3 MINUTES AGO! Ukraine has Destroyed 99% of the Russian Defense! War is Now in Russia!

    Welcome to our Channel today we have important developments from the south just a few hours ago Ukrainian military forces launched a decisive and Powerful missile attack targeting the Crimean Peninsula the Russian defense Ministry issued a statement on this incident stating that Ukrainian aircraft were responsible for a volley of missiles aimed at the city of sasta pole the ministry claimed that the defensive measures were successful asserting that all missiles were intercepted and neutralized however this official statement contradicts the reports from residents living in sevastopol residents of this area have reported hearing six different and Powerful explosions especially in the northern part of the city video footage circulating around also confirms these reports the images show that the primary Target of this missile attack in Ukraine was an important Russian Airbase located in the region with the complexity of the situation unconfirmed claims are circulating suggesting that the attack went beyond the air base these reports suggest that at least one missile successfully entered and damaged an underground military command center which is reminiscent of a similar incident that occurred near marup the previous year this bold military action of Ukraine was hardly unexpected given the tension in the region and the successful drone attacks carried out recently in fact the groundwork for today’s missile attack was prepared yesterday and marked the beginning of the current tension Ukraine has demonstrated its growing military capabilities with a meticulously planned and executed drone attack this special operation was concentrated in the western region of Crimea a total of 11 unmanned aerial vehicles or unmanned aerial Vehicles were detected operating around various strategic points rosula tarut and sevastopol the News reported citing Russian military sources the vast majority of these unmanned aerial vehicle activities are concentrated around rosula which has a special interest and importance Ukrainian forces achieved a remarkable strategic victory in this region they managed to destroy a key component of the Russian defense infrastructure a radar station that is an integral part of the air defense system the destruction of this radar station was a critical blow to the defense capabilities of the Russian army in this region it has created a vulnerable Gap by essentially weakening their ability to detect and prevent incoming air threats this Gap as events unfolded played a very important role in facilitating the success of the Ukrainian missile attack carried out today the dismantling of the radar system meant not only a tactical gain for Ukraine but also strategically as the subsequent missile strike demonstrated it set the stage for further military actions these attacks which have increased in intensity and complexity over the past few weeks indicate a well-thought out Military operation when these attacks are examined collectively a surprising picture emerges that shows the scale and strategic depth of the Ukrainian operations these operations reveal that the Ukrainian military is taking a sophisticated approach they’re not just focused on random destruction of equipment or facilities instead his actions appear to have been carefully calculated to exploit and magnify inherent weaknesses within the Russian military structure by targeting specific weaknesses Ukrainian forces demonstrate a keen understanding of the systemic flaws in the Russian defense apparatus this strategic approach goes beyond traditional War tactics this is a clear indication that Ukraine’s military strategy is not just reactive or opportunistic on the contrary it is a calculated effort to systematically eliminate the main elements of Russian military power in Crimea this methodical approach is aimed at gradually eroding the operational capabilities of Russian forces and thus changing the balance of power in the region the first phase of Ukraine’s strategic military operation in Crimea began in the first half of January and this period was spent with focused and intensive military activities at this initial stage the primary target was the remnants of the Russian Black Sea Fleet stationed in sevastopol it is important to remember that by this time the Russians had moved a significant part of their Naval assets to Novar rois which required an adaptation in Ukraine’s military objectives despite this change the ukrainians have skillfully maintained the image of targeting the Russian Fleet a strategic Ploy designed to mislead and manipulate Russian defense responses at this stage Ukraine used a number of unmanned aerial and naval aircraft demonstrating not only its technological advances but also ITS Tactical Ingenuity among these unmanned aial Vehicles some of the most advanced in Ukraine decked out with missiles capable of hitting significant distances these longrange capabilities allowed Ukrainian forces to attack Russian naval targets by staying at a safe distance and minimizing the risk to their own assets this part of the operation witnessed the effective use of these Advanced systems in a real Combat scenario revealing Ukraine’s growing competence in Modern Warfare in addition there is an interesting footnote regarding this phase of the operation given by the Ukrainian partisan group known as the October group they explained that one of the small ships in the Russian Fleet may have sunk in the Gulf possibly as a result of this targeted attack this development was not only a tangible success for the Ukrainian forces but also played an important role in the broader strategic context it served as an important distraction forcing the Russian military to divert its f focus and resources to Sea defense this shift in Focus was further reinforced by