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    what is up trench family it’s your boy JP and R and K and we got another if you’re new to the channel man make sure you smash that subscribe button and if you’re not new then you already know you tuning in to the L Family on [Applause] YouTube trench family it feels so good to finally be home with the family all over again what happened to you bro I just um like um put my finger like this now it hurts oh man something’s always happening to him he lost his tooth now he hurt his finger let me see your tooth let me see your tooth show them hey did you get some money though from the Tooth Fairy yeah okay that’s what’s up but babe how does it feel to finally be back home again vlogging it feels so good right now we can decorate the tree decorate the whole house yeah it feels amazing I love being with my babies I love being back home with them and Teddy’s right here oh my God hey Teddy I missed this house so much I’m not going to lie we got the whole family here Teddy come here bab come here a a look at Z what about you Z how you doing B say hi I miss you babies say hi Mama I miss you too oh she needs a speeding tick cuz she be going way too fast on that Walker oh yeah you guys y’all already know where is it where’s the Walker anywhere it’s right there it’s right there oh it’s oh it’s over there but look you guys y’all already know Zella uses her walker and she’s been going crazy she’s going to start walking soon I know like I think she’s almost there all right you guys so comment down below zel’s eight months right now comment down below when do you think zel is going to start walking she’s really really close to it what you think babe what you say um probably as soon as she turns 9 months on the 11th of December 9 months yes what do you think I I think I I personally think like in the middle of 9 months like in the middle like 10 yeah yeah like I think she’s going to start F uh she’s going to start taking her first steps like in the middle of 9 months and by 10 months boom definely she’s going to be walking okay by 11 months she’s going to be running what you think k k don’t know when do you think Z going to start walking Ka um tomorrow oh okay hey that boy got some faith in his sister you want to put a bet on it yeah all right so if she doesn’t walk tomorrow you got to give me the money the Toth fairy gave you hey bet well yeah that’s a good bet no tell him that’s not a good bet you deserve that money the tooth Fair gave because your tooth fell out that’s not a good bet cuz you I don’t know what type of tooth fairy this is but bro he got $100 for a tooth I might just take out all my teeth I need the money no way I need the money man Ka can we take out all your teeth so we can get $100 no I’m just playing I’m just playing I’m just but now you guys yesterday we went through something very very crazy that could have went much worse but it was still crazy babe you want to tell them what happened yesterday yeah guys so yesterday you want to tell them you want to tell them Z she was about to tell baby I’m so happy nothing everybody’s okay and nothing happen Okay so yesterday was a very scary day you guys we were all in the car on our way to Target and as we were turning left at the light of Target I saw a white truck speeding from the C what’s that mirror called right there babe the rear viw yeah from the rear room mirror I seen like a white truck just speeding and we were at a red light so if I didn’t turn really hard to my left side that car would have hit us you were on the passenger side zeli was in her car SE on this side I had to do what I thought was best to so that my car didn’t get hit but it messed up the tires and everybody’s safe that was the best part yeah you guys the tires got messed up on the Lamborghini with the new car yeah just the rims but still you guys know this is a brand new car look guys all around right here is curb rest over here too and in the back yeah so the two left tires right babe yeah dang look at this guys but it could have been much worse so I’m happy everybody’s okay this we can fix it Ka were you scared yesterday today yeah I know right it was scary I honestly and it sounded worse so I’m like oh my God I thought like we hit the we dented the car we probably messed up it sounded so bad to where it sounded like it sounded like the curve was like this High I thought the whole car got smacked like so hard I don’t know but I’m just so thankful that oh and then tell him what happened to the other car when if you didn’t move he was going to hit you what did he hit guys he hit he hit the tree bro he hit the tree so hard imagine that I don’t even want to imagine that but that could have been us and that’s the scariest part babe I cried like a baby like I just get so emotional and things like that it was just so hard to though I’m happy everybody’s okay you know what I’m saying the car we can fix it I’m just happy everybody’s okay my family’s okay but I just got this car I know you just got this car don’t worry about we going to fix it man we going it’s still a beautiful car we going to fix it and hey look I just got one question man what yo Ka what are you wearing this is the ugliest outfit I’ve ever seen boy what you got on man well you have the ugliest Dres in the worldall hey look who wears striped shirts with some Avengers pajamas with some Jesus sandals what you got on boy man why you playing with my son exactly mind your business first of all y trying to PJ jumping on you what do you got on with your slides on just showing your toes and stuff oh so you’re talking about my oh you talking about my slides yeah what’s wrong with that oh y’all think this is funny yeah hey this how I feel man watch out man yeah watch out man yeah watch out what hey hey church family yeah watch out watch out watch out what y’all want to do man what y’all hey back up