You guessed it~ The Shimanikaido; Quite possibly the most beautiful ocean walk or cycle that one can do~ And today we are going to explore the area and show you what it’s like!! Joined by a true Ehime prefecture local, @sherryberryjp, it’s going to be a great morning!!

    Day 5 of the @TokyoLens 1,000,000 Seconds Through Japan Adventure!


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    for good morning everybody how is the audio so far are we doing okay for good morning everybody from the shimanami kaido in ibaraki prefecture I couldn’t think of a better opening shot and this morning we are going to be walking some of this bridge right here and exploring a little bit about the area see what it has to offer it has been nearly 10 years since I have stepped foot in this area and this is a beautiful walk and hopefully on the way there we’re not going to lose too much sign we’re coming down from a parking area right now and get to go through the tunnel along the way and we have a guest Good morning Sherry good morning everybody good morning Norm good morning so Sherry since we’re miked up we really have to kind of speak loud because it’s going to be a lot quieter than the normal microphones okay and so our first challenge of the day yep is right here this tunnel it’s not that bad it’s not that bad I think we we’re going to have to do it as a bit of a dash okay do you have do you have the energy I know you woke up really early this morning to get out here and I’m not a morning person Sherry woke up at something like 2:45 in the morning today oh yeah to drive all the way out here and meet us so thank you for that Sherry you’re welcome you know what actually I want to start out here I want to take a peek like right at the ocean so so Sherry is actually a Japanese local from this area and we met out here in Shoku about 10 years ago during an event it was a a baseball event of all things I’m not a sports person Som yes that we were both like yeah we were both out here volunteering for a baseball event and one of the stops on that event cuz they did some like touristy type stuff to show us the area was the shimanami kaido actually parked here I think we might have we might have parked right there and Sh want to say good morning hi hi everybody good morning this is Sherry here there we go um there we are okay so Sherry yep as a very exciting Adventure start I’m going to get you to hold this okay because my shoelace has come on tied and I need to tie my shoelace so all right guys now to walk all of this would be quite a walk but we’re going to kind of kick things off and see what we can do so also I want to give some big love to buzzin pet rock the newest member of the patreon crew for starting these super chats off thank you so much and of course Tim for keeping that ball rolling saying for bribing Sherry not to kill you for making her wake up early Sher you’ve been bribed you’ve officially and Sparky Santos in there as well keeping the Super Chat ball rolling and Kyle be back in here with a very generous morning super chance saying Ohio Sher and Norm here’s a little something for you both to enjoy beverages of your choice to start the day is gorgeous view thank you both for getting up early to show us this thank you I’m glad we could that is the perfect shot right there there is literally no more perfect morning shot than this one right here we got a beautiful washroom right here as well you know what I could have probably just like parked my camper van around this area rather than going all the way up that hill but it was dark and I don’t remember the area so I parked unnecessarily far an absolutely gorgeous start to the morning and Carl in there keeping that Super Chat ball rolling saying always nice to see Sher such a positive energy a thank you Sherry you just got to accused the positive energy how are you going to take that there we are oh Beautiful Beautiful Morning View and we got the perfect day for it too oh yeah we’re wind actually so far so far I know it’s actually even the water is very calm we’ve got no wind and we’re going to see how far we can now there are walkways through here that we can use to get up onto the bridge bridge and that is our goal today but I uh it’s it’s a wee bit tricky yeah I don’t remember the pathways so the bridge is actually right there the bridge is right there right now we are in imab budy and and this is the shimanami kaido area we’re going to walk out this way and try and make our way to the bridge and so we’re doing a bit of an audio check here you know har Sherry I almost called you Harry har hey Sherry became hary I’m going to move my mic up just a tiny bit to quiet there we go that should bring that up and I will help move your mic up just a little bit as well okay I’m going to just adjust this here there we go Norman hary Norman hary there we go okay so that should hopefully give us slightly better audio volume let me know how it sounds guys if the audio is as perfect as I think it should be we’re going to have good I have no idea where this leads to this definitely doesn’t feel like it leads to the bridge but it feels like we’ve got to start here right it’s just a tiny bit creepy but actually look on on camera so it’s much for us here that was it’s much it’s very bright on camera yeah so on the camera it looks good but and Evon in here keeping that Super Chat ball rolling saying definitely a great Sunrise to get up early for morning beverage later thank you so much so there is a and so we’re going to come through this way and ven saying what a you thank you for waking up early to show it to us in here with a super chat really appreciate that just look at the camera when you’re walking it won’t look dark all right it’s a nice walk I feel like it’s got to go where we’re trying to go so yeah I feel like this path kind of circumvents the the the tunnel there and it’s just so much nicer than having to full on Sprint through a tunnel anyway that’s true so so where is everybody watching from this morning this is the official start to day five of 1 million seconds across Japan look at this Sherry’s excited about the boat yeah we got a big boat over here we got weak signal and little boat there okay we’re going to hurry just a little not the start that we want but it’s the start that we’ve got all right we’re booking it just a little bit hopefully the signal isn’t too bad guys and that did bring us out to the other side of the tunnel it’s giving me low signal warnings but I think we’re okay I think we’re all right woo the day starts with excitement so Sherry yep how far away from here were you born uh like two hours away by car two hours away by okay can we touch the bridge I feel like we got to start by high-fiving the bridge this is the walkway to the bridge this might be the walkway to the bridge high five here we go the bridge has been high fived first thing in the morning and see there’s the car section there it looks like there’s a foot path as well okay so Sher is researching Sherry’s like where so Sherry one of the weird things for this area yeah um I took a peek yesterday and Google Maps was about as useful as those referees at Foot Locker and so I would say we want to use Apple Maps if you’ve got it on your phone Apple Maps Okay yeah Apple Maps actually had a pretty decent layout I think I see the entrance to to it right over here and this is that old song you spin me right round in Road form and Catherine in here with a lovely Super Chat getting the morning started saying that view deserves a sunrise drink I’ve always wondered if the shimi