This nightclub is so exclusive that even billionaires don’t get let in.

    This is Berghain. Located in Berlin, Germany, it is the most exclusive nightclub in the world.
    The doors open midnight on Saturday and the party lasts until midday Monday.

    Up to 500 people line up every Sunday waiting silently for their chance to get in.

    There is only one way to get in, have good vibes. Their bouncer, this face-tattooed man, will either usher you in or say just one word “nein” – and once he says that your chance of getting in that night are zero.

    The club’s rejection rate is so high that there is even a website BerghainTrainer which helps people prepare for their arrival.

    Even Elon Musk, the world’s richest man, was reportedly denied entry into the club.
    What do you think, would you try getting in here?

    And now you know.

    this nightclub is so exclusive that even billionaires don’t get let in this is berine located in Berlin Germany it is the most exclusive nightclub in the world the doors open midnight on Saturday and the party lasts until midday Monday up to 500 people line up every Saturday waiting silently for their chance to get in there is only one way to get in have Good Vibes their bouncer this face tattooed man will either Usher you in or just say one word nine and once he says that your chance of getting in that night is zero the club’s rejection rate is so high that there’s even a website berin trainer which helps people prepare for their arrival even Elon Musk the world’s richest man was reportedly denied entry what do you think what are your chances of getting in here and now you know


    1. I don't will let in what a boring person whit out any vibes, come on billionaires are the must boring people, they don't go out to have fun or dance, they are also working when they are in public, any spontaneously moves , party people are not billionaires, billionaires that visited Ibiza never getting the real taste of Ibiza maybe they think they got but they are in them own bubble for them the authentic and exciting experiences are only dreams

    2. Dayum the hate :)) well considering how Elon got a bit right for the far left, and the damage from the media, who chase clickbait and sensation, has been done. So, I wouldn't be surprised if he is denied. It's funny how people hate on assets that someones own instead of hating the level of useless consumerism from that asset. But hey, let's be safe and be an NPC. Elon bad!

    3. i was there, the vibe is unreal, its like you enter a different dimension. Dark, Idustrial, serious, scary, very ecxiting… it reminds me a bit of a Party you would see in a Science fiction movie. I never experienced such unique atmosphere in a club. (besides Kitkat) People are interesting, different and beautiful/friendly. Even some Girls dance Naked because they feel so free and unjudged. Basically everybody is Enjoying LIFE, THE MOMENT, themselfes, Sexuality and Music at the same time and nobody will judge you! because everyone there has an open mind. Free Spirits like i want to say. Its a very special place, thats why the doors are so hard because alot of people dont have the mindset to Enjoy parties like this or they come as a tourist to be entertaint by People who express themselfes. Its Easy to get in, if you Feel the Vibe and Live the Vibe! Berlin has alot of clubs with similar vibes but berghain is pretty "dark" in generall. Berlin is different, Its like the Red or Blue Pill from Matrix or like a hughe Mirror, some people like to see who they really are and some People dont or are scared of it.

    4. Whats exclusive about it? Bunch of drugged weirdos that dress funny and lgbt community that has sick s3x in front of everyone with monotonic techno music, its like going to a club in hell, the only good thing about that club is the sound system but you can find that in almost any club nowadays thats what i think of berghain 🤷‍♂️

    5. This is typical Berlin gay club. They denied entry if u Look like guy who cant watch 2 guys s..k each other . In Berlins clubs drugs are everywhere and People behave very strange. They rejected Elon cause he is conservative. Thats why. If he was elon richest man on the earth and gay or some well known leftist they let him in. This is that simple. People dont understand this. Btw I dont listen techno and never ever been there but i have some " escorts- only fans" girlfriends in capital of Germany and even for them inside is…tooo much. There is nothing elitist in place when dude f..k another dude and 99% of guests are on hard drugs and looks like zombie.

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