Head over to @wayfair and watch the new A Style is Born episode on Gothic style! https://astyleisborn.link/ASIBs2e4Kaz

    Check out @pbsorigins Rogue History’s Chevalier d’Eon episode: https://youtu.be/svIaHGCsRYQ

    The Chevalier d’Eon was many things: an aristocrat, a swordfighting master, and a spy. They also became famous for the controversy surrounding the mystery of their “true” gender. Come learn with me about this trans icon and the questions they left us with!

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    Liberated: The Radical Art and Life of Claude Cahun

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    Chevalier d’Eon – a case of gender mobbing in the 18th century by Wolfgang Nedobity


    CURIOUS LETTER from the CHEVALIER D’EON to PETER FONTAIN, Esq; previous to the former’s leaving ENGLAND. The Westminster Magazine, 1777

    The Chevalière d’Eon, Transgender Autobiography and Identity by Marilyn Morris

    Egg Hatching; Or, Letting the Eighteenth Century Be Trans by Julia Ftacek

    Monsieur D’Eon Is a Woman: A Tale of Political Intrigue and Sexual Masquerade By Gary Kates

    Translating Trans Identity: (Re)Reading and (Re)Writing Undecidable Texts and Bodies by Emily Anne Linda Rose

    The Chevalier D’Eon and His Worlds: Gender, Espionage and Politics in the Eighteenth Century by Simon Burrows

    Visualizing the Nation: Gender, Representation, and Revolution in Eighteenth-century France by Joan B. Landes

    Mapping Relationships. Gender and cartography in France and England (1650–1800) by Franz Reitinger

    Hushed Bodies, Screaming Narratives: The Construction of Trans-Identity in 19th- and 20th-Century French Literature by C.J. Gomolka