the Strategic decision to launch anti-ship missiles from the Ukrainian coastal city of Odessa thus continuing the pressure on Russian naval defenses this phase of the Ukrainian operation was characterized by a combination of misdirection advanced technology and strategic attacks reflecting a sophisticated approach to Modern Warfare this situation underlines the evolving nature of Ukraine’s military strategy and its ability to adapt to changing conditions on the battlefield the success of these operations has not only caused tangible damage to Russian naval capabilities but has also played an important role in shaping the next stages of Ukraine’s military operation in the region today we are covering the complex and ongoing deconfliction between Ukraine and Russia which has had long-lasting effects in Eastern Europe and Beyond Russia’s aggressive attitude towards Ukraine has become a focal point for regional tensions leaving countries such as Poland Lithuania and lvia in an unstable position these countries already wary of the unpredictability and expansionist tendencies of their powerful neighbors are now even more nervous because of the role bellarus plays as a supportive Ally and launching pad for Russian operations belarus’s strategic location not only facilitates Russian Maneuvers but also brings the conflict dangerously close to the borders of these Eastern European States raising fears of spillover and wider conflict a series of airspace violations attributed to Russia in various parts of Eastern Europe especially in Poland which shares an eastern border with Ukraine have worsened the situation Moscow explanation of these incidents as merely technical failures of its Munitions has done little to calm concerns on the contrary it underlined the unpredictability and danger of the situation similar technical failures have also been reported by Ukraine which points to a broader pattern of risks and instability in the region these events not only threaten the sovereignty and security of the countries in question but also reflect the broader chaos Unleashed by by the war and affecting geopolitical stability far beyond Ukraine’s borders NATO an alliance founded on Collective defense and stability has become increasingly concerned about the unstable situation in Eastern Europe the authorities have consistently stressed the dangers posed by faulty Munitions used by both Russia and Ukraine in the ongoing conflicts these are not just theoretical risks there have been real and tragic consequences in November for example an incident occurred That Shook the International Community when a stray Ukrainian anti-aircraft missile tragically exploded in the village of pavu in southern Poland this incident was not just another statistic on the list of War casualties it took two innocent lives carried the horrors of War directly to a non-combatant nation and ignited the fear of a wider conflict October April polish authorities found a Russian k55 missile a typical nuclear tipped weapon that is a regular feature of moscow’s Arsenal against Ukraine eerily abandoned in a forest near by alisto in Northern Poland this was not just a violation of Poland’s sovereignty it was a profound security threat that frighteningly raised the nuclear danger in addition Romania’s concerns about airspace violations with drone debris found on its territory underscore the widespread nature of these threats affecting countries far from the conflict Zone taken together these events are a brutal representation of the unpredictable and far-reaching consequences of modern warfare in which the lines between those who fight and those who stand by the war are increasingly blurred and weapons of war are deck decaying from their intended targets spreading fear and danger throughout the region while the night in question marked a significant esal ation in the conflict it was also a striking indication of the intensity of the ongoing War and the potential for widescale impact Russia has used 158 unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles against strategic and non-military Targets in Ukraine carrying out one of the largest air strikes since the fullscale invasion began on February 24th this massive attack was not just a show of military might it was a deliberate strategy aimed at weakening Ukraine’s resistance and resolve by paralyzing its critical infrastructure industry and Military facilities the scale of the attack represents a desperate attempt to establish dominance and inflict maximum damage reflecting the decrepit nature of modern warfare where the lines between military objectives are often blurred demonstrating resistance and tactical intelligence the Ukrainian Army managed to block a significant part of these aerial threats by shooting down 114 out of 158 unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles but the remaining and unimpeded weapons caused Great damage several structures were hit in Dei Pro including a shopping center and a maternity hospital and a tragic report emerged of 12 casualties and 76 injured these numbers are not just statistics these numbers are everything in the midst of this chaos one of the Russian missiles crossed the Ukrainian border and entered Poland a NATO member country this incident was not only a violation of international law it also raised the possibility of a wider conflict involving NATO and the collective defense Article 5 it was a dangerous provocation That Could set the substance in motion the fact that the Polish Armed Forces has reported that an unidentified aial object has entered their airspace underlines the seriousness of the situation and the risk of miscalculation in such a volatile environment then the followup and search operations carried out near the town of hao in the Lublin region near the Ukrainian border emphasized the importance of the emergency response required in