Today the boys take teams and race across the UK to see who wins the private jet home!

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    today on beta Squad I niiko or Milana have tasked the boys to once again Race Across the UK this time for a new set of rules and challenges I’ve split them into two teams they’ll be racing from London to Scotland but to win the race they’ll need to complete five challenges across three checkpoints on the way the winners of each checkpoint will advance first taking the luxury car to the next location and the losers will take the not so luxury option the first team to complete all the checkpoints will be traveling back in a luxury private jet whilst the losers will have to make their own way home oh and if you’re wondering why it looks so different I finally brushed my teeth for once haha now shush let’s find out what cars they’re starting with bring out the cars wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait one team will be traveling in the Lamborghini Urus while the less fortunate team will be in the Dum and Dumber 1994 mut Cuts fan I say we decide with a flip of a coin I say head we win tell you lose yeah wait wait hey that’s a scam what sort of scam is that we heads head heads heads heads heads heads heads heads heads heads Heads all because we co us that means we’re going to get a bad car for the rest of the day yeah wo we’re in the lambo Lambo Lambo we’re in the Urus and um can you chill out Jesus Christ I’m sorry can you chill out right we flipped the coin and obviously we’ve got this car like I said they’re in a dog they’re not really going to do much here yeah they ain’t doing sh all they’re going to do is bark but all right so our Journey’s begun in this uh not so comfortable vehicle we have our challenges right here in the form of a scroll the production levels BL we got a scroll from uh from God teams your first checkpoint is Notting him 120 M away on Route you must complete your first challenge I want you to buy me the biggest gift you can possibly find once you arrive the first team to successfully convince a stranger to let you cook them a meal in their own home wins for luxury transport to the next checkpoint this is in setup cuz if anyone saw AJ cooking and come down with me we’ll know that I’m here by myself cuz you cannot cook I lit came a yeah yeah but that was rigged there was some rig really going on you’re talking about rigging stuff nice one bro it usually takes about 2 hours and 20 minutes but driver how long is it going to take to get to N Them 3 and a half maybe very nice is there any like toy shops open yeah about something big inflatable B yeah on God I’m telling you we’ll find something in in the toy store yeah but we actually got to find something on the way then got to find something on the way said the biggest gift didn’t say have to be nice I’m going try to buy something nice Costco Costco Costco Costco sell big things where’s cost I London Leicester there’s one leester almost on the way basically we can go this way take us to Leicester King Power Stadium leester please both teams already have a store in mind and are therefore taking different routes to get to Nottingham AJ and Kenny have opted for a toy shop on the way in Northampton whilst the other boys decide on a store closer to the destination and while their luxury lasts Kenny and AJ decide to flex the lambo should I call my dad and say I’m in a Lambo Kenny brother you good just telling you like I got a new car now I got a Lambo Lambo lamb yeah lambus is light work man I just got it this morning congratulations yeah but I crashed so you crash it yeah you got it this morning you crash it hello hello sir is this Mr oeri yeah Kenny oider is that your son yeah my boy yes I just sold him a Lamborghini Urus 2024 plate rpcv yeah go and he had crashed it outside of the lot oh my God oh my God so we are requesting a down payment of £50,000 per unit 50,000 pranking me yes we were just joking J we was just joking yeah I knew you are no but nice to know you would have my back have actually crashed that it’s cool yeah no we are we are actually in a Lambo though it’s fine Dad I’ll call I’ll call you another time bye bye cut him off man Dy you should I FaceTime my my wife from Dublin do you remember our video should we show her the number you still have a number bro that’s my wife I you just darl that’s all right we’re pass that stage hello you with what you laughing what you laughing with sorry anyway bab I just I’m just letting you know that I got a new like I’ve got a new whip in it you see it yeah I got a new whip yeah lamb but just Li I just picked it up today okay okay why you giggling you got you giggling like that in the back sorry this is just funny to be have that’s a lie I spoke to you last night anyway darling um send me your location I can’t pick you up in a bit yet okay all right bye I love you she didn’t even say it back she didn’t say it back you had a Lambo you said you’re going to pick her up it seems like this team is having a lot of fun in their Lambo let’s see if the other team is sharing the same experience wouldn’t it be nice if we were there now we’ve only done a mile no one mile and it took us at least 14 minutes yeah yeah so as chunks and Sharky struggle