad yes ABS they’ve got the front off that yeah yeah I think that might have been damaged so I probably can run like that oh now now they’re taking look we got three minutes to go and we start all this and I won’t be got to start the race again except uh it’s on the almost on the back row of the grid that’s not Hazel in number 26 there I don’t think is that Kos oh no I don’t see we’ve got a different screen again it’s very complicated one minute to go Jackie X up there in the middle of our picture yeah Jack B is that Jackie’s wife next to I think so the Lions racing boys push that car fire it up and we’ve got zero laps and a 15 lap race coming up ah well and the ins sign is almost back together again yeah they did they got no on it yeah everybody’s off the off the grid I know do up one more warm-up lap yeah and I think once they come back that screen will reconnect will readjust because at the moment it shows sa Shanley back up into third place well he’s been up and down like a western donkey he has on this timing scoring without any cars going around and we’ve even got Wayne Taylor back on the screen again as well and Harold Becker well they were Brown yeah so they will suddenly drop off that when they start this race so green flag away they go for well I’d like to think it’s the final formation lap it wasn’t last time but hopefully this time it is up the hill out of sand [Music] divot really that’s uh a history of the era isn’t it 1977 It Was Won here by Shea in a wolf w177 pretty sure that is the car that Wayne Taylor has just crashed in 1978 it was dead p and a tural 008 1979 sheda again in a Ferrari 312 T4 and in 1980 Carlos rman Williams fw07b so those were the the winners in Period covering uh 77 to 80 Niki lder of course world champion in 77 uh andreti world champion in 1978 Cher in 79 and Jones in 1980 in the [Music] Williams back then Lotus one of the absolute cracked teams weren’t they still under Colin Chapman and Williams of course but still got Williams Racing we still got McLaren and uh some continuity there so many other teams come and [Music] gone so they’re coming around hopefully to take up the gri positions they pack those yachts in pretty close together don’t they oh yes you’re very close to your neighbor probably even closer to your neighbor than you would be if you were at home yeah sure so we look down on this Feld sirf Formula 1 Grand Prix cars the 3 l machines from 1977 to 1980 about to get back underway after the earlier problems which brought out the red flag and uh sign still being hung out to the drivers but they’re going to take up their grid positions now we’re going to start it all over again and this time is going to be 15 laps and let’s have a clean one please car still filtering out from lcas looking down on the potential winner here a man who’s won around here in this car before Michael Lions best known these days very much just one of the stars of historic racing but much earlier in career raced in Formula Reno raced uh in endurance races for one of the top teams of course uh the uh Ferrari uh VY Factory Squad really and one by uh oh oh no what’s happening now well I think I think people can’t quite work out which grid position they’re meant to be in and uh we had people further back yeah somebody looks as though may have stalled on the grid as well um so away they go for another formation lap yeah so yeah Michael it’s a cors of course so we’ve got two at the back here yeah two at the back now the Essex Lotus that you were mentioning earlier on and now they’re not going and number three lost the engine that’s Michael Cano yeah he needs to push in the T yeah I’m very experienced with these cars Michael Cal on yes exactly the uh Demolition Company boss I think if you you give both of them a decent push they’ll probably both step fire up yeah fir up that’s happened with Michael cyong now he doesn’t know whether he should take up his gri position or not and the Essex Lotus the Essex Lotus that’s number 11 and uh that is Lu luano bamino from Italy another Lotus 81 chassis and he’s got going as well yeah well done so it’s going to be a 14 lap race now because of this extra lap extra formation [Music] [Music] lap really if you think about it if you had turbos as well you can imagine all sorts of potential problems if we’re having the problems that we having with normally aspiration cars imagining what it would it be like with turbos we don’t really see the turbos racing very much but we we Renault you know got a a fleet of their historic racing cars they demonstrate on occasion I have seen them them running but only as a demo cars they usually bring back their own old drivers like Ren are new demonst them at Goodwood Festival of speed for example yeah well the Duke of Richmond has got a special pull over people hasn’t he he gets cars that nobody else will ever get but then there was the obviously the fabulous BMW power Brens all that over th000 horsepower still by a certain Bernard Charles eklon who does allow them out but usually not for demonstration purposes you’ll they’ll be on static display so again they take up their grip positions Michael Lions I suppose this his third time luck it really isn’t it now he’s never been on pole position so many times I don’t think no absolutely and into the pits comes that was the JPS Lotus um not certain which one that was oh that’s not L Mo anyway concentrate on the start and it’s oh it’s Davis Davis yeah Mark Davis into the pits still got cast coming into position yeah have we got them all in position on come the lights here we go out they go and Away goes Michael Lions wow what a start what a spectacular start yeah excellent start for Michael lions and Miles Griff slotting in let’s see what happens up this so we got some few quicker cars at the back and they go pouring up the hill with Miles Griffith in second place and uh not Shanley I don’t know why it’s showing Shanley in third place how complicated is that but uh very frustrating but look at this the first two absolutely roaring away pulling away from the rest at least this time miles griffth two years ago on the pole he couldn’t start it oh didn’t start anyway this time he is and now the ins sign bringing up the rear yeah that’s uh Paul Tal’s car at the back 22 but uh the first two going through lions and Griffiths it’s turning into a duel between these two but can Griffith keep Pace with Michael lions Michael L has got such speed around here and it really is a challenge for anybody else who’s in the same race as him to uh get on terms with uh the young driver from Essex lap one about to be completed lions and Griffiths and the pair of them pulling away from the rest of the field in third place it’s Jonathan Kosh yeah it’s incredible the way they’ve pulled away look at look at the Gap they’ just one lap 4.2 seconds that Gap already and then David Shaw in fourth place Mark Hazel in fifth jimy conable sixth Yan sergon in seventh and Carlo DEA in eighth place Lee Mo ninth and Mr JN B in 10th Place Michael Cano even when he had to have a p push start in 11th place yeah now the timing screen has got itself sorted out yeah and that ESS Lotus going slowly lions and griffith one and two and this battle will continue I’m sure Miles Griffith from uh I think kid Minster in wora he’s hanging on but uh he not really pushing Lions Michael Griffith Miles Griffith is hanging on but uh getting a little bit closer two three lengths behind and then opens up through to back uh through the swimming pool section as well which is so quick and yet Michael L takes it like a veteran yeah absolutely these days uh miles races all kinds of different [Music] cars that was all a bit harir but we got away with it didn’t they yeah 26 that’s Mark Hazel Mark Hazel in fifth place Jimmy kable in six yeah I was going on to say that Miles griffy drives and races everything from Keith Sports Castle oh and red flag in oh no what has happened now this just isn’t working is it no another red flag so can’t tell you why looking out of our window nothing visible and cars being signaled into the pits so something something in the tunnel there tunnel isn’t it he just climbing out def can see who or what it is there’s some black marks on the uh the concrete there yeah he’s run all along there hasn’t he yeah and as you say the driver is out of the car he’s perfectly okay walking towards daylight but uh whether his car is remains to be seen well hopefully we’ll see a picture who might be able to recognize him from the crash helmet [Music] two cars side by side and is that Jon of B I think it could have been got squee into the wall didn’t he yeah exactly in the lier who has come round but he’s fit enough to climb over the arm Co so that’s good news oh is it Shanley no because shanley’s got that uh that bright yellow and red crash helmet well was it number 2 overington 23 that was a hesk yeah difficult to see obviously in the tunnel there we don’t have any sector times for him would indicate it probably is yeah oing although of course he would have a first sector time yeah he wouldn’t have a second sector time so we’ll be able to tell you but uh I think overington might have gone out earlier but who that is who is uh stopped in the tunnel [Music] we’ll try and uh work it out from what we’re looking at on the screens here but whoever it is is okay well that’s good news while it’s not good news we going to have to go for a third start I mentioned earlier on the problems of starts Mr Jon a as the one who’s got a I know he’s okay overington is still the mystery without a first sector time even the first sector ended on the way down to mirabo so we should have a c first sector time from overington although he was a late entry Mr Jon AB still waiting for something from him though here he comes into the pits so uh yeah the only person we haven’t got anything from is Mark overington Martin overington Excuse me yes and uh now son of Emerson for the py crash helmet there wasn’t it not quite the colors I don’t think but um not sure about people wearing replica or tribute crash helmets say have your own personality yeah maybe if you’re demonstrating a car for a film or something like that yeah I can understand it had two different people here with effectively gra Hill crash helmets on yes we have yeah and I’ve seen somebody with an Andrey helmet now we see an Emerson one but it’s a personal choice I suppose there the red flag and they’re going to now we might see when they push this car out of here I guess our best guess is overington in the 23 is it I think it is yes a blue HTH do we think it’s blue anyway we shall see in a moment whatever car it is certainly everybody else is back in the pits uh and a flatbed truck turning up as well yep and a ambulance and some other support vehicle and here it is two cars side by side both oh it hit the wall hard as well it was wasn’t it it was a big hit I’m pretty sure that’s overington it was blue and his car is blue so Mason Nino that’s one of uh I think he’s a chap RAC is in the boss series I think zigzag I see on is involved but outside the organiz control all they do is the situation uh anyway drivers are sitting in the pit lanane in their cars waiting for the next chance to run this race so I wonder how many laps it will be now yes and they’ve actually got to get into the right grip positions which they could of course do if they push