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    A Motion to Vacate has been filed against Speaker Johnson!

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    for for for um I think we’re live We Live everyone yes we are what is up people of the internet it is me real American back in with a new stream and that is right we are live on this beautiful May 8th 2024 I hope everyone’s having a phenomenal day night afternoon midnight wherever you in the world I’m Sur a great day myself and we have an emergency stream everyone I was not planning on streaming today usually I take Wednesdays off well look at the headline uh Maj Taylor green has just follow a motion to vacate and we are joined by a bunch of people of course uh Mr Trump 2024 enjoyer uh good evening folks uh real Tex and politics hello from San Marcos Texas and of course Tyrone and Mr yay help me my [ __ ] computer is decided today is a great day to ship the bed so I’m having to take it apart right now oh so my I was internally screaming help me when I was driving through Austin today my God that traffic’s on that so I told you I 35 sucks homie well welcome every awful so yeah uh tonight uh we were not I was not planning on streaming I thought tonight was going to be you know the usual Wednesday off I don’t stream well just a couple minutes ago the house voted against the motion to vacate or at least to table it so this happened a couple minutes ago Maji Taylor green and I think was it Thomas Massie they just filed the motion to vacate and as of now it has failed because of course takes another L yet again yep now before we continue with tonight’s stream I hope you enjoy these type of streams if you do smash the like button down below subscribe share with your friends hit that little bell follow the social media account to the description down below and like Tyrone says join the channel it’s a dollar a month what is that like honestly a dollar a month to today’s economy that’s you stingy [ __ ] join the channel yeah join the channel it’s just $1 a month I don’t I don’t actually pay pay rap anything but that’s because I provide him a much better service than money true I provide him entertainment and uh and in vast political knowledge political knowledge and of course everyone if you have any questions concerns comments or just want to support the channel even further the best way is to send a Super Chat via well the chat again I’ll try to read through as much of chat as possible but usually super chats are the best where your questions answered so uh yeah all right everyone should we talk about what happened a couple minutes ago I thought that’s why we started the stream do you think I’m a goldfish yes yes shut the [ __ ] up all right he is the snack miles back it’s over so for real everyone majy Taylor green and I believe it was Thomas Massie correct me if I’m wrong those two file the most large large and Massy ass yeah oh good lord Massy uh you’re large margin large he said large margin sassy Massy okay yeah you got to fix your mic sir anyways so a large Marge has filed the motion to vacate it failed like it it wasn’t even close how many Republicans voted for it 11 or not voted against it uh it was 11 that voted against that voted against tabling yeah so they’re trying to table it and they successfully tabled it with the help of Democrats I let me go ahead and I will list the 11 right now the 11 are bigs burles crane Davidson goar green Massie Mooney Moore Roy and sparts sparts is the shocker in my opinion that that one came love feel like sparts like I thought she was supportive of freaking Johnson now she’s not uh some notable no uh no votes some notable um yes votes uh Matt Gates ananta Paulina Luna um they both voted to a table pop good voted a table okay so there’s a there’s a bunch of of like the magot types that are still voting against this now I do Wonder did Matt Gates yeah you said Matt Gates made a statement you said it before the stream if you can like requote what he said I’ll I’ll pull up in the chat I got it um margerie Taylor green made a truthful compelling case against Mike Johnson she should be commended for this work I voted to table the motion for one principal reason with a two seat majority in the election year I believe Tru three Republicans could be susceptible to bribes to resign or sorry to resign or even vote for a Democrat Democrats then instantly deem Trump an insurrectionist to Bar him from the ballot yeah Republicans must do better we must be led better we must return Trump to the White House so Gates I think’s being smart here now to be clear I support the motion to vacate I think it’s the best of two options but I do understand that maybe you want to wait till after the election to try this because you try it beforehand it could absolutely backfire it’s kind of a damned if you do damned if you don’t there’s Republicans that probably would not vote down ballot with Mike Johnson speaker yeah I mean if you get joh could be an issue in some seats which again I I I’m not the biggest fan of Mike Johnson obviously I’ve been that clear I support the motion of AK but I do understand that maybe we should just wait a little bit maybe we shouldn’t go you know freaking vacate our guy two months before the election maybe that’s not a good idea what do you guys think I don’t see honestly I mean I lean towards vacation to be honest I didn’t really care either away I think we’d be better off with a democratic speaker no no no yeah I think I think well we already have a democratic speak the differ here’s the thing though if the Democrats get the majority they’re GNA vote the give her to Trump off the bat they’re going to say he’s insurrectionist he’s not eligible that’s what they’re gonna do they’re also gonna do they’re also gonna pass they’re also gonna pass the [ __ ] make it past the Supreme Court hasn’t even been charged with they’re going to say that he’s in um those involved hell know how long it takes for the Supreme Court going to [ __ ] kill you hey hey all right all bunch of [ __ ] cutting me off over here I think that it would be outright better off to get rid of Johnson and have no speaker but it is also worth considering that Mike Johnson while he is relying on Democrats support to pass all this [ __ ] pro-israel Pro Ukraine type [ __ ] he’s also not an outright Democrat and he will absolutely use his speakership to prevent spending billions and billions of dollars on Dei [ __ ] political initiative type [ __ ] stuff that gets immediately recycled into Democrat Opera operations that can be used against Trump it’s also worth yeah no it’s it’s worth considering that all of that money that they’d be passing a large chunk of that does get immediately recycled into going in against Trump and creating a St and establishing institutions that can resist him so we do we do got a trump statement but first uh me for five Kevin