Could Joao Neves be on his way to Manchester United this summer? Reports from Portugal have his name in the headlines to be a replacement for a midfielder this summer at United! Also following Bayern’s exit from the Champions League…could Tuchel audition basically ‘be over’? Join Beth for this morning’s headlines and a look ahead to a huge fixture against Arsenal on Sunday.


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    hello everybody and welcome back to the United stand and happy Thursday morning on today’s show jaia Nez Manchester United very interested in this midfielder with casemiro’s departure very lightly in the summer could this be the statement signing that inos brings to Manchester United and is J neas the right midfielder for Manchester United to go for to partner kby Manu sound off in the comments below we’ll be talking about Manchester United’s interest in not only J Nez but another player from Benfica as well also some news coming out around Thomas tchall did he fail his Manchester United audition last night when managing Bayern Munich a lot of people have multiple different opinions on that some people say you can’t judge a coach by one game but what do you think about Thomas tall’s performance for Bayern Munich last night is that somebody you would want to manage Manchester United someone that’s looking quite likely to take the Manchester United job if Eric tag does get the sack and he leaves his role as Manchester United manager also some news on other departures Harry MaGuire Victor Lindelof their Futures could be in doubt for Manchester United come this summer and a few other things to discuss as well but welcome everybody to the Thursday morning show try and get your comments in the chat we’ll get a poll running pretty soon but first and foremost straight into the news and it is coming from Portuguese Outlets it is coming that Manchester United’s interest in Jiao Nez is genuine Benfica haven’t received any offers but one is expected soon I mean Manchester United have been linked to John Evers for a long time now this we know the the interest is genuine the only thing that we’ve been told is why this might not happen is the price that Benfica could slap on Jia neas I mean look at how much they ended up getting for Enzo Fernandez look at how much they got for Jia Felix Benfica are literally renowned for getting the absolute bang for their book out of any player that they sell I mean every player they sell they get a really good fee from it feels that way anyway especially when they go over to to the big Club so J Nez young upand cominging midfielder that’s got the world at his feet we know how much Bruno Fernandez rates him Bruno Fernandez is always pitched in the Portuguese team talking to him as he’s even spoken on interviews saying he’d love him to come to Manchester United J NZ is the real deal he’s got a massive future ahead of him but the price on J nz’s head is going to be around 100 million man united can they afford to do that in one window when we’ve got so many other positions to go and get two center backs left back Striker you know potentially even right winger in in Michael Alis like can we afford to spend a 100 million on one player this is a signing you would do if you were a real Madrid this is a signing you would do if you were a man city if you’re a team that’s already functioning super well and you just need to kind of add them cherries on top of the cake and get them get them positioned to make you just to elevate you that’s what J Nez could be but Manchester United need to rebuild a whole team 100 million on one player is absolutely massive but don’t get me wrong j NES is definitely worth it his talent the potential that is there is it worth investing that money for someone who could be could be absolutely huge for you for the next decade that’s the question I ask to you you know Harry Kane Belling gam no one talks about their price tax because they’re absolutely killing it and doing unbelievably for their teams could J neas be that for Manchester United it’s also coming out that Benfica ideally want to keep J Nas for another season and a more open to offers for Antonio Silva Antonio Silva obviously another player that Manchester United is watching is monitoring for Bri Romano has spoken about Antonio Silva numerous times on the United stand he’s someone that Manchester United definitely scouting but another player that Manchester United have been put off by because of the price tag that he set to be around him you’re looking at around we’ve been told around 80 million euros for Antonio Silva is that something that man united can do on one position again no it was coming out last night that bran weight apparently Everton is setting bran weight’s price at around 80 million that will close us out of that deal as well we can’t be really affording to spend that much chunks of money on individual signings maybe we could do it on one player and if I was to do it on one player it’d be a j nees but I think it’s going to be quite unlikely sir Jim’s already spoken about not going and spending a 100 million on an mbappe and going finding your own mbappe he’s spoken about that inos coming in this summer they need to rebuild a lot of positions in the squad I think we’re going to be looking at more around the 40 50 million pound Mark per signing if not sometimes a bit lower apparently we’re looking to spend 20 million pound on a left back I don’t think we’re in a position where we can spend 80 million on a center back 10000 million pound on a midfielder I just don’t think Manchester United are in that position however however I would say it is ino’s first summer in control of Manchester United and they will want to make a splash they will want to make a statement they will want to make themselves known in the transfer window to Manchester United fans but also just to everyone this is what we’re going to bring to the table this is what we’re doing this is our first transfer window so you could maybe get one statement signed and that is where I think J neveras does creep into the conversation because we definitely want him he’s definitely on the list it’s just whether we can afford him you know we had Ben Jacobs on the show a little bit ago and he was speaking to me and he said you know if Manchester United had unlimited money they would get J neas in for the midfielder he’s like their top option if they had unlimited money they want Evan Ferguson as a striker man united Evan Ferguson’s right at the top of the list he was also right up there last summer as well we we inquired about Evan Ferguson last summer like we absolutely absolutely did I know that for a fact that we inquired about Evan Ferguson last summer and Brighton are just absolutely not it’s going to be over 100 Mil Evan Ferguson’s kind of I don’t know where he’s gone this this season but does that lower his price deck I don’t think so he’s he’s he’s on a contract it it it Brighton and again another club that gets the most money for the players and and and will be patient when it comes to selling so man united have players at the top of list if we had an unlimited fund and no Financial fair play you know Evan Ferguson would probably be in a man united shirt this summer John EV would be in a United shirt this summer Branford would be in a United shirt this summer we have players that are at the top of the list it’s just unfortunately Manchester United because of the financial situation we’re in you know we’re not going to have Europe we are not going to be in a position where he can spend hundreds of of Millions on per position man united are going to be a have to be a little bit more tful and be more Savvy in the transfer window would you rather go and spend the 100 million on J nees because he’s that good and you don’t want anyone else to get him and then compromise on other positions get in the comments down below what you would want to do but we’ve got super chat in the room make sure you get your chats in as well ke Robinson says tall is perfect for what the glazers want Keel can you uh explain a little bit further why is tall perfect for what the glazers want Ryan fairb says luy luckily for you inos have brains unlike Chelsea say you will recklessly blow a 100 million for a Benfica Center mid like we did if he fails and then with the eyes emoji thank you Ryan for your Super Chat well that’s a thing isn’t it like you’ve got examples of these sort of signings failing and you’ve got these sort of signings being massively beneficial like how much was Jude Bellingham bought for was it around1 million pound no one’s going to talk about that because he’s been absolutely insane for Real Madrid and I’m seeing people saying that Jude fellingham’s rated on Twitter and I just think that’s absolutely crazy like you don’t understand the vital roles that different players take up in a team if you don’t think Jude bellingham’s been absolutely unbelievable for Real Madrid this season like he’s been so good Jude Bellingham has been a massive part of their success not because of La Liga but also because of the champions league as well and then you look at other signings that have failed like you look at Enzo Fernandez Enzo Fernandez I still believe is a good player by the