Kyo was walkable or if it was really only for cycling right so everybody Cycles this area but one of my goals today was to show you guys that this is actually a walkable path you can walk it if you want to and it is such a peaceful and lovely walk so Catherine super glad that I was able to show that and another Super Chat in here from Dan saying following you on Google Maps from I’m not Trier Trier Germany no need to jog the signal is already better thank you very much is this Rainbow Bridge is this Rainbow Bridge no this is not Rainbow Bridge we are not in Tokyo we are out in ahime prefecture and this is the shimanami kaido in imab so this this is where things kick off right here I kind of like it I kind of like how there’s like a whole there’s a ginsky section yeah wow okay wonderful and to give you guys a little Peak at the cycling Road here there we are there’s all these different scenes to see alone on the way and likely we’re not going to make it like 1% of this this even cycling is quite a journey but I do want to take you guys out onto the bridge to see what it’s like so this is what we’re going to do there’s another stairway down there every time I see a Stairway and I don’t know where it goes I’m tempted to explore Sher also has some pretty big news what’s your big News Sherry I am moving to Tokyo yes after after 400 years of living in ahime Sherry is finally moving out to Tokyo very soon by the way too very very soon I’m not ready I haven’t packed anything so yeah yes that’s on you that’s on you you see there was a a small option within this trip for Sherry to end up joining us from this point in the adventure and go back to uh Tokyo via camper van true true but aside from not being ready while the camper van probably could house two people it wouldn’t be a comfortable housing well now have seen your camper B in person I know how tiny it is yeah yeah it is definitely a k camper vanent and sorry but I take up the majority of the space in there and Chris St I hope I said that right I feel like I didn’t just dropped in a Super Chat as well as Steward here saying but would you take The Stairway to Heaven it’s a it’s a song Stairway to Heaven and it’s one of the it’s like a I think the longest version it’s like seven minutes but I think there’s like an 11 minute version oh okay and when I was in high school I played guitar and it took so long to learn that song There we go that is a beautiful beautiful morning Bridge shot right there oh wow wow and Sher we got another boat oh boat sher’s very excited about the boats there are many you know there are quite a few boats yeah can you drive those uh about that size yeah as long as it’s not like a a giant tanker or something yeah I am licensed to do it co just another normal day on your trip I see what you did there yes it is just another normal day on my trip here aside from the the backpack I have to carry my backpack today and Sher tried to lift it up for me and couldn’t even get it off the ground yeah I uh it’s one of the things that like you know it doesn’t really make it into the streams right the fact that I’m carrying like a 22 1 12 kg backpack for these walks but and j o in there with a super chat thank you so much as well as Phoenix fire saying have a coffee on me a beautiful day lots of love from Germany you know I would say that out of all the viewers that I have the opportunity to run into I probably run into the most like German viewers of anything interesting and always always a treat like they’re always super super kind I probably run into German viewers in Akihabara like three four times a week oh a week and this is the walk that we’re going to be doing here up onto the Bridge Co cool all right so did did you need the jacket I’m if you get too hot let me know Sher was like it’s it’s really it’s actually nice temperature today I was worried about wind more than anything so I encourage Sherry to wear the jacket if you get too hot I think there’s space in my overly heavy bag so yeah more heavy so Sher and I had met at the event out here in ahim a decade ago it’s amazing how fast a decade can go by and shortly after that I would say within a few years Sherry and I started a nonprofit organization yep uh for like kind of bringing more attention to the area under the guise of being a Communications uh kind of organization and that did really well and then the pandemic so yeah that was uh yeah until then it was quite good o yep my IM bud is famous for uh making chips okay so so imab Budd is actually really well known for two things and that’s one of them would you share what else EMA buddies famous for with everybody a towel why is IMA buddy famous for towels I I I think imabari is they have a lot of factories okay like many different kinds and then one of them is ships and then the other is towels because they have their own skills to uh weave okay and then supposed to make the towel more like um absorbable absor absorbent absorbent of water and it’s I think it’s now like like known in World worldwide known it’s early in the morning it is it is can I just ask one question about your explanation there yeah were you going to say absorbable yeah you were trying to say absorbable aren you I could feel it and so this area of imemo budy is known for that and known for a ship building so this is a giant ship building yard and you can actually see ships that are in the process of being built right now is not a capital city of but it’s pretty rich area they make a lot of money off of those and I hope nobody’s afraid of heights because we are we are high up it’s kind of like a a narrow walkway and usually you’ll see signs along here that will say keep left and it’s because they’ll have traffic coming in both directions and they would prefer it if you don’t bump into each other or get knocked off the edge cuz it’s a highway so and this section here has this beautiful walking path there we go need to adjust this up a little more so we can see the sunshine the sunrise this section here has a dedicated bike and walking path but not all sections of it do and on the event that Sherry and I met at a decade ago we got together and there’s like couple hundred people at that event oh yeah never seen that many people name it and our teams got paired yep Sherry was taking care of a group of kids from Australia Australia and America Australia and America and I was taking care of a group of kids from Germany now we both had our language difficulties uhhuh because my German kids did not speak English uh yeah yeah and so I had to learn like all my like normal morning greetings like Morgan you know and like at the time I was able to ask like uh or say like oh it’s time for shower and I learned all these like German phrases and Sher had trouble with the Australian accent oh yeah kids are fine kids accents are not that bad but like chapon from each country and her Australian accent was really thick yeah I had like English translator so we’ve got the shimanami kaido which has both a walking and cycling route and then takes us toii we’re not going to be doing the 69 km walk unfortunately but maima 1.5 km feels like a doable walk so we will go this way and Jo in here Joe with a super chat saying awesome views hugs from Virginia thank you very much and Sherry was asking about the boats earlier because what 2 and a half years ago now maybe 3 years I got my boat captain’s license here in Japan and one of the things I really have wanted to do and not yet managed to is come out to the shimanami kaido area and the Setai area and cuz this is the second most famous area