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    Jason Carl as The Storyteller
    Mike Krahulik as Tom Hollandaise, Toreador
    Luis Carazo as Enrique “Rico” Suarez, Brujah
    Jasmine Bhullar as Betty Lancaster, Lasombra
    Jerry Holkins as Jamison Keen, Nosferatu

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    [Applause] [Music] hello hello good evening and Welcome to our vampire the Masquerade Chronicle Seattle by night two part two yeah this time part it’s personal it is well it’s is vampire it’s all personal yes we are delighted to be back with you for season two of Seattle by night tonight we’re bringing you season two episode one entitled fresh tendrils bonus points if you know where that’s from but before we plunge headlong into the morally dubious fry that is vampire the Masquerade let’s introduce every everyone thank some people and have a quick overview and recap because I think that um we’ll probably have some new family members joining us for the very very first time and it has been a little while a minute I believe as the as The Mortals say since uh this codery was last uh stalking the nocturnal streets next item of business is consent and respectful play this is a vampire story and therefore it is a horror a story and therefore it includes and incorporates some mature content yes the players and I have discussed where our personal Comfort factors are before the game I know there are lines in their veils and we’ve done this to make sure that everybody can feel comfortable and safe at our table that’s true so if anyone mentions squirrels I’m out I’m just standing up and I’m leaving I I have two inity so I can leave really fast as somebody mentions this s wow we’re getting that nerdy that quick are we going to have to separate you two that went that went there’s probably a reason we don’t sit together separate you normally this is the other way around so okay I see how this is going to go we’d like to thank our friends at the world of Darkness for bringing this season to you and especially our friends at vampire the Masquerade bloodlines 2 many of you perhaps all of you are aware that vampire the Masquerade began its own life as a tabletop role playing game the very game that we are playing tonight for you there is a very very strong connection between the roots of vampire and Bloodlines 2 in fact if you’re interested all in Bloodlines 2 you’re in for a treat and a special evening because the events of Seattle by Night season 2 are directly related and connected to the events Bloodlines 2 what you might say is that true it’s a Prelude issue zero exactly so exactly so the prequel so uh when you play Bloodlines 2 pay very very close attention while you’re watching Seattle by night you might even want to make a note oh said the s line to them not to us yeah it doesn’t count for you well you can make all the notes you want yeah much good man do you okay so let’s recap our story a little bit for the family and for ourselves absolutely uh what have we here we have four Kindred who all want for reasons of their own and collectively Taco about right now well at least one of you does right now and that worked out so very well last time it did not but I’m learning I’m learning on the job on the job training on the job training you say that now but I’m I’m I don’t know if I’m convinced well we’ll see we’ll see we’ll see uh for reasons of their own they want to move up in the night in the world they want to join the Camilla in the city of Seattle and they have discovered that this is not as easy as it sounds it’s not merely a question of showing your credentials at the door the Seattle Camella is a rather exclusive Club it’s paranoid about newcomers it’s worried about exposure to Mortal society and so far it has proven um I would say decidedly unwelcoming to you with one notable exception perhaps during the course of your first evening uh in Seattle you met Tully Clan nasru who uh was your very first point of contact at the Gum Wall that notorious ly unsanitary alley Pipe Place Market indeed toally warned you that although Prince Campbell holds practice in this domain your first point of contact should probably be the former Prince which is strange seems odd doesn’t it right yeah and the former prince’s name is anyone L anyone anyone L Graham Lou Graham exactly so the former prince prince Meritus I guess you could say yeah yeah right seems to be the gatekeeper the path you must take in order to win the favor of the court and gain the word of acceptance but like the city she represents she has been notoriously unwelcoming and unavailable to the point that it’s not easy to even get to see her you also met Nicks a singularly unhelpful individual yes uh who uh had some um harsh words for Tom yeah that was uncalled for that was egregious yeah I thought so yeah I felt that in real life there was an incident I think you could say so you ran a file of Nicks um you eventually made your way to uh the mackam bar downtown after barely avoiding some messed up dogs coyotes I believe yeah exactly wild vampire coyotes do you want to tell us a little bit about that uh I was approached by some strange dogs in the night as I often am and uh I tried to give them some jerky from my pocket and the pocket jerky the pocket Jerky like everybody is an act of good Fellowship yeah exactly I make friends with these hounds and I was attacked I I barely was able to pull my hand away but I I suffered an incredible amount of will power damage I am a shell of my former self apparently yeah you suffered aggravated a lot there before so there wasn’t a lot to spare there wasn’t so you are uh you’re suffering from twoo aggravated willpower damage so we’re gonna have to deal with that okay we’ll do housekeeping in a moment and we’ll we’ll talk about what you’ll need to do in order to reclaim yourself travel Europe I I was going to say Eat Pray Love I was ride an elephant maybe Journal maybe turn the elephant into a vampire and then come back to Seattle and have the elephant Stampede the coyotes wow sex sex with strangers feels like it’s often a part of that Arc so I mean we’ll see how it goes I want to focus on me for a little bit this seems like the wiser course of you know what 2024 is all about all about Tom new year new Tom yeah at the maol bar Tom met an old friend yes Evangeline evangelene who he has a little bit of a crush on but she’s out of his League thoroughly by Le say a little bit 20,000 Leagues out of his leag you met Evangeline when you were hobnobbing well above your stations in Tacoma yes south of here yes and evangelene proved to be a reliable Ally then yeah perhaps now as well uh she gave you a suggestion if you want to Curry favor with Lou uh you need to impress her she suggested that you solve a problem plaguing a clanmate of hers a missing ghoul named I believe wend wend unfortunately named yes Wendell uh Mr Wendell she did not impart any details however she said she’d catch up with you a little later yeah you also made some new friends you met uh a couple of Kindred at the maam Bar Named wat and raef yeah yeah if not their actual names then you know good good cover stories we’re in tight though but they were like the vampire version of like a nft bro sort of they had like a there was a novel energy there was yeah which was very much Betty’s yeah back I’m still hung on you saying you have a little bit of a crush because are we going to forget that you were sweating blood I do okay I have a big crush on Evangel I do than you it’s just I think she’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen you’re covering it really well no sweating blood everywhere we got kicked out of the bar because he kept sweating Buckets of Blood well you were a great wingman I really appreciated the help and I thought that together we made a really good team we uh I it’s a good start yeah we do we’re off a good start yeah what could possibly go wrong could possibly go wrong more wingmanning in store yeah for the future Tom has a wingman you I can wingman the wingman you’re not even from Seattle you’re not even from here which gives me a good you know Outsiders perspective on the situation technically you need two wings I mean I think about what it actually represents exactly we’re getting into the holiday season it’s mean and Girl season and I’m very much like she doesn’t even got to school here you guys you guys are both may be the wind beneath my wings like bet mid all right fair enough yeah it is holiday season it’s early December with all that that entails in Seattle wind cold drizzle rain permanent cloud cover and of course holiday decorations going up in the streets and homes and and Retail establishments it’ll be interesting to see how your your characters celebrate the season we’ll get to that as well I believe you exchanged information or you gave uh WAM and Rafe your card is that right yes so they know how to contact you and now the housekeeping all right so three items on the housekeeping list first the chronicle tenant the moral red line that your characters are not meant to cross if they do do there could be consequences the chronicle tenant is the pillar of morality for this story is be a person not a beast yeah so for the family watching with us that would mean that anytime that they have an opportunity to deny their bestial side their the Beast Within and be a person and they don’t do it they put their morality in Jeopardy and then the game gets really fun for me which is of course the en that’s how I win you might not even eat lunch today is that a real life threat because that felt like that yeah I feel like I should not only make a note but also make you make a roll be quiet we’ll just I’m going to shut I’m shut hunger is next um it has been several nights since you uh were unceremoniously kicked out of the Macar Tom yeah yeahh so uh when we last left you you had varying degrees of hunger um I believe that Rico had two I did and Tom as well yeah right but Jameson and Betty at one only right so we’ll leave the two of you at one as a baseline have you fed since then I absolutely have now as we know the only way to get rid of all your hunger and vampire the Masquerade is to kill your victim have you done this so that you can be completely satiated or would you leave that that edge that little Pang of hunger extinct uh oh so tempting I think that Rico is pragmatic and uh is not going to deal with whatever it you know all that is entailed with having to deal with a dead body that you feasted upon uh so yeah I think he just took a little taste just to reduce the hunger just enough but has not made an actual k the crema yes the best part let’s start you at Hunger one also then Tom have you fed uh yeah I think that I would have fed but I I don’t Tom would not have killed anybody doesn’t seem his nature really maybe in an extreme situation but yeah not normally not normally so I think I’d still be at one hunger at one hunger so let’s leave you at one two so everybody will begin this game at one hunger perfect excellent finally there is the matter of that aggravated will power damage the the shattered ego I’m hurting Inside So within yeah you took two points right yes there are two ways we can address this one you need to demonstrate genuine progress toward whatever Tom’s ambition is the thing he wants most to accomplish okay in in ideally in the intermediate or long term and not just I want a taco right now right right now that would be a desire I want a taco I want to buy a new car that’s probably you know a less less of an ambition and more of a desire or or when you have acted beneficially towards one of your touchstones one of The Mortals that’s important in your life that keeps