Join us for Day One of the Monaco Historique, with McLaren CEO Zak Brown among the many driving around the streets of Monte Carlo as the city builds up towards the Monaco Grand Prix at the end of May.

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    Max Smith Hillard or just max Hillard cuz that’s what on the car he says I don’t mind so I think they call him Max Hillard cuz it’s quicker um and then then um f renol the paint king of Spain yes he is and i’ been racing in historics for a long time and quick third fastest at the moment so we were talking about Marino franki he’s just gone fifth fastest and there’s a a late substitute isn’t the um with Stephan who’s a current racer it’s metham team from Germany who cloudy hin driving for them but that’s John Spears on screen as it says the English driver yeah John was winning last weekend at Donington in a very different car at TVR and um John Spear’s multi-millionaire sold his business um which was an investment company I think it for 65 million no you paid a lot of taxes he a lot yeah it helps he’s a lovely Flo and I think he’s 72 years old but he’s still very very quick well that’s the point it’s something we’re going to see a lot of we’ll see drivers who are in multiple different Machinery they’ve got multiple different Machinery if you’ve got as much money as John spear sld his company for you’ve got lots of different cars and you can be racing virtually every weekend and when you take the helmet off there can be an awful lot of gray hair and you’ll see a not very much hair at all like me and not like you but uh that’s something we’ll see a lot of this weekend and uh a lot of these drivers with a huge amount of experience in various different cars this is Claudia hen on the screen at the moment in number 20 that’s the Ferrari Dino 2.4 L 6cylinder beautiful little car and and again two Maseratis almost side by side going down on to the harbor at 48 yeah yeah I mean the great Sterling Moss who there was a a marvelous um event but uh in London two or three four days ago wasn’t it for Sterling celebrating his life and he loved the 250f Maserati and he thought it was a just magnificent car to drive well Marino Frank said exactly the same thing he said it’s the nicest racing car he’s ever driven it’s just a pure joy to drive that car owned by his father mother-in-law who happened to be a drummer is a drummer I suppose he still is yeah he has a band called the sorcer full of secrets does he and that is Nick Mason of course formerly of Pink Floyd Pink Floyd yeah and Nick Mason does not look like a rockar he looks more like a backman he doesn’t mind me saying that he he and he came out of a motor racing family his father was a one of the very first Motor Racing film makers that’s right he made films for Shell didn’t he he did well John Spears is still at the top of the list that’s a bit of surprised I don’t think we’ve seen Spears here in the his 250f before and I see Max hilard just gone fastest in the first [Music] sector John Spears founder of best invest that’s what he sold yeah yeah that’s what he sold he’s also represented England in the world golf cro Championship yes I don’t know what golf cro is but um do you think you play cro but as though you’re playing golf I don’t know or vice versa maybe maybe you find him in the pet I yes that would make sense wouldn’t it yeah so he’s driven as you said the TBR he’s had Noella Lotus CA e type uh he was in the 250f here two years ago oh so so yes so Spears hen Smith ilad and then wood in fourth place at the moment Frank kti in fifth and then sixth is Mark Shaw then it’s Fierro ala in seventh FAL russino in eighth place the two Spaniards there then Stefan dut in ninth who is down here as French even though he sounds very uh Dutch and 10th is Yan sergeson the Scotsman uh from the Midlands of England so uh that’s the order at the moment but it can all change still 15 minutes to go golf cro is a sort of faster version of cro apparently and [Music] um it’s not quite it’s it’s a bit like you know the cricket with a different discipline sh is it is a good walk spoiled even more I don’t know I there’s lots of tactics aren’t there and oh and we got going backwards the 14 car of uh Julia the balanza that’s at mirabo she’s gone straight on there fortunately you can go straight on there and not hit anything yeah so uh if you miss your breaking that’s the best choice just go straight on reverse do a spin turn or anything like that that’s that’s the earlier we talked a lot about 250 F Maserati that’s the earlier car from 1952 the A6 GCM I should know what GCM stands for I can’t remember and there’s a there’s four different classes actually in this group so uh that’s probably it’s from the earlier class Julia deal Daner she’s in class three which is F1 cars from 54 to 60 under 2 L or 750cc supercharged so as you can see there are various different subcategories as well Spears heran smithard wood then Frank kti and Shaw Fiero Aleta FR ruso dut and Scher in the Ferguson up into 10th place so all that coaching has borne fruit at the moment interesting bunch of drivers here Stefan degout um used to race I he’s 44 years old now from Harlem in Holland but he he did race quite successfully in um Formula 3 uh back back 20 years ago and he did some races actually in the UK in British bmer 3 Championship I thought I knew his name yes yeah so he is from Harlem so he is from Holland yes even though he’s down here as a Frenchman so I wonder what Tony wood has got in the tank you know he’s been a winner here currently he’s he’s languishing well languishing in fourth place how far is he off the pace one point I mean the first four are separated by about 1.4 seconds and wood has just gone fastest and the longest sector the middle sector we have a timing screen here um as you would in a a Formula 1 race which has got the track split into three sectors I presume they’re the same sectors they have in Formula One Bob and so we can tell whether they’re on the lap just like commentation on Modern Formula 1 R can who who’s making progress in the middle of the lap traic wood goes fastest onlyy W goes back in the day when these cars were racing we found out how was fastest about half an hour after the session was over that’s about right a bit later on you and I what we used to do is the all the teams had their own Tim Keepers especially time Keepers often the wives people like Helen Stewart and so on but Matra had their own special um timekeeping woman who did it all on stopwatches and doing a lot of very quick mental arithmetic and at the end of the session you go around three or four of them and get a consensus of what the times were and the actual time for the practice session will not be published till half an hour later but usually all all the time ke they were all were all female were’re right so once again we are following Tony wood uh the man who at the moment is fastest from John Spears Claudia hen smithard Frank Kiti in fifth and Mark Shaw in sixth March off from Scotland uh so we’ve got a couple of Scots here we’ve got serg as well back in 12th Place at the moment now so ter would quickest but we’ve still got 11 and A4 minutes to go on the session talking to Mar you know yesterday and he said he’s still really learning how to drive this 250f I mean you know he he’s raced a lot of modern cars particularly in America he won the seing 12 hours for gassie a few years ago it’s a very different piece of Kit really um and he said I’m still finding things out about how to make it go quicker and really this is not the place to learn is it not really is it I mean we see him racing this car at things like the Silverstone historic Festival tobert lgo there and number 30 there is uh Theo ala the slower of the two Spaniards in the race but not particularly slow in fact there’s actually another Spaniard who’s even slower but that’s well slow is a relative word in this turn and to L I got a dinky of that yeah me too yeah and of course Richard Pilkington used to race one of those and uh the tobet Lago is very very well known mwh just saw the Lotus 16 and I think here he is and What’s significant about the helmet you you missed it he’s wearing a Graham Hill helmet with a London Rowing Club iconic helmet the same that his son Damon Hill raced with and Damon Hill’s son also with the and the actual Stripes if you see the endem they’re of course they’re rowing blades and I mean it started there was they all wore a cap with that same on it and U I think it was Gram’s why bety encouraging put that on his crash shall Smith ard’s gone fastest with Marino franki in second spot Tony wood is now in third John Spears fourth hen very quick in the first sector on this lap in fifth place and Mark Shaw in sixth so uh it’s changing all the time oh someone squeezing through there in the Maserati just get was that Claudia hen yeah Claudia hen in the Ferrari apologies in the dino about N9 minutes to go I and Cloud CLA her can just f is turning it purple as we say in this business and she’s squeezing through getting past all the slower cars the Ferrari 246 of course is the car that Mike hawthor won the 1958 World Championship in yeah in the in the classic battle against Sterling Moss of course yeah who was in the van wall and which he never which he never really liked much he told me once he much prefer to two hand 250f um the van wvar cars build by Tony vandell vandell bearings and his son Colin a great racing Drive in his time he lives here in Monaco lots of racing drivers course living in Monaco heren goes up into third spot so it’s smithard fastest from franki second heren third Tony wood in fourth John Spears fifth Mark Shaw in sixth then the two Spaniards Fier ala and F russino and theier ala improves goes up into fifth place pushes John Spears back to sixth so uh it’s changing regularly and uh the uh owner of the uh Ferguson Australian Thomas Scher are still in 10th place I spoke to he sounded very German Australian according to this Australian nationality maybe Australian license they definitely speaking with a German accent tall man and as they said been being coached by Stuart Hall where where to Ferguson moment oh T I think that’s a very good result for him you know that car he not easy Stuart steuart’s driven the car and he says you can’t really feel that it’s four-wheel drive you can’t feel the effect but in the rain of course a different matter which Stuart is that Stuart Hall Stuart RS or Jackie oh well that’s very interesting because Stuart RS family of course were part of that whole development so Stuart Hall who’s double winner here two years ago has been coaching this guy oh that was close to the barrier wasn’t it oh she’s very quick on this lap Claudia hgen yeah she actually ended her single seater career originally original single seater career here by uh badly injuring her hand in a Formula 3 race so she ended the single seater career went off and did other things and now has come back and he’s back in a single seater uh age we shouldn’t really talk about a lady’s age but she’s uh well there she goes fastest whatever her age is she’s fast enough to go fastest overall clodia hen it was a 93 Formula Three race I think she was upside down as well trapped in it if I remember um she’s had some you know subsequently had class wins the day dayt of 24 hours she’s won a couple of DTM races I think she the only woman to have done that she won the Dubai 24 hours overall he’s had good results at Spar just tremendous competitor six minutes to go of the session hen fastest then from smithard second Frank heiti third wood in fourth Spears in fifth place and then Mark Shaw in sixth then Fier ala and F rusol seventh and eight dut in ninth place and Thomas schare in 10th place at the moment and those are covered by 8 seconds it’s quite a a big gap so herun is fastest by um 8 of a second roughly speaking but Ben Smith hilard is only 400s ahead of Marino franki so it’s still all to play for and her come very quick in the first sector on this lap again so she’s really stringing together some quick laps and out of the top 10 but there’s some well-known drivers uh and and people involved in the sport there’s Jeffrey O’Neal there he’s in 14th Place he runs a historic Festival over in Sonoma Sonoma Raceway in right the heart of the wine area in uh California and we got also we’ll see probably much near of the front in the next race Michael Birch if you catch side of somebody with a Ruben marello helmet on it’s him and Michael’s got a big string of racing cars but is always very successful in the lamon classic in the pre-World tobut sports cars so uh her just the thing I love about that Ferrari is you the where they the carburetors are under a plastic cover you can see them and we just had a great shot you see it again look see the little blister on the front and there you see the uh carburetors the Scarab at the moment Mark Shaw doing a good job in sixth place in the Scarab that was of course uh Lance rev’s Hobby team if you like uh from the United States wanted to conquer Formula 1 but it came out just at the wrong moment because at that time uh rear engine Formula 1 cars were beginning to win and it just arrived at the wrong moment and all of a sudden it it scly arrived and it was outclassed Scar and ason Martin at the same time I was just a little Su earli on in this meeting there about 50 just over 50 different makes of car we haven’t talked about the sports car race yet because we’ve got seven Formula 1 RAC is on one sports car race the very good reason for that was just over 50 different makes but looking at the ones most of those have been in Formula 1 well over 40 three of them three of them maybe four four of them in a way remain though so obviously we we still got Ferrari in there we still got McLaren in there we can see some McLaren later and we still got ason Mar in there they’ve been and out of Formula One a lot of course and um Williams and we still got William so course it’s changed its ownership just the once actually um but all the others Formula One teams long gone we got got a lot of X Formula 1 mechanics here we were in a hotel with two or three very wellknown mechanics from Top teams and and engineers and they’re they’re they’re hosting some trips around the pad you couldn’t have better host could you people like Dave laugh and so on so heren is going faster again Bob isn’t he look that last lap was the fastest yet and now she’s pulled out almost a second on on Max Hillard or Smith hilard over a second yeah yeah yeah 1.2 as you say and Marino in there in third and then wood fourth I think it’s is going to be a a hugely entertaining race tomorrow Ju Just to recap for everyone today it’s all qualifying but you’re going to have a great Aon Center parade at lunchtime and then all the races are tomorrow we’re live streaming all of this all the action will be here on whichever stream you pick doesn’t matter which stream we pick Bob you still get us great yeah exactly great uh improvement from uh uh the two Spaniards in fact F Russ’s gone up into fourth place pushing F ala back into fifth place so great improvement from that Fiero actually won in 2021 here that was there were only seven entries so there weren’t very many of them here uh false rinol was third in 2018 Fierro ala was fifth so the Spaniards have been a great um competitors in this class they were fourth and fifth in 2016 so they’ve been around for a while yeah I don’t know why but he’s he’s based in Malta he’s a Spaniard based in Malta I think he’s in the financial World there’ll be a reason won’t there John Spears in e um the X Formula 3 Racer the gro now is In N and the fabulous Ferguson have we seen the Ferguson on screen yet seen it no it’ be lovely if our director could pick up that number 62 car now we haven’t got any purple on our screen which is indicates the best time in a sector so we haven’t got that yet but we’ve only got a minute to go yes indeed and so uh well last year’s winner a two years ago winner um doing a great job of Defending that champion position and Claudia hun here’s the Scarab look so heren frti smithard tremendous there Mar Shaw getting through rascas with lots of power you can hear the tires scrabbling he’s uh Mar Shaw runs the family property business in abedine but the checker flag is being ready there are just a matter of seconds to go it’s still hurt G FES from Frank H then Smith hilard false rusinol Fiero ala Mark Shaw in sixth then Tony wood in seventh surprising Tony woodb there and then John Spears in eighth Stephan dut in ninth place and Thomas Scherer in 10th Place who’s managed to maintain that 10th Place very well and the checker flag is now out checker flag for the end of the session and uh it is just one session so that will set the grid for tomorrow’s A2 race front end your Grand Prix cars built before 1961 so what a superb session for Claudia hen so B Bob when you and I first came here to report the Formula One race because the circuit was slightly different wasn’t it we didn’t have the swimming pool section um there was Corners like the station hairpin and the Gas Works hairpin because all changed their names and station haing still the same Trace around it what was the Gas Works and now L Ras gas and that corner’s been uh haded it turns left before it turns right now and of course uh the station well the station’s moved about three times station itself yeah here’s the Ferguson look 62 car in the Rob Walker colors cuz Rob Walker RAC in team from s operated that car on behalf of Ferguson research and stering M course racing the car and winning that famous race at Old par old par the Gold [Music] Cup I think next we’re going to go back in time aren’t we Bob to the pre-war Formula One car that should be it next coming up next so uh qualify over for these uh front engine Grand Prix cars built before 1961 with heran fastest from Marino franki huran in the Ferrari Dino from Marino franki in the Maserati 250f then Smith hilard in third spot driving the Lotus 16 um and then fourth false renol in the Spanish driver uh he’s driving classic team is low to 16 and then fifth G Fiero Aleta uh and he is in a Maserati 250 as well and then in sixth place Mark Shaw in the scarum Formula 1 car bit of a story with that he’s he’s had a new engine built by offen hasard ofen haser used to make the engines for Indianapolis but it wasn’t quite ready he was hoping to have the new engine for here so that engine a little bit tired I think so two years time that could explain why he’s he’s where he is but mine is pretty good result anyway yeah well look at that shot of the harbor you say Bob there’ll be a lot bigger I mean there are a few big ones in here aren’t there don’t know if you’ve ever stayed on one of those Yachts I I I once stayed on the X Eddie Jordan yacht in can at a film festival which is a another story really but it was spectacular I have to say and now just cycling through the results here all the way down to 24th Marshall Bailey in the Lotus 16 that must have had a problem being right down there yes I mean there are some very good cars there AR there you both those new sergison as well I would have expected to be higher up otherwise pretty well as we thought it might be great job by Marina I have to say you know he said he he’s getting to grips with that 250f and how nice his father-in-law would you like to marry into a family that can provide you with a 250 F to race terrific not only a 250f I mean he’s got a huge number of cars I’m I’m hoping to get Marino up here a bit later in the Box he said he’d come um but I mean that that family is so engrossed in motor race and of course they’re related to Paul dester as well some people know as a a Formula 1 racer for Williams for a while and yeah yeah let’s not forget uh Holly Mason uh as she was before she married Marina she races as well yeah she does so both Mr and Mrs and and uh Nick obviously raced he raced at Lamar and and his wife’s I mean they were all raced yeah but the Frank EES um who really are em embrace the whole of motor racing history I mean Dario is a fantastic histor and a huge Jim Clark the famous Scots bordered farmer world champion was his hero so we’re about to uh see the front engine here here the highlights of it this is the queue of cars waiting to go out onto the circuit number 18 uh that is jeanan Jean Jac Bali is it Jean Jac Bali in the gini yeah the wor of ginis we didn’t mention them but the wor of ginis out there as well yeah French ginis a little underpowered yeah so uh there was one with lot of murals on the it which we didn’t really think was quite period but it was fun yeah it’s it’s nicely done if uh not entirely suitable in terms of paint jum so number 30 there is f 60 there’s there’s the techmech that’s the techmech which ended up in seventh place in the end yeah big disappointment of previous winner of course yeah Tony wood and uh [Music] 34 34 there is uh that’s John Spears who ended up in eighth place still in the top 10 and you can see that the masera is bit heavier than the techm uh number 20 started Claudia huran started to make her presence belt in that lovely little Ferrari Dino 246 Dino of course the name of Enzo Ferrari’s son who died early um as a Young Man the IMA RAC track’s named after him as well is those obviously Dino road cars Ferrari Dino road cars which I’ve always coveted one I did do the motor news road test oh there’s a little of action that’s number 44 that’s Max smithard who ends up in third place the end of the session so good effort in the little Lotus um and with the gram Hill cck gram Hill Dam Hill Thunder R Cod crash helmet we mentioned so number 58 that is uh Stefan deut in what was the ninth plac uh Tech not Tech Maserati 250f also yeah it’s for that stable same stable as hin guy I think he at methus racing uh yeah yeah they swap cars basically they did stepan the Groot certainly a good standing for cloudia mum is a a champagne bottle that holds six liters isn’t it but also a god an ancestor of Noah I think way there’s the Scarab there’s the Scarab overtaking ghee plant and check a flag for the end of the session so uh 25 minute session fortunately mainly without incident and Claudia heran comes out on top well done to her ahead of Marina Franky second Max smithard in third Yim FZ rusoff in fourth G Fiero Alat in 5ifth and March or 6th yeah and uh just on the screen now uh our French commentator we we don’t hear him he’s just updating the French side but uh good practice session Claudia hen delighted to see her having won the race last time they’re on the pole and uh so L first one here 24 years ago it’s amazing isn’t it it absolutely is just looking out of our box what a great view we’ve got Bob we’re looking up at the palace and I said in my opener the sun glinting off the The Palace walls and it really is um and the galdi family of course this little Enclave in the south of France but it’s separate principality and such a magical place just looking here at ail Viller Ferrari and uh I was very much involved with a film about the villain of Peroni uh battles when this car was was new well we’ll see this car La won’t we we will yeah so that that film um came out last year and uh we got some great interviews with Jill’s wife and with peron’s twin twin boy you know who who I’m one of them work with L Hamilton uh as a race engineer but I think he’s moved to the Ferrari sports car program now but uh similar car Jody sha has got a similar car to this one but the one bit later they won the World Championship and it’s for sale this weekend I believe this weekend or in two weeks time I maybe it’s two weeks time but anyway in in upcoming couple of weeks his whole collection is being sold for whatever reason there is absolutely no leg room in that is there look at them oh between your foot and the barrier not very much just see behind the cars being pushed back into the paddock area The Paddock area here is great because it’s all alongside the uh the harbor and um then the very latest cars the G Group which we’ll see right at the end of the day the fastest of all car the ground effect cars they have the main garages that used in the Grand Prix but uh it’s quite compact you can walk down and see all the cars all the groups and they’re very well signposted uh I’m not sure without a pass whether you can get down there Bob but this is a wonderful event to come to isn’t it oh it’s fantastic and uh this is all the area which is covered in motor homes and that sort of thing support trucks as well during the Grand Prix but uh as you can see there’s a a temporary structure uh covering all the cars all of the cars apart from that g category the latest category yeah got proper gar it’s not that these guys are complaining at all so it’s a bit cramped but they adapt don’t they yeah all the cars are laid out together and you walk around this these cars and you see the evolution of the Formula 1 car absolutely right in front of yeah I I don’t know what they’ll do in the future whether they’ll have another class because now we’re getting into the youngest class of cars you know 40 years old now and uh they have moved the classes around a bit in the past here and split them up in slightly different ways and at one stage we just have a form of jit race but the reason that they stop at 40 is that it got to complicated with turbocharging yeah it’s complicated and expensive and that’s a very good reason for them stopping at the G-Class and uh I think that’s that’s probably why and I can’t see them restarting because turbocharged cars are expensive to maintain very difficult to run very complicated to run you’ve got to have laptop you’ve got to have so many different sensors on the car etc etc up until then it was relatively simple yes because with DFS mainly yeah plug them in Plug and Play they were really weren’t they and no absolutely right Bob I think that I don’t think they’ll go into the the next era and and of because these these cars give great racing they do race regularly but in different all the Formula One cars I mean there’s a lot more Formula One cars than race on a regular basis lot come out especially if it’s an event but there’s a the Master Series which the ownership just changed actually from from British to French um that they run regular races um for for the basically mainly dfv cars great thing about this is um we see Ferraris so we see Alpha we see Formula 1 non dfb Formula 1 cars here a lot of them whereas in the the the Master Series runs over the whole whole um season there’s very few non dfv cars in that yeah there’s only about eight races I think in the uh in the master series and of course there are certain races that that are absolutely iconic for historic racing uh this obviously being one of them uh the goodward Revival lar classic the nurur ring Oldtimer The Spar classic as well the silverston classic all those are uh regular regular high-profile events I mean it’s interesting think in Britain the biggest motor racing event outside the British Grand Prix is is is the the goodward Revival and probably the next one is is the goodwi members meeting and the Silverstone in that Silverstone does have some more modern uh Vehicles got a lot of sort of historic touring cars and RAC is like obviously the Leon classic is dedicated as of course it should be being the Leon 24 hours Revival uh to uh just sports cars lots of different classes there I did it last year I’ve done it before it it’s a that’s a Marv of Ed too um but very cleverly they they don’t Clash them it’s alternate years and then in the states of course you presumably you got Monteray yes mon various Classics there as well and and the Masters group do run a Formula 1 series over there as well and uh so a festival at Sonoma the chat was in the previous practice session runs and anyway we’re getting ready now for series A1 which is the oldest cars that we have racing here and this is a slightly smaller grid and uh just looking here we’ve got wonderful eras English racing autos and we suspect that an RA could be fastest in this well this is very much um again sort of slight National type of thing with the the Bugattis uh which was introduced the batti 35 was introduced exactly 100 years ago uh amazing to think that and here they are still racing and the eras there’s a pair of eras both of which have been owned by paddin Dowling and he drives one of them and the second is now raced by Brad Baker the uh Canadian driver uh and then there’s some Maseratis as well 4 cm 6 CMS as well and also Vettes which are those under 1500 CC in fact the arra uh won its class here in Monaco I think in 1935 or 36 uh in 36 they dominated what was called the Rainier cup which was for one and a half liters one two three uh led by Beer’s uh r2b that’s Romulus rather than Remis which is racing this weekend uh Marcel Leo and Nikki embos in their private Cars one two three beating the M Maserati uh the there were something like 17 R type eras produced before 1939 uh r5b uh was completed in March 1936 with a 1 and a half liter engine and a Murray Jameson supercharger and it was named Remis and it was owned by Prince juler of sayam and driven by his brother cousin cousin defin cousin uh and then Tony Ral and then it was modified by Freddy Dixon and that car and then r10b which is the other ER was was completed in 1936 similar engine first owned by Peter Whitehead and then Peter Walker as well yeah at different times Prince beer had three different eras there’s another one that was Romulus Remis and Hanuman if you remember and they the racing colors of sayam are are blue and yellow and quite recently I wrote an article about it did quite a bit of research on the color scheme but Prince be was given r2b car we going to see darling racing in for his 21st birthday that was a nice present by his cousin and by his cousin who wrote a couple of books about uh Prince Beer’s um racing exploits mainly based in the UK and it’s a marvelous period read actually a terrific books so we’ll see I’m sure we see an RA in just a moment here waiting in the pit Lane meanwhile that’s uh it Rolph emling yep and is Riley brookland’s yeah and we’ve seen him here it’s his seventh historic in fact yes and there’s a Bugatti the iconic shape of the radiator Martin haoa the uh Austrian Finance was UK based I don’t know if he still is I I think he’s based in Monaco now but he started something called Apex and partners one of the biggest investors in the world basically five daners Martin aloa and of course his two sons also racing here now that car number 52 and that is Pat Blakey Edwards Patrick Bley Edwards uh in the fras and Ash dropped a valve yesterday so they’ve repaired that they hope it’s going to be okay but they repaired it in the padic yesterday yeah PB he’s had a lot of success you see PB on his crash he races got modern cars as well cobras a lot and uh I believe was in a rock band when he was a just a young man but he’s a a fine racer a great engineer so I think he’ll be in the mix here’s M we saw Michael bur in the previous session now he’s he’s got out and got into his lovely uh number 70 uh machine there and uh Michael be a lot more competitive in this race than he was in the previous one and uh that uh that Maserati from 1936 um it was raced mainly by number of Italian drivers but Michael goes very well in that so getting ready for this next session looking down on the Harbor here and all the Terracotta buildings behind there are various Bugattis there the were the 35 was the normally aspirated just the 35 on its own that was the one that was introduced at Leo in 1924 um and then uh that was 2 L with 90 horsepower pumping out the fuel pressure there if you wonder what he was doing 35a it was a simple rad car so I don’t think we’ve got any 35 A’s no but B is a big one isn’t it B the 35b was the was the quick one exactly or TC that was the 2.3 with a larger supercharger and 37 of those cars were made and that’s a model that won the very first Monaco Grand Prix with the enigmatic Williams another great book Joe sewards um what it the last sabur is it called sabur Williams was William Grover William was a sort of upm Market chauffer but later became a spy and it’s a terrific read I was definitely a film in that that there are also some uh Battis out there 37s as well which use the same chassis as the 35 1 and A2 lers uh or the 37a which was supercharged 1 and a half liters 67 of those were made as well so um they are not uncommon we’ve got how many Bugattis uh seven Bugattis in the field so here we are the 14th Monaco Grand Prix historic and coming up a one pre-war Grand Prix cars and fettes and there that’s what I talked about Bob look there is the uh palace with the sun glinting off it and as you see the clock just coming round to 9:00 as the cars go out on track now for this second qualif ifying session of this uh wonderful Saturday spectacular we haven’t mentioned the casino yet here one of the great features of Monaco yeah well it’s uh it’s slightly different isn’t it in front of the casino because uh there used to be it was rather nice that little Casino square with some uh uh gardens around and they seem to have taken the gardens away which makes it look a little bit pler should say earlier in the earlier in the week when people first arrived people with the super cars just try to park them right in front of the casino wasn’t it then you’ve got the odd triph TR4 that maned to find a way into one of the slots so we’re just looking back at uh this race and uh previous winners here and two two years ago it was uh the journalist turned PR man for Volks Volkswagen the states Mark Gilles I thought Mark was going to be here but not on the entry list this time that was in an erra that was in an RA and um H Tober lgo won it in 21 and dinin D who is here we think will be probably the fastest man out there um daring won it in 18 and he was was a close second in 14 and he was a close second in 12 he was yeah 12 to to Julian Bronson who’s now retired from racing Great Character and 4 to the alpha P3 of Matthew Grist which we don’t have so quite a sort of open battle here be interesting to see how though how to Pat BL Edwards goes yes having not practiced although he practiced in another car so it’s not as though he doesn’t know the circuit but but um just a matter of running that car in uh an interesting uh character here is Fritz burkard in the Alpha Romeo 8C Monza that’s number 28 although it’s got 28 yes it’s got 28 actually in the on the painted on the radiator it was delivered uh in uh 1928 to uh Tao nuari the Ferrari team there it is number 28 and the Ferrari team but uh meanwhile that’s Pat Blakey Edwards number 52 that comes from brunting Thorp in bedfordshire where this um the test track isting thought Jonathan Palmer’s test track so uh the eldest cars all warming up and they are ready for 25 minutes of qualifying that that 12 looks really strange in the yellow doesn’t it not a color we used to seeing uh one of those cars in and number 12 is Jonathan Bailey from the UK in a 35c of course you know the back in the day when these had National racing colors and I mentioned the sayam colors of of blue with the yellow wheels course France was always blue Italy was red and yellow of course was Belgium so I don’t