way I wanted him before Chelsea got him I think he’s a good player but they’ve spent a lot of money on Enzo and he’s not working for him is it because he’s going to be injured is it because he’s been injured or is it because you know he’s is that Chelsea team or is it because they’ve over spent on him kaiso another one from Brighton a lot of you guys a lot of you guys in the community you know a lot of the guys that are on the fans forums are on the United stand wanted cedo to join Manchester United in the summer and I remember Faz telling me Beth we need cedo we need cedo cedo’s not been good for Chelsea this and he’s the record transfer fee British transfer fee for a player like he was what was it 150 million for cedo and he’s not paid off people going to look at them signings Anthony 86 million it’s not paid off as of yet there’s other signings that clubs have made that don’t pay off for a big sum of money but if you pay a big trunk of money and these signs do pay off it is massively beneficial for you no one’s talking about how much wages harland’s on or how many bonuses his agents got nobody’s talking about dude bellingham’s fee nobody’s talking about how much Harry Kane cost Bayern Munich no one’s talking about these things because they’ve been successful so it’s whether Manchester United want to invest into potential success but if you look at benfica’s track record they’ve sold players and often they’ve not really lived up to the price tag and that’s something that manchest need to take into consideration but what I can see right now J Nez I would love him absolutely love him in Manchester United but it is a big risk when you’re on a budget the way we are to spend that amount of money on a midfielder this Summer that he only young and you don’t know if it will pay off like he looks good but it’s a lot of money just to play on one position um got a couple more Super chats in let me go and have a look so we’ve got Keel Robinson saying glazers want to make the most of what they have yeah Keel I understand that we’re going to talk about tall in a second obviously I was saying on the show yesterday I wasn’t 100% sold but is it the best out of a bad Bunch we’re going to discuss that in a second stick says Beth I’ve never been like this before but I’m actually not excited about our signings I am more excited about who we can get rid of Super Chat of the day Super Chat of the day to stick so far everyone else’s super chats are great as well but that’s so true like I am so desperate so desperate for an overhaul I am so desperate to see if anyos put the money where the mouth is in terms of can you can talk the talk but can you walk the walk I keep hearing that big changes are going to happen at Manchester United I keep hearing that nobody is safe I keep hearing that anyos are going to do things differently but are we actually or is it just all talk like are we actually going to move players on are we actually going to get rid of the Dead wood it’s super important that we do that this summer and you know what in terms of being able to buy players in like a potential signing of J ever a statement signing selling players is a massive helping hand on the way to that like you never know how much is Saudi Arabia going to give us for casemiro Saudi Arabia give us a big chunk for casemiro J neveras could be done like I I would genuinely keep a massive eye on J nees because there is going to be a statement signing wanted to done wanted to be done by inos they are going to want to make a splash he is massively high up on the list he’s got huge potential we massively need his position we we need that sort of midfielder in the club at Manchester United Bruno Fernandez has a big influence at the club and we know how highly he rates him keep an eye on J never for sure but in terms of out if for that to happen like stick says outgoing is absolutely massive Patrick Lynch says Bellingham Kane rice are proven players spending 80 plus million on a potential is just bad business even 60 million for a lisay is a huge risk Patrick great Super Chat as well I forgot about Declan rice how much was rice 100 million might win Arsenal the title big might but he if he wins Arsenal the title it’s signing of a signing of the Season I’m not saying it’s just him that’s won it but he’s been a huge part to play in Arsenal taking that next level this year and okay Yer was a proven player but how many I remember banging my head against a wall saying how much I wanted Declan rice and like the majority of United fans were turning the noes up at him saying he wasn’t good enough for United saying he was just another Harry McGuire I remember that conversation and sometimes you know people would have said 100 million for rice at that time was a bit of a risk to be honest with you he was a young player okay y played in the Premier League I really wanted him I thought he was going to be excellent but you know Arsenal ended up getting him it’s been a brilliant signing but I but like you said players like J neveras that come from the Portuguese league they are risky they are risky business I’m going to actually just check how old he is 19 years old 19 years old 20 years old at the end of September like it’s a huge risk but if it pays off it would be absolutely massive but it’s like hland hland for 72 million huge risk still is a huge Risk by the way still is a huge risk I think he’s got bundles of potential but that was too much money to spend that was too much money to spend on on what he was at the time but Manchester United went out there and did it if he reaches the levels that we hope he can do then you’ll be look back and think okay yeah I understand the money but at the moment that’s a lot of money to spend on on on potential like you said 60 million on Alis say I don’t think that’s as much as a risk as what you make out I think Elis say will Thrive at Manchester United under the right team and manager which is a big if but I think for his talent levels 60 million is is is a good deal for Elisa if we do decide to do it um got another Super Chat in from Lee Burman saying we’ve been here before with huge fees look at Anthony we need marginal gains for the next two to three years before any like the never signing Lee and you are right I am kind of I’m talking about both sides of the coins like I said I could talk about until I’m blue in the face if John Evas pays off it’s brilliant if it doesn’t you sat here thinking why did we spend a 100 million when we have so many positions to go and get marginal gains is something sir Dave presford is absolutely massive on inos have said they’re not they’ve said they’re not going to spend massive on individual players so this is all just big ifs right now on Joel never we are interested it’s all ifs it’s about the price and everything like that but like you said if it was a man city or Real Madrid like I said at the start of the show they’re more likely to make this sort of signing because they’re just polishing things off it’s like Arsenal even Arsenal could make a signing like this in the summer because look at their team they don’t really need that many improvements they need a striker they need another midfielder could AR probably do the left back but looking at Arsenal they could afford to go and spend 100 million on ja Nas because they’ve got a proper functioning team that’s already near the top level they just need to elevate a bit higher Manchester United are in a rebuild situation like you said Patrick Lynch says 100 million is for finishing the puzzle not starting it Thiago Brown says Madrid’s Madrid’s um got Vinnie for no big dollars we need to learn God how good is vess’s JR by the way and Troy Warren says finally not linked with someone from the Premier League we need to Branch out instead of getting the Prem madonas from the Prem I think Premier League signings honestly a really good way to go I’m going to be honest with you Trey we’ve gone outside the Premier League multiple times and it hasn’t worked like it hasn’t worked the Premier League is approv like people can be proven in the Premier League it’s less of an adaptation for them players to come into their team you’re playing in that League they used to the physicality they used to the style of That League look at Arsenal and Etta arteta is shopped in the Premier League and it’s paid off for him big time Declan rice from the Premier League paid offer him big time Ben White from the Premier League for me been the big best right back in the Premier League this season paid off for him big time as much as I thought HZ was a bad signing he’s been instrumental the last couple of months for Arsenal bought him from the Premier League jayus from the Premier League zinenko from the Premier League artetta loves a premier league signing he loves a premier league signing and it’s paid off for him very very well he really has like I think shopping in the Premier League if you go for the right sort of profiles and the right Talent can be a Good Thing Man United have just been scared because when we shop in the Premier League we’ve shopped for Harry MaGuire and Aaron Waka and credit to Maguire he’s done well this year but before that it was a failed signing like if you look at the grand scheme of things with