This woman! She is NINETY TWO years old and as you will hear, as sharp as they come. Anne has been a mentor for me, guiding me through her research, unveiling suppressed histories and ancient texts restoring the feminine face of the Holy Spirit – like the mind-blowing “Gospel of the Beloved Companion” detailing Mary Magdalene’s sacred bond with Jesus.

    I finally got to sit down with this mystic-scholar heroine of mine, Dr. Anne Baring (@annebaring5850). She’s authored eight powerful books and has devoted her life to decoding the Myth of the Goddess and unveiling the FORGOTTEN WISDOM about our spiritual origins in Mother God.

    She has issued a RALLY CRY for modern women to embody our archetypal powers as wise crones and nurturers of humanity’s higher destiny. Anne’s work is a balm, resurrecting the sacred daughter within, restoring our cosmic wholeness.

    🌹 Resacralizing the Feminine VISION and the “Divine Ground”
    🌹 Reclaiming the FEMININE ASPECT of the Holy Spirit/Holy Wisdom
    🌹 Women’s crucial role in SHIFTING humanity to a HIGHER DESTINY

    Books we referenced in this episode:
    🌹Dr. Annine E.G Van der Meer | Mary Magdalene Unveiled: Hidden Sources Restore her Broken Image: Including a commentary on the Gospel of the Beloved Companion, that emerged in 2010:

    🌹Jehanne de Quillan | The Gospel of the Beloved Companion: The Complete Gospel of Mary Magdalene:

    00:00 Recognizing struggles, inspired by Anne’s work.
    05:46 Messages relevant then, and now. Fantastic journey.
    09:01 Long journey of analysis, training, and realizing femininity.
    12:01 Struggle to break free from patriarchal society.
    15:55 Exploring a transformative dream with an analyst.
    19:37 The Human concept of divinity is linked to a connected universe.
    23:09 Mormonism theology and its treatment of women.
    24:19 Renewed interest in Mary Magdalene’s history.
    28:37 Doctor reveals Mary Magdalene’s true story.
    32:47 Formulation of Jesus’ myth and Christian doctrine.
    35:37 Gnostics warned of the dangers of religious pride.
    39:03 Rugged individualism and colonization in America.
    40:39 Visualizing the Holy Ghost as feminine, always present.
    46:17 Influential figure in soul psychology’s resurgence.
    49:01 Praise for your work finding the right people.
    50:44 Knowing our purpose, love, and light is essential.

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    🤝 MARE CROMWELL will be guiding a FREE MOTHER GAIA MEDITATION for us on MAY 13. Ask to join our private FB “Soul Rose Community” for free access:

    #divinefeminine #carljung #TheSoulRoseShow

    hello an thank you so much for this opportunity I you and I have been conversing back and forth uh via email and I was so touched by your generosity and your thoroughness with my questions it’s like you’ve been a mentor from to me from afar and now we’ve had this personal connection and it’s just been so beautiful you’re in the UK I don’t know what time it is it looks like it’s still daylight there it’s 5 o’ okay yeah 10 am here so I want to start just with uh and I mentioned this to you before I think I’m so drawn to literally everything that you talk about write about you’re messaging it’s just I’m sure you’ve just been waiting for this era of humanity I mean you’re 92 so you’ve been waiting all this time to be able to probably speak as freely as you had hoped you could decades ago yeah that’s right I can speak now the way I want to speak I can speak of who I am I know I’ve come back into this world to do this work I didn’t know that until I was about 45 or 50 when I had the dream of the cosmic woman and then I knew my work was to be dedicated to the res restoration of the divine feminine and so I’ve been working on that for 40 years now 50 years which seems a long time but it’s all gone by so quickly I brought up a child and a grandson a daughter and a grandson in in the middle of that and I’ve done masses of talks and webinars because this is the time when Humanity has to wake up and the F Factor the main factor in waking up is the power of women to wake up to their own um role in this crucial moment of choice I call it crucial moment of choice and women’s role is absolutely essential but they’re not a sufficient number of them who are awake yet right they’re still going on with their lives as usual sort of thing and abely it’s they they’ve got to become more focused so I hope that this talk with you will will help that along well I’m doing my part an it’s you know um I had mentioned to you that uh a lot of my listeners have re have experienced different kinds of wounding around patriarchal institutions around um being silenced around um I had mentioned to you even just like not being H having autonomous control of our own bodies or having that stewardship over our own bodies to where we can make our own decisions that are relevant to what we want and desire but and I want to get to that but I think the reason you inspire me so much is because you did have like the the the depth of your work after you turned a certain age is just like you became this you know I know you’re familiar with the the archetypal Crone but that’s how I see you and a good it’s a good thing people who aren’t familiar with the Crone do you want to explain that archetype because I think it can be really well it’s just it it originates with the um fading of the Moon originally 50,000 years ago when people connected the phases of their lives with the phases of the moon so the Crone phase is the fading of the Moon prior to the dark three days of darkness and then the rebirth coming up to a new cycle which is so beautiful that lunar mythology because it always gives the hope of the future the the recurrence of the pattern the renewal of life and so I’m preparing now to go into the other world and probably come back again in the renewal of another life I’m not sure I want to come in the way that the world is at the moment I think about that too it’s like oh do I really want to read I’ve seen huge changes in my life compared to my mother and my grandmother they colossal changes in the lives of women so women have far more opportuni to be articulate to speak out to be heard and not to put up with a nonsense they’ve