know if that’s got a Belgian collection there’s Michael Birch again tells me that uh that Michael uh that it’s his name is Michael but it’s a it’s a barell helmet he’s going to be retired at the end of this year it’s licens with a run out and he’s not sure what he’s going to do next well the the Jonathan Bailey car was actually delivered new in 1927 to Elizabeth junck who was a very very famous uh racing driver so uh yes quite uh a 2 L model um and uh it was at the start of the first three Monaco Grand pris it was second in 1929 and uh then in 1930 with uh uh Chiron and then sixth in 1931 so uh a car with quite a history yeah we did just see uh Center frame a minute seconds ago the the beera colors s Siamese racing colors so I am of course now Thailand so the cars coming onto the circuit this is the second of the practice sess qualifying sessions today uh just to go over just in case you’re only just joining us uh this uh today Saturday is devoted just to qualify for all the races Bob that Hill is much steeper than it looks from that shot the angle just and then they they turn left very fast Corner into Casino square and then just as they turn around the the the hotel to Parry which is the place to stay isn’t it absolutely on the left hand side Stewart has a sweet up there there behind there there is the casino and and there are the gardens that have gone there are the non-existent gardens yeah what a shame so the earliest cars that are racing here this weekend what have we got anything think it’s exactly 100 years older um the Bugatti 35 yeah is there anything older no mg magnet from oh a to yeah 1928 emain Riley Brooklyn’s oh there’s 20 cars and 27 aren’t they yeah the yeah those are some of those Bugattis yeah a 1925 buatti 35 so the basic uh oh full course yellow already now why is that and that’s race control and and a couple of wellknown names in trying to spot Mark goz famous race and rally driver was Factory driver for Austin Rover that is number 52 that is the repaired Blakey Edwards car and obviously the repair hasn’t quite managed no we stopped by the garage last night and they had just finished it and that’ll be a deep disappointment for the mechanics that is why they’ve stopped the the session two years ago blaty Edwards was running away with this race and he got some sort of fuel V vapor Iz ation probably and stopped halfway through when he was well in the lead so just not his lucky track is it no obviously not those Marshals are going to work there very well rehearsed very well practiced but I think uh that’ll be hooked off up and pulled out of the way because there’s a dangerous spot just there you uh you can’t be a marshall I think after 55 years of age I didn’t know that is that so yes there are a huge number of Marshals and they’re as you say very well trained uh they have training sessions uh during the year and uh very very devoted guys and of course they’ve had two weeks ago they had Formula E here and in two weeks time of course they will have the Monaco Grand Prix here as well yeah when they first came in Formula E didn’t use use the whole circuit did they yeah no ex now now they do as is that uh we going to gen 3 or whatever they call is it good Gen 4 coming up um I like to hear the noise of racing engines and the rasp of the motors and these are brilliant the noise from these cars fantastic at the erra they said the noise was like ripping Calico well I’ve never heard the never heard the sound of Calico being ripped but I suppose I listen to an RA I know what it sounds like 18 turns around this Monaco circuit squeezed into 3337 km or 2.07 miles 18 and I I’ll come up with another stat a bit later on about the amount of uh action that goes on in the driver’s cockpit uh that Mercedes told us a few years ago yeah well I mean there’s a lot of gear changes obviously these days it’s a flick of the flick of the switch isn’t it but in all these cars it’s it’s still oldfashioned cross the H yeah and a clutch as well maybe in this race pre-selected gearboxes actually yeah possibly yeah I think the fras and asash may have a pre-selected gearbox I had a scooter once with a pre-selected gearbox I won’t go into the technicalities to it but it it the gearbox did blow up and that was the end of that scooter never rode it again you have been spared dear listener so so uh just gently reversing this car back yeah I think really unfortunate push it down right to the bottom of the hill I think aren’t they well I don’t know I this the H that’s a long way to go but I think there’s an opening on the right hand side here just coming up in theory but uh as well they’ve got about eight people helping yeah they’ve got that’s one thing there is not a shortage of in Terms of people here Marshalls so paddin Dowling is the driver we think is going to be the most competitive and he is an Irishman based in uh the United States so uh originally um he uh was interested cuz his father was interested in Motorsports so he saw his first uh racing at Melo park I think in yeah i’ been there yeah um doesn’t race much in it’s not a solid blow we see at Goodwood really um I I presume must race in the States but here is super competitive so they’re just uh at least going around at a reduced Pace with a full course yellow full course yellow means a yellow flag all the way around the course restricted speed and the speed will be governed actually by the driver who is at the front of the queue which is uh who is the Frenchman um fris fuk V that’s a real tongue twist isn’t it so I suppose we should just put this in context a bit that what we don’t have here is the might of the German cars that came at just before the war of Mercedes and aut Union and um they’re very rare and very difficult to operate and nobody races those cars they are demonstrated on occasion um but sometimes around here some of the Italians had a little go at them didn’t they so we’ve seen quite a few of these drivers for a while and I think we’ve got a green flag I think under way that is Michael burs leaning out of the cockpit there look head to one side and you really see the drivers working in these cars you kind of Glorious sound as well so Michael bur there in the Maserati 4 cm of 1935 [Music] and this is what we call the Louis shiron class and famous French racing driver yeah had lot of success here so we’ll start to get some times through shortly hopefully but as I say paddin styling is the the driver we’d expect to see very very competitive as I say he’s owned owned three different R eras r2a and then r5b uh to now and also r10 uh B which he bought from Nick Mason and is now sold to Brad Baker uh the Canadian driver uh who is in number Brad Baker in number 10 uh 56 rather 56 in 10th place so Downing uh and it looks if so I think this is going to be between Dowling and Birch um for the pole and there’s Michael resting at the wheel driving it on the thropple skinny tires not affording a lot of grip so uh that’s really what they’re scrabbling for all the time in these cars and that’s going to be the first competitive time 2 minutes 17 for Michael Burch and let’s see what we get from Dowling there the yellow wheels that Thai flag on the side of the car I wrote an article about the The Siam color scheme and it did evolve quite a lot over the years actually sometimes had the yellow stripe down and sometimes they didn’t just on the back the flag of Thailand amazing ra is not particularly competitive uh in terms of grand pris with the with the German cars in Period but certainly very usable and he goes fastest easily by 9 seconds pading ahead of Michael bir but bur he’ll be working up and that that gut will come down won’t it absolutely I see he’s quicker in the first sector than Dowling on his quickest lap so I think bur is going to be right there third the moment it really hasn’t got into its Rhythm yet this session has it because of the the uh pat pat Blakey Edwards car stopping on the hill and uh really unfortunate but we’re following Michael Burch and uh Pat Padden Dowling is about 1.8 seconds quicker in the first sector on this lap so darling still looking uh as though he could go quicker again bur in second Jonathan Bailey in third Brad Baker in fourth Mark winter in fifth the German driver and then Martin haloa the Austrian driver who’s got a couple of sons who will be racing here yeah um we’ll see them later on and we’ve got another car slowing in fact two is two cars slowing or one well they are almost 100 years old these so yeah I think uh Mark winter is that is not his real name no and Strang because there was a German called called John winter who won Lamar and that was not his real name either and uh Mark winter surely sang Venus in blue jeans Oh Come on B now number 16 is going slowly that’s stepan Rosina the uh uh Stephan Rosen the shipping magnate uh from Italy yeah early career in rallying and he’s raced here in an aella Toyota but obviously going slowly in that Bugatti at the moment padon styling coming up to complete another lap it was 2 minutes 08 it’s now 2 minutes 06 the fastest time and I mean we’re sort of halfway through this session now bit more actually and I think I don’t think we’ve seen a we obviously haven’t seen a fully competitive lap for Michael bur yet and there down his scate Road yeah that’s Stephan oen down the skate road yeah so unfortunate there that’s a later Bugatti isn’t it a tight 44 Stefan Rosen in the 3744 is yeah I suppose it an upgraded card I’m not sure the difference between the 37 and the 44 in it the 37 was the same chassis is the 35 but 44 will be as you say a slightly more advanced version of it he’s raced McLaren M8 as well and Alber Buick masera 35 GT Lola T70 and be serini so another driver with a lot of experience you did mention Chiron and one of the classes Nam he won the race here in Grand Prix in 1931 and uh then then we had Alpha victories in in 32 34 I think a Bugatti won in 33 but then of course it was the Mercedes dominating 35 36 37 Mercedes one here fagioli then kakola and uh and Bon britz and of course during that era we had the first rear engine car where we talk about front engine re rear engines we’re going to come to the crossover shortly and that crossover when we talk about the first rear engine car uh this is the Alpha Romeo ooh o That’s burkart oh getting a real tank slapper oh a jazzy crash helmet I think that’s Lo up you cover your previous thought yeah yeah oh that’s really unfortunate now people might might say there why is a uh why is that alphao got a Ferrari badge on it because it was delivered to scoo Ferrari ah look Dowling and Dowling is off the circuit at Sand devot now is that because there was some oil down from the Alpha Romeo could well be couldn’t it possibly and he stopped willing himself backwards Wheeling himself backwards yeah oh yeah you see he got quite crossed up yeah now but I I don’t understand why he couldn’t get in first gear though then yeah at that point he he could have driven off but for some reason it’s just rolling back under its own weight isn’t it so I must have the engine must have died well what a turn up for the books yeah suddenly we’ve got several cars who have stopped on circuit Dowling with the fastest time 2 minutes 0 5.9 got most massive 8C lead over bur and this session now got 10 minutes to go so they might get back to full speed I think but they’ve wheeled these out of the way we haven’t actually even got a yellow flag out at the moment well I do hope the dowling’s car is still a runner and also that car of burkard yeah well that didn’t look good at all did it that that smoke out of the back of it Fritz Berard owner of the Pearl collection a collection of cars in Switzerland that you think well let me just I yes he oh yeah he’s the boss of a watch company he’s the CEO of Lang and song which are very up market and he as you said to me the other day father of six girls goodness I’m the father of four it’s enough and um I think I was wrong I think he still owns that Pearl collection B Ates also very interested in Bob slay and skeleton would you believe which suggests that that his collection is housed somewhere in eastern Italy uh Switzerland the the car the for was the car that was introduced really to by by aarati to take on the M Germany in introduced in 1939 but because it wasn’t really raced after the war but uh and it debuted in the the Triple E Grand Prix that well we even know the chassis number uh 1564 one of seven of those cars built and that’s the car of Michael Burch uh no that’s the car of Fritz burkart is just Alfa Romeo ala Romeo yeah sorry yes the 8 C Monza yeah okay I need to check my notes there um so many different cars here uh this weekend so Dowling still fastest from bir second yeah the Gap is still 8.2 seconds between those two and then Brad Baker in third in the second of the eras Jonathan bayor Bailey in fourth place um and then Jonathan Bailey in the another bigatti and then fifth is Mark winter in the Maserati 6 cm and then sixth is Fritz burkart in uh the alfha Romeo uh 8C Monza from 1933 we didn’t see darling getting back underway but it obviously did fire up and off he drove and now is setting quick times again oh so he’s back on circuit again yeah yeah B bur is not on the pace but well nobody’s on that pace are they I mean we now have we got no there’s Michael bir doesn’t sound right that car did it no no he’s problem com into the pits yeah there’s a problem with that it’s it’s not running correctly so he’s into the pits is Michael Burch in that uh Maserati 4 cm so still s minutes to go so maybe somebody will get a bit closer to the american-based Irishman Dowling Brad Baker with quite a lot of experience the uh Canadian driver TI shanan is in the pits in number 58 uh French driver in the Riley dos and there’s uh mechanics looking at Michael bur’s Maserati yeah there a man called Hector do or that uh worked on that Riley yeah it’s a car that actually was raced by Grand Pre driver called Roy salvadori who lived here in Monaco for many years uh in later life and had a flat I believe um that overlooked the track and the car was owned by Billy cotton the uh band leader and then wilky Wilkinson who of course is very famous for his involvement with Jaguar but Billy cotton was a racer as well as quite quite a few uh musicians like that we mentioned Nick Mason but of course famous trombonist Chris Barber was a a racer not at this level but once had to out bid Chris Barber for a Lotus CA no yeah and when I saw him several years later he said you were lucky so the Gap has come down Brad Baker has gone into second place and has brought the gap down to 5 Seconds between himself and the former owner of his car paddon’s Dowling Michael bur now third Jonathan Bailey fourth Mark winter fifth Fritz Berard in sixth Martin husa in seventh and then franois fuk Hada in eighth place uh stapped who is a French driver in ninth place in number 18 he a replacement um who has come in and Ralph Emily from France in the Riley Brooklyn’s in 10th place at the moment yeah just just on that uh that Alpha Romeo that I mistakenly uh credited for being a Maserati um that car was raced by the famous tazio new valari one of the alltime great of of racing prear of course and uh apparently for a while it finished up in South Africa but run by the scad we mentioned that Ferrari badge on it run by Enzo Ferrari before he set up his own own racing Factory so Brad Baker improving on this lap the Gap was 5 Seconds between him and paddin Dowling fastest around the circuit and uh what does it come down to it was 5 seconds and it comes down to 3.4 seconds between the two of them so uh Brad Baker just getting used to a yellow flag goes out as someone goes down the Escape Road at Sand devot and we’ll have a look and see who that was I didn’t quite catch who it was initially here it is here’s the replay and uh it is I think it’s Brad Baker isn’t it in 56 yeah so uh just popping off to see the uh the church at Sand devot nice little mention thank you very much uh Neil wooding one of the team that produces Sky Formula One programs suppose he’ll be here in a couple of weeks enjoying our coverage and say it’s streaming on the sky F1 um stream and there’s the 56 so baker has made a mistake he’s followed the the other ra down there there it is with it’s that is the other ra as you say padin Dowling it doesn’t need to do anything now does he I mean Baker’s got within three and a half seconds of him and I don’t think that’s going to change much now so I’m pretty sure that Dowling is going to be on the [Music] pole and some of the real opposition you know obviously blat Edwards has had the problem never did a lap Michael bur we thought might be some opposition is he back on track now Michael B it came past it sounded really rough something simple like plug lead falling off or something like that um and so I think Michael B’s got one shot trying to get on the front row of the grid now and uh well in on this lap he’s pretty slow in the first sector there’s only 2 minutes and 20 seconds to go yeah he might just go back to do one more lap hadn’t he yeah might get out there there for another one but pad Dowling still very very quick even on this lap and uh I don’t think he’s going to go quicker on this lap but uh he still has that 3.4 3.5 second really advantage over Brad Baker Michael bur in third place Mark winter in fourth Jonathan Bailey Fifth and frce burhart in sixth place then Martin halloa uh then fuk head and then stats and eming completing the top 10 and really it’s a matter of keeping these cars trying to keep them running reliably and with their performance that’s what it’s all about yes lots of varying different cars as I say Vettes as well as Grand Prix cars there wasn’t a a pre-war World Championship as such it was a European Championship wasn’t it prear yeah the world championship start in 1950 didn’t Strang enough the motorcycle World Championship started a year before that so yeah well Championship stle a little bit of smoke there as well and uh a minute to go the interesting thing of course that like a the batti we’re seeing there you could race it in sports car races as well you Bol the wings on and sudden you had a sports car and fras and Ash and others did the same that’s what uh happened a lot with the to but Lagos didn’t they we saw in the last race it did didn’t it yes they took off the they took on and took off and still did when Richie Pilkington owned the car you notice he’s not sitting in the middle of the car he’s sitting to the right hand side I mean it’s effectively a sports car isn’t it lovely shot there that chicane has changed its Trace over the years hasn’t it and then uh halloa is in improved up one place up to fifth place now for Martin aloa we’ll see his two of his sons Out Racing later yeah hugely enthusiastic have a chat called Alex AES is a good rer runs that operation put all the cars with the same preparation coming they use two or three different ones mainly in the UK I mean we have to say this Bob but the historic racing scene is dominated by the British and you look through all the victories here over the over the years since 13 previous Runnings of this event as a ccken flag goes out um many more British winners than any other nationality and of course one new British winner in Formula 1 who just happens also to live here in Monaco Landon Norris I wonder if he put it in appearance we saw couple of drivers yesterday didn’t we wandering around the pits we and of course we’ve got later on racing Adrien Nei very much in the news at the moment and also in the news uh the boss of McLaren so who better to coach him around this circuit I know than uh his newest race winner yeah so padin darling takes the checker flag fastest in that session from Brad Baker second gap between the two uh 3.4 seconds it might change on this lap Michael Burch has just gone quicker uh Brad Baker doesn’t go quicker so it stays second Michael bur in third Jonathan Bailey in fourth Mark winter Fifth and Martin heloa back to sixth place again and then Fritz burkart in seventh Fuki Hada in eighth place STS in ninth and emling in 10th yeah just going back to Zack Brown and McLaren we saw him after his uh practice session yesterday with his Williams fw7 he wasn’t racing McLaren but he’s got the collection of cars racing a Williams fw7 I think definitely a car race very successfully by Alan Jones and who was he debriefing with Fernando Alonzo but Fernando’s a great enthusiasm wonderful he’s going on to his 40s racing you know that little period where he’s racing Sports guys one Lamar of course and off-road events and you know just a massive Enthusiast so uh the checker flag greets final Runners and uh that is I suspect it yeah 16 in this field I think the next race going got much larger field than that and hopefully Blake Edwards can get his car fettled again but I suspect if they I think didn’t you think the BL yesterday had dropped a valve and they changed a valve if they thought they fixed it and they didn’t it means there’s other big problems I would say yeah maybe in the engine so where there we are we’re going to have a little repre of of what went on they’re are Downing with the ER they the sun glinting off the harbor and just scrolling down at the bottom of your picture the final qualifications for that race which was so eloquently read out by Bob just to go what have seen it is here is it I mean lots of lots of other street races around and particular these days of course former e people seem to keep finding new street races and some other great French ones of course po um and angul but in Britain of course we’ve only ever had on the mainland the Birmingham super pre yeah it’s around for 5 years but there’s some there some magic about street racing I I feel and then Long Beach has been very successful of course in the states and lots of other street races in in uh the United States so yeah just yet again many many many years ago of course when these cars were racing and even even postwar as well French towns would literally have a Formula 1 race a non-championship Formula 1 race and uh uh people would turn up you you’d have a maybe I don’t know 10 12 cars come uh which were Formula 1 cars of the time and uh they would race just for start money etc etc around the the the streets of a town yeah wow the they say the first race and I put it in inverted comments a little bit in the UK was Beck Hill on the south coast but it wasn’t a race it was a two side by side two cars together Sprint and uh but if you drive into beill it CLS to be the the birthplace of British Motor Racing and it’s a wonderful actually they put some very nice signs up along the along the Route you been down to see there’s a little Museum there as well no no and wrong end of Sussex wrong end of Sussex for you and sus a long thing County takes a long time to drive we found out many times but anyway here we are with the little lots of lovely SL slmo shots there Padden stying fastest from Brad Baker er er Michael Burch in the Maserati Jonathan Bailey in fourth place in the B the mg mads sorry Jonathan Bailey in the buatti in fifth fourth place and then fifth Mark winter Maserati and then sixth Martin haloa uh Bugatti so a little pause until our next session which will be coming up shortly here are highlights in the meantime oh yes just tightening that mirror up on the Bugatti and you can see no rollover Hoops for these cars there’s Michael Birch qualified third and cars accessing circuit then up that hill which is much steeper than it looks from that TV angle then all the various apartments behind turning left into the casino Square then down the hill past Tip Top Bar of and onto the seafront through the new tunnel and uh little temperamental these cars now the best part 900 years old with a traffic in the harbor through tobac corner I’m not sure if the tobacconist is still there no not certainly is thing it is um round the swimming but that’s new section relatively new section Bob I used to go straight on there and there the man who absolutely set the [Music] pace you hear the transmission even whining a little bit just through that corner was that supercharged wi oh was it super yes you know I think you might be [Music] right supercharg being mechanically boosted whereas turbocharged is gas boosted using the exhaust gas to boost the induction into the engine yeah but they saw Michael bur’s car getting a little bit of work on we were worried it it had a problem but now we’re going to we’ll be going back rear engine for the first time uh well going not back going to rear engine cars when Siri B comes up we just have a final few images of this second of the eight practice sessions we’ll be having today we’ll go right through be a break at lunchtime Bob but then we’re going right through to about 6:00 I think I think it’s earli than that oh God otherwise we might run out of work probably actually um but I said this is one of the smallest Fields here most of we got over 30 cars yeah and uh comes a pretty busy old circuit yes here very difficult to get a clear lap whereas these didn’t have the problem because we the form one is so difficult with a huge size of to overtake on the incredibly short breaking distances breaking distan is so much longer in these sort of cars and indeed some of the cars that coming up makes it a bigger window of opportunity to overtake so I we’ll see plenty of overtaking over the weekend now they’re two very contrasting yachts and uh here’s our man he’s got it’s a bit like euro vision Euro what’s it isn’t um well that’s who he is but anyway he’s waxing lyrical as are we so we’ll take a brief break and we’ll come back with the series B um and those are for cars Grand Prix cars 1500cc from 1961 to 19665 and formula 2 cars from 1956 to 1960 our first rear engine cars and uh absolutely of a huge field of these cars and it’s the difficulty for all the drivers is to get a clear lap we’ll be back shortly for [Music] for for [Music] B spe [Music] spe for for for foree [Music] for for spe for for for spe [Music] [Music] for for spe welcome back we coming up next Siri B for rear engine Grand Prix cars 1500 CC cars built between 1961 and 1965 and for 2 cars there a few of those in their own class of 1956 to 1960 interesting period Bob consen JS the SE for the lowest power Formula 1 cars we’ve ever had in the history of the sport and uh we went from 2 and A2 lead because I think the authorities thought the cars were getting a bit too fast so they uh reduced the capacity to 1,500 and uh the key cars in this period were Ferrari and British brms and of course also very much Lotus um very Nimble cars as well very very uh Nimble but very quite difficult to drive in fact you could compare them in a way to the 2 L Formula 3 cars that that we used to have so you had to be very careful on the driving not scrub off too much speed uh so you had to be very precise and for that reason uh it did promote uh some very very good drivers indeed this could be a battle between Lotus and Ferrari um the winner last time out here was Joe kco colasacco kisaco sorry kisaco put my teeth back in who won um very well last time uh in 22 um but the man who who maybe will be on the poll is Andy middlehurst um from the northeast of England with his classic team lotus lotus 25 a ground bacon car uh Bob because the way of constructing Formula 1 chassis in this period changed massively from space frame that’s a chassis made out of uh a network of tubes to a bathtub design of sheet aluminium and it was absolutely groundbreaking and uh changed the way racing cars were built for a long time until uh carbon fiber came into being um so Andy middlehurst fresh from winning in a very different car in a Nissan Skyline at Donington a week ago but in practice had very quick laps from the older style Lotus 21 uh of the abedine Bas driver Mark Shaw and he was right on the pace as well so there is the pit Lane and on our graphic there for race B is the Ferrari for a little while a lot of people love this Ferrari R red with blue wheels didn’t they exactly uh there are 33 of these cars so it does get very very busy around this uh relatively short circuit well the shortest in Formula 1 anyway 2.07 miles 3337 km 18 turns so you can imagine it’s uh very difficult to overtake but having said that they’re relatively small cars particularly in comparison to Modern Formula 1 cars there are at least two cars in this race that won the Monaco Grand Prix there is the Cooper from 1962 which won with Bruce McLaren at the wheel and of course the famous Sterling Moss Lotus 18 in the Rob Walker colors we’ll see that in a minute which be the Ferraris here beat the shark noos Ferraris Hill one of the great classic wins by Sterling moss and the car because it got so hot it took part of the Bodywork off so you just see the chassis frame uh I did ask uh classic team Lotus are running it if they were going to do do that here but apparently they’re not it’s not warm enough no it’s not quite warm enough and uh so and the the the Bruce McLaren winning car from 62 will be number 14 driven by Richard Wilson we’ll see him in a couple of races and the uh Lotus 18 the ex mosar is uh being driven by maybe remind me Bob if you’ve got that to hand is that I’ve got a feeling that it’s not katsuaki kaboto is it no no I don’t think so anyway we’ll we’ll we’ll get to that in a moment but terrific group of car we got some uh lesser known names hav’t you watch out for the gilby which is uh one of those very small makes CH called Sid green actually and Kyle Tilly who runs a big racing team in America lots of different colors here L ship was just starting to come in wasn’t it Bob and some Finance houses like UT leore um started to uh to back cars on bow maker Yan credit Yan credit I think did B maker become the credit the other way around anyway um someo Turner family but this should be a cracking cracking battle I think and there’s so many cars and Joe kisaco uh interesting the way uh that all came about his father was actually uh a an Alpha Romeo mechanic um and was sent to the states after the war to look after Alpha Romeo in the states and so that’s how he went from Italy to the states and it was uh out looking after Alfa Romeo and subsequently establishing his own business Joe kosako met up with Lawrence Oriana it says Oriana there I was told it could be aelia but I’m not certain um and uh he met up with this man uh Lawrence Oriana uh who owned the Ferrari and uh Joe kosako has raced it ever since he’s raced a lot of other cars as well that’s a lot of success in America I think in Sol smaller single seater cars 1600 CC power Honda single seaters but the car in Period only did two races this car raced by John certies once and then by Lorenzo Bandini well uh yeah the Ferrari want yes it’s a relatively uh Bandini actually was second here in 1965 in uh 1512 which is exactly that Ferrari so as you say it didn’t do a lot of didn’t do a lot of work it’s not a very well-known car no so the cars are on circuit now for 25 minutes of qualifying and it’s going to be a very busy 25 minutes we had one or two incidents yesterday uh we had yobst stopped on circuit uh we also had a little bit uh an accident at the chicane um uh which was uh unfortunate that was Philip Bonny in the braon BT Ford um and uh we also had uh car stopping up the hill we’ve also got Andy Willis uh who has replaced Charles mccab in the brm p578 so watch out for him as well cuz he’ll be competitive in number five just to go back to that Sterling Moss winning car the Lotus 18 which beat the Ferraris it’ been driven by the Welshman but te on Salsbury I think his second time here and uh we talked to Clive Chapman boss of classic team Lotus son of Colin Chapman of course the founder Lotus um he was telling us that his career has been quite short in each he’s getting quicker and quicker well right at the start is Mark Shaw uh setting the pace but I’m sure that is going to be a big battle for the poll for this one and uh in the number one car which is a braen bt11 climax the American John Romano this is I think his ninth time he’s he’s taking part here most of these engines are climax engines an engine that was found oh 25 is uh not quite in the barrier I think he’s avoided it that’s Christopher Drake yeah Chris Drake is a very competitive racer has done well in this event in the past so a little mistake by him cold tires maybe and interesting the front of that car I think it maybe it’s the paintwork but it looks completely different here it is again he just outbreaks himself and almost makes it and then decides he’s going to try and then decides he’s not going to try and uh did he touch the barrier I think he might have done yes just a nudge with the front left yeah so uh climax engines most of them uh the climax engine of course was 2 and a half 1 and A2 liter engine which powered uh fire engines or fire trucks fire pumps fire pumps static fire pumps uh mainly company uh Wally Hassen was the chief engineer aluminium very lightweight engine wonderful elegant design and these ancient little V8s uh the Ferrari is Flat 12 um and uh also brm’s and Alpha Romeo engines yes um the brms are pretty competitive with the climax climax uh ultimately were sold to Jag and the name just disappeared but now the engines are being built um in uh East Sussex yeah from the original designs by a company called cross we and Garder who are unbelievably clever engineering company they built complete pre-war Mercedes-Benz and AIS out catching people out all around here look another that’s a mirabo yeah that so the early running Andy middlehurst has just gone fastest the 151202 and uh there he is coming up the hill in the green and yellow car uh that is going to be the the car to watch Andy middlehurst yeah again a a man when he takes his helmet off the hair has been uh sprayed the wrong color it’s quite gray oh look between the two of them there’s enough space that’s the point around this circuit everyone in Formula 1 says you can’t overtake you can’t overtake but in these cars you can way back in the ’90s Andy middle Hur was a production saloon car Champion 1990 95 96 97 98 he started racing motorbike grass trck and Speedway um 1980 did 1980 he did the formula for Championship won the star of tomorrow in 82 a you know quite important fora 4 championship had lots of success at goodward but he’s won this event four times in 12 14 16 and 18 but I don’t think he was here in 20 um but Joe kisaco is I think he’s from New York isn’t he Joe uh New York area he’s just gone fastest in the middle sector but I think those top three we’re going to have a terrific scrap between them for the pole Lucas haloa you mentioned his dad in the previous race he is fourth fastest Andy Willis that late minute substitute is in fifth and there’s a man you might see on a timing screen and you wonder what is that all about Mr Jon a he 13th at the moment Mr JN a runs a huge corporation which does a lot of carbon fiber and composite work for airplanes and all that sort of stuff and he races under a sue name but um maybe a bit later we well we can tell you his actual name sha Remy Gard he’s got a lot of great cars he’s got a lot of Lees and Matas terrific collection he’s got a Bentley Speed eight from Lamar and uh his basic comes