McCarthy is Sigma rizzler bold outs signs Mike Johnson a story yet Untold in leadership dance uh He reigns Supreme at Visionaries gleam okay so uh Trump posted a statement Trump posted a statement about the motion to table although he posted it after vote happened more interesting though is the statement from Victoria sparts what did sparts say I am not happy with where we are now but would not vote to vacate the speaker at this time however I fought a lot to change Pelosi rules and have more accountability on the speaker in Congress so I voted not to table the motion consistent with my vote on McCarthy last wait what wait huh so she’s basically she’s basically being a Ken buuck right now except probably more conservative than he ever has been bro so just another schizophrenic moment like I yes we just um I I’m I’m against the motion of vacate but I support uh or I’m against tabling it really what I think that’s a fair position because you want to create a discussion and bring to National eyes like all the horrid like stuff that Mike Johnson has done and why we probably shouldn’t be like voting for Republicans who are je who are like trying to screw over over their voters what were you about to say they were trying to screw over their voters Oh I thought you saying something else no no I’m very careful with my words they’re trying to screw over their voters by voting to send money overseas rather than what’s up Pete rather than spending money on securing our border first off how’s your hangover I just now realized bber voted the table as well Boart voted too are you guys excited when the Democrats flip the house because there’s no reason to vote Republic well here’s the reality of that that theory go I understand that you know there’s been a lot of TR like Republicans pissed off about this but I think it’s just the basic math for Republicans there to get the house no it really isn’t we barely flipped it in 22 and Republican voters got nothing out of it it does a small amount leave the ballot blank which they will I really listen in the Trump era that hasn’t happened so far when Trump’s on the ballot they they might there’s a much bigger split no in polling there’s a clear much bigger split this time around than 2020 not comparable I understand where you’re trying to come from but I just don’t think there’ be that big of a ticket split I just don’t yes I really there GOP doing before Trump it’s a dead party no one likes the GOP the only re votes is Trump they just it’s a to most people it’s an alternative a better alternative to Democrats that’s just the reality you’re thinking you’re thinking about this in a partisan Republican light and that’s not that’s not what Trump voters see this through the lens though no uh ye I’m just trying to say that the reality is the ticket SP you’re talking about it’s like one or two points right now that’s what it is it’s not 15 it’s like three it’s like three it’s one or two it’s like three but either way but what was it 2020 like one or two maybe see so that means the that means the uh the house batt is going to be like what d+1 what was it in 22 R plus three and we barely won the house yeah because here’s winning formula here’s reality because in States like New York Florida and Texas they had inflated results that’s just a fact we’re it’s probably gonna happen again too it’s possible but we just gota see in California’s jungle primary they’re historically pretty good for um gauging how well Republicans are going to do in the state in the general in the jungle primary a lot of the Congressman actually did pretty well so that’s telling me that whatever gains we made in 2022 in the safe blue like in these safe States like New York California and honestly even Florida with the registration data that those Gams are holding yeah so if the B generic ballot is three points or four points Bluer Than 2022 and we’re still getting these strong results out of these specific States it stands to reason that we’re as a at whole the Republicans are going to perform worse in the house I just want to point out the Tipping Point district for getting the GOP of the house in 22 Was Won by 6 6 and we’re likely going as of now we’re going to see a four uh Zack nun Iowa 3 yeah but now he’s the incumbent he’s GNA hold that’s that’s not the point the point is that okay but here’s it’s not just that District that matters the point is the Tipping Point District was 6 and the N the the house B is going to swing left by like three to four points how’s that a winning formula well I’m not saying I’m not saying it is I’m just saying that right now even if it’s a three-point swing you don’t know with incumbency you don’t know where the swings are coming from you just don’t know that’s what I’m saying you got to wait and see okay that’s still a three to four point General swing yeah that’s a lot to overcome all right anyways uh Jacko Max for five just leave it till Trump is in he could give Johnson random position like a bass or whatever then we get a real mag of speaker not a chillion or yeah chameleon excuse me uh Sam ads for five who the 32 Democrats voted against table yeah there’s like 32 anyone got probably Progressive yeah I thought it was progressives but I don’t know who I’m guessing like your squads and maybe your I don’t know your shea Jackson Le or Al Greens or something we I think we should get a roll call at some point though I thought there was I thought there was like um that was a list of Republicans but I haven’t seen a list of Democrats um if youone to chat knows about the um uh who is the Democrats vote against it I would like to know because I’m assuming it’s the progressive types that just think oh we got everything we want out of this guy let’s get rid of him uh let’s see rap does this mean I could start dooming now well I don’t know I I think this is just six months away from the election I don’t know if this is really going to change much I really don’t know people remember these things it kills enthusiasm we got to see cilon what yeah I meant I actually said chameleon is chameleon I know I mean I made a blunder I had another Biden moment all right so people all these people that have never left the ballot blank or not voted Republican can’t understand the people that do I’m just anyways I find that hilarious all right I think we do have the list of the president votes which by the way are all Democrats interesting uh we have Omar Garcia from Illinois uh Kowski pores 2 Tano and pocan really poan I guess so I don’t know who any of these people are except gar no to be honest but Pan’s the clown from Addison oh well I’m actually surprised about that onean Omar voted present that’s interesting uh Ben C for two you see the Quinn ofak pull out of Wisconsin that’s [ __ ] that that that’s not happening Trump or Biden plus 6 the week after they released a trump plus one pole nationally or something