This is an amazing place to camp in Nuremberg – in my opinion, as a historian. The stellplatz is in the former National Socialist rally grounds and not only features a wonderful park and bike routes and U Bahn to the city centre but also a poisoned lake and the former rally grounds of the National Socialists built by Albert Speer in the 1930s!

    My history site can be found here :

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    I live in a motorhome full time and travel around Europe in it. I spend most of my time in Poland, Germany and Italy. Vanlife is my life.

    In my YouTube channel, I present reviews of recreational vehicles. Here you will find campervans and motorhomes from the cheapest camper vans to the most expensive luxury liners, from various companies including Hobby, Hymer, Carthago, Westfalia, Wingamm, La Strada, Frankia, Wavecamper, Maurer, Dreamer, Itineo, Rapido, Clever Vans, Pössl, Bürstner, Niesmann Bischoff, Action Mobil, Reisemobil Manufaktur, Robeta, Trigano, Challenger, EuraMobil, Karmann Mobil, Laika, Forster, Mobilvetta Design, Affinity, Globe Traveller, Benimar, Roller Team, Adria, Bocklet, Woelcke,Tourne, Megamobil, VW, Mercedes, CS, Renault, Ford, Fiat, Carado, Sunlight, Baileys, Chausson, Balcamp, Knaus, Weinsberg, Murvi, Bliss, Mitsubishi, Woelcke, Reisemobile Bürow, Holzmobil, Giotti Line, Florium, Fleurette, Ahorn, Westfalia, Space Camper, Orange Work, Concorde, Womondo, Protec, Auto Sleeper, Dethleffs, Ilusion, Gehocab, Malibu, Pilote, Wild Ax, Vantage, Bresler, Tom’s Fahrzeugtechnik, Morelo, Swift, Carado and others.

    I do this by regularly attending trade events such as CMT Stuttgart, Abenteuer und Allrad, Caravan Salon Dusseldorf, Warsaw Caravan and Camping Show and sometimes others.

    I cover equipment, including 12v electrical equipment and talk a lot about lithium batteries.

    I also show some of the places I have visited in Europe in my own motorhome, as well as the places you can stay at! I try to give as much coverage as I can to official campsites and free places which I use for overnighting. Therefore you can find here the aire or stellplatz that you are possibly looking for.

