
    My wife and I went on another Roadtrip to beautiful Cornwall as Part 1 of our Babymoon. I took a couple of photos as well.


    00:00 Opening
    00:26 Intro
    02:43 Camera Gear Talk
    04:17 EDC Gear Talk
    04:41 Day 1
    07:42 Day 2
    11:55 Day 3
    18:09 Day 4
    23:02 Day 5
    32:40 Day 6
    35:19 Conclusion (more Gear Talk)

    Business Inquiries:

    What Gear I Shoot on (Links are affiliate links):
    New FullFrame Sony –
    Main Lens for Sony –
    Main Camera –
    Other Main Camera and main Lens –
    Leica –
    Wide Lens –
    Tele Lens –
    Tripod –
    Travel Tripod –
    Gimbal –
    Slider –

    [Music] okay so I just got back from a road trip with my wife and as you might be able to see I got a bit of a sunburn so where did we go for that to happen rainy old Cornwell England yeah it was time to go back to Old Bly and I guess my only superpower in life is to get a sunburn even when it’s raining outside all the time if you know how that might be useful let me know anyway this wasn’t just your regular old road trip to Cornwell if there can even be such a thing nay because it actually was the first part of my wife and I’s baby moon because yes my wife and I are going to have a little Sun fearing baby at the end of this year anyway with those exciting news out of the way a quick word about the format of this video so last year I made 11 videos Vlogs to be more precise about my wife I’s road trip through southern England and it has been watched by literally dozens of people which is a nice way of saying that those videos bombed so so hard I guess that’s no real Wonder as though those videos are pretty much the modern day equivalent of making your kids suffer through a three-hour long slideshow of a holiday you’ve been on 15 years ago with the only difference being that you are not my family even though some of you still insist on calling me Daddy the thing is though that these travel videos are some of my favorite videos that I’ve ever made and so I decided to still make a video about the RO trip for those of you who might actually want to watch it but this time around I’ll do it the same way that I did about 2 years ago for our trip to Iceland and to New York and just make one long ass video about it this video is also going to be very much focused on the photography side of our holiday which is not too hard because a holiday usually in my case is just one big long and drawn out excuse to shoot photos all day so anyway I guess the main idea here is pretty much that even if Nobody ends up watching this video it won’t up the algorithm for me as badly as those 11 videos did the last time around with that being said in case you don’t care to watch the full video but you want to watch at least the most exciting parts of it feel free to jump right ahead to day five because that day was in my opinion the best day of the whole trip with that stuff out of the way let’s talk about gear for a second because gear is pretty much the only thing that matters in photography and in life in general so what gear did I bring then for this trip as you can imagine this is something that I agonized over for weeks if not months before the trip even though we just booked the trip the day before we actually took off but thinking about my camera gear is actually one of my favorite pastime activities and also the source for most of my depressive episodes in life so here’s the thing I actually wanted to buy a like M system this year the problem is these cameras are ridiculously expensive as I’m sure you know and as youve just found out my wife is also pregnant and so going out and splurging on a like M system really didn’t seem like the sensible thing to do right now so no like M for this trip and that pretty much only left me with two options either go for the dumb man’s like M aka the point and shoot like a Q2 or go for the poor man’s Leica aka the Fujifilm x16 and since I couldn’t decide between the two I simply packed both as well as my Sony a74 and the zb1 Mark I to shoot this video basically I just brought everything that I had so did I miss not having a Liam on this trip then yes I did more on that later though lastly just as a general rule for this video all the photos you’re going to see in this video will be shot on the Leica Q2 if it doesn’t say otherwise on the screen what about my EDC gear though well I simply took the stuff that I carried in my pockets over the past 5 months or so anyway meaning my beloved toos cam grain wallet with a EDC tool card and a pen my trusty old iPhone 13 Pro in a leather case a roie v A2 stainless steel flashlight my sin 104 on a vintage leather strap and my victoro cyber too large and I was perfectly happy with this setup so let’s begin and as every good road trip should everything started way too early on a Sunday morning thankfully my wife agreed to drive for the first few hours of our journey so that I could shoot some b-roll and also take some photos on the passenger seat and while I didn’t exactly get a lot of Hardcore Instagram bangers I at least got a few half decent ones that kind of capture the vibe of that part of the trip cloudy slightly rainy weather and just going with a stream on the autoban with only a few minor traffic jams on the way we eventually reached