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    🌟 Welcome to the webinar recording: “Study Civil Engineering in Germany !” 🌟

    Dive into our webinar recording, “Study Civil Engineering in Germany,” and start your journey to academic excellence. Germany, known for its world-leading #universities and diverse programs, offers unparalleled opportunities in Civil Engineering. πŸ‡©πŸ‡ͺπŸ“˜

    What you’ll discover:

    πŸ“˜Essentials Simplified: Learn about the structure of Civil Engineering programs in Germany, from admissions to curriculum details.

    🏫🌐 Explore Programs: Navigate through Germany’s wide range of Civil Engineering programs to find your perfect match.

    πŸŽ“πŸŒŸπŸ” Career Insights: Understand the job market and career opportunities post-graduation, and get inspired by the potential paths ahead.

    πŸ—¨οΈπŸŽ€ Expert Q&A: Benefit from a live Q&A with university program representatives for direct insights.

    βœˆοΈπŸŽ“ Begin Your Journey: Whether you’re a prospective student or exploring options, this recording is your gateway to starting your Civil Engineering adventure in Germany.

    Watch now to equip yourself with the knowledge needed for informed academic decisions.

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    #civilengineering #studyabroad #highereducation #careerprospects #germanuniversities #webinarrecording

    I would like to uh warmly welcome our first attendee thanks for joining our webinar on studying civil engineering in Germany my name is gorgi and as you might already know me from other webinars I am yeah the least interesting person for you during this afternoon uh the guy behind the scenes but yeah I’m always here to help you out Dear attendees for those who are not that much familiar with a zoom webinar setting you can see the Q&A button it is just next to the chat button in the bottom part of your Zoom interface it is already open and it will be open until the very end of the webinar so feel free to ask any relevant of course ideally relevant program relevant questions uh as as much as possible uh your questions will be addressed either in the wrer form or live we will have a live Q&A session in around which will start in around 15 minutes and then all of your questions will be addressed by one of our guests directly again this is a unique opportunity for you guys to get the best possible answer from the most knowledgeable people people because they know the the best about their study programs that’s obvious um also keep an eye on the chat because there I will be sending some interesting information for you uh for example some links and some contact details so keep an eye on the chat as well let me now start with my short presentation that I prepared and before we move to our guests so here is agenda for today we’ll start with b house univers VMA and we have Dr bers and she will talk about master of science level program in natural hazards and risk instructural engineer hear in we’ll move then to Tech H englad and we have Professor Dr bad and she will talk about bachelor’s degree level program in sustainable civil engineering and then we’ll close the show with our guests from te darad uh Dr Zine and she will talk about master of science Dev program in civil engineering so before we move to this interesting part let me tell you very briefly who is behind today’s webinar so you might already know it’s my German University and when you are for example start trying to find programs in Germany uh which are at least mostly taught in English our name should and will pop up I’m sure uh so we are German’s largest database when it comes to English tght study programs we have over 2,700 degree programs almost already reaching 2800 both Bachelor and Master’s programs which are uh taught in Germany at least mostly in English and many of them are also in English only and we also have some short courses and language courses listed in our database as well our main goal is to help International students who would like to pursue their studies in Germany and we do this through three key ways one of the ways is through our study finder uh so uh you can see now on your screens the short version of our study finder but when you go to my German university.com you click on study finder you’ll be able to see all of the the bigger version and all of the options all of the filters that uh the study finder offers you for example you can even control for the filters like find find the program specifically according to your tol or I score or according to whether the program is using un assist or not for administering its applications from foreign students so it can also go that that much into detail um we also write articles for students we have right now around 150 webinars sorry articles regarding various topics of when it comes to studing in Germany for example if you’re coming from China and India and you need APS certificate we have articles on that if you’re interested in scholarships of course we have articles on that on rankings we have articles on blocked accounts on howal start on starting medicine and so on so forth all of this of course relevant uh German to studying Germany topics so to say and all of the articles are for free of course um and we also have approximately 150 webinars per year on various topics it can be a general webinar when I’m or my colleague is there alone without any guests and we have for example we are talking about generally studying in Germany about un assist about Visa about scholarships and so on so forth and the other type of webinars that we frequently also have is U the subject webinar like the one that you’re attending right now for example this uh topic for today is civil engineering but we also have webinars for example on mechanical engineering on political science philosophy biology and so on and so forth all of the webinars that are already planned you can see them uh in our webinar section on on our website and you can sign up for these webinars for free and attend them for free we are based in nor and German in Hamburg but we are also all over German in all of the world that’s where that’s why we are counseling also in different languages for those who are uh also interested in German thought study programs because your ger comment of German is quite good uh you can also check out hwu compus there you might find some interesting programs regarding civil engineering uh but if you are more into English toght study programs then definitely uh my German University and our study finder should be your stop you can see that we have various Bachelor and masters