    The Transgendered World of the Chevalier/Chevalière d’Eon by Gary Kates

    if I look a little bit exhausted and Haggard today it’s for a good reason shockingly the cat distribution system chose me say hello to MAA um my new baby my little feral baby as you can probably imagine trying to get a brand new cat spayed vaccinated um chipped all that good stuff it’s been taking a lot of my time so if this video is a little less comprehensive than usual that’s why but nevertheless no Shenanigans will stop me from sharing with you and my child a tale that I’ve wanted to talk about for years that being the story of the chaler Deon don’t chew on that an 18th century Noble military leader spy and trans history icon more than likely if you’ve heard of Deon it’s in the context of their transness and maybe even the massive media circus and gossip surrounding it is Deon really a man disguised as a woman or a woman disguised as a man the friend French public demanded to know and the release of certain biological information after deon’s death actually only served to make matters even more confusing it’s a whirlwind tale that challenges the boundaries of 18th century gender rules as well as our own so what on Earth was the deal with the chaler Deon who really were they behind all the Mad press and politics this video will deal largely with the narratives and modern issues surrounding deon’s gender and as such I’ll need to deal with some rather Antiquated but historically relevant gendered constructs and terms so that said come learn with me but first let’s hear a word from today’s sponsor Wayfair as many of you already know I’m currently hosting season two of The Wonderful series a style is born brought to you by Wayfair Wayfair actually has their own channel on YouTube where they have various shows talking about some fascinating histories of object and design a stylist born is a show where we explore the history behind some of the most iconic design Styles you may be familiar with a season 1 which was hosted by Ariel betet who did a fantastic job and explored some super fascinating Styles like mid-century modern Cottage core and boho in this series we peel back the layers of some of your favorite styles and see what fascinating history is hiding underneath what influences evolved them what their main elements are and the social factors that you may not have realized were connected to them as well as how they’re being revived throughout recent decades through to today so you can incorporate them into your own home if you so desire you can go ahead and check out the first three episodes of season 2 where we explore Art Deco and art Novo two of my very favorite styles and then brutalism one of the most controversial Styles in history and now episode 4 is out and we’re covering Gothic one of history’s most interesting and enduring Styles just in time for spooky season so come learn with me by following a stylist born over on wayfair’s YouTube channel which is linked in the description below and now let’s get back to the video born on October 5th 1728 happy belated birthday although it is their birthday when I’m filming this chaler Charles Genevie Lou AUST Andre OT Deon deont hailed from toner France according to their autobiography they claimed that their father was in a great deal of debt and the only way out of it was to have a son want to go look at the window again is that it when D was born a girl their parents decided to keep this fact a secret and raise them as a boy this is not exactly accurate the truth is deong was born a boy and therefore raised as a boy the gender ining would come much later in their 40s they were sent to study at the college masarin in Paris where they studied law and acquired a lifelong love of books they graduated in 1749 and went on to become a well-known man of of letters as they were called a great writer and essayist through their high-end connections they secured a position basically getting paid to read books which is like the goal All Things Considered their early life wasn’t at all out of the ordinary for any average 18th century French gentleman they eventually became a diplomat serving King Louis the 15th at a time when the King was putting together a cute little spy ring called The Secret D or the king’s secret and the secret was basically installed to secure the political power of the prince de Conti who Louie was gunning for to be the ruler of Poland very messy business and the chaler Deon ended up becoming one of the secrets spies so when Deon was operating as a spy in Britain they were spending kind of a wild amount of money because in their logic they needed to be leading a lavish lifestyle in order to effectively keep up their role and do spying well enough but France was still getting on their case about it which pissed Deon off so much that they published this big expose basically talking [ __ ] about all of these French political figures they didn’t expose any of the secrets about well the secret of course but it was still wild enough to piss everybody off and suddenly everyone was out to get Deon the King was put in a tricky place if he stripped Deon of their titles he could force them into the hands of the British with a literal handwritten Royal document exposing the secret as well as France’s secret plans to invade England but he also couldn’t just do nothing to dayon because that would undermine the Crown’s power so it was at last decided that Deon would be given a generous pension and told to stay in London and chill out for a while and Deon suggested a catch they would return to France as a woman a truly bizarre and unheard of solution but a solution nonetheless after all this was apparently not deon’s first foray into Womanhood according to their writings they had posed as a young woman when spying for the secret in Russia although it’s more than likely that this Russian crossdressing Adventure that they write about never actually happened and was actually one of deon’s fictitious Tales of which there are many in order to give you a better idea of what exactly was going on with Deon and the spying let’s hear from a fellow history lover Joel cook from PBS Rogue history the chial Deon spy work in Russia has been a hot button topic for over two Centuries with biographers questioning the truthfulness of deon’s claim that they infiltrated the Russian Court by posing as lady in waiting in 1804 Boston Weekly Magazine roach the