Harry McGuire for 80 million it’s been it’s he’s not lived up to what we wanted for that so man united have have been scared because we’ve probably gone for the wrong profiles in the past from the Premier League but the Premier League is absolutely a great League to shop in you’re going to spend a little bit more money because you get Premier League tax but with that you get players that are ready to be integrated straight into the team have adapted to the Premier League and you know what the league is about I think it’s a great League to shop him if you go for the right players and that’s why I think M Michael lisay if we do decide to take the plunge on that signing would be a good signing because he’s already used to the Premier League it’s not like a sancho situation where you’re going and spending 70 odd million and he’s played in the Bundesliga because as good as Jane Sancho is for Dortmund and as good as he was in the bunders Lea before he came and even the Champions League like the Premier League it’s different and you need that adaptation and with Jane Sancho it didn’t work he could name multiple reasons why but if he would have played in the Premier League before it probably would have been a smoother adaptation that being said of course there’s brilliant find you can find in in in the top leagues in in the leagues across Europe of course there is there’s many players I’d W that are in different leagues Bruno Fernandez being an absolute like Bruno Fernandez like he was from the Portuguese league and he’s absolutely taken the Premier League by storm he’s been fantastic you know pep shopped in around in different leagues early in Highland came from from the Bundesliga so you can get gems of course you can but shopping in the Premier League is usually more it’s more foolproof it’s more of a safe bet and that’s another reason why I want to go for Ivan Tony as well super chats coming in Pete Phillips clubs have consistently watched us overpay and under sell on players it has completely kneecaps our ability to negotiate because of our track record Pete you’re right but this is where anyos make the change and it started off with the Dan ashwith deal we’re not getting our pants pulled down we’re not paying stupid compensation we will ride it out and we will we will take legal action if needed like he we are be being strong and this transfer window is so important to prove to other clubs we are taking a different stance and we are no longer going to get messed about it’s so important so it’s a massive transfer window for anyos being their first one at the club because it sets the tone and you’re right on that and Dodge says I think we will do stealthy transfers under inos I hope so I hope we take a couple more risks in terms of getting signings in that are smart that maybe we haven’t heard of before you know signings in where you know say for example when Julian Alvarez Went to went to Manchester City and it was like 14 million bam and how good of a signing he’s been I want us to do like smart signings like that remember when kaminga we were going to get kaminga for 25 million and then ended up going to Real Madrid and we ended up getting Ronaldo kaminga would have been superb for that amount of money and people knew about kaminga but he wasn’t a huge name at that point that would have been an unbelievable signing we need to do more smart signings like that I’m absolutely hoping that that is what inos integrates into the football club taking a couple more risks even though cedo is not done well at Chelsea we had an opportunity to buy him went to Brighton for around 5 million I think it was like that would have been smart business so Manchester United I want us to see us doing more some smart signings and for players that we don’t even we don’t even know about at the time or have only just started to hear about and a lot of people talking in the chat about different players we can get we’re going to talk about that in a second Douglas Louise someone’s just mentioned Douglas Louise I rate him so high highly so highly obviously the little shimmy celebration didn’t go too down well down too well in the fan base underst St he got a bit cocky before he he got a a bit carried away with the game this season with Manchester United but don’t get me wrong he’s a phenomenal player for Aston Villa and I think he’s so good there’s a reason why artetta was trying super hard to go and get him last last season I don’t know what his contract’s at right now of Aston Villa we’ve not been linked to him at all but I think Douglas Louise is fantastic and if we were in the conversation to try and buy him I would absolutely be in that conversation we just I’ve just not seen us link to him whatsoever but I think Douglas Lise is absolutely fantastic LeBron James says what is your favorite color don’t know it changes all the time um changes all the time I’d probably say I’ve just been told I have to say red because it’s man united to be fair look at the nails everyone I bleed I bleed red I am red for Manchester United um but anyway yeah that’s the stuff on J NE and with casero leaving that could be someone that we could go and get it’s just the price tag any other options any please get in the chat by the way please make comments because I know you guys are always looking around Europe looking at the the the top leagues around Europe and just looking at Players even in the Premier League as well that Manchester United could potentially go and buy we’re all we’re all our own little Scouts so please get in the comments if casiro departs who would you want to replace him who should Manchester United sign please get in the comments your opinions because it was coming in again from this article in Portugal that casemiro is expected to leave Manchester United this summer Romano confirmed that on the show earlier on this week casemiro is very more than likely that he’s going to leave and Saudi Arabia going to come in for him thank God for Saudi Arabia because honestly it’s massive if we manag to get casemiro out considering the the wage and the age and the contract he is on so if casemiro leaves which is looking very very likely we are going to buy a Midfield it’s who we get to replace him and this article is saying J Nez has been made a priority to rejuvenate the Midfield and Manchester United are very attracted to his age his potential and obviously he’s very well liked within Europe and he’s very well scouted J Nas is a big one that is a Fan’s favorite but he’s going to cost a lot of money who would you want to replace casemiro please get in the chat um shahan narang says the key is to get the environment right in the club a good environment makes mediocre players players look good and good players look great IE rice we need to do that and our signings will flourish shahan another brilliant Super Chat wow you guys are on fire with your super chats this morning don’t know what it is about this Thursday but I was speaking about this with Ricky yesterday the reason why so many United fans are like how come sabitzer and Sancho didn’t play like this for Man United why is sabitzer and Sancho killing it in Champions League semi-finals against PSG but they couldn’t like the fans didn’t seem deem them good enough for Manchester United team no individuals unless they are absolutely off the scale will flourish in a bad team like Manchester United are a bad team we are not a good team Dortmund are a good team they’re cohesive there’s good coaching going on you know they’re working together as a unit team shape is massive you’ve got overlapping fullbacks you’ve got underlapping runs you’ve got you’ve got a cohesive unit of a team there Manchester United just don’t look like they have a clue what’s going on you have statues on the pitch you have players that are just not on the safe wavelength you have a poor team and that’s why I say the fact that Bruno fernandz has done what he’s done like imagine what he could do in an actual functioning team I don’t even know like the what he’s managed to do on in a poor functioning Manchester United Team is honestly incredible but I think if man united actually you know got their team sorted out there’d be some players where you’d be like hang on a second you know what like I did not expect them to be that good there’d be players now that we sold if they went on to proper functioning teams you’d be thinking hang on a second why didn’t they perform like that in Manchester United there’s more players there that have the potential there’s players that are absolutely not up to the task absolutely we need an overhaul but there’s players that in a good team would Thrive and that’s what’s really important individuals people love to talk about all the time you know the mbapp the venicius Juniors the Jude Bellingham the ering Harland individuals are are a big part of football but how you get the best out of individuals is you put them into a flourish team and that’s what man united really need to focus on doing and that’s another reason as to why a lot of our signings have failed as well because we haven’t had a plan for the for the signing we haven’t got a style of play that suits our team and and and the the profiles of our players and it’s like we bought James Sancho