the cars the wrong way if they push the cars down the pit Lane and onto the grid they could actually form the grid now yes this is so frustrating isn’t it Bob know expecting a really super race here and the rest of the meeting’s gone off a couple of red flags but then this stop start Fair unnerve the drivers so Union Jacks waved and we’re going to see and wait for the restart for foree for e the fore e [Music] want [Music] for lions for I don’t foree [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] almost cried and this one has some serious history [Music] I mean he was 175 okay so a bit shorter but I it didn’t strike me to be like with a with narrow shoulder because extremely tight and I was thinking I’m not going to be able to change the gears but on you’re like driving somehow get it doesn’t matter right they put this um extra display cuz the water temperat not showing properly on the on the original Dash can see the RS cu the steering is in front the don’t know exactly how was on the on the kind it’s still doing 13,000 yeah so I was trying to Shi a little bit earlier because you think about changing year was straight next year and down as well I think for the first time I drove a car off I never I didn’t miss a single GE so I spet still you doing with this we changed here 4,500 4,5 so it sounds easy and you do 10s it’s good but then after it’s not what you should have done is use this gear ratio which is super long so you only run into fourth gear don’t have to think about the I’ve just done 18 laps I2 War this is so stressful two days of training oh everybody asks me like every time I drive a car like this everybody oh is s me what’s the difference between these cars like how it’s different in the race for e [Music] [Music] spe for trans minut fore spee spee spee spe spe [Music] spe [Music] [Music] fore [Music] [Music] [Music] fore [Music] fore spee spee speee [Music] [Music] so Siri F F1 Grand Prix cast 3ers 1977 to 1980 we had a couple of f starts here early accidents let’s have another go at trying to get this excellent race underway so Andrew Mar here with Bob conson jurus it’s been a little frustrating time but at least everything’s back on track now and we should see a crapping I think it’s going to be just 10 laps now this race uh but it uh should provide some great entertain let’s just hope can keep them out of the arm coat exactly yes unfortunate uh elimination of Martin overington that last time squeezed off into the uh into the concrete in the [Music] tunnel I’m sure unintentionally and I’m not sure who was involved but this is going to be a safety car start so basically I think they’ll come around and then the safety car will pick them up do one more lab and then the safety car will come into the pits and uh the green flag will be given and they will be away for what will then be nine laps uh remaining so we’ve lost one or two we’ve lost Ron Maiden we’ve lost Zack Brown we’ve lost haral Becka Martin overington Wayne Taylor uh Paul tasol and I think we’ve also lost uh uh luano bamino as well so uh the car’s being led around by Michael Lions who uh has led each time at the start of this race and he’s had some pretty Lively starts too uh that we’ve seen so uh we’re hopeful of another one although as I say it in theory what we understand is that we’ll be behind the safety car so it’s not to put too much mechanical stress particularly on the club now should be an easier way to start it as they wind their way past the swimming pool and we know that Miles Griffith is definitely going to keep Michael Lions very honest in this uh and Jonathan koset former rising star of Frank SP racing 25 years ago nice to see him there we’ve got some of the regular Brits who we see racing in the Master Series like Mark hael and Jamie conable Lio are in there we got some of our French favorites like Mr Jon a with alier this time having rised mattress earlier in the day and then we’ve got this complete Wild Card uh Steve Shanley having his first race in a car of this description the uh adventurer who uh has rode the Atlantic amongst some other daring Feats so car well I don’t think it is a rooll rolling start going coming on to the grid positions admittedly but um I can quite understand why it would be a rolling start because even in the day oh there is the safety car with the lights on ready to leave them round and they don’t want to switch off the engines I think they want to keep the engines running but they don’t want to sit there too long with the engines running so there it is green flag green flag they’re being sent away best not to run in front of the cars Michael Li wasn’t quite sure what to do there was he because the the the well I was listening to the track commentator Ian tich Marsh that he was told by Michael lions that was what was going to happen as a William stuck in the middle of all that which hasn’t actually gone away that’s uh that was the fw6 um yeah that’s uh is that David Shaw I think so yes Zack Brown of course the uh that was an fw7 though Zack BRS yes no I saying that he he uh is not restarting so so now trying to bump start it and it doesn’t seem to want to fire up does it well is it yes no yes there he goes so he’s going to have to join in on the back he can’t uh take up his position I don’t think but Michael Lions basically close everybody up they’re all behind the safety car that first formation that did not count so uh he still had 10 laps to go yeah there is the hes 308e the other hes 308e involved in the previous accident which brought out the red flag let’s see familiar CS been raised so many times before by Michael Lions the tall Essex driver with so much success behind him and as we said before more success here than any other driver want need to add to that total hasn’t been able to do it thus far this meeting lot as were going to in one of the earli races then had the steering pil and Away safety car in and they’re away so this is hopefully going to be a nice safe restart and uh they accelerate towards sandok still cars going past us towards rasc but they are way the leaders there Michael lions and Miles Griff is once again pulling away from Jonathan Kosh in third place so it is HTH versus Kuka not something we were used to seeing at the front of the field in Period heho and Mar Griff is right up the gear box I don’t think going try down the inside there no but uh he’s looking as if he’s going to try really hard he just flicks the tail out a little bit Michael Li has got enough experience has he to cover all eventualities make sure the car’s in the right place on the road uh not to open the door not to allow anyone pass uh not to do the sort of thing that FR Wan did so kindly uh to Max Smith hilard um at portier earlier on today but there Michael L just pulling away the fraction so that Mike Miles Griffith isn’t in a position to challenge isn’t in a position to uh perhaps go through if the door is left open interesting is the the front nose treatment these two completely different cars are very very similar yet back in per you had all sorts of different designs and lions and Griffiths Griffith’s doing a grand job isn’t he he certainly is I said you know miles has race all kinds of different cars from Little sports cars and of often races his customer cars at high-tech uh and recently Michael Li’s pretty well stuck to these sort of Formula One machines Jonathan Kosh in third place Mark Hazel is in fourth place jny comes to fifth Yan sergison in sixth place then DEA in seventh Mo eighth Cy on nine for Mr J in 10 yeah that’s the top 10 Bob and uh don’t think it’s going to stay that way Michael Lions absolutely pushing here because he’s under a lot of pressure as you say miles Griffin’s keeping him very honest through the tunnel there the tie marks on the left hand side which is where Martin overington ended up in his hesketh but uh these two flying around the circuit there’s Koch that’s a nice little battle then for third fourth and fifth and then that’s and the timing screen went a bit F but put itself back in order well that’s good lions and Griffiths koser in third and then it’s Hazel constable and I think ser now that blue and yellow March was raced by Jody sh’s brother Ian and in the rothman’s colors there you see it Steven chandley making up positions he was relegated to the back after his incident yeah but uh he’s up into 14th Place [Music] now but look at this this pair miles Griff oh that was a big tank slapper there for miles Griff I mean a lot of drivers do that but I’m not certain they really meant to do that I’m pretty sure he didn’t they uh they come over to the other side of the circuit to avoid the bump there and oh this is TI yeah this is 26 and 16 that’s Hazel un Constable ah this is the Battle of the fourth place then behind koset 141 wheel didn’t ride up over the other so was it was a nudge yeah they can continue and then there’s another battle going on over the uh over sixth place with seris can DEA uh and Mr J leel as well so uh four car battle there over six but uh this is the lead battle Lions ahead of Griffiths and uh it stays under a set between the two of them as they come up complete lap four lap four finally we’ve got it running uh nice and smoothly touching wood oh and we got one stopped and that is 16 that’s Jamie conable yeah that’s Jamie conable he’s almost in a safe place well done Jamie conable is that as a result of that little Clash yeah one wonders yeah such a funny Wing you know front and this is it this was that Clash Bo there yeah I just wonder if it it damaged the steering arm and that’s now broken he’s certainly off the line but sufficiently no I can see we might have another full cross uh if you had someone yellow coming up sh is up to 11 if you had someone dash out with a with a rope or something you could pull it back yeah that area but uh racing still very much continuing Lions ahead of Griffiths and uh Griffith’s not being dropped but not actually in a position to challenge at the moment remember and Griffiths might be bearing this in mind Lions has done quite a lot of racing today and uh might just be getting a bit tired still got another race to do as well yeah that may be completely 25 45 minutes long yeah the uh hes 308e the the last hes model designed by Frank dery still around and uh a very interesting critic of motor racing in its current form and together with Nigel stoud and of course Frank dney was a huge like Brian Hart massive Enthusiast of of Music stroke uh highi if you like to call it that um as it was then anyway yeah Frank hugely entertaining character and cover te yes C oh and oh that’s the uh XC and sha car has gone into that barrier very hard indeed and I’m pretty sure that’s going to be what you think another red flag yeah I’m afraid so yeah I I think that’s it tobac isn’t it yes and I wonder if if he’s stuck in there because um he’s gone in hard yes he has I mean he’s obviously moving around so Nicol matil of Monaco and he’s still in the car and it does look a bit foreshortened doesn’t it it does are we’re going to see it here here he was he was battling with number 21 and uh possibly yeah was offline as well number 21 there was Fritz vaner and uh presumably hostile down force uh it didn’t go in as hard as I thought it had looking for the damage and indeed he is out of the car but red flag again red flag again oh my goodness me well they’ve