crazy like that yeah no that’s not going to happen they had a d plus5 Le yeah it’s like and I’m pretty sure Wisconsin Wisconsin’s like G to be like r plus5 or something in the election I thought even 2022 it was like R plus two or three it was it was neutral in 22 it was R plus4 in 2020 so yeah this is a statement from Trump I absolutely love majja Taylor green I wouldn’t say that now but she’s got the spirit she’s got fight and I believe she’ll be around in our side for a long time to come however right now Republicans have to be fighting the radical left Democrats and all the damage they have done to our country with a majority of one shortly growing to three or four we’re not in a position of voting to on a motion vacate at some point may very well be but this is not the time we are leading the presidential polls by a lot both nationally and the swing States likewise we’re doing well in the Senate and I believe we will do well in the house but I will if we show disunity which will be portrayed as chaos it will negatively affect everything Mike Johnson is a good man who has trying everything or trying very hard I also wish certain things were done over the last period of two months but we will get them done together it is my request for Republicans vote for the motion table we will win big and it will be soon explanation point Mike Johnson calls that disunity that’s his fault it was starting before him working for Democrats it was starting before him but he kind of like caused it to come back I would say because by the way if you heard the John McGuire news about his uh oh yeah John McGuire’s done his campaign’s cooked oh yeah there’s some investigation over listenting to Seas person as campaign treasure uh there was a vote like I don’t know two about a month and a half ago about banning child marriage in Virginia and he voted against it yeah the only one I think or something crazy like that yeah the only one I guess for libertarian reasons or something I don’t know it’s always a libertar like freaking these people are insane but and he’s not even a Libertarian neocon I know but it’s like they have like libertarian like Tendencies and stuff like that yeah true do you think Trump is saving the VP pick announcement for the RNC I think so he’s a wa to like the week before yeah June July July actually go ahead and say the smartest pick for VP would be young Kim yeah I think I think it’s gonna be Doug bergham I really think that’s who it’s gonna be right now but we just gotta see buram said on TV that he didn’t buram said that Biden won the election I don’t think it’s gonna be veram bro another thing too is that he had an abortion ban signed in his State yeah but you he’s a risky you can argue though like he wants to leave it to the states that’s what he’s gonna say and that that was when he was governor so uh Prince is right for two in Indiana 7 the GOP nominated a dead person wait what yeah that’s true that is true nah I mean it’s not not like it’s a seat we flipping anyways but you know no we we nominated a dead person I know it’s like a safe Democrat seat but what that should tell you everything last Jer Pace one by 1.3 well it’s un freaking unbelievable that like last night was that big of a disaster and we have that as the proof that it was Democrats crossing over but no one’s going to accept that they’re just going to say oh Haley got 21% and that’s the end of trump or something dumb like that even though didn’t John McCain like 2000 get like the same amount or something craes like that when he dropped up three months prior I don’t it’s something like that uh Braden Lum for five if we lose a house in November it’s be that because of this BS this GOP and fighting is going to cost us and it won’t matter if Trump wins you know I just think Trump’s going to carry just enough I’m not saying he’s going to you know we’re going to win a a 50 seat majority but I think he’s gonna do just good enough where these [ __ ] in the house get a majority again just because Trump does good enough that I just really think that’s what’s gonna happen we got to see Trump’s gonna have to declare himself Supreme dictator get to get anything done with this house Fair they’re gonna vote they’re going to vote against deporting illegal aliens because it goes against constitutional principles well I think that well Trump did say he wants to be a dictator for a day right yeah yeah that’s possible um am Brewster for five rap are you afraid that this election is chaos again it will cause Civil War II I feel that is a high possibility due to Dem Insanity yeah I think I’m just hoping that whoever wins just wins a landslide that’s my honest hope even if it’s Biden I don’t want him to win obviously but I think for the best for this country you have one of the two idiots got to win or or it’s either the more on Biden or Trump I should say because if we have like a close election like 2000 again we’re not going to handle as a country we just can’t we need to like might be that might be a necessary evil what a close if Biden were to win it would have to be like very close in my opinion to draw the election into dispute again yeah same yeah winning big is is the end of this country I don’t know I think that’s the only way people like genuinely understand the condition of our country we just got I I don’t know it’s one of those things where I I think if Trump wins he has to win by a lot he can’t afford to have like you know the same [ __ ] happened with Russia again you can’t like Caleb Democrats claim well he only won because the Russian governments uh caused the him to win the Dums don’t have any any kind of well-armed followers so if they start some Civil War that what weapons will they fight with well I guess it’s a fair point I don’t know damn computer doesn’t want to [ __ ] work for me what’s wrong with your computer this time is the same thing I had no it’s an entirely different issue I’m trying to determine um it’s not an issue with your it’s not a solid state drive issue I’m not getting a graphics display output so I’m trying to determine if it is a graphics card problem a ram problem or a processor problem because the first two I can fit fix the uh third one is going to be a [ __ ] to fix cuz I don’t have a spare processor see here uh Civil War I is likely better probably happens after the GOP collapse the power power vacuum I don’t think the GOP collapses now if this the key part if the current leadership stays in place for a couple years and you get someone like good success some good successors I don’t see it collapsing then but if you get stuck with like um who would be a shitty successor for Trump Tim Scott Ronald Dion to Santos I don’t think the Santos caus a collapse but I don’t think it would win Tim Scott it would be yeah it would have to be like Tim Scott or something like that I don’t think B would be that good of a successor to be