programs in this direction and most of them are in English only which means that you do not need any knowledge of German to get into those programs and to successfully complete them in most of the cases um yeah we also have some subject Pages for those who do not know what to expect when it comes to studying civil engineering in Germany we have these subject Pages where you can find some general information when it comes to studying this topic in Germany for example what are the rankings of universities that are offering these subjects uh what are the tuition fee ranges that you should budget for what are the different requirements so again one of like this is a information at a glance when it comes to studying civil engineering in Germany and you can familiarize yourself if you are the newcomer so to say um regarding the tip yeah of course it’s important to find the best university profile and best fitting study program for you that’s why you shouldn’t be guided only by sole aspects like only fees only rankings only city names of course you they are important and you should also incorporate them during your search and during your narrowing down down process but yeah you have to go further even make further steps take into account your uh background your interest your career aspirations and only then you will be able to make the right choice of the study program which is one of the most crucial steps toward successful career of course um in Germany there are two key types of universities that I would like you to know about the first one is called University in English and univers in German and the second one is called University of applied sciences and in German it has some variations names for example f are one of them are some of them so and the key difference between these two universities that I would like to focus on is in Focus actually uh so in general when it comes toate type of University focus is more goes more on to research and theory and in case of univiversity of app Sciences we are more talking about application and practice um yes in addition to the aspects that I mentioned before that you should definitely take into account while searching for the right program when you’re also trying to find programs using our study finder make sure that you are not uh rigid with warding be a bit flexible and then you will drastically increase your chances by combining all this together you’ll drastically increase your chances of making an informed decision and informed choice of the study program that fits your backgrounds that fits your career aspirations and your interests that’s why if it’s it’s of utmost importance and my suggestion would be to invest your time into searching for the right program so actually the right program might be for you already today you might find it today that’s why we are moving now to our first Speaker we are moving to Bow House University of vinmar you can see where it’s located more or less I would say closer to geographical center of Germany and Dr bof she will now talk about master of science level program in natural hazards and risks in Structural Engineering so I will stop my screen share right now and hand it over to our guest so thank you for the introduction I have to start my presentation welcome again from my side um my name is basto I’m the academic adviser of the master course natural Hazard and RIS instructural engineering I want to briefly discuss the motivation of our Master course and the content give you some information about the application about our team and also a bit I hope there’s enough time to speak a bit about faculty and um some things you can do here if you plan to to study in Vima this master course first of all um what is the goal or the motivation of uh nhre as you see in the name um has directly at the beginning the natural hazards and that is the strong motivation for us how um to deal with different natural hazards you see here some um pictures colleagues have taken during the the recent years the last years when we were in field to to deal with the damages and to check out what we can learn or what we can do as Engineers um to prevent these damages in the future to prepare our buil environment um our Master course is strongly International oriented yeah the students come from all over the globe um the plan is to train you to perform at the end demanding engineering activities yeah and to teach you modern tools to perform um if you like um or go in the direction to perform risk analyzis and um to um offer you to learn the key qualifications to be Innovative in pioneering Engineers especially in the natural hazards and um if we see the climate change I think we cannot ignore it anymore and um that will be one our of our major tasks in the future to deal with these hazards and uh to cope with that and to prepare the build environment um I want to talk a bit about uh the content on the modules um and what is the plan be behind the course and then regarding to our compulsory modules um we see that always as a chain of reactions and um you see there um the am I possible to have here a pointer I’m sorry we are not using Zoom at the University um we are starting uh with the Design Concepts for the buildings um be before we we have an an event and if we would have one then train the students how to deal with these um to how to evaluate the data how to interpret the data um after an event how to to go into the field what is necessary and there we have module that uh deal with the Disaster Response the analyzis of the causes the analysis of the damage the evaluate of the risk and uh to close that Circle how what to learn for the next event yeah how to prepare better and that is somehow inbuilt in um the structure of the master course here you see a snapshot maybe uh for those who are interested in the master course have seen this already that are our compulsory modules um the gray ones are the ones that have to be taken that means all students that participate in the master course um will have these subjects you have then also the possibilities to select elective and elective compulsory modules and what you sorry you see also on um one uh elective module um the master course is totally teached in the English language but anyway we are interested in that you’ll train German as well to get in contact with the society with other students that are studying here at the University and you can also bring uh German language modules to uh the final degree as as an um subject then we have a variety of lot of elective compulsory courses for those who are interested in a certain direction