📖 Diary of a German Soldier: Surviving the Siege of Demyansk

    In this gripping series, follow the incredible true story of a German soldier’s struggle for survival during the intense siege of Demyansk in World War II. Through his eyes, witness the harsh realities of war, the bond of brotherhood among soldiers, and the resilience of the human spirit. Experience the triumphs and tragedies of one man’s journey through history’s darkest hours. Subscribe now and join us on this unforgettable journey.

    in August 1941 he became a Feld Vel and in January 1943 he was promoted to leftenant he was awarded the wound badge in January 1943 he was given the Iron Cross first class but before we start I would like to thank the sponsor of this video ground news as you can see it is important for me to study the events of the second world war based on different sources I have the same approach regarding Daily News around the world as the media narrows it Viewpoint it is difficult to get a balanced opinion ground news is an app and website that takes that problem away allowing people to easily see how news is shaping across the political Spectrum using objective data for example you can read the news about the supply of North Korean weapons to Russia see who writes about it compare coverage across the political spectrum and you can also access an international point of view about this event which is difficult to find if you want to stay up to date with the latest news compare coverage and avoid media bias register or subscribe using my link to get 30% off unlimited access once you try reading the news this way you will find it difficult to go back well now let’s begin 1940 November 24 the company’s first platoon will now be assigned to the fifth company the platoon Commander is Overfelt Vel yoris the squad commanders are non-commissioned officer Hansel and non-commissioned officer fuks liutenant stegi greets us on the same day the replenishment arrived the next day there are appointments in the company I take charge of the second platoon with the newly arrived reinforcements then we start to train the situation in the fifth company is very pleasant for us December 24a strong guard I am the chief of this guard Christmas Eve is very nice 1941 January 10 the inspection of the company by the division Commander General von zeidlitz courts SP March 14 hiney Hansel and I are leaving for a vacation we have a splendid vacation we go to hargen Dortmund and elswhere in early April we will be back in our company things go on as usual in Holland the food and drink are great we pay a visit to einhoven and heran BOS Easter on Easter the entire non-commissioned officer Corp of the fifth and sixth companies visited Li we visit Fort Eben Ile we stay in Le for the whole of Easter we have had a great time May 12 the pace of Life continues and may is here already I had a perfectly wonderful birthday celebration besides we have interesting Gatherings of non-commissioned officers each month the 24th of May I’ve been with a new company for 6 months today the order is to get loaded and leave for Germany we must go to Germany the company moved out of Sint Oden Road at 20:30 at 2400 we arrived in best and settled down to sleep in a school in the area the March was 8 km the 25th of May the way across Germany oven culton kirkin ham bad Pont Hamlin hildesheim gosler Berlin Benin Thorne inberg and angara arrived at 550 on May 27th the 27th of May the company is getting unloaded while moving out to the starting point of the March the heat is almost unbearable from the starting point at 8:00 we marched to Canan my place of stay Vala Canan District of Ang app the service becomes more orderly in the following days in addition we do a great deal of bathing the 5th of June Suddenly at 17:00 I got a telegram my mother has died I received a leave of absence the telegram was sent at 1:00 a.m. getting ready to leave the 6th of June fortunately the fur’s agitant major Engel is going to bring me with him to Berlin on a courier plane so I have to be at the regimental headquarters at 9:00 I go there by bicycle then by vehicle to inberg we take off at 10:30 by u52 and by 12:50 we are already in Berlin major Engel drops me off at the station by automobile the 7th of June I arrive home in West hofen at 9:00 and the funeral is at 16:00 8 and the 9th of June we take care of things together with my father the 10th of June at 9:00 I leave West Hoven and go to East Prussia with Mr Brock trop who is on his way to Warsaw I arrived in Berlin charlott and ber at 1530 at 23:45 I left Berlin charlottenberg for inberg the 11th of June arrival at inberg by 9:30 and departure from inberg at 15:30 arrival at agara at 16:30 non-commissioned officer turo drives me to Canon at 17:30 I return to the company the 12th of June my service in the company goes on the 13th of June line up unexpectedly the alert is announced and all of us start to load at 22:00 we begin to move towards angara the 14th of June I got an order to take a replenishment with the regiment 9 Soldiers the march of 20 km at 22:30 we marched through Eastern Prussia for about 14 km the 15th of June the March was over at 2: a.m. we rest during the daytime and at night we continue the March we started at 23:00 the night March was about 16 km the 16th of June the night March of 12 km the 17th of June arrest in the Cantonment the 18th of June we go out on a long march