had half distance five laps have been completed yeah and they got to drag that out of there clean it up Lions Griffiths koset that’s the first three then Hazel Canon uh DEA in sixth place then mole sergus and Mr JN of B in ninth and uh then in 10th place and we’ve scarcely mentioned uh this gentleman Robert Spencer Robert Spencer who there in another fitt f5a yeah fitt f5a and then Steven Shanley yeah in 11th but uh once again back finish it says check a flag so is that it I think so it’s just with each other I hope we don’t have similar inoc but so we got a few racing laps in yeah and I suppose Miles Griffith will feel a little bit peeve because he probably thinks he could have had a bit of a go at Michael Lions Michael Lions probably feel like I could have held him off but I’m pleased it’s over number 15 there is Robert Spencer so he’s happy boy waving to the crowd yeah with a top 10 finish so yes we’ve got to check a flag there it is or I haven’t got a check a flag bat up has it certainly has and uh and he’s got radio and he’s got a stopwatch he’s got everything he needs so the actual Victory margin is shown as0 five of a second and actually they get to that car away pretty quickly on the do aren’t they they have it’s going to have to have a bit of a a rebuild now yeah it is isn’t it I think it was just the angle make looks makes it look for yeah I mean didn’t go in as hard as I thought he had as I said but he just sort of ran wide didn’t he yeah yeah yes he was on a wide line and possibly not with a grip that he uh would have liked so uh sad but uh that is it yeah lines there out of the C well he’s happy about that now look yeah I’m sure he’s got a [Music] win so yes uh as you say quite a rebuild to do on that March Michael being congratulated down in the pit Lane and uh other drivers walking around oh there’s mother Judy down there I guess Frank must be around a reason but now of course he’s got to climb into an even faster car yeah and all again yeah against Two ultra competitive teammates well think that takes his Victor here at Monaco to eight so we going to have a Podium ceremony or well one would hope so he’s won the race well anytime soon we’ll be fine [Music] you know the way to the podium yeah been there a few times before exactly yeah happy faces down there after what was a bit of a traumatic hour or so to be frank here is the confirmation of results showing the Michael Lions Victory after five laps from Miles Griffith Jonathan Kos well Micha what go took R but fin won after this morning when we were counting the laps in the 30s and suddenly I have no steering it doesn’t turn and I just can’t do anything it’s they didn’t make it easy you know like so many restarts and Miles was quite close was giving me good pressure and I just thought come on eventually must we must stop I’ve got another race to do in 20 minutes so H happy to finally make the line and just finish even with all the craziness around we were able to stay out of trouble so it’s good how did you manage to stay cool during the the weight and the all the waiting during the all the red flag to be honest the toughest thing was for the cars we we didn’t know when we could switch off the engines the water temperature was really high that’s so I guess it changes your focus your focus is on looking after the car not looking after yourself so you don’t stress too much yourself I guess but I’ve been lucky to have like obviously the two races in the morning and my head’s just I’m in the groove now so looking forward to the next one as well thank you Michael congrats thank you Michael lions in the groove now well maybe that’s a poor tent of things now we can go on the final result Michael Lions winning by just half a second for Miles Griffith in the F poy f5a Jonathan Kos was thir a slightly later uh version of the fit of py and then it was uh Mark Hazel Mike Calon and the rest of the positions showing there Michael walking towards the podium hopefully they can speed this up a little bit along with Miles Griffith and I wonder where kosche is hopefully he’s there somewhere know so another British win here so uh have a nice little chat the two Rivals who knows what would have happened if he had gone as a straightforward 45 minute race as was originally intended there they’re watching from the balconies obviously uh British family up there waving to us with their nationalistic flags and that’s Jonathan Kos here he comes then the third place driver Jonathan Kosh and understandably happy with that Miles Griffith in second place comes up to take up his position well mil Griffiths but our winner is he goes onto the top step of the podium his eighth win here what a marvelous smile he has two is absolutely loving this and as he say he’s fired up for the next race so that’s great news now the Tred two Mich he’s probably got a trophy cabinet specially for Monaco trophies ah yes probably has and uh he will also get the as there it is that’s very much helmet isn’t it that we new and loved and I got a feeling quite heavy the way he had to put his yeah prob and a trophy there for Miles Griffith in second place and Jonathan Kos in third place there It Is Well Done congratulations but in honor of Mich allance the national anthem of Great Britain br [Music] [Music] and jonath as well they get together for the photograph Grand Prix cars 1977 to 1980 well done and now they go down to celebrate with their teams and the girls are going to bring the trophies for Michael Lions so here it was uh in third place Jonathan Kosh former espoir if you like of the French Motorsports scene uh we had another one actually sahil ayari was pretty much in the same sort of class uh who would we were going to see in group G but I don’t think he’s going to take part in second place miles Griffiths great second place for him all the time welded to the back of the gearbox of this man Michael Lions our winner of uh Series F three races it took a long time to get it started they deserve that Michael Lions I suspect will take the tiniest Sip and then and say thank you very much but uh I’ll come back for more in about an hour thank you very much it took polite sip maybe it’ll be a glug later on yeah although Kosh is going to open his bottle of champag so coming up our final race of the weekend packed interesting exciting weekend the fastest cars all Siri G what’s happening over are we going to have a a champag don’t do that Michael because you got to wear that race suit in the next race be sniffing in what he he’s going for it isn’t he that’s the adrenal and excitement he’s gone for his team hasn’t he yeah yeah I was afraid he was going to go for his M yeah yeah you don’t want champagne all over a raceit that You’ now got a wet where presumably if over 45 minutes and it may be delicious to taste but it’s less nice to smell abely it’s been on a race suit a sweaty race suit as well so uh well what a uh a race that was eventually but uh it did take a while to get started didn’t it it did finally we got it done and had a result still ah first one to second one of these this one get signed yes I was hoping the Jackie Stewart one as well but the luck got away from me with a car I’ve got a spare trophy cabinet if he needs one here yeah I think he’s he’s very pleased with that trophy I’m sure he was a fan of sh yeah exactly you have somebody from your team to help you have you got somebody from your team to help you it’s got a special box very trendy look sort of almost like kind of box to say move film equipment around it well and racing car equipment uh yes as well yeah proper C packing case good stuff and I think it is quite heavy just the way Jack was lifting it up well here it is then the highlights of F1 Grand Pre cars from 1977 to 1980 normally aspirated Series F and Well on Pole Position was Michael Lions and the first time he got away very very well but further back right in the background around there there was a collision between Wayne Taylor and Harold Becker and uh that brought out the red flag uh and first of all the yellow flag and then the red flag to clean up the mess and to drive the track as well yeah that was a very sad sight finally got the race going again later but is always got to be about the front two and this is what happened it was literally Wayne Taylor pulling alongside Harold Becker the two of them came together black and gold and black and gold yes leaping into the air forign versus John player so Michael Lions was leading from Miles Griffiths and uh eventually they red flagged it there was also a spinner from Steven Shanley the newcomer who had been so impressed so impressive yes uh here he is he got a bit of a tank slapper on lack of experience and uh hit the barrier backwards as well yeah just tapped the barrier fortunately not too much damage but there we had one the first of several red flags that was the first one here sine highness PR yeah got it Jackie yeah and then we had another restart and again into the pit into the lead went uh Michael lions from Miles Griffiths but uh further back while those two were tussling out in front with Jonathan koset in third place we had this incident in the tunnel which resulted in Martin overington hitting the barrier very hard the concrete barrier it is in the in the tunnel although some of it is metal but the lower part is concrete and uh he hit the barrier very hard and of course once again we had to have a red flag and stop and it was in assist car to the one that of course was leading the race a bit of irony there so then we had to be a little bit patient and then behind the safety car this time because we’ve already had two standing starts and these cars are not used to that uh this time again we got away with this time with uh once again Michael Lions leading from Miles Griffiths had a little uh nudge here with Jamie conable losing out uh on The Descent to uh down into the uh mirror bow Corner uh Jamie kable having to pull off and retire and this uh Little Nudge but then it was more than a little nudge for the March uh which went off into the barrier at tabak just went off a little bit offline and slid into the barrier and uh that was another red flag and so that was the end of the race uh out there and Michael Lions claimed the winner from Miles Griffiths in second place and Jonathan kosher in third here’s some earlier highlights so going back a little way and that was uh Max Smith Hillard with a low to 16 uh not getting away but uh later we have a much better result there is that Lotus 16 mean forther back in this there’s Marino Frank Kiti and Dr Marino at lunchtime Bob absolutely loved it but he said it had to concentrate to hard not used to being in a race car without belts either and uh but he felt it had a a very good drive and uh absolutely loved it there was that Ferrari coming home with Claudia hen scoring another Victory here at Monaco which has been a happy hunting ground for her well we’re waiting anticipation for Siri G yes series G will be our last race of the day of the weekend and uh they are Formula 1 cars from 1981 to 1985 by which time the Turbo Charge was turbo charges were beginning to win races become reliable and win the World Championship so uh but normally aspiration cars were being phased out yeah earlier in the day we’d had some terrific racing hadn’t we in in the morning that’s a wonderful display by uh cludia hen but then