already regarding dealing with natural hazards in Structural Engineering can check out this um already and you see we have somehow more a structural engineering Branch we have a structural mechanic branch and also a an applied mathematic branch and depending on your interests you can mix them you can also oops I think we lost the sound is it correct uh sorry now you’re yes my microphone switched off I don’t know why um I hope I don’t know what was the last but here you see the several branches uh the students can that are interested to study the course can select uh of those they can combine depending on your personal interest and what are the plans after finishing the master degree if you want to go into certain direction in your future job or if you plan to write a PhD what shall be the direction of this a lot of this information you can get from our homepage um U here is also the link you see on the top of of this slide and uh you get also there all the contacts um which are interesting um to you to get all the necessary information to get in contact with us to get in contact with our student office our International office and also to find some more links on our large homepage where you can get more information how do the study in Thia would be in how wima is and so on and also with some more information additional to um yeah um normal application let’s say if you are coming from countries um let’s say more from developing countes countries you have the opportunity um to apply for a scholarship because um our Master course is part of the epos program of the dad and it offers seven scholarships per year where you can apply for if you meet all the requirements you would uh need uh twoe in practice already uh to to work and you can apply each year for that for the forthcoming intake and you can get a full funded uh scholarship therefore if you’re interested in do not only check out our homepage check out also the web page of the dad because maybe for some of view that it might be interesting especially for those who need help with the financing therefore that is an opportunity I want to me mention as well um who is responsible for the course what is the team here on this slide you see um the head of our Master course professor morgal and Professor Abraham shik and um second the academic counselor myself and our International officer Mrs border and the examin officer um Mrs sley that would be the key team if you have certain questions if you’re are studying here and despite that our um student office can help also with all organizational things uh here at the University and offers a lot of um yeah um possibilities a bit more regarding the faculty um we are part of the faculty of civil engineering and we have at the moment um a bit more than 800 students um studying civil engineering we are quite research oriented therefore uh our students have a lot of opportunities and if you would study here in viar most of our students are also then working as co-workers here to help with research projects yeah if you’re interested in also going a bit more in the research part you have also a lot of opportunities here as well um our faculty here I have just to for an information offers a lot of um programs in The Bachelor master degree the black ones are somehow the German speaking ones and the orange ones are the ones you can study in English language and our Master course is one of them and maybe because you are Internationals and you interested in you want to know um how our um yeah how many International students do we have and where they are coming from at the moment we have 27% of international students at the University all over the university not only our faculty and you see we have a large group from India Iran Russia China and the following but there’s a large variety and um lot of countries are present here uh in our uh student body um maybe beside the study you also have some uh events uh during the year here uh in Vima and what is really important for us and for the whole university also for the other faculties faculty of architecture and urbanism media and arts and design uh is the summer area in July where all students can present the outcome of their yearly work and uh for those who are maybe not joining um the master course but maybe want to have a summer school there’s opportunity to to take is the micro back we can hear you we can hear you okay uh can take part in the summer school and um always every year we have a Christmas Market that’s is quite nice for the students and a social meeting from our Master course where we can meet together as uh an whole group with the teachers and so on I think because we think that that the social meetings are also quite important that was quite brief from my side more the specifics of the master course um if you want to have more an onsite how the buildings are looking like from the University and so on feel free to check out the university homepage and get there a lot of nice information regarding the campus and uh living en Vima I thank you for your attention and the questions I would answer in the chat and you can always write me an email yeah thank you for your attention thank you very much for your presentation and yeah please you can already go ahead and ask some of the questions in the in the Q&A thanks a lot for your presentation and let us now move to our next speaker so we are moving to Professor Dr bad to techn englad and she will now talk about Bachelor level program now we moving to Bachelor in sustainable civil engineering and you can see that uh the university itself is located in the quite south southern part of Germany so let me stop the screen share and Professor the floor is yours yeah thank you geie for the kind introduction and so we show my slide as well so um first of all oops so you can see it so I will take the presentation okay so well I will speak uh the bachelor program sustainable civil engineering here in neorg uh on there D now and of all I will show you a few slides of our um university of Applied uh the thi then I will come to nober this is a special City and a special campus and after that I will give you some introduction about our program for our Bachelor course uh sustainable civil engineering uh and at the end um I will give you some information about our International office and then I’m open for the questions in the chat so let me start so we are a really research intensive University here in Germany and so you can see we have 8,500 students we have um 1990 professors and a 43 research professors uh this is completed with six faculties and seven research