topic telling the story essentially as Deon had told it and following up with an article from a French subscriber who claimed that they knew Deon personally an obituary written in the the gentleman’s magazine in 1810 only mentioned it briefly stating that the mission was of a diplomatic nature to the court of Russia but in 1856 Lou de Loman published B Mar at santon which challenged not just the Russia trip but many aspects of deon’s work for the French monarchy this began a pattern of alternating narratives over the next four decades with frederi G’s Memoir seral Deon supporting the claim in 1866 L de bro’s lqu da denying it in 1876 Jay bushan ters the strange career of chal Deon Deon supporting it again in 1885 and Ernest Alfred vellies the true story of the chaler Deon denying the ACT but not the idea in 1895 a key factor in all of these biographies was the lack of agency that they gave the chaler themselves only telur actually read shaler’s autobiography and guyard day blatantly lied claiming that Deon dressed as a woman to get close to and seduce other women it wasn’t until 1995 with Gary Kate’s work Monsour Deon is a woman that an autobiographer gave Deon actual agency but his work and other modern writings still deny the idea that Deon went undercover as a woman in Russia what sticks out to me in all of these documents new and old is a real lack of faith in chalia Deon to tell their own story it’s always good for historians to ask questions but we also have to consider what cultural and social influences are framing the questions that we’re asking Rogue history has their own episode up now about the chaler Deon which I’ve linked below so definitely go check that out to get another angle to this fascinating story you may even see a familiar face there me uh it’s me I’m I’m I’m in the section what did happen in Russia though was a large number of masquerade balls in the court where women were required to dress as men and men were required to dress as women it’s highly likely that Deon did attend at least one of these balls and would have experienced likely for the first time the experience of not only being regarded as a woman but regarded as themself as a woman which would prove to be foreshadowing to deon’s fate now people had started questioning deon’s true sex since like 1770 but were refused any real answer there was even a rumor that they were pregnant the gossip actually started threatening their safety and everywhere they went in England crowds would gather to stare at them because people were convinced that they were really a woman in Disguise there was even a whole court case about it and people were betting money on the subject some historians have theorized based on some evidence that it was actually Deon thems who started the rumors they literally confessed the claim to Jean D secretary to the comp de broal this was possibly partially motivated by Politics as Deon was in a pretty bad place both financially and politically and needed to to find a way out without being disgraced or punished and being hailed as a heroine who had successfully served her country but oops is a woman and therefore unable to continue being a spy would do rather nicely but like it also doesn’t make sense plenty of European noblemen ended up in Exile or in political strife and never once considered becoming women especially in this time period you don’t see becoming the weaker sex as a out unless it’s also a way out of your gender struggles you know and besides Deon didn’t need to become a woman to be freed from being a spy because when King Louis the 15th died and Louis the 16th took over he promptly dissolved the secret then suddenly in 1776 King Louis the 16th announced to the world that deom was in fact truly a woman who until then had been disguised as a man in order to serve her country Louie and his court by this point actually firmly believed this and Deon made no attempt to say otherwise in fact they had actually demanded that the French government officially recognize their Womanhood with a Royal Decree this agreement would come to be called the transaction D returned to the French government their safe containing the secret papers that they held and a contract was signed cementing deon’s new identity it said demoiselle Charles geniv Lu de gust Andre Deon mature Maiden known until today under the name of chaler Deon I demand in his Majesty’s name that the disguise which has until today hid in the person of a maiden under the appearance of the chaler Deon be entirely abandoned and without wishing to blame Charles Genevie Louise August an timothe Deon deont for the disguise of his condition and sex of which his parents alone are guilty and even rendering Justice to the modest wise and sincere though vigorous and manly manner in which she has always conducted herself in her adopted Garb I require absolutely that the uncertainty about her sex which until today has been an inexhaustible subject of indecent bets and salacious Jokes which might be renewed especially in France and which her proud nature would not tolerate and which would lead to new quarrels that might perhaps only serve as a pretext for renewing old ones I repeat in the Name of the King that I absolutely demand the ghost of the chaler Deon vanish entirely and that a public and unequivocal declaration be made of the true sex of Charles Genevie louiz a ghost Andre timoth Deon deont before her arrival in France and her resumption of her women’s clothes settles The public’s ideas once and for all on the matter brevity the 18th century never understands brevity Deon really hoped that the king would appoint them as a female military officer but that dream was not to be realized unfortunately so when Deon returned to France the next year it was in their new life as a woman which would last until their death realizing Deon wasn’t going to give up easily they were sent to live at Versailles and be schooled in feminine manners they were also provided funds to get a fancy Noble woman’s new wardrobe despite being officially and legally reborn as a woman woman Deon fought to be able to wear their masculine clothes especially their Dron officer’s uniform which they wore to events this caused a great deal of contention now that deom was a woman their behavior and dress was a massive issue it got to the point where the king wrote a declaration demanding that Deon take up dress appropriate for females which people believed