honest I don’t think bur could be a successor I I really don’t yeah I don’t know I don’t think he really has like the Charisma or the like even as VP I don’t know if he’d have like the name recognition even to defeat like heavy weights in the primary I have a hunch that whoever wins the primary is going to be like kind of like a bland mat GA type candidate so it could end up being rob it could be like yeah Rob uh I don’t even know we don’t have a great we don’t even have that good of a bench I mean we got like a couple good ones but they’re not realistic I think like people say JD Vance that’s not gonna happen I’m sorry yeah that’s no it it is um I I know from friends who are close to DC that it is being conveyed with the utmost seriousness and Vance is listening that he needs to stay in the house so if my friends who are connected to Vance are con are convinced of this it really does sound like Vance is going to stay in the house which means I heard that too JD Vance is not going to be the uh yeah sorry guys he’s not gonna run in 28 he’s not gonna be VP yeah apparently he said that he hadn’t had a conversation with Trump about being vice president so prob there’s a lot there’s a lot of like smoke screens to this entire thing you don’t actually know what’s real or not that’s I me I think he said it himself on what Bannon show or whatever it was a couple days ago think it was Glen it was either Glenn Beck or Bannon show it Glen Beck like yesterday he said like I haven’t had conversation with Trump you know I’m be the Senate that’s why I think you’re not GNA see him leave I think he would rather be the Senate anyways I mean he’d probably be honored to be picked but I think he’d rather be in the Senate yeah he’s more useful in the Senate just for the simple fact that with the vice presidency yeah you might be the successor but do you really think he’s gonna I mean I’d like for him to be the successor be h he’ll make a fine he’ll make a fine Senate Majority Leader one day yeah I agree all right I gotta go see you all right see you Tyrone oh apparently Matt Gates has been invited to the inauguration of uh naib bu Kelly who bu Kelly the president of El Salvador oh duh yeah I had a brain fart for he got invited to the to his inaugurations see here um imagine R imagine if Rubio’s VP and s points himself cency can he do that he I mean I don’t see why he wouldn’t he would just have his lieutenant governor replace him and she’d be terrible but but yeah I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t mind asant as a senator I prefer him being Senator over you know D over you know Matt Dolan in Ohio yeah I think with um well I know marowski we did we talked with this yesterday marowski’s father that some corruption but I don’t think he I don’t think you can appoint yourself to the Senate does anyone know I mean possible RI Geto himself if he trusts his lieutenant governor enough yeah but I think that was a different because he had to get he got out of office then he made a back room deal with um what’s the guy’s name I don’t know what’s the governor matter Nebraska uh the the current one yeah pillin I think it’s yeah pillin yeah Jim pillin yeah so he made a back deal with pillan so that’s a little bit different but it’s possible I guess it definitely is think Trump would want Ruby well Trump wouldn’t want Des Sanz in the Senate so it I don’t know what I don’t know who the Sanz would appoint that Trump would like I mean like is there anybody in Florida that both Trump and the Sanz could agree on it would maybe Cory Mills Mills maybe but he just got in a house I don’t think he treat a freshman I would I would be perfectly fine with a i’ would be perfectly fine with a senator Mills become a top five Senator but yeah either way it would make sense for Ron to uh sorry Rob it would makes sense for him to try and seat himself in the Senate because it places him in a position of national relevancy by 2028 yeah and the the Sanz had run for Sena previously yeah he had drop out because yeah r i mean Rubio I mean the santz ran for S when Rubio ran for president then he dropped out and that was that uh Charlie Howard for two Robson could be a trump success for 2032 if Robinson’s another one but I just it depends if he wins or not like you said if he doesn’t win I just don’t think has a yeah future I agree we shouldn’t count our eggs before they hatch because I remember people were saying the same thing about Carrie Lake yeah I never I never bought that hype that was always uh to me that always seemed like a bunch of [ __ ] because like yeah car L seemed you know well-liked within the base but that doesn’t mean you know she has a future in the you know at the presidential level Robinson you could say at least because he won the lieutenant governorship in a big upset you can argue outran Trump in North Carolina has a good shot of be the governor like not just you know oh he has zero perc chance or something like he Robinson has a good shot of winning yeah he’s good on the issues he’s charismatic weird thing optic optically he’s perfect that’s a weird thing he says like quote-unquote extreme stuff but his Optics are good I just can’t the guy is like what do you even call him like a Chad I don’t know I don’t know um Rob will appoint himself yeah it’s gonna be either him or maybe his wife his wife you imag all looks like we don’t have a roll call for the uh Mo on the table yet but uh latest one we have is the renaming of a post office in uh useless Louisiana after Luke Leto oh yeah let Lo yeah that’s right hey R what are your thoughts on the Georgia bill that passed today um yeah what that so they have the absente batt bill it would mandate all of the uh absentee ballots to be counted before 800m on Election night the issue is it is not go into effect until 2025 damn oh okay now I mean Trump’s still favorite in Georgia let’s not I read an article I only said one part of it was active oh I’m gonna read this because I’m actually I thought I thought it said something about like it was in effect this year let’s see maybe part of it is I don’t know it was only I was reading an article only said like one part of it didn’t take into effect after 24 um okay yeah it’s only part of it yeah so the bills requires counties of report the results of all ballots by an hour after polls okay so hold on it also lets counties use paper ballots and elections which fewer so it sounds like that the only change that doesn’t go to affect is that you have to use paper ballots in which okay so the paper B so paper ballots only doesn’t go into effect until 25 but even that’s like that’s fine I can live with that just abste ballot that alone I think would make people be more confident because you can’t I will say this I think B I think doing only paper ballots that could actually increase Republican turnout because there’s a lot of them that just oh yeah probably will not