Grab your Buckazoids, and prepare your flight droids, Sierra’s taking us to SPACE!

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    00:00 Introduction
    01:44 i – Starship Cleaner
    11:44 ii – The Napper has Awoken
    18:27 iii – Stuck in Space
    30:54 iv – Wretched Hive of…
    40:10 v – Deltaur
    49:30 Outro
    51:44 Credits & Q/A
    54:16 He Gives Moisture…



    Verdensrommet – faRk (Space Quest III: The Pirates of Pestulon “Main Theme” Remix) –


    Roberta Williams – By This photo was taken by Sierra On-Line. Microsoft is now the current owner of the Sierra brand and intellectual property, having acquired it as part of the Activision Blizzard acquisition in 2023. I am a Microsoft employee and am uploading on behalf of the company. – This photo was taken by Sierra On-Line. Microsoft is now the current owner of the Sierra brand and intellectual property, having acquired it as part of the Activision Blizzard acquisition in 2023. I am a Microsoft employee and am uploading on behalf of the company., CC BY 4.0,
    Mark Crowe – By Guys from Andromeda –, CC BY 2.0,
    Scott Murphy – By Guys from Andromeda –, CC BY 2.0,
    Giraffe Photo – By Rog01 from France – Zoo de Vincennes – Paris, CC BY-SA 2.0,

    is buckazoids a better currency than the pound sterling right now? whats the exchange rate here. hit me up if you’re from andromeda