you grounded to your morality connected to your convictions is yours uh well my my ambition is to achieve greatness in my crafts I just I want to be a successful and well-known artist I guess and that goal has uh suffered some setbacks since you became Undead it has yeah it’s much harder to get work uh people don’t want to get tattooed by vampires you you don’t say yeah I also can’t tattoo myself anymore or other vampires so I don’t really have a clientele oh my gosh this is actually crushing yeah yeah is the the undead body is as far as we know static it doesn’t change you when you tattoo an undead body as you discover the ink just seeps to the surface of the skin overnight gets you know stains your your sheets and makes a mess everywhere right uh tragic so what progress have you made toward this goal have you have you done anything that could uh that could be counted as some sort of Advance even if it didn’t result in immediate success uh so I I might be trying to figure out a way to tattoo vampires maybe with blood or using blood in some way and ink combinations of the two so mixing blood and ink together yeah as an attempt to permanently Mark Undead skin because I can I can see a market for it I mean sure it’s just untapped so to speak I see what you did there I see what you did there it’s just an intro you’re already heating it up I’m already heating up get ready for more of that so far your experiments haven’t met with success but it’s early nights yet yeah you’ve just begun this idea perhaps inspired by the uh food a processor incident exactly that’s what I was thinking right so that was sort of successful yeah in in a way in a way and maybe maybe blending Vite yeah with ink could produce different CR yeah minerals things like that I’m proba just working on my my thigh oh yeah your own do tat artists do that oh yeah self experimentation see right here yeah or your arm or wherever Jesus Christ I’m convinced uh let’s remove one of the aggravated willpower damage and if you continue to work toward that ambition uh we’ll be able to remove um another one once you demonstrate progress progress okay MH so you’re still carrying around that one aggravated will power damage your total empty spaces were five and now you’re at four empty spaces on that track right yeah so you can only call on four willpower got it I mean it’s not terrible yeah but it’s not good either yeah okay Shall We Begin our story yeah I think so I do it I would love to we find ourselves tonight in the neighborhood of Ballard tucked away in the northwest corner of Seattle next to the Lake Washington ship canal which connects the Deep cold water Port of Elliot Bay with Lake Union and Lake Washington it’s the city that has that uh the city neighborhood that has that big banner across Larry street that says Ballard where history and hip meet yeah that sounds like sounds like Valor wow I think so um in this dense and diverse neighborhood we find ourselves here indeed In This Very place and I believe Jameson Kean can tell us of this location I can so this is uh situated just I mean just for those of you playing along at home uh just a couple short blocks uh from Mock’s boarding house you know right where this is very very easy uh to uh to get there um if you know where it is it is uh a convert uh like a secret Masonic Lodge that uh that Jameson Keane has used his uh the fortune that he has built up uh over his time both as Las Vegas royalty with a slight detour into safe cracking and Larsen um uh he has invested a portion of that in the version of this Masonic Lodge uh he just he can’t he can’t avoid The Vibes um just like your Batcave it’s it is essentially what Tom would say yeah he slaps you on the back it’s like your Batcave I love it well not B actually that’s quite a stupid I i’ I’m I’m deciding to retain this term yeah uh welcome to the Batcave although it’s true name should you desire to know it certainly this is what is on the documentation uh is B house Bertram house Bertram house oh this is cute Jameson you really think so it’s cute and she’s not trying to be insulting but it’s a little insulting it’s so and the the insult is absorbed it’s so cozy and quaint he as as you’re saying these things he is just POS like wherever you’re looking he is moving in front of it and posing like like in front in front of in front of Some Velvet uh in front of a statue just looking like looking on like oh that’s very that’s a very interesting is this real velvet I think it oh you can’t tell unless you touch it so can you tell is it real who can say what’s real what’s fake it looks nice I like it I like this Jamie I can’t believe you were hiding this from us I dropped down into a what looks like an antique couch and you hear some kind of spring a yeah just boom there’s a creek yeah there’s a sharp intake of breath yeah what are the amenities uh uh are there are there spaces uh for uh that are safe for the kind to take their day rest maybe absolutely rooms without Windows well no no because as you know as as a masonic lodge um it has a lot of the traditional amenities that were considered the norm for that August body um so dark like literal dark holes for contemplation are a secret feature of such places indeed um and uh as a result uh one need merely uh shift the carpet uh in the main area of the room um and just below can be found uh Repose for up to seven so you haven’t had a lot of time to put this together so I would imagine that security is probably fairly mundane keys and locks right now I mean obviously we don’t use the ring camera you know probably a bad idea yeah yeah exactly and also as as uh we discovered recently there’s a very complex relationship between the local rules um of the the camarilla here and devices technology yeah none there so no apps no we don’t want to oh I brought apps and I pull out like little bags of blood I have some are you hungry I have well I’m not n i mean I I don’t know if you have um a cold box in which tox um ABS but this is this is all quite in terms of its it’s um it’s defenses they’re all of the normal uh mundane variety so keys and locks everyone gets their own key shall we say yeah there there’s a there is a machine that can make them uh it’s it’s just up on finey Ridge and a marvelous invention it’s true let’s talk about the neighborhood for a little bit as I mentioned Ballard is dense and diverse it’s right on the ship canal so it has easy access to the water through the locks um it’s considered a bit of a drive from Central parts of the city because of the everpresent traffic of course and parking was monstrous ridiculous right and and of course and the spaces are so small my SUV I feel like someone’s going to sideswipe it yeah yeah well and obviously there’s also the drawbridge which can create issues as well depending on the time of day the the Ship Canal Bridge opens and closes it seemingly diabolical wh well no at at the most bizarre times you can possibly imagine rather enjoy that you have a moat James well yeah it’s it’s it’s connected to some Celestial cycle we were in danger you could just raise it even I do not do us a solid even I do not have power over this diabolical machine Madam it sounds like you’ve chosen a location that’s in really the densest part of Ballard in that little weird tangle of side streets off leery market and absolutely that sort of thing absolutely bit mazik yes and then just just off near the water um there is a place that I mean I would avoid during the light of day even as a mortal creature um and there’s no doubt uh I mean it’s essentially a buffet it’s of hipsters it’s convenience Beyond convenience H and I’ll say that the um the relatively recent burgeoning of uh micro bruise um has has has made it the most turnkey uh dining experience imagin uh for Kindred so it’s good eating very I I don’t think any of those words are in the Bible I don’t know just I’ll show you I’ll show I’ll show you some of my I’ll show you some of my favorite spots oh good because I have become lost in the many of these words list let me help let me help and it’s a historical neighborhood as well it has uh it has roots in the local Scandinavian culture absolutely in fact there’s a nage Heritage History Museum indeed and a parade sir and a parade it’s I’m curious to know if Jameson had a hand in any of that he had he has been around like up in this neck of the woods he’s had access to Bertram house for a long time it’s not it’s not impossible it isn’t impossible and that and that museum would only again would perhaps be four blocks Max from Bertram house it’s a it’s a it’s a fairly small name right by the locks yeah let’s see what else is in balard there’s the Golden Gardens Park The Deadliest Catch Bo The Deadliest Catch boats is this related to the Meg documentaries I think so yes no anything I consider them one of a one of a piece yeah anything with fish yeah crabs mhm M okay fair enough fair enough it’s true uh for a long time uh Ballard was the home of the Seattle fishing fleet uh it’s still got a thriving Marina at Shaw Golden Gardens Park offers rugged views and hill climbs but also dangerous GE what passes for a beach really how did Jameson come to this discovery uh I mean I assume that he’s he’s seen it on Yelp but um they it’s like territorial yeah I one has often and Territorial and also they they’re these creatures are right at the level that makes striking the genitals sort of the goto when you when you see that neck become rigid cover up because you know that that strike is my mom told me that when I was a kid oh yeah what are these things well oh geese but they’re the size of jeeps feral geese dangerous coyote this is this is quite a quite a no this is what we need to know we need to we need to see if obviously once Tom was also mugged by a it’s true they’ll do that yeah they get you I’m just saying that like I have certainly tried to go there before like with the family and geese essentially operate the the park the geese there’s a sort of goose Mafia consum that Syndicate yeah they give you dirty looks too there’s like a weird sort of look in their eyes where they’re just like hey well yeah they’re looking at that that zone and they know right where your bathing suit covered yeah less of a problem for Kindred but still intimidating oh yeah but I mean there’s still the ancient you know there’s a gang girl out there that has like their own mutated geese instead of coyotes you know should ask Nix about this I know I I was like I I just imagine that like NX wherever NX shows up she just has whatever Beast is local to that area exactly it’s just like over here it’s geese yeah great squirrels in Discovery Park possibly who knows rabbit squirrs watch out Woodland Park hairs oh my rushing up against people’s veils take it easy I’ll teach you how to say squirrel in Spanish later the block that your bercham house occupies let’s give it some let’s give it some flavor what other businesses might be located in this this Square block of IM of course there’s probably a craft brw hub oh there’s no there’s no question one of those ice cream places that has like onion and garlic flavor yes no no it’s it’s right by um it’s right by uh Molly Moons what is no no it’s salt salt and straw salt and straw it’s right by salt and straw I guarantee you they have the they have the black pepper cheddar Huckleberry there would probably be some type of fusion restaurant there’s no question like some type of Korean hot dogs or Korean hamburgers something like that no they no they have sounds pretty good no they have Indian tacos yeah yeah now you’re brushing up against my veils there’s a thing now you’re rushing up against my veils Mexican food is a thing freser should we go back