had to put up with for thousands of years so you know it’s it’s woman’s time but they don’t know it yet and it’s nothing to do with the empowerment of women that’s the wrong word it’s the Awakening of women to their own value that’s what’s important I totally resonate with that and you wrote the dream of the cosmos a quest for the soul which I’m holding up here for our YouTube Watchers really I dense but in a very good way dense um very deep very Soulful you wrote it when you were a you published it when you were 82 which I’m just for some I I told you I read it during covid and I thought wow this when did this come out oh and I looked and it’s and I’m like wait a minute I know that she’s in her 90s right now this didn’t come out till 10 years ago so take us I want some context around that like just take us through kind of you how you just walked into this wise woman sort of Crone energy and just embraced that and continue to want to I guess produce for lack of a better you want you felt a compelling need or or drive or Draw to to produce this work well I knew that I’d been prepared for this even as a child when I was 13 because my mother had channeled messages from Jesus and St Francis who said that she had to prepare but she couldn’t prepare in the those days there was nothing she could do except to listen and take it all in but I listened and from the age of 13 to say 25 I was listening to these messages and I could see that something needed to be done that she couldn’t do and so I’ve unconsciously prepared myself for taking over the role that she might have had if she hadd been in a more enlightened period living in a more enlightened period but in the middle of the second world war was not the time for a woman to get up and say I’ve had messages etc etc she would have been ridiculed laughed at but now I’ve published a book of those messages and they’re absolutely relevant to the time we’re living in so I just trust the timing that in the other dimension the Transcendent Dimension there is no time it’s here on Earth that we have the time since so what was right 80 years ago is now right today so to speak it it was right for all time if you like so um I was prepared and then I was prepared by a fantastic Journey to the Far East when I was 25 and I uh spent a year traveling from country to Country collecting photographs of art for an Italian encyclopedia and then I discovered B Hinduism and Buddhism and Daoism all three I had deep deep deep going into them and a Christian background did your mother was your mother taking you to church or no not at all she was uh she was American she was a rebel I think like me and she was um brought up in a conventional way in the Christian tradition and so was I but I couldn’t bear church I absolutely hated it I used to feel sick all the time when I was listening to we’ve sinned we’ve sinned and AED in our Strays like lost sheep and I thought to hell with that I haven’t ear and strayed like a lost sheep you know so in your 20s you just went off and had sounds like a little bit of a spiritual sojourn you were seeking yes I had a spiritual journey and that woke me up because I was coming to a very conventional background educ education at Oxford University in history and medieval history but even so I was completely unaware of any other spiritual Traditions at the age of 25 I knew nothing so I set out on this journey and my eyes were opened it took a year and when I came back I wrote a book called The One work which you I I paid for that book it’s not easy to find no it isn’t no so I wrote that book and that really and then I thought well well things will open out but they didn’t because that book was not understood by the uh people living at that time I think it had one review or something um had a few reviews from people in India who gave it great praise but anyway then I um what did I do I had a depression so with the depression I went into yungin analysis because I couldn’t understand why I was so depressed but the reason I was depressed was that the culture was living in had no room for the ideas I was trying to bring through absolutely that will bring a I see I see depression as Soul sickness I don’t know if that’s how you see Soul sickness yes it’s so longing to be recognized and so people then get depressed and they get um think go and get anti-depressants there are thousands and thousands of women in this country who take anti-depressants when really their soul is crying out for attention but they don’t know they have a soul so there we are yeah so you went through this depression and that and and it drove you to understand yourself first I I take it you found a practitioner a young and analys yes to a friend who recommended somebody who was a man and I stayed with him for 11 years and then I um applied for training with Dr Gart Adler who was then um head of one of the groups in in England and he said uh that’s fine I’ll take you on but you’ve got to have an two more years analysis with my wife Ella adla which I did did and then we can accept you for training which they did then there was another seven years of training after that so it was a long time I was 11 years in the first analysis and 11 years in the second while I was doing my training as an analyst so I really and she was the one who introduced me to the importance of the feminine Hela Adler I owe it to her that I really began to understand what it was about and what has been excluded from um our society and then I met Jules cashford was training with me on that um um analytical course and we got together we she came to my house for supper and we said look we’ve got to do a book about the feminine principal and so we planned it in four hours we planned the whole book from the Paleolithic Era right up to the Virgin Mary and and it took us 10 years to write while we were training as analysts I absolutely love that book is marked up too just by the way yeah it’s a wonderful book and people all women should read it so that they know the archetypal history of that uh can you give the full title of that book because it’s escaped the myth of the Goddess evolution of an image the myth of the Goddess evolution of an image I appreciate its academic rigor yeah um and I can that’s