Institutes this means that we are yes um B done um university of applied science for a high um quality of research after your Bachelor and master program it gives you a good chance to make a PhD or um some other scientific work so we also have a lot of uh big companies like semens Continental BMW as well and this means we can give you the chance for a good um opportunity for your study works or Bachelor uh teasers and there you have good partners and um yes a good surrounding for your work and for example for your uh scientific work as well so now we have a short introduction about our University of applied science and now I have I will give you an overview about our special suburb of Engish this is Noor and nberg means we are have 30,000 inhabitants as well as a very big castle it’s in the front picture here you can see we have a lot of um activities it’s in winter time you can swim in the duno as well you can make a great or you have a great time for cycling or you make some water sports as well we have always all two years um we have a big um celebration for an historic um party and so everybody has special closes on it they have a really good time in this little town because it’s very important if you spend your time in a town um during your studies to have a good time and to have a good um live and Leisure Time this means that you can work and study a lot as well and so it seems to have uh the wage so we have a very small Compass you can see it here we have two buildings now here we have an traditional old building and this on the left hand side we have a new building this is only 6 months old and therefore we build uh a bridge over there to connect old and one and old and new buildings for the interaction and of course for the sustainability of the buildings uh now I will show you a short overview of our students now I already told you we are a small City and we are a small campus and so to get a filling of our study and of our students I will show you an impression why on video hello from the Campos Noor at the thi I’m the head of the bachelor program sustainable civil engineering so let me introduce our campers the students and of course our mission of Sustainable Building I’m from the Philippines I am 21 years old and I come from Rus and I’m from Russia I just moved here from Romania I’m 20 years old and I come from Palestine and I’m from Tanzania so let me tell you some topics what we want to do here we want to reduce materials we want to make a new method for buildings with less MKS for examples I dream of becoming a project engineer and helping designing buildings I want to be sure that my profession is useful and helpful and Germany is one of the most sustainable countries in the world I plan to come back to my hometown and work as a civil engineer the things that inspired me to come to Germany is discipline hard work and also the technology I plan to work as a an engineer will focus on sustainability Engineers special here on the campus is that we have a tiny relationship between the profs and the students for example if I speak in my name so I know everybody with his own name and so we are very close to each other I like the city going around through the river it’s very very nice it’s a small City I don’t like big cities with big crowds ever since I was young I was very fascinated about construction I just like buildings I love structures it’s my dream because my father is also a construction engineer and I was very close to him growing up and he just uh gave me his passion with you and with your support here we want to make a lot of other steps to reduce the CO2 emission and so to stop the global warming okay so this was the first impression of our compus in Noor and so well I only want to show you a very uh new uh pictures from our uh new building which are planned in the year of 2028 and here you can see we have three more buildings the first one as a very big building with um the classrooms and here you see the um cafeteria and the other one here on the left side uh these are our new laboratory buildings so this means we have a good connection to each other you can um have um your small ways for your uh classrooms as well to the Laboratories and of course the cafeteria and you can uh taken inter action of other uh students these are our plan because we want to reach uh 1,200 students students for the whole compers in the year of 2030 so now let me come or let me show our programs for the faculty of sustainable infrastructure uh in the special I want to show you the sustainable civil engineering program and therefore our mission is to reduce CO2 emission because we are getting more uh people each year and that means we have um to reduce or we have to make um more infrastructure buildings Foods streets tunnels as well as um PLS etc etc and that means we um yes we make a higher step of the CO2 emission and that’s why we have an faculty for sustainable infrastructure and that means therefore you can study a very nice bachelor program with the name of sustainable civil engineering and civil engineering is um a really great um program or a really great job I am a civil engineering I’m a civil engineer and uh for structural analysis and so um here you can see some picture who shows you what you can build or create with such an um yeah bachelor program so um I do not want to lose so much words of this page but you can see on um Tokyo Sky Tree for earthquakes for the earthquakes we make Timber construction and we also make material res research and so to connect all these things we are in a good way to reduce CO2 and this our mission for our bachelor program so here you can see uh the program and the curriculum and you can see it’s un sustainable civil engineering program but this means you’re studying civil engineering where the aspect of uh sustainable in civil engineering so the each model has an aspect of sustainable each Professor made his own experiences for sustainable and this is our mission in this bachelor program so we start uh with mathematics mechanics and with computer programming we also have building constructions chemistry and building physics and we also have a Chinese more model which means sustainability in construction and this is a model therefore 12 different uh speakers are coming to notebook and they will show you their aspects of sustainable in the civil engineering and so we Rising each semester and we’re getting higher so at that we oopsie uh that we get also reinforced design concrete design structural analysis introduction of geot Technic and transports for example in the third semester as well as