that’s why they s us on this side oh God I actually saw dark spots the uh the geography of the table now makes s you were chosen to be the good guy sorry it’s going to be that kind of Chronicle I see wow butter chicken quadia all right now I’m done so craft Pub restaurant ice cream of course of course I just hear easy easy pickings hear I actually literally know in my mind the block I can hook you up obviously we’re going to have a brew pub they’re going to have Taps from around the air of course right uh right by salt and straw there’s no question if you want to get cheddar ham ice cream they’ve got it right um there is also sort of an upmarket Steak House oh that’s like a date like a date spot um and then there is also like a naturopathic there is a naturopathic um doctor’s office that that exactly that combines the absolute best of what they describe as as modern medicine and traditional methods of healing this is an actual place this is where I got my shot I see what kind of shot interesting neigh that’s where I got a shot no exactly so that’s he’s been getting 5G reception ever since oh my God through my MERS but basically that’s that the substrate um of this building and then Bertram house is just above ah so you’re located on the on the topmost absolutely just sort of old Ballard uh it’s it’s up a flight of stairs we have our own key that that goes into that probably one of those those thick rough flagstone foundations bottom near very very sturdy there’s the occasional Earth yeah the occasional sturdy creature uh is made manifest at the corner uh to gaze down you a dark yeah basically yeah basically but perhaps with like a Northwest flare s squat yeah exactly there you go Krypton so is it this point Tom that your phone that you still have yes buzzes uh oh it’s a text from Evangeline find the ghoul yet question mark heart heart heart uh uh I show to you guys we’re all around this right just immediately heart that the heart can only mean that your C pain has struck gold sir that’s what I thought but what else could it represent do I send a heart back sir two heart Thomas I have to go more you first of all don’t respond don’t even start typing love you oh my god typing no no no dele I’m deleting that I’m deleting yeah delete it although now she may have already seen the little you’re my en give me this phone give give take it now en my understanding is that a period of three days after a text is considered yeah yeah you got to let it ring twice is this is this is simply what I’ve heard leaving a woman waiting like this is decidedly unattractive this but responding right away with hearts not with hearts no so certainly there must be you have to let her know that interested that you’re not desperate oh very mysterious I would uh offer also you have to hopefully understand the manner of woman that she is so you can recognize what it is that oh yes and please enlighten me on how much you know about women I know a lot about women she is yeah let’s hear it let’s hear your master class well here my master class is that it depends on the woman it depends on the woman there is something that all women crave I have discovered this upon my long uh my long research the animated gif my understand women are driven mad by them like simply mad bad like something from a movie I was not aware I was in the company of so many casanovas perhaps a uh I’ve dabbled in kasanova uh perhaps a minion the one with the goggles how much time do you think has passed been at least a minute 2 minutes I give the pH back right yeah I think so okay Tom it’s very very important that if you are to court Evangeline you do so while still being yourself and not R but also you in theast for I think that I don’t like me for me I think that it may be working I would again draw our attention back to the heart that ancient sigil it’s too soon so I’m typing uh not yet uh got any leads got any leads yes yes I’d love to touch Bass with you sometimes yes touch her B compare notes don’t touch her B we should compare notes cat face Emoji cat face emoji yes just to let her know I like animals that works interesting something about the soul quirky different and and this is the text you send and you send it it’s too late the text oh no that’s good I was I I I’m I’m okay with this a couple minutes passed and there’s no heart emojis the cat Emoji is a nice touch it’s very you uh animal over uh but are you watching your phone I want to is do you see the little dots popping up is she typing back yet you’re watching the phone I’m staring at it intently I think all of us are around I’m going to go and I’m going to get behind this couch that this man has destroyed and I’m going to gaze deeply into the scen that uh that Chesterfield that vintage Chesterfield it’s going to need some Repair Spring has come to the upholstery Goose early I’m not gazing at the phone I’m just um completely ignoring all of Jameson’s privacy so you see I’ve like opened a closet is this an original Kirby mine does work anymore can I have you see I have like this old vacuum from the 60s Kirby’s are my favorite vacuums by the way and I pulled and this is the Real Steel one beatric beatric you may vacuum to your heart’s content oh well I have a man for that but I do want to know you got this I love it I just oh and what’s in this closet eventually text back how many seconds have passed because I’ve been counting it’s been about a minute minute 20 seconds taking the text message that she send you is let’s meet and talk you need to get moving and then you can see that she’s typing in those little dots up here that indicate that she’s messaging you I’m watching okay so am I the text message oh you’re looking over the shoulder oh yeah okay yeah we’re right there if you’re free I hide a little bit try to conceal theone just I just turn it a little bit how can I Wing man if you’re gonna hide it from me yeah I open it back up I extend my neck like a goose if you’re free let’s meet tonight one hour where are you ‘s Batcave no no no she immediately texts back five question marks she wants to come here I don’t know that bar what neighborhood are you in oh she wants to come here yeah can I is it okay if she comes here I mean no we can absolutely or we can find a neutral place because we know that it’s not that I don’t trust Evangeline Tom but she was being tailed by that dog lady this there is we could somewhere nearby there is wisdom here I can drive us to it you know the Neighborhood Mr King profoundly walkable some place nice she’s a classy lady absolutely we’re going to we’re going to go to the docks late at night why not no no no I mean I don’t because see obviously we can’t ply her with the the our novel why don’t you meet me in one hour at yeah exactly let’s just let’s go to um I’m sure that I have an arrangement with the the steakhous I’m sure I’ve had to have me your territory or what you consider to be well exactly she she need not know that I I live very close to there but but certainly it was available to both of us a public place yeah uh let’s meet at d martinos d martinos on whatever street and I send her the the address at whatever time that’s going to be uh she texts back very quickly oh Ballard nice choice smiley face yes it is nice I agree I AG yeah I I love it here heart kind slipped it in there Yep this is accept acceptable in this it is it is it is yeah see you soon okay no Emojis you see me type the kiss Emoji no delete it good I just I Mark her text as red so in one hour indeed on this very block who is at this rendevu is is everyone joining in the um we should all go yeah absolutely and it’s it’s it’s also an opportunity for me to sort of show off the neighborhood and also show off my poll with the local establishments that’s very important to to be a good host and also to be a good host to Ballard I think is important to Jameson this is a great point to mention that vampire the Masquerade has a wonderful sub rule system for domains and Havens and codies and I think we’ll get into that this season lots of lots of dots to play with us and choices to make we can elevated the uh the neighborhood the domain that you’ve claimed uh as your own and which indeed you may need to defend one night who knows against those who might who might contest your claim uh vampires being territorial creatures uh what is the guys that you adopt how do the neighbor how does the neighborhood know Jameson Kean what do they see is there a familiar mean that you choose when going about abely I mean and it’s it’s a trivial matter with it is with mask of a thousand faces it’s a trivial trivial matter for me to um make those modifications um to myself that essentially in the manner of rolling prices back I’m just rolling myself back to my Vegas Heist Heyday uh Rat Pack era it’s a it’s a when I when I Dawn that mask it’s that the smiles come easy and one of the things that’s nice about Ballard and Seattle Broadley for Jameson is that it’s a many many uh millionaires are minted here from the strangest Industries um it’s possible to move about in that sort of space and people just assume that you you know that that you’re mean and and wealth or the result of an IPO or right it’s it’s it’s very very easy to to move around and to and to execute and manifest wealth um question in an anonymous way it’s like hiding in plain sight in a way yeah it is an aggressively casual City yes right you could be a billionaire and no one would ever know yeah yeah it works you could be a billionaire here you never know yeah never know it works but I’m not going to wear the jacket tonight I do see I’m out of my work and I’m like in my like bright saff not saffron turmeric yellow button down oo bright yeah have anything in my that’s quite a lot of color for B and my jacket yeah and the jacket you know full suit so so what about the sword cane oh always on hand yeah now this is it’s technically I think an umbrella an umbrella yeah now Tom thinks Tom thinks that Jameson Keane does not have anything in his size and that is where he is mistaken I’m yeah I’m not TR to go to a steakouse I have been waiting for the glow up opportunity and I have made certain strategic purchases over the last couple years just waiting for this moment because I knew that eventually you would come to me and you would need access to to my unique skill set you have like a jacket or something I could wear tonight just a just a jacket just something just just a jacket something just a jacket I thr over something minor something to tank top toss over are uh are you wearing your standard uniform tank top and yeah cargo shorts and Crocs no gotta gotta dress it up a little different tonight I like it oh I like it too I fixed the tank top a little bit yes yes but does EV my nipples was showing yeah and that this the uh the armoir uh is opened there are what’s inside choices are what is inside Mr Carl options is this a vintage Sonic jacket potentially potentially it sounds like you have uh you have raid uh the Vintage and retro shops of Ballard of which there are plenty a red light no absolutely yeah over over the you right maybe a Buffalo Exchange yeah exactly well and this is and obviously at finey Ridge is a couple nice options as well true and so what I would do is is obviously I can’t I would never try to make Tom like me but what I would try to do is execute something like a like like I’ve seen perhaps at the five spot at midnight when a musician or a a uh perhaps a a an authentic music star materializes with their Entourage at 1:00 in the morning they’re not dressed like me but they are dressed in a way that communicates a crispness a freshness real value I think we’ll need some dice rolls here the first dice roll we’ll need is your