far behind as a result of their terrible vehicle AJ and Kenny already have made it to their store all right we just arrived at the Smiths hopefully we can find something we will We a gift for Nik this is your idea by the way if this goes bad I’m telling you right now you didn’t give any ideas let’s have a look all right let’s see it’s the first time I’m trusting kid on this trip all right what’s he going to do with that though Che fit on there I’ll T it up maybe this one AJ and Kenny spent a long time testing every toy to decide which would best suit Nico even with this time wasted the other team hadn’t even reached their store yet looks like ni as well it does this is perfect size for you know he’s next longer though how are we going to carry this around all day God knows remember it is biggest so do we want to go for a violation or do we want to actually get something big should we get both this is a good this is a good choice hello my friend we we got we got the biggest toy in theore yes yeah definitely thank you all right we just bought the biggest toys in the toy store I think this is a pretty good idea I think like this I think it’s a great idea he would love this cuz we still need to go over to someone’s house and cook them a milal with the big gift secured Kenny and AJ move to the checkpoint and only as they move away from their store chunks and Sharky pull into theirs after a 3-hour journey we have to get ni a gift and I thought you know what Costco this is a nice this is big that’s not big that’s for you you want to sleep more in the I know you want to see more in the we got to think something big something that ni would like what’s this feel like the car why you getting pillows s going to be nice wait you’re trying to get stuff to help you sleep in the on the journey we have a challenge is it that while chunks is busy finding items for himself Sharky locks in and spots a gift big enough to satisfy Nico I think I might have found it this is big this is big wow how much is that though are you are you are you taking the actual Luke little listen it’s not this look what’s right in front is me wow we found the product I think we’re going to buy this it’s about 33 quid worth it let’s buy this there’s no way they would have fought something bigger all right let’s take it it’s heavy though yeah no you you to me you me to me to me yeah all right cool oh to you you we go put this down see fingers look at this ah whoever watch this video gets punch from me all right so we got our gift for ni this challenge is complete but we still need to get to Nottingham faster than the other team um and the next challenge now is to go to a stranger house and cook for them n you better appreciate this chunks and Sharky pack and get back on the road but while they were busy shopping AJ and Kenny have caught up and it looks like a tight race to make it to Nottingham remember we had a b oh my God the first to a million on Instagram wasn’t it so I’m on 767,000 please follow me guys at King Kenny TV I’m trying to beat him what’s AJ on yeah done you’re CED guys please follow me no I want to be watching this with the editors I’m want to remove this whole bit I’m going to message James whatever you do leave the following edit in I’m going to be there here’s the proof medium meat I told him while both teams are off on their Journey you guys should like this video now and if you want the rest of the boys to glow up just as much as me then subscribe okay back to the teams a wow that was worth the 60 F now we got to Nottingham is it called Nottingham because you’re not in shut your mouth you’re not not inham oh my God AJ and Kenny arrive in Nottingham very shortly followed by chunks and shy all right we are in N yay so we’ve got to find someone who’s allowing us to go in their house all right I’m just going to start this we’re close we’re close I feel like people are well well well bunch of losers hey you want niik with you yeah we got Nik in the whole challenge you thought he was in this vid he’s right here look kill you wait so where’s your item that you bought for him said the big wait what did you actually buy for him yeah cuz you know you meant to carry it around you didn’t tell us that no no forget that what did you actually buy it what’s in the car well it how how big do you think is generally I think it’s about how big so how are you carrying that around cuz it’s inflatable well I might cover that window yeah it does we’ve lost we need to figure out who’s the head we already cooked what did you cook we we went to some Asian brother yard what’s his name ruy yeah ruy ruy and cooked him M tell was a picture no cuz I I want to talk to ru’s yard I did this show me you I can’t lie they they might not be capping you know so if that’s the Casey I don’t know about let’s why know speak let’s go whatever man good luck don’t all right so uh there’s no ruie we got to speed up we need to speed up oh my God both teams were struggling to find someone to cook for no one wanted to spend time with AJ and Kenny you have a spare hour right now whereas chunks and Sharky were wasting time taking pictures all ninham is so dry why does anyone live [Music] it m BR yeah yeah he’s crazy crazy yeah you m bro how’s it going I’m not going to let you