another thing that I appreciate about you is you have an academic scholarly background but you’re also bringing Consciousness you’re also bringing in the ele you know you’ve got the archaeological you know beautiful images that you know that were presented there in the art and the history and the literature but you’re also bringing in this element of Soul which is of course that’s human so I’m putting the two together and in my other books The Mystic vision for instance I’ve gone through the different traditions of in the mystical Traditions with Andrew Harvey I wrote that book and then we wrote together the divine feminine a small both of those are small books but they’re valuable because they show what’s been excluded and lost or this great mystical teaching that we’ve lost and I know that you and I want to get back to your story but I also wanted to just emphasize here for our listeners that you are writing another book based on the Gnostic teachings and texts on the Holy Spirit and I want to talk about that more is that is that exact what it seem it’s not it’s not exactly that the gnostics are part of it but the actual title is the holy spirit oh wait a minute Divine wisdom and the Holy Spirit The Lost aspect of um of the godhead yeah the Forgotten aspect of the godhead forgotten aspect which is all around obviously the Forgotten feminine okay and struggling to come back now in all kinds of ways in the in the world we have now is desperately needed because people simply don’t they’re stuck in the patriarchal um format and they can’t get out of it because it’s like being in a prison they don’t know how to get out and they’re influenced in every direction by it um educated into it it the whole workplace is um sort of predicated on it the whole foreign policy of countries is steeped in it so we really kill our planet look at sorry it’s killing our planet the hierarchy the killing the planet and the messagers said that they said if you go go on with war you will destroy the planet not only yourselves but the planet as well so I really took that to heart and that came when I was as I say I was about 25 that so I’ve kept all my mother’s messages from that time I inherited them when she died and then last February I thought well I will record these with a lovely program called Dragon where you just speak into the uh text and it comes up with the words that you’re saying which is wonderful and Dr is a great name that too I didn’t have to type it you see yeah so it saved me hours of typing and I could produce this book in a couple of months which would have taken years if I’d had to type it anyway that’s what they said if you don’t stop Wars you will destroy the planet and this came through your mother decades ago yeah a mother and a friend came through in 1943 so when you entered sort of I guess you could call it maybe your dark night where you you know were experiencing depression you were having the symptoms in your body you you had you were probably on this heroin’s journey where you’re trying to you know we’re all on the heroin and heroes Journey but you probably reached the point at which you um you were feeling the call and it often times will as an initiation show up in our physical bodies as a depression or Health crisis but you had these youngian sounds like a really really Adept um probably divinely planted uh this this woman that you help well I had help when I needed it and also I had this fantastic dream of a cosmic woman which I would love for you to literate for us would you like me not to know yeah I would love that okay well what it was it was in my mid-40s I think the dream was that I was um it was a full moon night night of the full moon and I came to a huge dollman like the ones on Stonehenge and I went round the corner of it and I came into a different world which was just a world of green corn as far as the eye could see and I my feet were Gliding Over the Top of this corn I wasn’t walking through it I was skimming over the top of it with my feet with with my bare feet and this went on for a long time and then I came to a sort of Valley on a dip and I thought should I go on and then I saw that there were two gigantic men each side of the valley holding a huge net uh which covered the floor of the valley and then I found myself caught in this huge net lying on my back and gazing up to the sky and as I looked up I saw this gigantic figure of a woman she was naked with long hair beautiful young woman she was but she wasn’t any of the goddesses that I knew about she didn’t resemble any of them and so I wondered who she was and she had a gigantic sort of either a wheel or a labyrinth in her abdomen and I looked down at my body and I saw that I had a wheel or a labyrinth in mine but it was on the left and she indicated that I was to Center my wheel that was to be my work and centering my wheel meant becoming more conscious so she didn’t say anything but that was the message center your wheel and that’s what I did after that dream which was was a fantastic Visionary dream the kind of dream that people used to have but have stopped having because they’ve been ridiculed and people have thought people were mad who were having dreams like that so I was able with because I was in analysis I could speak about it with my analyst Hela Adler and we could sort of go into it but we couldn’t go really very far I didn’t know who it was until writing the myth of the Goddess I I realized that it was the shahina of cabala because it absolutely fitted this image of the divine feminine who was um partner of the Divine masculine in in cabala and here was the tradition that I really felt at home in although nothing to do with the Jewish religion or background no Jewish background in my family at all but I was absolutely new that this is something I had known in other lives because I knew what i’ had many lives and I was brought up with that idea so it wasn’t new and um so that’s really what happened I was attracted to cabala and the third chapter of the demon of the cosmos is about that and describing absolutely marvelous imagery of the divine feminine and this is what’s been missing in Christianity and in Judaism because Judaism wiped out the goddess and in Islam all three are missing