    space the final frontier an infinite expanse of endless possibility mysterious unconquered and the perfect setting for wacky comedy after doing king’s quest 1 and two I figured it was time for a change and on the other side of the coin to Fantasy is SciFi space Quest a new completely different series from King’s Quest in space also made by Sierra and using the AGI technology from King’s Quest but this series comes to us not from Roberto and Ken Williams but from two designers called Scott Murphy and Mark Crow the two guys from Andromeda the difference in creators also made for a very different kind of game best exemplified by Scott Murthy himself Sierra was in a mindset where everything was medieval and it was all fairly serious I wanted to do a game that was more fun while King Quest has some amusing moments space Quest would actually try to be an actual light-hearted comedy riffing the Sci-Fi stories and tropes that the pair loved I have little experience with space Quest as a series so I had no idea what to expect but you’ll note this is the longest out of these videos so far which is understandable when you consider my playthrough of space Quest took me longer than both king’s quest 1 and two I’m not saying this game game is evil but it outright advertises I buy a Sierra hint book in the section where it’s meant to tell you how to play the game I got a bad feeling about this since this is sci-fi it’s only fitting to get a big crawling text opening to establish our setting in brief the son of n on I’m assuming they mean solar system up there and not Galaxy one sun in a whole galaxy would be crazy is dying but hope remains that life there can be saved a device called the star generator is capable of turning a dead Planet into a sun which seems like it would cause huge consequences in terms of gravity and uneven heat distribution but hey I’m not an astrophysicist in fact according to the game I’m a janitor and an awful one at that yes SP Quest takes the Douglas Adams approach of making us a lowly spod the rust at the bottom of the galactic Barrel rather than any chosen one or Elite fighter or anything like that we also get to pick our name at the start of this though canonically you play as someone named Roger Wilco so we’ll just stick with that for convenience sake we start the game waking up from an onshift nap and then we’re thrown into the game where immediately something is going wrong the AR Corder has been boarded oh no I hope those borders don’t steal the super mega Planet cooker device you’ll notice the game is very similar to King’s Quest same layout same text passer same speed settings and same little guy who has a big environment to explore I do like these split rooms though that feels unlike anything I saw back in daventry not sure what I meant to be doing just now so time for the old bumble around I enter a library first of all oh sorry a data archive because it’s the future there’s some robot here designed to retrieve the cartridges but I can’t figure out what to do with it nor why I want to besides this is an adventure game and I want to collect everything so I leave and oh dear I suppose they’re regretting not taking a nap on the job nothing to do for them now but search their pockets this one gives me a key card but taking the elevator down to the others Nets me nothing I enter this room and I assume immediately this is the ship’s Bridge but turns out it’s actually the laboratory where we were keeping the star generator I get the feeling that something is missing the bodies here are also empty so there’s nothing in here for me I guess I leave walk right to investigate a body and footsteps well that’s far from ideal first death already there’s no jingle to taunt you unlike king’s quest and frankly good these aliens by the way are called serans it tells you in the manual I go out to that body and this time I’m fine I guess random enemies are just going to be a thing again I take an elevator and this takes me to a new area but I turn back because I feel I missing something and I don’t want to be caught in an unwinable scenario again I investigate this door forgetting this is the closet Roger was taking a nap in it’s too dark to do anything so I leave back to the data archive again at this moment I paus to start drawing a map something that I never use nor draw again in this whole game when suddenly an injured man walks in the room uh-oh he slumps over after a few steps and when I go to look at him he begins to tell me more or less what I already know ship under attack they took our ethical doomsday weapon yada yada but then he looks at the cartridges and says something astral body then he dies now I’m guessing his dying words were meant to be some kind of big clue especially as there’s nothing on his person and I feel I’m dying for some kind of goal or objective here so I try to use the cartridge machine and for the life of me I have no idea what I’m doing I want to type the words into the computer but nothing I can think of seems to be working this will be a recurring problem eventually I get frustrated and leave back to the lab I feel like there’s got to be more of a purpose to this room room too hey is that a hole over there oh I guess not oh it’s probably a monitor of some kind so let’s just oh oh no oh I got to get out of here astral body I dashed through the ship down the elevator and explore the corridor I haven’t been to yet nothing in this body the next room looks hopeful though I just need to get down to the vehicle Bay and fly out of here right to the next room where I smack my face on the door were you Carl molden it could have gotten ugly wow what a timely reference clearly I need to put the key card in that slot to unlock the door but I am struggling again with using the right terms that the game likes good job I’m not in a hurry or anything oh use card okay whatever it’s fine welcome to the flight prep room I typed a look at Terminal thinking this whole thing is important but I guess not so I go to these doors and begin pressing buttons oh a space suit I’ll put that on behind door number two is what are those boots no I guess not oh a gadget I guess I’ll take that turns out it’s a dialect translator which seems extremely useful so let’s go in and I don’t know how to open this door I go back to behind the desk and can’t work it out until I look around and see this door is called an airlock so just guess if I type press airlock button it’ll work it does we can keep going astral body I’m in the hanger now I look at the console and yes I would like to raise the platform please push platform button it won’t raise while the bay doors are closed okay open them not correct just open doors then the bay door is not opened from this room oh God which room is it then I check down the hole and there is an escape pod down there so I’m certain I’m on the right track I try using the flight prep desk which by the way needs to be referred to as a console to examine it specifically this game’s thesaurus is thin enough to see through and it doesn’t help that unlike king’s quest we’re using much more technical terms than Dracula or ham I go back upstairs and yes there’s a console here to open the doors so now the doors are open I can finally leave I took too long damn it all right let’s try this again astral body okay I get it I can’t shake the feeling that I’m missing a very important piece of some hypothetical Future Puzzle by not finishing up in this room fortunately that run made me realize now I have to look at