have time to process things I’m to shot at you Lambo that goes 300 mph food me and Kenny are your Cooks we’re going to go to your house we’re going to make you a meal how do you feel about yeah what do you like to eat um pasta we’ll make it that all right let’s get groceries where’s the where’s the closest where’s the closest groceries you saying bless just try to film a video yeah man and I know you’re going to help me as well ah reg you we’re filming a video and uh we need to cook in someone’s yard to cook for them yeah he’s not serious though you know what [Music] all right all right you know anyone though do you know anyone yeah me bro I my yeah yeah usually they should be scared SC yeah he’s cool as flight right now clean the kitchen right now I’ve got chugs and Shar on the way get the knives ready I got people that we’re going to absolutely Rob I’m a bit worried yeah but we’ll see what happens so while both teams had found someone chunks and shy were skeptical of their stranger so they took his number as a last resort in hopes to find someone else meanwhile AJ and Kenny have already started shopping for ingredients all right here’s the P we’re going to live buy we’re going to buy some Tesco pasta and we’re going to buy some actual ingredient why he’s not looking warm it in the microwave warm in the mic he’ll never know he probably has salt I’m guessing Kenny and AJ searched the store for the fraud ingredients until they saw someone with really great fashion [Applause] scense oh my God because we saw you we a base we thought you know whatever groceries you’re getting now we’ll just it’s F no no give together together [Music] we got you the best premium quality ingredients for your pasta we just need to go to your house how far is it it’s just thead it’s like a that’s calm but in a Lamborghini that would be in 30 seconds I’m going to go pee quick I really need to piss what’s this video is it just like you want split up I’m not sure if you know we recently started like a a new channel and it’s like a porn Channel we kind of just like you know meet people you know go to the houses and stuff and do you need like extra people for this no no we got you it’s fine you ready yeah okay chill okay AJ was most certainly ready to cook as he and Kenny got the lambo ready to go straight to the stranger house all right so um the Lamborghini also has to go here just the furthest it can take us goodbye feel was nice no oh my God he didn’t trve about that when we in there yeah so as Kenny and AJ are guided to the kitchen chunks and Sharky’s search for a different stranger is not going well so they decide to give up and turn up at the original stranger’s home yeah the athlete okay so after 312 steps finally here man this is a nice house yeah yeah that’s what I like yeah thank you for letting us in um we need to make something for you so we can continue our Quest luckily uh we have the best best chef in ba Squad so what we going to whip up all right cool so what we going do is we’re going you got bread um think you got milk yeah I should do all I should do means I ain’t got it but if you spray [Music] the it didn’t break did it why are you guys watching me cut onion can you guys want to start something else you guys go away we’re going to cook and we’ll tell you when to come back Kenny sets aside some snacks for the strangers while he and AJ Cook go focus on look what you doing oh how do I stop oh and as they were making a fake dish they decided to get experimental [Laughter] oh my God I burnt mying self lime juice lime [Music] juice That’s wa it that hor that’s horror on God that is the worst that is the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my whole life D they’re going to love that and after Kenny’s incredible acting it was time to prepare the microwave meal use the microwave to um up the sauce a little bit exactly cuz it’s too it’s too cool at the moment meanwhile chunks and Sharky decide to go for a more simple day not August when how the f look that expired this is my how you do you like it um extra milky or less milky we actually we’re actually currently cooking in serum no he’s not even cing that’s serious milk bro a man said you bought this and it says 8th of August 2024 wait where we at 8 May June and July 4 months this can’t taste right so as you can see we have the cinnamon churo um actually one of my favorites and then we have the the Devon Shear dairy milk maybe I I’ll call it poison personally because 4 months no expiring that’s crazy what you want to do just make sure that the measurements and that the ratio is correct there is a bit of an art to this what do you say yeah yeah yeah of course there is as you can see you want to see the milk just kind of float over and it can you can see it you me it’s just rotating yeah yeah yeah I like oh no I’m getting dizzy and there is the meal for you brother if you can just give me one bite that with your your spoon if you have a spoon hopefully the crunchy [Music] to solid solid oh my what you giving that a 10 that the crunch yeah balance balance is good balance is good eight and a half eight and a thank you so much man appreciate it man thank you man thank you thank you last challenge done that is challenge done uh we got to keep moving because we have