turn out until they get rid of electronic machines which I think is just like they get in line they see electronic machines they go they leave they just leave but yeah I think that the law that that’s a good I think that should be common sense an hour after polls close you should have every single absentee ballot reported you have a week to count it if you if that is going into effect if that’s going into effect before the 2024 election that the election’s basically done Trump’s winning Georgia yeah I mean just that just common sense every state do that one hour hour after polls close you have a week to count the absentees why the hell should you not be able to report the results in hour after the fact you know what at least Brian Kemp is actually doing something unlike his old lieutenant governor who by the way is becoming Biden’s newest simp yeah did he didn’t uh what’s the guy’s name Jeff Duncan Jeff Duncan he endorsed Biden yesterday yeah he endorsed Biden it’s like yeah that’s principal conservatives like him they’re the reason we lost the Georgia Center by the way I think raffensberger may actually also be supporting Biden because of the whole phone call Fame I don’t think raidurg just is I don’t think he’s endorsed but if he endorses anybody he’ll probably be Biden yeah uh rap what about Josh Hol has Trump successor that’s not gonna happen no B but yeah just just Josh Holly I see him as like a kind of like a Vance type he’s GNA be there in the senate for a while but that’s about it so what do you guys think about the Brian Kemp bill you think every state should emulate it because I’m reading Sports Fit looks pretty good yeah I think it’s a step in the right direction for sure you know Georgia as a whole has done pretty good on Election Integrity unlike a lot of the other s swing States so you have to give them props at least for that even though they didn’t really do it when it mattered which was four years ago yeah I would say that sorry about that I bumped my mic I just think it should be common sense that you have your results within an hour for at least absentees because that’s where that’s where the problems really stem from you can’t just have this [ __ ] where like Milwaukee does it’s just an example like I’m not saying they do it but it’s just an example what could happen you have one of these big cities they report election days first and theoretically if a partisan hacks running the election they can theoretically know how many votes they need for absentees and you don’t really know if they came before or after you don’t really know that’s it’s theoretically possible that’s why I like the idea of all right you have one hour counties or you have up to one hour to report the results you have like a week to count it uh Lord rhyo for five electronic ballots have been banned in most European countries why won the federal government ban them well because the federal government doesn’t run elections in America that’s a big difference it’s state by state that’s why you have States like Utah and is it Colorado that does old M yeah or something like that honestly thank God the federal government doesn’t run our license right now oh that would be bad wouldt would be uh basically it would it basically be like the India elections because I think they’re voting now but they they’re not giving they’re not getting the results till what June that’s a very I mean they also have like what trip like three or four times our population 1.2 billion people or something 1.3 or four they’re already the biggest country in the world uh what Marg do you think Trump needs to win Georgia by in order to reasonbly believe he’ll win enough electoral votes to get the presidency I think if he wins by three or four that’s enough enough more than enough if he’s winning Georgia by three to four he’s winning North Carolina four to five oh probably even more than that even then I mean if that happens you’re getting Governor Robinson yeah uh the Democrats will eventually take over Federal elections yeah they’re going to try and that’s why this is a must-win election for Trump because if you if you don’t win this cycle not GNA be fun not be fun and I do wonder if there’s enough time to even if Trump wins is there enough time to like save this country reverse the damage I don’t think so it’s a sad reality uh India has 1.4 billion yeah so they have 1.4 billion people and apparently their election system sucks fun I mean their infrastructure is like complete garbage as well yeah I guess because I mean you also got to go for like the slum you Bas I mean you have like your slums and then your what apartment like really shitty Apartments yeah it just like you go from the slums to the even like less shitty slums that’s basically what it is it’s I’m not trying to be raceist just a fact like I me my dad been India that’s basically how it is yeah it’s not it’s not even a racial thing it’s just facts and people are say it’s racist it’s not that’s what India is my dad has beens a month in hydrat for like business stuff he probably knows more about India than the average Progressive I would call you racist yeah uh let’s see here rap is there a Federal Election Commission or something yeah but they deal with Finance stuff that like that’s the one part that I agree with there should be some kind of restrictions on like super packs and stuff but they got enforce speaking of which Speaking of restrictions on packs uh oh are we talking about the heday thing no I’m talking about ape oh AP okay yeah yeah yeah you gotta talk about the Indiana stuff from uh listen yeah I if this was any other country this isn’t because it’s Israel I don’t give a [ __ ] that it’s Israel if this is any other country China Russia North Korea can you IM North Korean pack it doesn’t matter Israel basically bought their way into a seat were like two or three of them in Indiana Oh yeah that’s my problem like of all of the like I think was like five open seats we had one victory yeah we had um stman not that stman people on Election Twitter and I think he he barely won he barely won yeah so a pack in my opinion so packs like that should be illegal you should not you’re your pack should not be all about a Ford Country That That should be illegal I don’t care if it’s China Israel hell if it’s France like why would you want a France pack or a Brazil Pack because they’re not our greatest Ally well it’s like I don’t care if like Israel probably is our best Ally but does that mean that you know oh we should have a pack allowed from with from there no we should have put a ban on all those um like apacks and stuff is it isn’t there like a Chinese one too I don’t even know it probably if there were a Chinese one it’d be one of the greatest scandals in the 21st century oh yeah 100% if it’s when it’s Israeli when they pass SW condemning uh any quote unquote anti- Zionist speech then oh that’s perfectly