the feminine Divine image so this was all interesting I didn’t see quite where it was leading but then as the years went on and I saw things were getting worse and worse in the world I thought well really this has to be something that reaches more people as many people as possible I’ve done what I can but we need to reach Millions not just thousands and this is the in every culture women in every culture Africa South America China India everywhere yeah um so any qu any further questions so um it’s interesting I hadn’t put this together until you shared your story um about centering in the wheel that I was had a very similar I was awakened in the middle of the night in 2008 and shown a compass which is why I have a compass branding um with my business but it I’ve since developed it into a 16o creation Compass but I only saw four points in a middle point when I was shown it and it’s um I I’m kind of in this suspended state of like maybe I need to go back and and read my journal when I had the dream because it’s very similar to what you’re talking about I knew that the compus was on a body a woman’s body so I want to ask you about by the way it’s about love giving and receiving love and power so love is North uh Power is South the middle point is stillness or um void you could say the the midpoint of uh silence Stillness and creation silence that’s very important yeah yeah and then the East West quadrants are receiveing give so the feminine side is represented on the left the masculine side is represented on the right about giving and then receiving so anyway I thank you for sharing that I had read about your story and what you had seen before but I hadn’t put it together until you you had just said Center your wheel and I’m like oh that’s the message I got as well so let’s talk about the Divine ground this is I’ve read I’ve I’ve watched a lot of your YouTube presentations of course I’ve read a lot of your work and you talk about the Divine ground a lot and I would love for you to Define for us what that means has come to mean for you it’s not some a phrase we typically hear a lot well we’ve as a human species we’ve created an image of what we um imagine a con a concept of what we imagin to be the Divinity which is that we put up in the sky as God but before it was the whole of nature as well as the whole Cosmos so that is really the creative Divine ground from which we have come and that we’re part of and we’ve given it many names like the divine feminine or the Divine masculine God the Father um Allah Yahweh whatever but they these are all images or concepts that we’ve projected onto this ground I call it Divine ground which we are part of but we haven’t realized we’re part of it because we’ve always been taught that we were separate from it it was up in the sky somewhere and that we were very far away from it so what’s coming in quantum physics is the fact that everything is connected to everything else there’s nothing that is disconnected in the whole universe three trillion galaxies three trillion galaxies are connected to each other and to us here by the minute particles of what we call matter which is not matter at all but energy so that is I mean quantum physics with Nasim haramain I did a course with him in 2014 I think it was um in which I learned about the unified field and how everything is connected and that was a revelation because here I saw we we are not separate from the Divinity that we’ve been worshiping for thousands of years we are part of its life and we are cre co-creators with it if only we knew it we’ve been destroyers a great deal of the time because we didn’t know who we were or what we’re doing here on this planet and we were distressed and and unhappy and frightened and so we created these images but I don’t think until we come to quantum physics I don’t think we’ve had a true picture of how everything is connected we knew it from the original great mother um cosmology because everything came forth from her womb so everything was connected through her and we’re coming around at a new level with quantum physics to realize that everything is connected again we don’t have the concept of the great mother anymore but we have the concept of a connected universe and ourselves as part of that connection which I think is the most exciting and interesting idea but it also goes back to the idea that when the um goddess was or the great mother was the creator everything was part of her being there was no separation when you had the God you had God up in heaven creating the Earth down down here separate yeah and that that separation changes everything because we we are not part of the god anymore we are part of what has been created by the god it’s quite a different concept yeah and I think some some people that would say that borders on heretic ISM or blasphemy to say that we are part of that well so what I know exactly right it’s just like I’m with you on that one it’s just that’s the Great lie that we’ve ever been yeah just it’s make you keeping you down again telling you that you’re sinful and bad just like the myth of the fool did you know you’ve made a great mistake and you’ve got to pay for it you’ve got to be punished you’ve got to go to Earth and leave the Garden of Eden all that scenario yeah born in sin um in my religion of origin you and I have conversed a bit about this but it’s Mormonism and part of the theology is it’s a little more Eve friendly I would say than some other Christian denominations that I’ve I’ve heard about but they still they still don’t give full uh representation to the feminine even though they say we have a heavenly mother that’s actually in Mormon theologies that we have a heavenly mother but then they’ve reduced it to Heavenly parents and they won’t even mention a heavenly mother singularly they’ve actually come out in the last conference and said don’t pray pray to her we don’t know any the the apostles and Prophet are saying we don’t know anything about her and I’m like well well I do you know what I mean so I’m with you it’s like who cares we are at this pivotal point in history where there’s a hunger a literal hunger to know more about what is our what is the Divine ground of the feminine what is this where is she why is