Rouse check for having used mask of a th indeed do you get hungrier so one single red Dy is all we need to establish whether or not you’re Beast it’s always it’s always a little little nerve-wracking what I like about it though you’re at one hunger yeah yeah what happens I get a success success you do not grow hungrier your mask of a thousand faces changes your your appearance without provoking your bestial side no no and I’m I’m right here like in the three mirrors uh it’s it’s the old face it’s the old me it is all being executed to the nins have they ever seen this I have never needed to use it oh this is very fascinating no I’m humming like humming old songs what do you look like are you are you uh are are you handsome are you plain are you craggy are you he his look is uh sculpted from a rock um strong like everything it’s it’s basically like what he has become it is sort of like maybe psychologically like he’s inverted it maybe he’s turned it up a little bit from then where it’s like Jaw now low hanging down must be physically adjusted this is sharp the the the chin comes down it’s craggy it’s Rocky there’s The dimple here um smiles here he’s he’s that that ugly handsome that that men are allowed to be interesting yeah I think like it’s it’s a shocking and you’re like in a three-sided mirror yeah yeah yeah I think this is probably like the first time like you see Betty like kind of annoyed with you this just like are you done beatric and as she comes up behind you in the mirror you probably realized she can’t see her reflection yeah are you done it’s true anyone who is looking at the mirror when Betty approaches sees not Betty they see a distortion a blurry strange shifting clouded Apparition that might be more at home in a a horror film about ghosts and spirits and wths that probably startles Tom Jesus Christ trying to like startle Jameson yeah and I and I’m just making my adjustments and then I can just see like over my shoulders yeah hand comes over and tightens your time I think you look great I say now beatress how do you manage to look so well without the access to a mirror this is this is the question I think that’s on all of our minds let’s let’s get going can we get going and I let go of the time I I push down the you know the shredder fangs and like stop tightening the T but I love I love what she suggested about like some traditional like Immaculate old Sonics jackets and like but like go the sportsare but the sportswar is like uh perfectly cated curated I see so like that’s a jack jacket you’re going to get a compliment on this is um I I think this is um a situation in which we’re going to call for a subterfuge role it isn’t strictly fashion sense you’re trying to disguise something in need of disguising yes and trying to convey uh a message that is not normally projected from Tom so let’s do this let’s go with witz and subterfuge which for Jameson is I think six dice six dice you’re not bluffing so you don’t get the you don’t get the specialty right uh so so six dice uh one of which is hunger yes inde I got it right here I use hunger dice I just leave them over here to mark it this is not this is not this is not simple no I think it’s um I think it’s probably a difficulty of three what which one am I rolling you’re not jamus is dressing you rolling on you if you were choosing your own clothing that would be an entirely different situation dressing me I’m actually scared and you’re playing the game right oh jeez I see some anks yeah you have I have one critical success and three regular success okay so total of four success that’s excellent so that exceeds that exceeds the minimum handily um it’s a great effect actually it looks almost natural on you nice yeah exactly this is it and he’s right there in the mirror right he’s the simple chain you see exactly you see a Tom you see a um you didn’t know existed this is a vampire that you might actually you know appreciate meeting do that get rid of my last do I see myself and I’m like oh this is better interesting interesting I love this idea the rules are vague on this point we usually talk about Ambitions and touchstones but this is such a boost to Your Ego seeing yourself in a brand new light like this uh I’m going to house roll it rule it and here’s what I’m going to do you are down one aggravated willpower you got four left M make a dice pool of all your unspent willpower which is four black dice let’s get at least one success on this roll got one two two successes yeah it’s as though a weight is lifted from your shoulders and little pieces of your heart which were destroyed one little little tear I wipe it away begin to reassemble inside you blood tear this is great it’s just basically he can he can Envision himself achieving these goals as this person maybe this person may this person maybe this person can be the tattoo artist that the Tom previous could not so I’m going to count this as a as a step closer to your ambition I love itk what what an Innovative and interesting way to apply the rule yeah I love it I think like yeah no Betty softens leaning against the marage like you look very wonderful Tom he smiles thank you uh while they’ve been dressing up yes I have been paying attention to the items that have been chosen uh how alike or or or not alike are the two of you dressed Oh weird this is this is a polar sound quite dissimilar this is a polar opposite this is it’s it’s it’s like street wear but it’s like vintage Street Wear um with all these and specifically Seattle touchstones okay and then you’re you’re like black tuck Tails yeah me I’m I’m ready tonight just because I’m just going to wear the the shirt yeah then what I choose is uh accent uh I want to I’m gonna match you I’m gonna pick a jacket similar to what Tom is wearing something vintage and sporty something vintage and Sport I’m going to keep my t-shirt underneath so my Lea jacket is going to be left behind uh and uh oh yes uh uh and that’s the only thing that I add is just that extra layer that is in line with the theme resonant right I think I’m touching this one too that’s real leather it is real leather it’s an ally right I think it’s a yes I think it’s probably a I think it’s probably a vintage bomber jacket from the from the warrior real deal is it like a University of Washington Letterman with the little patches nice like a vintage one yeah no Betty loves this I think they called I think they called them a varsity bomber yeah I I used to love going there in that time period yeah yeah was fun it brings it back there’s even a vintage uh little Take Back the Night rallies Little V little vintage football pin oh attached to it wow yeah they’re going to think I’m a a sporty guy huh this this a good look is this going to match the place it’s going to work yeah and you like it I love it all right yeah as as as the evening goes on uh the novo Reish bural up from cracks in the street you’ll you’ll uh you’ll look marvelous there uh I’m ready to go whenever you are all are all right let’s shift the scene to the steakhouse then and um in keeping with the neighborhood where the motto is where history meets hip yeah uh this place uh is a little bit more upscale than you might expect chosen well exactly uh it’s unassuming from the outside but it is clear that they take themselves quite seriously and people are dressed uh better than the aggressively casual sartorial Touchstone that is Seattle normally so you know your neighborhood yeah such places obviously are are thick on the ground here as well um but there are places where um where one can you know be strategic had you entered this place Tom dressed in your normal attire you wouldn’t have been thrown out but it would have been a much more socially uncomfortable situation for but I feel comfortable now you feel probably feel great probably feel better than I you’re gliding who wouldn’t want to be seen with this this I hear like rap music playing in my head as I walk in speaking of when as soon as we start to be around people I’m activating awe and I’m staying right beside Tom and as soon as people start to look at us I put my arm on his shoulder in a comrade chummy in a very chummy way your buddy your pal so that whatever attention I’m getting you want is spreading to him sh wow the effect is instantaneous you can almost see the light switch turning on awe heads turn necks swivel people in line waiting for their table turn around to look at you they don’t even make any secret of it you are magnetic I’ll just whisper into Tom’s ear oh looks like people are noticing us in a good way it’s the jacket man it’s the jacket man it’s the jacket it’s how you wear the jacket my friend it’s the guys in the jackets Mr Kean so nice to see you again your table is waiting for you lovely to have you with us again thank you so much these your friends absolutely no is is marjerie going to be taking care of us tonight uh if that’s your wish it is absolutely my wish you know me and margerie margerie and I so right this way that’s does he say it yeah you can’t help it it’s a tick just can’t resist I love it though I love it just can’t resist you are taken to a private dining room where there is but one table a large eight top absolutely your usual sir oh please and if and then I just off to the side the Seafood Tower oh I’ll I’ll get the chef started right on that so you’re seated comfortably here you are inside a private dining area in Bard four vampires who can’t actually eat anything on this men right no or drink anything from the bar the dirty martini that arrives for you of course will go untouched oh no unless you are going to DARE blush of life and try to choke it down I’ll see if I’ll see how this meeting goes and then maybe I’ll treat myself see you don’t have long to wait evangelene is prompt and she isn’t alone she too really has brought a friend okay good I’m I’m glad we got the whole room then she’s Immaculate in white as usual always is always she’s wearing a uh a white uh very modern very stylishly cut pants suit with a white leather jacket that shows off her her long black hair to Great Advantage very simple understated jewelry and makeup the individual with her you’ve never seen before not dressed nearly as well as any of you uh you don’t know if this individual is mortal or Kindred or not at this point we’ll probably find out dude if it’s Mr Windle this is going to be amazing quickest game ever just hacks no how does he how does this person individual respond to me upon entering with a so the individual is um a middle-aged woman or what appears to be a middle-aged woman or she has uh copper red hair and uh a lot of freckles on her face uh she’s wearing very casual Street clothing jeans running shoes a thick sweater to keep out the Seattle chill she fit right in and Boward none of it seems terribly you know consciously put together it’s what anybody might wear out on the street at night evangelene breezes in as though she owns the place sits right next to Tom and motions for her her companion to sit next to her Tom I’m so glad to see you again you look fantastic thank you yeah uh Jameson had a couple things in his closet and oh really well I wink Mr Kean your sorial taste does you considerable credit his she reaches out a hand to touch the satin of the Vintage sports jacket oh it’s just gorgeous and very becoming I approve well then I approve Betty lovely to see you again may I call you Betty yes of course and you look what can one say except Perfection I appreciate it hello again hello again lovely to see you lovely to see you I see you’ve been raiding Jameson’s uh closets as well I’m beginning to see what’s going on here it was fun yes you always look really nice too that’s so sweet thank you Tom yes