would certainly make their behavior softer and more modest of course Deon protested this citing their years of dedicated service to the crown and bravery in war but once the transition began Deon did begin to feel like this was sort of a rebirth they later wrote speaking in the third person such a change completely transformed her mind her heart her conduct her manners her habits and her inclinations it forced her to come alive move forward and act as an entirely new creature resuscitated to all the decency wisdom and dignity of her sex you may be wondering why I’m using they them pronouns for Deon instead of she her pronouns given the situation um we’ll get into that because the situation is in fact more complicated than it seems but still they firmly believed that due to their military service they reserved the right to still wear men’s clothes they weren’t exactly stoked about Dawning women’s Garb nor very comfortable after all they had lived 49 years in men’s wear after being fully dressed by famous designer Rose Berton for the first time they ran to their room and cried for hours something to note about the core of this pain that they were feeling in this time period if you were promoted to Dron officer it was a huge honor and a lifelong commitment you were expected to wear your uniform wherever you were in public so to have their uniform stripped from them was like tearing away a huge part of deon’s identity and by fully taking on women’s clothes Deon therefore rescinded any hope of serving their country in the future they also disliked wearing women’s clothes in general as well as the narrow social restrictions that came with being a woman in one letter they described thems as a prisoner of war and in another letter they described their situation as being forced to take on Womanhood hence why it’s a little complicated it would take years for Deon to settle into their new role and feel completely at ease needless to say the public went absolutely out of control control pamplets newspapers letters journals and more all debated and argued over what the truth really was was Deon and therefore the government telling a huge ridiculous lie or were they telling an equally ridiculous truth many who had known D for years didn’t believe it but deon’s own mother firmly supported the idea of her child having been born a woman and raised as a boy who must now returned to Womanhood various prints circulated across France depicting Deon as an Amazonian G or a caricature numerous poets wrote poems and songs on the subject in order to reinforce their story Deon began spreading around various fake stories about their childhood and started writing an autobiography which was never officially published The Autobiography is only moderately useful today though knowing what the real truth was they wrote it assuming that the reader would be of their own time and believing that deom was born a woman that had been masquerading as a man thus the story is flipped and much of the details are entirely fictitious this wasn’t really just a result of the Royal Decree Deon really and truly wanted people to believe that they were a woman and on a spiritual and internal level they really and truly felt that they wanted to be a woman but what kind of woman they wanted to be was a much more difficult issue to overcome the flavor of Womanhood that Deon craved was not something that would be won in the 18th century even less so as a noble one they wanted something more Amazonian while spying in Russia they had told the chaler Douglas I would prefer to keep my mail closed because they open all the doors to Fortune glory and courage dresses close all those doors for me dresses only give me room to cry about the misery and servitude of women and you know that I am crazy about Liberty on the one hand my goal is to succeed in a diplomatic career so that I can help my mother and sister by paying off debts that my father incurred before his death but on the other hand my love for studying my desire to finish books that I’ve started and many other projects push me to take dresses for working living and sleeping peacefully here are the two passions of my heart the one moves me to the right the other to the left I do not know how to escape from this [ __ ] Labyrinth but in the end Deon ended up overcoming the emotional hurdle of the clothes and began to really contemplate on the spiritual meaning of gender a a couple major factors influenced their feelings on gender and led them to Unique conclusions the first being that they had an unusually strong interest in the era’s feminist literature we have records of every book that Deon had in their massive library and out of the recorded libraries of the era theirs had the highest percentage of feminist books still not a whole lot of them but compared to other massive libraries there were a lot they were deeply interested in Womanhood and the concept of it and what it means and had strong opinions on women being allowed to be strong and proactive and being just as smart and capable as men and a major icon for Deon was Jonah Arc they not only idolized Jonah Arc they sought to embody her principles and spirit before their official transition in the 1770s Deon spent over a decade eagerly collecting and reading these feminist books pouring over them and noting their thoughts this wasn’t happening in a vacuum really these books were part of a broadening European thought movement in the 18th century where increasingly people were beginning to question gender roles and the Very Frameworks of sex and gender altogether until fairly recently at this point the sexual construct had operated on largely ancient Andor medieval medical ideas where it was thought to be indeed possible for people to change sex given the right environmental stressors the 18th century was a time of massive flux on both a medical and social level and so naturally the concept of transness made frequent appearances in fiction as a result it wasn’t a random occurrence for Deon to be theorizing about gender it was a natural symptom of a bigger picture when people have complex feelings about gender and feel at odds with the social constructs that they were born in it’s much easier to imagine ways to actually act out on or outwardly interpret those feelings when more people in your sphere are discussing it as opposed to if you’d never heard of it being questioned at all that’s why turfs and other trans phobes are