heiney Hansel was appointed quartermaster at this time the 20th of June arrest at the Cantonment while getting our uniforms in order moving forward every day between 3:00 and 5:00 a state of high alert we are given ammunition the 21st of June instructing The Command Staff about Russia and then a friendly meeting at 23:00 we marched to the border at Stein valder 4 km marched Kurt ringer with his engineer sappa Squad reported that he had arrived at the disposal of the company the 22nd of June war against Russia we take the initial positions at 305 we move across the border direction to the Northwest in contact with the Enemy an extraordinary pace of Advance 27 km first days losses stabs felt Vel lman obri parer felt Vel Peters gri Cronenberg non-commissioned officer shilka and Grier Feldman all of them wounded by 16:00 we had weathered the first day of the war sleeping overnight in the anti-tank trenches we got ready for the defense the 23rd of June at 4:00 in the morning we moved to the Northeast in the direction of kovno 20 km were covered the 24th of June the same route about 18 km then a day’s Halt and again a March of 13 km the 25th of June at 1:00 we settled down for the night in a barn the whole Battalion is gathered we repulsed the Russian attack 60 Russians met their deaths 10 km were covered the losses in our company field weel noyman and G zimman are wounded and fuselier reichelt is killed fuselier reichelt is the first fall in our company since the war with Russia our commander Lieutenant stegi holds a short prayer service before beginning the march in the seventh company Lieutenant Vitz was killed and oant luga was wounded then we marched passing 8 km it was very hot the 26th of June the wounded Russians shot leftenant Tika and non-commissioned officer hallhouse in the back moving towards kovno the roads were very bad we are near kovno Factory number four is in front of us we go through kovno while marching through the city the regiment Commander obus liutenant Kegler gives the Iron Cross of the second class to our Battalion Commander Major habau at the 11:00 a.m. Hall 21 km had been covered at 1630 We unexpectedly marched with the mission to guard on the March taking the height of 68 near the village of visun we took the defense and entrenched ourselves for the night during the night suddenly an alert was announced our Sentry has killed two Russians the 27th of June the company marches out the first platoon replaces the seventh company engaged in the building of a wooden log deck on the road the heat is intolerable there is nothing to drink at 16:30 we arrive at the disposition of the company we brought with us eight Russian captives one Russian was shot while trying to escape three men were disabled from heat stroke while marching suddenly the alert is announced at 17:15 the company marches having marched for a while we are entrenched in the woods a Russian tank Brigade is coming we have to make way for anti-tank guns and so forth we entrench ourselves during the night the mosquitoes are annoying us terribly it is just unbearable 19 km were covered the 28th of June we were going to start early in the morning at 8:00 in fact we were ready to start at 6:00 heading in a northeasterly direction again we get a report that there are tanks ahead forcing a river of some kind using the pontoons little Dunkirk our Luft buffer worked very well a great number of trophies were taken anti-aircraft guns artillery and tanks at 20:00 our company ended the crossing we traveled 8 km for the day we are getting cold at night we are 3 km from the river the 29th of June in the early morning we are suddenly on the march with our weapons in Readiness six disc magazines and five boxes each the rain pours on and on it is one of the toughest marches we have ever experienced we are totally exhausted and by noon we get to the appointed Point drenched to the skin we drop and fall asleep the second platoon keeps guard but we have covered only 25 km and it feels like 50 60 the rain stops at 16:00 we move out on the march in the same direction and we cover 15 Ki kilm the 30th of June we started at 7:00 and by 12:30 midday we had halted the roads are good there is no dust at all after the rain the Russian land during the summer requires a lot of water during the day we covered 40 km the 1st of July along March the area is hilly with bad roads for 40 k km the 2nd of July the rain continues until 3:00 the wagons are unable to move forward by 14:00 we had covered only 4 km in 7 hours a midday halt then a general Gathering the horses and soldiers are doing all they can at 17:00 we keep moving 20 km past the 3rd of July the roads are bad we keep moving in the previous Direction 30 km the 4th of July we continue the March and the direction remains unchanged at 25 km the 5th of July the March the halt for several days it was the same today however we covered 40 km the 6th of July starting at 1:30 the direction is slightly to the north we have covered 24 km starting at 1:30 the direction is slightly to the north we have covered 24 km July 7th we are heading northward and we overtake the first and third battalions early in the morning there is talk that we will get 2 days rest we have covered 20 km the rest is cancelled the March is announced to be continued in the evening during the night we cover 15 km July 8th we have rest till noon alert it is reported that there is an enemy around