from beier a rugby country yeah so number seven there that’s Mark Shaw in the Formula 2 car and he’s doing a really good job in that formula 2 car that’s Formula 2 from 56 to 60 which is uh I think pretty much the same size of engine but just earlier cars yeah I’m wondering about that car actually and um there he is getting past number 23 and 23 was Stefan yobel who stopped yesterday on the circuit during practice middle H fastest middle H fastest but by only4 of a second that is close kisaco second the American driver third is Mark Shaw now Drake is up into fourth place but he is uh what 2.6 seconds further back behind uh Mark Shaw so quite a big gap there and then L Lucas husa in uh fifth place Andy Willis sixth Philip buaer seventh then ston from Italy in eighth place Dan Collins ninth and stepan yst from Australia in 10th place then it’s Taylor uh John Clark Mr jnov V mentioned earlier on Tims and McCarthy completing the top 15 but there’s a lot of them out there and uh lots of time lots of potential for improvement but middlehurst really the man to be and uh it’s going to be quite a dual between middlehurst and kisaka with Mark Shaw surely playing an important part in there as well yeah I think that car’s hasn’t got the V8 engine but I think it’s got an earlier climax engine in four cylinder that c was raced at the end of 1961 by the great Jim Clark uh in South Africa and that’s where it stayed I race them by a guy called a well known South African racer called Ernie pus um in three South African Grand pris counting for the world championship so strictly not a for a Formula 2 car I think is it in the for two class seven is that um red is that red there’s number four that’s Joe kosako in the Ferrari with the blue wheels that we’ve been talking about um kosako from New York as Andrew just mentioned but uh his uh Paton if you like um Lawrence Oriana from California just going through the station hairpin or Lowe’s hair pin as it became and then Grand Hotel hairpin or fairm hairpin it’s gotten through many many name changes and you can see the difference in cars there number 18 is uh one of the Formula 2 cars and that was Elliot hand you you you found something else can’t hold it back can you on our timing screen the blue section is a Formula 2 okay this is the this is the class 2 this is the Formula 1 Cass with four and six cylinders okay so it is a climax I think it’s what I said it was the earlier climax engine but 1 and A2 L but not the V8 So in theory it’s got a lot less power than middlehurst or or the Ferrari so Mark Shaw basically from abine doing a fantastic job another spinner number 15 I think that was and that is uh Dan Collins gets going it’s another of the classic team Lotus customers been racing with them for years a huge enthusiasm for Lotus and look at this wheel to wheel that’s what I mean about being boxed in and finding your way through the traffic another spinner there yeah that that car own by a got chap called Nick Taylor and he had a business sold o O-rings and Stu like that right next door to the pride Park football stadium and oh that doesn’t look nice at all no that’s in the in the barrier just at the entrance to the comp uh tunnel coming out to pti8 red flag now how’s he got there and you think he’s clashed with somebody else yeah not the sort of place you it is it is through portier oh it’s blown up oh it’s gone and blown up and then somehow I wonder if then locked up Michel jandre in a Lotus 24 so uh does the clock stop yes the clock does stop so in practice the clock would have continued but as in Formula 1 in qualifying the clock stops so just a matter of recovering that car getting it off the circuit that I was talking about that Nick Taylor car and I was just saying that his uh at workplace next door to the Derby County football ground and he sold that business recently but he loves that Lotus uh 18 he’s got which been driven by many different people and there look at the oil slick I’m not certain it is I think so I mean it’s certainly would appear so but you can see the difference in shape of the cars now there’s number 12 there is Cliff gray um in the Cooper t43 from uh earlier now number 20 that I think uh that’s a Rob Walker car yeah that’s the famous cing M winner yeah is absolutely the genuine car as a as the owner of a Rob Walker car ah yes every time I see uh Rob Walker colors I’m very attracted should we say yeah we saw the Ferguson in those colors earlier but you for our younger listeners and viewers but explain who was Rob Walker and and it’s a story which also concerns whiskey so just tell us car you own just as we got a break here we got a little time to discuss FAL Vagas and uh Rob Walker famous both successful independent Formula 1 team owner for many years yes he was the patchar really of uh of Sterling moss and promoted his his uh career massively and was very very important but also ran people like Morris trantino uh Joe bonier Joe cfet for example uh quite a few other drivers as well later Mike hawood I remember yeah in the well we’ll see his car later on W we and oo 30s lovely little dolly they’re just pushing under there to lift the car up and had a lot of success of course did Rob Walker yeah ran a very very good team and uh later went on to be a superb journalist and uh his wife very much part of the organization remember walking down the the pit Lane and handing brownies mechanics which bet you’re Absol wonderful woman wonderful wonderful couple um from Wilshire I think and Somerset Somerset sorry yeah and uh came from the Johnny Walker whiskey company for many years Johnny Walker was a huge sponsor of this race you remember they used to have the chat Johnny dressed up as Johnny Walker walking down the grid before the Formula One race uh so all these cars with the blue really the blue color scheme I’m not finished with you yet mate oh okay explain a fil Vega to people well the fil Vega he actually drove three different Road goinging Fel Vegas on the road did Rob Walker and these these were American par American par French built cars and you have three of them no well I’ve got three of them but not the three that he owned I’ve got one of them that he owned and it’s in the most beautiful blue color uh and we paid tribute to him at Goodwood a few years ago and uh I think we were all a bit worried that we had the right color but fortunately we all had the right color except for a little pickup or a little minivan that they used at the Factory yes which was a bit paler but uh people like uh you know there were not just um drivers who started their careers but particularly one Herby blash started his career and Herby blash went on to be an FIA uh Deputy Clark of the course I think and also Steward and all sorts of things and of course worked for Bram for many many years as team manager at Bram and then worked for the FIA and consultant with Yamaha as well and Porsche yeah and uh Michael BL but picked up the name Herby originally from Rob Walker yeah mechanics I think they called him proper little Herby yeah that was it he was Herby from then on he told me once that when he went to Lotus he was hoping they didn’t know his nickname was Herby but they found out pretty Jolly quickly they and when we talking about team Lotus mechanics as he was um the most Chief mechanic uh Bob dance uh 89 yesterday Bob was coming to this event till a couple of years ago and congratulations to Bob making 89 terrific guy and like all the nearly all these Lotus mechanics had a nickname he was known as a vica because he liked a cup of tea appar more tea vica um they used to get up to some quite interesting tricks here and games here particularly at Monaco couple of guys called Clive hickon Kenny sansy one of their famous tricks they did outside the Tip Top by a little fat 500 and chat went parked it um when he came back it was sitting on four chairs right um so there we are I think actually could be his driver coach there whose name will come to me in just a second that’s number seven that’s Mark Shaw who has gone quickest he’s the uh Scottish um Scottish property developer from abedine and uh Edinburgh also he’s got a a base in Edinburgh a passionate SNP supporter so he’s got a few um uh interesting conflicts he had an extensive career uh he’s racing in a number of different um a number of different classes this weekend he started off in Formula 1 back in 1991 and uh he is 52 years old barbas sa also Formula 3 and Formula 3000 and a 14-year gap before he returned in various historic cars that’s Mark Shaw in number seven who is fastest at the moment yeah um and he’s fastest by point4 of a second from Andy middle her second and then the 710 Gap back to Joe kosako in third spot and then quite a big gap of uh 2.3 seconds back to Philip boofer in fourth place and Philip boofer is from Switzerland and he races uh he’s raced quite small cars for example formula Junior cars as well Al Lotus 44 uh and the lus 24 here at Monaco he’s finished third here at Monaco so certainly a driver to be watched races at goodward as well he’s got Lotus Alan Swiss businessman and he won in Formula Jun Lola at the start of this year so he’s already been a winner that’s Philip boofer in fourth place in from Switzerland Lucas haloa uh in fifth place in number 24 um 22 rather second youngest son of Martin heloa did a track day on his first race in 2014 he’s raced e types all sorts of [Music] things yes they used to have um a Formula 3 races of this meeting for a while and because Formula 3 was such a part of the Grand Prix where young Stars used to emerge and and the lights of Kento and used to watch at the hairpin and decide who who they might sign um John Clark from Switz from Scotland here um in the uh yman credit C Cooper I think that’s the yman credit colors and uh in number 56 uh a driver with a huge Network of dealerships in Scotland 13th fastest at the moment and uh now we’re going back to another Lotus 18 now that had a Scottish band on the front because in his Island race that car he was engaged Scott like Rob Walker became a great uh Formula One reporter and and critic and writer what a character yeah yeah was a a captain of a fishing boat at one time um got up to all kinds of Tricks did in this Pinelli there in the kooper uh he’s 23rd at the moment in the little kooper and uh quite a nice little rund down 48 there is uh nice to see him that’s Robert pulin in the Lotus 18 the Lotus 18 a bit squarer and older so quite recognizable a Lotus 18 whereas from the 21 and 25 you can see quite a lot of work taking place on the circuit to try and soak up all that oil I was that was a big blow up wasn’t it yeah yeah I was slightly tricked by the the shadow of the posts when I said I’m not hopefully certain if it is but as you can see they’ve got all the all the tricks all the machines to uh Hoover up the what used to be cement dust I don’t think it is any longer you call it KY litter yesterday it’s a bit more like that which Absolut actually absorbs the oil and um then they can pick it up with this what is basically a large vacuum cleaner so bit of a Hiatus at the moment 14 minutes at still to go Mark Shaw a little surprisingly I suppose in uh provisional poll but a lot of uh quite a lot of laps to go yet before this is decided Bob very elegant these little cars aren’t they from from this era they are they they’re very very attractive and very manageable and easy well relatively easy to run looking at Sid hul there who’s uh well done well yeah and the Cooper I mean s’s been racing forever has I think he’s had quite a bit of success here in the past yeah I think he’s been on the podium um in 2022 it was kisaco from Drake uh d Collins was in fourth in 2021 it was Shaw from Nick Taylor boofer not so many Runners then uh in 2018 middlehurst one of his wins from kisaco so you can see it goes right back and then James King um who was quite a competitor was in third place uh in 2016 it was middlehurst again from caco so uh they’ve got quite a lot of uh history those two 2014 middlehurst again from sidul in second and then 2012 sidul was second to Middle Hurst as well yeah the chap was leaning down into Mark Shaw’s cockpit maybe his driving Horacio Fitz Simon fine young racing driver a lovely Man actually and uh spends most of his time in the United States um and his father race before him we’ve seen him going very quickly at goodward lots of success in Lotus of land and for junior car so that’s who I just sometimes you just can’t get the name can you it came to me love the look at that exhaust system that’s that’s art isn’t it and actually building those cars was was such art as well wasn’t it because of course you know the the the the mechanics had to be had to make so much but the the coloso car the exhaust system on that that’s just got two pipes coming out of the Chrome but it’s just it is you I think you described it yesterday PL to Spaghetti it is the most fantastic piece of metal work and looks almost like a sculpture I mean if you took it out of the car and put it on a wood wood plank everybody say what am I of a sculpture um well all these Marshals about 15 or so of them working hard to clean this circle up but they’ve got to do that because you know no grip at all if uh if they haven’t clean that up and just obviously holding a proceedings up a little bit Yeah there’s still 14 minutes and 20 seconds of the session to go so uh certainly worth everyone waiting for the restart number nine there is going to be the first driver out onto the track and that’s Costas Michael uh in a Cooper t73 yeah but that those front three B quite substantially quicker than the rest of the field I think actually that’s been pushed off isn’t it that maybe that was the car that had stopped or was it ah it could have been they number nine Costas Michael that’s interesting that it’s been wheeled back we didn’t think it was number nine did we it’s difficult to see from the angle number it was but so lots of uh chaps with brooms working away trying to get rid of that spilt oil and remember that much more easy to make a mistake uh with a gear change with breaking uh than it was than it is these days they have they have fail safe in uh the formula cars these days you don’t have blown engines you don’t miss a gear you’ve got a computer controlling it exactly yeah yeah rather than a a driver so it was much easier in those days to make basic basic mistakes yeah which could mean losing a position or losing an engine yes ster not so heavy on these these little cars of course you got narrow tires relatively speaking Yeah so Mar shw from Andy middlehurst Joe kisaco Philip boofer Lucas husa Christopher Drake and then Andy Willis and uh then number 34 Andrea stoni from Italy Dan Collins Stefan yobst quite a few as we mentioned the Cooper firm and some of our younger listeners will know Mini Coopers of course and there a long history to that so Cooper car company is very successful racing car manufacturer from ceton in Su originally run by Charles Cooper and Then followed up by his son John and uh one of mini came out very early early 60s when they they The BMC British BMC who built the the got Cooper to do a hotted up version and um and that Association has stuck ever since right through to the period now well obviously latest Mini Cooper is basically BMW owned by BMW obviously but Cooper also totally transformed the Indianapolis 500 scene by going rear engine didn’t they with with Jack braam going and uh all the the old boys IND wonder what the hell was going on with this car appeared in the pit Lane little car with the engine in the back but yes it gave him a nasty shot yeah it did and the Cooper family are still involved and some occasionally come to to to race meetings I’ve seen them at Silverstone and the Cooper name lives on but I think Cooper had successful Formula One you know was successful in Formula 1 with people like Bruce McLaren and Jack Bren were their Factory drivers and both of them of course went off to set up their own um Formula 1 teams their own manufacturing facilities and uh then sort of Cooper sort of went downhill as a racing team after that very distinguishable The Works cars with their uh stripes white stripes on blue the greeny blue yes yeah so Costas Michael uh has a Works car so to Richard Wilson out there um actually Christopher Drake’s car is but he’s got a slightly different uh paint Scheme on his whereas Sid holes is an exr Walker car that color scheme with with the thick white strikes I don’t recognize that it may was was the history of that car well it it was built in order to take part in the British Formula 1 races its first driver was John Taylor who raced International trophy in 1964 yes John Taylor big expert of mallerie Park circuit was John Taylor but I just see that Alan rollinson um fine young dri or driver many years ago in lights of I think he tried tried to qualify the car did he I just yeah yeah failed to qualify for the next British Grand Prix and uh also Pier’s courage for the next month yeah at um the Mediterranean Grand Prix when when we went from uh this category up to uh three lers Cooper used Mas engines for a while didn’t it big Basera engines which were a bit oldfashioned but didn’t really do the job and they had here for example such a short nose do you remember and the massive radiator at the front yes they had a special short nose first stop hitting hairing and stuff yeah very stubbed nose and and great Austrian driver some of you were remember Yen Ren he started his formula one career with with Cooper for some reason it seemed a much bigger engine yeah I think it was quite oldfashioned wasn’t it that that motor it certainly didn’t have the power Ferrari of course really got to that first didn’t they so let’s hope we get a restart fairly soon I think we should do we should I mean they were doing a very good job of clearing that this JP’s having a little sit down look next to Mark Shaw’s car well there’s a funny car number 35 that’s the Assa ASA guy ASA guy yes Julian Ellison very much a oneoff special that it’s got little Alpha Romeo engine in yeah and um don’t think that ever raced in a Grand Prix but well it raced in the South African championship in 1963 and was one of the local cars entered in the Rand Grand Prix which was held in December in the presence of lotus brm and Lola teams oh yeah the South Africans built a few it was a thing called the LDS which is a guy called Doug suru and but I think that was basically was based on a coper and they used Alpha Romeo engines quite a lot yeah yeah they did u a very healthy scene in South Africa racing in Formula 1 took back in the um’ 70s they had a quite a successful Formula One Championship a lot of the teams used to sell last year’s car to um to different different organizations so there was a lot of tobacco sponsorship there the Lucky Strike brand and the Gunston brand there was a big war going on and there two main drivers was a guy called Dave Charon who had a series of lotuses and then I was a Zimbabwean but that Rian in those days driver called John love and they used to really battle out that Championship quite a lot lot of other quick guys like Eddie kaizan and number of good South African drivers so the track looks relatively clear Let’s uh just keep an eye on the flags green light is flashing green light yeah so those Marshals have done a good job but took a little while it’ll be a moment or two before that uh dust dissipates as well when they do go out but it’s 14 minutes and 19 seconds remain of the session now those are the pictures that we see there where the Formula 1 cars will be in two weeks time proba well they’ll turn up till probably a week on Monday will they well yeah the immediately after the San Marino it’s not San Marin Grand Prix it’s the grand Prem or the imia Roman yes which is next weekend at the town of s yeah yeah at IM but used to have the San Marino day yeah so the cars are started as I say 40 minutes and 19 seconds still to go and they’re ready to go and it’s just a matter of the light turning grin at the pit lane exit and they will be on circuit but Dan hot Collins that helmet with the yellow and blue very characteristic helmet there the 46 car we talked about indis irland and the the aoan Scotsman uh who rased that car in that light green color at one time he was a Scotsman called Ireland living in Wales yes indeed lived at prain prain house in Wales there’s that helmet again and we talked about the U the blue wheels on the Ferrari for a long time Lotus had yellow wheels and you just saw them there at 46 car leads them out of uh Kurt doban in the BRP with a brm engine that’s also a V8 BRP standing for British racing partnership uh involved with u Sterling B’s father wasn’t it I believe settle that up well Ken Gregory was his man manager yeah they were in it together were they so three lotuses in know four lotuses in a row so they got to be tiptoe a little bit on the dust down at portier got to be a little bit careful they’ll be aware of it now where are the quick boys positioned in this so we’re looking for number seven Mark Shaw we’re looking for for Andy middlehurst of course and we’re looking for the number four car of Jo got a sacko Ferrari so here they go yeah setting up a little bit of uh putting up a little bit of dust actually the marshals have done a good job with their vacuum cleaner and have uh got most of the Dust haven’t they yeah that that stripy flag you can not use to flag signals um saying liquid on the course usually oil but can be other things yeah this it’s liquid on the course or just slippery track surface slippery track surf yeah yeah yeah doesn’t actually go into what it is no so uh the cars back out on track again remember Shaw from middlehurst kisaco boofer haloa and Drake that’s the top six then Willis ston Collins and yst in the top 10 and trying to look a bit uh further down see if anybody might jump into that top 10 maybe uh Sid Hall also experiencing that good katsuaki kuot the oh yeah he’s just on the on the edges down Japanese driver and Nick Taylor we mentioned with his well car was actually raced by the count wolf game B trips early in his career before he joined Ferrari that’s a car just gone through the pitch of white with the checken flag stripes two team Lotus cars wheel to wheel up the hill they go yeah you were talking about yeah to that white car in the padic he had the car and on the dashboard of the car where it was part he had a little model of the car it’s beautifully presented that and he had a book the whole history of the car one of those photo books uh which apparently he made to send to goodw because he’s having trouble getting an entry and that did it well there he is uh I think that is uh is that barati Federico baratti no no it wasn’t but uh yeah the uh yellow wheels you were talking about yellow wheels yellow wheels of course on team Lotus cars yes yes but you can see it’s not easy to get a quick lap when you’re right in the traffic very very difficult we asked yesterday if uh they perhaps are allowed to use radios to uh perhaps suggest the drivers as they would in Formula 1 in modern Formula 1 that they drop back or whatever and the answer came from classic team Lotus no don’t complicate it any further so uh they just have to find their own piece of track and uh use it accordingly so coming up to complete the first flying laps and uh keeping well out of the way there I think sidul doing a good job keeping out of the way yeah I know b i I follow this quite closely but there a champion I’m not aware of as a Ninth Place T Tony OB Italian racer but not sure of his history no and so it’s still short middle Hur kisaco Bo hoer coming to the pit haoa is looking if he’s looking a bit racy could move up the uh top five but we need one more lap we really don’t we to establish uh what’s going to happen that still effectively on and out laap this is Mark Shaw we’re looking at at the moment who’s fastest and he’s got a clear track although he’s got number 20 ahead of him that’s teon Salsbury in the xra Walker former winner around the circuit as you’ve said earlier so Mar short just ging on him he should catch him in the tunnel should be able to get past fairly easily if not before and teon Salsbury keeps out of the way and allows Mark Shaw to go through much more polite this lot AR Lotus 21 Lotus 18 the chassis is very similar they really streamline the body down between them Lota intriguing shape at the back isn’t there rear of the car yeah some of the early cars you see you see quite a lot of the uh the Mechanicals of the car but with with this formula you couldn’t see much and uh obv you you can see the suspension there the coil springs at the rear Lucas husa there in the brabon uh very recognizable with its gold Central stripe yeah andoa at the moment in fifth place Mark Shaw I think maybe on this lap go a little bit quicker he’s on the pole prly at 1.9 and uh middle Hurst I got three of us middle Hurst just gone fastest in the first uh sector so I think middle Hurst on a bit of a push now which he needs really with seven minutes or so remaining and kosako not on a quick lap at the moment but uh Shaw goes faster down to 50.0 and we interested to see middle sector for Middle Hurst that puts Shaw 1.2 seconds ahead of middlehurst but middle Hurst as you say very quick in the first sector and a very canny uh competitor he knows how to do it he knows how to make this car go quickly and he knows when to put the hammer down especially on a slippery surface that we’ve already had so there he is yeah all those years of racing right back to the 1980s Andy um for a long time was a big nisad dealership uh he sold that now he’s he’s just selling new secondhand cars very almost new secondhand cars and still got a big Workshop up in the Northeast so uh wasn’t wasn’t so quick in the middle sector might have been boled on that lap yeah there is that yeah there there he is pushing his way through the famous Lotus colors he’s done it he’s gone fastest has 148 points 49 first person into the 49 49.5 for Middle her that puts him about half a second quicker than Mark Shaw so uh there’s 6 and a half minutes still to go still plenty of time two a three laps for these guys just wonder what kosako is on his kaco is on his lap and it’s not looking if he’s going to challenge uh for the pole uh the race that he won last time out two years ago and middle Hur gone faster again going faster again on this next lap I think anybody else moving up for down Bob um Collins still in N Taylor still going well in that former Privateer Lotus 18 which is originally Race by Swiss driver Michael may I it’s so different in those days know you could as an independent you can turn up and racing C PR yeah yeah here with your car on a flatbed VW yeah transporter tracking with middle Hurst here through the swing pole section Christopher Drake has improved in fifth place and uh stor has improved in seventh um s was in the pits katsi Kabota is in the pits they both are still so is Andy Willis in ninth place but they’ve got five minutes to go so uh it’s getting to the sharp end of this session and uh if they’re going to make their move it’s got to be soon yellow flag at Sand divot who’s gone off there probably up the Escape road yeah number 15 that’s uh Dan Collins yeah but so just talking you mentioned Sid hall because back a decade ago he finished second twice to middlehurst here who number breaking late late late and that was James Hagen the American I think he’s American sure he is is he Irish I can’t remember but uh think he’s in a formula two car James Hagen Irish yeah actually played rugby until he injured himself so came to play cars instead oh that was the tangle who yes two different shades of green yeah it’s a 46 car going round and that’s uh Kurt gain from the states in the [Music] BRP looking pretty racy there wasn’t he that hump as you dive down the hill which everybody tries to avoid in in modern formula Cars 3 minutes and 40 seconds no improvements at the moment Mar sure might be might have a bit of a go here look uh it’s 6 1.6 seconds behind middlehurst yeah so age has not dim the speed of Andy middlehurst as he said it won a race last weekend at Donington in the fire breathing uh Nissan Skyline Godzilla they called that model didn’t they race a lot Australian nickname and Andy Willis into the top 10 now in Ninth Place Nick Taylor in eighth place couple of British drivers there then the Welsh driver Salsbury in the X Sterling Moss winning car here beating those Ferraris fantastic race oh de the AA guy is there and so is Mark Shaw yeah well I I guess Mark Shaw was going a lot quicker than the ASA guy is Tangled and Driver climbs out that sort of Ferrari dark noosed copy there with Ellison yeah he’s got uh Mark Shaw’s got got scars on the front of the car but mechanically I think it’s okay isn’t it yeah it looks like it look at there this is how it happened just huge closing speed and U he went for a gap and it closed basically yeah I yes I was Mark should have really seen him coming and moved moved over giving a bit more room so uh two minutes to go and the ASA gu is stranded at the swimming pool I wonder if they got any spare wishbones for that car yeah well there he is so uh a rare car that yes it’s a oneof isn’t it a low budget operation as well and down on power of course that little Alpha Romeo engine yeah Julian Ellison so any chance I think Mark shw had a matching the middle Hurst Tim as gone there full course full full course yellow Marshall hasn’t actually come into the pits and uh interesting a minute and 20 seconds so that’s it Andy middlehurst will be on the pole with Mark Shaw and Joe kisaco the three that we thought would be there Bob yeah and then husa bher Drake St Tony good job by him Nick Taylor Andy Willis and Dan Collins rounding out the top 10 and the red red flag goes out so that’s the end of this session because they will not have time to restart it so Andy middlehurst again showing his prowess around this circuit on Pole Position from the Scottish driver Mark Shaw second and then third Joe kosako in the Ferrari in third spot in fourth Lucas haloa in uh number 22 um and then fifth is Philip boofer from Switzerland um and six completing the top six is Christopher Drake from the United Kingdom so uh once again very competitive from Christopher Drake then uh our new discovery ston in seventh place yeah he has raced that car before he’s also raced a Lotus 11 um but not sure of his complete history [Music] but a good job by certainly by St Tony looking at the pictures of him on the internet heavily bearded so perhaps disappointing uh kateki Kubota in 15th Place we’d expect to see him perhaps uh a little bit higher up the order um ah D Tony H raced in the Glover trophy at uh Goodwood um three years ago and we’d expect perhaps to see Sid Hall in who is in 18th Place higher up the order as well but then you know said was competitive 10 years ago but um I I think he’s probably well into his 70s yeah s great to be a to race still isn’t there is Andy middlehurst so uh another pole position for him and car beautifully preped by classic team Lotus and headed by Clive Chapman of course and Chris come to me in a minute um so John Romano who raced in this thing eight nine times down there in uh 17th Place so yes a minute and 13 seconds still remain I wouldn’t have thought there there’s uh any point in restarting this but maybe they will I don’t know they haven’t actually recovered the asy yet noing a little bit slow with that aren’t they or have they now yeah Chris Dage is what I was trying to think of Chris Dage yeah yeah and he he’s he’s the team manager he was uh been with lotus for many years had a very spirited discussion yesterday with some scrutineers who were annoying him and Chris is the number one mechanic for a and Center we’re going to see a great uh a great display of Center Machinery at lunchtime we’re looking forward to that and um from from carts right through to his his later Formula One cars but also some of the cars that he competed in in the junior categories where he went to flying up the ranks of course yeah classic team Lotus a whole Fleet of they keep I mean they’ve got quite a lot of stuff that’s still can be rebuilt have they they’ve got yeah they Haven know they’ve got the um famous jet car uh going and seen it demonstrating at goodward and um that was four-wheel drive because we talked about four-wheel drive Ferguson earlier and um yeah they do a terrific job up there at the same head where where originally team Lotus um based in heel of course Lotus cars now um owned by the Chinese G Corporation been through various different ownerships well there’s race control and I noticed there’s also a police chief in there which you wouldn’t normally see in a lot of races well you’d be surprised you’d be surprised um I can remember commentating at silverston and we used to have a police during the British Grand Prix and we used to have a policeman in the box with us is that so how how yes just in case there was some sort of Crisis yes and it needed to be sorted out I mean it’s a couple of crazies run on to back now and then well exactly yeah so there on on your screen is the results list again you see that gap of 1.5 seconds between first and second going through now through to 24th Place and famous Mr John of be there we we can’t find out what the be is for I mean we know his real name but why is Mr John I mean he’s joh so I so that makes a John so but got the most magnificent collection of of of cars first 31 cars uh qualified uh that’s actually two less than uh yesterday so I suspect we may have lost uh for example um a couple of the cars that had problems yesterday like uh Philip Bonnie I don’t think he took part in number 80 um so some nice uh shots reviewing what just uh went on and Andy middlehurst there he is with the beautiful Sleek Lotus 25 the car that changed the way racing cars were constructed as we said at the top going to this bed folded aluminum bathtub style chassis from the the SP the tubil frame and before that was a ladder chassis wasn’t it but as said great thing about coming to this race meeting can see the total evolution of the Formula 1 cup over over a period of 40 years so next up have a little change I think little highlights package yeah as we see the cards going back out this was at the start of qualifying and remember the cards are look out for was uh Andy middlehurst in number six Mar sha in number seven Joe kosak and there is number six Andy middlehurst in that Lotus 25 that Andrew is just talking about and uh catching catching traffic which was the problem literally going between the two of them amazing it’s really carrying plenty of speed down into there isn’t he you’d never get that modern Formula 1 no they too wide they would would have bit of space wouldn’t fit so uh [Music] middle Hur setting such a a good time and just showing everybody how it done look how close he was he was up on the curb there close to the barrier kissing the barrier as uh they will be in a couple of weeks time but you just give a slight brush to the barrier uh in terms of a kiss uh it mustn’t be a Smacker cuz if it’s a Smacker you probably end up in the pits that’s a technical term is it yeah Bob when when yeah