she missing why was she excluded well I think this is all coming back because of the interest in Mary Magdalene people are beginning to think about this more in intently really and Mary magdalene’s had a huge influence because that is something that’s coming back too possibly guiding us to wake up to our feminine um value um because her history is the most terrible example of what the patriarchy did to the wife of Jesus Yeshua yeah and this is all going in my book as well because if if those of you who are listening would like to listen to the talk I gave on Mary Magdalene you’ll find the history there of what happened and how she was demonized by um Pope Gregory the Great and um named as a sinner and a I don’t know what of all the vices basically pent prostitute and that those ghastly paintings of the penitent prostitute looking through her hair and clutching her breasts and I don’t know what um you know that was the way that she was presented for 2,000 years nearly to the Christian audiences and this was imagine what she must have felt up in heaven or wherever she is seeing all this rubbish put out about her yeah see people believing it I think that I feel a fierce this is I I share this with you too but Mary magdaline is is what woke me up that is it’s literally her presence her archetype the agnostic text it’s just she literally called to me found me and woke me up and it was there was a fierceness to it an urgency yeah well there is she’s right and I and I see her as very much and I’m sure you would agree very much a christed a feminine christed being um and you know obviously the anointer of Jesus but what what’s the most fascinating thing to you about what you’ve uncovered about Mary Magdalene well her book her gospel which people don’t know about it’s called The Gospel of the Beloved companion it’s available on Amazon not expensive at all and it’s the gospel she wrote I think when she was in Alexandria because she had to leave Palestine because of um the persecutions had begun there on the the nazarin which were the early Christian Community there and I think she went to Alexandria um and um Jesus as a yeshua’s uncle was Joseph of ARA who used to supply the Roman army with tin which he got from England from Cornwall and he had a huge Fleet of ships based in Cyprus as well as Alexandria so it was quite easier for her to get from Palestine to Alexandria and then later on to to France and she wrote the Gospel I think in Alexandria in alexandrian Greek which was called and then it was taken to France when she went there in ad44 I think it was and she stayed 20 years teaching in France she was a nine Priestess she was also a priestess of Isis a high priestess trained in the Egyptian temples as a priestess of Isis so she took that teaching with her to France and there’s a great deal of residual evidence there that she was there that she taught there and that she was known and the teaching went into the image of the black Madonna in France of which there 450 examples of the black Madonna and that is someone called Dr an Anin vamir has WR for recommending her book to me I have been absorbing it it’s quite beautiful indeed and it absolutely proves this is the second part of that that gospel is that um in ad 80 or 90 somebody called John the Elder who was living in Ephesus copied her gospel and called it the Gospel of John and that is the fourth gospel that we know as the Gospel of John is actually a copy not an exact copy because he made lots of changes he redacted lots of her her gospel and changed it to what he wanted to fit in with the Christian teaching but anyway that Gospel of John is really her gospel underneath and it’s a hers is the first and only eyewitness account of what Jesus did what Yeshua did so from that point of view I think it’s fascinating and all this is proven in a book by Dr um Anin vmir called Mary Magdalene unveiled which is a huge book and and very um small print unfortunately but it couldn’t it would have been twice the size of it been large print and I would urge people to read that and they will see the whole story there and you they will see where the Distortion comes in and where the um where in Mar Mary Magdalene who was married to Yeshua and um just before three years before the crucifixion I think anyway the whole story is there unfolded in front of you if you read her book and I think people should know about this and just stop all this nonsense about Mary Magdalene having been a prostitute and everything and she was a great teacher she was actually um named teacher to the disciples just before the last supper and he gave her the title of the migdala which means the tower and there was a tower at the back of the first temple in Jerusalem where the high priest used to commune with the Queen of Heaven he used to go up steps and to the roof probably and commune with the divine feminine in that first temple in Jerusalem where Asher the Queen of Heaven was so was you know honored worshiped um yeah as Divine wisdom and as as the Holy Spirit those were her titles and as the Tree of Life which gave the fruit of immortality to those who um understood the meaning of it so this is all there in that book of of Anin which is I think absolutely wonderful and she was the pupil of um Professor Jil quispel in Amsterdam yeah who was the great Gnostic scholar who translated one of the translators of the Gospel of Thomas which was discovered in the nagadi texts which were uh discovered by um a man just shepher or something or someone he was just a peasant really and he was looking for Earth to plant some seeds probably better Earth and he looked in these caves because they’re masses of caves and he found this red China jar and he broke it and inside were all these codices which other name for books 52 um text inside the codices and some of them he took home to his mother to use his far fuel for her far that just makes and the rest managed somehow to get to to um Egypt the capital and to the Coptic Church there I think and were and anyway they were rescued and because of that rescue we know that there was a people called the gnostics who had a totally different view of the teaching of Jesus and put it in their different texts and also that God was both mother and