hey back up Teddy Teddy get him back up hey back up hey what hey I hey Tren family hey Tren family hey trash family Teddy help Teddy Teddy help me I need help Teddy all right all right all right hold on Teddy all right guys I think say sorry first you got it bro what’s your problem bro dang you better apologize what’s wrong with y’all man you okay what you said I need water yeah I need water yeah man I need water man you you need water hey do you need water since you jump me too no no I’ll drink it come on what’s wrong with you man what’s wrong with you why would you do that hey hey all right all right all right chill all right chill all hold on hold on y’all getting C no hey chill chill hey chill all right all right all right all right all right all right no sir not happening you better pick it up oh my God hold on chur family we about to be right back man everything’s wet the camera’s wet hold on hold on all right you guys so we are going to spend some quality family time in the jacuzzi are you guys ready oh my God is the water hot it’s a little warm is it warm oh oh it’s not hot but it’s getting there yeah it’s like getting there it will be hot in like 2 minutes oh yeah so I’m not going to get in yet because it’s cold and is hey bro this guy think this is the big pool he like a mermaid don’t be splashing or you’re going to get kicked out that’s your biggest problem don’t start splashing for real serious yeah cuz your sister can’t get wet oh my little baby you’re here with us you want to go in Z oh she said you see her she nodded her head yeah you can’t get in though Mommy not yet baby bassoon okay it’s too cold yeah and it’s like too cold outside but it’s too hot in here so it’s not a good mix for her yeah she’ll get sick we’re not going to get too sick Mama but you can hang out poolside with us yeah oh all right it’s getting nice it’s feeling better a little bit it’s starting to get real hot look at this guy who you think bro you think you’re a fish yeah don’t put water in your mouth that’s nasty you look like a blowfish if you were a fish you’d be a blowfish yeah look at him look at that little Blowfish oh my God all right I have another Ru for you oh oh rule number two what what you got don’t wet my hair why look at my hair you see it’s up like real funny looking do not wet my hair why what’s going on why we can’t weet her hair now you making me want to wet your hair St now you making me want to wet your hair for real stop what you mean stop all right all get out all right do not wet my hair seriously right Mommy tell Daddy don’t wet Mommy’s hair I’m not I’m not or else you’re going to get mad you’re going to get mad right I’m about to hey it’s not it’s not it’s not hot no you have to sit by one of the Jets look oh exactly you see but it feels good I’m in here no Ka Don’t splash mommy said no Don’t splash bro yes please listen hey are you serious Ka come on man don’t start splashing oh no now it feels good babe it feels amazing I need to get my life vest where you going man get hey get back in the get back in the water what you talking about get your life vest you don’t need a life vest in here I I want to go in the big pool the big pool yeah babe it’s cold in there K that pool’s to too cold P but I want to get my life guys it’s cold in there no so you don’t care that it’s cold no all right so get your life this okay that boy is no no wait no cuz who’s going to get in there with him well we’re right here if he has his life v f how about you touch the water first to see yeah Touch the Water check oh my God it’s super cold exactly so do you really want to go in um yeah bro oh my God babe look at br all right bro anyways Z hey I’m not going to lie I don’t think he’s going to go in that pool why would he go in there that pool is way too cold feels good oh no it feels good so that’s where the hot water’s coming out from yes that’s why I’m hogging it right here hey move over let me get some I’m freezing fine fine f I’m freezing man let me get some it should be coming out from all the hey train family wait let me see is it right here oh it is coming from right here right here too wa all the Justin that means all the Jus is coming out water it feels nice and cozy imagine it gets to like it’s going to get to like 104 maybe so maybe zeli can come in what happened something wait what wa what happened oh he has ants on him oh my God wait what wait wait wait what did you hold on hold on put water on it put water on it oh my gosh oh my God he just had like three ants on him wait what what just happened on him wait wait what just happened where did you go Ka what happened like get my life is and then there was like ant there yeah he got bit by fire ants look he got bit right oh my God he got bumps on his look right here oh my God K I know that’s stting right now know hold on where did you go you went in the dirt because look at all the dirt on you why do you have dirt on you you went to get your life Ence in there oh my God Z get get come here puppy put your feet in put your feet in oh my God where was it it was like and like on me like are they crawling on you he has some on his on his leg Yeah they like a whole bunch of them where P can you show me was like show me show me show me show me where P it was hold on you guys where was but why were you over there it was this yeah oh my God there is a lot of ants there look at that look at all these ants K Ka this is full of ants look at all this you guys I was looking I Ste in here but I didn’t know that was here he said he stepped in there why are you all the way over there the life vest is in here I didn’t know it’s not his fault it’s not his fault let’s just let’s just get it cleaned up there’s so many ants in there I know I know I know it’s okay here hold now hold this hold this I know what to do I know what to do I know Ka that’s going to be itching you all day now babe oh my