for what we never had a plan for him we need a plan for our signings if we were to buy J Nez what’s the plan for J Nez how does he fit into this team and how does he flourish and that’s the most important thing like you said in your super chat um somebody asked why do you think it is that our team isn’t functioning so many different things environment years of poor recruitment the manager I think has to come under a lot of scrutiny this season an environment that breeds down in tools and breeds failure the whole club needs an overhaul serin rackliff himself said that no player or coach it it’s not healthy for Success the environment in Manchester United and it’s off the pitch it’s behind the scenes it’s within the dressing room there’s so many different reasons it needs massive massive clear out everywhere Sean howlet says I can only get excited for one thing this summer and it’s to see what players we still have left from our old Squad yeah I think a lot of people is excited about that but anyway let’s move on with the next part of Call of the show getting your suggestions for who could replace casemiro as well I’d be really interested to hear Let me have a look people still banging the Anana from the Everton drum because Anana isn’t even Starting Games for Everton right now an at Everton to me I do think there is a player there but he’s not somebody that I would launch into Buy in this summer personally he’s not someone I would laun into buy and I know a lot of people like on Twitter the tacticos that Mark would call it a loving Anana I thought Anana could have been a decent signing for us a few months ago but the more I’ve kind of watched Everton recently I would stay clear of Anana personally for me um a lot of people talk someone just talked about Pina Pina is a little bit too high on the age bracket I love Palina I think he’s an excellent player but I think he’s 30 right now or he’s 2930 we want to be going for someone a little bit younger than that than that for me personally as good as Paulina is and then you’ve got somebody Jia Gomez from wolves Jia Gomez from wolves is absolutely somebody that man another player that Manchester United are watching absolutely we spoke about that on the show previously a couple months ago Jia Gomez is up there on Manchester United’s list the same that J NZ is at the top of Jia Gomez is up there only recently signed for wolves though spoke to my wolves fans as friends about him they rate him so highly it’s just is he ready to make that move now and again he’s someone who’s going to cost you a lot of money and you’ve got Sean clap saying I’d start playing our Reserve keeper for a start miles better how do you know you’ve not seen Bay De play you’ve seen Bay D Play Once how do you know that someone said basuma might be available not for me abs absolutely not for me not for me not for me not for me not for me it was never for me even at the time when he was leaving Brighton so many people wanted him I thought he was decent but I never thought he was absolutely top level he started really well for Spurs this season but I still wouldn’t launch into going signing foruma in my opinion anyway let’s move on to the next section of the show that I wanted to speak about okay next bit is this is coming from Rob Dawson Manchester United are open to offers for Harry MaGuire and Victor lindeloff although it’s like L that at least one of them will stay this is where the clear out starts Manchester United are probably going to go and get two center backs in this summer we’re definitely going to get one hopefully we go and get two veron’s going somebody else is Johnny Evans might be going somebody else is probably going to depart we have to keep one of them I know a lot of people would want Harry McGuire fit LOF to both go but we have to keep one of them because we’re going to have Leandro Martinez that is the only guy that is absolutely going to be staying and you’re going to have either Harry MaGuire or Lindelof then you’re going to get two new center backs in there you’ve got four and you’ve got Willie CA as well that’s coming up through the ranks that is someone that you can rely upon Manchester United are going to have to keep one of har McGuire and Victor Lindelof but which one would you keep get in the comments down below if you’re looking at Manchester United’s Center back situation in the summer Fran’s going on a free Johnny Evans is probably going to retire you’ve got alandro Martinez and say you get TBO in as well say you get a branway or it could be somebody else you get a branway in there’s your five center backs but also it’s also coming out from Rob Dawson that Manchester United are interested in signing the Fulham Defender tossing tossing is going to be available on the threee in the summer quite a few clubs are sniffing around I saw a lot of news coming out that Newcastle are probably going to end up getting tossing I think Newcastle will end up getting him but he is somebody to watch for Manchester United and when Manchester United on a budget getting a Defender like that who’s very versatile quick good with the ball at his feet physical Premier League proven it could be a really smart buy from Manchester United so get in the chat what you think about that but at least one of Harry Movic Lindelof looks like they will stay who would you keep it’s a difficult one because with Lindelof you’ve got somebody who probably knows his place and that’s not as a starter is a squad player somebody who can play right sided Center back Left sided Center back and fullback if needed he slotted in at fullback quite a lot for o this season granted was no Luke Shaw but did a job but with Harry McGuire you’ve got somebody who is had for one a better season than lindeloff in my opinion is very niche in terms of what he can do he can go into the final third when you’re trying to chase a game and be a Target man we did it against Liverpool in the cup if you’re defending a lead he’s someone you can put in in the box and he will head every single ball away that comes into the box he’s a good Defender when you’re up against the wall when you’re getting peppered with crosses when you’re getting peppered with Corners when you are trying to defend a lead he’s great for that when you are trying to score a goal he’s also good you put him in the final third and he is that Target man and Bruno Fernandez always finds him and and Maguire always heads the ball down and causes issues in there so Harry McGuire for me would be the one I would keep cuz I just think he offers more as as a squad player for us our producer is absolutely dying over there of a cough he keeps distracting me are you okay he’s he’s okay he’s literally having a coughing fit I’m trying to talk and I’ve got Ryan in the background basically like might be on de’s do D I keep thinking like do I have to call like an ambulance or something what’s going on with Mya Ju so sorry guys about that but yeah he’s okay he’s he’s okay he’s okay he’s telling me he’s had it for months he’s had it since he went from Copenhagen but yeah with Harry McGuire I would keep Harry McGuire over Victor Lindelof what would you do in the chat maybe get a poll on on that actually who would you rather keep Harry McGuire or Victor Lindelof who would you rather keep on that situation because I spoke to Ricky about this the other day he said he’d keep Lindelof we know how much he loves him I think I’d keep Harry McGuire just because Harry McGuire isn’t going to be starting games for Manchester United I can very much doubt that but if he does have to start he’s proved this season that he can do a job and on top of that he just offers something different to the rest of our Squad he offers something different he is somebody that is like his head is like a ball magnet he you can put him in there to defend them crosses he is a little bit different so I would keep him just for as a for the sake of our Squad I think he could be a good squad player for us in terms of who I would be keeping Ryan a lot of people are telling you you need to uh stop the cigarettes I’ve told him guys he needs to stop it he’s he’s going through so many every single day it’s it’s a bad habit it’s a bad habit Ryan he said apparently it’s because of the stress I giving cheeky in he cheeky in he let’s get him on the show out here um who would you keep Maguire Lindelof though get in the chat on your comments as well Ryan says tossing and tobo for center backs Matt wer is a DM Edison for a center mid from Atalanta who’s a big Ash of Target from Newcastle Kei Maguire and Lindelof Fair shout Fair shout in terms of center backs could there be a situation where Manchester United get three like could you get a tobo and a branway and also get tossing on a free could there be that situation I very highly doubt it I think tossing will go to Newcastle I don’t think he’ll come to Manchester United but it’s definitely one to watch and that would be a smart move to make if you were Manchester United but in terms of the center backs I feel like there’s people out there thinking yes mcu’s going to leave yes lindor’s going to leave you know all these people going to leave one of them will definitely stay I won’t be surprised if both did but one of them will stay and