a whole race to win yes you know so no let’s get out here thank you thanks so much man app appreciate it let’s go to avoid suspicion The Boys Clean Up and remove traces of the original ditch they then take out the microwave meal and play it for the review that’s good enough hello so so I present to you this is me and AJ’s special dish spaghetti La so remove the lid and then you can [Music] see hor at least trust me it’s nice no it’s not about look sometimes it’s about the flavors that hit you off what’s it saying it doesn’t taste it’s all right out of 10 what would you give it seven seven seven I’ll take seven that’s not bad that’s not bad that’s not bad all right thank you guys so much for letting us use your kitchen to make you a meal you some nice orange juice oh complimentary yeah so after both teams claim they cooked for the strangers they now head to the checkpoint to try to be the first there and therefore get the new vehicle the vehicle the winners will get is a large luxury and space ious RV and for the losers this tiny compact car while AJ might mistake this for a monster truck I can assure you the rest of the boys will struggle to even fit in this vehicle all right all right so we’re in the location surely didn’t have small and a big car small and a big car small and a big car excuse me have you seen any small and big cars anywhere like at the same no no you haven’t no okay no are you seeing what I’m seeing I can’t you see how small that that Mini Cooper is there is a massive bus here and a small yeah the bus is not us let’s be realistic but that I think that has something to do with us the Mini Cooper this is the location we’ve been told to be at is this the car we’re taking as Mini Cooper are you uh the driver for today to take us to Newcastle that’s the plan yeah wait where’s the other whip then this one wait as in like this one is going to take us somewhere else yeah no but realistically this is smaller it will get us there quicker shut up if you think I’m going to fit that’s just a normal this and this oh yeah true we have to have another person in the front let’s have a look in here then let’s see what it’s like can we have a look inside to see what it’s like cuz this is going to dictate looking inside we’re going to we’re here first right we’re taking dibs here it could smell it’s either this or this should we rock paper sciss is it no oh okay like a regular bus oh n this ain’t no regular bus oh my God I thought my God I thought it was going to be one of those like you know those travel travel buses yeah you can watch a little TV over here look at that look at that look at that my God we won won yes since AJ and Kenny arrived first they get to enjoy the large luxury Mega Bus and The Losers chunks and shy will be left with this tiny compact car as AJ and Kenny drive off they have one question on their mind where’s chunks and shy byebye they look so devastated they’re piss they piss oh my God hey please roll the shots I just saw again we got a vehicle again where’s the content here generally and the worst thing is we’re both taller than both of them so as both teams settled into their new modes of transport it was time to find out their next challenge what does it say go on congratulations on completing your first checkpoint but now the real race begins your second check point is Newcastle there you must be the first team to take a selfie with a beta Squad member look alike but before you get there you must get a selfie at a UK Landmark the first team to complete these challenges will win the next luxury transport good luck all right so we’re on our way to Newcastle but first and foremost we need to find a landmark I’ve heard of the Durham Castle before so let’s see how far that one is two 2 hours 2 minutes let’s see the pictures oh that looks dry all right how far inur enough oh that’s a good one 110 miles from me oh yeah that’s the one well guess what you want to you want to go there it’s still 2 hours away oh so I’m going to sleep in my bed Bro 2 hours I want to know what chunks and Sharky are doing right now in their car [Music] it seems like all the boys were feeling tired so decided to use this journey to try and rest however this rest didn’t last as long as some would have liked what the what the and before long chunks and Sharky had found a popular Landmark to photograph all here’s the pl here there’s about 30 people here right now that’s good enough to take a picture right so we’re going to Y up to them we be sing a little bit wait yeah what where where’s the people I don’t know I thought I saw thought I saw people over there there’s not one bu there’s no one there wow he’s going to tell us to get L hey guys you perfect know you are yeah oh perfect how we doing that means that means we should get a group selfie I I’m good but this used to be the castle now they use it yeah yeah so it’s still Norman castle built in 1072 just after William the Conqueror in V will conqueror William how long has this been about this 952 year old that is nearly the age of har Pano it’s crazy it mental wow thanks so much for showing us around no wor guys because of that amazing um lesson you just gave us I love taking s for me to remember this it’s free right now there you go outside enjo guys so much