dunker in time and caught our fery to do but not before getting a coffee at the service station in dunker the coffee wasn’t half bad not going to lie and I even got a photo or two there but the toilets at the entrance emitted such an unbearable stench that my wife had to leave the building in what can only be described as a full-on n to chest Sprint outside I got this shot of a seagar between two benches and after I showed my wife how long my lens is we actually bed the ship which always feels like an event as these things are just gigantic and overall super fascinating they really speak to my inner 10-year-old anyway on board of the ferry we did our best to avoid being anywhere near the screeching masses of teenage school kids and found an area that was mostly empty I took a couple of shots here and there with my Q2 nothing spectacular really but I like the atmosphere of these shots it was mostly cloudy but also fairly bright that day and with the diffused light bouncing off of the inside walls of the ship everything was lit in just a very pleasing way I think after just lounging about for a while it was finally feeding time but since food on public transport is usually God awful we decided to just share some fish and chips which actually turned out to be rather tasty with our lunch eaten I got bored and so we ventured outside to see what’s up there and with the desperate screams for help of a kid that was being thrown overboard in the background I went to work with my laa Q2 okay now most of these shots are pretty mid as is usually the case for me but for whatever reason I really do like this one the light the colors the waiting I don’t know it just works I got a few more shots outside and then again inside the ferry and eventually we arrived in DOA so I switched the dash on my car 2 m an hour and we headed off for a 50-minute drive in the Strange Land full of people that were super keen on driving on the wrong side of the road we had made a reservation for a bed and breakfast and mid Stone not because we wanted to visit Maidstone but because we didn’t want to do the entire 1,400 km journey in one go and it was rather nice the B&B was super charming and midstone didn’t look too shabby either so that evening we just got a burger and collapsed into a deep and dreamless lumber the next day we woke up bright and early a bit too early perhaps due to the difference in time zones on the bright side though that gave us the opportunity to explore the surroundings of our BNB a bit before breakfast and so we went for a little Wonder truth be told before our trip I probably didn’t even know that midstone existed but it turned out to be rather nice considering it’s not a small town by European standards I started by taking a few shots of our BNB and then proceeded to Simply taking photos of the surrounding neighborhood and random people’s houses [Music] after being chased off by an angry mob of people who didn’t appreciate me taking pictures of their property we decided to do the next best thing and went off to shoot some photos at a nearby playround [Music] we eventually made it back to the B&B in time for a very hearty full English breakfast with about 2 kilos more on the scale and our art is clogged up we dragged ourselves back up the stairs to our room where I got the chance to finally be useful for change because for whatever reason the door handle of our room had gotten loose which in a worst case scenario could have meant that we would be stuck in our room screaming for help but since I carry a victoriano cyber tour I was able to save the day and just screw the handle back on tight using the bit driver and included bits after that we packed up our stuff filled up the car and went back on the road on the second day of our trip we had another 7-hour Drive ahead of us until we would finally reach our first destination Falmouth it would be a long and grueling drive and in full solidarity with my efforts my wife of course agreed to keep me company anyway I set the cruise control to 69 mph nice and went off about halfway into our journey we stopped for a quick coffee at a rather Lively pup in the middle of nowhere and I took some [Music] photos after that L the stop we went on our merry way and the guy at the bed and breakfast had told us that farmouth is super beautiful when it’s sunny but in the rain he said not so much honestly the drive dragged on a bit but overall everything went smoothly and so we arrived in rainy fouth at about half 4 and checked into our Airbnb for the next two nights luckily our Airbnb was not only very Charming but also just a 5minute walk away from the town center and so I voted that we should go out and grab a little snack for dinner and also I wanted to snack up some images on our way into the city contrary to what the guy at the BNB in midstone said I think farmouth is actually a beautiful little town even in the rain and by beautiful in this case I mean dirty Grim a bit filthy and super wet I got a few halfway decent shots to our burrito place nothing to write home about I guess but I like this one of my wife standing in the middle of this Alleyway anyway that was pretty much it for the second day of our road trip after we got back to our Airbnb we just ate our burritos and spent the rest of the