I think for the sake of the squad it should be Maguire the only thing with Maguire is his wages are higher than Lindelof I think but also I think with Maguire it’d be harder to sell him because of that last season obviously we know West Ham was super interested there going to be interested in Maguire but the the clubs that are interested in him aren’t going to be able to pay his wage and that’s that’s the issue that you have with McGuire so I think it looks likely that Maguire will stay and we’ve already been that man united are open to letting Lindelof go so I reckon Lindelof will be the one that goes but who would you keep Maguire Lindelof get in the chat down below 62% of you agree with me on McGuire and 31% say Lind off it’s mad because you think you know a couple of seasons ago we probably never would be saying that but Maguire really has proved he’s got a place in the squad this season not getting carried away he won’t be a starter for Manchester United competing at the top level but he could be a squad player stick says I would keep Maguire let’s commit to a style we paid 50 million for Anana let’s let’s get him to work he’s a sweeper keeper anyway that’s the situation on the center backs I’m really excited to see what does happen with the center back situation in Manchester United because it’s very up in the air the only one I feel like nailed on is is TBO branway I know we want but he’s going to be super expensive toss in Newcastle look like they’re going to get him but he’s somebody that would be a smart move and then Maguire o Lindelof one of them will go and who will it be it’ll be interested to see we hope one of them will go at least anyway next up on the agenda to talk about on the poll who would you keep Maguire or Lindelof will end at 62% say Maguire 38 lindoff so most of you agree with me I want to run another poll before I talk about Thomas Tel and the other poll I need to run this earlier is would you spend 100 million pounds on J NZ is J Nez worth 10000 million to Manchester United in the summer get voting away on that I want to see the consensus because I know he’s a big name and I know a lot of people highly rate him but it’s whether the man united fans and whether you the community feel like that’s a smart way to spend our limited budget especially when we keep getting told 100 million is literally our Baseline to go into the summer without sales like that’s a lot of that’s a big chunk of money Patrick Lynch says Lindelof easier to sell in a European market too exactly I think Atletico is already inquired about Lindelof in the past and Romano has said there’s been clubs abroad that have inquired about Lindelof I think a couple of Italian clubs have inquired about him as well I think you could move him on quite easily get voting in the poll but let’s talk about Thomas Tel so Thomas Tel is in line to potentially be the new Manchester United manager if Eric T har gets sacked at the end of the season and inos and sergeon R Cliff decide to part ways with Eric tenh hark his name keeps getting brought up and he’s on the list of candidates to be the next Manchester United manager along with the likes of Southgate he’s another manager that is on the list but I don’t like to talk about that CU it scares the life out of me Thomas Tel I spoke about on the show yesterday saying I’m not 100% sold on him but it’s a situation where is he the best out of a bad bunch and I’m still on that wavelength with Thomas tuel Eric tag looks like he could be done at Manchester United if we get a new manager in the well the only thing that I feel like that he’s saving Eric tag at the moment is the fact that there’s no one out there I think that’s what say keeping tenhagen a job and that could keep Eric tenhagen a job if he magically pulls something off in the FA Cup Final because you look at the options and it really is Slim picking Southgate is an absolute no green Potter looks like he’s going to go to Ajax and it’s still is a no for me nagles man’s extended with the German national team not going to happen deser is too expensive and also a big risk after what’s happened with Brighton amarim is a shout an absolute shout but doesn’t seem to have been linked to Manchester United at all producers got some water I’ve told him off and you look at you know people talk about hansy flick he’s another one that could be maybe brought into the conversation but there’s no standout front runner Thomas tuel he was coming out in reports that inos feel like he’s the right guy that they can work with him they’ve got relations with him in the past but also it’s come out that they’re not going to go for a manager based purely off trophies and based off their record in terms of the champions league and trophies and they want want to go with someone they feel like they can build with they can lay the foundations with in terms of Thomas toua and it was actually really funny last night somebody tweeted me saying Beth is this really the manager that you’re saying you’re not 100% sold on that’s about to go through to the to the Champions League final again in his career and with Bayern Munich after beating Real Madrid at the burner Bell um you don’t know anything and then about five minutes later Bayern Munich is going to getting knocked out and Real Madrid’s going through and not everything’s black and white you know NAA did make a mistake by unique if no didn’t make a mistake it was looking likely they were going to go through but you never know with Real Madrid they’re super inevitable the things that I did pick up from last night when looking at Thomas Tel is is Thomas does Thomas is Thomas Tel got a good record in Europe yes can he provide in Cup competitions yes and I do think he has pedigree and if we did get Thomas tall in I would back him and I’d get behind him and I think he’s a good manager I don’t think he’s an exceptional manager I don’t think he’s someone I’ve been massively excited about but he is a good manager and in terms of the options out there he’s probably the best out of a bad Bunch but is the things about Thomas tall that I’m put off by yes I’ve talked about his recruitment before I don’t think his talent ID is great Kane was obviously a master stroke of a signing but in terms of other signings he’s made I don’t think I I’ve not been a fan of his recruitment obviously Ser J and inos are going to take the Reigns on that so that’s maybe not something you would worry about massively but the main thing about last night that for me I was like that’s a put off on Thomas Tel were his substitutions if that’s your audition for The Man United job you’ve screwed it up and he’s just the way he screwed up the the chance of kanen to get and Bayern Munich to get to a Champions League final he screwed it up and people keep telling me NAA made a mistake how could he foresee that yes NAA did make a mistake he did you’re playing Real Madrid at the burnout in a Champions League semi-final trying to shut up shop at 1 nil on Real Madrid in a Champions League semi-final with more than 10 minutes to go is silly why on Earth are you taking your best players off the pitch and inviting Real Madrid Ona cuz at that point in the game before he made the substitution for his best players of course Real Madrid were getting opportunities but it was very it was a very equal game Bayern Munich were getting good opportunities as well why are you taking off San moala and the most important one for me is Harry Kane why are you doing that why are you changing your team shape and why are you just inviting Real Madrid Ona he screwed up the game in my opinion and I am scarred from Manchester United managers making bad substitutions and throwing the game I’m scared from it and that for me from Thomas Tel it was negative it was okay it was ballsy but it was stupid it was too risky they the most inevitable team in Europe Real Madrid and on top of that with Harry Kane not only like if you go into extra time which you didn’t even go to extra time in the end because Real Madrid run it but if you go into extra time you want Harry kanane there as a goal Outlet he can score you a goal and he’s one of your best players not only you want Harry Kane there if you’re going into extra time but I’m talking about even defensively you want an outlet Harry Kane can hold the ball up he’s great at winning headers in the air he can run the channels you know he’s great at keeping the ball offset pieces and off Corners he’s got height where he can get up like taking Harry Kane off was just honestly for me it was a huge huge huge mistake and potentially even you can never say CU you never know how a game’s going to play out but I think it could have cost him the game a lot of people say Kan was carrying injury you’re in a Champions League semi-final you’ve got no trophies this season it’s your last trophy to play for Leverkusen have won the Bundesliga you’re out the cup you fight till the death taking off your best players for me was just the wrong decision from Thomas toua it really was so you know people can talk about injuries all they like I still think Harry Kane should have stayed on the pitch for me I just think shutting up Shar against Real m Madrid in that situation was too risky 2- N I would have understood one nil