I try I try oh allow me to introduce uh Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry hasn’t said anything yet she’s sitting in her chair looking decidedly uncomfortable hands in her lap clasped together looking from face to face as though trying to discern whether or not she has walked into uh a trap perhaps or uh some other inopportune situation well social social scenarios of this kind are my bread and butter I know exactly what to do and I say Jerry it’s an absolute pleasure to meet you Jameson Kean about you I’m I’m Overjoyed uh hopefully all uh benevolent uh information I mean evangelene says you’re okay fair enough an okay from evangelene is a five star review she says you’re really smart well it’s been said by Evangeline apparently now we have to come this really T is this yeah yes indeed this Evangeline looks affronted and she gives U Jerry a dagger look I was gonna say Betty picks up immediately that her characterization of Tom yes did Jerry Tom that’s not this that’s a good question wits and awareness he’s so shocked right he’s in such a shocking so yeah yeah yeah so make a dice full of uh your which is three and and awareness right here should be a is it a one or a two for and one of them has to be reverse that handful and dice one of which is hungry is hungry now put them in there we want to see I detect this I want to see social situation oh I think that he might have picked up on it three successes there’s body language there it’s clear that evangelene has been offended by what Jerry has just said I’m always offended and um the implication is that evangelene has described you in Far More favorable terms to Jerry than Jerry was expecting right so Jerry do we pick up on Jerry’s sort of like disappointment or disdain about what it wasn’t disdainful it just he seems surprised that that is as he appears together B on the impression that has told him indeed uh I get it and I just say to her I clean up nice yeah I feel underdressed evangelene didn’t tell me where we were coming so you know I didn’t have much time sorry what I’m curious about is whether Jerry’s response to Tom was oh the person in front of me is less than what I thought you would be based on evangelin of script or because he’s been gussied up more than what Evangeline oh I see a subtle distinction but possibly an important one so um you kind of drill down into that kind of body language I need the role I need the wit and awareness role you got to pick up on it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah this this one is harder than the uh Ro that uh it’s all over on the right side there is W oh yeah you got this one two and one of them is one of them is hunger for you so I think it’s four dice and one’s hunger and so your odds you got to make a better rooll I don’t know odd really want get that will power handy yep so close two so I’ll do a will power here’s you can spend a will power point so you’ve got a superficial damage to one Willow box yep just a regular slash through the corner and you can roll that black hunger D just this black one just that one got can’t sorry the black you can’t ever roll hunger dime no they won’t let you o well it’s a only critical in Paris so so you’ve made the threshold it’s not quite enough successes to read the complete subtext you would have had to beat the number of successes that Tom got which was also three but it’s enough for you to make an informed opinion and you think that evangelene described Tom in such a way that um Jerry was expecting something magnificent no that’s opposite that’s not the way Tom inter that’s BET’s judging and so much like much like Jasmine Betty’s already made the opposite assumption which would be which would make sense no no but I’m saying that what what is up with Evangeline what is this why is it inconceivable that she would think very high Tom well no no I’m saying that I thought we were doing all this stuff to elevate Tom but she already thinks Tom is the best that’s why I said he should be himself to her but now Betty’s like Betty’s a Negative Nancy so she’s just like dark energy literally literally now he’s rolling Abyssal energy yes he is rolling but he’s not happy with his roll but he can do whatever he wants when the uh when the waiter excuse me it’s marjerie tonight isn’t it it is yeah when when the server Marjorie arrives she makes a a show of being very very happy to see you so please she understands that you know you want the Seafood Tower it’s on its way you’ve got your Martini uh if she if if you like she’ll take your drink orders if anybody wants to order anything majer darling do you mind if I smoke in here um as long as Mr Keane doesn’t mind I’ll just shut the door oh thank you so much MRE that impresses the hell out of T yeah yeah it’s like that’s like hard loss like he would have laughed out loud at that like fck yeah marjerie takes your drink orders and shuts the door of the private dining room behind I strike up immediately yeah with a really long a long one yeah oh yes she has to open the door to fit it inside the room amazing I love Balor yeah it’s a great spot it’s really nice isn’t it isn’t it beautiful yeah so you said you knew something about the white the white the ghoul sorry the ghoul ghoul Mr whes where did you hear that word uh I used to play te interesting a white is a real thing I thought that was all made up well she glances reflectively at the door to make sure it truly is closed before she continues I give her a comforting nod thank you thank you very much Mr key white is a kindred that has lost control lost touch with their Humanity you might say degenerated into nothing but hunger they’re very very dangerous they can’t reason anymore they have no self-control I’m afraid they have to be put down wow that sounds terrible believe me if you ever meet one you’ll know it there’ll be no mistaking it and that’s different from a ghoul which is what we’re after that’s correct very good I can be taught I have no doubt a ghoul is something like a blood employee okay that’s an interesting way of putting it I I concur but she motions at Jerry yeah um Wendell belongs to me I’m the one who l i see and you have and you have misplaced him I hope so we’ll see see is Jerry here one of your other ghouls no Jerry’s one of us only one of us can make a ghoul you could make a ghoul at some point you could I might have made a ghoul accidentally it’s possible but I would recommend thinking very carefully before you bring someone into that existence yeah let’s maybe stay away from those of power structur exactly it’s a big respon a is a big responsibility Thomas do you remember one of our number their father was a ghoul yes I do remember that so you know that there are some your dear little friend Amanda there sophistication perhaps there is a there’s layers to it Tom I don’t think you’re ready she left not jump in that pool that’s wise yeah if you decide to do it and many of us do for a number of reasons some good some bad somebody take care of you when your old age H I hadn’t thought about it like that but Lighthouse work house Work yeah yeah okay so yeah Wendell belongs to me and um I don’t know where he is did you retrace your steps where was the last place you had your G yeah see that’s the thing I sent him on a little errand and haven’t seen him since and um where I sent him um not exactly uh fashionable I sent him into the jungle Redmond jungle oh no no Tom um the jungle is what the local Kindred call the Dark Places underneath Highway overpasses oh very dangerous places now and see now Jerry before we continue we we have to obviously discuss a very important matter Jerry with a an ie Jerry with an eye and a little heart with a with a G or a j oh well with a with a G thanks for asking no one ever asked see this is these are but these are all key these are all vital now I understand that it may it may be impolitic uh to ask but it will help us a lot if we understand the nature of this jungle Mission look I mean evangelon said you could help and I really words gotten around enough that that Wendell’s missing and I don’t really want anybody to know where I sent him and why so part of this deal has to be confidentiality but she said you could help we can’t if we know where you sent him and why yeah that’s a a key portion well the why can be divorced from the we are if that makes you feel more comfortable I mean you’re going to figure it out eventually I probably yes I will I would figure it out and then probably pretend that I didn’t to say save um you embarrassment you already seem rather uncomfortable but you don’t have to admit it right now if you don’t want to appreciate it yeah um so inging about uh I don’t know what’s it been evangelene five nights I guess um I sent Wendell on a little errand into the jungle um actually you’re not that far from it in in your neighborhood here um and uh he didn’t come back and um you know I don’t use a phone where anybody can see it but you know the trick is not to get seen so I did try to text him and then I tried to call him and he never he never answered I don’t know if he he didn’t even read the messages so I think something pretty awful must have happened to him he’s gone to this jungle before and come back safely yeah yeah quite a few times actually um I sent him um I sent him to see uh somebody named kilme kill me’s a uh kill me’s a thin blood H certainly an inauspicious name now could this ghoul have run away I doubt it I mean oh you don’t know any of this stuff do you I just got here so to speak okay okay cool pretty new to the whole Kindred thing no don’t worry about it um she looks at evangelene and Evangeline picks up the narrative from this point yes it’s possible that the ghoul ran away but it would have taken an act of extraordinary willpower to accomplish it’s not impossible but it’s very very unlikely to create a ghoul we have to give some of our V our blood to a mortal and it creates an artificial Bond um a deep deep attraction someone call it love and it is not in the ghoul’s interest anymore to sever that relationship but it’s not impossible I’ve heard of it happening but I’m not that much older than most of you so I don’t know I’m fairly certain I’m nowhere near as old as beatric and Mr Keane here yes that’s a good bet I think like taking that point uh I’d like look at you Comm and just say and uh the part that Evangeline leaves out is that Kindred Can Be Blood bonded too oh so if you were to drink someone’s V I would be you would have a hard time separating yourself from them disobeying them just something to know I’ll file that away for later it’s true it’s not foolproof but the more you drink the stronger the bond it’s got to be consider kind of rude though right depends on who you ask and what kind of fun you’re having with it so uh do you make that sound do you object Mr King to my characterization uh no I I think that it is true and proper I I I simply beatric has opinions for well she opinions almost she is beatric uh to be sure uh I such a bond has a a distasteful quality to me H I have a i Bridle under it Madam even the idea what do you think the blood Bond or a ghoul well blood Bond’s the topic under conversation so what do you think I think that if you’re to participate in any of those things then you need to make sure that you’re choosing well do I take it that none of you have ever been bloodbound beatress this is subject of much Amusement yes it is I’m dying to know I mean a lady never tells I I think that you have said managed to say a lot oh it’s like a sex thing what I it could be I mean think about it Tom in in exchange of fluids creatures that don’t trust each other at all there is a bit of an intimate component to being bound