evening hunched over the toilet just kidding of course but we were pretty beat and so we just went to bed really early but then day three came came around and it would actually be our first day in beautiful England without any driving first though it was time for [Music] coffee sadly the weather really wasn’t working enough our favor and it looked like we had yet another full day of rain ahead of us nonetheless our Spirits were high as we wandered back into town for the first scones of our trip okay so there is this little Bakery in farmouth that we’ve actually been to on our last trip and we really liked it a lot we actually thought that it was just like a small local bakery but as it turned out it’s one of the largest Bakery chains in the entire country still though their shit’s really good and so we were super Keen to get our first scones the proper way of course so I did some research ahead of time and by research I mean I Googled it and there are apparently two ways to eat your scone with jam and clotted cream there’s either the Devon way which means that you put on the clotted cream first and the jam on top or the Cornish way so the proper way for our location which would be to put on the Jam first and the clotted cream on top mind you though clotted cream has pretty much the same consistency as a fairly soft butter and so spreading it on top of jam is really not a simple task honestly I really don’t get it we tried it and I have no idea what that stuff is all about if you’re from Cornwell please let me know if I got anything wrong but personally I really preferred the Devon way but on a more important note we also got a great view over the Harbor from the bakery and so I whipped out the old Leica and took a few photos after stuffing our faces with baked goods we decided to walk it off and go window shopping for a bit and it was then that we rediscovered one very annoying thing about firemouth and English town centers in general now I’m certainly not against cars or motorized vehicles in general quite the opposite but I do value a walkable inner city and therefore it was a bit sad to see that apparently you could just drive your car even through the very heart of the Town Center a bit annoying if I’m honest even though I appreciate the frequent side of sweet Old Land Rovers anyway my wife soon discovered a Bookshop and since she can easily spend hours on end in a store like this I just quickly stocked up on M skin notebooks and then went off on my own little photography Mission I grabbed a quick snap of this dog that was sitting in the front door of that shop for basically the entire day as well as just a few shots of the main shopping lane and then went on towards the har area while I was there I took a few shots of the city as well as their trash cans oddly enough but they were really stylish in all black with golden accents it’s like one of those super fancy modified Loko espresso machines or like the Daniel Craig Edition like a Q2 but as a trash can so I tried to somehow make it work with the 28 mm lens and get the trash can as well as a bench as well as some seagulls in frame and I think I got a couple of decent shots but nothing I was completely happy with even though this one was pretty close if it wasn’t for those lampos sticking out of the top of the trash can I then tried to get a few shots of just the bench with the seagulls but that didn’t really work out either since the seagulls just blended into the background especially with the overall gray and cloudy atmosphere slightly frustrated I moved on back up the shopping alley and found a store that sells cameras camera bags Victorinox Knives Leatherman and some other knives and as you can imagine if you’ve ever watched any videos on this channel I just had to check it out now the guy who runs that shop is probably living my dream however I didn’t really find anything that I actually needed and so I decided to just buy a keychain Orel number four as well as the stainless steel Opel number seven which was kind of a stupid thing to do because I can get those a bit cheaper since we live just about 20 km from the French border away but hey I just like the shop I sort of wanted to support it and I also wanted to get those OP nail knives anyway and so I guess we can sort of just call it a win-win anyway I met back up with my wife and we strolled around the town center a bit more now I didn’t shoot a lot of video of it because after all this was our baby moon but I took a few more photos with the Q2 when it was eventually time for lunch we went to a small seafood restaurant got a few bites to eat as well as a beer or two for me and then went back to our Airbnb to just hang out for the afternoon later that evening then we went to another Seaside restaurant called Indie do for dinner really lovely food and Views I tried to get a couple of snaps of the interior of the restaurant but I didn’t want to make anyone feel uncomfortable with my camera so I was really quick about it and the shots didn’t exactly turn out great so after our dinner we went for yet another stroll along the harbor area much to our surprise though this time around we almost got something akin to a sunset now we couldn’t actually see the sunset and the sky was still mostly cloudy but at least we