father in some of the texts and the divine feminine was very present um I’m putting one of the texts into my book which is incredibly beautiful um so there we are I mean this all needs to come out this has been concealed for 2,000 years the text and the gospel of the Beloved companion which I want to get back to that a little bit because it’s different than the Gnostic text but um it’s like the great greatest theological find of the century yeah centuries yes and you would think that the churches would just be all over it right that we have this you know somehow there’s this belief that we got this ancient text that was you know we’ll just call it the old and New Testament that has gone through many hands and many iterations and counsels and you know to get the version we have now and that somehow that that is the only text out there that can support uh a view of let’s just say a spir a full spiritual view of of where we are where we came from where we going where are we going in the Divine Partners yeah exactly well that this all happened in 325 CE with under the emperor Constantine when they had a great Council there and in that Council they actually formulated the myth of Jesus as the only son of God and that Christians would have that only son of God to worship so to speak and to look after them and so that was where it started 325 CE and it’s gone on ever since then and then the next Council was 451 which was the Council of chalon where the Virgin Mary was declared to be god-bearer and where um Jesus had an Immaculate Conception that was kind of settled at that conference and then also theodocious another Emperor at the end of the 4th Century said that anyone who doesn’t agree with the Creed formulated in 325 would be named a heretic that’s where heresy came in and that was in 381 that he said that so you have the fourth Century as crucially important as the formation of the Christian doctrine and teaching and they just built on it as they went along until you finally in the 19th century you got the Immaculate Conception of of Mary herself as well as the immaculate Immaculate Conception of Jesus but these were all formulated by Men theologians and don’t you think it was largely because they saw sexuality sexual like the central like women and sexuality is the downfall of humanity they were terrified of sexuality they really did consider it the the root of all evil and that women were the cause of tempting men into sexuality through their attractiveness and so women were anathema really women were the problem and sexuality was the problem so they all became celibate celibate became in I can’t remember the exact date but the church became celibate and disaster from then on you can be sure that there were thousands of little boys abused by the male priesthood thousands of of not little so much but the boys who were training for the priesthood all abused probably going right the way back to 4th Century so you know it’s just a horrific scenario and they’re completely blind to all of this and they stick to the thing about the only son of God which the gnostics were horrified by and the gnostics formed their group groups not they were already formed but um there were great Gnostic teachers like HIPAA in Alexandria in the um fifth century about 400 ad um CE that she was teaching and she was killed by a Christian mob who pulled her off her carriage and and fumbled her to death really it was terrible death so you had opposition to the gnostics coming in the gnostics said this isn’t good your idea of having the only son of God is going to lead to terrible wrongs because you’re going to uh try and convert people to the True Religion which which has what happened you’re going to kill people who are not of the the True Religion which is what happened and you’re going to get a huge inflation you’re going to get inflated with pride that you the church are the repository of the teaching of the only son of God and all this they could see would lead to terrible wrongs which they have I mean it led to the persecution of all the indigenous people in America and South America yeah appalling Crim colonization doing and justifying whatever atrocity in the name of God that um I want to go back to the the one son of God because I I feel like for some people that’s a hard feel to swallow to for us to you know make that statement but I think what Jesus was actually really teaching and pointing to is that we are all quote unquote Sons exactly all all the children of God yeah he was pointing to that and they have somehow made this Empire Jesus you know and marketed him as someone who is vengeful and controlling I mean and also super loving so our psyche hasn’t known how to I was taught that Jesus is the Jehovah of the Old Testament some people believe in the Trinity and which we’ll get into as just this all male Trinity of father son Holy Ghost as one um I was taught that they are three separate personages of course all male um but the point I’m making about the one son of God is that um it it was like we can’t have this open like you’re talking about these councils in Rome and what have you they we Ephesus and and you know the Council of NAA and coun they they wanted to it was like control because if people just started dipping into their heart and connecting as their own child of God that they are with this and Jesus even said to his disciples greater things that you’ve seen me do you will do he was always saying the Kingdom of Heaven is within there were all these wisdom teachings coming forth some of which made it into the New Testament thank but it was almost like a scrambling for control because if everyone is just this rogue agent who knows that they are Divinity and they come from love like things are going to spiral out of control really fast well I do see their point because they didn’t know what to do with all the gnostics and they destroyed their gospels as much as possible because were there were many many many Gnostic Gospels and each one was a bit different each one saying something things so what what You’ just said Happ that there were many different interpretations and they thought we can’t have this we have to have one single um what interpretation of the work of Jesus and it will