in the fourth semesters we also have Flor and uh we have also Timber construction as well we make an construction intership therefore you have to or you can search your own company to spend 18 weeks there and then you make your own experiences to get the next steps in the sixth and in the seventh semester and therefore we have two collectives therefore you can search or you can choose your own small way for this bachelor program and so um to make a conclusion um we have a normal um sustainable civil engineering course uh program with an aspect of sustainable in each model and this makes it special of this bachelor program and therefore I also make uh some experiences of my way so you only can create or build something in the bachelor program or in the civil engineering artwork you can only demolish or Blast for example we can demolish a chimney therefore um we can yeah demolish it and we can pick up the materials uh in one dimension so I will show you this um blast and there you can see that the uh chimney is falling down on the soil and the soil leads to waves which are leading to vibration in some building I also um you can also make some um digitalization and here I also want to show you an a video for the 5D Institute this means here we have a simul to have a simulation for you creating the building you can see it here on the left on the right side on the corner on the left side we have the calculation of the coasts and then the upper uh window we see uh our time management therefore I have an overview about my cost about my Pro and as well of my timetable and an mission of for example to um make an calculation of the to CO2 emission for each material and therefore we have the next step for example for boom uh and yes we have our own research aspects I also want to show you um this is a higher level of civil engineering and W for propagation I only want to show you civil engineering and sustainable civil engineering is not only uh without any colors we can simulate things and we can calculate nice stuffs so this as an earthquake simulation for example here I get the earthquake and the latest layer and it moves up to the soil and this leads to the movement of these building so I only want to show you these simulation so this is the upper class of simulation but I only want to give you the motivation for this study and for this bachelor program this only you can see uh the different colors here we have the earth earthquake simulation here the moving building is seen and therefore you can calculate um your stability of uh your components for example as well as of your buildings so only to show you with the simulation and that uh that there are nice topics I in civil engineering so uh I only want to give you an overview now at least of your um the professional Fe you can work as a construction and civil engineering companies you can work on civil engineering offices and of course as a project manager you can work as a structural engineer ER as a structural Dynamic engineer as an Environ engineer you can work on site as a site manager a site coordinator and calculator and of course as a division manager of General planners for example so these are only a short overview of your fields and of your working aspects okay so you know everything about our program and now I will give you an overview about you the application procedure here we have special links and I will give it you or I send it you as also on the chat then you can copy this and you can um apply or or uh give or have some overview about some application stuffs and so well we start the next application in March um this year and it will end at the September at 15 please keep in mind that you also may have uh need some visa and some Flats here notbook so um it would be very kind uh to make an application maybe in May or June to be safe that you arrive in October here in no we also have an uh International office and here you get every um Helping Hands after your admission and this means we have um some onboarding information for some for digital digital consolation some Excursion and workshops because you are not the only international student here in oook we also have international students in English and therefore you remember we have 8,500 students there and so we are very big so you have a good chance to connect each other and meet some other students from other countries so the qer codes are right and maybe you want to make picture to get more information and therefore some excursions are given some workshops and of course um some ideas how you connect we also made I have a um an summer semester now and therefore we have a lot of application as well so well we are rising each year and we are looking forward to meet you and to give you a good education for our bachelor program for sustainable civil engineering now here is our team for the international in an office so you have six person which gives you the happing hands and they are openhearted to give you all the answer of all your questions so please feel free to contact them or contact me we are always interested to uh give you the first step in sustainable civil engineering and we are looking to meet you in Noor and aduno and yes if you have any questions so please feel free write me an email give me a call or give some questions here in the chat so thank you for your attention and hope we see us in Notebook thank you very much thank you Professor for a very nice presentation and yeah we can also uh take over some of the questions in the chat whenever you have time and meanwhile we will move to our last speaker for today and once again I will remind that we everyone that will open a live Q&A session also after this presentation we are moving to T darad drne she will talk about master of science level program in civil Eng engineering and here also in the map you can see where ta damat is located and with that I’m handing it over to our guest you are muted Dr Z it happens beginnner error yeah thank you very much um I’m just sharing my screen so you can see presentation right now yes okay yeah hello everyone and a very warm welcome to the presentation of our bilingual master in B engineer Vis civil engineering my name is Regina Zine and I’m the international coordinator and the staff member of the office of student affairs at the Department of Civil and environmental engineering at Technical University of Dad with me today here is my colleague of the study advisory service at the department Max who can answer especially subject specific questions regarding research or teaching teaching content okay then let’s start with a