such operations Poland has taken decisive steps to strengthen its National Security and Regional stability in the face of increasing threats and palpable fear of Russian aggression extending Beyond its borders the country’s strategic response is multifaceted encompassing both immediate and long-term measures aimed at deterring potential aggressors and protecting its territorial Integrity the mobilization of forces and resources following the air strike demonstrates Poland’s determination to maintain a firm defensive posture this is not just a reactive measure it is a measure that Poland has taken to defend itself and its allies against all kinds of attacks a critical component of Poland’s defense strategy is the strengthening of its air defense capabilities especially along the borders it shares with Ukraine and bellarus the seriousness of the situation has necessitated careful and uncompromising monitoring of these boundaries the deployment of bayaar tb2 unmanned aerial Vehicles is a strategic move that uses advanced technology for continuous and comprehensive surveillance of Border areas these unmanned aerial vehicles are not just eyes in the sky it is an important deterrent element that can detect threats before they turn into an attack and neutralize them when necessary the effectiveness of this strategy is also reflected in the reported reduction in incidents in the areas patrolled by these unmanned aerial Vehicles this shows that a well-thought out technologically advanced defense strategy can significantly reduce risks and increase National Security however Poland’s approach is not just just a defensive posture it is also about sending a clear message to potential attackers by publicly announcing that it is mobilizing its armed forces and deploying Advanced unmanned aerial Vehicles Poland signals its determination and Readiness to the International Community and most importantly to those who may consider violating its sovereignty this is not an act of aggression but a reaffirmation of the right to self-defense and the import of maintaining peace and stability in an increasingly unstable region in a broader context Poland’s actions reflect the difficulties and complexities of modern warfare where the threats are not always clear and maintaining security requires both vigilance and compliance as we continue to examine the emerging situation understanding the Strategic logic and consequences of Poland’s response will be critical for assessing the broader Regional security Dynamics and potential Pathways to a more stable and secure Eastern Europe as Dawn broke today in the city of belgorod the repercussions of the clashes were not limited to the outskirts of the region several explosions were reported in the city center of belgorod City this development marks a significant increase since war is traditionally aimed at avoiding Urban centers due to the high potential for collateral damage reports of explosions in the city have led to speculation and concerns about the intention and certainty of the Ukrainian attacks representatives of the Ukrainian Special Forces responded quickly to these reports strongly denying that the areas inside the city of Bel garad were deliberately targeted they attributed the unfortunate destruction to the incompetence of Russian air defense operators this claim calls to mind a chaotic and perhaps panicky reaction from the Russian side which will probably lead to misfires or accidental drops of their or Ukraine’s shells on the city the Ukrainian declaration implies that the damage caused to the city of belgrad was not a direct result of their actions but rather an indirect result of Russian defensive measures going arai this claim is supported by recent events in which Russian air defenses have indeed shown a tendency to make mistakes especially with the Downing of two Russian fighter jets which led to the tragic loss of life of the pilots by highlighting these events the ukrainians are not only deflecting responsibility for the civilian effects of their counterattacks but also undermining the reliability and adequacy of Russian military operations in addition the positioning of the s300 missile launchers known for their dual use in both offensive attacks and air defense behind the city Drew attention this strategic placement of the Russians was probably intended to protect these valuable assets from direct ground attacks but in doing so they unintentionally increased the risk to the civilian population because any Counterattack aimed at these launchers would inevitably bring the conflict closer to the city center the ukrainians probably targeted these facilities as high value targets aiming to weaken Russia’s air defense and offensive capabilities the unfortunate proximity of these military t targets to the surrounding areas led to the secondary damage reported in the city of belgorod Russian sources suggesting that the attacks deliberately targeted the people tried to portray Ukrainian forces not only as military opponents but also as perpetrators of war crimes and aimed to provoke anger and resentment in the Russian people and the International Community He suggests that the Ukrainian attacks were not only a simple Act of military r retaliation but also that Russia’s earlier attack on KV was a calculated Act of retaliation this framework implies a cycle of Revenge and escalating violence in which both sides react to the provocations of the other perpetuate deconfliction and deepen the enmity between the two countries surprisingly however the Russian defense Ministry contradicted the earlier claims of Russian sources admitting that the destruction in belgrad was actually the result of its own air defense activities the admission of this rare mistake can be seen as an effort to maintain credibility in the face of irrefutable evidence or as a strategy to diffuse the growing