the computer monitor before I can use the computer it’s seems obvious when you say it out loud but frankly I assumed looking was an implied part of the process process maybe next I’ll remind Roger how to breathe anyway I type astral body and get the cartridge there’s no cartridge slot here so I’ll work out what to do with it later I begin my escape again prepare to open the bay doors as I pass the console in a dizzying display of speedr running strategy and make my way wait there’s footsteps and make my way wait more footsteps and make my way inside get the suit get the gadget get in the hanger raise my Escape pod then I spend what feels like an eternity trying to work out how to get in the bloody thing at one point I get bored and fly out into space without my pod suffering probably one of the worst deaths I think one could possibly have after an embarrassingly long amount of time I realized I need to enter the Escape pod specifically from the side this pixel wide thing here is meant to be an open door I suppose okay let’s leave oh all right Safety First now let’s leave ah okay yeah shutting the door is probably an idea right now let’s leave oh bother it’s really difficult to fly a spaceship I look at the controls and there’s a power an autonav and a Don’t Touch button so I turn on the power pull throttle and fly out away from the aord this is the first time we’ve got a look at the ship actually looking like a large Greenhouse like one of the domes from Silent Running no wonder we were attacked might as well hang a sign saying we are weak and defenseless Roger now flies through space in his Escape pod everything seems fine so let’s just keep going and oh we missed our stop whoops of course there’s two more buttons on the console auton naav and don’t touch well I have saved already what okay did you hear something it was probably just the Gators entertaining another space Quest player go back to sleep berer ah Roberto and Ken Williams who I have no idea what they sound like I figured there had to be something like this in here oh well so this time I pressed the auton nav there’s a planet nearby called Corona and it has a breathable atmosphere but boy do I hope I packed the SPF 50 time to land it is funny what sounds they thought to do or were able to fit on the disc then crash landing silent as a butterflies whisper we do thankfully survive this and so begins our planet side Adventure on this desert World once I unbuckle my seat belt of [Music] course Corona is a desert and you know what that means if I walk too far out into the Sands without rhythm [Music] actually walking in any direction but the one I meant to go means I’m dead you’re meant to go right or east out to this Mesa area and if you listen carefully you can hear many season space Quest players screaming at their monitors right now what a shame that Jack of the past can’t hear their frustrated cries that would have saved all of us a lot of pain the Mesa I actually recognized from the space Quest trailer from King’s Quest 2 so I am anticipating some nasties around here walking around we find there’s plant life I take a plant that apparently looks like spinach I like spinach sadly it apparently does not taste like spinach or maybe the two guys from Andromeda just don’t like spinach either or walking around I can see two extremely suspicious rocks up there on that Cliff’s Edge probably important but how do I get up there though well I found a nice ramp whilst explor Bing make my way around to this Natural Bridge suddenly though the nasties drop aeran spider Droid it’ll apparently explode if it makes contact with us am I being hunted by these guys now killing all survivors so word doesn’t get out God what jerks these Intergalactic tyrants are well I just want to beat them even more now did the bridge just crack yes it did because it turns out you can only L cross this bridge a certain amount of [Music] [Applause] times but that’s totally fine we actually have a visual indicator warning me of this fact so I know not to play around with it that’s game design I’m fine I’m not traumatized the spider can’t seem to get me as I walk around the cliffs into the suspicious pillars where I discover a secret elevator to a deep Cavern below holy batcaves Roger I walk through and I am almost certain this great here is going to kill me somehow might as well check of course goodbye Roger I do like the actual animations for death in this game it’s much harder to be mad at getting killed when it shows you how you died complete with cartoon physics you know compared to just Graham falling on his face in one frame so after trying to lure the monster from the great with the plant I Tred to see if I can move around it surprisingly this works and I Sidle around this Terror with ease however I don’t know what to do here there’s very clearly a door over there the game even acknowledges it but I can’t figure it out there’s a geyser here too that’s probably important somehow I reload a previous save to see if I missed anything back to the Mesa then and that spider drone is probably a good place to start I get it into my head I meant to lure it up to the bridge and have it fall down after me but I can’t get the eight-legged Mech to follow me up the ramp and end up blowing myself [Music] up I tried this for a while before realizing it’s impossible and then noticing there’s a big boulder on the land bridge turns out it’s possible to push it so I reload again yes that counts as a death I suppose I irreversibly screwed myself out of something so yeah and I wait until the robot goes underneath me so the rock can squash the arachnotron this ends up taking a very long time I’m not sure there’s any actual scripting that will take the spider underneath you as a guarantee I also don’t want to touch the game speed at this time as I might have to react quickly to hit the spider but it does eventually pass on underneath and is defly destroyed now I’m free to explore around a little bit more typing look around handily lets me know there’s a cave off to the right over there the art in this game is probably better than either king’s quest game but I did not clock that was a cave until the game told me I enter and would you believe there’s a monster in here I try to work out what I have to type to look at him before he comes and gets me [Music] oh his name is orat is it neat well now I’ve reloaded I can go and talk to aat okay well maybe if I hide behind these rocks maybe what I meant to do is not crush the spider but take him over to his cave where they’ll kill each other wait where is he oh God now I’m trapped with the spider I get to look around or at’s cave but there’s nothing in here why was I even bothering to try [Music] this you know what maybe there was more in that elevator cave let’s go back or forward or wherever it is turns out there was in this first chamber there’s a rock on the floor I take the rock apparently also the elevator only goes down so this is a big point of no return maybe the rock is all I need you’d be an evil developer to put in missable items that you can’t go back and get once you get stuck will putting the rock into the guys a help yes this opens the door God knows why but I can’t call it bad logic if the first thing I thought to do with The Rock was the correct thing to do this takes us further into the cave there’s once again an area above us here and also a pool on the right side the gentle dripping has a soothing effect on your frazzled nerves yeah listen to it doesn’t it just fill