so adamant about silencing trans people they think that if no one talks about complex gender issues then those feelings will never happen which as we all know that’s dumb as [ __ ] so but trans leaning literature has been around well forever these things have always been here and that struggle continued to carry Deon into their other complex theorizing when it came to to their religion but this is where it gets kind of whack so Deon became a very very dedicated fundamentalist Christian around 1785 is and therefore their musings on gender entered the mix they came to believe that women are inherently more holy and that men are less so for a number of reasons and therefore are like Jews yeah so the chaler deong was like really [ __ ] anti-semitic which frankly isn’t surprising at all to me because if you threw a rock in any given Direction in Europe at any given time in history there’s like a nine out of 10 chance that that rock is going to hit an anti-semite Deon was simply convinced that Jewish people are inherently damned and that the Jews celebrate the human body and therefore give too much importance to the Mortal body basically Deon was super offended by the idea of the body and soul being equally important or something obviously none of this is worth arguing with because it’s just so stupid but I just want to point out that at pretty much no point in history have Jewish people ever actually agreed about like anything which I think is pretty cool love to think about things so being like well the Jews believe about weird random specific stuff is just plain indication that you don’t know half of a thing about Judaism but I digress uh anyway Deon firmly believed that in the kingdom of God there is no sex no gender no marriage and no sexuality and therefore in order to enter the kingdom of God you must understand that God has no reason to care about sexual differences and therefore God’s grace leads to Liberation from gender roles furthermore Deon believed that men had seized Authority all positions all honors all worldly riches leaving women only the pain brought by having babies therefore through their emphasis on strength and domination Deon believed that men as a gender were morally deficient and unprepared for the kingdom of God it gets a lot more complicated than that but a lot of this was simply Deon trying to use their religion to make sense of their feelings about their gender and their experience of transitioning they understood becoming a woman in part as becoming closer to God Deon spent much of their later years teaching swordmanship and fighting and fencing tournaments they even dueled the chaler to S George alas in their final tournament in 1796 in England they were seriously wounded they were already rather old and struggling for money so they spent their final years quietly and suffering quite a lot the truth came out only when on May 21st 1810 Deon passed away in their London apartment at 81 years old they had been living there with an elderly Widow a certain Miss Cole who was the one to find their body Deon had been struggling to live for some time after a particularly bad fall on March 4th coincidentally my birthday as people in this era did Mrs Cole went about the undressing of the body of the chaler Deon to prepare them for the funeral proceedings it was through this that Mrs Cole discovered that Deon was in fact the owner of a penis thoroughly shocked she collected a number of gentlemen and an anatomy expert and the group inspected and dissected the body They concluded that Deon was indeed anatomically male with no intersex characteristics whatsoever thus the shaler’s obituary was printed on Tuesday died on the 69th year of his age the chaler Deon memorable as a political character and Char de Affairs in this country from the court of France but more so on account of the questionable gender to which this extraordinary character naturally appertained the French physician who attended the chal in his last moments and examined the body on its dissolution now positively declares that it in reality proved to be the body of a male and thus the madness ensued again but surprisingly not as much as before it would take until the Gilded Age for the topic to become interesting in discourse again when a number of biographers tackled deon’s story and the big question of their identity became a new favorite topic of the newly formed world of sexology famous psychologist and sexologist havlock Ellis who I have complicated feelings about had a great time trying to pin the chaler down and in typical havlock Ellis fashion his stance was of course that Deon had a psychosexual Illness but contradictory to his usual takes Ellis also argued that deon’s gender issues weren’t related to their sexuality in fact we actually have no evidence at all that Deon ever had sex with anybody sharpened by the fact that in that era in the world of nobility in which Deon lived if anyone was [ __ ] someone had something to say about it true or not and when it comes to Deon there’s just nothing it’s hard to say if this was because Deon was in some way asexual or if it was a choice for other reasons or if there was a relationship that we don’t know about the truth is buried in the couch cushions of History anyway in the end Ellis ch deon’s condition up to a hormone imbalance basically and thus from that point onwards Deon became the most favorite subject of example of any doctor trying to have opinions about trans people and as a result the trans Community itself really latched on to them but as we’ve seen deon’s feelings about gender were more complex than well a hormone imbalance Mysteries aside they had a lot of very thorough philosophies surrounding gender and also a lot of of their situation was indeed derived from political issues so what do we today do with that I feel like it’s not difficult to imagine that all this halalu of arguing over deon’s true gender has never ceased and the reason for that is simple our constructs of gender are always in flux as Society es and flows as such our contemporary ideas of what transness is is also always in flux the lgbtq community is constantly well I’d like to say discussing but more often arguing about these very parameters what they mean to us and how they function between our identities lived experiences feelings and Society itself while we shape our identities in response to society often pushing back against it so too does society