Today we take a look at Kao Data (KLON-06), 672 Galvin Rd, Slough SL1 4AN.

    We speak to security who doesn’t get it at first but was a decent enough guy to listen and learn and everyone walks away happy.

    Google Maps 360 Degree Panoramic Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    the moment you fly the Drone across here yeah that comes under private Pro and Recon allow that so and you want to know the information what’s on there and what’s not on the roof I can’t authorize that okay so I’m just telling you in a nice way by all means you’re out here you’re outside the building not a problem but the moment you’re going to fly your drone inside here that comes under our observations so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in slau taking a look at this place now this particular building has got cameras Oh the gate’s closing it’s got cameras on the actual gate itself in fact there’s cameras in all sorts of weird positions everywhere once this vehicle goes in I’ll be able to show you the cameras that are actually on the gate but I think he’s actually reporting us right now yeah look he doesn’t even want to go in anymore because of the man outside with the camera yeah there they are look I just thought it looked a little bit over the top look at that you don’t see that every day do you so let’s jump onto Google and see what this place actually is cuz I can see it’s 672 and it says it’s KO data Clon 06 oh we got another car coming in now and one trying to come out so let’s jump on to the website data centers engineered for AI ah inspired by hyperscale built for industrial scale hello you right yeah pictures yeah with what I just wanted to make a little video about this place why is that though just for my YouTube channel what’s your name who’s asking I’m asking yeah your name Ali Ali you can call me DJ DJ [Music] yeah any particular reason just for your YouTube Channel that’s a good enough reason a’t it I’m just I’m asking you cuz it’s a private property mate what do you mean this a private place anyone can see this of course anybody can see this but we were just concerned like who are you what’s your name that’s all right you okay now I’m fine so what’s your YouTube channel called I’m not giving you that you mentioned your name DJ and it’s for your you yoube channel right well we’ve not built up a a good enough relationship for me to hand over that sort of information haven’t just met you yeah but I I just give you my name I said my name is Ali your name is DJ yeah I like to see your YouTube channel that’s another piece of information that you want from me so I need one more thing from you first um okay go ahead well I know this is Cal data and it’s a data center for AI yep um I don’t think you’re hiding much here um the Drone the Drone I need to see the roof so I’ve got a drone in my bag um if I take the drone over just for the video for YouTube okay and if you say uh you’ve got no problems with that then I’ll give you the channel well I have a problem with that cuz you’re saying that we’re some we’re hiding something here I said I don’t think you’re hiding anything here we’re not it’s it’s a dent yeah some some people they um they come out and they object to the filming and for a reason that isn’t correct because you know if you’re hiding somewhere but I think you’re trying to just protect the asset aren’t you that’s what we’re trying to do plus I I can’t give you the autorization cuz the site managers are not here so I can’t really say to you that you can use the Drone and go ahead so you see cuz I’m I’m trying to do my job here yeah that’s all well if I don’t take the drone over then I won’t get paid so the Drone will be going over um I said to you if you um didn’t object to it I would have given you the channel wouldn’t I but you did ja so you don’t get the channel that’s all that’s the deal do you know what I mean you’re a funny the deal the deal was on the table W it give me one second yeah controlman where’s my scanner gone ah there it is I’m sure that is an encrypted radio that is got there but we’ll just check he’s saying suppos for his YouTube channel yeah it’s encrypted so that’s a positive for the video for them everybody should really be using encrypted coms in data centers if they’re so worried about uh wrongin doing stuff just give us a minute here oh that sorry didn’t just drive it yeah doesn’t work here no so my face H is not going to go on your channel is it yeah youve come out while I’m filming I was filming weren’t I got some offices up top as well most data centers don’t have many staff working they don’t have many offices cuz they’re not really um required are they oh there is yeah in this one we’ve got building work going on at the moment you got what sorry we’ve got building work happening at the moment can you just wind the yeah yeah yeah as you can see there Building B over there there’s building work over the back as well that’s not your building is it not our building but building work happening there and building happening at the back as well different companies compies so why is that relevant you know you’re saying you’re saying there’s not many people work on data centers you can see is quite busy so there are people working quite a lot yeah some of the data centers that are filmed they have a small