I head out for a solo adventure, I’ve for a 70km route planned going out to a town I haven’t been to yet, called Santa Cruz. I take it easy (well as easy as you can on these hilly roads) taking in the beautiful surroundings of my new home of Portugal. This place really is a cycling hidden gem. Stunning views everywhere and I even stop for a cheeky ham and cheese toasty at the beach. I’m in heaven.


    Thanks for watching, please like, comment & subscribe!
    Thomas “The Cycling Tattooist.”

    ————– L – I – N – K – S ————–
    Channel – https://www.youtube.com/c/TheCyclingTattooist
    Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/thecyclingtattooist/
    Tattoo Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/martineztattooer/
    FAAST Crew – https://www.instagram.com/faastcrew/
    Strava – https://www.strava.com/athletes/thecyclingtattooist
    Zwift – https://www.zwift.com/uk/athlete/5aba3a63-716a-4bdd-9721-25b7bf9c7e62
    Email – cyclingtattooist@gmail.com
    ——– P – A – R – T – N – E – R – S ——–
    Maap Apparel – https://www.maap.cc
    Styrkr Nutrition – https://www.styrkr.com/thecyclingtattooist
    RCA Coaching – https://www.roadcyclingacademy.com/
    ———– C – R – E – D – I – T – S ———–
    Film & Editing: Thomas Martinez.
    Intro Music: Press 1, Lukas Got Lucky.
    Intro Film & Editing: Joe Simkins, Karl Kolecava.
    Featured Music:
    tough luck – dreem

    make sure I charge my garment make sure I charge my lights make sure we get those bars in 10 miles and I’ll be more than starving nothing compared to the thrill under prepared for the hills I used to get wheels on air now I put air in my wheels change that tune train and cruise chains been L pace and move St stats give man a heart attack but then my Pace improves bars and C are strong now my legs up my cence along it’s about time we do the sister cycle in tattooist [Music] what is up guys if you’re new here then welcome to the channel and if you’re regular then welcome back now one of the best things about moving to another country is that every ride you get out on is an adventure and you get to explore new roads and new Landscapes so that’s what I’m going to do I’m going to go check out a town that I’ve never been to before I’m going to take you guys along for the ride [Music] so today I’ve given myself a little bit of a trial by fire in the fact that I decided it’s a good idea to set out on my ride in the midday Sun the hottest part the day and it is currently 25° which well this Englishman he’s not used to it I figured there’s no time like the present and I’m going to have to get heat climatized at some point so what better time than now little bit regretting it right at this moment but but what I’m not regretting is getting out on the bike because look at these beautiful views already I’m only 15K into my ride and it’s [Music] glorious So the plan for today is to get out and do some exploring and uh go see a new town that I haven’t been to yet it’s called Santa Cruz it’s a little bit further up the coast from where we’re living in erisa but uh yeah apparently according to David it’s a lovely town and I need to go check it out so yeah that’s what I’m doing David kindly put together this route for me and of course as you can tell he threw in a few heels cheers David love [Music] you just uh had a little bit of a chain malfunction the uh chain jumped off uh onto the cranks and uh it decided to somehow go through the little gap of the stopper uh I don’t actually know what it’s called but the little bit uh in there that’s supposed to stop the uh chain from dropping down in between the cranks and the chain ring well it decided to somehow slip through there and uh look at my bloody fingers now got me looking like a right newbie and see now well they can’t say cycling’s not glamorous I’ve uh stopped at a bin to see if I can get something to clean my hands with oh God you got to laugh is you here we go an old calendar that would do love it good is new [Music] I told oh [Applause] you oh dear chains come off again how Bloody annoying now I know I’m probably going to get some people say this so uh just for your benefit it doesn’t just uh pedal straight back on like sometimes in an Ideal World it does but not today I’ll just demonstrate right now oh it made me look a liar oh [Music] maybe I should just start doing that maybe I should just start filming and trying to prove my point uh in a bid to try and get what I want oh well happy days I can promise you now it did not do that earlier [Music] anyways can we just appreciate that beautiful view look at that oh man I love it here I’m about 30k into this one now I reckon I’ve probably got about another 10K until I get to s to cruise and then I’m going to uh treat myself to a cheeky bit of lunch before riding back what a great [Music] day oh you boy oh we’re back on again oh man we can’t write this [Music] so there you go that was s to cruise and uh stuck back there at little calf and had a uh toaster Mis which uh for those of you that don’t know is a cheese and ham toasty I really should stop having those because well one I’m actually intolerant to Dairy and two it’s probably the most English thing you can order but I’ll tell you what they do make a bloody good toasty here I don’t know what they do to them but they’re like no other one you’ve ever had who would have thought anyways we are 45 km into this one now so if you’re any good at maths that’s 25 to go and uh I’m just going to have a nice cruise home take it nice and chilled this ride I’ve really just been focusing on having a good time and enjoying it as I have been a lot of the rides recently I don’t know if uh any of you guys have been seeing on my Instagram but um yeah recently I’ve been doing a lot more BMX again um that’s something that I love and I always will love to do so yeah I’m just been focusing on doing that quite a bit and then when I do get out on the road bike just enjoying myself really one of the main things that I’ve been focusing on is not pushing myself too hard and um definitely not worrying about data and figures and all that stuff and then other than that I just haven’t been doing any real long rides where I might end up suffering a little bit so I think the longest ride I’ve done since I’ve got here to Portugal there’s probably been about 90k and uh yeah even that was a little bit rough for me at the minute I’m definitely not in the best shape at the minute but I’ve got plenty of time for that at the minute like I say all I’m doing is focusing on enjoying myself having said that at the weekend I have got something pretty naughty planned more on that later [Music] [Music] it is now 3:30 in the afternoon and the Sun is absolutely beating down still I am melting fortunately the route comes back along the coast so it’s a little bit more windier along here causing the temperature to drop by a couple of degrees and that’s uh great news to me I did come out prepared before I left I absolutely smothered myself in Factor 50 which well we all should do that really but this especially applies to people with tattoos now I don’t know if you know this but the sun is the number one cause of tattoos aging prematurely and fading and uh if you’ve got color work it can really discolor those nice vibrant colors that you get when you first get your tattoo and the best way to defend yourself against that is by getting some good old Factor 50 on you that is going to do the world of good for your tattoos and really it’s not just reserved to Super sunny days like this anytime you’re out in the sun you should be putting that on [Music] so we’re rolling back into AA now we’re just going past one of my favorite skating surf shops 58 surf is called and if you’re over in the area and you like that kind of stuff definitely going there it’s one of the biggest most craziest Skate and Surf shops I’ve ever been in fair warning though it’s a bit dangerous going in there there’s a lot of cool stuff and you do have to have some sort of restraint not to just go in there and buy the whole [Music] shop right so there you have it I thought I’d end things here with this beautiful backdrop and you’ve got ferado just down there that is one of our favorite beaches around absolutely beautiful beach but we’ve ended up with 70k in the tank and uh almost 3 hours on the clock so yeah decent ride today as I said I did take things quite easy today but this weekend is going to be the end of that because I’ve got something pretty big planned it’s going to be my first what I would call longdistance ride since being here I’m going to be taking on 200k and I’m going to somewhere that I’ve been wanting to go for a long time but I won’t spoil a surprise just yet I’ve got David and Elder joining me on the adventure so you know it’s going to be a good time and I can’t wait to share it with you guys I hope you guys have enjoyed this episode thanks very much for watching please like comment and subscribe and I’ll see you guys next time woo [Music]