that other low to 16 swapped ends there is hen heading towards the finish a Ferrari versus Maserati battle shouting to mechanics metham racing team A Tale of vas and big AIDS yeah and uh pin Dowling in the uh famous RIS r2b ER and uh also caught up with panins at launch time as well I was delighted with this result he only races two or three times a year it’s not a real regular but absolutely loves it here at Monaco and behind the two ra er a couple of Maseratis as well and then the Bugatti next up yeah it was an ra12 both cars prepared by David Morris his father was a famous ER racer and David done a few races in eras as well with success but carrying the colors of sayam and P down one this in the past certainly uh no catching him so these were the pre-war cars in short certainly enjoyed that the S sights and sounds Mel bur got up into second place but uh was unable to stay there I don’t think that Ruben barello look alike helmet yeah he did get to pass didn’t he yeah pass Brad Baker and Brad excellent job re was uh but he just overtook him on pure power up the hill and from then on stayed in second position now there Baker in the black er PR unusual color car that darling used to own so that’s the end of that little highlights package back to our French colleague e rightee [Music] so there’s that special Center version of the McLaren but owned by a center Bruno center lives here done quite a lot of laps in this fabulous machine yes hopefully it’s the fastest he’s driven round Monaco uh it is registered Street registered for Monaco so uh I’m sure it’s the fastest he’s been around these streets except his Formula 1 days yeah but I I think Bruno’s uh put a a close to his actual Formula One career had quite a lot of success after Formula 1 in uh sports car racing there he is a lovely smile and a thumbs up nephew Aon Center and uh is it going to be the sort of course opening car not sure yeah well yesterday we had a parade of sener cars uh LED out first of all by a uh go-kart being driven by gabrieli bortoletto uh the Brazilian Formula 3 Champion not Brazilian Formula 3 International Formula 3 from Brazil um and then there was uh the formula 4 2000 being driven by Christina Gutierrez from the uh McLaren Academy and that was the formula 4 2000 that Aeron won the European and British Championship then the Formula 3 car uh with um the Ral rt1 and uh that Ral rt1 was being driven by Eddie Irvine and that was the car that uh ion won the race the Formula 3 race at maau that year because it was in multile colors and uh run by partially by Theodore and Eddie Jordan but of course West racing ran him in Formula 3 in Period and then we had uh we should have had the Tolman uh not the earliest Tolman that uh he nearly finished nearly won here in 1984 in the wet but uh in 1984 he subsequently raced the Tolman on fortunately it wouldn’t get going uh Bruno sen giving P Al a run around his own streets so this is going to be interesting don’t foret to put your belts on uh and then of course we had a Lotus uh for uh the uh a JPS Lotus of course which figured very strongly in uh his Formula 1 career and in which iatan won his first Grand Prix uh in Portugal in 1985 and then of course McLaren as well which was so uh such a landmark for ION and in which of course he uh had so many race wins and the battles with Alan Prost in particular both in Ferrari and M uh McLaren of course as well they were teammates and uh those were the cars that we saw on circuit in the demonstration and uh the commemoration run for iron Sona 30 years ago of course since uh we lost iron at IMA and uh that was the idea of commemoration 1994 yeah that was a day nobody in moderation will forget and usually remember where they were but uh sener memory lives on one of the greatest racing drivers of all time enthusiasts will always discuss who was and different people have different ideas but so difficult to compare people from different eras as well and an exceptional human being as well one with very high standards and a very high moral compass if you like as well the important thing so p now being chauffered around by Bruno Senna Bruno Senna his nephew who has great memories of Uncle iron and worked hard to follow up on the center name and get into Formula 1 through lot of success prior to that in formul 3000 uh but never quite got in the right team did he I remember the day that he had his first Formula race at uh uh in Britain and he in a formula BMW car at Bran’s hatch yes it wasn’t impressive was it were you there no I wasn’t it was not impressive let’s face it he uh didn’t finish very high up and we thought well I wonder whe this guy has come from and whether he’s got the same yes uh talent and of course he worked away at it and came back and eventually into Formula 1 uh and then of course he worked in World Endurance Championship as well yes successfully so so Bruno Cent just uh doing a lap now before we have our final race of the day series G F1 Grand Prix cars of 3 lers from 1981 to 1985 and uh we’ve got a lot of those as well they’re not all going to take part I can see one car that he’s not going to take part of anything but uh here comes the this intriguing rad car now you know a little bit about this rad car well McLaren sent us some information it’s the ultimate McLaren row car not ultimate racing car it’s got a lot of extra bits on it makes it extraordinarily fast and uh yesterday I I don’t have the sheet in front of me quoting the acceleration figures of it and uh but it is built as a road car and there were 500 of them made and they were all sold but it it was the absolute top of the range uh the Claren rad car and uh most aggressive that they’ve ever built it’s all Formula One technology in the breaking and so on so the track opened by Al center it’s for cars powered by atmospheric or normally aspirated engines I’m really looking forward to this final race for G Stuart Hall is going to be on pole position with the three different model lotuses just three consecutive years Marco verer Michael lions and Nick padmore right behind him from the uh Team from Germany and it was in fantastic yesterday and qualifying for Stuart Hall to get on pole position in the March 821 which wasn’t really a very competitive car it was run by uh Ram uh and uh that was uh that stood for uh McDonald John McDonald and Mick Ralph yes and it wasn’t a very very competitive car at the time and it wasn’t a March they just used the March name that the car they’d had Ramen had a car before for that was the last car that Robin heard Formula One car that he designed as a March um to put not too fine a word on it John M Donald described that as a pile of poo and the next car came was this March 821 but it was designed by Adrian rard and and so it is really a ram I suppose and they built five of them and were very successful to start with and then they changed the uh front suspension from pull Rod to push rod and transformed the car but at that time they also switched to a different tire brand because it was saving the money and that didn’t help but this car has come back from America where it uh we’ll see it in a moment the car has recently come back from America the middle of last year and uh Stuart’s Hall team at rco have given it a complete and utter rebuild and then they took it to the end of last year to Dubai for the historic Festival there where Stuart won one of the races in it but didn’t win the second so this will basically be his third race in this March that wasn’t a March and it’s basically uh it’s also belongs to roal Gerta it’s part of roal gerta’s uh collection yes I did ask is he going to have a complete rothman’s connection now the answer is no he isn’t um but anyway he got intriguing history but of course and I mentioned that it wasn’t on very good tires but here of course everyone’s on the same avons Avon tires originally from Wilshire but now produced by the Cooper Tire Company in the United States so everyone’s on the same Rubber and uh well Stuart was a revelation in this yester because his car got such you know never scored any Championship points and then we’re against the lotuses which are actually the class of the field so we’ll see what Stuart can do looking for another win here so we got padmore in the 88b we got Michael lions in the later 92 and then of course we got the third of those chrome cars and Marco verer in the 87b so we got the 81 82 and 83 lotuses quite similar actually and uh it’ll be into team Warfare I think amongst those three but can they get get Stuart Hall and then after that we’ve got Marino frankii who wasn’t expected to be in this number nine Andy wolf owned well prepared troll 012 which Dario frankii was hoping to drive here but then had to go for indicar duties with the ganassi team and then we’ll have regular in this these categories Jamie cono we’ve seen him and then Ken tyell and Bob but you know this full Ken Turell story uh very well indeed well yes uh it was vus uh a sponsor of koll that this kenell uh he’s American so we’ll call him American kenell me English Kell who formed the the team and in fact English Kell sort of took him under his wing to some extent even allowed him to hang out the pitboard when they were racing at Detroit and also arranged for him to go to the British racing uh uh School in uh at seston quite an age difference between the two k Turles though of course exactly a big big age difference um and uh so there was quite an affinity there I I’m bit worried that we actually have seen the American kol on the on the grid uh there was every reason why he should take pass I don’t just dive in a second that’s a very rare Alpha Romeo um 182 from 1982 Richard hope is driving I don’t think I’ve ever seen one race since her period no exactly uh and steuart Hall according to this well I’ve we’ve seen him go out uh there’s one or two cars who I suspect there he is he’s on the grid but according to this uh his times haven’t come up so have we got more timing problems I don’t know but uh again the times haven’t come up for uh trell they haven’t come up for Leone they haven’t come up from for they haven’t come up for Hardley or Simmons so is are they actually on the grid or is it just because there’s a problem look at that number eight McLaren there uh that was real state-ofthe-art that’s uh Mark Higson in that car uh yeah and uh number eight the McLaren MP4 1B and uh now we’re looking at these chrome cars yeah CH car lotuses that’s a very early McLaren with carbon fiber been looked after by Ted Higgins who’s got a week off from looking after Bernie’s car he tells me because Ted looks after most of Bernie’s cars along with a little team there there’s Marco ver uh sporting a very new and fine beard so Marco’s usually clean sh but there’s Nick padmore who hasn’t really got any hair at all no the pader and uh then Michael Lions who’s been driving most of the time for his family team but now this time driving for Chrome he’s obviously a Hired Hand isn’t he yeah he’s hired for this and uh so the pass is on the grid and uh they quite a lot of celebs here some of them will know and some of we don’t the racing drivers we’ve seen uh well uh let’s start with Martin Donnelly uh we’ve seen him here he’s been here we’ve seen Fernando Alonso we’ve seen uh Landon Norris we’ve seen Oliver Burman Oliver bman was here yes uh We’ve also seen who else well we’ve seen