In search of the Deurgair, the mythical NightCrawler of the Simonside Hills in Northumberland. Squeezed in this ride during a two-day filming trip to Newcastle and Edinburgh.

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    [Music] we’re going in search of a legend a creature called duger the Nightcrawler of these Northumberland Hills Simon [Music] side we the name Simon side really did come from is not clear it could be a Corruption of Sigmund who features in various nors and tonic sagas including Bale wolf which he’s featured killing a dragon on the other hand it could just be a Corruption of Seaman’s sight I.E this was the first Hill that the fishermen coming in across the north SE could see when they were coming to make landfall down at the coast [Music] the area is known for having rather deep ponds and marshes bogs and things that can trap the unwary and that gave rise to something of a myth of a character called and forgive my pronunciation in case I’ve got it wrong duger duger was some piece of work he had a lantern and he would use that to guide The uny Travelers across these Hills and mes to their death in bogs and ponds like that one you remember today there’s an art gallery in the town that I was going to visit in Che pronunciation with but it’s too late and there’s also a 10m trail run here called the duger night crawler can you imagine running through here at night you wouldn’t want to do that by yourself the bridal way doesn’t climb to the ridge so I’ll stash the bike and head up on foot yesterday I was in Edinburgh here in parts of a video about zones Zone training and doing a lactate threshold test and a v 2ax test on the bike and since I was partway to Newcastle I took the opportunity to come down to shoot another couple of videos one with a real Top Bike fitter about changing our bike fit as we get older but since I got all that done I thought I can’t come all this way and not have a bit of a ride [Music] so there not a particularly high hill just 429 M but a commanding view right down to the coast and a heck of a cold Northerly wind blowing I suppose I need to crack on I’ve got to get back to Scotland tonight just to put this in context I’m in the north of England about 40 minutes north of Newcastle upon pontin my home home area the 20m route I’ve planned is just south of the town of Rothbury the section I’ve done over simonside Hill is what I remember the rest of this route will be new to [Music] me wow I thought we lived out in the wild turns out this is a hostel for groups Cher’s farm and it’s completely off grid what a fabulous spot see that building reminded me of another part of the night crawler Legend and that is a young lad got lost in these Hills and he came across this house with a blazing fire and he spent the night there he didn’t realize that Nate crawler had come injured this edge of the Mist and then night Cora said to him just reach forward there get that log and throw it on the fire and the wead thought something was a bit wrong so he said no I’m all right fine it’s fine thank you and in the morning when he woke up the Mist had lefted house had vanished night crawler had vanished and had he gone forward he was standing right on the rim of one of those Cliffs back there had he got that loggy to fall into his death but I’m sure that hostile is very real and very nice and they won’t kill you [Music] [Music] Apple I had plan to turn off this road and do a little bit on a bridal way that skirted the river but you know time’s getting on it’s quter to 6 and I’ve got something like a 6-hour drive ahead of me probably won’t make it home tonight to out and sleep in the van but I’ve decided I’m just going to stay on the road get back to the van and get going on an evening like this I do find myself wondering why I ever left Northland but I know as soon as I see the mountains of home I’ll be glad to be back thank you for watching if you’d like to see more Adventure cycling do check out these videos if you’re interested in the older athlete series then this might be for you but I really appreciate you watching and I’ll see you again next time bye


    1. Nice route, and what's also very attractive about Northumberland is that it's practically empty – not something you can say about many parts of Scotland these days.

    2. Good to see you back in our favourite local Northumbrian territory. PS also sure heard your voice on local TV when they were commemorating 40 yrs of the miners strike and playing old archived material.

    3. From Downunder … lovely view of Northumberland hills and so on. Thank you. As a migrant, memories! Just completed the northern half of the Mawson Track in South Australia. If you want to see open spaces and sooo few people, the video is on YT, Ian C Crook. Bring a mountain bike!

    4. That would be a nice ride to combine with some stuff at Kielder then over to Bamburgh and Lindisfarne. Can you stop overnight at that carpark? Mind you after your stories Duergar I’d maybe not sleep🤣

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