Bob when did you first cover this when did you first come to Monaco 1972 yeah I’ve been to Monaco before that but as uh literally I was hitchhiking from Florence back to greno and I came by Monaco I think I might have been a couple of years before you um so uh this is the highlights package still and uh Joe kosako in this instance trying to thread his way through the bat markers and that was the reason for the stoppage uh and to clear up the track race control said red flag and this is what happened a large amount of oil smoke from the back of that car which was then wheeled away but it took a long time to clear up the oil that had been distributed and a long wait in the pits for the drivers they went back out again and uh resumed the session uh yeah 15 minutes wasn’t it that that wa if not more I think yeah yeah and then there was this little coming together between Mark Shaw and Julian Ellison and that spell the end of the session in the asag guy uh into the barrier number 35 there and that was the end of the session this is what happened just a little nudge no way was Mark Shaw uh alongside it was more he thought there was a gap and it closed and that was uh Julian Allison’s right to be honest so uh Ellison out of the car no damage to either driver red flag and the end of the session so uh we will now look forward to series D coming up Grand Prix cars uh 3 ler Grand Prix cars from 66 to 72 coming up shortly for for for for [Music] spe foree foree for [Music] [Music] spe I we’re back here at the Monaco historic 3 l Formula 1 Grand Prix cars from 1966 to 1972 and the Beautiful sight of lotus 72 um from classic team Lotus and that’s uh Kabota in the number two car who won this in that car back in well 10 years ago um Bob conon jurus um I think the class of the field here will certainly be uh Michael lions in the 30s he was second last at time out um some 14 seconds behind Stuart Hall who won this in 16 and the McLaren m19a but this time the owner of the car is going to drive it and that’s uh the commodity Trader Ro gother and uh Ro will not be as quick as Stewart uh but one of we just saw it there perhaps the most interesting story of this whole race is to see racing here for the first time one of the most successful drivers from Mexico of all time Adrien Fernandez and he has bought a brm and it means something really special to him because the first one of the first big name Mexican drivers Pedro Rodriguez raced that car I think had a second place in it um raced it in quite a lot of World Championship events um Adrien bought it R Adrian did a demonstration in it once at the Mexican uh Mexico grand prix and like the car so much I got to buy this car and then he got in a bidding war with some Russian guy but um the owner liked the fact that the Mexican was buying a car that the Mexican had raced in Period so he’s he’s got that I mean Adrian terrific career of course in indie car racing then ran his own team won the lmp2 championship for Honda or Acura uh in 2009 American L M series um success at Lam more originally in Indie lights and um racing the the cart series and then uh Indie series from 93 to 04 and uh was second overall in that championship in 2006 for a while Manny Sergio Perez and uh he doesn’t do so anymore but um was I think without Adrian’s help Sergio Perez might not have made Formula 1 actually now there’s a very an intriguing shot tell us about the mirror that’s the central mirror on what is called the Eiffel land it’s actually a March which was rebodied by a company um called Eiffel land who uh to promote their Caravans would you believe so it was a caravan company in Germany and they bought a 701 and Ralph stoin drove it and it’s got this Central mirror um right in front of the driver hopefully the driver is confident of see seeing around it the Eiffel land is being driven by David Shaw not to be confused with Mark Shaw um and David Shaw has got this Eiffel land uh there’s a few stars as well in this uh session uh some uh interesting drivers uh Tom Harley Jr who’s V well known for uh purveying exotic road cars um from his b base in the Midlands of the UK he’s in darish show is darish show do you call that I thought it was ler actually I thought well maybe he’s on the border somewhere but um uh katsuaki Kubota the Japanese driver and one Adrian Nei ah who about whom quite a lot has been written recently it has to be said that he is in one of the older cars in this particularly when you look at uh the Lotus 72 is out there of katsuaki Kubota the Japanese software uh uh developer uh but Adrian yui is in a Lotus 49 and the difference between those is about 3 years uh and quite a lot of uh development so you can imagine the 72 is going to be a lot quicker in theory than the 49b however much uh the uh expert designer Adrien yui has worked on that car and also lanan as well in Petersfield in Hampshire have worked on the car as well so Adrian has raced this Lotus 49 before yeah and he’s crashed it as well crashed it he’s raced at GT40 he’s raced at lamal in in a Ferrari um some years ago he’s also raised an e type as well he got they got a very quick e type that I think has also been driven by Jensen button at Goodwood well also worth pointing out is Claudia heren her reappearance in Ferrari 312 from methusalem racing and that’s a 1969 car so again it’s one of the older cars as well so perhaps not too much to be expected roal gerter is out in the McLaren m19a um say a winning car around here but with st Hall and but Michael lions in that to family 30 he’s been raced by his mother previously and we said yesterday didn’t we not many people are racing the car that mother had raced um but I think Michael will be difficult to catch it also sha Linn in there was a bit of a a late entry taking over the Bron bt37 Lobster Claw which is normally raced by his mate Jamie constable and uh worth pointing out sorry just to go back to Adrian Yi that Lotus 49b uh Los 49b uh W here in 1968 and 69 and then 49c one in 1970 uh the first two in the hands of Graham Hill the second or the third rather in 1970 in Yan rin’s hands yeah yeah so it’s been a win around here now there is a car that you love the the Matra ms1 1220 and uh so Mr JN AB be’s got several mattress got sports cars as well and what you love about it Bob we’re just looking at now the engine with the most magnificent Scream one of the finest mechanical noises you could ever hear there CES with the famous C arrow is that Mike Mike hail would helmet because that’s Mike Hood one of the few people to really make the transition from motorbike race to Formula 1 and a fantastic guy to boot uh M Mike haward and so his helmet being used there here a car raced by the Argentine Carlos Reitman who who died relatively recently uh but sha Lynn just bought the Masters racing series and he’s got a figh he’s got lots of cars particularly Bentley’s he’s got a couple of de had Bentley’s demonstrated Donington last week had the the first one on Bentley from 2000ish and and the last one um from 2003 you had the one that I remember had the the Ford HP engine in the the test uh car they demonstrated do last weekend and looked absolutely great but uh interesting to see what sha does with the new racing front the two main groups that run historic Motor Racing both changed hands in the last few months well you said sha Lyn brought Masters yes surely it’s Frederick fatia who bought gles no he bought Legends sorry Legends Master he bought Legends okay and you’re absolutely right Fred fatan based in France and Dubai uh Masters absolutely spot yet um so sha Lynn is in that brav which was originally down for Jamie conable number nine yeah so uh just moving our cameraman out of the way number one there is Tom Harley Jr who I mentioned earlier on um that is he hasn’t done a lot of racing Tom Harley Jr so big coming around uh Monaco in a Formula 1 uh 70 1970 March 701 yeah quite something here comes uh the field then Led Out by katsuaki Kota in the Lotus 72 yeah just a quickly I launched that March and got a very cold day at Silverstone the whole March deal with the ti running two cars and obviously STP is one of those STP cars here as well March 701 the March group uh Max mosy Robin herd Alan ree who’s still with us and Graham [Music] Koka they were the founders of that company found a lot of success in America for a while so there they go through Mass that’s the left-hander into Casino square and uh these are considerably quicker this is finally the dfv era if you like yes the Lotus 49 being the first card to get a dfv engine when it first came out in 1967 and these are the the cars with dfvs we’re going to hear a lot of dfvs from now on to the rest through the rest of the day because the engine had TR tremendous longevity didn’t he so we got we got is Seri D but Seri f and g will been predominantly dfb engines d e f and g really yeah so uh four years four four eras yes before the uh turbos really came in in well they started off in 1977 with the Renault turbo so it will be very interesting this is a very nice BR this p153 designed by Tony Southgate if I remember correctly Adrian Fernandez obviously hasn’t raced for a while he’s 62 years old now he’s very excited to have this car he’s very excited to to be here racing at Monaco and we un expected to see that car but Michael Lions turned to the screen purple as we would expect and uh just let it go for two or three laps and then we’ll we’ll establish some sort of format I notice Adrian new is in the class for the the older cars probably was a couple of them so uh and Claudia hen so be interested in compare Claudia hen and uh Nei yes indeed yeah so uh early time but I’m sure we’re going to go quicker than that from Michael Lions who is uh as you say the son of Frank and Judy yeah construction uh people from Essex yeah I think felstead in Essex is know where they come from so and they they’ve got they must have quite a few DF engines cuz they got several dfb power cars they got the fabulous ibeck Lamar car that hean bracie built and they they found it in a barn two miles away from where they were the had it years in there they found it in his barn they’ve restored it um it was able to race uh at Silverstone uh Festival last year Michael R ran away with that race the rules allowed it to still haven’t got papers at the moment uh somebody’s complaining the brakes have been changed to the ones it ran with originally only for one race and the rest of the time it raced it had different breakes which is what it’s got on now but anyway having a little bit of a do and Adrian y overtaking Mr J AB B ah well one car out there which is going to look very very strange in comparison to everybody else’s is number 12 that’s the Ferrari 312 B3 also known as the Spitzer Navy which uh directly translated means snowplow and you’ll see why because of its front uh front treatment we’ll see it in a moment but just watching at the moment the Lotus 49b of Adrian Yi there it is with gold leaf colors there’s the spa just passing out of shot uh to our left obviously a red Ferrari but uh it never actually raced it was tested it was the brain child of Mao Fieri The brilliantly Talented uh right up until his death he was still working on Ferraris um a brilliantly talented engineer not only of chassis but also of engines I just going to say yeah not many people like that no and uh yeah so Lions definitely setting the pace but certainly Wrigley Matthew Wrigley in the March 721 G it’s a been of story with that yellow car we’ll see that in a little while won’t me Bob but uh it was built for a privateer they had two different designs uh in 1972 did March and this was one based on the former two chassi and raced by a guy called Charming Man called Mike Boer and had a group of four stock Brokers sponsoring [Music] him so Lions going hergen and oh it’s good to see Gerta out there because hergen and Gerta I think uh whether they had problems yesterday sergus certainly went into the barrier yesterday on dropped oil that’s you and sergus in number seven um but we’re watching Michael Lions who’s setting the fastest time he’s now fastest with a 136.8888855 one and then Mike Wrigley Matthew Wrigley sorry son of Mike Wrigley in third spot 138.5 so just half a second there between those two then David Shaw in fourth place in the 141s and uh the rest are below that Adrian Fernandez at the moment in sixth place and Adrian Yi at the moment in 11th place well kaboto knows had a win round here he did that uh was it 8 years ago yeah no 10 years ago the 14th 20 the 2014 running of this meeting he he was the winner and in this same car he he knows it well uh ahead of uh Duncan American Duncan Dayton in a Bravo fit paldi was third in the Lotus 72 here in 1972 he was fifth the previous year and uh they still had the 49 in 1970 yeah the 49 was quite bulous and they went to this incredible wedge shape didn’t they with with a 72 they changed the suspension quite quite a lot during the period and had torsion it was ground breaking with torsion bar suspension I’m not sure they always ran that or later they they changed it but uh most effective racing machine looked absolutely fantastic and a lot of people love those uh black and gold JPS colors [Music] so Lion’s just gone faster again on that lap is just completed now Kabota second rley jaw and [Music] serers and uh adri Nei in ninth place at the moment Matthew Wrigley last year was his first season so uh he’s driven a Pensky and a Lotus Alan 26 as well he’s tried modern cars but didn’t particularly like it so he’s raced against his dad um I say his first season though no ex he was he was very successful in historic for 2 racing he was one of the men to beat in that yeah he’s been racing a while has yeah he has yeah um started in a formula for Merlin yeah and I think he’s been very effective in in cars like that in in in historic for for as well [Music] so Lions fastest by oh just 910 of a second from kateki Kabota there is the Lotus 72 number two on your screens at the moment was on your screens and uh third spot is Matthew Wrigley just SE that the McLaren go through there with the yardly Cosmetics company sponsorship very good sponsor back in the early 70s they started with brm and then um you remember Teddy Mayer at McLaren post a sponsorship which made Louis Stanley in CES with raged and then marbar came along again McLaren sto the sponsor of Louis Stanley at brm again but they still had a contract with Yardley so they ran two marbor cars and they ran a third car for Mike hawood in uh also racing here is a snowplow again no snow today P there it is but if it was it’ do a pretty good job at it as I say it never raced uh but it was developed they just took the development in a completely different direction yeah um but what a car it is Franco miners in that number 12 and uh he is a monagas so a local driver he’s raced Diablo Lamborghini Diablo Chevron B16 uh various cars including Alan P Monte Carlo that’s probably the group C car um and even an escort he was sixth in the Ferrari here in 2022 so uh he certainly knows his way around as you would expect from a local driver Franco miners currently in seventh place which is quite respectable number 27 there is the Eiffel land no sign of Claudia H gun at all uh or Bruno Ferrari so now neither of those two so just 14 cars on circuit and I think hergen must have had a problem yesterday which is a shame that robs us of a very good-looking Ferrari Lions fastest Wrigley in second now he’s gone ahead of Kabota and in third spot uh k vter now David Shaw then Yan sergon in fifth place and Adrien Fernandez Sixth and it’s miners Nee in eighth place Mr JN of B in ninth and Tom Harley Jr in 10th place but the spread is about 10 seconds yeah but Regal is pretty close to Lions I was a bit surprised by that 410 yeah there’s that Eiffel land I hope you can see around that mirror yes something that’s meant to help you to see is actually obstructing your vision yeah they chasing uh being chased by ro [Music] gother there is the 49b that’s uh Adrian Yi then at the moment in eighth place I’m sure he’s enjoying himself I just wonder if uh his driver Max F staffen has done a track walk with him and showed him where to go quick and uh where to be careful cuz Max F Sten lives here in Monaco we haven’t seen in any time it may not be in town of course uh this weekend I you know you look at a Lotus 49 you always think of gram Hill has had such huge success at this track Mr Monaco we called him didn’t we yeah and uh there’s that yellow marks 721 G and he’s heading for the pits yeah raised hand aent you he’s got a big gap ahead of him so to make up another place is quite difficult it’s about 2.3 seconds between him and uh the uh if not 3.3 seconds him and the car in front some Williams body work in the background they’re not about to put that on the on the mar not go has gone a little bit faster now obviously he’s he’s coached by Stuart Hall also he’s Stuart coached his two sons yeah Ro Al GTA has one son racing in current Formula 3 yes he does and he’s pretty quick isn’t he yeah yeah a younger son he’s a race winner last year at Silverstone and he went to the same school as Lon Norris which is milfield in the UK famous sporty public school yes well when I mentioned that to Lando Norris he said yes I did go yes but not very often that’s carting was he yeah yeah so Michael lions in that uh C ts9 originally built in edenbridge in Kent um I went looking for the old faction the other day and I found a little Supermarket on it which was a little bit disappointing they weren’t selling 30s uh they weren’t no right Michael L’s going quicker now look yeah um 11 minutes still to go along still quite a lot of opportunity and Michael L’s quick in the second sector as well just Ras cast and Noz to go before the pit straight or they call it a straight it’s slightly curved around to the right and lions is going to go quicker again 135.7 was the old time 134.0 now puts him two seconds ahead of Matthew Wrigley yeah he’s racing in the team C’s colors BL in the brook Bond opo colors car like that raced in by driven by Mike hawood actually but this particular car mainly raced in South Africa with John love we mentioned a little earlier in the team gun in the red and gold colors in fact so they put it into a a more recognizable color scheme that tur color scheme we see it in this race sometimes it’s in blue and white sometimes it was mainly in red and white but for the brook Bond Oxo sponsorship they changed it to blue and white and I remember going to a race and Brook Bond at the time the TV commercials had some chimpanzees which drank tea believe it not would be allowed these days would it and they they brought chimp panzee there and sat him in the car but it’s a few monkeys are doing this before so Lions Wrigley and as Michael’s pulled out a little bit I mean Michael’s course we didn’t say this Bob didy the winning most horrible American expression driver here that’s won seven times yeah amazing one and uh I think one year won three three of these later classes didn’t he had huge success in this we’re going to see him quite a few times now sits quite far out the GU tall chat Michael he about 6’2 and um I mean early in his career he was heading in a modern route although the family had lots of historic guys did form a Reno and so on pretty well and he raced in the Ferrari GT cars with the AF corser team but uh he was dragged back into the historic World which is a big world these days isn’t it and uh also of course the family did quite a few formula 3,000 uh 5,000 races as well he raced those cars don’t seem to race much at the moment there’s that Mike helmet Mike hel helmet now there’s katsuaki Kabota in the Lotus 72 currently third fastest is it going to go ahead of Matthew Wrigley who’s in the pits at the moment well I think it’s a possibility yeah that’s a quick first sector time it’s actually quicker than Michael lines went last time yeah eight uh eight minutes remaining in this session this is going to be an improvement from uh kaban he’s been with classic team and he slows right up he slows just before Noz at the end of the lap so it was not going to be a faster lap he’s been with classic team Lotus for a long time even though actually he’s raced other cars I always thought he was he stay with lotus but he’s actually raised other cars as well seen him in a March I think probably one car in the par yeah an in 2017 McLaren Lotus obviously Lotus um even Lotus Alan as well yeah so this is Siri D before lunch we got to still got Siri e to come yeah and then we we got uh I think another three sessions this afternoon and of course the C parade we’re looking forward to that so Michael Lions still 134 point zero Kaki Kota did not complete that uh lap at speed so that wasn’t an improvement it’s still Lions Wrigley Koto sergus Fernandez and Shaw in sixth place and lions held up there by the brm the Yardley brm sure then Franco miners in seventh Tom Harley Jr in eighth place Adrien yui now in ninth and Mr jonov in 10th Place ahead of Gerta matiel uh Lynn and Becca that’s the 14 that have [Music] practiced I’m not sure if that 11 car that cloudia H was going to drive actually came in the end uh now we haven’t we haven’t be a just really hear separate we have the the screaming match range the V12 of Mr J be could maybe pick that up on our picture we might just pick up the the sound of it that’s a number 16 car isn’t it the uh composite magnet can you be a composite magnet I suppose you can anyway Michael Lions depends how you spell it really yeah [Music] yes here he comes this is not going to be improvement from Michael Lions uh 134.0 is his best so far in this session that was 145 so obviously not an improvement let just under 6 minutes still to go no improvements for any anyone really uh ne’s uh been out there for quite some time he’s done 11 laps so far yeah he’ll be having a time of his life yeah and I suspect Bob might speculate she’s saying this is great do I really need to have the uh dramas of joining a new racing team yeah and start desiging for the new but because of man like new is so driven isn’t he what what’s your view he’s a very competitive guy I remember here having a an extraordinary conversation after a qualifying session where Red Bullet slightly messed up things te boots in there um and uh the red bu messed up things and I said oh they you know they that didn’t do that quite right he absolutely exploded as though it was my fault I absolutely said they didn’t made a complete mess of it absolutely went Banas because no s quite no key guy isn’t he yeah I’ve treated him with kid gloves ever since damn just then now Michael Li are very close to the barrier a kiss as long as it’s only didn’t it was no kiss brush no kiss was an air kiss and uh a yeah and lions really ringing the neck of this this CS Lions not an improvement Matthew Wrigley is set his fastest time in the first sector on this lap let’s see how he gets on the second sector quite a long second sector all the way uh to just before the RAS cast so only two corners in the final sector quite a lot of people tune these cost with dfes um Jeff richon being the best known but actually uh the Lions family used a company called highspeed Hy speed the Lions now gone G got on a quick one yeah yeah and uh with three and a half minutes to go yeah this is his final push just to make absolutely sure I I’ve got the best part two seconds on the field has Michael Lions seven times a winner around here Wrigley possibly com improving we’ll see 136.34 n he does improve and Kabota goes quicker again however and but is still one and a half seconds behind Lions so it’s Lions Kabota Wrigley improvements from both kabot and Wrigley but Lions is also on schedule to improve on this lap so is Yan seron in fif fourth place Adrien Fernandez is fifth well done to him David shaen sixth then Franco miners Adrian Nei has gone ahead of Tom Harley Jr so he’s improved and Mr Jon AB B completes the top 10 yeah I think Adrien fernandz an excellent job in that ex Pedro rodrigue brm of course the next model is the 160 and that one here of course with joh p Bel in the rain yeah that was my first visit here oh was it oh I was reporting that race and uh I was doing Formula 3 all right yes I think I first came here to do Formula 3 just a little bit in front of you David Shaw improves his time I think possibly yes I think he’s gone ahead of you and sergon so Shaw up to Fourth uh that’s David Shaw rather than Mark Shaw yeah the Gap at the top now is 1 and a half seconds has on Kabota both having won this category before yellow flags up flying and what’s why should that be at no that’s the final corner I think somebody had uh maybe somebody ped and then got going again yeah haral Becker was fairly slow through there so it might might have been him sergus improves and is back up into fourth place back ahead of David Shaw been fifth he had the Eiffel land March David sha did that’s not his today is it yes it is yeah so he’s had that for a while yeah that car one stage went back to being a normal march and then they I think they rebuilt the famous bodyw work with the central mirror and uh there’s red flag yeah so with 53 seconds to go yeah they definitely won’t restart it there’s the Royal box up there where they go up to receive the prise and was a bit of bit of body work that’s why we’ve had the red flag so they’ve stopped the session because of the Deb on circuit yeah what did it come off it’s black it’s black yes could it be offer low to 72 that’s a to back I think think that’s a possibility yes it was yeah well absolutely correct yeah so yes off the low to 72 and he’s derranged the rear wing as well katsuaki Kabota second fastest but with a damaged car I’m sure the classic team Lotus boys under Christin will get that sorted pretty quickly their back CL the uh the brain strust there is deciding what to do so Michael liyan’s fastest in that session from kataki Kabota second Matthew Wrigley in third place Yan sergus fourth David Shaw Fifth and Adrien Fernandez in sixth place then Franco Miner seventh Adrien Nei in eighth place Tom Harley Junior ninth and then uh Mr JN of B in 10th Place Nicola mati from Monaco in 11th place his uh neighbor roal Gerta in 12th Place sha Lynn in 13th Place and Harold Becker completes the 14 for whom we have times so uh that’s the way the qualifying session for uh series D ends the uh Formula 1 cars from 66 to 72 lot of changes weren’t there over that period of time yeah um uh both you know mechanically and the body work particularly in the aerodynamics of the cars so anyway coming up will be we’ll be moving onwards I always think of kaboto as a pretty safe Pair of Hands So I’m sort of surprised at that little uh Excursion but let’s hope there’s no not too much not too much damage done to the car [Music] so just seeing some of the shots of these drivers there’s Michael Lions that’s the man who’s fastest then in the session and he’s in the next session as well it’s Michael uh into the McLaren M26 in which he’s one here as well [Music] so here it is the highlights for the series D Grand Prix cars from 66 to 72 3 l cars and uh perfect setting for uh Monaco this weekend absolutely perfect exactly the way we all think of it there it is kataki Kabota the man who starts the session and actually ends the session as well of course uh in the Lotus 72 rth stoin uh the eiel land which David Shaw drives cars come out of the pits and head out to the Circuit indeed they do this magical location here on the Mediterranean and uh winding their way past the casino and then down the hill and pass the famous Tip Top Bar the Sun listening on the Harbor the Yachts there and uh here’s a commentator from FRS and looks if he’s going to interview Patrick [Music] dempy was to be able to drive with him he was taking me around the course and explaining the zones the line his history here the set what he liked the set of his uh just extraordinary moment [Music] upil [Music] each one will handle differently so it would be nice to be able to get a chance to test all of them youan lar as a team driver you finished second as a driver um how did you um manage to establish all this career in Motorsports with the passion in support of Porsche and of course with tagura uh it really started with my wife giving me a three-day competition certificate to go to skip Barber and then I went to the Panos racing school and then finished that and then moved up into different series and eventually uh worked my way to lall so it took many years I got a chance to Race Around the World in the W in uh Daytona Sebring all of those great events uh so it it’s just extraordinary and um in the paddock the camaraderie and the fellowship I’m honored to be a part of and uh it was a great experience to be at Lon to be able to stand on the podium that was a dream come true I can imagine um what is the most difficult being an actor team manager or driver I think all of it is different in different disciplines uh I think the most enjoyable is the driver being the driver the team owner you don’t have as much control and you’re always hustling to get money of course yeah well um we PID tribute here in Monaco to eron ca one of the greatest dver in history in fora one the one of the legend of course in in Formula 1 um 30 years after his death what doors eram means for you oh I think you look at his uh the limited amount of races that he did how many polls that he has one of the greatest drivers of all time his passion uh just the just the killer instinct when it came to to racing he wanted to win so desperately but completely different personality off the track um very special and I think the way he approached it mentally the way he approached it uh with the training and conditioning it changed how everyone approaches racing and his lasting Legacy it’s hard to believe it’s been 30 years since we’ve lost him but what a great way to remember him this weekend thanks a lot thanks a lot for your time Patrick and away [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] for for spee for so next up Siri e this is for just four year period from 1973 to 1976 and we can expect Bob conon jurs an absolute Battle Royal in this because over the recent years Michael Lions who has just seen being fast the previous session and Stuart Hall have gone wheel tohe and then more recently Marco verer the three times winner of lam more he’s been in the mix as well in uh Lotus so we can expect a very good battle now last year well last time he ran this 22 Stuart Hall won by just one and a half seconds after a Titanic struggle uh but Lions has won this category in 2012 2014 2018 and 2021 so I expect that we’ll have Hall verer and liar but I also think that Nick padmore who’s had huge success in the Masters uh Formula 1 Series in in various cars uh the man from Ham three times a masters F1 Champion he is going to be right up there in it as well and now for the first time we’re seeing cars from the Chrome organization in Germany there’s a collector of cars who operates under the the Chrome name and uh this should be a cracker as they say we’re just waiting for the cars to come out for this session but uh this is something that it’s in the past um we even saw Alex Cy make a comeback to racing the Italian Drive In N sign he won it in in 16 which is a bit of a surprise but normally as it was in in 18 we’ll have lions and Hall and verer all doing battle yes it’s going to be interesting to see there’s a tremendous number of uh drivers and cars in this class there some interesting different people as well um so interesting to see Jean Den deatra for example yes to see uh uh also James Davidson in number 22 uh Steve Brooks is out there in 27 Matthew Wrigley again Stuart Hall as well so quite a few drivers uh we may have seen them before but we’re seeing them again in different cars some of that was a very interesting Back stories and Steve Brooks particularly one of those uh an adventure I think you’d call Steve Brooks when confusing there’s three different racing drivers called Steve Brooks uh and this is the British one the better best owner there’s another french guy that races under the assumed name of Steve Brooks and then there’s a guy that races in New Zealand is also Steve Brooks so um this is definitely the British chap raced recently in the Master Series uh in uh Lam more perso very successfully winning races a man who’s flown from pole to pole in a helicopter I think Bob knows has been involved in a team which uh Flew Around the World in a in a Spitfire and real Adventure but and also a very good driver too so that’s Steve Brooks we’ve got the other new See For the First Time Mark Davis from Belgian uh wellknown dealer of racing cars as the Machinery from just this 4-year period heads out onto the pit lane and then up onto the hall Tac that is the Monaco Grand Prix circuit so Stuart Hall we mentioned him earlier but uh now we’re seeing him out on track another hug successful around this track the 39y old from jonesford his dad Pete uh was IC sponsor the Andy Rouse cars also involved with Team lotus in his latter days and uh I first remember Stu way back when he was 16 racing a t car and he was a joint winner of the championship I remember that that first year and went on to be the uh Lam more GT uh arm Champion with Aston Martin with royal gother back in 2013 say looks after a lot of Royal goa’s cars and he still takes part in modern racing it was this year it was in a very nice new Ferrari at the Dubai 24 hours uh sadly it broke but uh I’m sure they’ll get that sorted out and back in 07 he finished fourth overall in Lamar with Martin schz team together how uh barza and uh got a fine career behind him but around here there’s few people quicker than than um Stuart Hall so we got Stuart Hall we got Michael lions and then we got obviously we got the man from Dortmund uh Marco verer steeped in Motor Racing his Marco Vera went through a period at La mall where he was on the podium six years in a row as an Aldi Factory driver of course the final three years I think he went third second third and then three victories so uh he he loves it involved in in quite controversy here a couple three or four years ago when uh he was battling with Janna Lacy making a comeback in a Ferrari and Marco some said Marco verer Mr gear oh sorry lazy Mr gear some say that verer deliberately tapped him H but verer was actually demoted to third place after that incident so he was a bit AG grieved by that because he is sure that Laing Mr gear the team R the car Sur he didn’t so there we are and sort of burst onto the sports car scene way back in 1995 when he went to Daytona Bob as a spectator and finished up driving the winning car and then of course he his his successes Lam more um 05 06 07 and uh he’s a super nice guy he he owns he he got close to Formula One uh in period I talked to keno and he had a test with with minardi but of course they wanted money and so that didn’t happen and uh that Marco I mean he started his Motor Racing careers a teenag built his own Formula Ford car with the help of his father’s mechanic the the family in the automotive trade and uh you know he’s he’s understated Marco but uh you know he’s had a lot of success also won the American Lamar series for