Patrick J we see bit of a racing driver but certainly a big film star and have we seen any others maybe someone was just watching from there Char Clair we’ve seen Terry botson TB Eddie Irvine Eddie Irvine the V has been here as well so uh yeah there’s been quite a few racing and non-racing so it’s been wonderful to see them and uh the pr has spotted some friends up there on the balcony yeah you were saying he he knows so many people around uh his principality here yes particularly as I say the people who have lived here who have grown up with him yes um you know you can imagine uh perhaps even uh people who have uh nursed him in hospital or whatever and he remembers them yes which is a nice nice thing about the prin IP ality it is very small and uh you wouldn’t call it a village but it’s got a villagey atmosphere amongst certain people amongst others no but among certain people yes Prince just walked past the car of Martin stron who had a lot of success here 20 years ago and Stratton in his regular tur was it Stratton who was on the podium every year for the first five historics I think it was yeah well actually I don’t see streten on the less I sure I saw streten in a car there he is oh sorry yeah I can yeah it’s not looking in the right place we got uh the count dansen bgs Father and Son Kristoff is father but actually where is Vera he not there is he I think they had some problems with that beautiful braam so he’s not on the grid sadly that was grid position there which is vacant as well but um as I say Leon for Harley Simmons uh and Hall actually and trell all without times on our screens here which would sign signify that they have been around the circuit but we know that Hall has been around the circuit so we’re not awfully certain we can trust this screen so here it goes here we go Formula 1 grand prix Cars series G 1981 to 1985 fastest cars here this weekend looking for some searing Pace from Stuart Hall in this March isn’t a March uh we got Marco verer Michael Lions Nick padmore and we’ve got Marino Frank done a terrific job because he doesn’t know this this car at all and the car has only just been finished in prep by Andy wolf and uh see how he gets on in that tur2 the same model that Straton has got actually and actually for uh franku to out qualify Straten exactly the same car is a sterling effort Marino having a great Drive earlier on in the day in uh his uh father-in-law’s Maserati 250f yeah Prince just exchanging words with some of the officials so the Royal party proceeding to down the grid once saw Princess Diana doing that to Donington in the race I needly having collision with Princess Diana at Donington did you do you remember the control tower had a circular staircase it certainly didn’t I went up it a lot of times last week well I went up that staircase to find a pair of legs coming down those staircase and they belong to Prince D and we nearly had a collision did you say sorry Bob no right I didn’t recognize them immediately I have to say probably looking a different direction I it was only when I looked up I thought oh I’m must get out of the way and that of course was one of a and most famous races well that was a fantastic race wasn’t it yeah 1993 Donnington the European Grand Prix the only Grand Prix that took place at Donington well yes in the world championship in the World Champ before the world championship there were some great Donington Grand PR yeah absolutely yeah he he had five pit stops although one of them he didn’t actually stop he just went straight the way through the pits Ruben parella also sha during that race as well well it was that stunning first lap was taking overtaking people over the show took five cars on the first lap absolutely stunning uh that’s I did TB T boots in there y he’s been here for about 30 years so he must be nearly accepted as a as a on gas he must and uh because he’s in the uh sale of secondhand business jets these days sold a lot of them very successful at it and his uh his first office or at least his office when I last saw it was just if he went up to sand devot instead of turning right turn left was just up the road there and he’s not showing his age he’s wearing very well as tiar former Williams driver though that wasn’t who he won his three grand pris with so tiar being introduced so here’s the starting grid then have we got everybody all of these uh drivers on the grid that’s the question but uh Stuart Hall leading them have we got kenell yeah in seventh place apparently we have uh Leone the uh is also Valerio Leon in 13th Place he’s there so is lauron for who I believe had a penalty of some sort and what about in what about Harley is he there no he’s not there Max gerado interesting to see Max gerado there Max gerado a very famous Auctioneer when anyone crashes a car he’s got some idea of what that was worth yes we also should have a little shout out for Steve Brooks driving the number 12 car another of these adventurers uh has helicopter from one pole to another I don’t know how long it took him I think it did you say Bobby it circulated the globe but with other pilots in a in a Spitfire which was silver silver Spitfire exactly and look when they left they went over my house and I heard this noise I realized that I wasn’t outside and of course they had a helicopter with them all the way around and there was a helicopter filming the helicopter and the Spitfire so there was this sort of flight went over the house it was just amazing and I actually went down to Goodwood when they returned from going around the world and I was at Goodwood when the the flight returned so that was an emotional moment as well fantastic yes couple of Steve brookses that race uh Frenchman who uses assume Nam it’s all a bit complicated britech Motorsport is the preparation company for chrome cars who is a big collector and we still got the royal royal party down there enjoying the late afternoon sunshine now with Bruno sers group photograph five minutes to go before we get this underway a little bit later than we’d anticipated but uh that won’t take anything away from what’s going to be uh a tremendous very close race I would suggest yes uh Stuart Hall really has a Target on his back doesn’t he uh with these chome car lotuses behind him Vera lions and padmore uh and uh Michael Marino Frank absolutely in the right position to watch what’s going on so a white car ahead of three black ones and uh interesting at the back you were talking about the March uh it’s actually bookended by March is you’ve got the uh younger one at the front uh with Stuart Hall and you’ve got the chaan car at the back and uh Alejandro valta chaan from Argentina that’s a March 81 one a year older but uh it’s actually black whereas the one at the front is white the black one sponsor by Guinness and the reason I’m telling you all this is because my wife uh launched that car and uh had a bit of a uh party if you like at the Guinness Works in uh in Dublin and she organized something in a brewery I’m not going to say it excellent there’s Marino with that crash helmet we saw earlier in a very different car Maserati 250f now he’s got the ex bellof tiell that’s not the 198 yeah it could be the 1984 car couldn’t it uh which bellof was but it’s not it wasn’t that color it was brown wasn’t it the 84 car this is the 85 car that could be a later one so uh but bellof was closing on Aon Senna uh at the end of that 1984 very wet uh race here and um uh right at the end while uh Senna was closing on Prost of course bellof was closing on the pair of them but if it had gone full term what would have happened who knows we will never know but we can speculate cross a very spectacular race well the crowd have uh hung on in here after the various delays because they know this is going to be perhaps the uh well they know it’s going to be the fastest race of the day but also one of the most spectacular with these later up to 85 for one car Martin stratton’s uh tral 012 is a 1984 car so uh that perhaps is closer uh to uh the bellof one the possible belloff one yeah and as I say it’s a different color I’m sure it was brown that or brownish so it’s extraordinary to look at this grid Bob and think this is almost 40 years ago when these cars were racing in period yeah they look like proper racing cars to they don’t like something you know out of the Ark do they and something we mentioned over the last couple of days of course is that they’ve had a long they’ve had such a long history that they’ve actually been developed during that time so they yeah and that car in po position we know that Ro go go that never does things by halves he would spent whatever was needed to make that car good had completely stripped down and I’m sure he’s got a very I bet he’s got a much better engine in than it had in the days when John McDonald was trying to rub two nickels together to keep the thing going and John and and Mick and John real Enthusiast first met him when he was racing a Ford angle here um out of a little workshop in Hamstead next S Grant Hamstead wasn’t it canel right it was West hamston canel right yeah the cars all started apart from we can see a yellow flag at the back which suggests that somebody hasn’t managed to fire up further back we can see somebody can we see somebody stage three I can’t actually well I can just see a yellow flag I see the yellow flag yeah I can’t see anyone stationary but I can’t think why they should be raising raping a yellow flag unless somebody was stationary so away they go yes Kell is there so is Leone so is f so is Harley we wait to see if he in Simmons goes run and uh Nicholas pink hasn’t uh started so there was one you see yeah that’s Nicholas pink yeah so uh trying to bump start that don’t want that’s not happening is it come on keep pushing Lads you got to get it Off the Grid it’s not going to be long and the Marshall saying now pull it back or push it into the pit Lane a bit of luck they’re getting down the way and we can go racing so Ian Simmons we don’t think we’ve seen inal 012 uh and uh Nicholas pink in that arrows uh is being pushed into the pit Lane that will be such a disappointment so cars making their way around warming up the tires if they possibly can and heading for the grid 18 laps this is scheduled to be our final race of the weekend what a race weekend it has been as well Bob you haven’t been to this meeting before have you I You’ been so many uh Grand pris here but uh I think you thoroughly enjoyed it haven’t you absolutely lots of grand pris I’ve been to Revival loads of times I’ve commentated on the uh some of the Masters races at Kota for example in Mexico and also in Singapore and in Barcelona [Music] um so keep going chaps keep it going get it out of the way just not far now no oh he’s another chap taking a tumble and uh think they’ll get it out of the way there and uh and so the drivers taking up their grid positions and uh ragno was a tile company if you look at it carefully um it it is tiles White Tiles the orange background a livery that really stuck out in period yes it was the orange and white I think they came from imil that ragno tiles I don’t know who introduced uh the tile company to arrows but uh and of course the man that uh started arrows Jackie Oliver still around yeah still racing well he was racing there we are the first few rows stationary on the grid our po man there ICI record uh