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    hello and welcome today I’m going to show you what I think is an outstanding free Stell plats in nurenberg and um let’s go straight at it now at 6:30 in the morning you can hear the bird singing you can also hear a bit of noise from the road behind me this uh St plat here comes with its own petol station there and that is quite unusual so if you need some fuel incidentally if you need to put some air in your tires now in ger in your um bike tires or your car tires and now in Germany you got to pay for it it cost a Euro it was free first time I’ve ever seen it paid and they won’t allow you to do put air into your bike tires anymore just make that little Point could come in handy to know I found out the hard way and uh right so we’ve got some bins here for glass just the job because I’ve I’ve been carrying around this glass with me for some time so I’ll be able to dump that off and this is it this is the free Stell plat do we we have a sign somewhere there must be a sign I can’t see it but anyway it’s gone um I no it’s further down that’s where it is and uh so this is pretty empty now but yesterday it was absolutely packed today’s the 2nd of May yesterday was the 1st of May so packed packed up to here down there but not only that packed up really tight around here everywhere obviously people just ignoring the signs and uh anyway so um so this is where it is now when I show you the location though oh absolutely brilliant so we’ve got the we’ve got this VW and behind it we’ got my vehicle there my my himer and uh so walk down here you can see it’s in a park and here this is part of what is used by the uh Nazis as the nurburg rally grounds but I’ll show you that as I get a bit closer now as you can hear there is a little bit of noise well more than a little bit of noise that might put off a lot of people I do appreciate that this is something which happens it’s everybody is different so there you go there’s my vehicle I put it here I mean it was it was pretty empty when I first came here but what happened was there was somebody with a with a uh was a um the VW uh the bigger one the crafter what you call it I forgot the name of it now uh the the the camper van with a long trailer so I parked mine there that lead my bicycle there so I’ve got so much junk in the back of my van uh anyway yes they’re totally packed but it’s also because it’s close to the Trade Fair this means to say that um that you get people lorries parking here or Vans uh parking here for the length of the Trade Fair they Park here cuz they brought their stuff with them they come down here now there’s a sign some where and it says there was definitely a sign here I mean what what’s happened to it who who Who’s any oh there it is you see he’s got a p sign there it’s behind the vehicles and it says motor home there we go and uh we and it says motor homes only only that to get some cars of course these are campers here so now uh because of yesterday there’s a lot more junk now some people on park for night complained at the amount of junk that there was lying around I think this is largely because it’s used by people from the Trade Fair now it’s a be a bit unfortunate to compare today as well second of me because it was absolutely packed here yesterday I got on my bicycle I went into the center of nurenberg I came back around 4ish something like that and stacks of people absolutely packed they all brought grills with them and as is Germany you’ve got people from all sorts of countries coming here uh so it probably looks worse today than it does normally now I’ll take you down to the lake side there’s a number of lakes here but that this is a pit for uh use by uh coals which uh used coals from is and it’s burning so when when you’re uh the stuff you take from your grill you sling it in there and maybe they come and collect it maybe they don’t but there is quite a lot there and so we’ve got this Lake here this is called zilber there’s two geese let’s hope they’re not dangerous these two geese little joke there cuz the geese aren’t dangerous at least I hope not might be the first time now how about that for an idilic looking scene looks wonderful doesn’t it but there’s a problem with this Lake and I’m going to show it to you now Bon ver Borton laan’s GI so swimming forbidden to risk risk of death a danger to life is but why is that happening because here um in the 1930s this was to be the site of the largest stadium in the world so this was part of the Nazi um rally grounds so the stadium was due to be built there now the Nazis weren’t very good at project management project management is when you decide how things are going to be built so the materials arri on at these times somebody plans it all out and uh the people at the construction crews are available at these times the money comes in in these Tres Etc and so they dug a big hole uh didn’t get finished and then there was the wall and uh then uh that was the end of the war nobody wanted a big Stadium here any longer and uh because in 1939 they stopped controlling groundwater seepage it filled up with water well that wouldn’t be a problem only that because of the fighting here the bombing and uh they they put a lot of the stuff from the old town here and so this became um a dump effectively for materials from the war thing was there was things in it which were poisoned and so um materials which so anyway so the water ground water would seep through these materials and and it ended up producing this Lake which is now poison now I had a look at some old newspapers and I found one from 1963 where somebody went in there swimming and actually died as a result so uh the wildlife as you can here it’s full of wildlife we’ve got various species of duck and Goose on this Lake but they have evolved uh and we haven’t so that is why in the zit a you can’t go there swimming any longer but there are lakes here as well so we’ll have a look at that have a walk over there and uh see what’s going on actually no way it’s a Pity I brought you here today and didn’t film this yesterday and uh the reason being I uh yesterday well I could have to filmed it yesterday just thought I better give it a couple of days trial so I can actually see what it was like to sleep here and um I like to actually do things from the point of view of experience as much as possible but yesterday here there was no mess at all in the morning okay where the parking is yeah it was a there was some papers lying around but not here so uh so these this area here so these are the Nazi uh rally grounds and um now the the the main stadium is called the zeppelinfeld is approximately what 1 half km down there and so nurburg was chosen probably I think uh for a number of reasons but the number one reason is the town itself the city itself’s got this Imperial Grandeur tours and so this is great for tourists today and as far as for the Nazis this uh represented um their idea of oh look at this bird uh of what they wanted to demonstrate that is a blackheaded woodpecker I think can’t see it properly there we go oh hey oh it flew off sorry I what a p anyway i’ have uh anyway I’ve got a video of a blackheaded woodpecker on the site for those interested and such things so that’s that’s the first reason second thing is the organization in nurburg was uh pretty good as far as they were concerned so it’s uh Julius Striker who was actually uh hanged here in 1946 he was the local Nazi gaigher the the leader and so because of him that also had an effect and another thing it say because of it location is relatively Central it’s not really that Central uh but uh okay for people coming from Munich wouldn’t have been too difficult but anybody’s coming from konigsburg for example which