in Japan for pirates ah right right right right yeah yeah so this area as well as kagoshima were really well-known Japanese Pirates like zones so in English Pirates say y y not R yeah so do you think like in know Japanese strugle with r and l so it would be like Yow Yow and we can see the base of the supports to the bridge right there and very understandably today there will be much less jaywalking on on this stream I didn’t expect Sher to enjoy that so much thank you Sherry and there’s like a blinking five out on the top on the top that’s an N oh n wait it was five and now it’s n n five maybe it’s s Sherry wait is that is somebody telling us to go to that Island no see N Norm s Sherry arrow down come here oh my God we’re being invited to that Island guys all right so I guess tomorrow’s live stream is going to be from that island that is spectacular oh I’m so happy to be like welcomed to Aime in such a wonderful way and while we’re very lucky today very very lucky with wind like there is no wind at the moment yep like that wind sock is just it’s just taking a break he’s able to take a nap relax doesn’t have to worry about a thing and this oh wow look at the mountains out here too oh okay I’m going to zoom into these guys a spectacular spectacular View and then over here it just gets very like fluffy Mountain but those rolling mountains in the background like the what we got wow we got big shipping boats out here as well yeah so I always think that like you know when I think of Japan and Pirates because Japan has a long long pirate history I think you know well Japan isn’t that well known for pirates and then I remember one piece exists like you know people might have an image of Japan and Pirates learn about Pirates I guess they like soundly like was like promoting pirate really yeah like you know a couple years ago did you know about those pirates I would not be surprised if that was tied to one piece’s popularity you see so I want to show you guys something on the island and then I want to talk about something that Shoku in Japan in general is very very bad at so Annette Anderson in here with a super chat saying drinks for Sherry and Norm Annette thank you so much for being here for every single live stream and parag green Walter SP that is an amazing name says morning from our family here in Leeds UK watching this right from us parents and Alice and Tess well thank you so much for that okay so oh it’s the island back there oh look at this though what a scene so I thought it was inviting us to this little village down here yeah I was like ah okay yeah actually down even right down here I thought that I someone fishing someone fishing yeah right down on the Rock there huh and so I thought it was here but the island that we’re being invited out to is actually much further out there Sher how we going to get there well I think there’s a long road ahead of us and so Sherry and I in spending several years years running an NPO focused on bringing more attention to the area of shikoku learned that the one thing that shikoku is really really bad at is knowing what’s good about shikoku that is true maybe that kind of includes me cuz I grew up here yeah when you’re too close to the subject matter it’s really hard to appreciate yeah cuz I I remember like one of the first times you came out here and you were excited about those mountains and I like the mountains yeah yeah and a super chat from GB Crush saying starting your Sydney Harbor Bridge climb fund it’s touristy but incredible especially in the wind I hope you get there someday I will likely be out in Sydney uh somewhere around August or September and for those in trusted in potential events meetups Etc that is all in the newsletter which is linked in the description box today so when I was in Toronto uh all of my Japanese friends were knew more about Toronto than I did they knew all the really cool spots and oh I’m just loving this view they knew all the really cool spots they knew all the amazing things to do in the area much much much better than I did and so it’s reasonable that coming to Japan you know the the people closest to the subject matter don’t know as much but for example Ki yeah you and I went out to KI how many years ago I don’t know like 8 six are very different numbers Shar I’m going to go ahead and say it’s probably closer to eight okay um whatever it is just add two to three years because of the pandemic oh that’s right yeah and so the the pandemic was like like when Thanos snapped everyone away and the Avengers brought them back like we just lost those years you know and so the uh wow I’m just so distracted by The View and we found some really amazing places in culi like just purely hidden gems like do you remember that like crack in the mountain that I found and I was like I I think we need to like stop the car and like go in there thinking it was a cave mhm but it was actually like this like Hidden Valley like within the mountains that look like the Fountain of Youth and it was spectacularly gorgeous okay so guys I’m going to put it up to a vote to you guys and I want to see as many votes as fast as possible are we going to continue walking this road cu the the the view will likely remain this for a while or are we going to make our way back a little bit into imab budy and check out the layout of the Town nearby cuz there’s place you can rent those rent cycles and everything like that let us know what you want to see I just wanted to get back up on this bridge because it’s been so long since I’ve been up here taking a break to watch a little of this and get me through the rest of my shift going to be in the UK when you are I think oh no way you got to come to the event much love from Arizona thank you so much Chelsea thank you okay so oh right now it is kind of we have bridge and then okay so we’re getting a a fairly even mix leaning more towards like exploring the town so what we’re going to do is we’re going to explore a bit more of the bridge just because I’m loving the sunrise and then we’re going to go explore some of the town because I I really want to see what’s available and buzzins pet rock saying thanks for showing the sights I missed when I crossed the bridge years ago it was still too early and dark when we drove oh no way that’s too bad well I’m glad that I could share this with you we’re going to do both we’re going to check out a little more bridge and then we’re going to go check out the town because I actually really like emo budy when we were here yeah yeah there’s like lots of little stuff to check out remember like we were talking about it and then I was like I didn’t do the walk I last time I did this Bridge Walk was like when I was in school and you’re like the Event Y so yeah we don’t remember the event especially thei part sher’s forgotten everything also we’ve got a a one large pirate ship out here yeah it’s not an actual pirate ship but no it looks like it it does it does I would Pirates would be on that boat and Jacko in here with a super chat saying absolutely adore that area with the bridge among the trees water remember to stay hydrated get yourself and Sherry a hot beverage thank you so much for that Thank You So for anybody who is just joining in now this is officially oo I just I love that punched in view of the bridge sorry for all the the Sho Sho Sho fastness guys uh this is the official start of day five of one million seconds traveling Japan you know okay so believe it or not this 1 million seconds traveling Japan yes in English it’s an absolutely terrible like it’s very long yeah 1 