got some of that offshoot ambient Sunset light in the sky which made for a great atmospheric look in my opinion eventually we dragged our lumbering asses back up the hill to our Airbnb in hopes of catching the actual sunset on the other side of that hill but after running into a few dead end roads we simply couldn’t be bothered any longer and gave up and so this is the closest that we ever got to actually seeing that sunset [Music] on day four sadly it was already time to leave Falmouth again because we had another Airbnb looked in a small place called carbus Bay near s i now we had never been to either of those places before but we heard great things and so we just wanted to check them out for ourselves also at least according to Google Maps it was just a 45-minute drive away from farmer so no big deal really well that’s what we thought anyway more on that later first though we had to pack up our things and we actually got to see a bit of sunlight for a change in fact as we would soon find out it would be a rather lovely sunny and warm day so yeah we packed up our stuff left the Airbnb and burned back into town and of course I took a few photos here and there on our way in let’s party [Music] we then once again went to grab breakfast at the Cornish Bakery and yes I couldn’t resist taking a couple more photos while we were there [Music] [Music] it’s super interesting to see how much the look of a location can change just because of a slight change in weather I actually like the Moody and overcast look we got the day before but I have to admit that a beautiful sunny day like this is just something else we then went for another round of shopping and actually bought a few things for a yet unborn kid we also Revisited that bookstore and I found a few books that were really interesting and ended up buying a book called see what you are missing I have only started reading it on our way back home but so far it has been great and a fascinating read I think this scene really sums up most of my photography quite nicely it’s just a random assortment of trash but since people in the comments keep telling me to be a bit more positive about my work I will say that I was actually rather pleased with a few of the shots I got on our walk through town especially when we got to the harbor area at the other side of the main shopping Lane considering how gray and Moody farmouth had been for the previous days it’s incredible how vibrant and colorful it looked as soon as the sun came [Music] out he’s wondering off also on a side note I really like the mix of having that super bright sunlight and blue skies in the foreground with those towering clouds looming in the background it’s exactly what I wanted and so I can only assume that I have finally tapped into the power of weather control to make that happen anyway we spent a good while just sitting at the harbor pensively reflecting and pondering existence on this beautiful day but soon it was time to head off so we grabbed a quick lunch at a place called sepsy which was actually not only tasty but also healthy for change after our lunch it was almost time to take off but we also wanted to visit the beach before actually leaving farmouth don’t worry though you won’t have to suffer through the side of me and bathing shs as it was still fairly cold so we simply wanted to go for a little walk along the beach and then sadly it was finally time to really wave goodbye to farmouth and we went on our merry way towards carbus Bay we simply followed the satnav system of my Audi which turned out to be a really bad idea as it led us down some of the tightest and sketchiest side roads I have ever seen so thanks to that stupid sad enough system the drive took about twice as long as it would have if we had just stuck to the main roads and it also probably shortened my life expectancy by about 2 years or so because of all of the stress anyway we checked into our airb B which once again was lovely and of course I took a couple of quick interior shots we eventually decided to go for an evening walk down to the beach of Caris Bay and we honestly didn’t exactly know what to expect but it was easily one of the more beautiful places I’ve ever seen lovely little houses with great views over the Bay Area and the sea [Music] the restaurant down at the beach is actually a mlin star restaurant called The Ugly butterfly it looked amazing and we actually thought about trying to get a table but then we remembered that we aren’t rich and scrapped the idea and instead we went back to our Airbnb and ate some stuff we had brought with us from the Cornish Bakery then day five came around and not to get you too excited or anything but it was probably the best day of the entire trip when the day started the weather still looked rather Grim which wasn’t exactly a problem since we were planning to go to L’s end in the morning and we thought that that sort of weather would probably be the perfect fit for that sort of place anyway and we were absolutely right about that after a quick left over breakfast we took off once again stupidly trusting the snv on our car which immediately led us once again into some of the tightest sideway streets we’ve ever seen we eventually made it alive after being almost run over twice by tractors and