fine Charlie Howard for five I’m thinking it be a pull Watcher in North Carolina I think election Integrity is decent in North Carolina but I want to do my part of make sure yeah North Carolina’s good elections but that’s good we need more people like you that are willing to volunteer and be a poll Watcher or even just work at the polls more people should do that I agree with that I Florida should be our standard like nationally Florida should be the standard what they take two hours they’re done they have like a couple votes here and there at this point in at this point like in they’re at this point the way they vote you basically call them at poll closing when the Panhandle closes yeah but even though they they count within like two minutes I mean it’s like te they’re basically like Texas now Texas you can basically call the entire State once El Paso closes same in Florida let’s see here uh China tries to buy politicians the UK all the time I wouldn’t be surprised they’ve done it America oh they try I think they’re probably successful but it’s just not good that you have a Ford entity like APAC running basically controlling our elections how much money do they spend is this some crazy amount like 500 million a year something like that I think I mean they they ran ads in Indiana Z calling hosler you know Pro terrorist yeah because he was but the other issue is like he didn’t raise any money like 40,000 was all he had so he had no money to defend himself so he basically ran entirely on name recognition and he shockingly got second place he got 20% yeah but he I think he split the vote with moss with moss which was I I that’s what I was afraid of but I didn’t think I thought Moss would have gotten second place and hosler would have gotten like single digit is took fourth like like a Maga Canada to probably I don’t know yeah same thing I think in one I know in one district there was I think it was speedy and then there was a guy endorsed by V Ram Swami and yeah I think the ram Swami candidate got second place no Speedy took second he got Speedy got screwed again that’s another thing we have to have run off their states there’s no reason for a candidate to win with less than 30% like that that’s horeshit there’s no reason for that uh let’s see here um is there even a point for voting Republic at the house level I mean not really I I would say yes just for the simple fact that you still want to give Trump some kind of majority it’s still not going to be perfect but You’ much rather have a republican majority than Democrat one with Trump I’m just saying because at least with Trump he can he can hold those some of these people accountable when he’s the president he should theoretically but after Wisconsin ban Source money and forign money magically buying his campaign in Wisconsin today well yeah he’s they banned that and he has to actually campaign but that really wasn’t going to change much I don’t think think um let’s see Utah might go for Biden look how big a left swing that state has taken of course is Willard saying that John Willard everyone wait did he say wyom me’s likely Republican oh man oh yeah because Liz Cheney Liz Cheney will endorse Biden and all of a sudden did I just hear RZ Cheney I said Liz Cheney I said Liz chany will endorse Biden and cause the whole state to move left by Double D and whatever the [ __ ] I don’t know did you see Republican Senators want to put anti-israel people on no fly list wait what huh does anyone know about this apparently um there’s some clowns in the Senate trying to put people on a no fly list they’re anti-israel that’s not surprising if it’s true where is this a bill in the house who freaking knows oh yeah it’s Roger Marshall has proposed that anti Israel protests be put on the nfly list are you [ __ ] me Marshall listen Marshall what the [ __ ] listen if you’re being violent in a protest yeah you should be arrested but should they put on a no fly list because they’re terrorist or whatever I don’t know what now those that are affiliate with Hamas that’s a separate story but if you’re just protesting Israel I mean he’s claim he’s probably going to claim that all of them are associated with Hamas well they’re not listen the I would say like like 80% of people protested they’re they’re scam artists they they probably actually support Hamas but I would say 20% they they’re not involved with that but it’s not good yeah Blackburn and Marsh it’s Blackburn also okay that’s definitely pass on to sentive yeah me actually no Democrats will probably vote would probably vote against yeah well yes uh Trump is fman fman would vote for it but I don’t think any of the other Dems would we’re talking about the same types that will likely vote for the anti-Semitism awareness act which by the way you look more in it you realize that a foreign country can decide what anti-Semitism is and they could throw people in jail that’s not good oh but they’re the only Jewish States so yeah but they’re foreign country it doesn’t matter can you imagine like um we we gave uh like China total control of like arresting people for like anti-asian hate crimes or something pretty much they would just say if you’re against the CCP you’re you’re um anti-asian or something you hate Asian people you should be thrown in jail that’s a problem with it it doesn’t matter if it’s Israel doesn’t matter if it’s China Russia it doesn’t matter there’s no reason for that crap to pass um are you talking about the RFK tapeworm stuff oh you guys hear about that yeah I heard that I’d like toat what said now I’d like to repeat what Mike Collins said but I’d probably that probably get demonetized real fast let me just pull this up because I thought this was a parody I really thought you know this was um uh The Babylon B that posted this but this is a real thing a real headline from Politico RFK Jr claims uh claims a doctor told them a worm a part of his brain reports the New York Times wouldn’t the first time uh the brain got messed up Kennedy brain got messed up boo why would you admit this RFK claimed numerous health problems including that a parasite possibly ate part of his brain during a deposition made during a contentious divorce from his second wife what a decade ago yes the surgeon he said believe the issue was caused by a worm that got into my brain and ate a portion of it and then died um let’s see you know I’m looking at you know I’m going back to the motion to table thing you know I think there is one specific reason why Jeff wanted Democrats to vote to table this because Martin Taylor green is the one that proposed it maybe that’s literally why I think that I think that’s why they don’t want to give her a victory you know that doesn’t sound that crazy because just they have nothing to I think if anybody else had voted had proposed this even Massie I they would have yeah they would have they would that’s silly I I