be this and that’s what they what they said but they they had no comprehension of the fact that perhaps there’s value in multiplicity there may be other points of view um which are valuable and we have this same thing coming up now in our councelling culture yeah that there has to be only one Viewpoint one truth yeah it’s the same phenomenon py every religion thinks they’re the one that has the truth yeah but also now every anybody thinks that they have the truth they don’t tolerate agnostics you know it’s it’s interesting because this um rugged individualism if you will that’s pretty alive has been pretty alive in America um and you know the Manifest Destiny and the colonization and the like I said the celing culture and the exploitation of the indigenous and all of those beautiful Healing Arts that were lost when um in the name I would say like even in the name of God um that was Manifest Destiny and that’s definitely what happened where I live you know um in Utah where there were several indigenous tribes and and the Mormon settlers came here and and sort of took it over it’s a whole other thing but I want to get into it in our time remaining because I feel like we could just keep talking talking talking but I want to talk about what I have always felt that you are now backing up and it makes me feel so good that the holy spirit is feminine the Holy Spirit the Holy Ghost whatever I was taught that this is literal Mormon theology in Mormon scripture that the Holy Ghost is the form of a man okay an actual man naturally and so as a girl yeah as a girl as a young girl when I would feel what we call the spirit where I would feel those fruits of the spirit like good feelings or I would feel something spiritually elevating let’s just say I would think oh here I’m feeling oh that’s the spirit oh that’s the Holy Ghost oh a man just came and and made me feel good that that I’m very visual so I would just Envision as a girl this holy ghost man coming and dwelling in my heart and filling my bosom and lighting me up and making me feel warm and fuzzy um but as I got older I’m like it just makes so much sense that it would be feminine because it’s always there but the Sinister teaching is if I did something wrong it would leave if I offended the spirit it would go and as I’ve become a mother I’m like mothers don’t get so offended that they take off like mothers are always there cleaning it up cleaning up the diapers clean you know show being ever present and then I had this Epiphany in my 40s like of course and that’s reminding me of the Divine ground we’re speaking of you can’t separate no you are teaching about mother being the holy spirit so I love that yeah absolutely and it goes back to the pic and the Neolithic when the great mother was worshiped as the only U being Divine being that they knew about then then it changed to the great father but I think also what women have not realized at all is that from from the very very beginning of our history on the planet they have brought new life into being they have carried life in their womb they have the experience of carrying life and caring for life all the way through they’ve been the carers the men have been the protectors which is also very necessary but the women have been the carers they’ve prepared the food they’ve looked after the ill when when that happened they’ve looked after the dying is what was women who looked after the dying you won’t see a man anywhere near the last moment unless they’re very close family so the the whole formation of woman is simply ignored of the importance of it as carriers of life and as carriers of Life they feel things through their heart very deeply the heart is the medium of connection to the soul the heart is the organ of connection if you like to the to the soul feeling is absolutely vital and we’ve put all the emphasis on mind and The Marvelous things that we can do with mind and we completely ignored when I say we I mean the culture completely ignor the importance of the heart and what can be learned from the heart and from that feminine experience of caring loving um really touching stroking preparing food cutting up food putting it on the table washing up afterwards as you say cleaning the diapers day in the life of what we naturally and this is what we’re gifted to do and this is what our great gift to humanity is without without us producing these women in our womb there would be no humanity and you can be sure that men are now working how to create child in the test tube and not in a woman’s womb that’s the next step we can be immortal that’s what they’re working on now with AI and also we can produce life if we want we don’t need woman anymore that’s the next step yeah the utility of a woman has just been in support of of a an agenda I you could say in many Arenas in many organizations but um as we kind of close out I want to talk really quickly about the Beloved the gospel of the Beloved companion it didn’t even come out until 2010 I believe that’s right yes it was released they decided the community that had guided it for 2,000 years decided it was the time to bring it out because the world re really needed it and in that gospel uh the holy spirit is feminine all the way through it’s always she or her that Jesus speaks of so that was the primary thing that I found good God this gospel is using the feminine um yeah noun as it were to describe the feminine aspect of God guiding Jesus and so when in the baptism when you hear the voice saying this is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased it’s the mother speaking the Divine mother it’s not the Divine father and that was discovered by chis Bell he actually pointed to the gospel of the Hebrews where that was um put forward that idea that it was a feminine yeah well with when the Holy Spirit descended like a dove that’s a very feminine representation even in the New Testament I’m like that’s got to be mother there’s got to be this influence of well it is and the dove was sacred to the divine feminine going back to the Paleolithic you can find in um well not the pic but in the ethic that the bird and the Dove particularly is the symbol and the messenger of the great mother so that’s what she was coming to to bless Jesus as