blame and anger towards the Ukrainian forces by acknowledging its role in the incident the Russian defense Ministry may be trying to ease public anger and restore its control over rumors despite this confession the Russian defense Ministry continued its aggressive rhetoric claiming that the Ukrainian attack was not a direct retaliation for Russia’s carav attack but a calculated maneuver to divert media attention from Ukraine’s supposed failure on the front lines this claim tries to diminish the Strategic and tactical importance of Ukraine’s counter offensive portraying it as a desperate Act of a struggling power rather than a competent and measured response to Russian aggression by Framing the Ukrainian action as a diversionary tactic the Russian defense Ministry aims to weaken the perceived military capabilities and morale of the Ukrainian forces while at the same time addressing Russia’s shortcomings on the battlefield moreover some Ukrainian analysts responded to these Russian claims with a note of irony pointing out that the Russian military has not achieved significant operational results despite launching multiple offensive operations and suffering significant losses they suggest that Russia may have made some tactical gains on the front lines but these have not translated into strategic victories or significant advances towards broader military goals this criticism serves to underline the disparity between the effort expended and the results achieved decrying the inefficiency and ineffectiveness in Russian military strategy and practice some Ukrainian analysts made a somewhat ironic comment on on the situation noting the paradoxical nature of Russia’s military efforts they observed that despite the fact that Russia launched at least five major offensive operations the results were far from Victory analysts note a sharp contrast between the relatively meager Regional or strategic gains achieved which resulted in tens of thousands of military losses decard this disparity not only calls into question the effectiveness and planning of Russ military strategy but also points to a deeper perhaps systemic problem in the Russian command structure or operational execution these analysts are not just criticizing the failure to achieve the declared military goals they are highlighting the broader consequences of such failures each failed attack represents not only a loss of life and resources but also a demoralizing blow to the morale of the troops and the Public’s Trust moreover these ongoing failures undermine the global perception of Russia’s military power and potentially affect Russia’s geopolitical standing and influence the irony noted by Ukrainian analysts is that although Russia has managed to achieve a number of tactical victories on various fronts these have not translated into any meaningful operational success tactical gains refer to short-term successes on the battlefield such as the capture of a small town or a strategic position on the contrary operational achievements are larger and more important achievements that affect the overall course of the war such as the siege of a large enemy Fortress such as Aviva analysts emphasize that Russia can win Wars here and there but it does not win the war in a way that justifies the enormous costs incurred the reference to the specific objective in the form of the siege of aiva serves to explain this point Aviva an important Urban and Industrial Center in the donet region has an important strategic value the failure to encircle and capture this key Point despite repeated attempts reflects the stagnation and ineffectiveness of the Russian operation in a broader sense Ukrainian forces have carried out a highly effective missile attack on the Russian naval presence in the Black Sea the main target of this attack was the Russian assault ship nooer cque located in the coastal city of Theodosia the Strategic location of the ship plays a very important role in the current military Dynamics initially the Russian Black Sea fleet was stationed in sevastopol known for its historical and strategic Maritime importance however in the face of constant Ukrainian attacks which significantly damaged many of their ships and even their command centers the Russians were forced to reassess the position of their Naval bases in in order to increase security and reduce vulnerability they moved their base and Central Command operations to Theodosia probably considering this place as a safer Haven against Ukrainian military action however it seems that this move was a miscalculation as recent events show that even this new position could not protect them from the reach and effectiveness of Ukrainian military capabilities this latest Ukrainian attack on the Russian Naval forces was different in its approach and execution this attack in which unmanned aerial vehicles and precision guided missiles were used together marked a deviation from Ukraine’s typical methods of attacks on Targets in Crimea deck the operation began with the deployment of unmanned aerial vehicles from Odessa a strategic Port City on the Black Sea these unmanned aerial Vehicles played a crucial role in the operation and primarily served as decoys to engage and potentially overwhelm Russian air defense systems unmanned aerial Vehicles diverted the attention of these defense systems creating a tactical Advantage for the next stage of the attack following this first drone deployment Ukraine launched a coordinated missile strike using four Storm Shadow missiles these are Advanced longrange cruise missiles known for their accuracy and stealth the missiles were launched from 2 Su 24m aircraft raft a type of russian-made fighter bomber known for its versatility and Effectiveness in various air battles the Simplicity of this tactic hides its complexity it shows a deep understanding of Russian air defense capabilities and