for Audi and most of his success at Lamar was driving with emanuelo who we’ve seen racing around here in the past so we be on way in a moment looking down that love the top of that building was it’s got the ACM badge built into the roof that is terrific isn’t it yeah that’s a sort of cocktail area up there as well I’ve hosted a cocktail party up at the top of that uh building and uh it was it was redeveloped the Monaco did a big the ACM did a big Redevelopment a few years ago when they built the new garages as well and actually right opposite us is a new development as well so it’s a continued uh work uh of in progress if you like so uh coming up Series E Formula 1 Grand Prix cars from of 3 lers from 73 to 76 and you might call it the Stuart fitt paly louder era if you like yeah they named the race after louder each race is named after a driver who was key to that perod this is the Nikki louder race um so let’s see what happens and uh I suppose the sleeper in this is the Australian driver Davidson uh because he’s had quite a lot of success in indie car racing but also more recently I saw him win a fantastic racing a Canam car at goodw the end of last year was one of the best races I’ve seen for a long time so he could he be could be in the mix as well some interesting Shadows there quite interesting Shadows that have uh different models in fact yes um the dm13 and five banino actually was involved I think in an accident yesterday so whether we’re going to see him it was quite badly damaged that one that we saw of his uh if you remember going up the hill yes do knock a wheel off it well they all looked a bit squiffy actually by the time they finished uh and Roy Gerta was involved in that as well so we’ll have to just keep an eye and see if we’re going to see those guys but uh 25 minutes of qualifying coming up very shortly and uh I don’t think we’ve seen Gerta or biankini in the pits so I don’t think we’re going to see them out there um we’ll keep an eye on that but sadly I think they are non-starters after that accident yesterday green flag qualifying underway interesting the McLaren M2 six that Michael Lions is driving I remember it wasn’t a particularly good car as you said yesterday the McLaren M23 was so good but uh it was quite difficult for an M26 to be actually better yeah it was raised by James Hunt in period yeah um but I generally the drivers didn’t like it as much I but in Michael lions’ hand it’s a pretty effective Beast around here I can tell you that uh we’ve got Lucas huca haloa who is the second youngest son of Martin haloa mentioned him earlier on so uh he’s out in the McLaren M23 marer as you say lotus 76 for the chome cars team Royal Gerta if we see him we’ll be in a tial 07 Chris lock from the USA in a Lotus 77 Nick padmore in a similar car from chrome cars again and then Mr John of being and a Ferrari 312t when now that does not figure on the list that we’ve got here so uh I’m not certain we’re going to see that so the CH yeah the chomecast organization is is a guy called Kai Nicola who comes from uh lorf in Germany and he’s got this big collection of cars he got a separate team running it and they interesting they do their own DF engines yeah it’s interesting to hear that that they do their own dfes because it’s quite a specialist thing uh there are Specialists both in Europe which we mentioned earlier on uh but also in the USA as well to look after the Masters series that they have over there yeah I I forgotten the number how many DF engines were were built in period for a lot is the answer and as we said yesterday without the dfv what would there be yeah I mean just looking through this every car in this race got DF in hasn’t it I think that is the case if the Ferrari isn’t here yeah well there’s two Ferraris are they running though I’m not certain 11 11 and 12 bani is here yeah he is here yeah yeah that’s right he was a bit of a late entry wasn’t he yeah been hearing a oh already oh the front wheel is off that yeah well and truly can’t see from this oh the 12 Ferrari barani involved in it [Music] maybe so I think this is uh full course yellow if not a red flag I think it’ll be a red flag to remove that car unless there’s a crane nearby um just kind of can we see it’s a I believe it’s it’s a third 37 and the 37 no that’s just oh was it it had stopped on our our moving screen so it started again number 20 it’s at the Williams fw5 I think it is yes yeah full course yellow and that is uh well somebody who impressed us yesterday utaka K TBA a Japanese driver who we didn’t hadn’t actually seen before uh and he had impressed us but sadly not so impressive this time yeah when when we Googled him in Japan he raced in a formula 4 Series which is a sort of young kids feeder series and then we we Googled him a bit more he found he was 60 years old but sadly he’s knocked the wheel off that and I I would think this will bring out uh uh I would think maybe the red flag they’re going to have to lift that well there is a crane fairly close because so many people go off at that uh particular point now I suppose just why we’re seeing the Williams fw5 interesting period in Frank Williams uh career as the crane comes down well spotted Bob um Frank sold it the first iteration of his his Formula 1 team to the Canadian uh oil magnet Walter wolf and he didn’t like working for Walter wolf very much and but this was the last basic car in the first part of Williams career and then of course they they moved Patrick head joined here when they started Frank started again and then they had a March for the first season with Patrick n then they built the brilliant Williams fw6 and even more brilliant fw7 and we’ll see all those uh racing uh this afternoon but uh strangely enough Frank Walter wolf also had a sideline and he he used the brand for for after shave and he they did really well with in some countries Walter wolf After Shave complete with a gold W logo on is still sold extraordinary so a crane is being brought in I think yeah if possible there is there’s the as it’s called in France and it uh looks as though it should be able to get close enough well it’s lifted the front up oh there we go yeah this has going to dangle yeah I think oops well they got it nicely balanced look and uh up it goes so uh that’s well done well done guys some people coming out of the house there to claim Salvage right and uh so that wolf what a shame cuz uh he had actually done quite well but uh what you said about Japanese formula 4 I commentated or I announced it the other day at the Japanese Grand Prix which was what three four five weeks ago and uh indeed um there were a number of youngsters but some some guys who weren’t so young as well who were old enough to be probably their grandfathers uh who were also taking part why not it’s a it’s a cheap yeah cheap formula why not sometimes like for years in in America the Star Master Series like had a senior category for older BLS so I thought was an excellent idea um but that particular car has been uh craned away there was actually raced by Jackie X in the latter part of his career who we may see here he’s very often here he will certainly be here in a couple of weeks time we’ll also be talking about Jackie probably during the very briefly I promise during the uh Center parade as well because he had a significant role green flag they are racing again green flag and Li really on it wasn’t he coming out of the corner [Music] there yeah so we haven’t really got a proper time on the board yet [Music] no now who have we seen we haven’t seen gerto we haven’t seen be those are the only two we haven’t seen at the moment and bani had that spin but he is on circuit he’s the only one in the uh class yeah of course he will be the only one cuz the class one with all the with all the blue color on our screens here is for dfv cars and of course viani is in a Ferrari which means he is in a different class so the surprise here really is James Davidson from Australia grandson of a famous Australian driver called Lex Davidson who raced in in Formula 1 and uh third generation racing driver and race was raced mainly in the states I was thought there was really going places and but he sort of bul down in uh indie car racing did James but uh more recently got himself into historic races he’s a he’s a terrific competitor so he could be the surprise package racing a car owned by Brad Hy who is now supporting him fact when he when he raced at goodw uh I told you this terrific race in this Canam car that was a height car and the g he was put into the car at the last moment with no testing so we could have a three or four people really at the front of this but eighth place Doug marcket Loves tis been a huge supporter of this meeting for years um made money in the office uh sort of desks and things like that I believe well certainly uh office equipment anyway and Doug a huge Enthusiast padmore fastest in the 130 High 132s um Lion second in the mid 133s uh verer in third spot high 133s and then big gap to Lucas haoa in fourth place and all those three cars coming out the Chrome stable that might got to be a bit of inter inter team rivalry there between those three um I think ver driven for all of longer than anyone else I talking to Nick yesterday abely loves Racing for this team not the first time we’ve seen uh that chrome cars one two three no absolutely so anyway on a quick lap now is uh Nick padmore and in the Lotus 77 [Music] [Music] padmore with quite a lot of racing lions with a lot of racing ver with a lot it’s really quite a lot just to jump out of one car get in another isn’t it yeah and and different performance different grip different all sorts of things different Arrow levels different feels of the car it must not be easy just jumping from one to another so we’re talking about a category here when when the designers have starting to work particularly at Lotus on full down force with the high Aro cars and uh but this was just before this and the 77 of the car that the great gunar neelson of course died to cancer um the swed he raced this particular car that padmore is in had a couple of podiums in that in Spain and Austria and uh I think Mario andreti also uh used this car to win in Japan in 76 when Hunter course won the World Championship and Nikki pulled off we saw it all dramatized in the rush fi but this is a famous car but still Hall has now gone quicker and uh well only by17 of a second but well done to Stuart Hall because he’s uh to actually uh stay there will be difficult he’s in the McLaren M23 yeah there’s the uh Team Lotus car Marco Vana and behind it is Nick padmore trying to thread his way past one of the pensis there’s about two or three pensys two in this race um of Stanley fton and Matthew Wrigley and the the the Stuart Hall car was uh raced by the charismatic American Peter revson from the Revlon cosmetic F really proud to have known him and uh he had a lot of success in that particular car we always think of revson and Revlon and yet revson did he race a a yardly br brm was yardly part of Revlon no it wasn’t I think he did but there you are and of course he killed at kyami in a testing accident um that car was driven by lots of famous people lots of world champions but Denny Hol raced it Emerson P poy raced it and also yoka Massa and even David Hobbs at the end of that season uh David Hobs whose uh book I ghosted and uh still a fine read to give it a little plug Little hobbo David is still doing well recently sold his big Milwaukee Honda dealership so so just to go back to the track action that’s Stuart Hall leading and behind him in the background is Jean Den deletraz the Swiss driver whose son also races and has been in Formula 2 for many years is but has uh moved over to sports cars this year and I think you said he won last weekend no no he won the receiving 12 hours seeing in April Lou deatra yeah the son yeah H so we got the hall padmore verer and 7 a second between the three and then Michael lions and then Davidson and then husa delr there in ninth place and I don’t see anybody further down is likely to move up and Steve Brooks the adventurer we mentioned in seventh place that’s pretty good for Steve but Hall just going a little bit quicker yes he could well be going quicker as I said the margin was .17 .27 of a second uh between Hall and padmore it’s that’s likely to open up this time Halls fast his time at 132.0 and he completes this lap with a 130 I’m waiting 132.0 it stays in fact he lost time in the final sector so it was not an improvement saw him held up actually traffic yeah yeah but that that middle sector a fasted middle sector is seeing all morning yeah 46.6 seconds a couple of people coming into the pits verer is in the pits Davidson is in the pits they’ll make a few slight adjustments Stuart Stuart still stuck behind that number 15 uh arrows at the moment well or Shadow SI Tony Siler Tony Syer has been Racing for best part 40 years I think so Swiss very successful Lola t70s in historic racing Tony’s got a a big body shop in Switzerland and also race prep business well it’s interesting that Stuart Hall is really upsetting the apple cart or at least the chome cars apple cart at the moment leading padmore verer and lions that’s right in a in a a go well a Roth go prepared car yeah rth go we’re not certain what it’s I mean r go roal Gerta but what the f is in the middle middle I’m not certain unless his middle name is something starting with f of course it might work St about that based in Hampshire yeah and in fact roal Gerta he was he is in the the oil and gas industry and uh he started his collection really with golf sponsored cars he justl just Lov he does had a a silver collection as well mainly road cars luscious road cars I think he might have disposed of that but he’s always looking for for golf cars and uh basically the uh the the company were commodity dealers but they dealt mainly in oil as you say I I think he’s he’s out of that now very busy around here though isn’t it Bob look at look at this well yeah you know a driver will try and get out of the way but just sometimes can’t and that uh Embassy Lola or the hill I not certain if it was a Lola no that was sure that wasn’t James Davis yeah they started with lless didn’t they have moved on to to uh to embassies I’m sure bu their own cars yeah it could have been Steve Brooks I suppose but I I’d be surprised otherwise it’s James Davidson in the hill well he was originally entered in a hill but he got they changed from 21 to 22 didn’t he yeah he is in a hill yeah he’s in Bradley HS yeah Hill gh1 for Graham Hill and Hall still partly on the pressure you know he knows that he’s getting a lot of uh get a lot of opposition from the three cars from the Chrome group getting towards the sharp end of the session with 7 and a half minutes to go Hall does not improve on that lap but he’s not very far off it only eight tenth of a second after off an improvement green flag which probably means there’s a red somewhere or not a red or yellow of somebody who’s gone up the Escape Road at Sand deot I suspect I like that yardly color scheme I don’t know about you it was always worked very effectively there a chat called Dennis Matthews if you remember was a uh Martin cartright was a help promote it do you remember Martin yeah yeah ah here’s the HTH slowing down [Music] that’s James Hagen that’s James Hagen and uh that’s it early es of course and so Lions quick on this lap uh in the first sector so we’ll have to keep an eye on the second sector lions at the moment in fourth place um James Davidson next behind him not very far away it’s actually quite close until you get down to Mike Matthew Wrigley in seventh and Steven Brooks in eighth place there’s a bit of a gap there of uh Point well 1.7 seconds 2.7 seconds there uh the gap between the two so a bit of a hole Lions personal best in the first and second sectors sliding it out of Noz and completes the lap and an improvement yes an improvement in terms of time but stays where he is in terms of position yeah so a strong lap for Michael Lions but he’s still surprisingly not in the top three but then this is so competitive at the top end isn’t it very much so in this in this race yeah I’m I’m looking forward to this tomorrow all these races of course will be uh live streamed uh tomorrow all eight of them Hall still fastest 5 minutes and 20 seconds to go there’s verer with his a purpley crash helmet man from Dortmund interesting rear wing isn’t it double rear wing cuz of course after a while here they started adding on all sorts of bits of body workor to try and get more and more downforce around the circuit yeah and it the cars look like they come out of Halfords there were so many bits hanging on off here and there but of course Colin Chapman and his team or started to think about ground effects then yeah when we and later of course we got things like x-wings yes but so when we get to the our final group this afternoon the G then we see ground effect cars yeah it made a huge difference with the sliding skirts and all that stuff but meanwhile the these are Ali on the force of the wings um still a lot of mechanical grip and uh into the top 10 is Gom Romo from France in the N sign and 175 so uh that’s I think our first n sign in the top 10 and sign accompany run by a chap called Morris n is no longer with us uh but hugely Enthusiast a racer to start with and in a junior formula race for Colin Chapman at uh at uh Team Lotus then started to build fabulous Formula 3 cars in uh 1970 is and then went on a chat called Ricky vanon opal came along and uh wanted a Formula One car built cuz Ricky had been very successful in uh the IGN Formula 3 Cars he funded moris Lan to build the first Formula 1 car which is is still racing now and uh Morris RAR had various sponsors people like American Chuck Jones friend of mine put some money into the outfit and they built nice cars but this particular event oh bit of a stake there for Michael Lions yeah shows how hard he was trying and um he’s only got one other go at it but uh the ins sign did in 16 an inside not sure if it’s this one won the race here with Alex the uh one of the Italian former Formula 1 driver at the wheel was a bit of a surprise so Jo Hall still on a mission isn’t he yeah fastest time in the first sector not an improvement in the second sector no way off there way off yeah but he’s actually improved his time at 131.8 so he’s gone a little bit quicker so he’s now 7/10 of a second ahead of Nick padmore in second place Marco Vera is uh just under 4/10 slower in third and then Michael lions in fourth place a further three behind James Davidson in fifth Lucas haoa in sixth place good effort from uh the young Austrian driver I I think it’s a great effort by Davidson I’m sure he’s he may have tested he hasn’t raced that car before and uh there he is on a 133.6k it wasn’t very successful in Period was it no exactly not like in the McLaren M23 which lotuses so the Graham Hill starting his own team started with lers and they built the popular British driver Ian flux I think part of the part of that ins I know he was part of that nign team got a got a very intriguing interesting book out relatively recently fluxy and the monagas driver lau frederi lau up into uh into the top 10 now as well just a minute to go Bob I think still Hall’s going to stay on the pole isn’t he padore isn’t having to push as far I can see ver just on another lap and Michael Lions yeah all they’ve all got probably get one more lap in and padmore is gone purple in the first sector so padmore is having a big push can he just lick it away while it’s quite a he’s got to make c 7 a second so that’s quite a bit around here and let’s see what padmore’s uh middle sector time is but of course it always the problem he might get caught up in back markers hope he’s got a clear RAC trck to give it maximum so Nick padmore with all the success for years he was sort of s a high hand sort of radical level oh there see the pr the prince has arrived look leonell yeah yeah in uh race control oh look at that 4,000 of a second Stuart Hall quicker than Nick padmore in the first sector 4 th000 of a second that’s it nothing at all James Davidson uh also a personal best in the first sector padmore just finishing a lap now and let’s see what he crosses to line at on the checker flag absolutely on the checker flag not an improvement for padmore he stays in second at the moment yeah that was a 33-1 from padmore yeah just uh seeing Prince Albert there he’s quite a sportsman uh very much involved in Bob slay racing and so wasn’t he yeah he was in the Olympics I think I believe he was yeah think James Davidson improved his time but stays in fifth place but he’s very much in touch with those ahead Lions is coming to the pits has not improved uh Thena is on a quick lap so is Stuart Hall Stuart Hall is definitely going to improve and that’s going to be a brilliant effort 131.8 becomes a 131.5 for Stuart Hall so he goes fastest by nearly 9/10 of a second in fact it by N1 of a second ahead of Nick padmore in 21 there was a terrific battle when when Lions won by7 second over over uh Hall and uh just looking back Lions won this race when he was driving a a the hes 308 a family car uh he he he won it in 12 and 14 so you this has been his class I mean he’s won it four times in the past but uh out sea now and not even in the top three but good drive by Davis I think this is going to be one of our highlight races don’t you bother it’s going to be terrific love seeing this of my period really for Formula 1 report I reported these races as you did of course and uh Mega cars not too uh not too complicated yeah for me that M23 is one of the most beautiful racing cars put that next to a current Formula 1 car there’s no choice my fault and and current Formula One car is about 50% bigger that’s the problem isn’t it I think particularly here but that’s rules isn’t it build the cars in the rules and the rules say you got to package all this stuff and all the electronics and electric motors and all that quick word about Marco figali from Italy who has got into the top 10 oh well done to him yeah uh Steve Brooks in 10th Place yeah so F mcy in the end sign I do wonder if that’s the one that Cathy raised here [Music] um it’s um it’s a car that was was uh actually raced by uh nobody remember him but rolloff wondering he failed to qualify the car here and uh sponsored by the Dutch alarm system company HB Bing I think it was called and he vanan Lenn uh also raced the car another Dutchman Dutchman one lar see a Charming Charming guy still around see him occasionally and nign n174 but uh yeah that was a cracking qualification session so we had a fine morning haven’t we of qualifying starting 8:15 you know we’re B we we going uh four hours now here [Music] so here are the highlights for Series E Formula 1 Grand Pre cars of 3 lers from 1973 to 1976 and uh there’s the green flag for the start of this qualifying session 25 minutes of qualifying for the these Grand Prix cars very much an era of uh of fitty paldi of Stewart uh of louder as well and uh McLaren’s particularly the McLaren M26 there of Michael Lions very much in with a mix and there’s a trio of lotuses snapping at his heels as well um and uh it’s just a matter of who is going to go ahead obviously in Clan Pole Position three lotuses driven by Nick padmore Mara and uh Michael [Music] Lions so uh who was it going to be sorry not it’s not Michael Lance uh nick padmore uh Marco Vera in the Chrome car’s lotuses and Stuart Hall in the McLaren was the one who went quickest there the two lotuses padmore and Vera just uh two luses rather than three that I mentioned but uh it was number 33 Stuart Hall who really set the play Pace in the uh McLaren and uh an excellent effort from him in Royal GTA’s uh McLaren and it was he who claimed Pole Position for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Lando Norris is down there but this is a car owned by a Bruno Center and uh they say it’s the most extreme Extreme Road car that McClaren have ever built and bears the name of course of Aon centa and McLaren say the philosophy of this car was the famous Aon Center quote you commit yourself to such a level where there is no compromise you give everything you have everything absolutely everything well that’s what apparently they’ve done with this car which accelerates to 200 km an hour in 6.8 seconds and we’ll go to 300 km an hour that’s 18 86 mph in 18.8 seconds apparently 500 of these Center models were built all were sold but this one is owned by Eton senna’s nephew Bruno Senna and he has been driving just around the Monaco track as we get ready for this uh outstanding parade the cars these very significant machines they aren’t all cars because there one cart um been put together by the former Bram Chief mechanic kry Adams and we’re really looking forward and there we see the the van demon there is a car but it can’t get up the hill but this is the van demon that atam raised so successfully now owned by a chap called Steven Connor and it’s been driven today by Christina GES who is a McLaren Academy driver and uh she mainly actually competes in the extreme e category very successfully uh meanwhile there’s the Formula 3 car and it’s been driven by former Ferrari Formula 1 Ace Eddie Irvine and that car is a route rt3 of course run in Period by uh West Sor racing at Dick Bennett so there they go two cars in which Aon Center made his reputation Bob con jurus yes in the formula 4 2000 um he did the European and British championships in 1982 run by Russian green and he won 22 out of the 26 races that he entered so that’s a pretty high uh uh percentage the previous year he’d done 1981 uh he’d done Formula Ford and he’d won the RAC and tanen toris championships in the UK when he won 12 out of 20 races yeah um but after that he returned to Brazil and it was thought he was going to not do any more uh Motor Racing he was going to join the family business and run that but then he reconsidered while he was in Brazil and came back to race the Formula Ford uh 2000 car and the next year as you say he ra joined West racing and Dick Bennetts uh ran that team he’s still di Bennett still running cars of course particularly in the British Touring Car Championship um and uh he dominated the first part of the Formula 3 championship in 198 three but then Martin brundle got quicker and quicker and the pair of them had quite a uh tussle together uh over the championship Aon won 13 out of 22 cars and uh R yeah then oh there’s the cart and won the maau Formula 3 race as well so uh the cart well he had a cart from the age of uh uh about eight or nine I think uh and uh when he raced it was the DAP team at Indiana in Intelos uh age 13 he was racing in 1973 and in 1977 won the South American cart championship and then raced in the world C Championship from 78 to 82 um and was twice runner up well you can see just how basic that cart is it’s been driven by Gabriel boretto the uh for three champion and uh he’s a McLaren Academy driver and he’s bra appropriately he’s Brazilian they said the cart wouldn’t got up the hill but it obviously did uh owned by Zack Brown part of his collection the McLaren racing team boss and lovely to see it here as you say changed so much carts over the years but uh three outstanding vehicles from the early part of eten sena’s career around the circuit here and uh yeah he really did set the British tracks Al light and uh you’re absolutely right Bob that you know we thought he might not come back uh but did yeah exactly that um of course the Formula 3 car there is in malor colors and Theodore racing colors that was the car he raced at maau and one in at maau that was the first maau in Formula 3 we got three more outstanding vehicles coming up there’s the little cart with as you say Gabrielle berot is reing reigning for 3 Champion isn’t he but he had success in carts um both in Europe and America and I believe he’s managed by Fernando Alonzo so they are nice shot of that and uh yes it’s pretty basic isn’t it yeah and cars warming up in the pit Lane some of the formula cars that we’re now going to see well we’re going to see the Tolman that obviously was the first car that uh for one car that he raced not he tested Williams were the first people to test him and there is a oh he tested uh yeah he tested about three different uh Formula 1 teams uh for Williams McLaren and braam before he decided on Tolman um and Tolman of course was a relatively new team very new team and and they brought Brian Hart into Formula 1 uh Brian Hart had supplied their engines in Formula 2 where they’d won the championship and so uh they brought Brian Hart in and he developed uh the 415 with basically four-cylinder 1.5 L turbo engine but uh on a Sho string uh because Brian had no major manufacturer behind him here is uh brief rundown of Christina Gutierrez and uh she’s driving that formula 4D 2000 car and won the British and European titles uh in that car iot and did we saw a very quick shot didn’t we of Bruno Senna being strapped into the very significant 1990 McLaren MP4 5B obviously Honda powered car in which uh Emerson W Emerson to Aon won the uh middle of his three World Championships um a car designed by Neil Oley that were changing designs around at McLaren that time but the the 90 car was designed by Neil Oley is still at McLaren to this very day I think it was due to come here this weekend great Enthusiast a huge collection of books and uh mot racing paintings does Neil Oley but uh we’ll see that car in a little bit they G nice lapse round here aren’t they yeah now Bruno Senna now driving that McLaren yeah that McLaren in which uh he won six races and had 10 pole positions look at the beautifully clean lines of this this car with its Honda ra 100e engine and car one first time out but great to see it here in the marbor the marbor color scheme we’re also going to be seeing a lotus 97t in a moment which will be the car in which Aon won the first uh of his Formula One races and something was stopped there and there is the Lotus 97t card designed by lovely Frenchman Gerard ducarouge and with Martin ogi and uh that was a car in which Aon so famously won his first Grand Prix remember Bob in those appalling conditions at esterel in uh the 21st of April 1985 and uh he won the race by over over a minute so won three races in this particular car took eight poles and uh it did see a bit of a Renaissance of lotus team Lotus for a while because they’ve been in the doldrums and uh of course he joined Lotus from Tolman and we’ll see the Tolman in a moment I hope don’t see there’s Ram by a chat called Alis Davon uh who’s had it for ages and being driven by Stephan Johansson and there is a story there when we see this tomman because after Eton Senna came to my office and secretly signed his contract with JPS team Lotus Tolman were not happy and so Tolman uh decided to stand a and down for the Italian Grand Prix and it was Stephan Johansson who took the car and he dided finished in fourth place so of course and that was one of their best results Tolman of course by then well the person who scored the best result was Aon Center here at Monaco on an awful awful rainy wet day uh for the Monaco Grand Prix in 1984 it was I think the sixth race in the championship and Tolman had changed from pelli tires to mishan tires and uh uh in the race itself uh he uh Aon started uh 13th on the grid he was up to six six by lap 10 had a big moment of that she came in on lap 11 uh and uh all the time he was up into third by lap 16 and second on lap 19 all the time he was catching Alan Prost who is in the lead by five seconds a lap and the pair were being caught by tial driver Stefan bellof and that car is here today Clark of the course Jackie I controversially hung out the checkered flag on lap 32 as the rain got heavier and as Pros was caught by Senna but the order was taken a lap before as per the regulations so the lead margin was officially 7.4 seconds controversially because the ACT was thought to favor the Frenchman Prost it said better a lap early than a lap late yeah and uh that was a terrific rate and of course always there’s uh speculation of what would have happened if it had gone the full distance and you would would sander won the race or would bellof have actually C him stepan bellof obviously something killed sadly in a sports car but it seems to me uh Bob that that that Tolman is is not uh run certainly not circulating as far as we can see we’re looking down into the pic right the far end I think of the pits so tiar boots and there is driving the Lotus 97t tiar Now deals in executive jets for living Monaco from literally one of the these streets across the road from where we are and presume he’s got a hanger somewhere as well because he the winner of three grand pris um raced for Baton and obviously with with Williams race successfully and um yeah absolutely lovely blow he still involved in racing his brother-in-law has a a racing team but I was doing a little bit of uh mugging up on it on his his plane s but sold over 300 planes since he uh stopped racing and 164 Grand pris tiar compet competed in he’s done a little bit of historic racing as well has he I yeah for for a long time he was almost as though he resisted it um but he’s now doing it he’s done a little bit of historic racing not this weekend yeah remember him at ju lall in a factory Toyota having a huge accident and uh just after the pits I’m sure if you were yet there that particular year well great to see these two cars circulating and so significant the car in which Sena won his first Formula 1 race that great Portuguese Grand Prix and the car in which he won his middle World Championship um and there’s Bruno just on the power again great to see the Lotus here because I know it’s very difficult to get a JPS Lotus the checker flag comes out for the end of their four laps but it’s difficult to get a JPS Lotus these days uh one of the excenter cars so uh they’ve done very well to get this JPS Lotus here well that’s the pull of Monaco the pull of this fantastic historic uh race meeting here that’s held every two years but U very significant obviously to um reflect on the career 30 years on of uh great Brazilian at I think you got a couple of stories of your interaction with him Bob well I just remember for example at at imil um another weekend not the weekend that he’s that sadly claims his life being in a very very modest little restaurant I was and um all of a sudden there was a bit of a commotion outside and Aton and I don’t know three or four mates walked in and they were seated but Anon was seated at one table on his own and the friends were at another table and ordered food Aon got out readouts from the team and poured over those readouts looking at the settings looking at the performance in relation to those settings doing his homework really working away and seeing what he had to do to the car to make it go quicker after half an hour he’d done the homework and he joined his mates and They carried on for the evening yeah I remember he used to do much longer debriefs than anybody else but if you were really patient and you waited and it would be 4:00 and need somebody come out of the debrief by then a lot of the scribes had