he was baptized and I had asked you that in an email and I was so grateful to hear you confirm that with your research and I’m absolutely sure about that and Chris Bell I mean I take him as the authority on that and also Anin his pupil there’s no question about that that was but you won’t hear a breath of that in the in the in the gospels no so it’s though we live in this time of the restoration of the feminine I want to to kind of round out with this quote this yian quote that you um have in your book dream of the cosmos that uh how were the years that I know he was a contemporary of Freud but do you remember what years uh young was Carl Young was alive um oh lord I can’t I have to look at it anyway he he um talked about you know well he he is sort sort of for me the father of like Soul psychology or spiritual psychology a lot of people there it’s like his teachings have made this great Resurgence because they just are so relevant for our time and we’re coming into an era where people can digest a little bit more of the depth he was going into but I want to read this part right here um he said God himself and you have quoted this in one of your one of your latest uh presentations God himself cannot flourish if a man’s soul is starved the feminine psyche responds to this hunger for it is the function of AOS to unite what logos has sundered the woman of today is faced with a tremendous cultural task perhaps it will be the dawn of a new era that was I think in the 40s that he was alive I want to say I I can’t because we really we could have gone to see him when we got married in 1960 and I think he must have died around that time 6061 but you go on to to sort of um extrapolate a little bit more what his what he was saying there and you had some really but I want to read this part of what you wrote after that um woman’s own Awakening is part of the recovery of the feminine it is as if a momentous birth is taking place in a collective psyche of women this birth may be experienced in some as something that is difficult and even dangerous as well as something exciting and transformative the planet needs women to challenge the current established political ways and deplorable struggles for power and awaken for Humanity or for human Community to awaken human Community to a higher Destiny and a different goal it needs women to come out of the dark to emerge into the light to become visible and audible to take the initiative in creating the change they long for just want to just hold that up it’s just a very powerful thing that you’ve written there um any parting words around that or anything you want to add more to our discussion around this Resurgence and restoration of the feminine no I think really that says it all but there is an urgency now because of the things that are going on moving we’re moving towards more Wars everlastingly and if we don’t stop that pattern we will destroy not only our species but the Earth itself and we really have to wake up to that fact so I think that’s my my last words we need to wake up yeah well thank you for the work that you’re doing to facilitate that and so many and I I just want to also give you a different perspective on on the books that you’ve written that you don’t think you know have had much uh receptivity I think it’s found the right people I think it’s found the people who will uh move forward this Evolution uh of Consciousness and I think that just with your emphasis on the Magdalene and what you’re speaking to there like you were way ahead of your time um before it did hit more of this like spiritual you know people that are spiritual Seekers finding that so I just want to honor your work and uh and give you that fresh perspective that that your work has found already found the right people and is continuing to find more people probably that you have no idea of the scope of I know that your work has helped to awaken parts of me and has guided my path both in research and also just my own soul development so thank you so much that’s so lovely to hear so Shere absolutely bomb to my soul because you work in great loneliness with this work AB you’re not you haven’t got people around I totally know what you’re saying it’s and so you have to accept it yes you have to accept that in this Incarnation you may be all by yourself yeah when you have that connection and you know in your in the depths of your being in your heart and soul that you are answering a call and that you’re soldiering on with that um it doesn’t matter what people think and that’s part of the Crone too right and I think it’s so important that we know that there is a reason that we’re here on this planet there is a destiny that we’re moving towards and we need to to know it and love it and really love and light are the two things which the Divine ground gives forth those two things so that’s my last words really love and light to remember those two images as we go through our lives thank you an okay thank you Sher so nice to meet you you too [Music]


    1. However, the holy spirit is Karma – not any of the fake smotherly loving Mary's – God's favorite brain child, best known in a not-so-successful incarnation as Athena – who was not as wise as she should have been, and was turned against the All-Father by her wayward brothers and sisters, causing a 4.5 billion year Great Reset to God's plan when the Earth was destroyed by the adversary hive mind queen of queens, Lilith.

      The feminist movement is a manifestation of the adversary's hate for God, not any sort of love, diminishing the creative role of women in perpetuating the chosen species and encouraging narcissistic fantasies of being able to "do it all" and "have it all" – leading many foolish media-programmed girls to join the pop globalist-communist woke cult and it's shifting cultural marxist agenda of destruction of historical and religious truths.

    2. Thou shalt have no other gods before me. If you elevate the hoy spirit, Jesus, or any of the fairy Mary's above the All-Father, you are committing a cardinal sin that will keep you out of the heaven of the most high for as long as you are blind to the first creator of the simulation multiverse. Happy Karma!

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