you with Nirvana this is the opposite of the next room access by walking down a somewhat hidden [Music] Corridor I hate this noise not just because it’s ear grating but I heard so much of it while I tried to work out what the hell I had to do next the danger here is obvious there are two units emitting beams of light not lasers what’s a laser never heard of those these are just lights Amplified by stimulated emission of radiation or for short beams if we pass through them we come out on the other side less complete than we were so what do we do my thought for ages was that I needed to move the liquid from the other room to these units to make them short circuit but I can’t take it I have no means of doing so which is nonsense because I have a helmet but apparently I can’t take it off because of stupid reasons I can’t climb over the units or up the walls as apparently everything is just too slippery I can’t jump over the beam because apparently jumping is just not allowed in this game explicitly nothing’s quite so annoying than thinking you have the solution to a problem but then the game just makes up a new reason for why it can’t work no item I have works with the beams or the units or this pool out here which the longer I spend here the less I became convinced did anything at all I spend a long time here just feeling stuck I did king’s quest one and two in a single day each but space Quest I actually left off here to do something else and think about what I might need to do because frankly even if I reloaded an earlier save I wasn’t sure what I was going to do there as seen here the next day when I reloaded back outside to try and lead orat outside his cave but it doesn’t work and I ended up getting captured again I look around go back and forth around the area and go back to the main chamber too to hear that horrible tinny shrieking mocking me eventually I came to the obvious solution and restarted the whole game which I breeed through now that I knew what I was doing but I was desperately trying to find something new something different something I had missed the whole ship was basically the same but I learn I can use the look command specifically on the floor of a room to get a different description discovering that this Central thing in the star generator room only goes by the name pedestal not plint not table only pedestal it doesn’t actually help me but knowing now I may need to look at the floor feels like it should and it does when I crash land back into the planet in record time I look at the the floor before I leave and there’s a survival kit on the floor inside is a pocket army knife and a can of dehydrated water wait a can of what reading the label it apparently needs contact with the air to make water okay so not just add water water It also says not to open or rupture which feels quite pointed so I take this all the way around the cliffs the spider shows up late but I ignore him cuz he’s probably only worth points and enter the cave back through the chamber and attempt to splash water on the beam units and nothing happens I can’t open the bottle to soak everything I cannot use the knife to cut anything either I’ve made zero progress I load back outside and try to see if orat killing me with the water bottle in my inventory will cause it to explode but no I come back again tucking myself behind these rocks where I think he can’t get me try to show orat how to drink but he doesn’t care I don’t know anymore man I don’t even remember or at’s name anymore at this point I try throwing water on him but it’s rude to call the alien an alien so whatever just splash him oh I threw the water bottle and he ate it that water bottle said it contained 10 gallons which is 37 l which floods the beast’s body in an instant causing him to explode with no sound effect naturally this leaves a chunk of the dear departed beast on the floor which I take to the cave straight away and again rubbing it on the beams and units and no it doesn’t do anything I thought maybe the bone would have some kind of Razor Shar Properties or something but I’m just out of luck can’t wash it in the pool can’t even eat the bloody thing I’m still stuck I wonder outside to see if I have everything the cave is empty every way out from here onto the desert leads to death by sandworms every single way I get excited at one point and discover I can come to the other side of this Cliff there’s a hole in the wall and I take a peek inside to find my own death I took another break at this point and when I came back I just found myself doing more of the same things I’d done before mindlessly wandering around in circles trying things I’d already done I decided it was time it felt so early in the game to do this but I went to look things up online rather than go to someone’s walkth through however I found a transcription of the official spacequest hint book from Sierra over on spacequest Donnet this felt more within the spirit of things and also just a bit more fair and fun I mean the page itself says being stuck work on a puzzle for too long is frustrating on this page you won’t find a walk through but the hints from the official hint book a hint doesn’t spoil the game like a walkthrough does and yeah there’s a bunch of assorted tips in here on various points in the game you might get stuck on and also some fake hints on moments that don’t correspond to the game at all trying to teach you to play the game yourself and only look at the hint book for what you’re actually trying to look up according to the website these were all actually written by Roberto Willam so that’s fun so then I look up my little problem and discover I should not have felt so bad at all as this is nonsense I am missing an item and you can only get the item I need from your crashed Escape pod if you stand outside of it and look at the Pod you’ll get some fairly Bland text about it but if you look at it while standing in front of it your character will remark about a piece of glass on the floor that has zero graphical represent presentation in the world and you need to take that glass you’ve now been told exists and put that glass in the beam to reflect the light and destroy the units I’m not sure I would have worked that out without the hint book and while I try to solve everything myself moving forward it’s an interesting little thing we’ll be looking back at from time to time in this video so finally able to move on I advance to the Next Room the upper part of this chamber and I’m killed by a droplet from the ceiling I move through the next room and come to a great void oh hello sir oh it didn’t turn on the dialect translator it’s too late now and he sends me back to the surface I might be able to go back around but I’m just going to reload to be on the safe side it’s also quicker G on I go to speak to the giant head again now able to comprehend its words I have been monitoring your travels on our planet it appears that you are up the proverbial estery without a means of locomotion did he really say that or does this translator also familiarize metaphors he asks for proof that we killed orat and after dropping the chunk of him the door opens for us to enter this is an interesting room a steam gener Ator amidst high-tech alien computers and hovercraft we did see that this area has moisture so that is one way to get power it’s just a fun detail I like the aliens tell us they are a peaceful race which is interesting considering they wanted or at dead I guess it’s a matter of peace or else they happily give