weaknesses possibly derived from intelligence gathered during previous drone strikes apparently the Ukrainian forces had identified a safe Corridor through which these missiles could reach their targets unhindered the success of this operation was also evident from the result Ukrainian missiles that overcame Russian defenses reached Nova churas hitting it with precision and devastating effect this not only demonstrated the effectiveness of Ukrainian military strategy and intelligence but also opened a significant breach in the Russian defense Circle raising question marks about the overall effectiveness of Russian air defenses in the region the impact of this missile attack has been especially severe due to the special content and weapons located in noo cheras an important element of the Russian naval fleet this ship carried a significant arsenal of military hardware these included a large number of missiles for multiple launch rocket systems thousands of artillery shells and a collection of kamakazi unmanned aerial Vehicles known as Shaw decked the presence of such a diverse and extensive Arsenal made the ship not not only a strategic asset for the Russian military but also a highly variable Target when Ukrainian missiles hit Nova Cask a huge explosion occurred as a result of the ignition of the ship’s explosive cargo the magnitude of the explosion was such that it extended beyond the immediate vicinity of the ship the wreckage of the ship which was dragged by the violence of the explosion was found scattered around the center of Theodosia which indicates the power of the explosion this incident not only represents the loss of an important Naval asset for Russia but also underscores the risks inherent in storing large quantities of ammunition in one place especially in Conflict zones this was not the first attempt by Ukrainian forces to neutralize the ship in question last year the ukrainians targeted the same ship during a clash in be dians a strategic Port City on the sea of azov however nooer casque had sustained only minor damage and survived the attack largely unscathed although this previous attempt was not completely successful it showed that the Ukrainian military continues to focus on Russia’s important Naval Assets in stark contrast to the earlier conflict the latest attack was decisively effective the latest images taken from the port area clearly visually confirmed the fate of Nova cheras the ship had been sunk this Mark a significant escalation in Ukraine’s operation against Russian naval power and demonstrates not only their growing tactical competence but also their ability to learn lessons from previous conflicts and adapt their strategies moreover Russian sources perhaps reluctantly confirmed the extent of the damage in addition to confirming the sinking of Nova cheras they also reported collateral damage to neighboring Navy assets in particular the explosion caused damage to the nearby ship capiton GF and another training ship UTC 150 also sank as a result of the attack satellite images provided further evidence to support these claims showing that the two ships partially or completely disappeared below the surface of the water this Visual Evidence provided a clear and objective assessment of the damage to the Russian naval fleet providing a definitive confirmation of the successful Ukrainian offensive the loss of these ships meant not only a material setback for the Russian Navy but also a symbolic blow to the perception of Naval dominance in the region after the attack the Russian defense Ministry publicly announced that Nova churas had indeed been damaged this admission is important in the sense that it comes from an official source and gives Credence to the news that the ship was destroyed however it is likely that Russia’s statement downplayed the seriousness of the situation by describing the damage in somewhat vague terms it is important to note that the choice of words such as sustained damage is often a strategic move to control the narrative and maintain morale especially in military Communications the Russian defense Ministry also made a bold Claim about the aftermath of the attack they claimed that all the missile launchers the planes that launched the missiles responsible for the attack were destroyed by the Russian air defense system this claim if true would amount to a significant retaliatory act and a show of defensive Force however given the context and the lack of corroborating evidence there is room for doubt as to the accuracy of this statement it is not unusual for defense Ministries in Conflict situations to publish optimistic reports as part of psychological warfare or propaganda efforts the incident became even more complicated when it was reported that two Sue 24m aircraft of the same type as the one used in the attack took off from kovo airport shortly after this new information implies that the Ukrainian Jets were not intercepted and destroyed as previously thought but instead they probably landed for refueling this development not only challenges Russia’s claim that it has made a successful defensive response but also underlines the cunning and strategic agility of the Ukrainian forces they managed to complete their mission and Retreat safely under the appearance of being neutralized and thus managed to overwhelm the defenses of their opponents the British defense minister said that Ukraine has destroyed 20% of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet in 4 months which is too much for a country without a large Navy Russian analysts fear that Ukraine is targeting large ships which are difficult to replace these ships are important for moving things especially in the event that Ukraine destroys the Kirch Bridge losing these ships and the bridge could really damage Russia’s mobility in the South this could be part of Ukraine’s plan for operation 2024