to each other sense I mean I don’t know if you know this uh Tom but kred even have ceremonies in which they can tie the knot there’s people that live like this for years and capable of falling in love and being bound to each other and being married just like mortals can have you ever been married well what why don’t you tell us more about this Windle because that’s far more important than me yes it is really the matter at hand but what do they look like and um why are you rolling time I don’t want you to roll any more where you rolling dice Evangeline gives you a look and the look says I understand I won’t pry and she makes it very clear that that’s what she’s saying with her eyes she good oh she doesn’t say this out loud doesn’t say it out loud she’s being cool she’s she is being cool about this she’s letting you know that she knows she knows something something that you don’t want to talk about maybe it’s Maybelline look I don’t know much about the thin Bloods they haven’t been something that’s crossed my path that often and then I would prefer not I know that they’re weird aren’t they they’re didn’t they get botched it depends on who you ask look they can do weird again a look at the door to make sure it’s still closed that margerie didn’t you know leave it open there seems to be a strange thing that happens with our blood each of us is created by another sired someone made you me all of us and some Kindred can trace their lineages back many sers proud lineages good lineages if you say so be unlike thin Bloods some lineages are better than others that’s for sure someone created thin Bloods too Kindred made them but something happened maybe too many generations of lineage had passed but something goes wrong with the blood or the process or something and it creates I guess you could call it a very weak vampire they’re almost mortal they um they’re really Persona nrata collectively the Camara um do they drink blood some of them do I guess I like I said I don’t know much about them they’re not allowed in the camarilla in at least in Seattle um I’ve heard even worse about how the Camara treats them but they’re definitely not welcome and so they tend to you know Gather in parts of the city where the Camilla really wouldn’t be caught dead for example if you pardon the expression listen now do I Savor these creatures no but they are very useful a lot of times they can even hang out in daylight and so in my line of business oh you’ve heard that too it’s useful I’ve heard that rumor too is it true well I’ve in the smuggling business you don’t ask too many questions but okay when you’re trying to transport things by a port sometimes that involves having reliable people that can move Goods during the day I’ve heard that some of them can in fact go out in the sun so I would not be surprised that there are thin bloods in this jungle engaging in anyse where else can they indeed where else can they apply their trait one of my convictions is that everyone deserves a fair shot oh no so what I I would think that that that’s kind of right so the way they’re treated that’s certainly The Narrative aspect of it we haven’t reached a point where that conviction is in Jeopardy right if you find yourself in a situation where you have the opportunity to give someone a fair shot and you don’t do it I don’t do okay then your Humanity could be in Jeopardy yes but that doesn’t mean that you don’t have an opinion on this I think it probably does mean you have an opinion on this probably a rather forceful one got it I have a question Jerry what is preventing you from reclaiming your I’m not going in there I’m not going to be seeing with th Bloods forget it yeah it you I mean I will so this isn’t a problem I’m happy to go I you can’t there like a like bangel told you there what you call it person’s non- Godus something um some kind of you if you if you go look if you go hunt for Wendell and that’s where the hunt takes you obviously I owe you big time for looking I owe you even more if you actually find him but um you got to know you’re caught hobnobbing with them could be bad for you there are there are Kindred in Seattle who think that the thin Bloods are like the I don’t know the omen of Doom or something that they’re going to bring about the end of the world or that they’re I don’t know what does Lou think of them I mean I wouldn’t know question I thought you were a good friend that’s a good question I mean that’s going a little far for whatever reason so um I sculpt and uh Lou likes what I what I did I I had an exhibit a show an opening and I couldn’t believe it luk came luk gram came to my opening oh at least sort of she sent people which is almost as good as Lou Graham coming to the open if Lou is a patron of the art this is I’m already putting it together yeah so um you know that was special and um they they bought some pieces to take back to oh you know that place that she stays and I guess never comes out of uh so so I figure she must have seen something she liked and I know how to get in touch with her people and if you do this I will make sure she hears how you helped me okay if perhaps you could have your people when I say she bought some pieces I mean she bought my show and what kind of work you do sculptures but is it m realism abstract what do you do it’s mostly abstract bronzes okay we have we we’re already in the my uh my show was um interpretations of Seattle historical events like the great fire I remember that the oops you do wait wa what year was the great fire this is jasine asking 1880 something no I missed it by 15 years you can think you remember it but you’ve heard of it yeah no yeah should be like oh the fire of course yeah no no no I remember I think they were still rebuilding I remember the shitty fire afterward yeah yeah yeah that one wasn’t that great fire it suck here now I would say now Jerry because you are a g and an i Jerry yeah you’ve already garnered a lot of respect that’s a configuration that I love are you making fun of me absolutely not okay when he compliments people it sounds it’s always sounds but it’s it it’s not we will secure your goou or AB or do our our level best to do so and certainly we will take uh advantage of any introductions you might be able to make but the Haven is looking a little sparse and if it is indeed the fact that uh you know your way around a bronze sculpture I do I do wonder if there might be some momento of our our SW collaboration that could reside in the Haven itself want me to make you something I would like you to make me something okay okay we can make that part of the deal yeah I’ll make you an original o for for the time being also I mean perhaps it might take a long time to make an original can we can we have if you have another piece that wasn’t claimed by Lou maybe we can house that for the time being until the original makes its weight to us you want me to give you art before you do anything is that like a down payment well you know it’s going to take you a while to create that unless you’re a very fast worker which I you know would not necessarily say you’re incapable of so you want to down payment you could have just said so I mean sure down payment fine yes yes I didn’t sell everything at the at the opening so yeah I got something I’ve got a I’ve got an abstract Mount rer that I think might work for you who knows will that work oh good that would actually be really nice I think it’s it’s been proved that one okay absolutely wow well I I I I mean I assume we’ll be back with Mr wendle in three or four hours no don’t ever put it no yes don’t no give them a time for obviously uh Jerry will be in touch we will okay so I’ll get in touch with you through Evangeline that’s cool and uh I think I’ll go I gotta go okay get my Mountain R your sculpture out of storage sent somewhere I guess it will be well housed I don’t want to know just out she excuses herself and leaves the private dining room closing the door carefully behind I think the last five days have been a hard time for her yeah she’s not able to tug on this leash she sort of thought she had this lined up she does really seem to have an attachment to wendle which is nice to see yeah it is charming isn’t it but if he was sent to deal with the thin Bloods and that got back to some of the Kindred in the chemal of Court it might go less well for Jerry do we have any idea what so we have to be careful do we know what one might deal with thin Bloods I’m sure I don’t know oh yes I have no clue what frankly the less I have to do with them the better not because I mean I have no op yeah I have no opinion about the Doom or the Omens or whatever but I do know that um it doesn’t pay to be seen with them so must be something very important for her to risk yes I mean who knows what she sent him there for who knows who knows well and I can only imagine how delicious the very creature she sent in there must be to these thin Bloods why would that be because he is tuned up as you I’d say with Kindred V it’s true you might not find him alive he imagine how delicious he would be to these thin Bloods yeah she committing this piece to them to that board is very interesting play I’ll uh I have Jerry send me a picture and I’ll text it to you remember don’t show anybody your phones m be careful with those uh I suppose back to what you were speaking to earlier uh the blood bonding oh are you intrigued I change your mind let’s just say I uh let’s talk about sex again I am baby absolutely have some experience in that regard in case you know that knowledge was of any sort of importance to you how intriguing I’m happy to tell Tom all about it a kindred of mystery oh well please do be a deer and and educate Tom sure yeah my pleasure so uh I know we haven’t had an opportunity to um what are the younger hang out but I remember your kind invitation to your Heaven oh forget love to host the two of you I’ve got a shooting range of that uh you know lots of great activities really oh yeah Tom has been I’ve been it’s it’s beautiful it’s a great place yeah I’m Free a lot so anytime you want to go oh wonderful well then let’s make it a date maybe um after you’ve had a chance to investigate Jerry’s little problem we’ll go take care of this real quick liy split I hope it is quick I mean I understand what I’m what I’m suggesting that you do could be dangerous Jerry I did not understand that that’s interesting that you bring that up why would that be because being seen with the thin Bloods we frowned upon but not like physically dangerous W actually I don’t know it could be who knows I don’t know I’ve heard some pretty strange things about them oh right you you really know what you’re dealing with on an individual I don’t know I don’t really know if they’re like us and that they have various abilities or if they’re truly more like ghouls or Mortals I mean ghouls can sometimes inherit the powers of those who make them but in a very minute way okay so it’s an X Factor basically we don’t want to know well be careful yeah we thank you for the warning we should probably make arrangements the night is is you know not Young no I’ll wait to hear from you yeah as soon as we get done with this little job we’ll connect and we’ll head over to Betty’s place and and have ourselves a little date that sounds perfect I look forward to it so much me too I’m looking forward to it right now don’t forget that photo I’m going to excuse myself and I’ll get right on that for you so the the the way that it operates here in the back room is that essentially there’s like there the meals are always sort of on hold like basically they’re on hold and they’re on hold and they’re on hold and then when I leave it’s essentially just dinner for the people