us a means of transportation to help us on our way a skimmer that hovers above the Sandy surface meaning we can avoid the gril you know the miniature sand worms we saw earlier ier the skimmer will take us to a piece of civilization called ulent flats we’re on our own from there but hey it’s better than nothing then he flies away I also love the detail of adding other aliens to the room who appear to be getting on with their day the consideration for World building within space Quest is surprisingly competent considering King’s Quest 2 was released just the previous year and it’s very welcome before I leave I do note the computer console on the other side of the room there’s a cartridge slot in it finally time to see what’s on this disc it contains a message from one of the scientists from the arod who says that he anticipated the seran attack falling into the wrong hands the device that can turn a planet into a giant ball of fire could be used for evil yeah who have th this disc contains the plans for the star generator so we can at least make more for the people of ear on but most importantly it tells me a code that will make the star generat self-destruct this is vital for finishing the game so very glad I got this disc and decided to examine this computer the only place you can read this you will also have to note down the code which is one of the few times I felt I had to take notes in this game you’ve probably noticed already that the game is split up into smaller zones rather than a big open field so I haven’t felt the need to draw a map or anything like that despite the game still advising me to win the manual manual maybe people in 1986 had a really bad sense of direction all right we have purpose stop the serans and blow up the star generator and our first order of business is getting to town so I get in the skimmer and how do I make this thing go oh there’s a key I guess I’ll turn it and yeah that did the trick you can’t help but wonder what you’ve gotten yourself into this time I’ll tell you one thing we’re getting into something I know to be Infamous for these Sierra adventure games our first encounter with a mandatory arcade [Music] sequence as I said way back with king’s quest I have limited experience with Sierra’s adventure games but I am aware how loathed these sequences can be this sets the tone for how things will go it seems simple you control your speeder moving left and right and have to dodge incoming rocks along your path but but you don’t have much time to react when you see a rock coming and it’s random where one might appear this means you could get one rock spawn just after and next to another rock so you dodge one and into another the game does actually give you enough Health to take a few hits but it’s still pretty unforgiving the sound is also quite draining it’s a simple low Tech Loop of what a speeder might sound like sure but the loop is imperfect listen be thankful I spare you this amid all my attempts and it takes me quite a few at first I was doing this on normal speed but many deaths broke me down and I turned it down to slow now I have a bit more time to react that might seem like cheating but guess what the hint book tells you to do this it’s not imp possible on normal speed but I didn’t play Space Quest so I could play A Primitive version of some mobile endless Runner game besides playing on slow is harder in some respects because you have to listen to that imperfect Loop for twice as long eventually when my health is critical and I’m at my limit I make it I come to ulent Flats [Music] we pull ourselves into town just as Greedo appears to be making his way into the bar the skimmer is out of juice but apparently it will charge itself back up solar powered I guess well let’s look around this place and see what we can find first thing I do is take the key from the skimmer because that absolutely feels like a trap to net yourself a game over spoiler alert it is when you leave the skimmer this guy comes around and if you didn’t pick up the key he steals it instead if you have the key he’ll offer to buy the skimmer off you for 30 buckas zoids I have absolutely no idea if that’s a good deal or not but I can’t work out how to accept it anyway so he gets impatient and leaves there’s a little voice in my head telling me I’ve screwed up but I might as well wander around the place and see what I’m meant to be doing there are three main locations in ulent Flats two of which are a used Starship dealer and droids be us apparently it was originally called droids are us until a certain toy company complained to Sierra we need to buy ourselves a ship and a Droid to get us off this planet and to do that we need buckid but that guy was only offering us 30 buckid which won’t even get us a simple clanker of a robot let alone an Interstellar vessel well that’s where the bar comes in yeah dig that sweet J is we’re not here for the band though we’re here for the slot machine this one over here that just turns that alien to dust we need to gamble our way off this planet although currently I have zero buckid to gamble so I guess I ought to reload and accept that guy’s offer turns out you just have to type yes and there we go huh why didn’t that reload give me a death count and does anyone else hear the sound of space Quest fans screaming at their monitor again then I begin my gambling Quest and in less than 2 minutes I lose all my money I’m broke and I cannot finish the game oh God I’m going to be in this bar a while is that zy top what this isn’t a puzzle this is a method of torture you have to gamble grinding up the amount of cash you need to leave there is no other option so you need to save scum the ever living hell out of this slot machine anytime you win hit a new alltime best for cash save the game and keep gambling drop too low might as well reload from that previous best and hope you get lucky again betting the maximum amount feels like it makes the most sense since you want those big payouts and you can reload as much as you want so risk it all and keep rolling until you make it I won’t count all my reloads as deaths for my own sanity ones where I haven’t dropped out but just feel I want to start from a point with more money you might think that’s cheating but don’t worry I also have to account for all the deaths that do happen at the machine remember that alien that turned to dust when we walked in when you roll three skulls on this machine it just kills you I guess there’s not much repeat business at this thing is that the Blues Brothers what at the thought of having to grind for however long it’s going to take I decide to get Roger drunk and waste my money ordering beer after beer at the bar turns out though this is what I’m meant to do I over here at the bar where the seran ship is and it sounds like they’re already testing the star generator well I stumbled into the correct path then immediately went to the wrong path by making Roger drink more terrible beer at which point he began moving around drunkenly and randomly I just have to steer him carefully carefully out of the room okay he’s sober again back inside to [Music] gamble let’s keep this brief I gamble until I can afford a Droid first I take the more expensive of the two at 36 buckid as it actually says it’s meant for piloting ships and I suspect that the cheaper one is a trick spoilers it is Droid acquired back to gambling I’m saving myself up for the more impressive ship on the lot costing a whopping 214 buckid as I suspect the cheaper ships