think it’s I mean that’s not insane to think they did it because they own him that’s all is it’s like I that too but I don’t know but it’s Mar margrey Taylor green is basically the house Boogeyman aside from Donald Trump like it’s Trump and V it’s green that’s it hey rap you should post um you should show the stream what I just put in the chat good Lord Dead brain word 2% Joe Biden 29 oh the bird’s are back uh oh yeah I have my bird with me uh this guy said I’m more liberal than Ted Kennedy to get elected Ted Kennedy more liberal than a liberal Democrat I don’t get what RFK is doing here I have cognitive problems clearly I have short-term memory loss and I have longer term memory loss that affects me KY sit in the deficit are you [ __ ] me so two of the options we got for president this year two of the major three one of them can’t walk up the stairs properly without falling and he he reads off the teleprompter like please CL or what was it end sentence or something end of quote end of quote yeah what else was pause pause and then the other clown he has Burgundy a brainworm that ate part of his brain that caused memory loss bro these are the options we got apparently uh let’s see Mr Kennedy traveled extensively in Africa South America and Asia in his work as environmental advocate in one of those locations contracted a parasite since to find spear the Kennedy campaign press secretary the issue was resolved more than 10 years ago and he is in robust physical and mental health question Mr Kennedy’s health is hilarious suggestion given his competition it’s not really because he’s 10 years older from yeah no 12 this is 12 years ago and this might have been even longer so if he has problems now you know it’s like or problems then with memory loss what do you think’s GNA happen now that’s not good I don’t care you know if that’s 10 years ago it’s still a significant ordeal and send its new paragraph Earth K should have chosen Don blin chip as VP no way um Bing Kennedy with the F yeah these are options everyone a tape a guy with a dead brain worm and then um uh Biden what do you even call that does anyone have a word for Biden Dem Mantia probably more than that like at this point he has everything all the above which is sad but it’s real the [ __ ] roll call vote you have the roll call vote no they still haven’t posted it they probably don’t post it for motion tables I don’t know I don’t know um but yeah so Kennedy I think his campit are down in flames I I still think he get like 5% or something but he’s not gon to do anything significant what what is he at right now um pulling right now like 8% like eight or nine Cor in that Caniac pole which wait what per 12 in Wisconsin according to a can poll let’s just say okay between eight to 12% it it had Biden winning by six and ahead tohe yeah so let’s say he’s up by or at 8 to 12% he’s probably gonna go down at to 5% a guy with no brain and a guy with a wormed brain yep that’s what we got see thatc poll it was Biden plus six and a head to head and then went down a Biden plus one with everybody else and at RFK a 12 what how what okay that doesn’t seem right but biley spangle for 10 House Republicans are giving it anism if Democrats win the house it’s their fault does Trump even need a house maor at this point much much is a genic can be done in by executive action well that’s argu that some people are use that do you really need the house for what Trump wants to do because he just wants to burn down like the agencies he doesn’t need the house to do it but you still want to pass something like worth of worth anything and in the House and Senate so you still want the majority but unlike the first term where he needed the house for the tax cuts and then try to pass Healthcare reform he most of his stuff he’s just going to do an executive order like what is it title um title five or something what is that the one that he fires much people it’s like a it’s like a title thing I can’t think of the name uh do you think the house will improve after 2026 eh you see a bunch of retirements I think Trump needs help R are you what are you going to see Kingdom of the plan of the Apes um is it coming out next week it’s coming out in like a day really a day I think so I’m gon go watch it it looks pretty good heck yeah title 4020 420 weed is legal yeah TR knowing Trump he would probably do like or at least like make it where um some people got thrown in jail for Well he kind of did that never mind the silent onion for two thank you so much good sir ah yeah agenda 25 project 2025 yeah yeah that’s what it is Project 2025 that’s the one where he wants to fire a bunch of people plus he’s trying to actually reform the government he can do executive action at some things but man at the end of the day some judge will block it yeah but theoretically with Trump if he just has everything he should be fine by the way McCarthy endorsed McGuire for Congress and I think it sounds like he might also endorse Matt gas’s opponent as well he’s going to that that that clown that notice is the day after the Dei guy the day of that you know the FC going after him or was the FC something like that I yeah like they went after him for like the illegal campaign stuff what’s his opponent’s name Aaron Aaron diick yeah that’s gu is pro Dei I think he’s probably Pro Biden as well probably this guy’s also the de guy like the simps are like sing for him uh the silent onion for two no P new poll says Trump is somehow winning Washington I’m just goingon to say that poll is [ __ ] it’s because undecided but maybe Trump does better Washington I that’s likely but by that much eh I don’t think so project 2025 is an attack on our democracy that’s real Trump had a republican Congress yes but if he had Paul Ryon has really count yeah you had to deal with Paul Ryan and then uh trying to think idiots um Liz Cheney yeah not a good majority hey R comment on the Old Miss student that got expelled yeah what was that about the guy got expelled or something like that wait what he wait what the [ __ ] or no I think I kicked off the fraternity I know that yeah I know yeah I know he got kicked out of his fraternity about J stles what are they talking about JP Staples the monkey noises kid yeah JP Staples yeah he’s a new civil rights icon well no just listen I I don’t like like Matt Walsh brought up of old people you watch the video it’s like even if he did that it’s like that that is that offensive somehow like even the woman she told the like the media that she didn’t really care I think it’s it’s something I mean doesn’t matter what she thinks yeah no she she even said that she doesn’t even care it’s like whatever so she but it doesn’t matter what he thinks what matters is what the media thinks it’s what the NAACP thinks NAACP wants to basically kill him um awesome Lego 3000 for five hey rap do you think apack is g to ruin yet another potential