presentation of our bilingual master in civil engineering at Tad first of all to give you just a short idea about the content for uh context for your studies I would like to give you some facts about our department the department consists of 27 chairs and has a very interdisciplinary character it covers the fields of civil engineering environmental engineering and of geodesy its 13 institutes are occupied with the topic ICS construction planning and water to Cluster them roughly you will find these topics represented in the research subjects of the civil engineering master program at T damad as a whole there are currently about 25,000 students enrolled and about 1,800 of them study at our department about 20% of the students of our department have an International background our department is located at the campus L Visa which can be translated as Meadow of light most other engineering Departments of Technical University of DED are also located here th surrounded by Forest the campus is only 10 minutes away from the inner city by tram or by bus or by bike in the right picture you see a very nice place to be in the summer this is the Beer Garden at the campus so far for the department and the campus now we’re coming to the program itself so why should you choose our master program in civil engineering what is specific for the program this program was designed with the intention of giving students the greatest possible freedom of choice so what’s really special about it is that you create your study plan largely individually and tailor to your specific interests there is only one compulsory course and apart from this a wide range of courses from the various fields of civil and environmental engineering from solid construction mechanics and transport to Hydraulic Engineering and geodesy in a few minutes I will introduce the structure of the pro program in detail this fourth semester full-time program is taught in English and in German with mandatory shares of each language our aim is to qualify you for working in an international and interdisciplinary context we believe that a degree in this international program is the perfect prerequisite for entering both the German and the international labor market as you can see in this scheme the program structure allows an individual design of your study plan and it offers a wide range of choices we offer 18 research subjects out of which you choose three and select one of them as a specialization in the second year the only mandatory course is the interdisciplinary project and even in this course students can choose from several different project offers the scheme also shows the wide range of about 180 elective courses you can use the electives either to further deepen your research subjects or to broaden your professional expertise in the fourth semester you choose the topic of your Master’s thesis according to your own interests creating your individual study plan requires a certain amount of self-organization and personal responsibility but we won’t leave you to it later I will present the various contact and counseling options that we offer in the department I would now like to give you an overview o of the variety of possible research subjects that can be chosen here are the offered subject in the field of construction I won’t read them all to you but I think even a short look gives you a good impression in the field of planning we offer two traffic related subjects besides real estate valuation and environmental spatial and infrastructure planning and our water related subjects are water management sanitary engineering and Hydraulic Engineering as this is a bilingual program I would like to say something about the languages of instruction the program structure provides for the basic knowledge to be taught in English language and for the in-depth knowledge the specialization courses to be taught in German so in the first year you study predominantly in English while while in the second year you take predominantly German taught courses all over to finish your degree it is mandatory to complete 42 credits each in English and German for 36 credits you are free to choose English or German taught courses the master thesis can be written either in English or in German we require approve of English language skills by by the end of second semester at the latest we do not require a proof of German language proficiency of course German skills are essential for the program but we leave it up to the students to learn the language up to the necessary level in their own responsibility within the study program it is also possible to spend time abroad either as an exchange student or with a goal of a double or dual degree we attached great importance to individual support shortly after admission you will be contacted and guided by student buddies who are in their Master studies at our department and who will help you to orientate at the university the city and the region and at the department they offer several workshops to give you good start for your studies and are open to your questions the international student service supports you in Visa issues and in finding an accommodation opening a bank account or in appointments uh with the Foreigner’s office the student advisory service helps you in creating your individual study plan and can answer subject related questions the study Office Team supports you in organization issues and explains program and study related regulations and last but not least in the first semester you will be assigned a professor as Mentor who will support and advise you in specific professional questions or questions about career options to end this brief presentation I would like to show some Impressions from the teaching and research on the left you see a picture from an Excursion to the production side of the air rated concrete block eong the picture in the middle stems from a research project and strengthening of thin sheets for use in civil engineering and the picture on the right shows results from the interdisciplinary student project in which students pled bridges that later were printed using a 3D printer the deep forest project is carried out by The Institute of geodesy and deals with remote sensing methods for estimating the lower layers of forest vegetation in the middle you see an experiment in Hydraulic Engineering and the vision Tower as particularly lightweight tower construction was developed by students in constructive design so much for the program presentation I thank you very much for your attention I would be very pleased if you enjoyed this information about the