Jamie apprciate thank you you want me to H what no no find that L as long as we get to the location before them anyways we might still get a better experience look like but that’s in Newcastle somewhere that guy looked a little bit AG he had the same teeth yeah I was thinking that you know cool let’s get out new all right let’s go let’s go let’s go how are we here oh oh my head I thought it would have been dark by now or something car that was the best sleep of my life I’m not going to lie to you it was dark in there no it was comfy I got some good rest I’m energized ready to go I’m ready to run the rest of this I think there’s no way they could fall asleep in that they must they must have stopped somewhere you stretched the legs a little how they stretching their legs can they do this yeah they can’t do that no they can’t I got no space but I’m in a race I got AJ and candy in my face I don’t know how we’re going to win but those two boys are going in the B they got no space I can’t even move right yeah I’m with my boy my boy that’s me I wonder what oh my God that’s W lie AJ rapid grab the guys grab the guys so we’re going to go uh to the angel of North which is right here we are in a rush so let’s go hurry up man we’re in a rush let’s go hold on hold on hurry up I’m carrying the huge have you never run in your whole life hurry up I just realized we look like two massive weirdos holding these things up the going the first one to touch it ha you always be second in everything you do I’m not even in it you just took it of yourself we’re here this place looks crazy so what is it what’s the Angel of the North yeah I’ve never heard of it do you know about do you know about the history behind the Angel of the North oh okay oh yeah you guys out of the largest wood of the north all right let’s go let’s go we ain’t got much time we need to go you know car knes around is the biggest L [Music] ever so with both teams completing their Landmark task it wasn’t long until both sides arrived in Newcastle at very similar times all right so we got out of dar cuz there was not much going on there uh but now we are here here in Newcastle we are here to find a double ganger now finding a black person in Newcastle might not be the easiest yeah but the M Pi do have a black and white badge so they do they do let’s see if we can find someone in the black region not the white region let’s go oh I don’t want to say bye to this car get out we in Newcastle we’re in Newcastle we’re literally by the Newcastle stadium there’s literally no one here though it is empty we need to go to the city center all right let’s go I think see if we can find a look alike hello my friend do you think me and you look alike yes can I take a selfie hey come on that’s not you don’t think we look alike yeah see amazing that’s all we need all right cool here we go Asar yeah put your put put your head up Put Your Head Up that’s good that’s Gooding yeah go take a picture of you have to hold this right here you got do this brother brother nice to meet brother that’s a right there you guys oh we couldn’t be any more perfect I promise so now both teams have found their doppelganger it’s time to find out who reached the checkpoint first ah we’re almost there oh no well well well well well well I’m going to go back in this oh how to turn tables what’s up players yeah yep it’s not nice is it come on you know all right guys guys guys how about we trade uh oh now you want be reason now you want to be reasonable now you be what let’s see what we’re going in where where’s our car where’s our car I won’t lie to you this is pretty nice I’ll be honest with you that’s horror all right so I want to see you look it no there’s nothing you can do to be us saw one decent that’s like your little brother could be a little brother exactly brother look like we found you find AJ there’s nothing in this world there’s nothing in this world not fair place that’s one that’s with chunks and shy obliterating AJ and Kenny that round they now get the big advantage of the better car for Nico’s final challenge you guys are really near the finish line now your third and final checkpoint is Glasgow where a private jet is waiting to take the fastest team home when you arrive you must locate a mystery Package hidden in the city center by solving this riddle cross the twist where Waters Glide find your secret on the wavy side Solve the Riddle find the package get to the jet good luck that’s not package get to the jet good luck let’s okay let’s just go let’s go let’s go how quick can you go with this 50 m an hour can you make it 60 so I’ll try my best [Music] is it going to sound like this the whole time yes 3 and 1/2 hours in this sh until we get to the jet the question is what this Regent car made in 1960s beat a Tesla a Tesla that was literally made by El musk yesterday do you reckon we can get to Glasgow before the Tesla you need to stop for the uh charging his buty hav that’s a point they got stop so now both teams are racing to glaro and chunks and shy are charging towards the next checkpoint but unfortunately for them they didn’t charge their car all right so we’ve been on the road for a couple hours now and I completely forgot that the downside of a Tesla is that it’s an electric car which