goodness come here where are you going and JP you have to cover that hole please cuz anyone could get bit there even Teddy going what come on Daddy’s going to put water on there no I’m going to just try to see if I can put some water on there oh my gosh hopefully it works though it is going to work but see oh my God we knew for you not to get in that water you that’s going to get the ants out of there it’s going to do something they just bit Ka get away from there before you get bit too close that Ka let me see come here where did he go and he’s back in the pool are you okay no it burns no we’re going to put some cream on there come on it’s time to get out the pool why come on babe guys this is crazy we’re trying to have a good time and you go and get bit by fire ants I was looking up I I can’t like look down but I was stepping where I go but I didn’t look down okay but why did you go over there the the life vest isn’t there I forgot what is so the life vest was over there by the ants yeah oh my God you were just being nosy come here yeah you’re itching it you’re going to make it worse come on you can’t itch it against that that’s going to make it worse let me see oh my gosh babe you got to put some cream on there come on I should just put my foot in there no let’s go come on we’re going inside let’s go I know it’s itchy babe I feel bad he got bit by a l lot where my what the JP grab this he’s itching a lot right now what happened it’s okay but it’s okay I’m going to get him a cream now you’re done with the jacuzzi you don’t want to get back in he’s getting out what what do you mean we’re get out we just got in no it oh it hurts that bad PA let me see let me see oh it’s it’s red on your feet it was right there they bit you right here and right there right here oh no B it’s okay baby you’re a strong boy right yeah you’re a strong boy it’s okay it’s okay you had him a towel babe yeah there’s a towel over there where where where’s it oh I got it come sit down hey trench family if it ain’t one thing it’s another oh my God sit down on the dry spot oh man no you’re not getting back in the no don’t get back in K sit down don’t get back in here put this around you put this around you this is crazy this around you my boy you saw all the bumps all over his leg Yeah know I saw it I saw it I saw it I didn’t know I didn’t know they got him like that I’m telling you I saw him know they got him like that it’s okay mommy’s a good doctor itch cream I am a good doctor where where K this itchy oh my God hold on one second one second bab you need help what you looking for this itch cream wait bur cream me see what is this oh my God maybe some alcohol wipes just to wipe it down that’s going to burn him no it’s not it’s not it’s not open w it’s okay it’s okay it’s no it’s not going to burn you CU it’s not going to burn you come here we’re just trying to fix it it’s fine let see I’ll do it I’ll do it it’s not it’s not going to burn look look we’re just going to clean it they bit him on this side too look no I know but I see a bump right here I see a big bump right here where yo those are some crazy fire ants why is he getting SW it’s okay oh he had a cut he had a cut all it’s okay but it’s okay you got one up here all we’re just cleaning we’re this’s getting swollen I know that’s a big one put a bandaid on it so he doesn’t scratch it it’s okay hey remember you’re a big boy you’re a big boy papy hey Kai the trench family’s watching you right now remember you’re a big boy remember M all right you’re good man you’re good all right you know what the trench family said they’re going to give you 10,000 likes you want 10,000 likes mhm babe how many likes you want I want 15 15 how much you want Ka 100K oh wow oh hey TR family make sure yall go get this video to 100K likes that’s what a Ka wants to feel better that’s going to make you feel better right ka yeah all right but yeah we’re going to put some bandaids on there just so you don’t scratch it okay cuz if you scratch it it’s going to get bigger and worse or if Teddy even scratches it that’s going to hurt bad but it’s okay we’re good Teddy scratching it what are you talking about babe he plays around with Teddy all day if Tedd okay okay okay I know what you’re saying got don’t try to make me sound like it was something not that didn’t make sense no it didn’t make sense here come here come here all right there you go we got to okay that one’s good right yeah that one he has one right here look at the one on his toe oh he really got bit on his toe everywhere man they got you kais how you let something that small beat you up man I don’t know but I have bleed right here it’s okay it’s okay mommy got it’s okay you’re stronger than daddy cuz if Daddy got bit by a whole bunch of ants he would have been crying hey man chill out don’t do that don’t do that cuz look like an ant well you are an ant don’t what all right but before we end this video K do you want to say anything to the trench family yeah don’t go on the ant file and I love you guys peace and I love you so much and go watch that video And subscribe to our Channel goodbye hey hey I got hey that was good my boy that was good more of the story do not get close to Ailes because they will beat you up just like they beat up K yeah cuz they got Ka man he’s beat up but you’re okay but anyways trench CH man I hope you guys enjoyed this video we’re going to take care Ka don’t worry about that you guys make sure you guys leave a like comment share and subscribe and we’ll see you guys in the next video [Music] peace


    1. 😮😮😮😮😢😂❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😅😊😊😊😊😊😊😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤❤❤❤❤💔💔💔💔💔💔💔❤️‍🩹💯🫶👩‍🦰👦👧👦👵🤰🤰🤰🤰🤰

    2. I love the trenchhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh familyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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