that work here so we don’t actually put but oh theide we’re just doing menus we doing meetings we’re working out bus and then essentially it’s just dinner for it’s free meal for the staff exactly that’s very generous so nothing goes to waste no absolutely not cuz that’s I did get the seafood huh crabs oysters shrimp yeah if they start bringing this and you just see Betty’s like nose curl we need to leave yeah they haven’t brought anything they didn’t even bring your drinks oh okay abs here is terrible I didn’t see one server I didn’t get my meal at all poor review on yel yeah yeah exactly he’s pretty one star yeah didn’t see a server once though D Martino on on our way out as you if you do if you share that with us absolutely absolutely uh I we just turn to you and say you know what Jameson at some point if you ever do decide yes uh to acquire a ghou indeed I’m sure you’d be very good to them oh I I a great mentor to I I cons I consider them bloodless ghouls as it is we have a a relationship that I think functions that works for us they don’t need any of my juices uh to have an authentic relationship that is based on Mutual collaboration and respect I grab a handful of the fancy mints the jar the whole jar into my jacket pocket the whole thing yeah okay the uh the host looks at you a scance but decides it’s not it’s not worth stopping you forget it okay you’re with Mr ke yeah yeah exactly there’s a look yeah there is a tab it goes on exactly yeah it’s just a rustles yeah but there’s a tab and this goes on it WR down JJ tab he’s mints too many $235 no bill will come to you at the end of the month yes sure I believe it Costco as good as her word evangelene does text you it’s a photograph what do I see you see uh a young man athletic with a very fashionable haircut okay and by that I mean it’s got sort of you know under Buzz here on one side U he’s wearing uh a Seattle Mariners sweatshirt okay and he’s standing it’s one of those pictures in which the person is standing in front of their car oh boy oh he’s one of these yeah standing in front of a silver Tesla oh okay so we can one of the one of the more expensive on oh interesting it’s got advaned yeah text follows this is Wendell thanks for this heart yeah I mean there there is only one interpretation sir she is smitten do you want to respond to that Tom yeah who do you want to respond with uh thanks for the pick um I mean should I send a pick of myself back no oh okay I didn’t know are we texting no you are just just you’re just texting whatever you know all right I me send her a picture of any of your appendages I don’t you know women don’t like that a lot of the time I just say thanks for they ask for it this will make it easy uh heart see you when we get back heartt yeah yeah yeah I’m second time around Second Time Around yeah the return return text is just a smiley face thumbs up followed by four an address oh okay oh okay oh this is the jungle so the address is an intersection where the highway way meets a secondary Road in the very north of Ballard not far from the Crown Hill Neighborhood okay it’s really nothing special about that part of town it’s mostly residential but the highway does cut through it on its way North absolutely all right I’m familiar with the exact area if you know how to get us there I show you on the Google Map and then I tuck my phone away so it can’t be yeah absolutely and my my presumption is that your capacious automobile is a hard show massive forgot what we what we decided on but it was something like a Ford explore it like a Land Rover or something I think it might have been a Range Rover yeah it was very it was very B yeah it takes up like two it takes up two parking spaces the inside is the opposite of a Tesla it’s like all been gutted so that she can drive it it’s all all it’s all like no power steering yeah yeah but that’s no problem for her right and as I recall Betty has a a rather extensive go kit in the back she’s got the bugout bag oh leather gloves a challe and uh bunch of other piano wire crowbars things like that nice zip TI things come I am very impressed are you going through my I am totally not rubia because I’m sure that it’s like all very neatly set up there’s like a there’s like a a method to this surgical Precision so there is no way I would mess that up but I am absolutely touching it with my eyes yeah it’s it’s all Tetris in there it’s perfectly arranged but yeah this is but I mean from Valor to this this is you know certainly at this time of night is maybe 10 15 minutes very quick drive very quick drive I think I believe you even keep an emergency supply of blood bags in there yep in the trunk they don’t know about that that’s secret it’s underneath the thing where you’re supposed to have a spare tire yeah I I I want to know is there still there still like the back seats or how how many people how much room is there like how many seats did you or did you pull out it’s a Range Rover so it’s like it’s huge it’s like a big car okay mhm so you didn’t like pull out all the back seats to make room for all your stuff no need for that the only the only thing that’s modified is like the console God cuz she has trouble interacting with with technology but yeah it’s just that big that it has like many older people a cooler in the back with blood bags oh I’m curious about something it’s like her version of uh the Firefly like she’s a Smuggler so it’s like got everything she needs in it lots of little nooks and crannies how long have you had this oh I’ve had it for oh quite some time I want to compare how worn the the driver’s seat is compared to the passenger seat in the back seat basically I want to try to put together in my mind how often Betty has other people in this car around you’re piece of I’m a curious individual I’m a curious individual and I I’m just doing some you know just feeling my curiosity I’m look I’m GNA look at your character sh that’s not Betty that’s just me na wow my interesting this is a naughty man I am a naughty man this isn’t casual awareness this is deliberate Pride oh absolutely so I think this is intelligence and investigation this is intelligence and being weird four dice for you four dice okay so four total 100 in the pool he’s like down investigating your seats three successes well Betty how often do you drive yourself so the passenger seats are basically brand new the Eddie Bower leather is pristine as the day that it was purchased and only the driver’s seat you know how that leather gets the slightly glossy look only the only the driver’s seat now this was I I know I’m just I am angrily telling you it’s Jasmine I love it yeah only the driver’s seat is warn yes that’s what I want he doesn’t have friends delicious you delicious that’s like a brand new car yeah it does it does a little bit D it’s an easy dve yes especially I’m sitting in the Middle with I hate you I’m driving cuz I believe I’m the only one with any dots and drive uh I probably don’t I have a I have a DOT I got one dot and drive I don’t okay okay this is your this is your is anybody in the passenger seat is anybody shotgun oh I think I think I’m probably because I’m I’m always like the dad in this group anyway yeah those of you who are in the back of course noticed that Betty has no reflection in this mirror either in the driver’s mirror at all yeah you just see a spect in the in the yeah you just see a spect I am looking at it in fact if ever I talk to Betty I’m talking to that reflection of Betty like so you make a point of looking at it oh yeah find it quite lovely actually it was fascinating I’m so used to making probably Tom uncomfortable that I actually like that’s probably I absolutely not at all uncomfortable by it not even in the slightest and and probably wouldn’t even hide that from you like all major cities Seattle of course is got its problems with highways right many of the routs in the city are were badly planned and despite efforts to uh rebuild and beautify them this particular overpass was constructed as part of a urban renewal project probably in the in the 70s right um and while effort has been expended to make the top side of it as a functional and uh good goodl looking as a highway can be there’s been little paid little attention paid to the dark spaces beneath um and this is a place inhabited mostly by people seeking Shelter From The Eternal rains and the winds that blow in from the Pacific they pick up colder air over the rugged snowcapped Olympic mountains as they blow Eastward and then across the Deep cold expanse of Elliot Bay until they reach Seattle where they just cut through you where just murder men and women cold cold winds it’s bone cold not much shelter there’s a lot of trash steering in this part of the city just like every overpass right and it’s ignored by the people who drive over it or buy it every day the huge concrete pillars of the overpass rise up on all sides propping up the bridge of the highway overhead and moving over this deep shadowy recess as you pull up your headlights pick out personal tents bed rolls trash tools supplies all the evidence of Community Living rough in the elements not at all Pleasant or hopeful place now just at the edge of your headlights Betty you can make out what looks to be a a makeshift plywood Shack and instead of windows it’s just got holes cut in the plywood and someone has uh taped black plastic garbage bags across the holes with some sort of masking tape or electricians tape you can see rats scurrying at the edge of the headlights making way with garbage and pieces of paper that have been strewn here by the wind there’s no working light under here at all it’s dark um but there is a very very faint glow coming from under underneath the doorway of the plywood Shack okay and there are several flashlights being played about too by people who have probably heard or seen your vehicle approach some of them are shining their flashlights right through your windshield yeah at you it’s really hard to see actually one of them is one of those really industrial uh H hallogen flashlights that create a blinding beam mhm oh yeah just cuts yeah I think I would like turn off the engine and then almost like snapping into a very business-like fashion you see like Betty like taking her jacket off and she’s like all right jacket’s off nice call I think there’s a trench in the back Rico if you can hand it to me I am following suit is there something else that uh might cover up oh yeah I would like my crowbar yep got that do you have see me that in the back you’ve exchanged that tumeric yellow jacket for your trench yes and you’ve got your crowbar yes and you notice this trench is like very unassuming it’s not like Burberry very you’re Incognito 100% And that is translating to me do you have anything for one of our more obvious companions I think there’s some ski masks and turtlenecks you can probably make something work back there we will make something work you just have a murder box back here what we I take off my jacket I turn it inside out as you take off yours I’m doing the same thing is there is there a difference between the material on the inside versus what’s on the other side yeah I think there probably is it’s probably a darker softer material cool uh here do this if I don’t find something that fits you back here like a big trench coat then I’m gonna offer you your own jacket turned inside out okay um and a ski mask all right you’re putting on a ski mask I’m not putting on a ski mask uh Tom so I have a question Tom has StreetWise yes and oh this this this is not going to be crazy for him yeah like I would think that I would be comfortable with like taggers down here bikers down here maybe interesting idea how many dots at