Completely wasting money throwing the baby out with the bath water.

    so I’m on T Street in Sheffield looking down towards the West Bar roundabout and you can start to see the cycle Lane appearing on this side of tenta street just to the left of it there’ll be green R then you’ve got two lanes of traffic one in either direction and then you’ll see that on the opposite side of the road a complete waste of money cting a somewhat like 16 and a half million pound I worked around here from 1985 to 2000 for HSBC and to me they’ve destroyed what’s left of our industry around this area this side was the commercial side of Chael the boundary and then the other side of the road we had Light Industry on that side so they basically pushed all the Light Industry out and built all the student Flats so it’s just another virtue signaling project in Sheffield this


    1. While I like the thought of all cycles it’s not good to bite 0:56 at paths or transport space most of it is war on cars Let’s see cyclist deliver heavy goods. Hmmmm just a waste tbh

    2. The situation changed. The needs of the city changed so the buildings changed and their usage changed. I don't think anyone pushed light industry out. I think it just died out.

    3. Personally, as a cyclist, I prefer cycle lanes connected to roads, since cycle lanes often stop abruptly, and you have to stop and rejoin the road. If you are looking at value for money, then private cars and trucks need even more expensive roads to operate, and so if you can attract road users to bicycles, then it will help to mitigate expensive road repairs…

    4. They want to reduce motor vehicle on the road and have you all on e bikes scooters, the fact they are spending money on these lanes all around the country tells you it’s coming very soon

    5. In principle I have nothing against having cycle lanes if designed properly and implemented as such, but, as it stand they are pretty useless as they are all over the place, starting and stopping in stupid places is a waste of money, like Tim says, it's just a box ticking exercise and should not have been signed off like this.

    6. A serious cyclist will never use them,they are a big waste of money.A white line painted alongside the road is enough.more nonsense spending by Sheffield council the're good at that.

    7. Cyclists prefer not to use these extremely expensive wastes of taxpayer ££££££ because “we are not obliged to” but hey, take half the available road space away from the other 98% of road users why don’t you 🤦‍♂️

    8. Genuine question. Why's that waste of money? I assume this is coming from city center improvments fund. I was driving there yesterday and it looks very promising for the current zone type of this part of the city, Housing/services/offices. Bike lane, place for more greenery, new pavements.

    9. I absolutely hate this road, the amount of traffic was bad before but its even worse now because of all the road works that's been going on for an absolute age. What a waste of money and everyones time, contractors taking their sweet time no doubt to drag things out to make more money from the council no doubt.

    10. Not to mention the police station that is now a Hilton. They saved so much money closing 95% of police stations and selling the assets yet where are the police? And the ones we have are sat around Brammall lane and Barkers pool doing sweet FA.

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