Today we take a look at Equinix LD5, Slough Trading Estate, 8 Buckingham Ave, Slough SL1 4AX.

    We speak to a few members of staff who all think that the company rules / policy applies to members of the public on the public highway outside.

    Google Maps Drone Photo –

    Q – What is your email address?
    A –

    Q – Where Can I See All Your Links In 1 Place?
    A –
    My LinkTree –

    Q – What E-Bike Do You Use?
    A – MiRiDER One (2022 Edition) Orange
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Drone Do I Use?
    A – DJI MINI 4
    My Referral Link –

    Q – Where Did You Get Drone Insurance From?
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Bodycam Do I Use?
    A – GoPro HERO12 Black
    My Referral Link –

    Q – What Camcorder Do You Use To Zoom In?
    A – Panasonic HC-V180 90x Optical Zoom
    My Referral Link –

    Q- What Powerbank Do You Use?
    A – Charmast 23800mAh Quick Charge 3.0 PD 20W
    My Referral Link –

    why are you so special it’s not about being special this is prohibited premises says who says our company policy they’re no one to me I don’t work here your company policy applies to people that work within your company okay M see that’s all we wanted to get to the education has been passed you now know there’s nothing you can do for drone flyers and photographers you now know it cuz you said it as well you too know it and he knows it so welcome back to the channel guys today we’re here in slau taking a look at this place I’m not sure what it is but we’ve got some interesting things going on we got disc shred here doing some shredding you don’t see that every day do you the portable mobile shredding service you can certainly hear it it will certainly be confidential you’re not supposed to record this area why is that you can’t you can’t record in here it’s private it’s not this open if you can stop recording please I’m just filming the shreding H the confidential shreding that’s all yeah but you’re to film in this area I don’t know why I don’t know why you’re saying that why you saying that my friend not allowed to film in this area cuz it’s private don’t know very [Music] private it’s on the radio now uh the highve is say equinix equinix so I presume this is a data sensor as well then that does sound familiar see TTV in operation trespasses will be prosecuted yeah it’s not every day is it let me see confidential waste getting shredded I wonder how much this is you can just about see the Bits of Paper falling into this box like see it falling down there so we must pour the um the boxes the full boxes of paperwork into the top somewhere simple as that what else do we got oh we got some cables and the cording section over there I’ve got some oil filters used oil filters just down here also some boxes with wheels on there and then we have a delivery just here these look like server housings yeah they are there the um the housings for the servers they’ve used this really Narrow Gauge fencing so you can’t quite see oh but we have got some stickers oh a light labels don’t it can I help you yeah just tell me what it says on those um labels there the menu cards what are you filming who who what business are you from who are you you got any ID CS just I’m going to look at your um the deliveries that’s so what’s up can we help you yes read me the label don’t matter I’ve got it now see it who are you would you do you work here I’m me or you I’m just outside you’re inside yeah yeah just told you you’re not allow to record you’re wrong that’s all I’m not wrong you are you’ll see in a minute supp recording give it 5 minutes recing as well give it 5 minutes and you’ll notice that you’re you’re wrong cuz I’ll still be doing it and there’s nothing you can do it’s not illegal or anything like that that’s fine but why are you recorded see that’s fine I’m allowed to do it why are you recording I am he said it’s fine he’s the boss no no you didn’t why are you recording can I can I record from here from outside yes or no why are you recording if you answer that I’ll answer you probably [Music] not I’m outside I’m out in the public we on the public Highway mate we just want to know why I’ve told you I’m reading the labels I want to see what you’re getting deliveries of I’ve I’ve seen uh disc tread I can see what you’re doing there you’re pouring in your boxes all the little papers are coming down into the pallet boxes that’s great that’s fine security come and ask you anyway we just we just want to know why I’ve told you all right yeah you’re being quite Ive though aren’t you you’re not telling us what purpose you’re feeling for what’s your name you can see my name on my badge can’t turn it around take my name youring the manager in this building move your finger I didn’t see it it started with a h my name is Harry me Harry right so Harry my name’s DJ yes I’m a YouTuber and I go around industrial Estates filming what you laughing at you want me to stop there then carry on I’ll take that as an insult didn’t even say a word the next part of the video is much worse than the camera if you don’t like the camera the Drone will come in right you’re making some very um very bold statements today not allowed to film not allowed to fly my drone we’ll see about that guys won’t we call the police call the police why not can’t you can’t you handle it you can’t handle it to hand it just asking you why you’re here while you’re filming you’re not telling us so oh I not told you I not told you you’re a YouTuber you told us nothing more than that you got to give us something more than that I’ve got to you’re telling me I’ve got to do something it now yeah are you I’ve got to give you more information than what I’ve just given you I tell you what you’ve got you’ve got to see that you’re wrong watch this drone go over do it now [Music] call the police yeah we didn’t really uh get a nice response from them so there’s no point standing there telling them more and more and more let’s just cut to the chase if they want the