Street wise do I have three uh dots of StreetWise and three composure you’re obviously like you know you know your way around uh Seattle’s rougher places or at least you know what to expect even maybe not this specific one yeah let’s make the rooll let’s make it composure and StreetWise oky do uh that’s six dice for you six di one is a wow one out put one in yeah hungry yeah looking for three successes oh I got three successes I like how you have like StreetWise like hip and I have like StreetWise Black Market yeah little different specialty very different basically he just knows how to move here yeah yeah and I I’m here to deal right I suspect that the tattoo scene and the tagger scene probably has a lot of overlap yes in Seattle so uh you might even recognize some of the work some of designs the work here yeah you got three successes I did roll this make the same rooll again yeah you need four successes this time though oh okay no absolutely not I did get a red Su success okay so you got two successes you’re looking for four um if you want to spend a willpower it’s it’s superficial so it refreshes at the beginning of the next session it’s not aggravated damage you can exact I got it suspend roll up to three black dice oh re roll up to three black di so you had two successes re three of the you need two more come on oh yes yes yes yes it takes a few minutes as you are studying the signs the tags yeah the marks in the bright lights Betty’s range over but yeah yeah you know that Tiger’s work and it’s fresh too yeah the tagger is known only as the beetle now you’ve never met the beetle no but you would know the Beatles work anywhere right it’s intricate it’s modern and some find it Strangely Beautiful okay there is a there’s a rumor that the beetle actually is a tattooer you would you wouldn’t be surprised seeing what you see here yeah so I don’t put a ski mask on then I get out feeling pretty comfortable and I actually sort of look at you guys who are ready to like yeah they’re like go hard and I I just draw the Shadows about myself I’m used to I’m used to having to be not there and I continue that policy so the cloer Shadows right no I think as long as you’re not flexing your wealth it’s not no I think that you fit in and that’s good but do you want other Kindred that might be watching us to know that we were here amongst the thin Bloods cameras can’t record me Tom so I’m a little bit more incognitus all the time whatever you want Tom I’ll support I have to question authority and I have to think everyone deserves a fair shot so I think that’s some social rules that I just don’t buy into I mean Tom I don’t agree if it makes you feel better that you know I’m of the I’m very pro-choice you know like I don’t think we should make thin Bloods because of the conditions have to live in but once they’re here right you know then what’s to be done I think we need to treat them well yes so I’m against the creation of them you know I don’t not to make this a my body my choice type situation but you know I’m [Music] I’m you know I don’t think it’s a complicated topic but I guess I just don’t think it’s that complicated with Seattle and I I start walking into the so the rock that comes sailing out of the darkness I see your point misses you Misses the Range Rover barely and lands with a thud not un like the thud we just heard uh next to the front tire the flashlights that you have seen are playing around your faces now you’re wearing a ski mask mhm you appear as normal but of course you can’t be recorded easily at all you appear as you you normally do no SK I turn my jacket inside jacket and of course we see Mr kean’s assumed Visage for the night is that right I think in this context my level of comfort involves um Vanishing or unseen passage o so I I think I I would love it if people thought there were three of us huh I don’t think you can do that under a direct observation but let me uh take a really quick look here actually you can vanish in plain sight this is why I took it Cloud’s memory isn’t it crazy that’s pretty cool it’s such a cool but but that’s part of vanish completely is his ambition make a rouse check y please that’s just a a single hunger diet I’m getting red why are you get round that’s just a cool ability yeah wait wait till you see the 10th level of it yes well six success you do not get hungry you keep your beast in check the door of the Range Rover opens and it closes and nothing gets up now make a roll yes of what it’s your wits plus the number of dots you have in off your skate and you have rather a lot in opap I do I have an unusual amount as a matter of fact very good at it make sure to include your hunger Dy in the pool indeed so uh three wits four obvious gate is a pool of seven okay one of which is the hunger dye that dad is making me roll all right here we go I’m here to help three success four successes four successes okay much better than much better than my role you simply aren’t there you do that wavy special effect trick exactly you’re just not seen and I just travel just sort of an errant path from little pool of Shadow I don’t walk with the group from group so you are separating I am separating from them I mean they can’t they can’t see you either unless we do some contested roles with good cause absolutely but I mean these These are certainly allies and friends they know that as soon as the yeah he’s in a they know that I’m they know that I’m there you’ve seen him do this before yeah mhm but my my fantasy scenario the way that I think I can be of most help to my friends is to be a um the variable in any altercation yeah another rock comes sailing out of the darkness from somewhere behind the flashlight get out of here these rocks have to stop oh three four Funk get the fender of the Range Rover not the range I’m gonna pick up that rock it’s actually a big chunk of broken concrete a little bit of rebar sticking out of it get out I would like to uh pick up this a chunk of uh this Rocky cement is it like a like a cement concrete concrete yeah um with lethal body can I crush it h oh Lear so you have two dots of potent M lethal body has a very specific purpose which makes your makes your physical blows incredibly dangerous to humans but let’s do this let’s uh make a strength roll um let’s make strength plus Athletics plus your potence so that’s one two three four five dice five one and I would as I’m doing that I’d like to activate da so it’s happening simultaneously oh one thing at a time let’s resolve this rooll first D it would have done it the opposite direction um uh let’s do this roll how many five four with one five yeah yep five dice with one 100 we want big ANS big ank energy two two two two those are not in the tray they’re not in the tray should I re absolutely re one one was a success one wasn’t it’s two successes that’s sufficient yeah yeah so two success you grasp the chunk of concrete careful not to plunge the rebar through your hand just pulverize it into a fine gravel and are you saying that you’re activating daunt yes like right on the power that makes you scary yeah let me double check to make sure that I’m not going to do anything horrible so what happens when you activate Dawn what changes about you what what do those who can see observe that makes you scarier and more intimidating there is a so much like a it kind of pulls people’s Focus towards me but as their attention comes to me there’s something about me that gets bigger there’s it look like like I just did a really insane pump at the gym yes exactly right like my veins are popping out my chest is heaving there’s something about me that becomes a little bit more almost animalistic as I look like I get a couple inches larger in size my brow furrows and my like intensity just amplifies you got like the steroid rage I did exactly I was going to say that but you it’s definitely like a Roid Rage are we not allowed to say Roid Rage I don’t it’s okay with me that’s okay I don’t think it’s against the to no no it’s totally fine I was just you now obviously that’s one of our you’re struggling with steroid spored by steroid somebody from behind the FL lights that you can’t see Ms oh oh didn’t I hear that mhm no man we’re cool are you cool because we’re cool are you saying this in a reassuring way or an intimidating way I am being Direct that’s not a threat it’s meant to let them know I could I can but I don’t have to it it can go how they want yeah all three of The Flash lights are now focused on you I got my ski mask on I uh let that dust from that thing that I just I crumbled like fall to the ground and I just are we cool in the light of the Range Rover the headlights which you have you left them on or did you turn them off when youut you cut them so the only light in this underpass area are the three flashlights now trained all on you and of course the very faint light coming from beneath the door of the makeshift plywood Shack my body relaxes as I lean back against the uh vehicle but you’re not ending the daunt effect no right but I’m just relaxing and I’m saying you’re relaxing right next to that big old Dent right up yeah exactly I I just say hey is is Beetle here who wants to know Tom Holland’s I time H you know time there’s a murmured conversation from behind the flashlights do the flashlights move one of the flashlights slowly pans over to Tom starts at his feet goes up to his head you know you got your jacket on inside out yeah it’s a new trend and all the kids are doing it where’s Beetle why are you here to talk to Beetle why aren’t you in school I don’t I don’t know they there’s more murmured conversation what you can hear are things like I don’t know who they are but you know maybe no it’s it’s probably somebody else we don’t we can’t trust him forget it uh go away um please I have I have in my flaws a rival SM uger it’s true you do does this person have a name I think that you get the privilege of naming oh somebody else do it I’m bad at names David David David David okay yes de God I hate this guy okay um tell de Betty’s here and I got got somebody I can try later it concerns Beetle oh nice what’s with the mask keeps my face warm yeah he got a cold face where’s Beetle I think we ought to kill him don’t you think so yeah I think we ought to kill him are you sure about that I think this is a great place to uh pause our vampire story for now oh you’re a wicked man the tension it has been remarked oh god oh man that let’s fight yeah exactly let’s get it well up next time maybe we won’t not thank you very much for joining us for Seattle by Night season 2 episode one fresh tendrils


    1. I was waiting hopefully for this for what seems like eons and yet it's 9 days before I notice it's there? What?!!! I am unsure whether to blame conspiracy or just incompetence on my part. 🤔

    2. The best coterie is back. Good vibes = fun for everyone.
      As for the PC game, I just hope they made it possible to play as Nosferatu. They are the origin of all vampire stories.
      If not this would be an excellent point to think about the first expansion of the game : D

    3. I sometimes get the sense that Jason fleshes out his NPCs through improv, on the basis of what the players show interest in. "Geri with a G or an J?", "With a G, no one ever asks.". It's quite possible Jason never gave a second thought to the spelling. But Vampire is a social game, and responding positively to the things players sink time and attention into makes the characters feel exceptionally socially adept. All of Jason's games seem to just flow, seamlessly, without stutter or dead ends, and yet the player characters are always the most interesting thing on screen.

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