This week on the Fozcast, we have another GK union special for you and this time we have former United States GK who has played for Liverpool, Blackburn, Aston Villa and Tottenham, it’s Brad Friedel! In this clip, Brad talks to us about his time at Spurs including interesting discussions with Daniel Levy and Andre Villas-Boas around the signing of Hugo Lloris…

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    just want to let you lot know that if you’re watching this clip on the fos cast YouTube channel the full episode is now available to watch exclusively on Spotify and it’s free come on can we talk about the end of this uh 310 game uh spell this 310 game Run uh cuz I remember this I remember it clear day clear as day because um me and my brother we were Tottenham fans growing up um and I’m pretty sure it was on telly at night it was a it was a game against Aston Villa uh AV Andre vas boas was the manager and everybody was aware of this incredible run and again it won’t be broken I’m I know it won’t um but then the news came out that you had been dropped for the game and I was fuming Brad I was fuming on your behalf honestly um you just beaten man united the week before played fantastic you were in your in the form of your life you really were and then you got dropped can you remember how that came about yeah vividly of course I mean even though I was older um I getting older I I mean getting dropped when you’re in good form isn’t isn’t a nice thing and I knew I I knew every match at that stage could have been my last you know it when when you play you know like it’s happening and so you like you can start instead of seeing things through this like small little lens things like widen and open up and you can see like every supporter in the stadium cuz you could you’re just experienced and you’re calm and nothing you’re not nervous and you can go out and really enjoy your matches and that’s what I was doing at the end of my career and um yeah we we just beaten man united hadn’t beaten them in years in decades actually at Old Trafford and I got a call from uh message from Tony Parks goalkeeping coach and to come meet him in the canteen and I thought uh he had had some you know a tough a tough old time with some personal issues I thought he was going to talk about that and he said I just wanted to let you know that um we’re going to make a change against Villa and then against wig and you’re going to go back in and I said I said with all due respect like why now I’m going to go back and and say when I signed at Tottenham I signed a two-year contract and Daniel Levy um their plan for me was to be the number one for one year and then to purchase a long-term goalkeeper I was under No Illusion that at 42 years of age you were going to be the long-term solution for a club as as big as Tottenham and as ambitious as to how old was you when you signed at spares 40 a 2-year deal at 40 some twoe de twoyear deal at 40 and then I did I signed three contracts there CU I played toar 44 but so at at that time then Harry rnap he left after the first season and um and AVB came in and AVB didn’t realize how fit Carlo cachini and myself still were and we still had uh Gomez I think Gomez was was still there and what a great shot stopper he was yeah and um so when AVB went in there and saw our fitness he no longer won to spend the the money that he had to bring a goalkeeper in so I think he wanted Hulk Willian and moutinho at the time guys that he knew and I think Clint Dempsey came in um Musa demele who was a baller by the way Musa demell was a great signing like the top class and then last day the transfer window Huges came in we were four games into the season already and i’ had started and I was playing really well and ABB he wasn’t happy that a goalkeeper came in he he was fine with Hugo like you know there’s nothing against Hugo this was a a little bit of a battle with with he and Daniel yeah so this would have been a Daniel Ley signing them B yeah but it was also a club signing listen they needed they needed a long-term goalkeeper and again like I when he came in I would I wasn’t unhappy I knew it was I knew it was coming with Hugo I mean I think I was I played like 11 the first 11 or 12 games of of that season and Hugo was getting frustrated and and I I understood he was the captain of the French national team I believe he was Captain of Leon he had just signed over here and he’s not playing and I started getting abuse over in France we played uh we played Leon as as well in Europe um this was after Hugo became the number one but I was playing in the Europa League games and I got booed at Leon Stadium yeah CU you’re the guy that took place yeah yeah yeah and and we went through so I yeah so I gave him a little bit back at the end um but that’s a little side note so anyways um I I it was it wasn’t Tony parks’s decision you know he he was the messenger to tell me that I was going to be dropped he knew I wasn’t happy so so I asked him I said uh and I was older than ABB and I said uh where’s AVB he said he well he’s in his office so I went in there when AVB got nervous he used to he used to Twitch his uh his wed his wedding band and stuff like that and so I I went in I said what are you doing and I said like I’m playing well right now and you’re dropping me and he goes Brad it’s just one game didn’t parksy tell you you’re going to play against wig and he goes he goes yeah but because DDA des and the French Federation is is putting pressure on you you’re going