million seconds traveling Japan like there’s so many syllables to deal with that’s true I actually came up with it in my head in Japanese first and I kind of I translated it okay yeah yeah that’s a lot better it is a lot better in fact I I made a coin I made a coin okay I this designed like a whole like brass I don’t know what it’s going to be made out of coin for this and when this whole thing wraps up I’m thinking of doing some giant and wonderful Niabi challenge where people can get the coin or some form of [Music] prize if they complete I you know I’m not going to get into the details yet cuz it’s still very much in the planning phases okay but yeah the whole thing came into my head in Japanese and we got cyclists coming here so we’re going to move our way out to the side they’re really nice too yeah they do the uh International cycling I think it’s a race or something once a year oh that’s like one of the biggest events around here wow yeah I think there were uh like uh signs for it on the ground and alist there in here saying when and where are you in the UK first live stream I’ve managed to catch in over a year that is absolutely fantastic I’m going to be holding an event in the UK in July I believe it’s going to be July 13th on a Saturday and I’m actually going to be there with one of the members of Kiki that’s got z s players that I do so much work with and we’re going to be putting on a little bit of a shamien performance as well as a hangout session and all of the access for pre-registration for that is in my newsletter that gets sent out the next newsletter is going to be a banger it’s going to be coming out today or tomorrow you can find that in the description box there’s also going to be maps for each and every one of these walks yeah so I’m building out maps for all of these Walks Like route maps of everywhere I’ve walked and putting that in there as well so that people can try it if they want to fun I thought so actually I lied I said I’m building out route Maps this was actually a beautiful and wonderful idea by one of my biggest supporters the color 12 who the last time I did one of these Adventures mapped every single Road for me and just like shot off he’s like here and I was like man it’s such a waste that I’m not like doing anything with these These are amazing and he actually came by the studio and we did coffee and we chatted and we’re like you know what I’ve got an adventure coming up this year let’s make something of it so and art from the heart long time no see how you do it you can hear the smile on my face can’t you with a super chat in here saying coming from the land of the sinking pothole UK I mean all of that bridge good morning Norman Sherry thank you for doing this clo hey for me this is just I’m on this schedule now Sherry is the hard worker who woke pre 3:00 a.m. for this and that ship is coming right towards us and looks amazing now there we go there we are I really love the look of that can I get the ship and the mountains there’s there’s the shot right there the ship coming towards us with the mountains nice oh I love it a little bit too much that is spectacular and I was just scrolling through to make sure I didn’t miss anything El okay so that being said I’m also very curious about this green buoy out here and I was hoping I’d be able to see a little bit better it looks like a little mini castle Yeah that’s called bu in English too I well I don’t actually think it’s a buoy but it’s so far away I can’t tell what it is it’s just like I thought there was like English and the Japanese and then to same oh yeah the the English word is is buoy we say say buoy but one of the things that I’m actually noticing out here as a registered Japan boat captain I’m just going to toss that in there again humble brag not humble at all is that there are very few buoys in the water for either fishing or warning buoys or any of that in this this is a very clean and clear area if you go through uh the the Tokyo Bay Area there are a ton of danger zones that you have to watch out for oh boating through Tokyo requires a secondary set of training in addition to the license just so that you can use the Tokyo bay area and we got a nice yeah you haven’t had a chance to come out on a boat with me in Tokyo yet have you nope we talk about it nope all right I thought that white thing is also but like it’s pulling that ship it’s really hard to because it’s so far away it’s it’s a challenge for sure and people saying wonder if anybody lives on that island actually a lot of these islands out here are inhabited uh if I punch in here you can see a little town there and if you haven’t already do me a favor give that like button some love all right Sherry y here is a little English challenge for you so you see two boats right here right yep all right you know what’s happening there right the front one is pulling the back one do you know what the front one is called one is called I have no idea what what’s another word for pole like a little pole starts with a T toe ah very close very close actually oh yeah I I didn’t even think of toe yes uh but no tug a tu that is a tugboat oh a tuug tu yeah huh sounds cute there we go and our boat is getting closer and closer he’s actually really booking it through the water though he’s making some good time and Dan in here saying you need to go to sushima tomorrow that would be uh that’ be quite the through quite the trip ah see he’s got just it’s amazing he’s just got that one long cable yeah and it’s a it’s a tiny toug boat most of them are yeah yeah yeah yeah it’s got to be powerful right yeah yeah they that’s a rusty old chip that is actually called a barge barge yep is it a size or the shape uh more the the shape and function so like uh a barge like that will often be used for example in Tokyo these will be used a lot for construction when they’re like cleaning out when they’re picking up dirt from the or like uh soil from the base yeah and they’re like moving it from place to Pace they’ll use boats like that to transport it uh if you go to Amsterdam you will see them it looks like the world’s worst EO catcher because they will pull a barge through through the rivers of Amsterdam with a crane on it and just scoop out bike after bike after bike you would be shocked at just how many bikes come out of there we’ve already got a new ship coming there we are okay so we’ made it a good distance across here but there’s so much to explore in the town so we’re going to go for a walk with our shadows hi Sher hi sh you know what rarely on the Tokyo lens Explore videos I will turn it around and with the sun in the background and I got to like angle it down otherwise we can’t or I can I could Crouch I could like I’m ducking but so so Sherry here was born in AIM in 1925 and has been raised out in this area and after spending her entire life here with a little bit of time in the US Sher is officially finally moving to Tokyo which was supposed to happen before the pandemic yeah yeah yeah like 3 years ago but life kind of took a bit of a change and if you’re interested in following along you can just click the tag to her Channel and she has been doing live streams and everything leading up to her moving there you got a live stream coming this week yeah definitely live stream coming this week my hometown I so you’re going to like write in MMA area yeah I haven’t really like thought of like what I’m going to show cuz like I’ve done like mat Castle or do area like somewhat touristy but like also out I can show some like local views like pathway pathway path or something but