Freedom to photograph and film
    Members of the public and the media do not need a permit to film or photograph in public places and police have no power to stop them filming or photographing incidents or police personnel.

    morning guys it’s Monday 30th of August 2021 and I’m at the parking raid ler County Council parking ride testing station Preston there you go this uh ler County C car park that belongs to the people has been turned into a CO testing station and according to Lancashire conab this is now NHS property yeah even though there’s been no uh change of use uh plan and permission application no public notifications there still a public car park at the end of the day so anyway I was here four or five days ago around at the other side doing a a count test of how many vehicles are going in because Lancaster constabulary are trying to say that me and the fellow YouTuber who got arrested prevented more than 60 tests being carried out that that time we were there and we were there for about 40 minutes so I’ve got one comparison from the other side guys over there that way and I’m around this side now and as usual when you turn up there’s nobody here nobody visible guys look we got one guy there one guy nobody about you right boss need to get up I’m just walking past fast so there you go guys everybody’s in hiding again let’s do a count this time there you go there goes the radio now let’s see what happens you’ll see all the high vises appearing from [ __ ] everywhere they’ve all been sat in the tents on the phones tap tap tap you a and see how many appear now guys there you go all sat on their asses there you go guys look all sitting down tap tap tap on their phones so as you can see I’ve been here since 2:00 so we’ll give it a 15 minutes test guys to see how many to get through in that 15 minutes parking ride yep clear proof that it’s a cancel car park guys so we got two going out so we don’t know what that is we don’t know if that’s staff or if that’s customers NHS look like stuff so we won’t count those ones guys so at the minute the count is zero guys zero we’ve been here God knows what two or three minutes and here you go guys all the hi is appearing so they going in look light one that’s stuff Park in so there you go guys number one the green car over [Music] there oh and look guys they’re all going back to work they’re all looking busy now and disappearing guys this another one guys yeah so we’ been here coming up for 7 minutes there’s the second vehicle going in it’s Bank H Monday guys de start smoking start smoking sat smoking sat smoking yeah guys you hey guys we’ve been here just over 8 minutes still only two vehicles now guys there’s toilets there can publicly owned toilets so why would they be having pter l in there paying for them and it’s not [Music] required [Music] there you go guys big pile of taxpayers money just sat on their asses there all having a well eared [ __ ] bait because they’ve been really busy real busy guys coming up for 10 minutes guys oh look at that over there guys all the mobile Vans are still sat there doing nothing oh and here we go again guys using their personal phones to film in a work capacity another gdpr breach guys another gdpr breach there you go another one for the solicitor there we go guys [Music] look [Music] I’ll be putting in for a copy of that don’t delete it make sure it gets passed to your superiors my solicitor I’ll be writing to them a nice closeup here guys of our face for the solicitor smile for the camera right guys we’ve been here almost 13 minutes now and there’s only been two tests two tests guys almost 15 minutes that gives an average of 8 an hour but yet they’re proclaiming they were doing over 60 an hour here guys according to laner constabulary they’re proclaiming they’re doing more than 60 tests an hour don’t you delete it either your bosses are going to have to pay out compensation for you stupid people taking my picture just money money money for me in the back pocket gdpr breach stupid people keep it up I’ll get another holiday out of you well guys there you go we’ve got one two 3 4 five six seven eight about nine sitting over there on their asses doing [ __ ] all we got another two stood here doing F all add all that up on an hourly rate of about £10 an hour guys of the hard earned taxpayers money all sat on their [ __ ] asses smoking tapping on their phones or standing chatting doing nothing a lot of taxpayers money being wasted here guys how do they justify all this cost for eight cars an hour that’s eight cars an hour guys oh look at that guys that justifies the across he’s there just to move the cone oh well that justifies the cost doesn’t it guys of his wages he’s highly trained at moving that cone there guys special training for that probably went on a course for that guys it taxpayers expense on how to move that cone but he did do it very well guys I’m not sure if it’s value for money but he did move that cone very well oh and that made him laugh guys he’s chuckling under his face nappy there and we’re getting a bigger uh Congregation of people satting their asses over there guys doing nothing I don’t know why this one here can’t move the cone as well why do we need this extra one to move the cone strange guys but then again they don’t care it’s not their money they’re wasting it’s our money Tyrant this one guys let’s zoom in on them eyes guys wa you see the eyes on this one look at the eyes there guys oh she’s turned away because she knows I’m right see if we get this guy’s eyes yeah no he’s looking away as well what is it with tyrants who won’t look you in the eyes guys what does that tell you they will not look you in the eye wonder why that is guys I know why that is you make your own mind up you don’t have to listen to me guys let’s go and see if we can get some more close-ups of the eyes stay out you two I may be back right guys we’ve been here 17 and 1/2 minutes and we’ve had three cars through so that g was an average of 8 or 9 an hour a big difference from 60 to 75 what Lancaster constabulary was saying and this is the second time I’ve been here doing a comparison video and we got more of them one look look at all the equipment there guys when they could do the same job with one of those vans there anyone of those five Vans can do the same job as all of this equipment I’ve seen three cars in nearly 20 minutes so that’s uh an average of 8 or n an hour yeah if you divide that or add that multiply that by a 10hour day that’s 80 to 90 cars a day the gentleman at the Mecha bingo in Blackpool drive-thru station that we set up with one of these Vans told me they could