gone home and gone off to the bar but if you waited and I found this he would give you a terrific interview and he didn’t give Pat answers you never knew quite what he was going to say and he might go off on a tangent but always very interesting just one other quick story I once at the end of that 90 season was set to the next day to interview him in Australia in Adelaide and the interview was set we had it all set up for Sky TV and he didn’t arrive and he didn’t arrive and actually arrived about 6 hour late but by which time I was on a plane but my producer Diana Keen used my question got a fantastic interview where he been he’d been offered a ride in Australian Air Force F-16 jet he thought it was a better deal than being interviewed by me well he was right he was absolutely right because the whole point is we got the interview and I still have it and very interesting stuff I remember the last words he ever said to me and I was waiting outside motor home on that Sunday morning and of course the been I was working for fom TV and uh they wanted to try and do an interview and I said well I wasn’t awfully certain if I could do it but I wait to see and eventually he came out of the motor home and he looked at me at the Williams motor home and he said you don’t think I’m going to talk to you do you that was it oh dear that was the end of it y so uh yeah it was a bit unfortunate so uh the cars all stopped on the grid interesting Bob we just saw a quick shot of that Formula 3 C it had the Theodore uh writing on it on the very front yeah yeah and there’s the cart taking up its position yeah shame the Tolman because we know it’s here because the owner of it is in our hotel and we spoke to him on Friday so Something’s Happened I saw it down there but they were always a bit temperamental those heart engines weren’t they well that was the problem really yeah it was severe underdeveloped but uh actually the owner has found the one of the guys who worked for Brian Hart who can work on the engine and uh maintain it which is a real piece of luck but there are the four five cars the cart and four cars uh that have taken part in What was a great demonstration and a great moment to remember a great champion for e e e e for e e e e e e e e e e e e again there we go here it is ladies and gentlemen then the highlights for series D the Grand Prix Formula 1 cars 3 l from 1966 to 1972 very much a braam area era and then Cosworth era if you like uh not a huge entry but very star studded entry in many ways Monaco looking at its best of course around here Tom Harley Jr in that uh March leading uh Adrien Nei in the Lotus 49b behind him there is Adrian Nei the uh world famous designer often thought to be the best designer in Formula 1 ever and uh he is in that car which he driven before he owns it it was previously owned by Jeff farmer and of course Lotus 49b has won around here in the hands of Graham Hill back in Period so who is going to go quickest that is the question and we’ve got some very fast drivers including Michael Lions here in this CES owned by his mother Judith and uh it’s one of the uh many dfv engines this is not a dfv engine however the uh number 15 uh McLaren is excuse me is uh or is that 19 no it’s Adrian Fernandez in the brm that is not dfv Adrian Fernandez the Mexican Ace uh who has taken part in champ car uh but uh we also have of course uh lotuses as well in the field and this is katsuaki Kubota in his Lotus 72 and of course Lotus 72s were all conquering in the hands of particularly Emerson fitty paldi who won the championship in those cars so the Japanese driver in that Lotus is driven that a lot he’s uh been very capable in that car but heads into the pits as I say quite a small uh entry there’s this uh unique Ferrari Spitzer Navy it’s called Uh means snowplow and uh that was designed by Mao Fieri it was very much a design uh exercise and Fieri was a fantastic engineer number 27 there is David Shaw in the Eiffel land that was used to uh publicized Eiffel land Caravans would you believe and it has a central mirror that’s what’s in front of the driver wasn’t an earlier version of the Halo but it was a central mirror uh but it was this man Michael Lions who was so quick uh throughout the session and uh in number 22 CS with the dfv engine again um only the Ferrari and the brm did not have uh V V8 engines unfortunately it was red flagged uh at the end because katoko Kabota uh hit the barrier uh but in the end it was Michael Lions who was fastest I don’t know when it’s going to end do I e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e back to Monaco for the 14th running of the Monaco Grand Prix historic tremendous event here on the Riviera I’m Andrew Marriot with me Bob conston jurus we are on qualification day this afternoon we’ve got three more qualification events and we start with something Bob just a little bit different because it’s sports racing cars from 1952 to 1957 why sports racing cars there’s a very good reason because the Grand Prix was run for sports racing cars in 1952 and therefore that’s the reason they include them uh for this uh in this meeting and uh We’ve also got a great field of cars tremendous field of cars of all sorts of cars as well and as you say they are from they’ve got to be front wheel front uh engines uh but very few uh sports cars in those days were rear engine so 52 to 57 as you say and uh we’ve got a lot of them uh they are widely spread lotuses Maseratis phasen ashes lists Ferrari Jaguar hwm Cooper a tremendous variety uh Aston Martin and more Maseratis uh one or two odd balls uh the Alli of course a couple of lists a two conuts the KE but I don’t think we’ll see the KE cuz I think it had problems yesterday an Oscar a Veritas a pegaso that had problems yesterday as well so uh quite a variety of different types of car so that’s what we’re about to see for 25 minutes of they qualifying yeah well we’ve got the returning winner from uh the last race here two years ago Fred waitan in the Cooper t38 and also the people that finished second and third two years ago and uh in we have uh plenty of great racing cars here back in 2012 2014 had a win by Jensen button great mate Alex bunam in a c Type Jaguar in 16 and 18 Chris Ward uh in first in a c type and then in the Cooper Jager he won but uh Fred Wakeman we think could be one of the U star runners in this uh Fred waitman managing director of Endeavor Ventures very successful um historic racing driver we got another Jack called Richard Wilson in this who always goes well and one at go goodward members meeting with his 250 S very special Maserati one of only four I think that will go well we’ve got the Spaniard gilo Fiero eleta in his Maserati 300 that’s a car which was previously owned by Mark knofler and he won this event in 2021 so we got all the crack people that take part in this but when we were watching in practice Bob yesterday one of the star turns was the racing car and uh classic car dealer Gregor fiskin Scott done quite a lot of modern racing has Gregor in Porsches and he is always pretty quick and he was he was looking pretty racy yesterday as well so we’ll see he’s in an hwm Jaguar so yes look at the Fantastic shot of the har down here and the whole Monaco scene the casino and the boats bing up down the champag cours must be popping but not for us in this commentary box we’re strictly on water as it says sports racing cars front engine 1952 to 1957 they are split into three glasses as well so there be some extra prizes cars with an engine capacity of less than 2 L cars with engine capacity of more than 2 lers and with drum brakes and then presumably the faster ones cars with a capacity of more than 2 lers with disc brakes of course this was the period when disc brakes were coming in and uh a lot of them tried out actually not a Brake company but Dunlop tires I think were one of the first people to develop disc brakes on the Jaguar C type and we got a couple of of those here we got a lovely Jaguar D type early Jaguar D type of the type that won Lam more with Nicholas halloa at the wheel we got this rare hwm Jaguar uh with Gregor fiskin and uh that we think will be competitive we’ll see what transpires in the next 25 minutes or so but just a a little quick word oh Bob you want to dive in please do yeah one quick word actually Fred w wasn’t particularly competitive yesterday that’s the only thing I was going to say uh surprisingly because of course he has been usually very competitive an ex Tommy Sopwith car uh the the Cooper t38 and in fact the other one there’s another one there as well being driven by uh um a Mexican driver I think or the Argentine Argentine driver Manuel elab uh was exm Patrick head’s father if you know Patrick headed he’s the famous uh Formula 1 technical director at Williams for many many years and shareholder Etc and uh uh his father used to race Colonel Michael head I think he became a brigadier in the end and he was in the in the uh diplomatic Corp but he always used to race as well what we didn’t really explain was why they stopped having a Formula 1 race in 1952 but at that time Formula 1 was going through the doldrums and they were worried to not get a proper field weren’t they and I think that changed the rules and not many people built new cars so that’s why and then is it right Bob they didn’t have a raceing 53 or 54 and they picked it up again yeah in 1955 the whole thing could have died then yes I mean everybody says this is the most wonderful round of the world championship and you will be here in two weeks to to call that yeah but it is an anachronism because it’s a very short track as far as Formula 1 cars are concerned for historic rating it’s absolutely perfect it’s beautiful except the barriers are a bit close and this morning you mentioned track limits the track limit is the Armco barrier right at the edge pretty much it that’s it you do get a penalty if you go over the track limits your car doesn’t go any further basically exactly yeah so uh we just saw a one of the db3s is as Mar DB th and it’s actually Matias seli uh from Argentina as well number 76 yeah and that’s a real that’s one of the Emu cars registered emu db3s X Peter Collins uh Tony Brooks Roy salvadori Sterling Moss um and uh just an extraordinary car with a a fantastic Heritage so look forward to seeing that all these great names of course for the past there massive Heritage of of fantastic racing drivers we have from Britain we still have the most world champions and in historic racing we have by far the most successful drivers at this meeting but elsewhere also so also look out for the Richard Wilson car um the Maser the Maserati 250s I said had some success at Goodwood at the spring Clubman meeting club meeting U members meeting as they call it uh raced in EST States many by um Carol Shelby and and Jim Hall and I know that that car when went to auction and I think Richard build he certainly paid over two minut ion pound for it but then a lot of these cars are worth a fortune and I think U we just had a did we just have a little shot of it there as I look down I think we did so uh the cars are all warm getting warmed up ready to go out on the circuit for this 25 minute session there’ll be a green flag wave there’s the D type number 60 is the lone D type it’s an early D type and away they go that’s Nicholas haloa the third oldest of Martin haloa sons and away they go out onto the circuit there he goes in the D type and uh Maserati list C Type Jaguar there uh Ferrari there David Franklin aboard and uh SE types as they say lots of variety of different cars and uh the one thing about them even these cars are small enough that you can overtake uh so that’s the great thing around around this circuit um you talked about it being an anacronismo many people uh are so restrictive should we say in their thoughts about this circuit whereas even modern Formula 1 drivers say it is such a challenge it is so great to have the crowd so close they’re always in favor of it uh it’s only it’s only journalists journalists yeah well I certainly am so I mean it’s interesting this because it is British cars Italian cars and one Spanish car not a French car amongst it yeah true and and some makes that we we’ve long lost Haven we yes um we got the Veritas haven’t we yeah German German manufacturer after the war they decided they wanted to build not only I think sports cars but also I think they build Formula 2 cars as well there was the various has meteor as well um which was uh one of the cars but um we and we have open top cars and closed top cars the majority are open and we got sort of sports racing cars but also I mean GT cars as well yes what we’ call these days GT cars yeah as you say so uh now we according to our entry should have Patrick Pat Blakeley Edwards out in this field uh um but I’m not certain we have in the phas of Nash uh well possibly yes well that is that not the one that uh oh maybe it’s a different one yeah yeah but here would definitely be looking after Fred Wakeman’s car he looks after all Racing Stable he’s not driving so I think his only car was that uh was the phas L single CA that was in the uh opening which is down got done and broke but yeah we’ll see in a moment who does what and uh initially it’s Nicholas husa is looking the quickest and we will see what transpires in the D Type Jaguar as you say I think that was one of the early 3.4 ler cars wasn’t it and as he say they tried out disc breaks and drum breakes on the the D types and and even as early as the SE type as well and they found they were a lot better yeah exactly so they will make a difference and now you even see little dis braks on mountain bikes and things like that they’re like little CDs aren’t they they are absolutely yes oh squeeing of tires from that uh Lotus 10 Bristol I think and not your favorite car with the twin fins at the back lot 11 succeeded it was a beautiful looking car but neither of us like the shape of the lotus T I’m really sure why but that’s yeah there’s haloa then uh the Austrian young Austrian bringing the D type round I hope he realizes what a lucky young man he is to have a daddy with all those lovely cars haloa coming up to complete his first flying lap and with this many cars out there although it is easy to overtake and all these drivers are very very considerate to one another uh it is still possible to have problems and there’s number 88 uh that’s O’Neal who is uh Jeffrey O’Neal in the Maserati 350s who is oddly enough it’s uh on the start finishing straight I would have called it oh it’s a bit dodgy that isn’t they yeah look at the time yeah Jeffrey uh how did he do that here it is here it is look how did that happen ah did something seiz in the back end Jeffrey yeah runs a historic Festival in Sonoma in California right there in wi country and a great Enthusiast his 350s swapping ends and uh the fact he hasn’t been able to move it makes me think that maybe the rear did lock up yeah yeah it’s just uh possible we get get a red flag to remove that car and it’s not easy to remove it either and that is a quick part of the circuit yellow flags not surprisingly and uh could be a full course yellow yes it is full course yellow that means yellow flags waved all the way around the circuit speed restricted and I suspect it’ll be a red flag because they’ve got to get a uh a vehicle on there to remove that car unless he can remove it himself and at the moment that’s not happening well he doesn’t appear to be making it effort so to do so I I think maybe my theory is correct that the rear end locked up no I think you’re right so I mean the only person really got decent lap in so far is Nicholas aloa Austrian I think spends a lot of his time in the UK though and he’s on a 2011 107 and second fastest at the moment is man I think it was a Morgan racer Rick Bourne and uh Rick is driving in Malcolm Paul’s at Lotus 10 I don’t know what he’s trying to do in that car but as you say whatever it is not very effective because nothing’s happening yeah I maybe it just doesn’t want to fire up sometimes when you spin like that you get a bit of fuel vaporization there’s a pack grand stand enjoying fantastic isn’t it toac huge Grand standand showing you know the popularity of his car racing on a red flag and they will drag that off um and the clock stops as we said this morning yesterday in qualifica in practice um these periods the time has just lost but here they don’t lose any time talking about you mentioned hwm what a HW Motors Heath hton Motors yes uh George ABAC casses was the name of the guy behind that they did build Formula One cars and Sterling did some of his very early races that put him on the map Sterling Moss with an hwm Mass ranks now can they push it and John Heath as well was uh yeah uh part of uh hwm and uh of course yes Sterling was in their Formula 2 team they had quite an extensive Formula 2 team and uh with Lance mlin amongst others it doesn’t want to push no I think I think you’re absolutely right I think the back end locked up because you wouldn’t spin there I mean not toally with that experience um so I think that’s it I think the rear end’s locked up and they’re going to have to Jack the rear end up or do something with it yeah um so well yes Lance mlin whose father incidentally had a very interesting um relationship here with Monaco because he decided he would study the odds at the casino so he rented a hotel hotel room across the road in the hotel the Parry where which he staffed with uh young people writing down all the numbers that came up in the tables across the road and they literally were running the numbers backwards and forwards all the time and he was trying to work out what the odds were of of a win and how to get a win it wasn’t he didn’t really need the money he just wanted to it was almost a hobby to do that and um uh eventually the casino said do you mind if we come on see what you’re doing and he said well yeah sure come and see you know he didn’t mind at all um but I don’t think he proved anything conclusively but it was an interesting operation was in the about 1920 there are people that tend to get banned from casinos because they’re too successful I think it’s more games like Barat and things not not the roulette wheel itself not that I’m a gabbling man but I do know that it’s a wonderful building the casino here there a few other casinos along this Coast aren’t there places like bandall and so which is near the Paul Rick I TI It Well now they’ve got a driverless car he’s trying to get it out of gear but um I don’t think that’s going to work he’ve got a jack there to Jack the rear end up I think that would be the best solution it jack up the rear here it is again and there is just swaps ends and uh the uh 32 Pierre macki Fraser Nash Lon Coupe uh managed to avoid it and went to the right kept out of the way and now the wield a jack away oh they bought a flatbed that’s why yeah going Jack it up going to jack it up on the flat bed yeah getting straight onto a flat bed but presumably that means they’ve got to drag it on there with a the back end locked up is it going to yeah they got the winch on it look they’re going to hook it up hopefully somewhere nice to hook it up without damaging the body work yeah most of these cars have a have a tow hook they do but something that oh maybe they could attach it to the roll bar yeah to the roll cage that that is not original those cars would not had a great big roll cage like that um well I want to shame for Jeffrey O’Neal so runs this Festival Sonoma a great race circuit actually and obviously a faue for indic car racing and many other things got a few racing teams based up there as well so most of the cars if not all the cars back in the pits just waiting for that car to be renewed to be uh removed and then we can get going again but uh still quite a long way to go we’ve only had seven minutes six and a half minutes of the session yeah a lot of the guys haven’t even got a real proper flying lap in yet have they but I’m sure they will so look lovely that 527 painted on the front sort of indicates to me a milia number do you think yeah exactly yeah yeah so it will have left at 5 5:27 in the morning yes yeah to drive a thousand miles on public Italian roads in the Mia and back to brasia oh there’s Jeffrey walking away no well come all the way from uh Northern California and I hope they can fix it because I think because he practiced yesterday he’ll be allowed to race but he’ll definitely be at the back of the grid if they can fix it see I they’re struggling a bit aren’t they to be honest and uh well if the rear wheels are locked they’re going to stay locked yeah yeah they are yeah that’s what I was looking to see there’s Alex ases uh because he looks after he’s got racing drive Alex ases um but he looks after the halloa cars and just uh briefing Nicholas there I just love the fun of the D the fin of the D type don’t you yeah the fin is fun and um because some of them didn’t have that some of the customer cars didn’t have the fin all about stability on the on the msan straet but it just looks to me looks Mega and again I got a dink he that as well well it’s almost on the flatbed and so that’s as far as they’re concerned that’s enough and so they’re just hauling the flatbed back onto the truck itself and then it’ll a little bit of affection in the stands they’re not paying attention are they well there nothing happening is so I’m sure if uh if the cars were rushing around it would be a different matter so engines firing up again I think we’ll be off and running again in the next minute or so which will be super a bit more action going on see the the U one of the lotus 11s there had the uh what was it Lotus 10 had the the Bonnet up maybe just trying to get some Cooling in yeah Belgian driver Eric stce in a no it was a Lotus 11 thought it was so they give commentary to public address commentary here it might be bleeding through a little bit on your audio feed in French Italian and uh old friend in TI Mar do the English we had a nice little dinner with him last night and remembered some times from y but there some fans waving I know the camera’s on them and you get a lot of access here you can get close to the cars and uh so there’s eight categories seven of them are in The Paddock area which is alongside the harbor um I suppose you’d call that the um the west side of the harbor I I believe and then of course you’ve got the Formula One garages and the g category the fastest uh cars coming out later um they get they get the the proper Formula One garages yeah yeah and and I think after the open the roads those cars are still there so you can walk along and have a really good look at those and I I because we’ve got passes we don’t know what public can do but I did see people with tickets regular printed tickets at hand going into the The Paddock but maybe you’re buying a paddock access really ought to check that out but there a just tremendous race me I mean it’s wonderful come to the south of France in the late spring isn’t it and I mean you’ll have a great time in two weeks time but um this is is a different sort of meeting very much so and um here you’ll see a massive variety of cars which in you you won’t in two weeks time all the Formula 2 cars all all the same all the for car all the same horses are the same they’re all the same and all the Formula One cars are different but look the same yeah yeah so uh I think they’re probably ready to go the engines are fired up hopefully we’re going ready for a restart a rather dodgy looking elevator going down there is I think they use that for catering and so on rather than for people but anyway the cars are back on the racetrack and predominantly coming out first of British cars and the Fred wakan leaves them leads them onto the circuit that’s yeah well he’s managed to maneuver himself it’s no fool is Fred wakan has won a lot of races in all kinds of different cars over the years and traveling backward and forwards from the states where um I mean I believe the company he he manages is part of the schroers banking group uh so it’s a it’s a really nice chat Fred and just loves his racing yeah he’s had a cobra fras and Ash amongst others uh alista Jaguar he’s raced as well cype Chevron B8 Cooper Jaguar seems to be a favorite though yeah I think it’s a very effective piece of Kit actually in particularly around here it’ll be the same engine as in the D type yeah so green lights flashing it’s green means go and that’s exactly what they’re doing now and uh well about three or four minutes we’ll get some sort of indication who’s really going to be in the hunt here obviously still on an out laap at the moment through the famous tunnel which years and years ago was shorter and a different shape CU it’s a sort of rounded oldfashioned tunnel now we got that tunnel with the hotel built on the top of it’s changed its name a few times I think it’s called The Fairmont now yeah it has been the Lowe’s and then the Grand Hotel but it’s certainly the Fairmont well there’s a sign outside it yes Fairmont I mean for years that corner was known as a Low’s hair pit wasn’t it yeah absolutely and uh before that it was the railway the Y the uh station I don’t know how the railway lines got up there well they coming from Italy I suppose yeah exactly yeah you can follow it quite easily because I mean the the road and the tunnel are still there and also they used to have a clay pigeon shoot off the off the uh the top of the tunnel out to sea so they’d have uh shooting clay pigeons off there and then uh you know chaps with shotguns would try and see how they how quickly they and how well they aimed earlier on today we had a chat called John Spears racing he represented Britain in the Olympics in clay pigeon shooting a couple of years well I wonder if he knows about the T A I bet you he [Laughter] doesn’t so haloa show on top of now he’s down he’s on 2011 but his last tour was 217 CU it was his out laap so the when he finishes this lap we’ll get some sort of indication of really who’s in the hunt here and one of them will definitely be Fred Wan because he’s just gone purple in the first sector and that’s always a good indication that somebody’s going quickly is going to be in the hunt we’ got Wolf Gang Fredericks in this in Aston Martin huge Aston Martin fan he won a race at Donington yes last weekend and after he won it he got out of his car and in the uh Paddock area where everybody assembly went around and shook the hand of everybody he’ beat which I thought was a really nice touch db3s as Martin db3s very very pretty cars not quite as weighty as the dbr1 which uh uh it succeeded there are a few replicas of those db3s is around and uh actually my brother-in-law has one and it’s got it looks the business absolutely looks the business but it’s got a modern BMW engine in it I drove it up on an Airfield quite recently and and um I have to say it felt a little bit agricultural but then I’m used to driving modern cars but it it looks great and uh and of course there was also a coupe version there were only two or three of those made that looked terrific I love that Coupe ver yeah it was fantastic wasn’t it fact I’ve got a picture of one on my phone uh because it just happened to be in the way of a a f Vega somebody was showing me well wait’s just about to finish his lap and he will go fastest without any question uh which is exactly what’s just happened now and he’s the first person under 2 minutes and Bob is showing a picture of the outstanding Coupe version that we just talked about it looked terrific they did it so well Aston Martin so Fred weitman first under the 2 minutes with a 159.000 as so they do now we’re rounding it up to stay in Period Nicholas Halo the second Richard Wilson who another regular winner in this lovely Maserati uh 250s at goodward one uh at the Revival and uh he is up to third place now and Max Hillard had chat chat with him lunch time he’s happy with his L he’s racing two cars racing low to 16 that was all being stripped down and made ready for tomorrow tomorrow’s race so and then Claudia hen we mentioned her over the morning sessions the oh we put it nice over the senior lady racing driver that’s really quick I suppose it’s nobody no females of her age that could match her and I just wonder if she’d been in formala W I think quite a lot of the the 20s and whatever girls would have struggled to keep up with her because she had an interesting story and an interesting backstory from uh this very racetrack where in Formula 3 when she was really competitive had a big accident Bob yes she badly damaged I don’t know if it was the left or right hand but basically that uh ended her single seater career although having said that she’s back in single seaters but she’s also back in driving some really expensive cars uh one of which is the Maserati she’s in at the moment and she’s in seventh spot yeah she drives for an outfit called Thum racing German organization uh look after a lot of very nice cars and she’s their Factory driver um and she’s had I mean we did check she had a win here 24 years ago it’s extraordinary isn’t it in this meeting so wakan uh just Wan fastest it was a bit slower that lap but only with an intent to a second Wan fastest Richard Wilson uh exactly 1 second a lap slower and between the two of them are is Nicholas husa so those are the first three and then there’s a gap to Max Smith hilard uh not a big big gap but 1.2 seconds back to Max Smith hilard in fourth place Gregor fiskin the purveyor of wonderful cars from London the Scotsman is in fifth place and Claudia hertman is in sixth then seventh is uh uh G Fier Fiero Aleta who we saw earlier on and uh a a bit of recognition who’s that chat yeah yeah exactly we should know shouldn’t we or maybe we shouldn’t Char and then Martin hunt in eighth place Nicola Bert in ninth and masus seli or is it caros siki caros siki in 10th place I think no brothers um away from Argentine we see them racing in Britain quite a lot uh and yeah talking about Grand Prix drivers quite a few grand prix drivers course live here and some have popped down Charles L Clair course born here there’s uh Max with his uh Graham Hill tribute helmet I think the saki is a father and sons well they could be yeah now just troll in the old memory I’m sure I T to them at Lamar last year and you’re right they are um now there is that’s a quick car number 10 he’s very competitive in that car uh Max smithard is in fourth place Lotus 10 with a distinctive number plate not a pretty car as I say well I don’t think so but uh it’s effective so I I’ll let him get away with that they used to say if it looks right it probably is right well that one didn’t look particularly right but Colin Chapman you it probably was right ni enough in fact the Lotus 11 was even better Wakeman continues at the top of the list just point two of a second though Halo has gone quicker and is pushing hard and and Richard Wilson uh in third place that was Lando Norris it looked like Lando Norris but Andrea here told us that he was in Miami uh 14 hours ago oh probably in a Business Jet though it it cuts the time down a bit so he was here so somebody going straight on up the road at San devot that’s a popular place is to overshoot and get away with it there we’re talking about track limits um but there are a couple of places where you can overshoot and a big lock up there I think from was at the 32 uh it’s not a lock up it’s just smoking oh was it smoking that’s the unfortunate thing now that is something called a Fraser Nash Lamar replica now this is not a replica that has has been built recently it actually just signified that it was a non-w Works car so they were replicas of The Works cars but they were built in period for some reason they wanted to differentiate between the actual Works cars and the ones they sold as customers and they back in 1950 51 52 they called them replicas which is very confusing for a simple chat like me but uh they are replicas just happens to be the name of them so Wakeman still quickest here paloa the only other guy that’s gone under the uh twom minute Mark and then Richard Wilson fiskin did just move up a little bit cloudy hen’s going quicker now look I think we got might have a very quick lap from Claudia hen now I think you could put her in the top three I think she’s in a lot of traffic that’s the only worry yeah he got trapped a bit and let’s see what a third sector time is when we talk about sectors those you probably not so used to watching uh B racing we have a full Timing System here just like a Formula 1 race with the three same sectors they have for the Formula 1 race we have it on our screen so we can tell who’s going quickly there she is she picks up one place she goes up into fifth place ahead of Gregor fiskin so it’s Wakeman haloa Wilson and Smith hilard all very close together covered by 1.1 seconds 1.13 if you uh splitting hairs and then C clodia hertman who is a little bit further back probably 1.4 seconds further back uh in fifth place Gregor fiskin in sixth then mattius siki in seventh uh Martin hunt in eighth place Gore Philip Fiero Aleta in eighth in ninth place sorry and Tony wood in 10th Place yeah Tony’s a very quick driver but probably not in that car Wolf Gang Frederick I think might move up the field a little bit just looking at his split times it’s always give indication uh in the pit is the American driver Otis in the 54 and that’s he’s got the marvelous name of tazio Otis and he’s in a 750 Monza I would think he was would be of Italian Heritage though number 70 there Fred wakan with 80 Richard Wilson right behind him so that’s a a quick pair uh and as long as they’re out of traffic they should be setting quick times but uh neither of them are really making a mark on this lap Richard Wilson’s a very bright man a very clever entrepreneur and he’ll he’ll be watching what Wan’s doing maybe thinking where I might be just seeing if he’s going wide at Corners at where he might get past him if it comes down to a battle uh tomorrow just to remind everybody all the racing is tomorrow eight races we’ll be streaming the morning all here on various different streams including Sky F1 I think the goodw streams taking it um we sure you can find it on YouTube a great opportunity for any driver around this circuit which has got 18 Corners crammed into uh 3.3 37 km or 2.07 miles so uh you’ve got a great opportunity if you’re following another car to study exactly what’s going on and Fred Wan has actually pulled away but that’s partially because the Allard I think it was the Allard got in the way and uh that means that Richard Wilson is uh a couple more lengths behind but the Allard pulling over and letting everybody else go through watch out for the guy who won this event though in the same Maserati 300s in 21 that’s GFE SHO Ela the maltes based Spaniard and I think he’s probably on a quick one and I said when when he won that race in 21 it was Nicholas halloa who he built he beat 4 minutes and 20 seconds still remain so uh certainly got through it very rapidly Wakeman haoa Wilson Smith helard hergen and fisken the top six then Matti siki Fiero ala hunt and wood completing the top 10 behind them bant Bert Ottis Bourne Baker and elaba great shot of the drivers cars