uh yeah guys if you haven’t already do me a favor give the like button some love just for sharing getting up at like 2:45 in the morning to drive all the way out here for this so plus I kept her waiting yesterday yesterday let me turn this back around and show this view yesterday I got slightly delayed in arriving to see Sherry as along the way I found the most real life like there’s so many places it’s getting to the point where it’s it’s genuinely a meme on the channel at this point where everything reminds me of jibli a but have you seen that yeah on a scale of 1 to 10 on a scale of 1 to 10 how much did the location that I showed you the photos of from yesterday remind you of Na oh yeah yeah yeah yeah uh close to 10 yeah yeah yeah it didn’t feel real being there and it was something that I just happened to stumble across and so I that one’s going to make it into the main video that’ll go on the main Channel but also I managed to record the drive out there oh because as I was driving the roads were just gorgeous just spectacular and I was like you know what we 100% 100% have to uh like I got I got to share I got to share so I got out I attached a camera to the car and then I just shared the drive but then as I pulled the car up I was in for a huge surprise and so I just kind of showed the entire area as well and just double checking through here and and okay yeah at the moment on my current estimate if I don’t calm down on finding amazing spots in recording the main video could be as much as 4 hours 4 hours I don’t want to release a 4our video cuz if the video is 4 hours I’m probably looking at 400 hours of editing right so you know YouTube can’t handle 4 Hour video right um I probably won’t actually really s it 4 hours so it’s not a concern that I have but we got incredibly lucky you see I had a bit of a failure the other day in this adventure I was trying to reach a spot that is famously difficult to reach they say you have maybe a 20% chance of reaching there yeah and if you don’t get back within the same day you have a 20% chance of getting back yeah I know why would I do it right yeah but I failed which is like actually a very good thing because I’ve looked at the weather and all the other requirements to get there every day since and I would not have gotten back ah so like if you if you actually went there you’ll be trapped for like how long yeah had I actually gone there I would have been trapped for upwards of like 5 to 6 days and there’s no way that I’d be able to carry that much food food yeah yeah because there’s actually a weight limit on what you can carry it’s not even the food that concerns me like we can survive without food it’s the water that concerns me right so it’s like a hey Sherry you’re on camera we waved so the island that’s on an island right it’s kind of an island but it’s not just the island isn’t the necessarily the hard part to get to it is but it’s going to I’m going to have to it’s going to have to go on the it’s going to have to go in the main Adventure it’s a lot to explain and I unfortunately don’t know the next time I’ll have a chance but in my long history of trying to travel and explore places in Japan I have failed to reach as many places as I’ve succeeded reaching and I always manag to get back and do them what is this up here I think that’s the uh The Observatory space baby that I didn’t climb up the hill for huh okay you kept in suspense long enough now did the ice machine work ice machine what ice machine you keep looking at that Island tsima go all right it looks like we’re going to have to I did not realize my my other phone was playing in the background but tshi like the the tsushima is in like ghosts of tsushima is oh that’s a different sushima see all right I was thinking sushima in Nagasaki yeah yeah apparently that little island that we’ve been looking at the entire time is also called Tuma I wonder if it oh never mind the other one is ukuma Island there’s like two little Islands there so I thought it was like a joke like you know what’s amazing Sher what without looking at the timer on the screen how long do you think we’ve been live streaming so far like an hour oh okay I was going to say like 25 minutes I was like man we’ve only been going for 25 minutes and it has been an hour we have been live streaming for an hour I have more can I get you to hold that gimbal for a second so I can roll up my sleeves yep yep I think you were definitely right on the uh the temperature on the temperature thing it is considerably warm and but in the beginning it was a little cold it was it was and then we didn’t know about the wind up here so this is amazing like we did not need to mic up for them with all the cars going by I’m glad that we still did but it was definitely thank you not a necessity at all like this is fantastic and to everybody who’s been following Along on this journey my big question to you is so with day five so far this should be content piece number five and I think I have four or five more recorded to release later on what has been your favorite so far that’s my question to you Sherry have you had a favorite so far sher’s making a thinking face [Laughter] my brain is not working I uh I like the the view in the in W so yeah the like I didn’t accept the view huh You’re Going Through the Woods or something the morning Shrine with the rain y yeah and then there was like suddenly open view was like oh I didn’t expect that so yeah I think that’s when I commented like hey nice H oh wait wait wait no that was the the evening stream even yeah so that okay there was you know that one that was like the most frustrating stream for me because there was Zero connection for most of it and everything was closed I was so excited to do that live live stream and the area just didn’t deliver so you know wama city is on my bad list now but I was worri about the the bridge yeah the signal has been good so far Sherry was actually kind enough to to help look up the signal in this area and make sure that we would have good enough for this adventure so Sherry how much of your apartment hunting and all of that how much of an update Have you shared with your audience on your channel uh I just covered that I actually got the okay so you you’ve you’ve shared that you got the apartment all right so we can say that fantastic oh sorry it just the way you said it sounded like there was going to be so much more okay I I’m sorry we were both waiting I like I thought more was coming I was like okay and no there’s no end we’re endless there is an end uh yeah so last live stream that I did was uh I compared the uh the rents between matama and Tokyo and then we have so much fun about it sh showed me a house yesterday an entire house that rents for less than uh the apartment that she’s going to be renting in Tokyo and what happened to the focus there we go I think it’s struggling to recognize us as humans with the Sun uhoh so also with now my face and me being able to look at you guys I wanted to personally say thank each and every one of you who is joining along for this adventure there we go walk you on myy toes it’s okay I I’ll I’ll Crouch down a little thank you each and every one of you who has been joining along for this adventure I want to give extra huge thanks to the patreon crew and the moderators who have been helping like select and put together the list of spots patreon laid out a ton of great spots for this thank you guys also to all of you who have been supporting getting us to the next leg of the adventure through super chats and whatnot massively helpful