car park and let’s just say like four cars but the the data center is massive so it’s not like a Hands-On thing you just monitoring this is pretty big yeah that’s that’s massive as well recently built oh look he’s looking yeah he’s looking so you’re trying to record these look anybody that looks yeah it’s quite funny cuz people people choose to stop working and look at the man outside with the camera I just find yeah but you shouldn’t have been doing that I told you it’s a private property there’s nothing to hide here it’s a data center but you want to continue recording you told me what sorry I can’t film the data center I’m saying you why you can film film if you want that’s that’s not a problem but you’re saying we’re trying to hide something here you want to put your drone across the road I mean put your drone up in the air what for I want to see what you’ve got on the roof cuz a lot of these data centers have got the calling on the roof it’s the roof that’s what it is is the calling up there calling what calling calling I’m not too sure mate see I need to find out what the video interesting you’ve got a YouTube channel though so it’s for your YouTube channel what for I I don’t get it you don’t need to get it that’s where I’ve seen you before you go I have I have you know I’m kosher then don’t you sorry you know I’m kosher you know I’m Legit oh where did you see me on crime watch might have seen you where where did you see me probably with some channel on crime watch I’m not too sure what are you doing now just it’s funny this guy but yes we have certainly took some people away from their workstations by having a camera outside pointing it in the direction of the building he keeps on mentioning the word private property but doesn’t quite get it yet does he that we’re not on his private property we’re not on there my friend [Music] so there’s lots of stuff going on outside they did mention building work at a different company but I’m not interested in other companies are we we got all this area fenced off here has that been recently dug out you can just imagine the infrastructure required for these data centers coming in and going out and powering and calling it’s only a little drone is he the bus jump to show him the Drone not no that’s not the case the only thing is you can by all means you’re out here you can record not a problem but my only concern is that you’re going to fly your drone across the roof what are you concerned about there’s nothing to be concerned about I can’t autorise I’m not asking you to huh I say to him that he could probably r over no I didn’t say that my friend I said as long as you don’t show me an objection yeah but you I didn’t ask for permission I just didn’t want an objection trying to say the moment you fly the Drone across here that comes under private property and Recon allow that so and you want to know the information what’s on there and what’s not on the roof yeah I can’t authorize that okay so I’m just telling you in a nice way by all means you’re out here you’re outside the building not a problem but the moment you’re going to fly your drone inside here that com under observation so I’ll be above roof height you know that yeah so from what you have just said yeah are you aware that I’ll be above roof height whilst I fly over here okay above roof height so take bear that in mind do you believe that the airspace above your building is private property do you believe that no no I’m not saying it’s priv property but you’re recording our building yeah from here by all means not a problem but you’re going to fly your drone across there yeah that’s watching our do yeah but you don’t control who flies over your building do you that’s airspace that’s for I understand that so what are you getting at then okay so uh where’s your drone license on on the Drone itself show me top show me your Dr if I go to all this Hassle and show you that is it going to benefit me like I said I need to get some authorization from somebody you don’t you don’t listen my friend I don’t want to fall out with you about it but do you know when people fly over yeah they don’t need your permission at all planes helicopters hot air balloons drones anybody can fly over your property you don’t own the airspace it’s controlled by the CAA civil civil aviation Authority ah yes and you know them now the civil aviation Authority have decided that small drones like this can fly over commercial and do you know the license number it’s on the the top look top of the Drone yeah see it so I’m going out of my way to reassure you that everything’s legal lawful good but where is it called anyway YouTube YouTube not many people get to see brand new data censors like this and how they operate and how they’re cooled is this one water I’ll give information I’ll find out you know what I mean so I didn’t even expect you to tell me much I know that I’ve got to come here and find out things for myself so I brought the tools to do so that’s all I’ve not hir anything at all but I don’t I often get told off on my videos for giving too much information okay yeah but if you work with me and you don’t object and you’re a nice guy then I would have told you I know but like I said I don’t make the make decision all I was told that somebody’s recording let me have a conversation you ask