but not much happens we move at night through the woods with weapons at the ready there are mines and debris one of the trucks of the 14th company was on fire July 9th we arrived at our destination at 5:00 we set up a guard in an open field until 11:00 we enjoy the sun all of a sudden at 11:00 we got an order to search through the woods a first platoon is ahead so we take the battle formation we slowly go through the woods from time to time there is something whistling by but in general all is quiet cautiously we step out into one of the forest clearings suddenly from all directions we are under heavy fire from hand and machine guns as well as mortars we take the fight the whole company goes to our Aid we suffer big losses we lost communication with the Battalion the Russians have surrounded us the sixth company hurries to our aid but also becomes trapped we hear intense firing on our right flank later it turns out that the 10th company is going to rescue us but nothing goes right the seventh company is supposed to approach from the left but it never does we must make it on our own the order is to keep attacking that means a forest battle we leave our wounded Men Behind guards and start moving after about 100 m we stop again again we are forced to leave our wounded and killed men under guard keep moving the losses are increasing we lay down near a forest clearing we attack when the horn signals attack and we make it we knock the Russians down they run away night is approaching there are only three officers eight non-commissioned officers and 16 soldiers in our three companies besides there are 46 wounded and 18 killed we run out of machine gun ammunition rifle ammunition is scarce the Russians attack with big forces at night but we get through at Daybreak they Retreat we are hungry and very thirsty since the evening of July 8th we have not had a drop of water we ran out of cigarettes we share the last ones with each other we lay low and keep our hopes up at Daybreak we send out a reconnaissance Patrol the report is promising no Russians cited many hours later we finally establish contact with our main forces I still have a few Russians to knock out of their positions things get worked out over the course of 4 hours we all each and every Soldier dig a large grave for our fallen soldiers there are 18 of those who were with us at this time a reconnaissance Patrol sent by the Battalion reaches us and establishes communication with us in the evening we go on a reconnaissance Patrol through the woods towards the Battalion we were so hungry and thirsty that it is impossible to describe I drink six flasks in a row at the field Kitchen in the evening we continue the March about 6 km we set up tents and make a campground a break July 11th a rest an inspection of weapons and equipment we put everything in good order arrives our truck but not unloaded since 300 p.m. the company is ready to march on we leave at 11:00 p.m. about 8 km July 12th we are still on the March 26 km July 13th at 10: p.m. we go on the march in a northward direction a night March fusilier B B returned to the company he was later sentenced to 10 years in a hard labor prison for cowardice in the face of the enemy desertion July 14th marched 41 km during the day July 15th we keep moving forward a midday halt at some Bridge the wind is extremely strong the heavy anti-aircraft gun destroyed the bridge when moving over we wait the distance covered is 30 km July 16th a March in the northern Direction 30 km covered July 17th there is a big Forest ahead of us from it we are being shelled by the Russian Artillery we prepare for a fight we take the defense the Convoy is located right behind our company a heavy artillery fire we set up our positions at night a control inspection during the day we passed 40 km the anti-aircraft guns and anti-tank guns are used on our area we successfully beat back the first Russian attack we killed 12 Russians July 18th we set up positions a reconnaissance Patrol of three men is sent out to some Village at a distance of 4 km the village is taken by the enemy the Russians attack this attack Worth to the Russians 20 men killed the following morning they took their men the seventh company is taking Heavy Artillery fire from the Russians we are also being shelled but less intensely there are heavy losses in horses fusilia shade is wounded July 19th we are still on the defensive under the Russian shelling our artillery is giving an answer by fire the Russians are trying to attack without success at 500 a.m. I go out on a reconnaissance Patrol July 20th the defense the heavy fire of the Russian Artillery a direct hit we have one Supply wagon of the seventh company and a steel wagon of the first platoon completely burned out all the knapsacks and Equipment of the first platoon of the seventh company were burned meanwhile we destroyed the Russian kitchen by a direct hit fusilia Bas killed the Battalion started the offensive at 8:00 p.m. we are under severe artillery fire with the use of combat gases still we keep going 11:00 p.m. we entrench and prepare for the defense there is Russian aircraft in the skies dropping bombs periodically I am lightly wounded a shrapnel in the back we covered 6 km July 21st the goal of our Advance is Hill 213 we attack it again this morning obiga frer staman is wounded a report is received tanks coming from the front the heavy weapons platoon moves