program and if I may welcome you as a student our department in one of the next semesters I hope that we have roused your interest and look forward to your questions fantastic thank you very much very good presentation and yeah let me now open open the floor for the questions actually thanks everyone who already participated in answering the questions in the chat many very a lot of questions answered in the chat thanks aot everyone for that there are some open and uh let me start with them maybe um okay so let me start with this one exactly for damad it’s not not answered yet would you say B1 German would be a good entry point for the program for damad yes I would because um students start mainly with English in the first year and this was exactly the idea in in the creation of the program to give students the chance to improve their English uh their their German skills within one year and to get ready for the German taught courses or modules in the second year yes B1 would definitely be a good starting point in German perfect thank you very much uh professor goad now question for you um what are the application requirements what documents do you need from the applicants okay so well um I’m not um the expert of the application because we have an a special um sorry my energy is out okay so we have a special uh uh uh field here for the application um that’s why I also Implement in the chat uh the link for the application there you can find every information of the application skill and it seems very easy because we have a lot of um students which reach these application uh with uh very high success so please be so kind um and follow the link yes okay great thank you very much the link is in the chat dear attendees I hope you can also see it as I see it um okay one question for Dr borf uh the question is also you addressed already this question in the chat but to make voice up once again do you require or prepare for Leed certification yeah I answered this also in the chat um no we don’t yeah that that is a thing for the us we are not preparing for that I would need to check what what is but we don’t do this okay and we don’t require it yeah okay great that’s good to know now I have two questions regarding this topic let me combine them and let me start with you again Dr bof so uh would you so the question is regarding um so uh the housing uh so what would be your advice so to say regarding the housing at your location when students should apply how available the the housings are dormitories for example and so on so forth um when it comes regarding housing um I follow this procedure as soon as the students get an ad admission you will get an email from my side to apply for the dormitories as soon as possible it opens in April here in VMA and it’s highly uh requested therefore I I recommend not to postpone the application until the latest date because also Visa process takes a bit time and I inform about that but despite that we have also an open market here that that is um yeah High highly demanded therefore it is Affordable but um at at the moment um you have yeah if there’s the Internationals need help we have study guides that help in this direction regard but normally all the students get somehow and housing but for the Internationals I recommend to apply as soon as possible when you know you start to study in Vima to apply for the domitor because I think that’s most convenient for you as Internationals okay perfect thank you very much same question for you Professor bad uh okay so the question was sorry again regarding what would be your general advice in terms of for students who would like to have the housing find the housing okay yes so well we have a special internet page so I can get you the link there for and we have special uh Apartments here on the campus in no book um there a special apartment for the international student as well as for the German student and they are living close to each other keep in mind that there are two persons rooms and um if there are if you need some help so we also here very close and Tiny compos so come to me or come to the compass manager and we will find an solution or write us an email so this is the fastest way but we have a lot of um opportunities um to reach Flats as well as student student wiim thank you yeah perect thank you very much and same question for to damad yeah um the housing market in D is quite tense to we must say so it’s uh um it’s not so easy for students to find uh find accommodation but t d supports especially International students in finding accommodation via the international student services um there are of course student oratories for our students but they do not suffice for all our students 25,000 um so students should be a little bit flexible um for example um keeping in mind that also the surrounding area at dumad is very well connect connected to this City and um if you search a little bit outside of the city um then you will yeah you will easier find flat or a share flat maybe yeah maybe just to add uh on that I sent also in the link the housing assistant of T damad link so uh even if you are not cannot apply for dories or non-commercial doitor of t damad uh you can find help there or use one of the internet web platforms to yeah look for shed flat or something okay perfect thank you very much for the Edition uh Professor bad a question for you uh is there a German language class before the start of the regular classes that we can attend yes uh well so where we are planning uh for a special German uh class and we also have German courses here in nbook for or peop so there you can take part of these kind of course and so um yes keep in mind that we are starting with this bachelor program last year or last semester so we are in the second semester and therefore we have a lot of potential to um yes to plan such German courses for you yes but in in Noor we have uh some other um language schools therefore you can take part of these kind of schools yes and thank you very much and could you there was a followup question could you remind us what was the exact level of English that you require was it C1 level no it is I think it’s B2 yes it’s B2 yes perfect thanks a lot uh now two question I mean the same question for Master’s uh degree programs so let me start with uh T darad in this case is is there any specific GPA that you require for the applicants to have in order to qualify no no we make an individual re review of documents so review each um transcript of records of an applicant um and what is important for us is that um a couple of um special uh subjects have been um