are a trick spoilers they are so I gamble I gamble a lot with much reloading due to death or losing money the lowii bleeping and blooping is starting to get a bit too much for me as well as how mindless this whole thing is I just keep betting the maximum and then occasionally reloading there’s no other skill or strategy you can put in for this even the hint book says to just save scum your way through why make it like this God and I know this won’t be my only time gambling in a Sierra Adventure game eventually I put an audio book on in the background which I clear at least two chapters of before I finally have enough I buy my ship hop on in load the Droid inside and the robot asks me where I want to go uh where was that seran ship again I save reload the old save see it was sector HH and then reload back on the ship that’s not a death Roger just used his Vivid photographic memory and we fly away oh well whatever we have a Galaxy to save Destiny awaits we fly our way through an asteroid field which I’m very glad isn’t a miname and begin to make our way to the seran ship the Delta I hope you didn’t waste money on the extended warranty when you purchased me little buddy you’re basically a moving inventory item why would I buy warranty for what I’d throw away the second it solves the one puzzle I need it for and here is the Delta now that’s a ship I slagged off the aord for looking like it attracts bigger bully ships and this thing looks like the big bully ship it’s like an Intergalactic metal shark but as Roger himself says unless you do something to try and stop the serans there will be no home to return to right let’s do something then land on Delta no for Delta no uh exit ship yes you can but then you float through space forever dead talk to the Droid no look in the ship for something no look at the floor no look around no pull throttle that worked before no look at the controls the console double no dock crash ship fly forward fly to deltar just fly fly to port or starboard or to the hanger or look at the planet or at space or nothing works I’m stuck again after hitting my head against the wall for far too long I look at the hint book again and I am in horror when the book asks me where my Jetpack is I don’t have a jet pack the only place to get a jetpack is from the guy who buys your skimmer by rejecting his first offer and then leaving and returning to the skimmer and waiting for him where he’ll offer 30 buckid and also a jetpack this is his final offer and the one you should accept I do so and now have a jetpack but I also have to do all of the gambling all over again [Music] [Applause] [Music] surprisingly that’s all my deaths I got kind of Lucky this time around even scoring a couple of jackpots for big wins but it still takes quite a bit of tedious time fun fact there is a cheat code to get past this without grinding in this version of the game if you type holy [ __ ] while at the machine you get to pick where the slots will stop you have to type it for every spin but I don’t know I don’t think I would have felt bad knowing about this and using it holy [ __ ] indeed several more chapters of my audio book later I tell my Droid to fly after Xenon and wait for me as I fly out of my ship and approach the delar with my Jetpack there’s a fun little sequence where I fly towards the airlock door which mercifully doesn’t kill me and Roger climbs inside the warship our sneaky infiltration is immediately thwarted when we’re locked inside the airlock however after bumbling around for a bit a silly robot clumsily walks in and leaves the door open so that’s okay we come to a big empty room but for a trunk lying on the floor so I open it and then look inside but it’s empty ah I’ve paid enough Metal Gear to know what I’m doing here I climb inside where we’re locked in the dark as I moved from one room to another leaving the trunk once it’s safe Roger leaves his jetpack behind in it apparently we don’t need it anymore but frankly I’m personally offended at the Casual discarding of the coolest sci-fi Gadget going besides maybe the hollow deck and what evil Twisted room of the seran warship is this oh it’s the laundry room wow one machine for a whole Starship either this thing runs in bulk or there are a lot of smelly serans aboard waiting for their turn I try to look inside the washer but the window’s too dirty so I open it and look inside but the game warns me quick someone might be coming do something okay I jump in the washer oh no how terrible and totally [Music] unpredicted wait I’m still alive and red I get out of the washer and somehow in the spin cycle I ended up perfectly dressed in a seran uniform and helmet sure okay I’m disguised as a soldier aboard the enemy vessel it’s like that bit in that one movie we go down one of the elevators first and come to a new floor where the star generator is here however there’s a force field surrounding it and aan guarding it I’m going to need to take care of these before I can set this doomsday weapon to turn on itself you can actually kiss the alien here but you think better of it okay I make my way to the upper level still exploring and across this walkway is the Armory the Droid asks for my ID ah damn I’ve got to go find someone’s ID but then I think to check this uniforms pockets and what do you know I do have my ID the robot leaves the room for a few seconds and comes back and gives me a pulse Ray he Wars me not to fire it indoors so naturally I try to shoot him he seems more insulted than anything so I try again despite his warnings and I’m instantly vaporized okay enough screwing around now I can blast my way out of here and be the Great Hero of space my aren’t you the clumsy one because of your inability to walk without falling on your face your helmet is now riding the elevator without you you’ve blown your cover the serans are sure to shoot first and ask questions later well so much for our disguise you might be wondering and yes this is scripted to happen only after we get our gun you can to avoid falling us overhead so we might as well make the most of this there appears to be a security Droid blocking the way to the star generator right now so maybe I’ll explore the upstairs a bit first there’s still places I haven’t been to after [Music] all damn these guys are quick on the drawer it’s fine I’ll reload a bit earlier when my disguise is still here and then I’ll come back for the gun but there’s not much to see the other elevator here is out of order and if I take this one and go down the corridor here I end up back in the room where I climbed in the trunk no extra items as far as I can see so I go back and try my luck with the gun again I sadly can’t seem to shoot the guard from the balcony above so I make my way down there to deal with him face to face I see a robot Droid on the way and try to zap him but apparently my gun only works on the living great I lose my helmet again and after a cheeky little save just in case I go out to kill that [Music] God got to be quicker on the draw than that Roger well I’ll turn on slow mode again oh that I didn’t have any time to react at all that’s a different message too okay I’ll spray the door before I go in and just mash the key the second the screen [Music] changes ah ah this isn’t what I meant to be doing is it so begins another exploration for what I’m meant to be doing I walk around the ship a bit and do verify my gun can kill serans may even get some points for doing so but walking around the corridors I find nothing I can’t find any items