The final winning F1 car for the great Pedro Rodriguez was this beautiful BRM P153 that won the 1970 Belgian Grand Prix. We caught up with fellow Mexican Esteban Gutiérrez, who raced it at the Monaco Historic.

    If you were wondering what it’s like to race this famous car, Esteban likens it to the game of golf… We’ll let him explain.

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    [Music] my name is estan Gutierrez and this car uh that I’m driving is from Pedro Rodriguez brm from the 1970 so the history of this car um it was driven by and raced by Pedro Rodriguez we have only been six Mexicans in the history of Formula 1 who have raced in Formula 1 uh one of them is Pedro another one is myself um so it’s it’s a huge honor for me to to be driving this car and with this car Pedro achieved many great results some podiums and yeah it’s just an honor to be here driving this car in Monaco uh to drive Rodriguez car um it’s is such a great honor for me uh to be representing my country uh in Mexico in in this event um and even better with with the car of uh Pedro Rodriguez uh fellow Mexican uh who who had great success in in Formula 1 uh you know very well remembered um such a great guy and so important for the history of Motorsports in in our country so to be here driving his car we we made sure to have the the the helmet exact replica of the design uh the suit as well so we have everything uh in place and it’s been really fun process to to get here repair everything and of course drive the car so the the engine is a VM V12 engine um I can rev it up to 11,000 uh which obviously the sound is uh incredible um and the gearbox is completely manual uh mechanical so it’s it’s probably has been one of the most challenging part of the for me getting used to because when you when you do the downshift you have to do the heel and toe and it’s not something we are used to do anymore in the modern cars um luckily I did learn to drive uh manual gear shift when I was younger uh so of course with that experience uh you know I could easily adapt but then of course being so mechanical the gearbox uh you need to be so precise and so DEC decisive and coordinate to to have a smooth let’s say breaking breaking phase uh and that’s quite challenging in Monaco because sometimes you are breaking with a bit of uh uh turning and no exit of the tunnel the car is losing a bit of weight so the car sometimes is moving and it’s so fun to drive I mean it’s insane and fun at the same time the most special part of this car is that everything is so natural everything is wrong there’s no electronics there’s no nothing the steering wheel is just a simple steering wheel you sometimes drive with one hand cuz you are busy shifting with the other one um you have to synchronize the the blip for for the down shifts and you know one way for me to describe when you get the the shifts right is when you play golf and you hit the ball in the center of the of the club you know and you feel that smoothness and the ball is just flying and going really far away that same feeling of satisfaction is what you get when you get the ship stries and it’s it’s such a pleasure to to have that to get the most out of this car is basically getting comfortable with it uh there’s not really a phase where you are pushing and the car is driving your is driving you you cannot have that kind of situation you have to be driving the car you have to feel comfortable then just get with the clo the approach I’ve been getting because obviously it gets me out of my comfort zone to be driving this car in Monaco uh it’s the first time I drive this car so it’s it’s been quite challenging to to adapt to it uh in Monaco and and of course with only one practice half an hour then straight into quali and in practice I could only do half the practice because I had some issues with the gearbox um so now in the race starting from P3 I’m sure I will enjoy it it’s going to be physical as well the only thing you can really compare is that it has a pedals and a steering wheel but the rest is completely completely different um the concept of driving the car um it’s basically this one is very mechanical very physical in a different way because the modern cars are also very physical because of the downforce and the g-forces that you experience in the car in the modern car you have so many so much technology that you have to be so precise the DAP times are so tight with each other the difference that you can make it’s it’s minimal it’s uh it’s within within a couple of T and here if you if you really feel confident and you drive the car properly and and you you find yourself in the right tricks you know on the up shifts the down shifts you can gain seconds sometimes so it’s it’s really you know the the margins are a lot bigger um it’s also more dangerous so every time I go in the car you know there’s something in the back of my mind that is telling me okay have a lot of respect for this because uh luckily in the in the modern cars we have a lot of safety that has been developed by by the FIA and you know all the Motorsports