you just can’t do it against Real Madrid they’re just so inevitable also at the same time though you look at Bayern Munich and it should have gone to extra time delit with that goal and the and the whistle was blown or the flag was raised whatever it was before the sorry the whistle was blown the flag was raised too early and V I couldn’t intervene like that was Madness and if I was Bayern Munich I’d felt I’d feel massively massively massively and it should have gone to extra time it was horrendous decision a horrendous decision and I felt for Bayern Munich in that situation but yeah I just don’t think that Tel Subs were right in that game that doesn’t make me think because of one game Tel’s a bad manager he’s got personality to get to that point against Real Madrid was very well done to get to a Champions League semi-final was very well done but ultimately this is the first season that Bayern Munich G have gone trophyless since 2011 2012 under Thomas Tel there are things you’ve got to look at but if Thomas Tel got the United job like I said I’d get behind him I do think he’s got potential he’s a good coach do you let go of the you know I a Fan’s going to let go now of of the wanting to get somebody in who’s going to be like a Ferguson who’s going to be here for years or not even just like a Ferguson somebody like klopp and pep who have who have been at their clubs for years and have had a long stay toal I feel like a very shortterm coach I don’t think he’s somebody that’s going to be there for five six seven years I don’t see that in tal is he going to be somebody that’s going to come in and sort out the team shape sort out Personalities in the dressing room and inject some positivity into the club I think he would and I like his personality I think he’s got personality he is a touchline manager there’s things to like about toua but ultimately he’s not somebody that I’m thinking yes absolutely sign him up to the man united job right now that’s how I felt about tenh when we went and got tenh I was so excited for him to come in I was absolutely adamant he was the right guy I don’t feel like that about anybody now um for Manchester United in the manager Market but forall would I take him yes am I sold on him no that’s the situation that I’m in right now would you spend 100 million on J neveras this summer get your votes in yes or no as much as I like J neveras I would probably say we need to spend our budget more evenly and more cleverly this summer but you guys have spoken and you’ve said 65% said no and 35% say yes and Matt Bishop says Chelsea sloppy seconds been there done that with Jose somebody said he’ll do worse than Jose really we’re not getting Jose back so let go of that dream amarim is someone I would like us to explore who shall did go what do you guys think about amarim I’ve not done my diligence on him Pro yet but from what I’ve heard and what I’ve seen about him I quite like him he’s somebody that I would like to do my research on on and I would like for us to explore it’s interesting that he was basically we basically sure he was going to get the Liverpool job and then Annie slot it like u-turned very quickly I’d been like I wonder why that happened was I don’t know why that happened if anyone knows in the chat will you get down below was it because of money I can’t remember exactly what it was and then West Ham spoke to him as well and then they’ve gone with Julian l amarim is someone I would like to explore Tel is Tel is someone where I’d be able to get behind it I do think there’d be improvements next season I do think he’s someone who could progress Manchester United in Cup competitions I’m just not 100% sold and last night again I thought his substitutions were very naive nian go goer Kumar says for auditioning for the United job toall should manage a game in the championship not in the Champions League that is man united levels we are in the mud true I mean watching last night watching Real Madrid and Bayern Munich go Toe to Toe it makes you realize how far off it we are God I would dream of playing a game like that and I was actually standing a chance by the way as well and being able to compete it feels like them days are so far away I mean we can barely compete with centry in the FA Cup never mind competing with Bayern Munich or Real Madrid and champions league and nian also says honestly are you going to say no to T short based on sub last night pep M up in the finals and did they sack him we need a man with authority I never said we’re going to I’m going to I’m going to say no to two show Bas on last night all I’m pointing out is his Subs were negative it cost him the game and that’s something to take note of I literally just said you can’t base it off one game you can’t but it was something that in my head I thought that’s we don’t need a manager that’s that’s getting his Subs wrong personally but then again you know you look at the Champions League final with Chelsea he got his Sub Spot on and he did brilliantly that game tall is a good manager I’ve said that I don’t I’m if if he got the job I won’t be like United finished I think he’s a good manager I’m just not 100% sold and I want the best of the best for Manchester United at the moment out of all the candidates Tel probably is the best out of the options that we’ve got like I said I’d like to explore Amarin but there is pros and cons with Tel it’s not like wow he’s going to be amazing but it’s also no he’s he’s definitely going to be air I think it’s one of them where I’d go into it with my eyes wide open but I’d also get behind him and and try and inject a little bit of excitement as well and Patrick Lynch says it was so strange he didn’t just take some of his tackers off he took all of them off exactly like people talking about Kane’s back took San off to mzos as well United one says would you rather keep tag over tall then putting me on the spot I don’t know the way things are going with tenh har at the moment do I think T could could get more of out of this man united team at this moment in time yes but I don’t know with tenh ask me after the Arsenal game I keep I keep changing my mind on the situation there’s a lot that’s not going in Tag’s favor at the moment in my opinion there’s a lot I feel like he could have done better there’s a lot of decisions I feel like he could have made better but also the structure behind the scenes and everything he’s had to deal with comes into play as well it’s for me I can’t make my answer yet I’m like inos I am inos I’m on the fence and I’ve not made my decision ask me at the end of the season Jason job says you could go and get four plus Simons and AR rabio and AR rabio with a 100 million mean man says I fear for Eric and ha had six managers in for years yeah it’s another one exactly thank you everyone for your super chats Sean clap says I like layur another one that Ralph ranik suggested for Man United to go and get layo was another W and we just ignored him and he was brilliant last night for Bayern Munich against Real Madrid So Physical exactly the type of midfielder that man united could do with Savage says barard Ash Wilcox all decent but we should actually be obsessed with ancelotti he checks all the boxes and he’s not a checkbook manager anchel what a manager what a manager is what I’m going to say what a manager unbelievable what he’s done so likable speak so well anchel will go down as one of the all-time greats an unbelievable manager but I don’t think we have a chance of getting him at Manchester United as much as I would like him there I just don’t think he would tenh is clear of Tel is what people are saying in the chat I want to make my decision at the end of the season before the thing is before this season I would have said tall sorry I would have said tenh har is Miles clear of tall at the moment it’s a tough it’s a tough one it’s a tough one tenh har is failing in this Manchester United job currently but is that due to numerous factors that are out of his control sound off in the comments down below I’m going to do an inos and make my decision at the end of the season but thank you everyone for watching thank you for getting all your chats in I think we can all agree on that we need to be very wise in our spending of the transfer window and it is upon us we’re going to get cracking soon J NZ is definitely one to watch if we were going to make a statement signing but is that the road that inos is going to go down let me know in the comments your thoughts please hit a like on the video let me know your thoughts on tall as well let me know your thoughts on the manager situation let me know your thoughts on the center back situation let me know everything and have a lovely rest of your Thursday last Super Chat here I’ve Just Seen pop in from ra car Brown Amar Beth I am like now if any other manager comes in let’s see how long this one last six managers I am done exactly same cycle on repeat we need to change the record change the record that’s what we need to do love you and leave everyone have a lovely rest of your day I’m going to check that Ryan’s okay I’ve not heard him cough for a while hopefully he’s not collapsed on the floor Flor we’ll see what’s happening but thank you everyone and we’ll see you on the next one