going through Mass there the left hander into Casino square and then you we saw a picture of the casino in the background as you said this morning probably to dug the gardens up the beautiful gardens in front of the casino there this is cloudia heren now in the red 84 Maserati with a trident on the front the famous Maserati Trident Maserati back in racing in Formula E um of course we’re here two weeks ago not sure how well Formula E went down in Monaco they they’ve been racing here for a little while now originally they didn’t use the whole circuit they currently do so and this weekend they’re in Berlin for uh Formula E they race on Old Airfield don’t they one of the original Berlin Berlin airfields [Music] um see it’s a proper Street Circ zebra Crossing there and arrows and all that sort of stuff and that sort of thing can catch you out some of those lines particularly if it’s damp well you asked Nigel Mansel 1984 yes exactly LED I think six laps and then spun off on a white a wet white line he wasn’t happy no he wasn’t so uh still Claudia Herman doing a grand job she really one she knows her way around here that’s for sure and two she knows her way quickly around here yeah she comes from uh Aran on On the Border there sort of with Belgium and France s of bit of a Crossroads Aran isn’t it yeah also known as aches aha so 82 here that’s Fiero ala the Spanish driver in seventh place at the [Music] moment now where’s my neighbor he needs to get a move on he’s got a neighbor in this not neighbor but Martin hunt he lives up in the Downs uh near Goodwood and uh he’s in a hwm Jaguar he’s down in 10th place now just squeezing into the 10th Place uh needs to improve on the next lap we got one and a half minutes to finish this one and get on with the next one so this race is named after Victorio maoto who won the race here in 52 in a Ferrari 225s and they had a separate class as well for the under two L cars and that was run by a very well-known racing driver Argentine Robert mansol in a gordini now Max Smith hilard here he comes to complete his lap uh he improves his time but not his position he stays in fourth place and uh it now means that those four are covered by 1.7 seconds only or is it no it’s .7 seconds no.7 tantalizingly close isn’t it close that is absolutely wman haloa Wilson and Smith Ard wonder if any of them got another lap in time is ticking away just 30 seconds to go but if course they get across the line in that period they can go for one more well they’ve still got half a minute in which to do it sakei is back in the pits so to is Otis and Bourne after this of course Bob we’ve got coming up two fastest classes here uh and so mainly DF P cars some really fantastic looking battles I think we’re going to see in those last races and battles for pole position so we’re looking forward to that and uh heren and fiskin both on track to improve personal bests in the first sector the checker flag is now out so this is everybody’s last lap Wan is the man to beat and there could well be some changes in these last dying minutes of the session yeah the checken flag has come out but of course it still got uh the leading people all on a last lap and uh just as it might be in two weeks time and at the end of uh Q3 you could have a change at the very last second Wilson doesn’t not improve in spite of a best sector time at the end husa obviously got held up with dropped six seconds on that lap and that’s one of the problems here but is wakan wan didn’t actually wakan was uh already slowing down and so it is Fred waitman who will start on pole position for tomorrow’s Siri C Sports racing car event front engine sports racing cars Nicholas aloa alongside him Wilson and hilard H and fiskin Fiero and wood siki and well neighbor Martin hunt in 10th Place just hangs on yeah norg Fredick will be disappointed to be only 19th I thought he’d be more competitive that Nigel where but been around many many years with his Jaguar C type or a famous car uh he is in 16th Place so two more sessions to come we’re going back to single seaters we’re getting more modern and we’re going to uh category F and we’re going to have things like Williams fw7s we’re going to have hesus Philipi woles woles some very interesting cars so we’re looking forward to that in a few minutes fit quite a few fit of powers more fit of powers i’ ever seen together I think now we did have Sam hanock well-known uh wellknown racing driver for many years particularly in more recently in uh historic cars in the past raced at Lamar a lot with a jot to team and so on but Sam stuck the F poundy into the barrier um yesterday and I’m not sure what the outcome of that was you had a little um Ratt around the padet Bob I don’t if you saw that guy asked about the car and I I couldn’t see it that’s probably because it was covered up with a cover I don’t think it’s going anywhere no what a shame i’ presume it might damage the front suspension but uh we’ll see and he will have been one of those drivers who has done quite a lot of uh good um work uh developing those cars as well he’s a good test driver in in that way and so he’s somebody who will uh be working away and uh trying to get the car quicker and doing quite a lot of development work interesting this morning I mentioned there some former team Formula 1 team engineers and mechanics here and one of them is Dave L and Dave around the business for a long time but he was Emerson’s race engineer at fwy for a number of years and he was uh very interested to look at the the cars in their latest slightly modified uh St since they they raced in Period and what was his conclusion I think he made improvements that uh you know they’d hoped to do in in period but I mean there’s fitou is from uh 77 here and the later even 79 car and even the the 1980 car which is the one that uh we think that Sam hanock may not appear in now um but we we’re coming close in this one to ground effect interor AR in fact the Williams fw7 was one of the first ground effect cars following in the footsteps of course the Lotus and we’ve got a couple of lotus 81s in this which are a ground effect everything in the final g category will be ground effect nice slowmo shots here look of uh the sports cars heading back towards their padic and there the iconic Harbor that is Monte Carlo so this was the sports racing cars front engine from 1952 to 1957 category or series C and uh the cars were waiting in the pit Lane a good field of cars uh lots of them waiting to go out onto the circuit they were LED out there by a former winner um or at least a driver who is on the podium Nicholas haloa in the dtype LED them out there the dtype jaguar and uh he was doing a grand job out in front and uh the cars were certainly doing uh an excellent job of uh qualifying that’s exactly what they had to do of course it’s what it’s all about and uh then we had this rather curious stoppage for uh the unfortunate uh driver there in the uh I’m just trying to find the relevant piece of paper uh we had to have a stoppage to recover that car which we think the back end of it locked up uh and consequently couldn’t get out any longer so it was then watching and w waiting in the pit lane and then getting out there again um here it is number 70 that’s uh Fred Wakeman and uh he was the man who set the pace he’s a former winner and he set the pace for everybody else around the circuit and uh although it’s very close behind him he is fastest in the session and uh he will start from pole tomorrow uh Landon Norris in the pit Lane and uh that was it that was uh C category very close behind Fred waitman Nicholas haoa uh Rich Wilson maith hilard uh before a little bit of a gap to Claudia hertman so there we see the cars lined up waiting to go out the famous number 27 obviously on Alan Jones’s car when he won the world championship course the following year it became number one uh 27 are there sitting waiting to go out and uh who’s in that Zack Brown chief executive of McLaren racing and was also of course involved in a company called United Motorsports Auto Sports up in leads where he keeps a fantastic selection of cars I mean Zach came over to be a young racing driver all those years ago from the states and uh subsequently decided he wasn’t quite quick enough and set on the business side of sponsorship side of motor racing here in Europe and America both sides of the Atlantic and had huge success with his just marketing organization I think he did a lot of the deals in NASCAR and Formula 1 deals and then he becomes uh moves into Formula 1 management and of course has been the architect of mlar going from the back of the grid back to the front as they did last weekend yeah winning the Miami Grand Prix y so um you know Zach’s a huge Enthusiast and uh Richard Dean who uh runs United Auto Sports obviously run cars at La Mall um is his big friend and it was his tutor actually racing tutor and Zach finished up for a while when he was racing in Formula 3 in the B category if I remember correctly uh sleeping on the a couch in Richard or was it rich sisters flat so he’s known the hard times and uh what a huge success he’s made of his his career but all through it all remains a massive Enthusiast yes exactly he’s got quite a collection of cars as well kept up at uh in leads at leads at United aut Sports yeah and he’s not a small man as you can see he’s it’s a bit of a tight squeeze in there race this car last year at Sonoma the chap you know whose car locked up um he raced at his race meeting in this and finished fourth but you have to say that the Formula 1 racing in the state’s not quite as competitive now just behind that was the the previous model of uh of Williams the fw06 and Frank of course got that Saudia sponsorship and various other uh Saudi Arabian groups long before Saudi ever thought of having a race and that’s Mark Hazel’s car in the background which is ironic because Mark Hazel uh they had a team manager called Jeff Hazel uh but I don’t think they’re related they’re not related Mark Hazel wasn’t a bit truck racing his time I seem to remember he’s been racing that car a long time has Mark Hazel so uh we have a bit of a disappointment in one way is that we thought had a former Formula One driver in this Frank Montan who used to race for super aguri back in 200 six the guy from the valley and Guy finished second at the more twice in the perso factory car but he has been replaced by Steven Shanley I think originally is a New Zealander and he was going surprisingly well in practice we’re not quite sure why he was I think you did you know why he was replaced why Mont didn’t carry on I don’t know well Mont suggested that uh that somebody Maybe the owner even wanted to drive it I don’t know that’s what Frank Mont told me a couple of races ago Grand pris ago yes cuz he he he commentates do yes he does yeah so uh there is the well that we’re seeing the entry interesting they’ve got Dorian balachi in there pors driver sometime Formula 2 driver Porsche driver from along the coast here in the studio that we’re looking at at the moment um uh but we’ve got some interesting drivers out there in this session Mike canel uh in the tal for for starters we’ll go into detail about him in a moment Yan sergers who we’ve seen a couple of times Jonathan Kos who is a French Club uh not Club racer but uh he’s been a Formula 3 Champion Wayne Taylor uh former winner of sports cars in the states we’ll talk about him in a moment uh Michael Lions well we’ve heard a lot about him Zack Brown we’ve heard about as well Ron Maiden who used to run the uh the uh the championship the Masters yeah Master champ ship so quite a lot of interesting drivers and interesting cars and can I just add one in uh number seven car Carlos deada who’s uh well known in IMA circles raced a lot in Porsches in America and uh his uh he had the great luck that his uh father founded the Gatorade company which is a soft drink that’s hugely popular in America we don’t see it much over here but he was a son of Mr Gatorade and uh he lives up there in Tampa Bay in a a magnificent house it’s interesting you you start um Googling these people and I found a site which showed the house he’ just bought and it was nice I bet it was yeah Miles Griffith is out there as well oh now he’s definitely a man to watching this and last time out two years ago it was Miles Griffith who put it on the pole and then I think the drve Shar broke wait certainly didn’t compete in the race right he had a problem right at the start anyway miles who um runs our high-tech Motorsport organization looking after quite a few cars here but gets to drive as well so we got quite a few drivers some interesting cars the Le for example which David pearly famously crashed not this particular one because the one that he crashed ended up uh a minute uh Cube really um because he crashed it so heavily at beckets at Silverstone when the throttle stuck open uh but this was a replacement and Ron Maiden is racing that um then there’s some end signs there’s a wolf that Wayne Taylor is driving now that’s quite a story as well because he’s only just bought this car and he’s coming back into racing um having been out of racing and running his own team running his own Sons as well Ricky and Jordan Taylor who were very successful in IMA in the states of course Wayne Taylor is the South African driver um we’ve got lots of FY pales probably more than were ever seen uh but lotuses marches and couple of end signs as well great variety hescs as well of course if I may go back to Wayne Taylor won the uh Daytona 24hour race in 96 and 05 as a driver won it since of course as an entrant and he has a special Affinity to that car that the wolf remember Jody Sha um moved to Wolf and uh race that car and then it subsequently appeared in the British Aurora Formula 1 championship and was driven by another South African Desiree Wilson who in the process became the first woman ever to win a Formula 1 race albeit not a world championship race the only woman to win yes and a fine driver desley Wilson in my view best woman racing driver has been in Formula 1 one although only briefly and she raced for T in sou South Africa uh in a race that was subst scrubbed from the world championship in sort of politics now there is Mike celong who’s a big he’s got a big company demolishes things he’s just I come from Tommy well just demolished a huge well what was an old Cinema there recently but Mike is one of the star runners in the Masters Formula 1 series we’ve seen four about four different Formula One set the Masters have got less cars that compete and he is the man to beat at the moment and the first round Paul Rickard few weeks ago he won the first race in the second race he was taken out by back marker but Mike celon will be in there he’s been racing this um Williams for a while and he’s very much at ease with it and uh he’s raced a teol in the past he’s got pescarolo Lamar sports car another huge Enthusiast and another of these guys quite a lot started racing and moved on to to radicals and that sort of stuff so we’ll see how Mike cantelon gets on with his very Irish crash out I like his design on that Jamie constable in number 16 uh a driver we might have seen earlier on today but actually he’s given up a couple of drives he thought it was too much and he’s driving a shadow dn6 uh we’ve got shadows dn8 dn9 and uh dn6 as well from sorry that’s the dn8 he’s driving um so various different ones um but uh Jamie cable I saw back in 2022 at Circuit of the Americas and he won three races out of four uh two in Formula 1 and I think one in a sports car or maybe it was two in sports car uh the pescara that he has he’s recently bought a sports car called a Zitch uh which is a rather special uh uh lmp2 car I think it was or now it was developed from the rainard sports cards it was run very successfully by jota if you remember and um they had a hybrid version as well that Johnny mem raced successfully so uh yes I take Stephan Johansson raced for them so uh they’re just by the looks of things trying to remove a Ferrari that stopped on circuit so two years ago m Lions won this race and he won it in 21 as well and the year before that was very wet and it was won by Martin o Connell uh ok conell racing the ATS M Martin’s here with his race overalls on this weekend tending to about six cars in the final uh G race G category race we’ll see but uh that was a fantastic drive for Martin o colell that particular day so they’re just getting ready you mentioned Jonathan koset who was um top runner in the French Formula 3 Championship was back of what CU it’s 24 years ago now and uh in 04 was the in the lall series U LMP 2 champion and he runs a Sports Marketing and sponsorship company these days just Jan Kos so this is Series F for Grand Prix cars of 3 lers 1977 to 1980 uh which is coming up and it’s in three different classes um non-r effect ground effect with Cosworth and ground effect with non- cworth engines yes so uh the non-c Cosworth are the brm um but uh that’s a nonr effect car anyway uh also the Ferrari of joggen bden um but that’s non-round effect as well uh so we actually don’t have anybody in the third class of ground effect non cworth so uh there’s the participants list on your screens now with quite we got Lee Mo in this uh session in the Lotus 7 8 which uh the car stopped on circuit yesterday so scarcely got any practice so it’ll be interesting to see what he can do uh in qualifying itself yeah Wayne Taylor uh I don’t think he’d raced that to his his new wolf before and he was I think you talked to him at lunchtime didn’t you Bob and think he sort of uh indicated he was uh definitely on what we would call a learning curve yeah because he used to be really quick did way yeah exactly yes uh know he was he was he was quick so um uh yes so I think he was a little bit phased by everything going on around him and everything he had to do in the car as well he has practiced that car at a circuit just outside Indianapolis which is where he’s based and he’s practiced it and it is in beautiful Condition it’s a great looking car too yeah it’s prepared by an out very wellknown outfit in the States called Hudson historic Gordon nichon in fact is guy that that uh they they they prepare lots and lots of cars but uh please they’ve done a nice job be probably something a bit different for them actually because they they mainly sort of prepare sort of cars that come out of the Grandam series and things like that just fw7 designed we’ mentioned Patrick head’s father didn’t we this car designed by Patrick head and his team yeah and because some of these cars did have sliding loads basically hit the ground effect uh idea first but then Patrick was really followed up very quickly didn’t he and did a a very good here’s the arrow those those rounders you’ll see are the scrutineering ticket in effect for racing here and uh can tell how many times somebody’s raced here now I got a little bug bear where I wish people steamed those off or you know or hair dried them off and and stuck them on a board rather than having sort of all down the car but then that’s my my little thing um number five there is markk Davis the Belgian driver and aotus yeah well it’s for sale it’s rmd company everything’s for sale massive Hospitality here and Bob I mean you you come here every year so used to so we’re we’re looking opposite a brand new building we never seen before it’s a temporary building but doesn’t really look temporary a big new Hospitality Suites up there Z Brown signals let’s start it let’s go and uh the mechanics yeah just wondering if the advice he got from Fernando Alonso yesterday uh will have helped worth bearing in mind incidentally that McLaren H are operating their Formula E team in Berlin uh they are meanwhile United order Sports have two McLarens racing in the World Endurance Championship at Spar this weekend meanwhile the boss is down here at Monaco running in the Williams so uh it’s quite a busy time for the team certainly is it be interested to see how he gets on in this great I see Sam hanock is listed I don’t see one of those red dots against his name but uh it’s quite a lot that aren’t there so maybe they fixed the Sam Hancock F poy the latest of the F po racing here so watch out for number 18 some of the ERS in the original Livery aren’t they of the uh copasa The Cooperative sugar Corporation of Brazil and others are in the latest skull sponsorship the skull being how a Brazilian company gets a sponsorship from a Scandinavian ler I don’t know but I think they did sell it in Brazil do you think uh the fact that K drove k rossberg drove for the team had anything to do with it I don’t think it did I doubt it but it was probably distributed in Brazil of course the famous drink from there is the guinar isn’t it drink a berry a drink made of berries I really like it you hardly get it in the UK but anyway cars on the racetrack now just saw Miles Griffith go out watch out for that the number 14 koset we just saw his fit of py go out and spotted the 18 Hancock car but in a moment we’ll know and I I got to think his suspicion Hancock’s not there uh B yeah there’s still no spot against his name is there no no on the other hand there isn’t against Z Brown’s name either yet we know he’s on circuit yeah so uh we’ll see how this goes how it pans out yeah so as I said last year oh last time was two years ago Michael Lions won this but then he was in the the family hes 308 the later know flatter hes but now of course he’s he’s in the Chrome team car which I would think is probably a little bit more competitive than that um but we’ll see it’s in oh or is he in the HK oh maybe is it no he is he’s in the H that’s the penthouse one with a with a with a Penthouse Pet draped down the side of it in a mural the X ke one yeah that’s right it’s in the next race where he moves up to the Chrome team isn’t it so Michael lions in the car in which he won here two years ago no sign of Sam hanock no I think he just too much damage what a shame just locked up and slid under the barrier and and uh no parts to repair it see that’s the copasa logo it’s very attractive and I thought look the business sticks quite a long way out of the car doesn’t he number 14 that’s Miles Griffith yeah he’s he’s a six-footer is Miles I would say [Music] so some early sector times coming in but that’s all for the moment uh and this is Miles Griffith’s going down to mirabo yeah in a car prepared by a company that he runs and he’s a great engineer as Miles Griffith as well and it’s raced lots of different cars lots of success at goodred remember him winning excuse me in a keth there uh year or so ago but he he is very successful but Lions goes fast as in on the first sector on his first full flying lap and is that a portent of things to come I suspect that’s a car just going through now with a blue car with penthouse on the rear wing that was a funny deal to Penthouse Magazine there was no money from the sponsorship but they gave Pages uh advertising away so they then sold those pages in the magazine and got the money for the advertising that was part of the part of the deal organized by my wife boss oh there you are guy Edwards guy Edwards yes yeah um so Rupert Kean R race that car R’s not very well at the moment actually feel in hospital he’s back at home now but uh ruper try and get well soon mate and uh you know a great character ruper keer wasn’t he you know that race that car we got got a t in the candy washing machine colors going around and that’s U Shan Lee Shan Lee who had thought and that’s exactly where you don’t want a t because two TLS came together exactly at that corner sand Devon uh if you remember Derek Daly uh landed on top of somebody else or somebody landed on top of Derek spectacular photographs wen’t they that I think it was it was certainly that model of car I think yeah had an accident exactly in that corner but uh that was at the start wasn’t it yes yeah so here we are with uh Series F Grand Prix cars 1977 to 1980 so just another 4year span and interesting back there and we talked about how the Formula 1 cars all look the same they just look at all the different treatments to the front noses Bob on these cars and twitching a little wet Michael Lions ringing the neck of this thing I tell you yeah he’s doing a fantastic job he’s going purple here he’s going to put in a real I think this will be a banker really for a pole position now Michael really flying and let’s see what take crosses the line now and the uh time is a 1 minute 36. 03 I go a second and a half quicker than uh a lot quicker than anybody else it’s the best part of three seconds now between lions and canlan Shanley had the spin but he’s in third fastest place and then Mark Hazel regular here with his uh Williams FW so he’s just nicked into third place and who else exp Miles Griffith um I think will be moving up there soon and goes second and Williams spun that’s at the uh Fairmont hairpin that wasn’t that Zack Brown is loop the loop there where is Zach coming 22nd and uh we’ll probably see from the split if it was Zach I just CAU thought I saw uh his number could well be cuz he’s just going towards the chicane now meanwhile Lion’s going even quicker and fastest in the first sector G Michael’s having a great weekend as he does always when he comes here and the 308 e h and his major problem as ever is he’s so quick around here he catches other cars slower cars so quickly fortunately uh these drivers do tend to be very very understanding of other cars and their get out of the way much more than perhaps uh modern drivers do it was Zack Brown that looped the loop Wayne Taylor so making a little bit of progress now uh Lions held up on this lap uh by what got behind the back marker Dro 4 seconds that’s what happens so that not a quick lap at all Miles Griffith in second place Jonathan Kay lost not of his old skill has he is right up there in fourth position now 47 the man from allena and still racing regularly in the vdv series and um some other categories that almost made tested for Prost in Formula 1 in 1997 but never made it into Formula 1 being a formula Rena Champion French Formula 3 Champion so he was a one one of those kids you know was on his way and then then they the the career plateaued out for one reason or another yeah yeah doesn’t mean to say he isn’t still quick you know and uh nice to have him here well he’s about five perhaps a little bit less four point 4 seconds slower than lions at the moment but this is still fairly fairly early days we’re not even halfway through the session we’ve only had uh what eight minutes of the session so far yeah so Lions ahead of Griffith’s Cano uh then kosher Jamie conable up there in fifth place Mark Hazel in sixth then Shanley the Kaza in eighth place Divas in ninth and Lee mole in the lotus in 10th oh so busy out there so C Ed and uh that is was that Zach Brown uh trying to stay out of the way Zack Brown back in 25th Place Wayne Taylor in 19th at the moment uh early days as I [Music] say there is z Brown going through it’s got sort of such period number that you don’t even notice that it’s the it’s the number which of course the number 27 which was well known with uh G vilner of course yes it was a popular number yeah went on to be Alan Jones’s number yeah just like seven was a you know Sterling Moss’s number and also used by the great motorcycle rater Barry Sheen and lions is into the pit now probably making a little bit of adjustment and then koset has gone up to Second Place look but Lions is Gap to the rest of the field just over two seconds so that’s substantial yeah kosh’s got to find a bit more than that Griffith now in third canelon in fourth conable fifth and Hazel in sixth then it’s Shanley deaza and then mole and Mr Jon of B up there in 10th place or he was in number 25 and that is uh uh that’s a slight change of order I think Mr Jon AB B 25 zier js11 15 and then uh quick shout out for Fritz uh vanard the boss of the jumbo supermarket chain in Holland huge support of Dutch Motor Racing backer of of Max Ven and uh actually a big menardi fan but for some reason he’s not racing manard here he’s racing uh the uh he’s racing a faly isn’t he yes the the F7 faly one of the later cars Carlos De cada from uh Tampa Bay doing an outstanding job uh in ninth place cuz it’s not a man known for racing single seat although uh D quada in the past you know had raced in uh well the uh alms and uh he has raced a little bit in the master Ser actually there’s also of course the boss series as well which Fritz Ben and that was very much a a Dutch Championship was very much involved in that it didn’t used to be but it is now as you saying it’s that’s a sort of formula Libra Champion pretty well want an indie car that if you want yeah and you get 3,000 cars and all Formula One cars and uh I filmed it a few years ago when it was based in England it was always entertaining some lovely people in it as well so I’m just having to think that Griffith might be on a bit of a charge now so we’ll see what transpires the end of this lap with 13 minutes left in the penultimate qualifying session of this very busy uh Saturday Bobble that’s a excellent uh Center display and uh and lots of terrific action out on track these various qualifying sessions but of course the sharp end is tomorrow with the racing and Griffin is definitely on a quickie here I don’t think he’s not going to go quicker than Lions but he might go quicker and cochet and let’s see just crossing the line now that’s exactly what he does and he’s 1.2 seconds away from Lions that’s not bad pretty good for Miles Griffiths but two years ago when the last run hit he he took the pole yeah he just stole it away from Michael Lions so interested to see if he continues out there Kos down to third David Shaw uh that’s a a name we haven’t heard very much of so far so David Shaw is up in to uh fourth place so good effort from him Wayne yeah Wayne Taylor’s in the pits David Shaw National saloon car cup uh back in 1999 uh Formula 3 in a Ral here in Monaco an old rout of course um then a 721 is raced as well Porsche Carrera cup of Great Britain he did that in 2018 uh the Porsche Championship he had the ealand March as well for a while and then more Porsches in 2021 also has an arrows A4 as well well interesting he’s right up there though doing a yeah in fourth place oh he’s quickly encounter on you know that’s that’s quite something and Constable I feel the should be a bit more speed left in Calon uh and but I think also a quick lap maybe coming out of constable as well and griffith is in the pits 11 minutes just have a little look round and a little think about it and then go out for one sort of last push so the battle of the team owners Zack Brown up into 19th Place Wayne Taylor in 22nd uh he’s back in the pits Wayne Taylor at the moment uh Griffith and koset second and third both in the pits as well still 10 and a half minutes to go plenty of time Michael Lions is out there here here is the 24 car with the HTH bear on the front of it the last of the cars that hesk built um I think Frank dery was involved in the design of this they finding a way through there the extraordinary thing is the size of the end sign I keep looking at it and I’ve seen it before Paul Paul tas’s car um and it looks how big it looks uh in comparison some of those around it just now with the hes overtaking uh the enzy really looks quite big and I’m quite surprised at that might be a bit of an optical illusion I think wasn’t that much difference between the wheelbases and track of these cars there was some differences in the wheelbase particularly I know we got anybody there on so Shanley who who was the last minute replacement for uh for Frank Montana is doing a pretty good job out there and he’s on a quite quick lap it’s so racing like mgbs and Porsches in the past and they’re partner in a company called KKR growth technology funds and he’s gone up into third place Chanley well that’s a terrific result for a guy that we’re not used to seeing in this at all that’s a cracking uh run by him so good effort l Lions then still fastest by 1.2 seconds from Miles Griffith second then Shanley in third about half a second behind Griffiths koser in fourth Shaw in fifth now and canon in sixth then it’s conable Hazel sergon Yan seron in number 17 and that is uh number 17 is uh a shadow dn9 Jackie X there looking on and in 10th Place Carlos De CEDA yes Jackie X amongst others uh here Martin Donley here as well one of the uh former Formula 1 drivers being a driver coach yeah O conell racing both Irish of course uh well originally and uh how lucky Martin was to survive I I remember going to see him in the hospital after that horrendous accident in Herz and uh particularly resent for me I was commentating on that race uh Bob and uh with with wty John Watson we went up on the Friday to check the box and see what the signal was like we walked on the box we turned the television on and the next thing we saw was Martin Dy lying on the road no car around him because the thing broke in half you know and then of course Prof Watkins came and and saved his life and with the tracheotomy and stuff and uh I mean Martin’s life hung by a thread for a long time and uh he still still limps badly from that accident but um he raced a bit since but not obviously at form one and Martin dley was phenomenally quick he was he could have gone much further and uh good pedaller but um happy he said happy days when I saw him in the in the pitch yesterday and as say driver coaching for the oconnell team meanwhile here’s the lovely fw06 non ground effect car of course the the fw6 um but there’s some Innovation Patrick had in that with to do with the oil tank I think he he used the oil tank almost as a stress member there’s an arrow going a bit no that was the wolf what the wolf was it there that was Wayne Taylor was he getting out way yeah got another golden black car yes Wayne Taylor there at the moment he’s in 26th Place 22nd Place yeah so uh we didn’t actually spend very much time watching him but um we had a glimpse of Wayne Taylor which will have reassured his family back home in the states yeah well because he’s got two racing Sons both race for him now want obviously race for the Corvette team and Ricky and Jordan and they’re racing the Acra AR x06 in the uh IM sports car series The Weather Tech here it koser up into second place 1.7 seconds behind Lions but Shanley I thought was going to improve he did but he’s still in fourth so it’s now Lions koser Griffith Shanley Shaw and then con Cano then it’s conable mole and then Hazel and sergus in 10th place I think Miles Griff is uh not quick in the second sector on this lap which we thought might be a quick one so a good battle with koset Zach Brown in 18th Place at the moment 26 cars practicing so about bit the size of an old Grand Prix field yes absolutely but of course at one time they only started 14 drivers around here that was the limit I thought it was 16 was it 16 May 16 and people you know got knocked out I they didn’t many races but more here so Michael Lan’s just got purple now in a second sector but yeah 13 2.67 so he actually didn’t improve his time although he was quick in the middle of the lap four minutes uh five minutes to go