forward and beat back the attack of these big heavy irons by midday we turn to the defense July 22nd we are replaced by the 495th Infantry Regiment of the 123rd Infantry Division or 123 that’s all they are called the marmalade division a SRI for the 12 third infantry division by its peers in the 16th Army due to its insufficient combat spirit and weak training what a gathering and we move forward the march of 7 km July 23rd we continue moving in the previous Direction by forced March we set up the tents in the woods we unload the wagons and put aside the wounded and dead men’s knapsacks prepare their belongings for transportation a truck with subtler Goods has arrived 18 km past Ju ju 24th the same work arrest July 25th we are woken up at 3:00 a.m. urgently we move out we unload the wagons upon arrival 12 km July 26th today I am the quartermaster at 4:30 we report accompanied by three soldiers we ride out on bicycles set up tents in the woods we capture a group of six men throughout the day there are defectors coming to us July 27th we have a rest again July 28th arrest we leave at 21:00 for the new place of parking we arrive at 23:30 July 29th aest at 8:00 p.m. we move on marching to the north Direction at 8:00 p.m. we cross the loger river we arrive at 10:30 p.m. since yesterday we have covered 52 km July 30th we started marching at 10:00 a.m. to the north in the direction of Colm we leave colem on the left a midday halt at 12:30 p.m. at 7:55 p.m. the alert we send a three-man reconnaissance Patrol by a truck in the direction of the Battalion the company arrives at 10: p.m. we put up tents we passed 18 km the reconnaissance Patrol covered 6 km July 31st we wake up at 3 a.m. and leave at 4:00 a.m. the movement to the right of the colem the arrival at 7:15 a.m. the whole day resting in tents occasionally the Russian air attacks we intensively beat back by the anti-aircraft machine gun rifle fire 17 km covered August 1st a new month begins in a promising way we are still in the halt an alert we advance a kilometer ahead and guard the bridge our short range reconnaissance plane it was a hle was hit by the Russians August 2nd there are four non-commissioned officers and 12 soldiers left in our platoon one non-commissioned officer and eight soldiers are sent to the Sentry crew in locha the rest of us are assigned to the third platoon and I am in command of the command section of the platoon the hill is taken the alert guarding the bridge at 2 p.m. we take our former positions August 3rd we are still at the same position at 10:00 a.m. we send a reconnaissance Patrol towards our second platoon which has been moved forward everything is in order over there the March is 7 km August 4th not much of note we no longer need the watches in time for meals we are always getting visits from the Russian pilots in command of the Convoy unit I went to our second platoon which is still Advanced forward August 5th at 2:15 a.m. the alert the second platoon is under attack by the enemy the second platoon escaped the battle returning safely to the company except for a few lightly wounded in the morning the company is ordered to advance take the former position and destroy the enemy the fifth company made up of the first Squad of the first platoon and the company command section advances from the front to restrain the enemy two squads from the sixth company and the First platoon’s Command section are moving around to the left they are accompanied by the first platoon of leftenant zachman from the second company the second platoon on the left draws to the rear and takes up its former positions it was a great mess there were 130 dead Russians remaining in the field we got Feld veler and GA vman killed oberfeld Vel yison wounded besides we succeeded in attacking them without using heavy Infantry weapons the casualties in the supporting units Lieutenant zachman from the second company was wounded non-commissioned officer Westell from the sixth company was killed also one non-commissioned officer and six soldiers in the company were wounded at 5:00 p.m. the company moved into a new defensive position the order of Commander schlick immediately take command of the platoon my orderly gfer Feldman returned to the platoon he was wounded on the first day of the war August 6th 194 41 all day long we are at our position everything is quiet the orders are being given out we burn the whole village it burns right in front of us at night we are on full combat Readiness the order is to move away from the enemy according to the signal Flame the company must be gathered in 1 kilometer to the rear August 7th the condition signal was at 035 the company’s Gathering was over at 2:00 we discreetly broke away from the enemy at 2:30 the Ian retreated 5 km to the West we take a new line of defense we’re building fortifications we’re positioned right behind the third company thunderstorm and rain past 5 km August 8th the construction of fortifications is in progress the reconnaissance Patrol and combat guard are put out it is raining we are being attacked by Russian Artillery there is no supplies the roads are poor August 9th the night was calm it rained as a welcome in the morning the Russian Artillery is firing by midday our heavy guns begin to answer the fire we slaughtered a pig for ourselves August 10th the night was accident we received midday hello from the Russians at 1910 there was a meeting of platoon