on there but my wife handled that as well where it’s a guy Edwards deal wasn’t this yeah exactly guy Edwards on come the lights two three four five out the go almost immediately and Away goes Stuart Hall straight into the lead ahead of the lotuses yeah Stuart Hall on noce front stick a tire so Hand scrub them in and somebody taking a bit of a shortcut Marco verer and the alpha didn’t start oh that’s a shame the Alpha’s still on the grid and that’s uh hope number 22 which hope well hope they can get it going yeah hope so if they hope so so it’s but they’ve got to push that car off as quickly as possible and a bit quicker than that started it’s going that’s all right good so they’re feeding round so Marco verer second been involved in a lot of good battles here over the last uh three or four meetings uh that controversial class he had one race with Z La Lacy making a bit of a comeback so Stuart Hall still managing to keep ahead of Marco Vera and even stretching his legs a little bit it is and lions is third pad Mo fourth Marino Frank and AAR is not used to made a good start and is in fifth ahead of Jamie Constable Ken TI Martin stron halloa father donenberg the count Mark Hazel the Japanese driver [Music] TBA one lap completed well done for Stuart Hall Vera Lions padmore franki constable Stratton up ahead of trell dropping down the order he’s 10th so he’s lost a little bit of time but Stratton in seventh haloa eighth and then Kristoff goosenberg in ninth and then K now 10th can up into 13th Steve Brooks 15 and look at Stuart Hall he is he’s pulling away from these lotuses yeah that’s very impressive indeed I didn’t expect him to pull away that quickly and then the the padmore car dropping back a little bit isn’t it yeah maybe into the clutches of of Marino frankii that would be a turn up for the books and uh Michael Lions really challenging Mara so the leading car rescued from America they said where it languished for some time had to do an awful lot of work to get it race Worthy so Stuart Hall leaving these two lotuses to tle over second place he’s disappeared hasn’t he he’s gone absolutely gone hasn’t he so see his fastest first fastest lap in a moment through rascas here they go lap two completed and uh oh and let see Nicholas haloa and his uh Williams fw8 is out of the way there yes hopefully that’s at the swimming pool exit not sure how he got there well I think did he spin or did he just pull off come on Marshall there’s a hole there yeah there’s a hole there just put him out the way I try maybe trying to fire it up again look at that got complete straight just he still just checked out hasn’t he he has haven’t got his lap times yet no here is’s what happened to Nicholas haloa there he is yes spitting on the way in and he probably drove it to get out of the way afraid of being T-boned I would suggest and then stalled it yeah yeah so uh Hall Vera Lions padmore I keep wanting to call him after saying Vera Leon but Lions padmore Frank hitty Constable Straton uh Constable Straton who is he uh and then dorg tyell and Tara has gone up into 10th place now after the uh well temporary retirement hopefully of Nicholas haloa yellow flags out for haloa the car is still there it is we still haven’t seen a lap time yet for oh St Hall 131.76 I think he’s going to bring that down a little bit more as the race wears on a little bit surprised that pador dropped off the back back at the other two chrome cars there they are Verner and lions pretty close together but I don’t think uh oh here’s a replay oh yeah a bit of a bump there and there is Rich hope in that Al yeah that was Steve Brooks I think involved in that incident the Alfa Romeo pulling off and allowing the leader to go through Richard hope keeping an eye on his mirrors he knows he’s pretty much in the back and he’s about to be eaten up by the two lotuses tussling over second place verer and lions padmore has uh behind him has franki conable and Str yeah bit of a teral battle there yeah in fact uh conable in the older of the terrs ahead of the newer ones with the Benetton sponsorship which came later padmore not pulling away he’s uh not exactly struggling but it’s pretty close isn’t it padmore Frank hitti and conable GAP to threaten that Williams still par there would have thought they could have slotted it through that Gap disappointing for uh Nicholas haloa I’ve had one haoa on the podium this weekend and the TS in their different color schemes yeah they ran blue for so long but of course the when benon came along and wanted that green Money Talks certainly does with Ken yeah so the last LA from Hall was 133 and uh so he’s not on the but I think that’s his first full flying that was the really quick one 131.76 that gave him the break and now he’s up pulling away and in fact uh I think Verner might be starting to Chisel away at him but St ay old bird been racing a long time over 20 years at a very high level and you know 18 laps around here in the Formula 1 car with these with a B ground effect as well that’s quite tiring you’ve got to be a fit man and these drivers will have worked they may not be Formula One drivers oh here comes number nine that’s Frank overtaking padmore I think padmore must have a problem I’d be surprised that uh in the earlier race he did have a problem with brakes so Frank Kiti will be up to Fourth Place question is can he make any inroads into uh the margin between himself and Michael lions in third that’ll be the question we’ll tell you what that Gap is in just a moment oh oh that’s a d arrows yeah the 17 Barkley’s arrows of Steve Harley has raced that car a lot over the years at arrows A6 and that is steamy he climbs out got huge amount of experience Steve in that car or C certainly in arrows and obviously the steering arm is broken and uh that is not a nice place to be no I’d Hazard to guess he’s basically lost control on the bump as they under breaking as they come down into the chicane here it is again here’s a replay and he’s got cars ahead of him there he is and yeah there two bark arrows aren’t they yeah so oh he he’s already had the accident or was he held up was he surprised by the Alpha Romeo which was ahead of him there possibly but the car is safety car is get out safety car oh that’s destroying Stuart Hall’s 6.1 second lead so that’s really unfortunate Steve Harley over the car so he’s okay but yes it’s right on the Apex they could just push it hopefully it’s a roller they can push it around the corner could they and park it next to that yellow vehicle get it out of the way and lets to go racing again so really unfortunate for Stewart Hall losing his whole lead but he’s about he’s in amongst traffic as well yeah yeah about he already had about 6 seconds ahead of him there is the older March number 18 that’s the one I was talking about ear on the 8811 as opposed to the 821 that he’s driving yeah that’s the Argentine guy who he didn’t actually set a qualifying time that’s why he started at the back and uh well the uh the safety car has picked up the [Music] leader and he’s lost all his margin his lead margin and oh that is a Lotus yeah is that padore stopped on yeah you reckon that’s pad yeah I do I think he had a problem when Marino overtook him he already had a problem and uh well clear up time here yeah they’re ready to go in in fact you’re absolutely right that the third Lotus has disappeared hasn’t it yes it has so we’ve got first two and that uh promotes ah nickel be devastated by that he was so hoping for a Podium here we’ve got a bat marker or sell slightly in the way there slightly out of position hence uh we think it’s leading what is now third place what is now fourth place apologies uh I think I’m correct at this point in the previous races had quite a lot of different classes but these are all in the same group there are no separate classes no separate classes no are they’re getting straight on yeah that’s sensible yeah yeah so that gives the marshals uh space and time and safety to get rid of that car well they don’t seem to be pushing it presuming they think it won’t roll so I suppos Hoping to either get a dolly there and lift it up or I don’t think a crane at that spot I think there is I thought there was yeah as far as I can see so that’s number 31 as I say slightly out of position that’s latini and now they’re moving it around yeah they got it up on a dolly look straight on the dolly there’s a bit of water out as well he’s damaged the water radiator at the side of the car but uh yeah they pushed it back there nicely but then what about padmore’s car [Music] not certain where that stopped there’s the first three have gone through so that’s Hall then lines then there’s a gap to uh to the osella which is in out a position it’s lapped by the first three uh and behind the osella is franki in fourth place conable and streten and then Ken Turrell is in Seventh Place ahead of Kristoff dorg canti in ninth place and uh th in number 14 that’s La for in an IDE in 10th place at the moment Mark Hazel is just behind him and Steve Brooks and then vorio Leon and Fritz vard Max dado in 15 so all that hard work by Stuart Hall has been negated yeah exactly yeah now this was uh Nick padmore being overtaken uh and as you say Obviously in trouble yeah immediately dropping back and he came into the pits so we missed him coming into the pit I tried to have a look but he must have come gone all the way down to his pit and uh we didn’t see him come in so that’s where he’s retired so there’s no problem about removing his car the marshals now so they’re going to be happy with that I don’t know how much fluid there is on the circuit actually on the line but um they might have to just hang out a a red and yellow flag to not a slippery surface yes the safety car lights are still on though no they’re not not now and uh yes St a hall backing them all up behind him and uh he’s going to be ready to go not quite yet where’s he going to go there he goes no not yet still not yet now perhaps he goes and uh the timing of the safety car St Hall again he pulls away from the lotuses he’s done it and in fact the lotuses are not even under pressure from uh franki four face so verer the great Audi sports car driver always wanted to be Formula 1 tested a Berardi thought he was going to get a drive didn’t happen he also owns his own Formula 1 car but he doesn’t race it he’s got a TI that he bought but is but Marco here still very competitive understated man but uh good engineering background as well but uh look at Lions is right up his gearbox and then we got this string of TRS then a Williams in fact the string of William yeah string of TS there and they’ve disposed of the aella which is Dro back then as you say the uh Saudi Williams and shame our Japanese friend yiva has gone into the pit 60 old been racing in Japanese for four is show pretty well actually in practice but he’s out of the race and I noticed Joe hor just done the fastest middle sector Bob so he’s really trying to break the toe now having done it once already it’s it’s really formula tal isn’t it over fourth fifth and sixth it certainly is there and then seventh is K but uh at the front this unusual March as I said first time Stuart drove it uh I think last November in Dubai the historic meeting there super Circuit also uh did have a win so boys at Roo done a terrific job with this well pulling away is Marina franki from uh