    1. I have the same problem with etap rival. If I just tap both levers it works fine but if I hold both levers off comes that chain it's a pain in the arse lol!!!.

    2. Note, A) Use chain quick link for easy opening open chain B) Adjust front derailleur with outboard limit screw C) Use wax lube so your drivetrain and hand will be always clean : )

    3. Dont know if its just me but the new maap kits lost their appeal to me. I really liked their previous colors and combinations but this years offering is not doing it for me. Anyone else?

    4. My guess is worn chain. Great vid Thomas, as always 👍

      Ps. Im using Silcas synthetic lube. It's not cheap but better than any oil based lube I've ever used. Seems to last about 200k between applications in the real world, not the 600k stated, I think.

    5. Pls make a video garmin vs wahoo. Im on the edge of switching yesterday garmin did not record my rides elevation -.- (4h ride no stats)

    6. Since we have some fashionistas commenting all in good fun of course, noticed your helmet has notches that almost perfectly match the glasses, pretty cool.

    7. gcperformance did a vid recently on this exact problem. Pretty basic front derailleur setup but specific to chain drop issues on SRAM, but he also mentioned that there is a plastic wedge that should be screwed in between the front derailleur body that fills the gap between it and the down tube to prevent any movement under load. According to him this gets forgotten a lot when bikes are setup. Another issue from my own experience and probably more likely in your instance is to do with your OSPW. Where the cage attaches to the deraileur body there are a few holes on it that provide multiple options for where to insert the derailleur spring. This affects chain tension. I was experiencing constant outboard drops from chain slap over bumps when there was no load on the pedals. I needed to use a different hole that kept more tension on the chain. So assuming your chain length is right that could be something to check

    8. Nice to see you back out bike. Always technical issues 😮 maybe new chain required and or front mech adjusted!! Looking to cycle Portugal next year. Recommend any cheap accommodation? Great video 👍 Maybe go for waxed chain,

    9. The old dry calendar and spit in the hand. Who told you my finishing move?!
      Also as always big up T Bain the Watt machine of west Cheshire

    10. Hey Tom great video how to you plan for long rides ? Ie enough water/ electrolytes/gels and snacks when you do long ride I find I seem to run out half way round ?

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