    1. Tuchel said after the game that Kane couldn’t continue and other players had hamstring issues. It wasn’t a wrong decision to take them off. Pep took off KDB for the same reasons and no one questioned him even after losing. This Ten Hag sentimentality needs to end – he’s not learning as a coach nor improving his methods.

    2. Beth – Please stop the style of play! MU has a style of play, it doesn't have the players that can't play more than 30 minutes at that style then revert back to the what they can do, then the style disappears, I have seen the team change from the 4-3-2-1 to a 4-4-2 and we even played park the bus and play counter attack these players cannot play foot ball, or they don't want to play…. It is so easy to blame ETH, if you can't see it the learn more about the intricate came, and stop following the crowd. "I played the game and have a manager CV"

    3. Maguire has had a good season but his value is higher then Lindeloff and his contract ends in 2025 we might as well cash in and not let another player run down a contract and end up walking for free he is also ageing too let’s get some cash back while we still can

    4. Even if we sign him, both him and Kobbie are too young to control that United midfield game in game out but adding Rabiot or Onana plus JoΓ£o Neves improves us massively. Lets go to the South American League to get our defensive midfielders to partner Kobbie going forward. I wouldn't pay €100 for him.
      We could pay €120-150 for both Antonio Silva and JoΓ£o Neves.πŸ€”πŸ€·