or anything that can help me only death awaits in these corridors from various little baddies at one point I I think the vent here must be the way to go but it’s quite High and the trunk that was here is gone so I reload to when I got out of the washer close the trunk climb on top open the vent using that army knife I got ages ago and I can’t fit in because the alien clothes are just too big so I reloaded to before I got in the washer do it all again and hey Presto I’m in the vents let’s climb up I’m still in a dream [Music] S I make my way to this vent and smash my face on it my nose getting more torment in this game the knife can’t seem to open the vent which appears to be stuck I try to use percussive maintenance before it turns out a good kick opens it and I enter the room I entered the trunking wait but wasn’t this down a floor and I went up yes and that room and the washer room are the only rooms this vent goes to the long ladder sections are just meant to be bridges that make this an infinite ladder that I guess encircles the whole ship and only goes to two single rooms no one else needs oxygen this is actually an alternative way into the ship without putting yourself into the trunk so okay I nearly consider myself stuck at this point nearly reaching for the hint book a third time time before I eventually returned to the Armory and noticed there are little things on the desk there are those grenades I’m guessing So based on the robots threats to kill me if I take them that’s or they’re really attached to their salt and pepper shakers I know what to do here whilst the robot goes to get my gun I grab a grenade and pick up my puls Ray like nothing ever happened let’s look at this grenade wellow okay yeah that was stupid I guess and frankly I’m shocked you didn’t just kill me outright for doing that whatever let’s just take out that guard ah turns out their gas grenades and the guard is down let’s make our way over lose our helmet and go into the chamber with the star generator I search the guard and find out he has a remote for the force field on him so that’s everything sorted in one Fell Swoop now it’s just time to input the code it throws me a little the display doesn’t register what buttons we press but once I carefully type it all in I have turned this down for your convenience be thankful time to make our daring Escape robot over there so we’ll go upstairs I guess I hadn’t clocked what the vents were for yet so I tried going in them first of all before failing to do so and getting blasted when I left the [Music] room escape attempt to ends early when a Droid spawns much closer to Roger and kills him escape attempt three is where I decide to check the elevator that’s out of order and it’s apparently now working fine and leads straight to a shuttle hanger we climb aboard and take off peeling away just as the Delta begins to explode we’ve we’ve done it we’ve actually done it the seran ship explodes into a million pieces and the Galaxy is now safe once again don’t get a big head though congratulations Roger you’ve rid the universe of the evil serans and saved your people from certain Doom sorry rid the universe that was all the serans in the universe on that ship thank God you guys are throwing me a ceremony or else I’d think I’m a monster with the data cartridge we had a new star generator can be built and hopefully they can hold on to it a little bit more tightly this time Applause everyone applaud Roger who has what is that a golden oh a golden mop how generous once a janitor we’ll always a janitor and that was space Quest you know there’s a temptation to rage at the game’s frustrating moments and undeniably I think this game has some huge flaws and some very dickish design decisions that deserve nothing but disrespect but when I got to this ending screen I didn’t feel mad or tired or exasperated or glad the whole thing was finally over I was happy space Quest feels kind of special compared to Kings Quest 1 and 2 it is such a massive step up in so many regards from having a more developed story to follow being more focused rather than dumping you in a field and asking you to solve scattered puzzles and having a universe that feels alive and bustling with characters that aren’t necessarily deep but they feel like they have a purpose and function outside of being problems to solve the game’s Charming too no its jokes aren’t going to tickle me laughing every time but its commitment to having funny deaths and having a gentle poke at the player in these text boxes takes a lot of the edge off of moments that otherwise would have left lasting frustration like Bridges or Rumble stilt skins it’s like me and the game are actually in dialogue and it knows just when to give and reward the player that makes the times it takes and screws me over less prominent just a little humor Showmanship and personality can go a long way and makes me want to keep going to see what happens next don’t get me wrong this game still has problems but in doing this series space Quest is the first game that has felt bigger than the sum of its parts like an actual Adventure ultimately yeah I like this game it’s unfair and frustrating sometimes but I think it knows it so I like it good for you space Quest next time I play an adventure game we’ll be going back to daventry I think Kings Quest 3 released just shortly after this game so I’m curious how the two will compare I’m also curious about all these comments from people rubbing their hands together in Glee at the idea of me getting to King’s Quest 3 what am I getting into [Music] here thank you for watching this video this took way longer than it should have I have actually a bunch of larger projects slow cooking right now which ate into making this some of these were meant to be smaller until whoops the rabbit hole opened up again I hope to at least clear some of them in the time it took this one video to come out thanks again to my patrons who allow me to keep making videos your support is always genuinely appreciated patrons get to ask questions for Q&A segments at the end the videos which we’ll get into right now if you had the ability and resources to implement a single quality of life Improvement in any of the Sierra games you played so far what would you choose have the characters move to the location where the action typed happens rather than asking me to move closer like I don’t need hints or tips but that genuinely gets a little bit much sometimes I could have skipped that whole section of trying to get into the Pod if that actually worked and I don’t always bring this up but this is a recurring annoyance when playing these games we’re almost halfway through 2024 do you have a favorite game you’ve played this year given how much time I’ve put into a game I did not have on my radar hell divers 2o it’s even been eating into my batro time and I love batro are there any games that you’d do videos on if you had more time a ton just two examples I want to do videos on metal gear and Kingdom Hearts not together just both series covering each game individually and why I love them but good God that will take so much time and I’m already drowning in projects both active and potential right now any releases you’re excited for this year nine Souls I love that demo from a couple of years ago and now we have a release date genuinely cannot wait to play that okay that’s enough for now stay safe and I hope to see you all soon [Music] if you go into this one corner you can empty your bladder God Only Knows Why