means i’ had to stop because the driver hasn’t got full charge you know he linked us with 25% he linking has 25% B we known that maybe our decision would been different so um how much battery do you have now uh Mr driver we have 33% okay I have hope I have hope don’t worry you ain’t losing this R yeah exactly there you [Laughter] go get in a car and take it serious we still have about 80 something miles or so which is an hour and something but I feel like the car’s falling apart every like so often like this look what the hell is that I reckon I could Sprint faster than this car yeah yeah and he said he said he could also win a fight as well yeah I said we take the sun roof off so you want the camera to break yeah you had it head talk to get rinsed it’s already rinsed Kenny and AJ may be laughing now but we’ll see who has the last laugh as chunks and shy are now fully charged and closing the distance we trying to figure out this riddle I feel like you might be able to help us figure it out cross the twist where Waters go Glide find your secret on the wavy side more clue find the secret on the wavy side set to search Glo water search the key words glasgo water twist glasgo water twist as both teams try to crack Nico’s riddle it seems Sharky might be on to something squiggly Bridge got to with this Wy yeah squiggly wavy there you go squiggly bridge for sure for sure why out tell I think I am however Kenny and AJ are still trying to wrap their heads around what’s on Rivers bridge bridge a bridge that twists as AJ researches on his phone Kenny notices something out of the window what what the hell oh oh yeah squiggly bridge and they’ve overtaken us that’s bad we’re here at squiggly Bridge no sight of the boys yet didn’t say what type of package but I see a delivery driver we’re not clear at that hello is this for us what are you delivering a package just food just food whilst chunks and Sharky continue their search at squiggly bridge I’m in Scotland oh no the other team have just arrived never going in that whip ever again in my whole life so where’s the people that was the worst experience I’ve ever had however they are yet to crack the riddle and so they begin their search for someone who could help them out excuse me sir please please it’s urgent do you know just a quick question just a quick question all right find your secret on the wavy side I think it’s this right here on the bridge we’re crossing it wait wait what’s this what’s this ping oh oh as well this envelop envelop congratulations well done you complete the final checkboy but to be able to board the jet you must put these on what is it a kill come on man what you got man do come on man I was Ring understand well chunks you better make up your mind pretty quick as the other team found some assistance we came all the way from London we have a riddle that we need to solve cross to twist where the water Glide find a secret on the wavy side is there like a Sisty Bridge squinty Bridge squint squinty squint oh squinty Bridge thank you so much what’s your name you have just you might have won us to Jet back sorry we see you soon take care take care so thanks to Tommy AJ and Kenny have solved the riddle and our on their way to squiggly bridge to receive their package and after wasting time refusing to wear his Kilt this imidation this is that thing that that c really talk about we need to win chunks and shy have ended up just 5 minutes ahead meaning it will be tighter than plan but it would still take a miracle for AJ and Kenny to win in their slower car but Miracles can happen um so we just arrived surely this gate opens you know what let’s just ask that guy over there brother excuse me yeah is there any chance that you can put us on the jit no sorry M you’re too late of course it was impossible see everything we went through everything everything went through yeah yeah we won chunks and Sharky won by a landslide and we’ll be flying home in die yeah let’s go let’s go just like how we live sometimes alhamdulillah cuz without him with nothing facts facts facts facts you know it would actually have been nice to go in the jet list F let’s let’s let’s just call it night let’s just leave oh what a terrible [Music] time so chunks and shaki won today congrats to them now if you don’t mind I have a football match to train for any final words bear play the train up today on beta Squad five Schmucks have been arrested for being deemed to be menaces to society the group have been filming prank and Challenge videos for several years but it seems though they’ve taken it one step too far we now go live to the scene where the disgraced YouTubers are arriving at the prison we [Music] [Music]


    1. Don’t like how chunkz stereotyping the young buck who offered them to cook in his house “about worriied about knives” shut up

    2. The thing i like abt beta squad that they don’t post as many weird vids like AMP wt is guess the bbl that’s sick only sickos watch those typa vids WWWWW beta squad

    3. I never ever pressed the Subscribe button ever ever in my life, I surely want Beta Squad to reach 10 million Subscribers. So everyone who reads this, please click the like button on my comment and on this video for sure.

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