    5. Kane, Neves, Todibo, another cb(GuΓ©hi or Braithwaite), Olise.
      Sell Sancho, Greenwood, Rashford, Varane, Casemiro, McTominay, Eriksen. Perhaps a few more players out.

    6. Regarding the manager merry-go-round…it must be stopped now. Ineos need to get behind ETH, do the player clean out and build around Garnacho, Hojlund, Mainoo, etc. ETH deserves a solid starting eleven to coach! Olise would be a good start to the summer transfers.

    7. Loving the lighting on this video, Beth you’re looking great. Your confidence has grown so much, love it when I open the video and it’s you. Goldbridge found a diamond!

    8. Beth: good signing= team is doing well ex: Bellingham Rice

      Bad signing= team doing poorly Enzo and Caicedo

      Do you actually watch any of these players or do you just see stats on twitter and read nonsense from random people?

    9. I think the Manchester United players should realise. Most fans love the club they don't love them. They have won nothing we don't owe them anything instead they owe us for the salary they are getting.

    10. Lol if you signed all the players your meant to be in for utd woukd have 500 players in your squad lol and why would anyone even want to move to utd for what reason you think that top players will move to a club with no future lol are you on glue lol

    11. We need to keep ETH next year, unless we get Amorim. Otherwise keep until the end of next year when Ancelotti will probably be available. I believe Real Madrid will get Alonso in the summer of 2025. Tuchel is not the answer!

    12. Beth, mark and the united stand no NOTHING when it comes to the club and whats happening. If anyone with half a brain has seen Joao Neves play, they will know hes not worth that price and hes not what we require

    13. Jao neves and Brightons Ferguson is not gonna solve a single problem. They are bang average players shouldnt be going anywhere near a united first team!!!! What We really need is Valverde, Pedri and vinicious jr and Joshua kimmich to replace Casemiro!

    14. Were doing great transfers this summer because we got Dan Ashworth ? The man is on garden leave and for all we know may not start in United before the transfer window close again ? I still fear we'll have a usual United transfer window. Rubbish at selling players and only slightly better at buying. I'm still waiting for Ineos to convince me they're not just another Glazer.

    15. I'd keep LindelΓΆf. We need cash and he's good enough for 5th spot. We might get 25m for Maguire, and LindelΓΆf maybe 5m ? Considering his injuries and contract length we wont get much for him. If Evans is fit enough for another season I'd sell both LindelΓΆf and Maguire though. We desperately need to sell players so we can afford to buy more than two players. Now if we only buy one defender then we probably would have to keep Maguire.

    16. And again, you talk about not spending $100 million on a single player but you want United to spend that money on Toney when Neves would be far more beneficial…

    17. Another winger????? We have several so called β€œwide players” but they all seem to be β€œcut inside and shoot” merchants so sell 4-5 of them first before we get another. Branthwaite probably worth a punt at Β£10m!! We dont need statement signings we need signings who have character first and foremost and not glitz.

    18. I don't know why we keep on saying we need a player to play with Mainoo …the boy is not ready to play week in and week out… and don't think he's ready ..i know people love the boy but if you can watch the last 4 games we've played…he has been making mistakes after mistakes but people let it pass because he's young and promising…we need two midfielders a number 6 and an 8 and Mainoo will be a squad player… otherwise we'll be open still in the Medfield

    19. Ask yourselves this … how often are Benfica and Nice on tv in England ? So this claim that neves and todibo are incredible and who we need to get is interesting. Where are you getting that opinion ? You haven’t watched anything other than a couple you tube clips and listen to rumors to generate your expert opinion

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