to change your team wow I I said we’re I think we’re near top of the league we you know we’re playing messing with and we were playing Villa who was struggling you know and we beat we beat Villa 2-0 on the day but I think Yuga made a big mistake that they should have scored I think he threw one out um it got intercepted or something like that but um but ABS what you should he was like sitting back and I was like so so that that’s it that and he goes yeah he goes That’s the decision and I was like man I was like ABB that’s I said I’ve been in football a long time I was like that’s that’s wild I said that’s a wrong decision like right now like it’s a that’s politics a lot of questions going to be asked you know about this and then and they did it went and played against Wigan that’s strange that they’ve told you you’re out for one and then back in that’s even look at it from Hugo side as well like how much of a sort of like excuse the French but how much of a head is that just coming in for one game you know you only going going in for that one game and he would have known that it’s because the French Federation have been in touch and there all it’s all kicking off and I remember I remember actually at that time is is all these things were coming from France and it was apparently they were fuming that you were playing in the Premier League and Hugo is the best goalie in the world he should be playing he’s the FR France number one he’s the one that should be playing um it was the only controversial tweet I’ve ever sent out in my life and I don’t even have social media now but it was when Fabian Bartz said something I was like I fired back at Fabian Bartz what he what’s he getting involved for pipe down FS well I mean why why was he getting involved in it I mean it and and by and you know Hugo’s a really good lad Hugo and I had never had an issue one one time between us we we trained well together um I knew he was going to be the number one and you know I I was I was telling telling him like please just just calm down there’s there’s going to be one winner yeah in this eventually you’ll get in yeah you you you will have the spot and then Tony well Tim Sherwood took over then Hugo was already the number one and he played for him and then and then Tony jimnez came in with Mauricio poino and um they worked really well together so I mean he obviously was there for a decade so you know it turned out really well for Hugo but but yeah that’s how that’s how it was dropping then put back in I know listen I know we’re talking about the 310 consecutive games which is about eight and a half Seasons basically Brad um but the the three seasons before that as well you only missed five games in those three seasons how many it was 4133 games out of 418 that’s Inc imagine right if you could this is this is this is why this is so incredible right if you any football club in the world Brad right if you can say that player that we’re going to sign there for 10 million quid whatever it is he is going to play 99% of our games for the next 11 years right that is the most Sound Investment you will ever make cuz one if a player is playing 99% of games he’s doing something right isn’t he do you want to know what my transfer fee from Liverpool was go it was Zero free transfer except if cuz keep in mind Blackburn had relegated and they um so Graham sunis had taken over and he was trying to sign Premier League players to get to get the club up yeah so I had a Claus in my Liverpool contract a bonus Clause that uh cuz they had paid 1.3 or 1.5 million for me from uh from ml yeah so after each 100 games so when I got to the 300 game there was 100 Grand so Blackburn ended up having to pay the 300 Grand but that was what my transfer fee was cuz I played 300 games with him wow wow they would never have thought they’d about to pay that but even surely them would have been paying 300 Grand going you know what it’s probably all right no John Williams he did he did the deal and when when it got to like the 200th game he said he goes this this is the happiest two 200 Grand that I’ve paid so far without doubt thanks everybody for watching we hope you enjoyed this clip of the fos cast if you would like to watch the full episode it is now available exclusively on Spotify for free [Music]


    1. Fozzy saying he and his brother were Spurs fans and i remembered by heart the clip of a Fozcast when he said that the stadium that he was booed the most was White Hart Lane.

    2. In the 08/09 season he got a red card vs liverpool, meaning he would miss the next game thus ending the streak, however, the red card was reviewed by the FA and he was allowed to play in the next game.

    3. Friedel was next level. One of the best of all time seriously. I do wonder if Liverpool had stuck with him if he may have played at Anfield for 20 years

    4. It was actually infuriating as a Tottenham fan. He was always past it and Lloris was world class at the time … AVB inexplicably started the season with Friedel

    5. To say Brad was in good form when he was dropped is a bit wild, we were throwing away some leads around that time, and there were a few moments in that time where a younger keeper could have saved us some points. Lloris had to come in and play, it was right to sign him.

    6. That opening monologue from Brad about your view opening up and enjoying what will soon be the end of a chapter speaks true for so many things in life, really well put

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