for my name I’ll give you my name ask for your name which you said DJ is for your YouTube channel you never gave me your information or your YouTube channel correct so then there’s a there’s a miscommunication here now isn’t it it’s B of mistrust the man outside minding his own business on the pavement don’t have to tell you anything but I’ve been quite nice civil aviation Authority yeah yeah the Drone code now when you look at buildings small drones you can fly small drones and model aircraft that are lighter than 250 at residential recreational commercial and Industrial do you know if it’s heavier than 250 250 you have to keep 150 M away from every building yeah and what’s yours uh how many grams is it look at that number yeah below 250 so remember [Music] that see you learning here aren’t you it’ll be useful for the future two 49 249 one gr under so I’ve showed you now from the civil aviation Authority website that it’s allowed yeah so you have got no other concerns I was just wondering like what what you were doing there so that was my concern I came I had had a conversation with you so do you mind me telling telling me your YouTube channel um because you you don’t want to be on it right I don’t I really don’t want to be on it so if I help you find it that’s not good for me is it but you know why do you know what you could do press the report button you can press the report button and you could attempt it might not be successful but you could attempt to have the video removed so you understand that logic my way of thinking I totally understand that so I’m not going to help you find it cuz I know you don’t want to be on it that’s all no offense nothing personal yeah but then what if I come across it and I see my face in there and I report it then what that’s you’re allowed to do that like I’m allowed to do this so is it recording right now on that camera yeah you’re a legend you C all right mate well nice talking to you anyway yeah it’s all good you’ll see the video and when you see your video you might look at some of the others and you might like it you might like the places that I show [Music] people all right chap so that was a nice conclusion there with security he listened and he wanted to know you know some of them they just don’t want to hear it do they they try and stop you from explaining so five stars to him at the end at the end but it still ain’t getting the channel anyway let’s get David up and see what this place looks like from above so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area at all uh did we find out yes we did it’s got a strange name Ka AO cow data center for AI so nice and high way above the roof height 40 m this is where everything happened down here we were spotted by a vehicle going in security came out that’s only my ring doorbell not yours and just a small number of Staff Vehicles left in the car park so we said that we wanted to see cooling on the roof and look what’s hidden on the roof lots and lots of cooling but that’s nothing new is it but look you can’t see it really from the road from the outside they got some building work going on down here they’ve made a temporary platform is that to get some stuff in on the upper level some cabinets maybe all the tops of them Telly Handler something covered in the corner down there and what’s that all right good mixture of waste in there there sub station close by and another skip what’s that h i no idea some chimneys there kicking out the hot air and even more substations fck and even more cooling crazy a’t it absolutely crazy look how big the place is stretches all the way down there and are these more exhausts yeah theyve left some wire in oh they’ve left their harness or whatever that is don’t know what that is not an harness probably the uh carabina from the arest and then down at the back they’ve got the workman’s offices cabins look what’s bang next door look residential bang next door and when you look out your back window this is all you see rather you than me but they’re not the most interesting of places from above but we’re just documenting alude slow industrial estate today and there’s an awful lot of these data centers on here so that’s what we shall film anyway there’s the whole site in one shot we’ll do a 360Β° photo for Google Maps and then we’ll move on so that concludes the video from cow data center here in SL 672 on this road although that is a gate house security gate house they’re not based there he went back in that main door over there the location of the DJ audits key ring on this video is in the tree just hang in just there look so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want a key ring good luck with that and yeah we’ve still got people up there watching so we’ll move on we’ll let them all calm down and get back to work and I don’t think security was that bad at all really he wanted to learn and I’m sure he will treat the next drone flyer a little bit better and just allow them to do what they need to do from the outside because we’re not on your land and any rules that you have on your land do not apply to us out here that looks like somebody important and look even the important person isn’t bothered about a camera perfect the message is getting through I like it so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now [Music]