and huge love for that because it’s it’s been like $50 a day in gas then another like 50 to 70 in Highway not to mention food has to happen and I was prepped for this but you guys mov the journey along so from me to you huge thanks for that and we’ve got a beautiful view of the bridge coming up here again and now we’re just going to go and explore bit of the Town see what imab bu at least the nearby vicinity has to offer we go there’s the town guys the town is absolutely wonderful and uh you know the the town is comprised of a lot of bamboo buildings clearly and after walking for an hour my Apple watch finally asked if I would like to record an outdoor walk that’s really great technology usually it’s spoton hi when I’m heading to the studio in the morning if I forget to start can I get you to hold that yep uh when I’m walking when I’m cycling to the studio in the morning if I forget to start my like health track or whatever usually within 15 minutes it’s like hey you’re cycling do you want to record this cycle yeah my Apple off is kind of similar and that Anderson saying Sherry do you remember the stickers you sold I’ve got two on my iPad what thank you I remember a couple years ago it’s like five six years ago huh uh and may had the the heavy rain and then it’s flooded everywhere and so I made a campaign where like we trying to like you know donate um my area wasn’t affected so like I made a video I was on like Australian ABC News and you know so thank you so much for your support Sher ran a whole support campaign for Aime to gather donations and whatnot for the massive flood damage that had happened and yeah amazing that people like it feels like a whole different lifetime ago like it feels so long I think I was like barely starting YouTube at that time and Sher was one of the ones who really pushed me to get into it and a large part of it was just she knew how miserable I was I’m I’m not meant for corporate work it is it is not I was dying every day yeah I yeah we got more Bo boats out here and Mr hinin in here with a super chat saying here is some gas support thank you cannot wait until the 4our video comes out me neither if I punch right in there we go tiny islands and little boats and buzzins pet rock saying I remember that year 2018 that’s when I came to akime for a few weeks to help with the flood damage wow amazing it was um I my mom has a friend who uh goes to uh different countries to help out like uh build Wells and things like that and she’s actually nurse and then one time after the the flood damage happened and I think that time she was in AIM and then she traveled to the next country and then when she was like doing the registration and then like uh girl look at her passport or whatever and then she like oh you’re from eim and then it’s very surprising for like you know people from outside of Japan know about ehime and I said like do you know Aime and like I watch this video about the flood and then the the girl who’s Sherry y yada Y and then like she was like that’s my friend’s daughter what so yeah it makes the world feel so small yeah it does like and you also got to think like even if you know 20,000 people watch that video right like that’s 20,000 people globally yeah so the chance of coming across one of those people MH and them knowing so it’s just wow I’m always amazed when stuff like that happens there’s like a small small thing that like kind of gets it’s me which is when people from like my hometown are like oh hey I’m watching from KW cuz I was born in Toronto and then raised just outside of Toronto in an area called KW and any time that somebody’s like hey watching from this area I’m like what it just feels so close to home you know like can you imagine if you were like streaming your your YouTube and somebody’s like you know you’re like I don’t know in the the us or something yeah and someone comments like oh hey I’m watching from Mama City yeah all right so we are going to head down this way IMO bu station is down this way and so oh my God okay so we’re not going to walk to IMO station cuz that’s 6 and 12 kilomet which is like 400 miles so we’ll walk down to where we can and Fox at day Walker saying what food do Sher or you suggest to eat in imab buy it’s for you know what he’s famous for chicken yeah like as if there would be any other like chi I just wanted to make the chicken noise to be honest that’s it I just wanted to make a chicken noise and things like that okay also there is a like Z okay um that’s called I forgot the name but basically you got the uh okay I love how you’re like I’m not I’m not doing it sher’s like leading on me to trans like this stuff it’s h i don’t know it’s uh it’s like sliced sliced pork yeah then one like a like a somewhat different it’s like like a little it’s kind of I think it’s cured cured yeah okay and then topped with the uh eggs sunny side up okay and then we put on the uh on rice and then like sauce and then that’s supposed to be like a local dish or something oh that sounds amazing and now I’m hungry so thanks for that honestly no more questions about food guys that was I’m starving now what time is it it is currently 6:30 in the morning oh is it yeah it’s 6:30 in the morning and now I want to eat exactly what you’ve just described I forgot how early it is yeah see once you get used to it yeah like there is definitely that initial pain that like FML why am I here when you’re waking up right and for you I guess the entire drive out here sorry but oh yeah it was dark I’m so sorry thank you so much for doing this but once you get into the flow it’s not that bad right mind you I I’m going to come clean I have a confession for you guys I’m on day five of this and as of yesterday I realized that I need to start prioritizing you see I get so excited about the shoots yeah I found two separate locations yesterday that I wanted to shoot mhm and one was this mountain hike with a constantly changing oh we didn’t need to walk around there were stairs why was there no thing that pointed to the stairs that was mud wow we should have just caught a ride with that guy all right well now we know about the stairs y so uh one was this mountain walk with constantly changing views like drastically changing views that led to a spectacular waterfall and amazingly on the way I saw all these old like Grandma Grandpa like hundred-year-old onion farmers okay yeah and it was on Alima ah that makes sense y and it was just spectacular and then the second one was that like Castle in the Sky one that I showed you the photos of I was way too excited about that when I arrived in a so I had to show Sher all the photos I was like look at the pictures I took actually so when I was out there it’s it’s that inspiring of an area it’s that exciting of an area I met an older man probably in his 70s who had a nice camera and he’s like taking a bunch of photos and I just greeted him and I was like you know did you get any good photos today and he like he pulls out his camera again and he starts showing me all his photos and I was like oh yeah what lens are you using you know just kind of chat with him for a bit Yeah and then he’s like I got better photos over here come to my car and he takes me to his like very quintessential old guy White K truck H and he uh he pulls out his iPhone 15 yeah he’s got a brand new iPhone okay got to figure out which way we’re yeah I have no idea which way we’re going that way so I think that straight should lead us into the city maybe no this way City so wow okay there is there’s a there’s something over here why are we I’m just trying