they can handle up to 400 cars a day there tests so why do we need all this just corrupt MPS guys who are linked with these rental companies it’s corruption at a high level Boris probably gets a big fat brown envelope every month delivered to a secret location look at it guys look at them all here 1 2 3 4 5 just sat on their asses tap tap tapping on their phones tap tap tap on the tippy toppies as Alex would say you know it’s very reminiscent of uh prisoner of war camps that you see in the movies they set up here guys all fenced off guards at every gate why Hey cuz it’s extra money for the rental companies and the security companies yeah this car park listen to this guys look at this one you see all these uh things here look they’re all over the car park yeah all these big lamp post big flood lights to light up vast areas of this vast car park over there over there more of them over there but then they’ve hired here portable flood lights why when we’ve got the lights here because it’s extra money for the rental company and whatever MPS are linked with these companies if they could do it all with one van and one gazebo why have we got all these containers in tents here costing probably I’ll bet you this site cost about 200 Grand a week with staff running costs Fuel and rentals easily 200 Grand a week yeah and look we’ve got the two main companies Sun Belt there on the same site so they’re working together guys one’s as corrupt as the [ __ ] other one guys look at them all just sat sat sat sat sat [ __ ] go fat boy on the right has been sat there for about 15 minutes now there he goes guys there’s where our huge chunks of your tax money is going on a weekly basis right into to the back pockets of these two companies wck and Sun Belt vast amounts colossal amounts of money being siphoned out of the tax system through the NHS into the back pockets of these companies and apparently I’m reliably informed that that there a plant there is the old name of Sun Belt they’ve changed the name probably just for this plandemic and then at the end of it all when they start packing all these up Sun Belt will probably go bankrupt so that nothing can be traced when the Newberg trials start with a bit of luck hey well there you go guys there’s the third car just coming out now 25 minutes in oh my God you’re not locking it down are you man with a dangerous camera if they told you to lock it down they have haven’t they you’re not very busy here are you this is my third visit cuz the day we got arrested they told the police that we stopped over 60 over 60 test being carried out but that 40 minutes we were here only one car came through I think it was all the police vehicles blocking the road guys that stopped the tests being carried out but as bollocks anyway because there was no other cars here and this is the third time I’ve been back since the arrest guys doing comparison videos and each video shows an average of 8 to nine cars an hour big difference from the Lancashire constab is guesstimation of 60 to 75 cars an hour guys have you ever seen 75 cars an hour come through here no I bet you haven’t I certainly haven’t guys certainly haven’t nowhere near it [Music] oh yeah they are guys look they’re all coming like me cats now they’re all coming to have a good look instead of doing the job they get paid to do here’s where all your tax money’s going guys look you know all the times I’ve been here guys the only one I’ve see doing his job is this man here the only one out of all these stuff he’s respectful he’s not abusive not like uh the G4 [ __ ] stupid guys who assaulted us when we got arrested day still all the claims are being prepared guys they’re all being lodged with a solicitors and it’s personal claims against the culprits so not again it’s NHS it’s the against the individuals guys they’re the ones who’ll have to pay out and we’ll get another holiday out of it or I might buy myself a new car who who knows is this NHS property no comment can’t hear you no comment said I say a yes or a no I know the answer I’m just curious if you know the answer because if you’re being told by your superiors to tell members of the public or police officers that this is NHS property then you can land in court if they’re telling you to say it cuz when the court cases come and believe me they’re coming yeah they’ll let you take the flock they’re not going to back you up in court they’ll say oh no we didn’t tell him to say that that’s what’s going to happen they’ll drop you like a bad penny so I’ll ask you once again do you know if this is NHS property or not no comment let’s go for a third time best of three sir do you know is this test and ride Tes and park and ride publicly owned car park is it now NHS property was that a yes or or no can’t hear you with that mask on who’s manager today is it the young lad from last time can you radio and ask the manager to come over then maybe the manager will answer the question when a member of the public asked to speak to the manager is that what you do ignore it is this the manager where’s the big uh G4 [ __ ] stupid guy so there you go guys looks like another two cars have gone in so that’s yeah that’s still on par for eight or N9 an hour so well guys I thought the manager would have come out to the gate by now but no he’s being a [ __ ] like the last ones yo there’s a manager [Music] [Music] in yo on the way coming through car coming true well nobody’s answering the question guys so are you refusing to get the manager for me is it not protocol that you contact the manager if a member of public ask for the manager no I need to question him about the the the figures for this place cuz the figures are not adding up from what’s being said so I need to clarify it with the manager can you get the manager for me no just wiggle one of you for yes or wiggle both of years for no which year was that that wiggled was that a yes or a no I’m confused now just wiggle your ear or blink I tell you what blink look at me blink once for yes and two for no right guys that’s two more cars going in so that’s 3 4 5 6 7 35 minutes we’ve got seven cars guys for that’s so yeah 32 and 1/2 minutes we’re at guys 32 and 1/2 minutes and we’ve had seven Vehicles nowhere near the 60 to 75 they’re proclaiming guys anyway guys I’ll leave this even the amount of cones guys that they hiring at this place look that many cones it’s like crazy Paving I’ll leave this guys I’ll come back in a few more days and get another comparison and then we’ll do a total up total of all three videos and get an average yeah all done on different days all done at different times to get an even average later guys