Jamie conable Martin stron and Ken tiell so a little bit of a gap appearing there the two lotuses Vana and lions lions still shadowing Marco Vera R I’m sure wants to come out top Lotus doesn’t he he absolutely does but Vera’s actually pulled away from him a little bit [Music] now well Stewart’s driven a lot of Formula 1 cars we’ve seen him win his he’s never driven as anything as modern as this these high down Force cars and uh neither the team ever worked on one so uh I think we could say safely they’ve got their head round it yeah yeah absolutely there they go there up the road already completing lap nine of 18 half distance Stuart Hall with the fastest lap of the race so far at 13.6 I think passes after of the meeting I wonder if he break it under the 130 Mar there’s burner and I think lions and then frankii doing a strong job here in a car he doesn’t know and he’s pulling away from constable and Stratton yeah I’m a little surprised that Martin Stratton is behind Constable prepared by his own company the Straton car can on in eighth dber ninth and Fort doing a job in the 14 car lauron Fort from France being pushed hard by both Hazel and Brooks yeah a later end sign one of the last end signs of 180b so uh some very interesting groupings of cars all the way through the field and I think Cano beginning to come under pressure from number 28 Michael Cano in the Williams fw07 Cano of course is a normally a tial driver as well we’ve got number eight stop there that’s Mark hickon and he stopped at least on the inside oh stopped with uh badly damaged the left hand wheel is arai so he’s hit something somewhere probably under breaking and there’s a cell coming out of the uh sand devot Escape road but Mark gets out of the car and it is damaged the Ella in the middle of the road making its way up the hill and here it is again this is what happens here’s the asella and I think probably it surprises Mark hickon who slams into the back of him and uh breaks the steering arm in the process yeah and uh oh what a shame that lovely McLaren there so so that’s a real shame that is [Music] uh that’s a very famous car actually raced by Nikki louder Seven Grand PR in 1982 car retired though here at Monaco and it was later driven by John Watson and this is the car that W he won in Long Beach when he started at the back so it’s a car with a great history Pier latini is that was the uh driver and Mike can there has uh sort of run out of Road really at the uh Grand Fair want hairpin the McLaren is removed that’s in a safe place so that’s good but Mike Cano Michael C in trouble as he stole the engine there is just space got enough Locker he can get enough lock on to get it round well that’s the problem I think it’s got a little bit but not very much but it looks if it locked it up those are his black lines look yeah I wonder if if I’d like to see that again with that was a transmission seizing or something similar because a bit strange that that he isn’t able to move it so Stuart you might have to do it all again 28 and three this was uh yeah well losing his wing did he in that process yes look at it left oh yes yeah yeah and then he just lost a little bit of uh yeah left front wing and uh strange I mean he was going around there pretty slowly and then that was it he parked it so KY on getting out of the car well the demolition expert has had his front Wing demolished yeah wearing the Irish colors on his crash helmet oh and we’ve got an ins sign there as well that’s four L four who was in the top 10 but isn’t any longer his place is taken by Valerio Leon and well done to four because he’s virtually almost got the car off the circuit so high rate of attrition in this event here Stuart Hall though has led from the very beginning really without much of a challenge from the uh Lotus Trio and obviously one of them dropped out now we got uh we got the uh rard built March followed by what marar design March followed by Vera lions franki const stret and Turell and oh they’ve got that one nicely out the way these Marsh had have worked pretty hard in the last two or three races haven’t they yes they have indeed and they’re well trained they don’t do a lot of training before this race meeting but here is the man who’s still in the lead Stuart Hall coming down the hill to Miro and he’s got a very comfortable lead of 7.8 seconds very comfortable ahead of Mark Mara and Michael Lions Marino fanti in fourth place Jamie conable in fifth Kell up in sixth place and yeah bur’s got a back marker to uh navigate though which means that Lions might be able to close up on a little bit and go past him in the T I would think Straten in trouble dropping down the order he may well have stopped on circuit yeah I think he had strength so real war of attrition this yeah and Verner gets by before he gets down to the uh shicane Lion’s just beginning to lose touch isn’t he with his teammate oh he is yes well probably 50 m between the two of them now but uh what a drive from Stewart Hall what a car from Stewart Hall Ro go guys oh what a weekend Stewart Hall as well winning at the end of yesterday and looks like winning at the end of the day but it’s never over until the checken flag waves absolutely and sometimes it’s not over then 14 laps completed by the leader and uh got to be a bit more traffic now yeah 34 there is uh Mark Hazel and we got Steve Brooks in a another JPS liery car don’t want to get confused by [Music] him and he’s in 10th place at the moment Steve Brooks Valerio Leone is in ninth place in the number 29 Arrow yeah Steve’s been winning races in the uh the Puro from a few years ago from Lamar Factory perso which he races in the Masters endurance [Music] series let see several other think races GT40 sometimes as well going well here keeping out of the way you know happy with h he’ll be happy with t with in this sort of company PA Verno Lions frankii I think he may be up into eighth uh into Ninth Place Steve Brooks I think he may yeah he may have got ahead of uh Mark Hazel oh that was really very nearly an incident but yeah 15 laps completed by Stuart Hall he’s got another three to go he has you’ll be listening for every strange noise remember in the previous race when he won he had the cockpit coming up slightly but he was having to hold it down with his shoulders that’s going to be a big weekend for Stuart Hall then and he’s had has a 10c lead over marcoa and this really has been worked on this car and again like the Williams shows Affinity to ICI yeah and interesting because that Rothman sponsorship on that car something went to Williams didn’t it yeah exactly yeah there’s Vera so they got clear track in front of him now but he’s dropped back some 10 seconds and uh I don’t think this is going Marco’s not going to have a win this weekend whereas Stew’s going to have three Marco Vera in second place uh now with a 4.5 second lead over his teammate Michael lions in third so the lotuses will be second and third at this rate there’s still three laps to go two and a half laps um from Marina franki doing a good job in fourth place Jamie conable in fifth and sixth is Ken Turrell ahead of Kristoff dsen Borg in seventh Valerio Leone in eighth place Steve Brooks up into Ninth Place and Fritz Berard in 10th Place Mark Hazel has dropped back a couple of places he’s now behind Max gerado as well in 12th and L th in 13th Place after his little Excursion as well Martin Stratton down in 15th Place [Music] the ver cars actually a little bit uh older model than the Lions one the year between [Music] them so Marco verer rounding the hairin top endurance racer former American Lam more Series champion out of Factory driver for many years and loving his historic racing oh this was all a little bit close oh yeah that was latini in latini in Kell yeah K finding himself uh a little bit at play for Lai yeah lapping latini yeah and of course Lotus is 11 and 12 you expect to see those numbers on them but Lions is in 11 and C Brooks is in 12 yeah and there are two different teams this weekend anyway so uh yeah Stuart hle on the last lap yeah tapped off the pace now so he didn’t quite break into the 129 barrier but fastest lap of the meeting Stuart Hall one lap to go [Music] for Michael Lions Michael Lions being caught by Frank Kitty yes he is yes he is wow and Frank Kitty could be on the podium here well he’d be delighted with that I mean obviously saw him on the podium earlier in the 250f but a very different sort of racing car Stuart Hall through PTI for the last time at racing speed anyway [Music] Stewart from chelsford and uh just had a sublime meeting here everything gotone his way his only problem was that a bit of a cockpit s lifting a little bit in his second race win but he’s H the uh ragnok car keeps out of the way and there he is so his third race in this car V second win two corners to go for Stuart Hall he’s through rascas up into Noz through there and heads to the ccken flag as our final winner there it is ccken flag for Stewart Hall so what a weekend Trio victories and uh Marco verer rais his hand as he finishes second four chrome cars but what about this lion situation just get it just to off Marino franki well excellent another driver excellent weekend is is Morino and uh we can speculate if darl had raced the car I wonder how it would have gone uhar fly back to America Jamie conable fourth Ken tur uh donenberg Brooks the only and fr fan ER the supermarket Chief from the jumbo concern finishing in 10th uh yeah very happy man there Stuart Hall isn’t he he was happy with his last victory and he’s happy again not surprisingly as they make their way down to Miro past the tip top on the left and into Miro corner and uh a very happy man indeed Stuart Hall well you don’t have much better weekends than that here do you well I think they were a little bit diffident with this this this March socalled March CU they don’t know the car well unlike the others and they weren’t quite sure how it was going to go around here well it’s been magnificent I mean it was fastest in qualifiers fastest lap led the race right from League get go and still Hall completing his weekend I don’t suppose they got much setup document either because uh probably wasn’t uh archived anywhere whereas with the Lotus you know we’ve got lots and lots of that information available or Williams or or McLaren yeah I think that’s a very good point so it just shows you you know the you know when they ran the car in Period there was very little money to run it and they couldn’t afford the best tires all that sort of stuff and all the best injured but intrinsically Adrien rard done a very good job when he designed it yeah and particularly when he changed the front [Music] suspension so disappointment for Nick padmore in this one so really about half almost half the field dropped out but it was fast and furious wasn’t it and so pleased that that race really kept going had a bit of continuity after the hiccups of the previous one so the marshals waving the flag they’ve had a long weekend and uh interested to hear what Stuart has to say after this he’s get a little bit of a blast then [Music] [Music] look at that now you see the emotion coming out what has been a terrific weekend a Stuart Hall emerges from the cockpit with the r go racing strip on his helmet and there that’s a guy who’s really masterminded the preparation of this car I was speaking to earlier