    1. I was surprised about how you defeated the orat. All my life I used the spider droid, I didn't know the water did it also. Also I thought it was another screw job because I expect the game to go 'oh Roger is thristy, you don't have water, guess you die'.


    3. I really hope this series leads you to the next evolutionary step, Secret of monkey island! And other SCUMM games like the Dig, it's definately worth playing for the story

    4. I still laugh sometimes thinking about the dwarf appearing and stealing your treasure chest in the Kings Quest video. I was delighted to see a space quest video pop up the other day! I think I only played one of the later space quests… but that was also around the time I began to give up on the sierra game torture and leaned into Lucas Arts

    5. this was an enjoyable watch but damn this seems like a frustrating game lmao. Might have to go back and watch your kings quest plays now. these are especially fun since I don't think I would ever play it myself. Good luck in KQ3 if you do attempt that lol

    6. It seems almost serendipitous that this video released on the day of an unprecedented solar storm, with the Aurora Borealis faintly visibly in British skies. I could just about see it from the roof of my local this evening, and even in its subdued and muted form above an overly-luminous metropolis (even the edge of the London area is still blighted by light pollution from the capital), I was awed by its majesty. It wasn't quite like seeing the Milky Way from the heart of Zion National Park, but it was still a sight to behold.

      I wonder if Roger ever gets to see such colourful plasma storms in his adventures? He undoubtedly gets to marvel at the wonders of colourful beams disintegrating his body, but hopefully he'll get to mellow out as he watches the aurora. Probably while waiting too long in the area and getting eaten by a giant fuzzy tardigrade.

    7. “Light years from Earth’s solar system” doesn’t need to say galaxy. It’s saying that the other Sun is light years away from our solar system. It could be in our galaxy or another and it would still be correct.

    8. 12:12 I'm muttering "oh dear" and transported back about 35 years. Sad fact: I think I solved this puzzle over a year after I encountered it, at which point I reached the second disc and realised I'd misread the instructions and had formatted it as a save disc. This likely won't make sense to most of you, as you are probably born after the 70s.

    9. Ah space quest. Such an amazing series. Space quest 4 was one of my absolute favourites as a kid. I just watched the space quest historian do a playthrough not that long ago.

    10. i thought I hallucinated my brothers playing this game… I am now somewhat grateful they hogged the computer. At least I got to play Quest for Glory

    11. Looking forward to your (eventual) Kings Quest 3 video. I struggled so hard with that damn game when I was young. I didn't get very far but it's stuck in my brain for how much rage it caused me as a kid.

      Personally I never much liked the Sierra style of adventure games, I much preferred the LucasArts style.

    12. So glad to see this, was jusy rewatching the House video, and then saw the kingquests, and thought to myself "I never could finish the first space quest". And now we're here.

    13. I'd recommend Quest for Glory if you ever get tired of Sierra's shit. It's got some RPG bits to it, and there's a lot less cheapness to it, to the point that there's even multiple solutions to puzzles depending on the class you pick (and you can always multiclass to get multiple solutions.) The only issue is you need to grind stats sometimes. It's my favorite Sierra series.

      (note that I can only vouch for the VGA point and click versions. I've only played those, including the AGD version of 2)

    14. My personal favorite of the series and my all time favorite adventure game of all time: Space Quest 4 – Roger Wilco and the Time Rippers. The CD/Talkie version with Gary Owens as the narrator is a blast. I can highly recommend it if you've never played it. I does have some quircks and tricky parts but it's well worth it. Hope you will play it and post a video of it just like this one 😉

    15. that game is actually insane man i love those video seeing those old games where many "make sense" things we have in today's age did not exact at the time

    16. People always claim Sierra adventure games were unfair, but to be honest their difficulty only reflected realism. If I step off the side of a cliff and fall to my demise, or leave my wallet at home therefore not being able to buy lunch later in the day, then essentially I've just gotten stuck inside a typical Sierra puzzle. Except in real-life, obviously.

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