    1. So this kind of propaganda still exist. I thought this are grown enough to stop all this mess,they want people to believe.they should face reality.

    2. Since this story (and I do mean "story", as in a work of fiction) has not appeared in any other reports about the Russian war on Ukraine, I simply do not believe it to be true.

    3. OK, I have an issue. You are showing what is to be an active war zone. Yet, the troops all have blank adapters on their weapons. Meaning you are showing a training video. You do have a whole lot of us former military watching these videos. So try and make it real videos. I know I never walked around in an active war zone with blanks loaded in my weapon. The little yellow part on the end of the barrel is a dead give away here. Plus the three bar or rods on the outside of the 50 cals. Kind of tell a story itself.

    4. The BS channel there are no planes at the air base they have gone weeks ago fools this is TOTAL BS but then talk is cheap I suppose the little comedian is hiding from the CIA about to cap him as he knows to much.

    5. J'ai déjà dit à plusieurs reprises ou sont concentré les troupes russes et le matériel militaire russe il faut détruire affaiblir épuisé infliger à plus que l'armee russe s'est attaquer

    6. If that or any of it were true, they would show what russia has done. Honestly, if you assess how many of the soldiers are actually Ukrainian, you'd likely find most of their military force has been decimated. Those fighting now are thus "freedom" fighters from several nations. At some point the war will likely enter Russia and they will likely respond using whatever means necessary.

    7. Come on. Does it really have to be so exact? “3 minutes ago”, “10 minutes ago”…Yeah, right. Any given event takes time to make its way online (unless it’s super important topic). Then it would depend on any content creator to process/create/edit the relevant material to put up online. By then it’s no longer “3 minutes”

    8. xD yes, the russians roll with 10 km per day straight to kiew, they are maybe 100 km before kiew, this means if nothing realy trasticle is happening the war for ukraine is lost in 14 days and you fantasize about the Ukrainian army suddenly being in Crimea. Do you get money from the Ukrainian state for these propaganda videos!? To be honest, that makes me quite angry, you are expensive enough for us Europeans. The European states should better arrest all the young Ukrainians who are now making a good life here in Germany etc. and send them back so that there are still soldiers in the final battle on Kiev in 10 to 14 days.

    9. Is Russia testing Poland ? He is playing the cat with Poland being the mouse. I understand that NATO not wanting to get anymore involved . But how far will Putin go?

    10. Propaganda? 14year olds and women wage an assault? My guess is American boots on ground, let’s hope not. Just like we didn’t blow up North stream pipeline.

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