    1. Excellent video. And people wonder why the price of everything has gone through the roof, they have to get their money back somehow! Exposed the clowns!

    2. Fair play for putting this convid back on! When the neighbours came out banging pans for NHs at 8pm I cringed. I still can't get my head around it all. That cone movement though, respect to him.

    3. All brushed under the carpet and completely forgotten about like it never happened very fu*kin strange unbelievable and our own families and friends sold us straight out for some poison injection and they would do it all again very traumatising for some people this was.. A lot of people fell out over it to and loads of local businesses gone bust completely had everyone's pants down you couldn't make it up remember the news as well when this circus show started showing us people in China just dropping down in street straight up fear mongering at its finest.. We are ruled by insane clowns people

    4. Remember all the films that got sen-sor-ed cos of people violently shaking after reactions and dropping down . Never forget all the mass of videos taken down by screwgle of real doctors that were brave enough to call out the scam.
      Police did nothing to help anyone even when presented with page upon page of REAL science and evidence of fraud from the death certificates to every aspect of this whole op instead they attacked people on the street yet strangely supported the violent protestors blm and antifa paid shills. These people are going to pay for what they did to the world , well Africa didn't fall for any of it cos they know from experience

    5. Austin Powers took your photo there, and the little sneak took your pic then quickly turned his back. All that standing around is to conserve energy to move 2 cones.
      Which government nobody authorised all the other nobs to be there on double time? on bank holiday ??
      The public got and still is, so shafted with covid.

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