to figure out where we are on the map and I’m struggling to turn it around oh wow we yeah we’re we’re nowhere near getting into the city yeah that’s what I okay’s a we’re going to go this way so P are saying left for coffee and so many people have dropped in super chats for coffee so I feel like that that’s going to have to be the the thing so the photographer in his like old white and this guy he’s he’s like he’s near an octogenarian uh somebody who’s lived eight decades like he’s getting up there in age on the inside please and the uh oh wow nice view of the bridge from here that you can’t see at all because the sun and the leaves I there we go and this older gentleman pulls out this iPhone and just starts going through photos and after like five 7 minutes I was like oh this has been really nice thank you so much for showing me these photos right and he’s like oh I got more and he then opens up his Instagram account he’s got a whole Instagram and he’s on like threads and all that so he’s getting notifications coming up the entire time and he had some beautiful beautiful photos but it’s a testament to this area like he just really wanted to show the photos of this this space it’s just that nice there we go you know that’s kind of crazy what we are in we are in emo budy right now yeah and there’s me can there instead of Buddy son yeah that’s true buddy son kind of got yeah there is no buddy son he got shaed I was kind of rooting for buddy because I liked him better but well need the mask before gave pre right so sadly what we’re an emo buddy and Buddy son is the mascot of emo buddy and got Miken here I love Miken yeah Sher and I have had arguments over whether budon or mean are better Bud is cuter I always like me wow okay you got dark M here as well who’s trying to push the pig off the bike cuz he’s dark yeah he’s evil he’s a bad guy there’s no so somebody in here in the comments is like is trying to trigger bait me they’re like yeah they’re like hey Norm what’s your opinion of Kyoto do you think it’s worth traveling to I think we all know my opinion of Kyoto by this point if you don’t go and check out one of the previous uh live streams uh I I’ve like complained about it like every day so far so you know it’s become a theme it’s become a theme I think we’re just trying to box off all of them I wonder if there’s an actual coffee shop inside maybe it’s 6:30 so maybe it is 6:30 in the morning but I feel like I I’m going to go ahead and Guess the Restaurant isn’t open and everybody forgot their umbrellas yep okay wow that is there’s a nice view in here T of ton of vending machine absolutely beautiful guys I don’t want to be too noisy in here as a gentleman sitting down reading so we’ll take a a peaceful peek out the window here we’ll grab ourselves a coffee that is one heck of a you yeah and guys I’m sorry I’m going to throw your mom under the bus yesterday uh Sherry and her mom asked me to help them move a bunch of trees and sher’s mom’s car had more spider webs than this like there was all her like mirrors were covered in spider webs the passenger side of the window inside the car was all spiderwebs like this just top to bottom it looked like the car hadn’t been used in 10 years but she uses it all the time right she uses it every single day and it’s just filled with spider webs I use my car less than her and mine’s fine and the gentleman behind us actually has a huge smile on his face and is watching with great interest he was a really nice guy he uh at first I was worried about bothering him cuz he’s sitting there reading but he nodded at us and did one of these like thoseo continue on go ahead so really nice guy I appreciate when people are that kind and wow yeah we got I full on like coffee coffees here that’s a good question y yeah like aim finally accepted uh Sika okay but uh n sold in those spending machines yet it’s just for buses and trains I think on outside I’m like yeah otherwise I might ask you to get out the wet and then I will trade you to lunch already get breakfast but all this is done see that one of them over here has a touch panel and it takes seika it does it takes seika W yeah so I can ruin the stream for a second wait that’s is is that the only option what is this I’ve never even seen this CH cha Coco it’s like use this no idea use this app this appi I’ve lost you just either you can scan or you can touch the car okay so so does that work still no I have to wait for it to clear I’ve ruined it I broke it in Cherry oh you that’s a clever way to reset it’s like you’ve done this before okay so there we go oh no way and it didn’t ruin the stream it used to like completely stop the stream for a second there you go there’s a drink thank you a yeah and [Music] there we go you guys that’s actually pretty awesome because you know everyone’s sending those super chats and then I could just I could hold the chat up to the uh to the Pikachu face to to get our beverage right people are not looking at well we are looking at like normal like yeah they’re just like like giant Pikachu I’m just like jamming their face into Pikachu I didn’t think of that yeah that’s really hilarious just like here it is okay so with that being said based on where we are we have all fisherman on a bike I love him I love him so much oh that is spectacular okay so I’m actually going to open this up to to chat for a second I need a place to put the gimbal let’s put it here so we’re going to turn this around there we go and I should be able to pull legs out of this thing like that and balance that there ni see we got we got mics now yep yep so feeling fancy feels like YouTuber feels like did you just say feels like YouTuber yeah having like a proper mic guys guys I think I need to make a like a cherry shirt that just says feels like YouTuber been waiting forever hot J let maybe if you stand a little higher on the hill it’ll like balance out the I can I get very small I can Crouch so I want to open this up to the chat to try to figure out where I should go and what I should do tomorrow preferably something within an hour or two of here or monama because I’ve got two problems right now number one I’ve been doing 5 to 7 hours a day of driving I never do that and it’s fun I love it I love driving I have no problem with that but I don’t think it’s like it’s sustainable for 11 days like by the end of each day I end up kind of getting a lot of IE stain and I end up getting really tired and I want to continue enjoying this and like having as much fun as possible so I want to stay nearby as possible and number two because of the pace that I’ve been moving at I keep forgetting to eat so basically having been Tire tiring yourself out with driving and then you for yet to you know you that yeah yeah cuz I actually enjoy the drive right so while I’m driving I’m like checking out the sight I’m like you know just having a good time and then I’m like oh I got to go to that location and then I go and I shoot and then I’m like oh I’m running out a time I got to keep going and then before I realized it it’s like 900 p.m. and I haven’t eaten unhealthy so people are saying we with Sherry why not do a car stream one of the difficulties of doing a car stream in this area is it so mountainous uh it’s all tunnels yeah that is true and I don’t have a fancy like streamer setup and I never will cuz if I’ve got to do a whole setup thing I I’m not going to this is it’s on my phone right now I can just load up my phone and just like hey guys we’re streaming yeah but so I would love to see so both now in the chat and afterwards in the comments