after a quick fill up at the gas station we made it to L’s end and so we put on our hiking boots and off we went we spent a few minutes at one of the main viewpoints but it was honestly a bit boring since everything thing was fenced off and so we decided to go a bit further down the path to see what’s up there luckily you really don’t have to go too far before you can properly stand on the edge of those [Music] Cliffs and twirling through the back door of your heart every time I think of here something happens in my mind [Music] and you can just walk down here you I’m losing trick of [Music] 10 Los trick [Music] I took a lot of photos there on my like Q2 as per us but let’s be real here a 28 mm focal length is not exactly ideal for that sort of setting so truth be told I ended up cropping in on most of the images that you are going to see from the Q2 here which luckily is not a huge problem with that high resolution sensor I also took a couple of snaps with my a74 and the Tamron 20 to 40 mm which still wasn’t ideal but 40 m M at least has a bit more reach however a lot of the images from both cameras ended up looking rather soft and bloomy for the simple reason that there was just a constant spray of fine grained raindrops smothering the lenses and it was just an impossible task to constantly wipe them off eventually though the weather cleared up a bit which solved that issue and also gave us a bit more light to work with we got a few images of this rock formation which to my eye looks like the sea is giving a huge middle finger to the entirety of England and trust me once you see it you cannot unsee it anyway we actually ended up spending a few hours at L’s end mostly just around and enjoying the views but it was a really great time when we finally got back to our Airbnb it was time to get some lunch and also to visit St IES which was just a short 20 minute or so walk away and we actually got the recommendation from our host to use a path called the coast path with a specific note that it would provide great opportunities for photography and yeah I guess it did in a way at least with some nice views off sank IES in the distance or some colorful boats near the beach but I really couldn’t utilize most of those opportunities because I was stuck with my 28 mm Q2 so instead I decided to once again just take photos off the streets and random people’s houses and there were some pretty sweet little houses along our way mind you not La gigantic Villas but still really nice by European standards when when we arrived in s IES we got some lunch at a fishing chip spot that was recommended To Us by our Airbnb host and after a rather wet start to our day we got really lucky with the weather in s Ives beautiful sunshine just the right amount of fluffy clouds in the sky and the Beautiful town for us to explore that really made me miss my Scramble I really like this shot as it sums up the seafront area pretty well people sitting on benches enjoying the view those fancy black and gold trash cans and a seagull flying overhead I also tipped off a seagar to post for me right above this little sign and it worked out perfectly anyway my wife and I decided to split up once again not in terms of our relationship but just in terms of her going window shopping and me going to explore and taking some photos and so that’s exactly what we did [Music] when I met back up with the MS we decided to grab an early dinner and went to a little burger place that was supposed to have the best bird burgers in town so my wife went for the wings she did good you know the place really looked great at first and also on the pictures we found on Google and the service was super nice and everything but the food was not to our taste let’s put it that way so we ended up just eating about half of it before we fled in disgust since it was still pretty early though we decided to just get back to our Airbnb get the car and drive to a nearby Lighthouse for sunset [Music] [Music] apparently though we were not the only ones who had that exact idea that evening probably an icon shooter oh did he just catch something sounds like a m oh yeah oh yeah he got something that’s professional Wildlife oh and that was professional Wildlife photography brought to you here on Toby Sting’s Channel these guys are on a mission so obviously just like those other three dozen photographers in the area I didn’t want to just sit around enjoying the evening and the beautiful sunset and the scenery with my lovely wife like an idiot I wanted to take some unique photos but I was facing an issue and this time around it wasn’t just the 28 mm focal length of the LI Q2 okay so I just realized the issue uh that obviously the whole island including the lighthouse are going to be backlit with a sun setting right behind it so yeah that’s not great but anyway this is trying to make it work looks real pretty though really great part now obviously I could have just gone for a silhouette type of shot but with the 28 mm focal length that really didn’t seem to make a lot of sense for me I could have also just used a tripod and fused an image together with multiple exposures but I didn’t have a tripod and I’m not into that ner so instead I exposed for the highlights and then just rced the beesus out of those shadows