is now in uh Russia um it would have been a fair hike uh but but I think oh there there’s a goose helping itself to the rubbish kind of the goose in the rubbish I think these things together um made it uh into a suitable location for uh for these rallies and the objective is with having a rally like this it’s to get stacks of people in here because they wanted to show the the bulk of the people the mass but in in which the will of the individual doesn’t count that means to say that um that that they wouldn’t be doing any camping for example and even East Germany had the same thing communist ideology was the same it’s the mass of the people and it’s the dictator who decides what’s good and as a result then um uh you submitt it to the will of those at the tough so we’ve got these lakes here as well now um zilus obviously wasn’t here cuz that formed sort of naturally after the war but these other the Lakes were here then and now what we have to the right can’t see it yet but uh won’t see it at all fact it’s nurburg Trade Fair so when I worked in packaging industry I us to come here twice a year and i’ saw all the years I came here I’ve seen oh 10 times more in the two days that I’ve actually been here now isn’t this great to walk out like this hardly anyone around yet uh but this wonderful feeling when you get up early in the morning all these things you can see okay now over to the left down there we’ve got the uh Congress Hall another Nazi thing that wasn’t finished although that they got closer to getting finished looks a bit like the Coliseum or big version of the Coliseum it’s enormous building again this is the plans of Albert Spar this when I think about it I think it’s about the only thing that he did that actually survived cuz most of the stuff he did ended up getting destroyed and second world war so in the Congress uh that’s that is used today uh we have for example this the museum uh for the National Socialist period here in nurburg and these Valley grounds so that’s uh documentat Centum and uh W can see that and uh now they also I’ve noticed that um in fact I myself actually i s left here um 2012 the one year I actually did manage to visit a little bit in fact was the very last time I I came me at the Trade Fair and September of 2012 and uh there were people that you could park here but you see there’s absolutely no way you can do I think the Trade Fair is using all of this H ground now view of the lake now it takes um it took me around 20 minutes on my bicycle uh to get into town I was telling somebody yday it was a really slow slow ride but then it’s approximately it’s just under 6 km and so maybe I wasn’t going all that slowly because bearing in mind there were rare lights uh as well there’s also a uh underground you can take to get into the center so this is one of the sort of the main marching points here was built by national socialists so in the middle those vehicles that is closed off and that is for the trade Fair now you can see it says there NCC nurenberg uh Congress Center maybe it is that’s trade fairs are held there it’s much smaller than for example dle I go for Caravan Salon or even stard for that matter and then we have the other Lake and at the other side of this lake is the main place where the the Nazis had their uh uh rallies and here we’ve got the Congress Center with which I won’t take you all the way there we’ll just have a quick look at it now isn’t super peaceful here can’t hear the road at all for me um I think nurenberg is well take Cas is a tourist place but touristic place but it is all outstanding to to visit it’s um utterly wonderful I’ll stick up with some videos of some the places I saw here absolutely amazing place to visit so certainly something so worth worth trying worth doing and with that great place to stop now um one of the things um in park for night it’s something people say um it was a quiet night or or it wasn’t quiet and with the uh traffic I’ll sleep uh it doesn’t the traffic noises well within reason of course but don’t bother me but I do appreciate that people everybody is different and uh so what I think may not be the same as what anybody else thinks this is I think a really important but for me this is what this motor home life’s all about you’ve got this contact with nature right now we’ve got uh okay second of May it’s going to be another really hot day and um but nicely hot cuz it’s gets cooler in the evening which is uh something I appreciate and uh also in this case you got this wonderful historical uh City I would have I think I’d go as far as to see I’m just can’t think I cannot think of a better St the city Stell plants off the top of my head um or parking here m home parking let’s call it cuz I’m thinking anywhere in just nowhere comes to mind anywhere there might there might be one I just can’t think of anything off the top of my head so that’s the Nazi Congress Center there unfinished goes out saying I think they’re now moving the Opera into that seem recall reading something uh about that which uh caused some kind of a a problem this is another thing with these um oh what’s it Vagner is to a certain extent associated with nurburg a little Vagner it’s more with byro brro which is the north of here I think I might actually go there next also got a St plats are relatively Central there course byro’s much smaller than um than un uh um on the the one with the Apocalypse Now Music the uh what you call that the valkyrie and uh on the record it was also the Meister singer of uh Newberg remember when I bought the cassette remember what cassettes are no it’s not the sort of thing you put your toilet waste in it was used to put these things in things called tape recorders and you listen to it so when I bought that it had the Me singer of of nurenberg on it as well and I always used to put this on when the the Customs stopped me CU I thought well think I’m listening to this type of music then they might they mightn’t be so fussy I I take the Sex Pistols off cuz I thought that might involve me getting a harder search anyway that was my theory good right there are these information uh panels have been put up here uh because on the other side of the um Zeppelin Feld where Hitler used to come to in the 1930s in 2006 that was where the uh Euro uh no World Cup sorry 2006 uh was held and some games were held there so for that they put these information panels up in German and in English now the noise the frogs are making is this chirping noise that’s cuz when they’re uh it’s the breeding season for them they make this racket so um I appreciate you know you do something like this it’s a obviously it’s it’s my own opinions I realize that uh things like this might not be for everyone uh people might want a stal plat with all the facilities uh not too B about having a pile of Nazi stuff around them and uh but you know I’m explaining what I do and what I like and this is what I like so being a historian I like to see this of second world war so this is great for me great location and uh for others might think the same there’s no facility no there’s no water here I suppose you you needed something for you vehicle you might get it from the petrol station this is the longest video I’ve ever done on any campsite I think there was one I did in Germany a uh 2018 which is pretty long but I think this is the longest one I’ve ever done right why so thanks for watching I’ll upload a lot more related to Newberg also if interested in history have a look at my history site it’s called history on YouTube link below and there’s also a link on my first page to my other channels if you’re interested in this type of thing thanks for being here today and all the best from me in Germany


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