Community um so getting getting into something like this you realize how much development and and progress and evolution has been in on the safety side you know out go the lights and away we go not a good start at all by Stuart Hall a terrible start as Michael Lions dives into the lead in the number 16 H Gregor Jordan excuse me I should get that right because that was a brilliant start by him yeah and a very tough start from Stuart Hall estan Gutierrez jumps up into third position but Stuart Hall had to be very robust with Gutierrez down towards turn one to try to keep the lead and this is the disaster for Stuart Hall because he’s going have to follow grogo in the Matra heading down towards that oily entry into mirabo got to stay on the inside there will everybody get through safely it appears that they have and now Stewart Hall’s got some pressure on now Stewart Hall is going to have to make a move and steal back the victory of this race has been done and now it’s estan Gutierrez who’s having a bit of a look at Jon gr but he’s look how much power he’s missing EST deban Under Pressure then down towards turn one manages to block the inside line that’s from Mikey lions in that 30s it does have the straight line speed but it does not have the position this time as they head up B rage yeah estan probably one of the youngest drivers uh and modern drivers out there this weekend and great to see him enjoying historic racing and he has got uh some work on his hands as David Shaw right behind him as they head through the bump at the exit of Casino square and down to mirabo where the dirt and oil is down and into the old Lowe’s hairpin now the Fairmont of course and into Miro bass and portier and into porer they go and gutierre is doing a really good job so far let you say maybe feeling underpowered but doing all his skill to keep in position that PRM one of the earliest cars in the race there’s only the Ferrari 312 uh toward which had the incident in qualifying and as we watch this battle with Jordan Gregor and estan Gutierrez at Hall doing a really good job he just put in the fastest lap and uh is pulling away at the front but we’re quite rightly concentrating on this battle estan doing everything in his power in that former Rodriguez car and of course the tradition of great Mexican drivers [Music] continues Chris Aon the only driver to race that match upup and uh took to six starts in 1971 and further three starts 1972 and it was a it was a spare car here in Monaco in the second year of its competition but it’s racing absolutely flat out now and he’s just got a little bit less speed through the first part of the swimming pool when he gets on the loud pedal out of uh that section of circuit it uh it pulls away slightly Gutierrez the younger of the two and uh potentially slightly uh not to hold anything against sh Gregor but potentially slightly the uh the more daring of the two into that most intimidating of sections at the Monte Carlo circuit 19 Corners 3.3 kilm so the way I got into cars basically was through passion I I loved cars uh since I was very young and anything that had Wheels I was always on it uh whether was a bicycle a motorcycle um a car uh and then yeah at some point when I was around 13 14 years old I started to push my father to convince him to buy me a go-kart first from then on it became for me like a like a challenge you know like a Target how far can I go into racing uh how far up and uh yeah from 14 I was in Formula 1 at 21 so it was quite a very fast uh step evolution in my career um and yeah I I’ve had so many nice experiences a lot of tough challenges that have given me a lot of experience in in life a lot of lessons and that’s why I I’m really passionate about Motorsports because it gives you such a great uh example of you know life evolution in general in such short periods of time you know within a weekend you can be the hero then you can be the guy who crashed the car and and and then you are not the hero anymore so all these ups and downs you you live them very moment um in the moment so it’s it’s really special to be part of this Motorsports community


    1. Grazie!! Video bellissimo !! Bravo Gutierrez!! Ricordo molto bene il grande PEDRO RODRIGUEZ ! Avevo 13 anni quando PEDRO è volato via !!! Un bacio in cielo dall'Italia. RIPOSA IN PACE CAMPIONE SFORTUNATO ❤️❤️❤️

    2. Juntos los dos mexicanos que abrieron el mercado internacional Pedro Rodriguez y Adrian Fernández. y para Esteban todo un placer conducir este auto. Enhorabuena!!

    3. "The gearbox is completely manual, which is probably the most challenging part". We're living in a world were the newest generation of drivers have little to no experience using manual transmissions. Heck, I don't think it'll be much longer before the only people who even understand the concept of an H pattern will be limited to just historic racing.

    4. Pedro's 1970 victory at the frightening old Spa was one of the great drives. There's some really scary b&w footage of him sideways through Raidillon at massive speed.

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