and very well done but Ro go through there hugging AR lifts him up it’s a man a few words isn’t he Ro that doesn’t say that much probably does in in meetings when he’s doing these Mega deals but uh so very close nit team there at Ro go so hopefully we’ll hear from Stuart Hall he hasn’t an action pack race for him but it’s just a really regular race and uh just competitive a little earlier we saw him before the race maybe inspired sitting in one of sers cars didn’t we with boots and explaining it to him yeah and there’s that new beard bit salt and pepper isn’t it h we got our man down there and here he is his Stuart Hall yes St out congrates again congrates going win for you today what a race and today for you second second win how do you feel right now dou Monica winner for you yeah it’s lovely you know the boys prepared you know the race one was not without its little little issues race two it you know apart from the safety car it all went to plan you know the car was really good pushed really hard for the first sort of first bit just to get my Gap and then tried to tried to manage it um and the safety car came out so I then pushed pushed quite hard again to try and get a gap to Marco um and then um in our way we went you know just car was amazing today you know amazing sefy G and Monaco is always tricky to to have a good restart how did you manage to find the good Gap and the and the good way to restart the race um you know just you I’ve been around a long time now so I’ve done a few safety car restarts in my time and Monaco is one of the easier places cuz it’s easy to it’s easy to cover up off you know so um you know you know I knew Marco was there I knew he’s got a lot of experience as well so I knew he’d be trying to sort of get the the toe out of the last Corner um but uh luckily we made it we made it stick and I was able to get another Gap and you know I just want to say the unsung heroes of today are the the marshals all the marshals around the track all the marshals around the track you know the way they were with the blue flags um and and and you know the way the other drivers respected them was you know was brilliant you know thank you congrates congratulation to the weekend and today at first Victory where he had the problem with the bodyw work and now this outstanding Victory so no problems this time absolutely uh great great win from SE Hall well done to him another two catching Michael Lions up a little bit yeah yeah exactly yeah but British drivers again being very much in the ascendency here and winning the majority of the races we have such a strong historic racing scene in the UK uh both from the driver side and the preparation side St Hall knows the knows the procedure to get on the Rost now and uh so does Mara probably and so does Michael lions come to that yeah do they’ve already rehearsed this so the drivers uh just making their way towards the roster all three of them two Lotus drivers and uh the march with Michael Lions yes I suppose just thinking about it if Stuart driven the m19 that could have been a win for got carried away the excit because Ro gother drove the car um today but uh super weekend Bruno Center he must have enjoyed the weekend been there all the time has getting involved very much so and P out there so here is the third place driver Michael Lions coming on to the rostom Well Done to him and in second place marcoa congratulations to him but the winner Stuart Hall gets a big uh and shaking hands from Center is well pleased with his uh day isn’t he yeah well they get presented with the trophies first of all and uh so the winner is presented with the trophy by pel and Vos well done warm congratulations to all three of them from the pr now we have the British national anthem no just a photograph that’s it cuz we’ve got other trophies now to be presented and uh there is the center trophy [Music] I just wonder if she is a relation of the sener family Bruno will be presenting the second place trophy to marcoa and enjoying that and we’ll be presenting the third place trophy maybe to uh Michael low there it is this the third place trophy presented as well so congratulations gentlemen the British national and [Music] the question I’d like to ask is will we hear that in two weeks time here as well well that would be interesting wouldn’t it uh the man that might be able to do that we’ve seen around this weekend yeah well photographs with uh the trophy presenters and with their trophies well done congratulations to all and uh that’ll be a photograph to be proud of it certainly will [Music] well done to all and uh we just may see a little champagne uh being sprayed down on the grid here it is then Michael lions in third place he came home ahead of an interesting field of cars but in second place his teammate Marco verer but no question at all about the winner his second win of the day it’s still hole in the March car that’s just been restored and he made no mistakes on his run to an outstanding Victory so congratulations to all three and uh what a weekend what a great weekend enjoyable now you can have a drink uh Michael no more racing don’t worry and congratulations well it was only a little sip was a sit maybe doesn’t like champagne maybe he doesn’t yeah there we go no he going to that’s it the trophy going to go into its special case as we saw previously and he get signs as well first of all [Music] yep and uh yeah here comes the champagne show he’s keeping his pwder D he’s not showing anyone that here comes the Shan where where’s that team oh oh he dropped the bottle did he oh [Music] no and Michael Li gets his revenge ah look at that love that camaraderie amongst the big rivals there yeah oh look it’s oh what a mess yeah it’s completely broken on the uh on the track well they got those sweeping machines have been put to very good use this weekend haven’t they have they’ve been warmed up that’s for sure I think that was Nick padmore down already in his civies disappointing for him more congratulations for that team that have worked so hard to regenerate that car and make it into a race winner which never was imp period of course I don’t think he even scored points no it never scored any points oh look at that they’ve given another bot yeah now he’s going to waste that champagne Marco bar gets a big hug as well terrific for Marco and have his wonderful Lam more career with Audi and then know second career almost in uh historic racing but historic racing doesn’t get any bigger than this no exactly what a weekend I hope you’ve enjoyed it we said certainly have it’s been a great weekend and uh this man has done a sterling job asking questions out on the grid so thanks to him as well there is the trophy which is going to be uh autographed as well for Stuart Hall well that’s a ceramic I think and I’m glad he didn’t drop that because actually um friend of mine who has got fastest lap in a Formula 3 race it was a glass trophy here and he dropped it and it shattered yeah well we’ve seen some trophy disasters in the past this is how it was this is the highlights and Stuart Hall went straight into the lead of grpr car 3 l from 1981 to 1985 uh this 18 lap race yeah he got an absolutely cracking start he had the three chrome cars after him the alfha Romeo got away a little bit slowly but Marco veret was ahead of Michael lions and then Nick padmore had a terrific uh start from Marino franki who never started that tle before completely new to the car Dario’s younger brother substituting for Dario and he was certainly on the pace as well but uh ultimately at the front it was Stuart Hall who uh quickly started to pull away from the three chrome cars lotuses padmore is in trouble and was caught by a trio of TRS before his retirement and uh P more failed to finish the arrows and arrows crashed at the chicane into the barrier we had uh not quite a yes the safety car came out uh to control the pace it was uh rapidly uh yes rapidly removed yes then pace car came in Stewart Hall had to do it all again and verer obviously all his experience from right over the back of Stuart’s car try and unnerve him but uh when the car came in Stuart immediately scampered off again to this uh revigor March and uh Vera tried his best to hang on is as did Michael [Music] Lions franki was running strongly behind them but there’s nothing the JPS Lotus pair could do about uh flying Stewart Hall the tles were having a fine scrap and then we had this little incident with the ex John Watson Long Beach winning McLaren and we also had Mike C spinning so quite a lot of incident in this race that was how can lost his front wing and steering arm Stuart meanwhile was imperious wasn’t he at the front as he then started to pull away and uh really reward the roofco team for all the hard work they put into this very new to them car and taking his second check flag of the weekend and then coming back giving it the thumbs up and then receiving the award from Prince Al and there they are on the podium and Stuart flanked there by the two Lotus drivers so the sun’s setting here at uh Monaco we started racing at 8 o00 this morning uh Bob and uh it’s had 11 hours of action on and off what a weekend great weekend hope you’ve enjoyed it we certainly have don’t forget the 16th 15th Monaco historics won’t be until uh 2026 and uh hopefully we’ll see you then yes from me Andrew maritt and from Bob conon J it’s goodbye from Monte Carlo for e e e e e e e e


    1. Thanks to everyone involved for the incredible races, and of course for making it all available on live stream. What a great day of racing.

    2. Andrew Marriott was the best commentator they could find? I could do a much better job! And Yes, please contact me for next years event! Also, the T.V. director was bad. Too many shots of the drivers and not enough of "ALL" the cars. The cars are the stars here. The pilots are just the means to get them around the circuit for us to dream about the glory days of these amazing machines.

    3. So Smith-Hilliard crashes someone off the track, and he gets to win? Classic racing or not, there are rules. He shouldn't get to keep that trophy.

    4. It's been great to see these cars racing here at Monaco 👍 however one of the old commentators said that the car years wont go past 1985. Well that just enraged me 😡🤬 because as the years go by the my generation will want to see the cars what i saw back in the day. Its not impossible to do because we have the technology that runs the hybrids of today and the ones after 1985 no where near as complex. So i dont want to hear that negativity, they just need the passionate people, the ones with positivity and can do attitude. Anything is possible

    5. These commentators stuttering and bumbling their way through all the time sounding like they were sucking on hard boiled lollies. On top of that the race coverage and marshaling was below average.

    6. Ah me… another Monday and another bunch of whinging motor racing fans… The coverage is crap, the director doesn’t know what he’s doing, the commentators don’t know what they’re talking about, they should turn them down and only have engine noises, this is almost as bad as F1…it never ends.🙄

    7. Would be great if the commentators actually knew what they were talking about. Never heard so many wrong calls and cars named incorrectly.

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