police to attend they can request that can’t they but I don’t think they’ll come and all I need to do is get my video footage for for YouTube like I’ve just told them we’ve seen the cabinets we’ve seen shreddit we’ve seen how much they know about public photography now we need to proceed and get David up and see what this place looks like from above [Music] [Music] [Music] so not allowed to film and not allowed to fly the Drone yeah let’s see who’s correct and let’s see who’s wrong boys so as always we’ve checked on drone assist there are no flight restrictions in the area at all this data center who have just called the police Point look we’re in we’re above their side oh no we’re not allowed not allowed how did that go guys didn’t go very well did it but anyway we don’t just want to get the staffs that I say not allowed on camera we want to get the building itself and have a look at all the cool falling on the top and get a full picture of the place dfds I think that was the uh the company at lineage yes but it’s massive a it look at that just get bigger and bigger these data centers don’t they and it looks like we stopped at the busiest place here at this back gate doesn’t look like it’s this busy anywhere else there a nice closeup of all the cooling if you’re that interested it’s Emerson leeet and there even a nice exhaust us there what’s inside the some exhaust of some sort but it didn’t go very well for them did it straight the way not allowed you won’t you won’t be doing this you won’t be doing that and he’s laughing as I’m telling him what we’re doing I’m sorry but display those types of behaviors and the conversation ends the conversation ends but they’re no longer on the phone are they no longer on the phone so they’ve obviously been educated or denied and the cabinets have been taken a little bit further inside and that’s it we’re done let’s get David back what you up to then are you nicer than these two doesn’t matter what are you up to making a YouTube video about the business about what business the one on his logo there equinix right any objections absolutely yeah and what if I carry on what are the consequences filming prohibi what are the consequences for me outside member of the public but but you’re not supposed to be filmed why do you need to film I told you for YouTube but what for what benefit for my benefit for money how are you getting money out of that that’s my business right you’re telling me I’m not allowed to do something when I’m standing on the public Highway you do what you want out there man than you we’re getting closer we’re getting closer to the truth you’re not allowed to fly stuff over our premes you know yes I am no you’re not don’t want me to do it again I’ve just done it I’ve got the footage I need it’s not about me saying whether you can or can’t it’s prohibited how am I well why are you so special it’s not about being special it’s is prohibited premises is says who says our company policy they’re no one to me I don’t work here your company policy applies to people that work within your company okay okay see that’s all we wanted to get to the education has been passed you now know there’s nothing you can do for drone flyers and photographers you now know it cuz you said it as well you too know it and he knows it simple as that okay back to work have a good day I was trying to oh what’s your name who’s asking just want to know Adam manager Adam call me a member of the public outside you might see yourself on YouTube bodycam has been rolling at all times photographers and drone Flyers are constantly getting abused I go around wanting the abuse so I can give it you back for entertainment on YouTube can you just move a bit now yeah of course I won’t be obstructive you’ll see yourself on YouTube guys thanks for me thanks for the entertainment there we go at least now you know photography and drone flying is allowed you do not own the [Music] airspace so there we go dfds transport is coming out and this Courier is going in is he coming out yeah it’s coming out yeah jnb transport with lots of power parles with labels on wo data power datum data centers wow datum data centers [Music] so they even have a member of Staff being like a banksman oh hello no it’s okay I won’t get you one it just be careful yeah sorry I’ll point it this way no you’re okay you’re okay careful careful so I don’t think they’ve got the message yet have they they’re still lingering around like they uh they’re important in some way like they can do anything I don’t have much patience with these type of people I think they have some sort of authority over members of the public on the outside on the public foot path but now the gate is opened we get a lovely view a lovely view you can see all the spikes on the lights up up here to deter the birds you can see the Fantastic CCTV look at that and on that side but most entertainingly we have the staff and what they say their company policy prohibits certain things well they’re going to have to pay me aren’t they if they want me to ad to their company policy they’re going to have to pay me but can they afford me oh dear right let’s hide a keying let’s hide a keying somewhere and then we can uh try and get these people back to work if possible so they’ve noticed the bike the question is will they touch it will they touch the bike the location of the djit key ring you’ll come to this tree and it’s just in the bush there so if you are one of the first people to watch the video and you do want to key ring uh just there there it is good luck with that third tree from the gate so we’ll just say goodbye to these shall we and we’ll move on I don’t think they’ve got a problem anymore with filming and flying the Drone I’m going now guys thank you very much bye-bye bye guys filming is not allowed filming is not allowed against the company policy can’t be filming here dream on so if you have enjoyed that video do give it a thumbs up for me and I’ll see you on the next one guys bye-bye for now [Music]