drop in your ideas for what you would like to see nearby not one little location but an area that we can do a walk an area that we can do some exploration an area that we can spend an hour or so together any thoughts drive over the bridge no tunnel issue you know what it’s not entirely impossible like we could drive the bridges tomorrow we can but the weather is going to be bad oh is it I believe tomorrow’s going to be rain I was going to say like if you can go near the mountains I thought we could go by the shore oh and then that would be like you know it’s going to be yeah Shoreline but has to be very nice weather H you know what I might stream again around Sunset not decided yet but while the weather is nice it might be nice to so what we we could do this would be fun we could drive the bridge today I thought I dropped something explor yeah I was like you dropped nothing what are you we can drive the bridge today we can explore some stuff and then find some cool spots and then the drive back we could do as a separate live stream you just have to manage the gim we got to I got to buy windshield wiper fluid yeah yeah that’s there are so many bugs yeah coming to this area I never seen that many bugs did you have that many this morning too no I don’t think so I don’t know okay Sher saw the camper van and saw my like front glass and she’s like what happened like that never happens to me so driving out here it was like it it was like machine gun bugs maybe because I don’t take highways yeah sure if it’s like you know like 10 minutes 20 minutes different then I just like take the normal road yeah yeah that’s the difference okay I’m going to get you to hold that for a second cuz I’m going to pick this up I I just handed it take it no no no I didn’t see the the bottles and I was like are you like this for what prop props props there we go you hold that for just a second thank you Sher all right guys so then what I’m going to do is I’m going to find one or two more spots to shoot and record for today and Sherry has a very busy schedule so I’m going to have to twist her arm if we’re going to have her in for tomorrow’s Stream So guys please when this wraps up leave something in the comments if you’re interested in seeing Sherry if not just tell her to buzz off bye and thank you so much for following along for the start of day five of I can’t say it in English every single time I got to say it in English I’m messing it up for 1 million seconds through Japan I can’t wait to see you guys in the comments thank you so much for today and let me turn this around here so we one last peakish at the bridge all right guys thank you so much and also Sherry yeah thank you for joining us today thank you for having me and we will see you again real soon also don’t forget to check out Cherry cuz she’ll be doing at least one more stream before she moves to Tokyo so if you enjoy the streams go check her out bye guys bye okay Sher that was a fake ending of course of course Sherry knew Sher knew know by now and Annette Anderson in here with a beautiful Super Chat saying window fuel thank you very very much I appreciate it uh do you think we’re allowed to turn this it doesn’t turn it’s so solid it’s like it’s paint shut that’s disappointing can you imagine if I just ended the stream like that that’s disappointing be such a sad way to end the stream all right guys make sure to leave something in the comments section also tiny car because I’m kidding we’re going to end it on this pylon right here his name is Samuel the pylon Samuel the pylon he’s still there extra fake ending just because we can I felt like it was probably a little more appropriate to you know end by looking at the bridge but then I found this K car that’s just abandoned out in the yeah I knower yeah it’s got the license PL and everything yeah he’s got he’s still they didn’t take the license off nothing he’s just tucked into there it’s amazing how many people don’t realize that the fake endings exist and actually like leave yeah so little tiny K car out there and a really fun fact about that little


    1. For the next livestream, how about Kotohira-gu? It's a mountain shrine and there's lots of stairs. You like stairs, don't you? Well, there's 1.368 steps worth of them waiting for you! The shrine is associated with seafaring, and travel in a broader sense as well. There's a bunch of nautical stuff – ship screws, a whole solar boat… and monuments along the way, and ship crews (including space ships, apparently) donate devotional photo plaques and sake barrels. There also seems to be stuff going on with travel companions like dogs and horses, too, but the finer details escape me. Alternatively, why not delve into the art scene and check out stuff like Onigashima, Ogijima or Shodoshima? The islands are super rural and retro, the landscape keeps being stunning, and the art is kinda fun and serves as a goal when wandering around.

    2. It's Sheri!🎉🎉 I just got home from work. It is 1637 in the Southern California desert. And it is Friday. I WILL get into a Live and be able to comment one on one this weekend. Thank you for everything you've done so far, Norm. I'll most likely never have the money to make it to Japan with family in the Netherlands and Australia, so I live vicariously through you. 😂 Keep up the fantastic work. 🎉❤

    3. Hey Norm, for suggestions on tomorrow, how about a hike between a couple of the shikoku 88 pilgrimage shrines that are of a walkable distance?

    4. More great views! That bridge looked awesome. Did you forget about the sign on that island telling you to visit? We need to see what's over there!

    5. Omg. So i did the Shimanami Kaido, 2 weeks ago. On a regular road bike rented from Onemichi. It was BRUTAL. I finished it, but just barely.

      I was out of shape (by my standards) so if anyone wants to do this trek, i'd recommend one of 2 things, if you're not an experienced cyclist. Rent an electical bike, it will save you. Or, do this over the course of 2 days, so you can fully appreciate it and explore the area. It's the inclined hills, riding up to the bridges, that will destroy you. The section filmed at the 20 min mark is basically the final climb to the final bridge riding to Imabari, and it is such a long climb compared to the other bridges.

    6. Subscribed your newsletter 🙂
      Love your new adventure. I subscribed your channels on your first adventure a few years ago. Loved it sooo much and got me to do adventure/exploring on my self. Thanks for that Norm 🙂
      Now I just love all your videos/streams.
      Keep explore Norm.
      Big love from Denmark

    7. There were someone in the beginning of the video asking if you would be able to see northern lights where you are since there are some good sun storms hitting our atmosphere right now. Japan is too far south for that, the northernmost point of Hokkaido is at about the same latitude of Milan and Lyon in Europe. If the solar storm is very strong and you are in an area where there are no other lights you might get a faint glance.
      The Shimanikaido is at about the same latitude of Casablanca, Morocco. So no, there won't be any northern lights where you are now.

    8. I loved this video! Shimanamikaido is one of my favourite parts in Japan. This adventure has been amazing! Thanks for sharing all of these amazing places.

    9. Hi Norm We are enjoying you're channel. You are in Hyogo area ( I'm from Hyogo ) You should go to Floating rock ( Ishi no Hoden ) in Takasago, Hyogo. You'll not regret!

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