commanders for showing bravery in front of the enemy I was promoted to Feld Vel I am very happy August 11th the alarm at 150 the platoon is ready for battle the seventh company is under heavy Machine Gun and Rifle fire the enemy with forces of about a company arrives by trucks at 5:30 we open fire in the former direction throughout the day the Russians are heavily bombarding us with artillery it rains we built our first dugouts the positions and dugouts are more and more improved every day August 12th during the night there was a heavy firing from the left it’s a thick fog we are getting a morning salutation from the Russian Artillery the enemy is attacking our Advanced units the ad Advanced outposts of the guard of the seventh and eighth companies and the forward artillery Observer are on the retreat three soldiers from the seventh company one from the eighth company and one artilleryman are killed two soldiers from the seventh company and one from the eighth company are wounded August 13th there was an artillery bombardment during the night we are in full combat Readiness everyone is ready for the battle all the morning the Russians are shelling us with artillery for the rest everything is quiet at Mid day there’s an alert the night is quiet August 14th everything is all quiet the Third Battalion is in a heavy firefight the first Battalion is positioned in the rear as a Reserve at our disposal the Russian Artillery keeps firing all day the seventh company’s positions are attacked by the enemy at 23:00 August 15th the night was calm from time to time our artillery was firing hard at the Russian positions the Russian Behavior was calm only from time to time time they sent us greetings non-commissioned officer free and his five men went back to the platoon August 16th all is quiet the Russian Artillery fires only sporadically August 17th it is still all quiet it is Sunday after all reconnaissance Scout found about 20 Russians in the woods August 18th everything is quiet the Russians are doing a decent job of ironing us out it’s a reconnaissance Patrol the rain drops August 19th all is quiet on our area to our right and left there are some easy messes all night we are sending out reconnaissance patrols the Russian Artillery is barely hearable August 20th the night was calm there was no shooting until midday such an impression as if peace had come we are on reconnaissance in the night the 89th Infantry Regiment was caught in a pretty bad mess August 21st the 89th regiment is still in a shooting Skirmish the ninth Army is on the advance at veikia luki the 12th Infantry Division has laid 32,000 mines along the offensive line the rest of the rest is calm at 21:00 the seventh company’s positions are under machine gun fire the weather is awful it’s a storm and rain the offensive at veiki aluki is delayed due to the weather August 22nd all the morning there is severe artillery shelling of veliki luki the Russians answer twice with intense artillery attacks Elsewhere on our section of the front all is quiet the company is replenished one non-commissioned officer and 11 soldiers August 23rd there is nothing noteworthy the construction of fortifications is in progress there is some enemy shelling August 24th at 9:30 there were about 50 bursts of enemy artillery fire between 10:00 and 11:30 we practice machine gun firing with the arrived replenishment we conduct the reconnaissance August 25th the fortifications are being constructed we are sending reconnaissance units the seventh company also sends a reconnaissance Patrol the time of departure is 12:00 there were five killed and 12 wounded August 26th the positions are being organized the reconnaissance is in progress non-commissioned officer fuks is awarded the Iron Cross first class and Ober Grier Johansson and Grier merer are awarded the Iron Cross second class August 27th the meeting is called at the commanding officer’s office over liutenant stegle the situation at the front is being discussed the construction of fortifications and reconnaissance is in progress the Military Tribunal will consider the fishline and Heiser cases today August 28th the commander returned fuks faced a court marshal fishline for his cowardice in the face of the enemy and violation of guard Duty was sentenced to 5 years hard labor prison and 2 years disfranchisement he is demoted and declared unfit for military service Heiser received a year and a half of suspended sentence with an opportunity to make up for it at the front August 29th it rained all night we conduct reconnaissance build fortifications August 30th according to the order of August 28th 1941 the soldiers of the company were awarded with infantry assault badges we are on reconnaissance the alert is on WE Retreat and then move to the offensive at 13:00 the order is to get ready to March at at 15:00 we March through pogost volok we march with our weapons at the ready the seventh company advances at night we put up a combat guard in the woods we’ve covered 12 km the positional war is over we have left the positions well known to us for 4 weeks of standing and pursue the enemy August 31st since the early morning we keep on advancing the rain never stops pouring we have located the Russians I lead my platoon on the offensive for the first time we outflank the Russians from the rear knock them out of their positions and wipe them out we attack them under the pouring rain there