respond to those pushes and evolve and as Society evolves then our language and understandings of self all also evolve that’s why there’s so often a generation gap between older and younger queer folks older trans people are perfectly comfortable identifying in ways that were solidified in a different social realm than we deal with now and so they might use words that may seem outdated Time Marches On but a lot of people feel as though the identity that they fought to be able to live with shouldn’t have to change too and as the train Community has become more visible naturally the way that we discuss and engage with the concept of gender has shifted too I see remnants of this phenomenon in my research on Deon even outside of their biography Gary Kates is one of the most prominent Deon biographers and most of his work that I read was published in the ’90s to 2000s not too long ago in the grand scheme but long enough for him to be saying stuff about transness that sounds completely alien to today’s understanding he says at first I thought that Deon must have been Europe’s first transsexual the victim of a disorder that certain psychiatrists label gender dysphoria I assumed that today he would have been a prime candidate for sex reassignment surgery indeed since the 20s communities of transexuals and transvestites have thought of Deon as their patron saint however several conversations with the psychiatrist who had worked in a gender identity Clinic convinced me that Deon was not sick he did not hate himself he did not hate his body he did not think that he was trapped in the wrong body but if Deon was not a transexual then well what was he see what I mean 20 years ago transness was still seen as a medical condition in which one must hate their body and themsel in order to be trans but today most understand this to be different although you’ll still see folks agreeing with this in transmedicalist circles but they are not worth my time you don’t need to hate yourself or even your body to be trans and being trans is not a sickness so of course that unfortunately renders a huge chunk of Kate’s commentary on Deon either completely incomprehensible or simply not relevant it may have made sense in 2001 but even then he was still attempting to apply a modern commentary of gender to a person who lived over 200 years ago to can play at that game Gary because if we’re doing that and now dealing with 2023 trans rules then Deon certainly does count as trans and can still be our patron saint although given the anti-Semitism I’m not exactly advocating for that personally I swear I say it in literally every video but once again I’ll reiterate the forever truth about interpreting queer history and that is that there are two equally valid forms of queer history the first being queer history that was queer in its own time in its actual historical context removed from our own modern ideas and the second being queer history that regardless of if it was seen as such back then reflects modern queerness and therefore mirrors the current queer experience or subtext and therefore is still queer history we need both both are good and the thing is the chaler Deon counts as both you can argue that they weren’t transgender because that construct was created as Century after they died but by very strongly defying 18th century gender constructs and literally transitioning they were certainly still queer in their own 18th century context and because their life mirrors modern trans it is in my opinion okay to call them trans obviously a lot of folks May disagree with me and that’s fine do you but that’s the philosophy we operate with here on my channel so this is no hate on Gary Kates by the way I’m curious if his views have changed since he wrote his book Gary if you’re out there watching this let me know anyway my point is yes complexity does not negate the fact that the chaval Deon is a trans historical figure we can see a modern experience mirrored in them and in their own time they were queered too on a fundamental level it is what it is whether or not they were a good person is a whole other conversation altogether and I guess you can have your own opinion on that personally they’re not my favorite I do find them very interesting and a super fascinating topic to discuss but as a person I’m not a fan I don’t think we would have gotten along and that’s okay you don’t need to like a historical figure to find them interesting and worthy of study and a historical figure doesn’t need to be a good person to be queer but anyway thank you for learning with me about a messy and Larger than Life 18th century trans spy and I hope you enjoyed meeting my new trash baby I literally never expected that the cat distribution system would choose me but here we are and she’s getting spayed in a couple weeks MAA your womb is going to be so Barren so till next time wash thy hands wear thy mask and what do you have to say to that say hello to your pets for [Music] me [Music]


    1. This prompted a great chat with my father, it was cool to have a historical example to cite while explaining my own identity as an enby. Even though we shouldn't look up to them TOO much lmao

    2. Oh my gosh, thank you for this !! I find d'Eon's experience close of like… being a trans butch woman nowadays. Like you're definitely a woman, but not woman like the society want you to be. Also the part of "woman being holier than men" is hilarious, I litterally theorized that in high school too, it's so funny to see your dysphoria child thoughts reflected on an historical figure.
      Thank you for your video !

    3. Calling her a Fundamentalist Christian is anachronistic as best, even leaving aside her views on Gender the bias of her Spiritual vs Physical views would be called Gnostic by any modern Fundamentalist.

      Which ties into why I don't really consider what she said Antisemitic either, it certainly has no connection to modern Racialized Antisemtism, it's about criticism doctrines they don't like by saying they are to Old Testament. It's just like how Niche's "Slave Morality" thesis has nothing to do with actual Jews.

    4. If we knew all about the dark side of most heroes of the past (looking at you, Thomas Jefferson), we wouldn't want to have a beer with most of them. So, thanks for the interesting, quick-flowing history of a fascinating person who made the history books!

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