and Poe which turned out all right not great but not too bad either also on a side note while it was hilarious to watch half a dozen photographers simultaneously trying to get that truly unique shot it also somehow made the whole thing feel like an event much like the recent solar eclipse where everybody just gets together to enjoy the moment main difference being of course that it was just a sunset on regular Thursday with that being said though it was really a wonderful moment and certainly up there in terms of top moments of this year [Music] sadly though this was already our last full day in Cornwell which made the entire thing a bit Bittersweet on day six then we had to leave Cornwell and head back to the southeast end of England and that meant that even though we would still spend a full day in England it already felt like our holiday was sort of over and as much as I enjoy a good road trip trip I sort of always run out of steam towards the end it’s just that sort of feeling of having all of those new and wonderful experiences already behind you and the worries of everyday life just creeping back up on the horizon once again anyway we decided to make the best of it and in order to do so I decided not to use the ler Q2 for a change but instead take the Fujifilm x16 with me because I actually hadn’t used that camera even once the entire holiday so we had a rather slow morning eventually packed up our stuff again and drove to St Ives for one last Quick breakfast at the Cornish Bakery as well as a bit of shopping first though we had to buy some sunscreen because we actually managed to get a bit of sunburn the day before what a nice bike Wonder not exactly in the best of conditions but real pry when we arrived in St IES I took a couple of snaps of the city from up above and I also got a shot of the Triumph tier 6 Scrambler mod riding by with the rider waving at me as he went past other than that though I didn’t exactly take a lot of photos that day that’s not because of the Fuji however it was more that as I said earlier I was running a bit out of steam and yeah I just wasn’t feeling it anyway I bought two new pairs of Tims we got some breakfast and then it was really time to wave goodbye to sand IES and hit the road the rest of the the day was super uneventful which I guess is a good thing since we were driving all day and an event would most likely just mean an accident I guess but anyway we arrived safe and sound at our last Airbnb right after Sunset and it was this cute little Barn thing which apparently used to be a staple of the owner’s horse back in the days after a night full of nightmares of being hunted by the tortured ghost of a horse we woke up fresh as a daisy and were greeted by blue skies and sunshine we had some lovely breakfast outside which was kindly provided to us by our Airbnb host and since the whole outside area was still a bit wet from morning Dee I also got to use my H for seating pad to keep my bottom all nice and dry after taking in the serenity of that place for a while we eventually packed up our things one last time and went on our merry way and yeah that was part one of our baby moon I guess if you made it this far in the video thank you your dedication is well and truly appreciated so yeah overall Conwell was obviously just beautiful and everything and it was also really nice to just spend this much time with my wife especially knowing that she’s carrying our kid but let’s talk about the stuff that really matters gear so the like Q2 it performed flawlessly once again it’s truly just a tank of a camera and it really doesn’t give a damn about the weather conditions unlike I have to say the Sony s74 on which I’m recording right now which actually froze up and crashed on me about six times or so during that trip mind you it really got a good workout on that trip recording all of the footage for this video in 4k slog 3 10bit 422 so that’s no easy task to do but yeah it crashed on me quite a few times and I had to take out the battery and all of the stuff and it was just a bit unreliable also some files just randomly disappeared and reappeared for whatever reasons okay so I’m not entirely sure what’s going on with my Sony a74 today because uh it keeps crashing on me and apparently a lot of the video files are deleted I’m not quite sure if it’s recording right now it was a bit of a situation but yeah I guess it all worked out in the end the only thing that I would really do differently gear wise the next time around is that I would take my companion element backpack instead of my go rock G1 because because the companion is certainly more capable as a camera back and since I was hauling around a lot of gear I don’t know I don’t know why I picked the gr1 but the element backpack would have certainly done a better job especially considering that it was also raining a lot of the time and the element is certainly a lot more waterproof than the gr1 is but yeah great trip I hope you like to even though this is certainly one of the longest videos I’ve ever made I would also appreciate some feedback on this particular format but anyway please excuse me now because I have to work off the five extra pounds that I gained last week and once again thanks for watching until next time take care bye [Music]