have been taken successfully and we also have um self comp statement that we ask applicants to fill in um in order for them to to know about our um um um requirements sorry um and this is exactly what we what we later search for in the in the transcripts of Records we we also require course description so that we can really find out what the qualifications are and if the if the applicants fit to our program but there’s no no specific gbaa required clear okay and in viar so yeah in waar we have a GPA that is required uh what you need to study nhre is that you need to successfully have passed a bachelor in uh CI of Science in civil engineering um with a an German equivalent grade of 2.5 at least uh it is also or we recommend uh that that you have uh good basics in Structural Engineering steel construction reinforced concrete a TI techniques because it should be in your interest to successfully pass at the end the master if you come to Germany and study abroad and uh that is the interest behind that and if you didn’t do a bachelor of science then you might had the project work or something like that then if you apply by uni assist you are requested to upload such a document or a part of it uh just to prove that you know a bit how to work scientifically and that uh is not that is something that is forwarded to us and we check this uh with your application and additional regarding English proficiency we have the level of the upper B2 level yeah and um just specific numbers are given on our homepage under this tab application and feel free to write me an email because then I replying you again with all these information um if you Me Maybe not get something here yeah at this detail thanks thanks a lot for openness to answer questions all the time that’s perfect and last question may be for today and then we can call it today um so there was a question whether students can work as a as assistants of professors in relevant projects part-time for example let me start with you uh Dr bov because you already addressed this question maybe once again to um voice it up yeah um actually a lot of our students that are studying the master course are also working as as co-workers student co-workers at different chairs either as Tutors or interest search projects that often relate to their personal interests also I wouldn’t suggest to take part uh in such a work if you are not really interested in a topic and you have already the goal to go something in more detail and and you have somehow a goal in that but that is possible here and normally the students start to work as as co-workers uh in the second semester the first semester is quite dense when you start here you have to manage to you come to Germany you start to live here new culture uh it gets winter it gets darker and so on a lot of things to do but in summer semester a lot of our students are doing that and it’s normally around 30 to 4 40 hours per month um if you are studying part-time then maybe more and uh during the master thesis also some students are combining their co-working with their Master thesis topic and going more deeper into research that that is quite often the case perfect thank you very much for your comprehensive answer uh T dad the same question yeah thank you um yes of course it is possible to work as a student assistant um and I know quite many do so but maybe Max can tell a bit more about it because he’s much more into the teaching content and and the research content than than I am yes thank you um yeah actually I can repeat a lot of uh Miss uh fin Stu already said uh it’s quite the same here maybe in addition to that since Ste dam is a quite big university I don’t know how it’s with the other universities how it’s about the other universities but since we have a big university um for example I as a research assistant work on um research projects and supervised by my professor and um within the research project is uh common to have some student assistants who uh either work within the project and get supervised by myself um not that often by the professor himself or herself and um but there’s also an option to uh also contribute uh or work as a student uh within the teaching uh courses so not in um research but in teaching and both options are possible but um yeah it should be clear that maybe not all but 10 to 20% of students are working as student workers at University okay great thank you also for these numbers that’s perfect and yeah uh Professor bad from your side yes thank you so we also offer some student jobs uh for with the professors so they can help them um not as in the way as in t damad or in VMA but we have very close and Tiny jobs for example they can make a better slides for our professor search some literature and of course they make some events so we have a special uh event with uh the students circular uh e economics for example and therefore they make some small events for example some discussions for litters and um recycling things they offer an clothing Market as well and so this is um yes um with the helping and H for with the professors so um we offer also in The Bachelor programs some student Works yes okay perfect and from my side Adia just quickly to answer your question yes of course it’s valuable more experience and more relevant you have it’s better and it’s easier to find a job afterwards of course all right um that’s great thank you very much everyone I have a special thank you slide also for the guest thanks a lot for your uh presentations thanks a lot for answering the questions in the chat also live better comprehensive answers honest answers that’s always appreciated and for your openness to ask for more and more for follow-up questions dear attendees so as you could hear if you have any follow-up questions if You’ like to elaborate more on some topics you can get in touch uh with the guests with our guests and they will help you out to find the answers to your questions if if you have any general questions like un assis was mentioned Visa was mentioned I saw in the questions 18 months visa and stuff like this these kind of general questions you can also find answers Also regarding the dad scholarship you can find answers in our um in our articles for example during our general webinars or also during you can get in touch with us through our social media especially and we can help you out with that as well and for now I would like to say once again thanks everyone and I wish you a very nice rest of the day and hopefully we’ll meet each other on our future webinars take care and bye-bye

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