are no losses in our company we hold the taken positions despite severe artillery and machine gun fire from the flank and from the front in front of us white signal flares fly up it has to be our units we respond it is the 89th Infantry Regiment the Russians are totally wiped out we get a wave of the hand the Russians have laid mines one mine blows up among the guys from the 89th a soldier from the sixth company of the 89th Infantry Regiment is dead the rest of the day and all through the night my platoon is in combat guarding and keeping positions the 89th regiment Supply Convoy is seriously overextended it is simply impossible for them to get through the roads are no longer available September 1st it is 2 years since the war was started it is exactly 2 years today since the beginning of the Polish campaign it was similar weather that night also raining cats and dogs at 8:00 I was replaced by the second platoon at 13:00 we go on the March the roads are horrible we continue our March to the Northwest the whole place is covered with forests the March is 14 km September 2nd the direction is the same and the weather unchanged the wagons are unable to pass 14 km covered September 3rd we continue the March the roads are po 8 km covered September 4th the direction is the same the Russians abandon and leave us anything and everything it’s raining 12 km covered September 5th the Russians run away the rain keeps pouring there is a forest the roads are poor we have covered 14 km according to the distances we have passed we can approximately determine what we are able to do in 10 hours not more than 15 km September 6th we march with guns at the ready the Russians are fleeing the direction is Northwest we pass 18 km it was raining September 7th the Russians are still in Retreat we move forward with guns at the ready the weather is apparently brightening up it rains only sporadically the direction is unchanged we passed 22 km September 8th we leave at 13:00 the weather and roads are nice we covered 12 kilom September 9th at 6:30 we receive an order a day of rest we bathe and get our weapons and uniforms in order we have a haircut September 10th there is an alert at 12:30 we March in a Westerly direction we take the defense we build defensive fortifications there is a mutual artillery exchange of artillery fire 18 km past September 11th the construction of fortifications is being carried out by us reconnaissance patrols are in progress September 12th at 4:00 we leave our defensive positions and move forward September 13th the offensive at the Village of Mulo Titi G Stout is wounded this evening the fifth company executes a special Mission the Russian Artillery and anti-aircraft guns fire at us with direct aiming it’s getting dark September 14th since early morning we are on reconnaissance Patrol our company captures as trophies about 300 trucks automobiles guns and an uncountable number of small arms what a deal that was since 2:00 we load up we move move forward at 4:00 the offensive order has been changed from 12:00 we move in strike groups from the sixth and seventh companies we passed 25 km September 15th our reconnaissance patrols take the captives in huge numbers there are also some women in military uniforms September 16th the march at 14:00 the kettle is closed the direction is the highway mtit Deans in belly we settle down for a night accommodation our Hut is burning a Hut where the second platoon accommodated during the night was completely burnt down we have passed 15 kilm September 17th we are on the offensive route the road is a total jam two Panza divisions along with the artillery and infantry move at once today we passed 12 km September 18th the weather and roads are not good we left the highway and passed through demyansk there is a large prison camp here about 3,000 people more new prisoners arrive we passed 20 km September 19th we carry out a Recon of positions to replace the SS division Totten cop at 6:15 their first Infantry Regiment reports to our commander we have our lunch at the SS disposition at 17:00 we dispose of ourselves near the village of kilcoo and take up positions it snowed for the first time we covered 10 km September 20th we prepare our positions send out a recon mission there are a lot of Russian aircraft flying in the sky as well as their artillery bombardment September 21st it is all the same September 22nd the construction of fortifications is in progress two times there was an alert the Recon patrols are on the Move we have six defectors came to us Sergeant schulter is wounded September 23rd we plant mines in front of our front line We Carry Out Recon the Russian Air Force is operating at 13:00 the alert is announced at 16:00 the platoon commanders are summoned to the commander the order is that the SS will replace us these are the same guys we replaced at their positions at 21:00 we move out of the village of kilcoo at 2400 we reach the village of daniloo to our wagons it is very cold the roads are poor today we covered 12 km September 24th at 8:00 we go on the March through Deans we arrive at 14:00 put our equipment and weapons in order we passed 25 km September 25th we go out at 14:00 it is raining we are on the March we move along the highway the path is already familiar to us Deans we are under attack by the enemy aircraft today we covered 16 km September 26th we March along the highway we are heading towards the lake