    1. I don’t know why but I loved this video. Having grown up it Cornwall probably helped. But I laughed lot. Congratulations to you and your wife on your forthcoming family addition. 😅

    2. The algorithms have outdone themselves today.
      You happened to pop up on my feed. Loved the video and your fabulous wit, your photography rocks too, and also seeing my home county through your eyes has been a treat. Look forward to the next part 👍
      Wishing you both the very best, you’ll be wonderful parents for sure!🤗
      Sending you greetings from ‘The Roseland’ peninsula🙏🏻

    3. Beautiful photos! You were literally minutes away from the best beach in Cornwall (my favourite anyway). Porthmeor beach in St Ives was just around the corner from the main (touristy) harbour. The Porthmeor Cafe and West Cafe do amazing food there!

    4. You would be fantastic on a series of videos during a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail or another long, iconic trail in the states. By the way, the look on your wife;s face at 10:15 into the video is just priceless😂👊👊

    5. Really enjoyed this video. Reminds me so much of trips with my wife and trying to find photographic subjects in the usually damp UK climate. I can do this now in style with my recently acquired Q3! Falmouth was actually one of our destinations last year and it was sunny!

    6. In my country we take turns watching home movies. I have about a hundred or so photos of a tree I shot in my backyard. I'll forward them when I get a chance.

    7. Hey, I really enjoy your videos. I've watched all your previous Cornwall ones. Cornwall is absolutely fantastic. You should check out the Lake District next time you're in the UK. It's a much longer drive, but it's such a beautiful and scenic place. Also, congrats to you and your wife on the pregnancy! ❤️

    8. Awesome video / pictures and, of course, congrats! Welcome to the daddy photographers club 🙂 Lets see how your camera preference is going to change with the baby on the way – you will actually need two free hands! I had to make a few adjustments.

    9. Great video, nice to see you enjoying your time in the UK and getting some great photos. And yes those Cornish side roads are scary 😂

    10. Have to say this is one of the best ones yet. Really enjoyed everything about this post, but especially the stills you included. Excellent work.

    11. I like my Sinn 104 too. Used a Leica M3 for a very long time until it was stolen, but not tempted to get another Leica. Tech moves much more quickly now and Leica doesn't. Just think, a really good small zoom lens would have overcome the limitations of that 28mm and it is the composition that counts, not the pixel peeping perfection.

    12. Dude, first congrats, and what a sweet video, keep them coming. Have trip coming up to Jordan for a family wedding, thinking about the Q3 and Sony RX100VI, and the Bellingham you were toting around. Thoughts?

    13. Really enjoyed this video so nice moderatored and on subjects i love!!! Travel , eating and photography !!!😅 Best thing about vacation!!! Congratulations on the baby 🍼!!!!

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