    1. Just curious, if someone is part of a witness protection programme or has had to change their identity through domestic violence and forced to move away because of it.. what are their rights regarding you videoing them and plastering them all over the internet?

    2. Can I ask a pertinent question….
      Why do you allow DJ MEDIA to constantly use your title…..He is (and NEVER will be…) a patch on what you have already done and proven….

      Why hasn't he got the conviction of standing up & owning his made up title of DJ MEDIA…..instead of plagiarising someone else's title…!!!

    3. I know nothing about such things,but am curious and hope someone here knows. All those fans keeping the data centre cool. Do they suck out heat and transfer it to the outside? If so, surely that adds to global warming?

    4. surely these data storage centres are not eco friendly at all . I'd be interested on the impacts on the environment from power needed plus those cooling systems etc ☹️

    5. Dopes R Us. 🀣
      Idiots on the payroll running around like lemmings – they kept sending their 'best' out, but the 'best' was nowhere near good enough. Why do meathead employees always make it something to do with them, instead of ignoring it and doing what they are paid for ???
      I wonder if company policy requires those twats to wear PPE, as no one had any on, and there were moving trucks. Pedestrians and vehicles should have clearly marked separation areas so the company needs to cut loose all the dead wood there and spend the money on safety.

    6. 🀣🀣🀣that one was funny……
      d a t a c e n t E r s 😳 not good it’s for C.B.D.C’s amongst other things courtesy of the W E F with clouse analswab C a S h l e S s society
      It’s all there if people just look your in for a shock when you really look it’s no secret it’s just not many people are aware… all ties in with the climate agenda

    7. I've watched A LOT of audit videos of businesses and the main thing I've learned is that these companies have quite a few employees that don't seem to actually do anything while at work.

    8. Credentials must be thin on the ground when companies employ 🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑🀑 's as shown on these audits

    9. I love all the "freedom fighters" in these comments… Who are seemingly just unemployable dickheads who still live with their parents.. Yeah, these people probably do not know the in's and out's of the law of being filmed, probably because they have not encountered it before. They are just coming to work to pay their bills and contribute and probably just didn't expect to encounter some fucking loser with a drone

    10. Great video DJ. What a pathetic company with its dumb employees. Company policy- on the gate, high visibility clothing must be worn beyond this point. How many of the employees or visitors wore a high viz. you had a stupid banksperson in the middle of the road with no high viz but don’t worry your more concerned about a legal activity. SO THICK.

    11. I know they do this for a living and it is probably safe but go back to around 2:25 in the video and slow it down to .25 speed. That appears to be sparks coming from the paper clips being shredded. Anyone know what temperature they spark at and what it would take to ignite the paper shreds and paper dust?

    12. Hi Dj, great audit again thanks….looking at the car that came through the gates that you filmed into the back window showing lots of parcels with labels on. Pretty sure they are computer parts from Dell computers presumably for the servers inside….just thought i would let you know for interest. Cheers

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