sturge we have passed 28 km we go through the lake defile near ostashkov September 27th we put our weapons and equipment in order organize the defense from Air Raid we repuls the Russian aircraft attack with machine gun fire we hold half hour training with the new replenishment September 28th as before we still have a rest near mvo Titi from 9:00 to 10:30 we have training with the recent replenishment we are on duty in case of aircraft attacks September 29th we have arrest carry a few guards in case of air strikes nobody saw any Russian aircraft in the evening we have a drink with the commander September 30th we rest there is barely any Duty we keep watch posts just in case of air attacks things go on as normal October 1st we got our salaries we put out guards in case of aircraft raids all as it was yesterday October 2nd at 8:00 we move out towards the lake defile we arrive at noon all is quiet at night we are near the vulgar Source October 3rd at 5:30 we March towards the front line of the defense we arrive at 6:30 the Convoy was left in the Village near the source of the vulga we build dugouts beside the lake in order to obtain the building materials we quickly destroy the whole village I build my own Dugout anaa we passed 9 km October 4th we build the dugouts we strengthen our positions at night the Russians are positioned on the other side of the lake we carry out a Recon all is quiet at our positions October 5th we have an opportunity to bathe and shave for the first time for a long time we have coffee and eat in peace we received the letters October 6th The Dugout is completed all is peaceful we carry out a reconnaissance October 7th we are at the former position during the night we carry out a reconnaissance at the lake the gunfire is going by the Russian Artillery October 8th at night we notice some heavy fires to the east in the morning the Russian Artillery fires on the SE to our left October 9th the first Battalion is now on the offensive the fifth company supports them with heavy weapons medium machine guns and large caliber mortars we fire over the lake by midday we move forward behind the first Battalion we suffered the strongest Air Attack overnight we stay at the positions of the first Battalion owing to the mined roads we advance very slowly staying under the skies we got cold we passed only 5 km October 10th the snow is falling by midday the snowfall becomes more intense at 8:30 we keep marching at 12:00 we reach the appointed place we settle down in the house we covered 5 km we are awarded with the wound badges October 11th we settle down in the housing it is a rest day October 12th we still have no order to March finally at 14:00 we started we arrived at the point at 1630 we passed 15 km in the evening the commander OB liutenant stegi took told us that he is ordered to move to Finland October 13th the commander said goodbye to us we marched out on the March we encountered again the commander heading to the division he was standing by the roadside and wished us all the best leftenant Schubert and oberfeld Rael Grobe were awarded the Iron Cross first class obber liutenant Matten clot took over command of the company he had been agitant of the second Battalion in the 37th October 14th we are on the highway Deans mvo Titi again we passed mulva Titi we left at 7:00 and reached our destination at 16:00 we covered 25 km October 15th we marched through demyansk about 15 km we stationed to the northwest of demyansk in Mamay of Shina we started at 6:15 arrived at 15:00 we covered 30 km October 16th we rest put weapons and equipment in order the platoon Commander briefing takes place at dawn we go on the offens Ive the discussion of the conditions is underway October 17th at 3:00 we get up at 4:00 we start marching in full battle outfit by 6:00 we reach the concentration area at 7:00 we start to attack at 9:00 we achieve the first mission by taking the height near the village ctii we advance further for 12 km the losses amounted to one man the Russians keep an intensive artillery bombard by direct fire our losses continue to multiply we entrench ourselves acting commander of our company is not capable of leading the company to attack the Russians on the valdi heights we failed to solve the combat Mission such a thing has happened to us for the first time if we were with our commander the situation would have been different more and more casualties the command and control unit of my platon has been wiped out there is only one liaison remaining in the ranks the commander of the platoon’s command and control section non-commissioned officer Frieza and the liaison officer Grier Feldman are both killed by a direct hit Lieutenant Schubert is dead at night we pull back to the Heights in our rear and put out a guard the night is peaceful only from time to time the Russians send us suitcases of 76.2 mm caliber it’s pretty heavy presence the company will be restructured October 18th at 4:30 the company Commander wants to see me there is a new order for an offensive the commander is in scen Fever it looks like this old Warrior who captured Kiev is fed up with our section of the front the valdi heights south of lake ilman in the vermar reports they call it at the source of the vulgar River it is good at least that the company will get Lieutenant Hubert as a personal staff officer of the second battalion

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