    1. If you pay decent wages, you can usual get decent staff like Ali. Its sites that pay minimum wage that get all the idiots that haven't got a clue and cause issues

    2. 3:47 "You say we're hiding something here" says the guy, who is claiming to be security with his supposed SIA badge, hidden within his jacket.
      Something that should clearly, be on display, when interacting with anybody, in his capacity as site security. D'oh!! 🀯 ha ha ha

    3. DJ audits is actually wrong. Under U.K. law he can launch his drone from a public area and operate in public airspace. This where it gets tricky Under U.K. law property owner owns the land above and below the property. They consider public airspace to be above 500 feet above property. Since it is illegal to fly a drone above 400 feet. He would be operating it illegally.. As long as he launches from the sidewalk and goes straight up he is legal.

    4. waste of time talking t oa dim wit like this. he hasa job of letting peopel in and out the gate and think he is important. he does not even know he is bottom of the rung in that place and dont know a single thing about most laws anmd none at all about drones. yo ucoudl be there al lday and it stil lwont sink in. he is thick and dont know he has nothing to d owith anyone outside of their fence….. when he keeps asking for yoru youtube yo ushould ask to see his driving licence, SIA licence and his adress.. he was not nice , he tried to tell you that you cannot fly over that building , he simply has no idea of who yo uare, but dont realise he is not entitled to know who you are… he is just some fat asian bloke ina badly fitting suit… loads of building just like these are used for wring cars in slough and growing dope.. all these data centres collection all our information and keeping every thing we say and do on the web. strange how these places are being put up and being so security scared.. what exactly are these centres doing that needs to be so secure ??

    5. How many times does he have to ask ,what's it for. You tube you thicko,,, end of.
      DJ you went above and beyond to educate this guy, but sometimes it's so hard to get through . Nice one bro.πŸ‘Š

    6. Whilst you're concentrating on data centres I thought you would have checked out the old HSBC data centre on bridle Road, Bootle when you was around there. I've always been intrigued by that building.

    7. There's wars being fought in countries where the population refuses to digest what's being told to them ,making up their own minds what they choose to believe.

    8. 😎How to supposed to co-exist as a roman catholic country/ people;

      with these invaders, illegal border crossers…

      which in itself is criminal

      which makes them criminals to start with

      which u deal with from the start u meet them/talk to u/make demands to u/threaten u…

      on ur own soil/ territory/country…

      These illegal migrants come from countries, cultures, people which are intolerant…

      They have other set of belief systems, human values etc….????

      They see themselves as superior..

      but at same time they beg for food, compassion

      and greet us/give us back with violence, aggression, pollution, rape…

      There is a limit to TOLERANCE!!!!

    9. It is better to see auditors, like you, explain their rights and the law rather than look like an total idiot by "acting" ignorant or stringing people along, like some of your copycats tend to do (mentioning no names).

    10. Who he is and what he does is none of his business and why is covering his badge up; there is no problem as the law allows it, "I cannot give you authorisation" actually you cannot stop him flying in PUBLIC airspace and you have no authority over the public on a public right of way. You dont tell him anything and you cannot stop him flying and what you get or dont get is still none of your business, he is in public. He still thinks you are asking permission. He is being deliberately obtuse and still trying to stop him flying and now "all I was told" if I tell you that you can polish a turd would you believe me or would you check?

    11. I know that it might stifle your video however, I wouldn't resist just asking, "have you studied Drone law or the Drone Act mate?" He never said that you're hiding something, you polite muppet. The human ego never ceases to deliver bogus info.

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