five minutes Shan Le quick in the first sector but not in the second so we’ll see if that’s going to be Improvement the Ceda squeezes into the top 10 ahead of sergus and I noticed Rob maiden’s got the uh Le up into 15th Place I’d be happy with that I think I’ve seen him higher than that but in the states he’s he’s running the top six yeah but and one stage he raced the aimon he saved the aimon and he sold that on now bit of a home for lost causes he likes lost causes um he’s a a golf course entrepreneur he is it tells me he’s down to his last golf course now but it’s doing it extremely well so and of course he’s he’s divested of the Masters Group which she did so much to build up and like together originally with Christopher tat you know and subsequently with Rachel Bailey and their team Shanley once again he’s improving all the time in that first sector doing a good job Michael Lions slips past there ahead of the arrows Michael Lions coming up to complete the lap but it probably won’t be a quicker one he’s got a 1 and a half second advantage over miles Griffin in second place and then uh just a matter of tths back to koser in third koser the only interloper in an almost uh entirely British top 10 almost Shan is the impressive guy here because I don’t think he’s ever raced here before although what about your M surea that he’s up there he’s just gone fourth so that was a very good lap uh from the uh number 28 car of David Shaw and the lovely F Williams fw06 Oh but the 07 was better it was better well but it obviously it’s after Frank you know recalibrated his career and came back they did the marks on one year and then the fw06 kind just looked [Music] right two and a half minutes to go number 14 there Miles Griffith making a fit paldi go much faster than it should doing a really good job here he comes up to complete the lap and uh it’s two improvements so far and he improves his time uh now just a fraction outside a second behind Michael Lions but Michael Lions is going very quickly in the middle sector on this lap could be an improvement coming and there miles Griff is having to find his way around the Ferrari ah look at that lions lions gone even quicker now 13279 132 1321 shall we Bob we’re rounding him up it’s uh it’s only about 900s quicker than he was before yeah he’s got more laps than anybody else he’s managed to get 14 laps in the 25 minutes and that’s Michael Canon who is in trouble at the pit Lane entrance now what happened here he looks as he was about to turn in and then uh somebody who came inside him and went straight on well that wasn’t canelon then that that’s canelon yeah so why is he down that I think it was different to the other incident and somebody went straight up that yeah maybe yes so out of the way isn’t curious oh he’s well out of the way that’s in the pit Lane entrance yes there he is the and then goes straight up I think he was a bit surprised that cantio was actually turning into the pits and then appears to have lost the engine as well so uh we’re now in the final minute of the session Lions quick in the first sector not so quick in the second shandley quick in the first sector Hazel quick in the first SE Bob like got to jump out of this car and straight into the Lotus from the Chrome group for this final qualifying session so uh he will have no time for a wrestle he take a bit of liquid on board won’t he that be it at least yeah chle is so impressive don’t know the chat need to seek him out I think uh after it’s over here so neither Shanley nor Hazel improved in the middle sector and there is Shanley going into the pits so he’s not going to improve either and Hazel we’ll have to wait and see but the checker flag is out for the end of the session Fritz vaner a late Improvement probably Hazel doesn’t improve what about Fritz van here’s number 14 this is Miles Griffiths not improving at the moment unless it’s the sparkling time in this middle sector yeah car dancing about a little bit in it coppera color scheme one of the problems they had initially they tried to build the car in Brazil and later cuz I moved uh oh really sliding a t of that moved to the south of England didn’t they the team with Peter war was running it for a while ex Lotus team manager checker flag out and griffith actually on a second Griff is actually Clos the Gap look at that Bob right at the end closed the gap on lions to point two of a second so he will have a race on yeah the very good effort from Mars Griffith there very good Fritz vaner also improved his time but not his position stayed in 16th two places ahead of Zack Brown and Wayne Taylor’s back in 24th so that’s the end of uh race f for qualifying and still abandoned at the pit Lane entrance is Mike canel his car and he hasn’t got out of the car I don’t think he hit anything neither of them hit anything no but uh they’re still there yeah in his tial often races um Williams that’s the car that he had the success in in the Master Series I’m pretty sure of don’t think that really have really cost uh Mike KY or any time because I don’t think it was about to improve so I noticed what Michael Lions have been able to do is jump out the park it outside the Chrome garage because that hesk is run by the family team now he’s going to drive for for for Chrome and it actually uh operated by uh a company called Britch racing German company I looked pretty organized when I went down in the garage but uh 26 starters will be Paul taso never got a proper lap in look so here’s car bouncing around quite a bit wasn’t it yes yeah this is Shanley and that uh d uh crash helmet of his miles Griffiths sticking out the car quite a long way as you mentioned Bob yeah yeah and Michael Lions here it is 321 Michael Lions setting the fastest time and but at the last moment it was only 210 quicker than Miles Griffiths so still a beautiful day here in the principality here the highlights for F1 Grand Prix cars 3 lers 1977 to 1980 in uh various different configurations a couple of classes non- ground effect and ground effect and the cars just waiting to go out there’s Mike cantio waiting to go out number four there is Steven Shanley a newcomer to uh as far as we’re concerned to Historic racing and they were LED out onto the circuit by Mark divis in the Lotus number 27 there was Zack Brown the CEO of McLaren racing uh a regular a historic racer but it was Mike Lions Michael Lions who uh set the pace in the hesketh The Penthouse hesketh really really quick and uh some spectacular driving sliding this car uh on his way to pole position for most of the uh session he dominated the session by quite some way uh and it was only at the end that Miles Griffith set a quick time to get in touch with him they are just 2/10 of a second apart and uh there Mel Griffith was in the 50 got in amongst the traffic at times uh and there trying to weave his way through uh with Steven Chanley who ended up in third place just behind him so uh it was interesting to see those two number 19 there was Jonathan koset very good qualifying from him fourth place for Jonathan Kos not a regular in this uh in this these type of cars but certainly a driver with good Pedigree Good effort from Jonathan kosi in amongst all the Brits who uh qualified well up in this field and uh Michael Lions there trying to get past the Williams ahead of him but uh very very close spectacular stuff around this circuit beautiful conditions absolutely perfect conditions around the uh track Jackie X was watching and then we had this rather strange uh incident um that’s number four but uh Steven Chanley but and he qualified in third spot and the car that Frank Mont was meant to uh race originally uh run by AGS uh automobile G far sportive which formul one team and uh there’s the checker flag and so there it is Michael Lions the man on provisional Poll for tomorrow’s uh series G race real B real Miss with chy really uh I for fore spe foreign spee spe e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e in the pit Lane so coming up at this 14th running of the Monaco Grand prehistoric form One cars 1981 to 1985 the fastest of all our categories final qualification here this evening and well this afternoon late afternoon but the sun is still high here it’s still warm that’s the view of the and here is a list of the people are going to race and two years ago when we last ran the historic here it was a the Chrome groups one two three with Marco verer Michael lions and Nick padmore or in a JPS lotuses all slightly different years and they are in the same cars this year they haven’t switched them around at all so that’ll be interesting to see and uh strangely enough two years ago the Michael lion 308 hes was was in this category not the previous one he won then so um I think we’re going to have a cracking battle between the the Chrome group uh cars run by the brch Racing Organization and uh can’t really see anybody else getting in amongst them although we have got um some pretty great good runners in here haven’t we particularly Marino frankii who is in a tur that a one time thought until last week that Dario franki was going to drive former Indie champion of course and there’s Bruno uh Senna I mean just done some quick laps in his ultimate McLaren Road car as they described it we got sahale aari who in the past was a rising star of uh Formula 3 won the maau Grand Prix and back in 19 1997 French Iranian driver bit like Jonathan kosher really the same sort of career path yeah and I went on to be uh French super touring Champion for three years it took part in four lamal and you got fourth overall couple of times actually so I think we might see a bit of speed still out of cantelon we had a bit of a surprise from a Japanese driver as well didn’t we Bob in the practice um Reba who we thought was some young hard charging Japanese kid turned out to be a 60-year old businessman and uh he um he was right up there and it wasn’t somebody you were aware of he’s had a bit of a knock to his confidence since then with the accident he did that is so and of course we got sh Hall again in this haven’t we I believe so yeah in number 19 roal gerter March 821 now this is not not a car that’s Ste was very familiar with but uh he was quick so H we can have a four or five way battle for pole position which is terrific and U well there’s a happy man yeah there’s Lando in race control seeing how it all works that famous Lando Smiley it’s a winner isn’t it got to be cold heav C backwards so yeah this Marco Vana out there obvious with the chrome cars but we’ve got Jamie conable in a tal 011 Martin Stratton who was on the podium uh here for the first five years of the historics Martin Stratton uh particularly in a tyl p34 the six-wheeler but this time he’ll be in the Ty 012 and the cars going out onto the circuit as you say Marino franki in the T12 as well Nick padmore Michael Lions as well Steven Brooks uh marcoa uh who else have we got Stuart Hall as you mentioned in Royal gter at March 821 that’s a pale one uh a white white main mainly white uh backing with Newsweek uh on it as well as maybe some rothman’s and ICI my wife will have worked on that one and also she worked on the 811 which is Alejandro valta Chakan uh number 18 uh from Argentina uh massimiliano Gerardo now that’s an interesting person he’s a he’s a very keen rally driver he was um but uh he’s of course a very experienced Auctioneer runs his own auctioneering company and will value every single car going around here and knows exactly what they’re worth and how much damage is being done to them fantastic Michael Canon is here sahil aari of course in the lier js21 Michael canelon in the Williams fw7 c one of the earlier cars uh and uh those are the ones those are all the drivers we’d expect to see doing well there’s quite a few williamses actually there some fw8 of course which uh won the championship in 1982 in the hands of K rosberg who of course lives here in the principality yeah that Straton card there’s a quite a big blur on it in the back of the garage it was driven by so many different people and you would have heard follow form one Mich aletto Martin brundle Stefan Bell drove it Danny Sullivan Stefan Johansson and Mike Tha will all drove that car uh in Period so quickly we’ll see who’s going to be on the pace and of course we got the story of Ken Turell uh Bob which you know well not the Ken Turell that founded tur Racing Organization but another K tur but the other K tur knew the uh K yes yes quite a story of that actually in the mid-50s uh a father’s friend of the American K trell uh and boss sponsored trell in 1985 yeah with his motion systems company he spent the whole of the 1985 Detroit weekend with Tyrell uh the the American Ken tiell even hanging out the pit board to Martin brundle during the race and then uh Ken Turrell English one arranged for the American one to have a Jim Russell course at snon uh then he progressed into skip Barber Etc he raced in the Seca Sports Car Championship Oldtimer Grand Prix at the the ring introduced himself to Martin Stratton and set out to find a tial what else could he possibly race absolutely wonderful you did mention the six wheeel t of course two officially licensed new ones have been built relatively recently I know one’s for sale and we’ve also got out there I think a Lotus 81 haven’t we the or the 88 which is Nick padmore in the Twin chassis car it had twin chassis one handled the mechanical side of things and the other handled the arrow side of things and the the idea was to make the two of them work together but the FIA didn’t like it it got quickly Outlaw didn’t it yeah yes and so they were able to modify it though into a single chassis car and K this is very very provisional because it’s the first flying lap but the uh later k tur hung out the pitboard to the tur cars when he was a teenager is currently fastest but that won’t last for long I can assure you and Stratton goes fastest now but let’s give it a little while so Marino frankii was a little bit divident about jumping into the seat that was made for his uh oh right down a made for his uh a brother but he did a very good fist of it yesterday and see how he gets on it lots of fast race cars out there it’s a very heavily subscribed category this Stuart Hall in the March which uh was run by the ram team John McDonald and Mick Ralph ran that car four guy Edwards was involved in that one as well they went on to build their own cars Ram cars Jonathan Palmer the rans hatch and many other circuit owner uh race four think you’ll see that padmore’s already onto a quick one hope he’s got a bit of space to make it work trying to warm up the tires number excuse me number 19 I need to decoke se Hall uh in that car of course I think this is probably the most competitive it’s the fastest race of the weekend I think it’s also one of the most [Music] competitive well let’s see Williams is again of course and we’ve also got the father and son dmor from just south of Brussels Southwest of Brussels both of them counts uh count Kristoff is the father and Vanna is the son and they’re both out in this uh field Kristoff in a Williams fw07c and the Vana the son in a brabon BT 49d yeah Kristoff had a lot of success in the uh Legends uh La more Legends uh Sports Car Series uh in a Lola Aston Martin won lots of races in he win at Silverstone and at the moment it’s the DBS oh the uh Mclaren has gone backwards and that’s Mark Higson with a louder helmet on I think well that’s at the chicane facing the wrong direction but he’s just doing a three-point turn hopefully he’ll be able to start no one’s appearing so he can restart that’s good so the uh verer the son danenberg from Belgium in the sublimely well one of the nicest looking racing cars ever seen I think in they Bron BT 49d designed by Gordon Murray but Bob a bit getting in a bit of trouble there are we seeing it now what happened it was uh just the uh driver breaking and he lost it under breaking of course there’s a bit of a bump at the entrance to the chicane and you can just get on unweighted on that bump and lose control uh it’s no disgrace a lot of good drivers have uh been that way he goes into the pits so we’ve also got Nicholas heloa out there as well so uh quite a number of drivers just waiting for some quick times we haven’t had any quick times and we’re 7 and a half minutes into the session yeah we had a lot of cars out there think they got to try and find a space if they can uh the verer danenberg has come into the pits Stuart Hall is now shown in second place but we the uh the three Chrome lotuses all slightly different uh 82 and 83 cars mainly they are still looking for they not really featuring yet which is a big surprise we’d expect them to be right up there so full course yellow oh dear and Marco verer was on a quick lap as well Marco Vera the three times Lam more winner with Audi of course both in the R8 and in the r10 in the diesel he uh he won with both petrol and Diesel talked about him earlier in the day huge Enthusiast built his own Formula Ford car when he was a kid later finished second the German Formula 3 Championship fora opal he was second so everybody just filtering round now and 16 minutes left Bob clock of course hasn’t stopped still not really uh major major times really quick times yet green flag green flag I’m not awfully certain what that was about didn’t notice anything on circuit but we are racing again we’re up to speed which is good news and Stuart Hall leading them around he’s second fastest at the moment but uh as I say no real really representative times but he’s certainly at the front of the queue of those who are going to set quick times particularly on this lap well that’s great as he got a bit of space in front of him and I’m sure Stuart gets stuck in he been racing since he was a [Music] teenager the success at Lam more in the past and uh see what sort of time he can do Marco Vana set a very quick time in the first sector on the previous lap before the full course yellow is imposed so that was going to be quick but uh he wasn’t able to complete the lap so hopefully now he can do so I was talking to the team that called they’re called f racing actually who the team that basically the team that built those six wheeel tals um and one of the mechanics I know said you you got this kid wner the sun is is really quick and we didn’t see it yesterday in practice so much but here we know he’s right there isn’t he um yeah Veron Danon book I mean look at his sector times he he’s pretty well on it back in the pits now Stuart Hall though I think is heading towards a uh Pole Position time we’re certainly going to put it on the provisional pole there’s ver oh we got another one stopped oh in a really tricky Place yeah that that’s that’s that will screw up to Hall’s lap screw up lots of people’s lap that’s a Williams and uh this is that might have been catalon actually this is happening a little bit too much isn’t it every time we go green padmore was on a quicky then yeah yeah padmore went fast is no that’s not him and he just gets a little bit wide and thankfully nobody hits him everyone goes across the curb but I’m still not certain who it was one of the williamses as I say number yeah that’s canel on the Irish colors on his crash helmet yeah well that’s his second drama in in two sessions isn’t it yeah it is and they got a fall course yellow but the clock of course keeps ticking leave less time for these uh the hot shoes there to get get in I me at the moment Nick padmore’s down in 15th Place yeah yeah n lions in 19th now what are they going to do about him cuz he’s sitting there the car’s completely undamaged as far as we know the crane of damle hangs over his head at the moment so possibly they’re going to just crane him out of the way but at the moment the Marshall’s just waiting to make sure uh everyone knows that the car is immobile in the middle of the it’s the exit of the sh of the swimming pool the exit see the the times just changed a little bit though J hall shown fastest now from Marino frankii yeah well maybe there was a little bit of a blockage we weren’t getting times cuz it’s Hall franki Stratton heloa then vaner doomberg then Kell Vana Brooks van and Kristoff dorg cuz all of a sudden as you say we got those times but we we we haven’t got a representative time for Michael Lions yet just trying to push start uh Michael Canal’s Williams and he of course wants to be push started he doesn’t want to get out of the car but now is doing so and the marshals will remove that was a I thought they were going to Crown it away but obviously it’s Happ so in 11th place in this car in which started the season so well well a victory in Paul Rickard not so far from here and thought they could have wheeled it around the back of there yeah oh they’re going to Crane it away they’re ready with that I think so of a minute after they’ve they’ve hooked it up it’s we’re going to be off again aren’t we yeah yeah 11 minutes still to go there the T clock is actually continuing to tick down so they haven’t stopped the clock because it’s still a full course yellow it’s not a red flag up it goes dangles above the circuit and just pop it over the arm coat and down it comes again so we can pretty much go to green again almost immediately with 10 minutes and 20 seconds remain effectively they might be a to get four laps in five laps perhaps should be at least five laps y there we go we’re going green back up to speed let’s hope we don’t have any more incidents I think we got two of the chrome cars together that’s Marco verer leading that little [Music] group maybe you ought to walk up to casino Square after this well have a little look what they did to that Garden there they obviously got some sort of exposition or something going on on but uh and I did think for Old Time say we might just pop into the tip top bar or is that for all time sake yeah gosh who might we find in there still having a a demi yeah oh oh no so yet again that’s see this time it’s alici Sahari sahila Yari in the barrier at Sand Dev this is just not working well nobody can get a lap in no and he just turned in too quickly and into the barrier don’t know how badly damaged it would be it was reasonably soft well could have damaged the left rear suspension couldn’t it in an incident like that it went in relatively hard see if he can drive it away and uh again clock ticking away and uh can they not push it back up there they haven’t actually put out a yellow flag it’s still green flagged at the moment so uh I think there’s the cre there’s the crane there they’ll get it craned away pretty rapidly yeah but I think we’re down to probably only two or three attempts a lap aren’t we yeah [Music] so a bit of a stop start session there we go the Marshall signals it’s all hitched up ready to Crane it away just need to get the marshals off the circuit and the yellow flags can come in yeah I think that says lift and aari as well yeah so just uh push it away from the barrier as well to make sure you don’t do any more damage to it and a that one’s not quite so well balanced or no it’s not is it this is where you discover how well your car is balanced and lifted away and onto the little platform that’s there specifically for cars that have uh ended up in the barrier there and many have over the years and they have yeah right yellow flag goes in let’s have another go see what we can do with seven minutes remaining yeah and again we’re looking for some fast ties from Michael liar down there in 19th Place at the moment yeah that would make for an interesting race for him would and for all of us so sahil ayari out of it he’s back in 25th place so uh it’s going to be interesting little race for him and the S race of Nick padmore all that experience Sussex if you don’t mind Sussex oh you’re just on the other side of the bo yeah you’re absolutely Hazel is it horam ham right yeah um [Music] so it’s really getting a bit squeaky Now isn’t it yeah with effectively people out of order so I tell you that William D ber coming again with with so little time I’m surprised what I say William I meant verer um surprised he did that with so little time left and uh Straton still looking pretty strong man has won here 24 years ago did we say the first time he was a winner at the very first race man they call from the from the Midlands Mighty Mouse with the ti being driven by Lally everybody as far as we could tell that very distinctive green helmet Martin threatens can’t miss that can you of course you got a race preparation business as well has Martin and um smart operator so here he comes what’s this going to be we need a lap time in the 1 minute 30s or Beyond stron goes 132 uh Vera goes 132 stron goes 134 AP apologies Lions goes 132 padmore goes 133 5 minutes to go so uh the the chrome cars slot into second third and fourth Strutton in fifth frankii sixth haloa seventh then tariba the Japanese driver in eighth place uh Matthew Hazel in n and Steve Brooks in 10th Stuart Hall still out in front bit like a a formula one final five minutes isn’t it this so St Hall we’ll uh see if he can hang on to the pole yeah frankii there just uh improving his time but I don’t think he improved his play so he went ahead of Stratton possibly in fifth place so Maro it was verer who who won this one last time from padmore Lions won it in the past as we said we countle on second actually that year but uh yeah this is the final few laps and Vera really pushing hard he’s after streten look I wonder if he can find a way past Martin Stratton and let’s see what this lap time is from Marco Vernon three times Lam more winner and he crosses the line and stays second one and a half seconds for marcoa behind Stuart Hall Stuart Hall’s got to have something wrong with his um transponder it’s not working correctly but in the sector one we’re getting some very strange times um but good times in sector two but Stuart Hall still fastest from verer lions and padmore then franki Stratton haloa Mark Hazel in eighth place Jamie kable ninth and yotaka TBA in 10th Place ahead of Leone uh then Kristoff dorg but Improvement there from JB Constable up into sixth place less than three minutes to go now can anybody else do something about Stuart Hall verners out Veron liance did not get a fast sector one don’t think anybody’s going to do it this lap uh Bob maybe they just sneak one more laping after this it might all change as you say the we’re not sure about J hall times now because the uh computer is doing some something rather funny saying that sector one was 9 minutes which obviously it wasn’t and Frank Kiti looking pretty racy now with very quick sector one not fastest overall but think Frank Kiti could move up Krell uh is into the top 10 the American kerrell in ninth place at the moment and again that’s a rather strange time as well it suggests that they’re having problems with timing rather than just with Stuart Halls because we didn’t see the rest of the lap and of course we all of a sudden got a rush of times going through as well number 27 there another x Allen Jones car that’s uh TBA the Japanese driver currently in 11th place 1 and a half minutes to [Music] go Hall still fastest from Vana Lions padmore Frank hitti in fifth Constable sixth then streten haoa trell and Hazel that’s the top 10 I’m not sure what’s happening about Hazel’s time I don’t understand that at all I’m sure they’ll s it out they have backup systems don’t they for this yeah I’m just wondering if if Veron is having a push at the not seeing any purple sections at all are we in this stop start session I thought we might now but clock ticking away with just a few seconds left of this practice session and all the action for today all Str locked up then went in a bit too deep but saved [Music] it Straton improved his time on that lap but not his position so in seventh place Vana we don’t know about we’ll wait and see Vana in second place Lions third padore fourth still that same order Frank H Fifth and conable in sixth Lions has uh made it to the pitch now we don’t have a proper time now for St Hall but we’re pretty convinced he is on the pole and the checker flag is out yes so hopefully they sort that out we’ll see exactly what the proper time is for Stuart Hall obviously something wrong with his transponder [Music] and ver is still on a fly you know uh Bob yeah this could be a quick one from Marco Vera I don’t know how much space he’s got a little bit I think Vera winner last time this race ran two years ago there’s a checken flag waving we haven’t even got a sector two time for fley yet so interesting to see exactly how this works out but Stuart Hall well he’s going to have a Target on his back isn’t he with all those chrome cars behind him he certainly is and uh yeah no ther is not going to P per Stewart uh middle sector relatively slow but we don’t have a proper time for for Hall we’re pretty convinced his fastest but uh we don’t have that and Vera 13253 and uh quite a few drivers in the 133s aren’t there as you mentioned it’s all pretty close together going all the way down to Martin Straton aren’t you yeah in eighth place yeah and then only what 3/10 back to Mark Hazel in nin uh a bit more than that 1.2 back to Nicholas haloa in 10th place and then Kristoff dorg in 11th but at the moment it as far as we concerns it’s Stuart Hall fastest from marcoa Mike Lions Nick padmore then Marina franki in fifth place Jamie conable in sixth K Turell in seventh Martin Stratton in eighth place ninth is Mark Hazel and n and 10 10th is Nicholas haloa that’s the top 10 Kristoff dalenberg in 11th uh the japanes driver utaka toriba in 12th Place and then uh Leone in 13th Steve Brooks in 14th Thor in 15th Place uh and then the rest of the field Mike Canon will start in 18th Place after that spin that’s going to be interesting that’s going to give him give him an entertaining afternoon isn’t it um and we’ll see what he can do from there he’s a very much a fighting driver and we’ll see what he can do absolutely so we wait for that uh session to see the final times but I think the order that Bob just gave you is correct of course we got a very early start tomorrow Bob first race 8:00 what yeah I thought it was later than today no first race is at 8:00 uh it will be the A2 category 8:00 I’ll have to be up before my clothes are on yeah 8:00 you’re absolutely right that’s going to wake up a few people isn’t it so first race 8:00 tomorrow morning yeah pretty long day for the marshs well thinking they talk to finish at 5:40 there be a break at lunchtime of course and they don’t actually talk about any um any demonstrations tomorrow no I think the center one was just for today wasn’t it yeah um but they there is a break uh for an hour and 20 minutes after just after 1:00 wow entertaining day wasn’t it and lots of great action I mean the circuit will always provide wonderful action here Michael Lions there in number 11 third fastest time from him second fastest time here from marcoa the German driver the two JPS lotuses but on pole position and I think this will be a bit of a surprise to John McDonald and uh mck Ralph this car number 15 the March 821 on pole position of Stuart Hall Grand job well done to him and not a car he knows well at all it’s not a car I’m not sure if he’s raced it before but’s he certainly not a car he’s RAC regularly so congratulations for that so this is the the highlights for F1 Grand Prix cars of 3 liters from 1981 to 1985 yes and it was really a stop start session here with the the fastest cars of all over the weekend as we look down onto the uh Casino area and maybe in a moment we’ll just have this uh repre of what went on earlier but uh we will see Stuart Hall Mar Vera Michael Lions Nick padmore but we just confirming we have actually got a time there now for Stuart Hall which is a 13762 so he had point four of a second in hand over Marco verer but the uh rest of the nor scores on the doors just uh cycling through there and I I think we’ll have a cracking race tomorrow to as I said it it was a stop start session we didn’t really see the quick boys getting two or three laps in together Sahel arari um wellknown French racing driver he uh unfortunately bend it as we see boats out in the Mediterranean there others coming into the harbor and uh this uh wonderful setting just look down at the bottom of your screen you see the uh hairpin once uh called the station hairpin but that big hotel complex H good of s and it so Stuart confirming that he’s not raced this car uh before and it’s not a golf car and I noticed he had a new race suit on with Rothman and so on so must check out what the story is with that but certainly very effective beast when it show what a quick driver still H still is that he can climb into a car I said you know he’s never driven a ground effect car before like that as we just have a repre of that practice session as Stuart said pretty difficult session kept coming across slower cars and uh course a Big Field 26 cars out there but uh some disparity amongst the uh speeds of some of the runners and there is Hall and the number 19 former Rothman sponsored March around that tight head look at those curbs Bob do you remember that for this uh circuit those used to be curbs straight yes this is series D this is series G Formula 1 grand prix car three laters 1981 to 1985 early stages of the qualification but the man that was fastest all through the session was Stuart Hall and staying on front of the three chrome cars which last time they ran this race ran one two and three had various incidents there the uh Kristoff danenberg Williams FW 07 diving through we had cars in the pits with problems bit worried with the transmission they had the bast Mike cantel on turning it around and then we had a full course yellow yes to try and recover that car which was eventually recovered thankfully undamaged but it had to be recovered and craned out of the way number 15 there Marco Vana in uh second place and uh all the time he was perhaps being held up by slower cars very difficult with uh kentell and then we had uh in third place Michael lions in number 11 but uh we also had a little bit of an incident down there at Sand devot with the lier of sahil ayari but uh these cars very very Nimble and agile and uh around this circuit absolutely perfectly uh suited so Hall from vaa lions padmore franki and con they were the first six when the checker flag came out for the end of the session number five there was Martin Stratton who has been on the podium five times uh in the first five events oh that was so close from Stuart Hall nearly brushed the barrier but the checker flag came out and Stuart Hall was at the top of the timing scene so a bit of a deef going on there down in the roofco pit uh there to Harbor and I think for now for me Andrew maritt from Bob conon jur we’re going to say goodbye but we’ll be up bright and early tomorrow for the 8:00 start hope to see you then goodbye e e e e e e e e e


    1. I would honestly rather see current F1 drivers racing these death machines than trying to race the modern building sized F1 cars down Monaco. Be much more interesting

    2. rather would not have the commentators. they seem to get all excited by the wealthy owners instead of the actual track action

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