successful primary Texas 23rd between Herrera and Gonzalez later this month it’s possible probably gack supports galz but I don’t even think Israel is a big issue with I mean Gonzalez is hitting Herrera for like the Trump stuff well I think herrera’s biggest advantage to gun stuff that’s what just save him I think in Immigration I mean G see Gonzalez he a an ad about Herrera bashing Trump’s chances of winning but that was like month ago like a son or something oh yeah I think there was a source that Trump is not endorsing in the race because of the baron Trump stuff but yeah it tells yeah yeah he’s not going to endorse anyone but that’s actually kind of a good thing that he’s well think Johnson would have wanted to anyways yeah um and at this point Mike Johnson compromised with the Democrats he’ll be know better than Paul Ryan John th also likely become set a majority leader and Trump wanted in primary but at least with JN th I think he’s an upgrade over McConnell just because m m McConnell you even John Thon can handle money better than that it’s unfreaking believable if Trump would Washington then Trump will be winning 400 plus electoral votes Oregon New York Virginia Minnesota will flip yeah if you’re winning Washington yeah everything’s going to flip at that point Bane remember his Shenanigans yeah he got kicked out of the house for it or he was going to but hold on hello I hear you okay we’re good okay okay we’re good okay that was weird what happened G the stream’s cutting out rip audio I see FS I see the fs um ads everything’s good I hear your audio yeah everything’s good I think help me I don’t think I have access to the soundboard on here let me see if maybe I do I think you were getting trolled rap your audio is fine on yeah the audio is fine that was weird okay that YouTu might have had like a bug for a second who knows okay we’re good the okay anyways back to whatever that was yeah that that must just been YouTube uh being YouTube I hear you okay we’re good all right uh Roy Moore or um strange oh gosh do I have to answer that what no I’m not gonna answer that uh let’s see um I cannot confirm or deny this but there might be some just some to sim saying that Biden’s gonna win Indiana that’s real let’s see your whole stream died for 10 seconds okay stream’s still is the stream still going yeah obviously yeah that’s weird Okay rap it’s fine you’re getting trolled well no I no it did cut up for a second it did cut out for a second okay all right anyways back to the stream okay so we talk about the RFK stuff did we talk about the Ryan km stuff we did talk about yeah yeah anything else do we miss anything still waiting for that Democrat list of no votes it just like never comes it just like yeah I don’t think they even published roll call vote for they’re so lazy it’s like nah we don’t need a roll call vote for this this is a worthless V last one they posted was for a post office renaming in Louisiana post office we got some new ones here let me see what I got uh uh let’s see here do you support a two-state solution it’s here’s reality it’s never going to happen because you just can’t put two religions like that and get right next to each other and expect it to go well that’s just the sad reality of it hey okay we got a roll call vote we got the roll call we do okay post it yep we got a roll call let me find the uh Democrats all right um okay um I think I think I’ve got it let me see we got Baragon Bowman Bush Kazar Castro Clark Connelly deette doet Escobar Frost Garamendi Garcia from Texas Robert Garcia from California Gomez Harter Harter yeah harder from California funny last name but jaon from Illinois jaia pal Kim leer cam leer Dove uh Barbara Le uh summer Lee Menendez uh AOC Presley Ramirez Ryan scanland T Vasquez Waters Watson Coleman and Williams from Georgia huh so yeah basically for Progressive then yeah progressives Squad um I guess cuz I guess again cuz Israel and part of it I don’t know yeah I I do Wonder like the closer we get to the DNC how much more chaotic it’s going to get because at this point like it’s got to get worse for Democrats right it has to because like the they’re invading Rafa right now as we speak is that correct or they they’re starting to I think oh let me also we also have a list of people who did not vote yeah who didn’t vote uh Banks bergus Carson Carter from Texas Cleaver Cole fushi Granger uh Granger of course grizela gal Galva okay Galva Higman Jackson Lee Jacobs lamalfa uh lman Luna magaziner Mall Mullen session Thompson from Mississippi and Tuda so Anna Luna did not vote okay she must have been gone or something she probably would have voted yes because she’s usually very much alongside Matt G like I think they always vote the same yeah I don’t think they’ve ever voted against each other not that I know of all right um if anyone got more Super chats more questions comments begin sending them now last calls for super chats everyone um so there’s a lot of stuff going out at the house we don’t know how this gonna go because Mar Taylor green could theoretically motion to vacate tomorrow again try it again or maybe they get someone else like um who’s a respected member of Congress that um just a random well I mean they would have to be someone that supports it I don’t know who um I mean let me look for yeah Davidson maybe sparts sparts is always under the radar I mean she’s also Ukrainian but she doesn’t even support vacating so she probably wouldn’t even bring it back maybe someone like n not crane not Roy money Moore Mooney maybe Mooney Moore one of those two probably uh what do you think of a calling on Blake to drop out of the race uh Abe should drop out of the race breaking W the CER PL to give Biden emergeny Powers the deal with the vicroy Trump when when it Formed of the news Biden said quote I love democracy H is that no that’s attack of the Clones reference right did he say that attack of clones or yeah uh Trump 24 and J would know that what is this equal representation act I’m looking for the house World call votes uh Maj Taylor green should be the one ousted yeah but the thing with green is you got to get a good Challenger if you get someone good yeah I would support it but you don’t want to end up with let me let me look at uh the house races in Georgia she she’s got to have some primary Challengers proba she might have to establish an hack uh actually has no Challengers what have ch okay so she’s actually on a pose that’s okay yeah that’s suspicious then because she’s one of the people you would think that she gets challenged no matter what I think it’s cuz all the uh like moderate Republicans are just getting behind the Democrats yeah let’s see which in this case Sean Harris is basically running away with it uh thoughts on Newsmax they seem like a boomer con Channel they are they’re just Boomer cons a Newsmax there a lot of potential they BW it I mean they’re still probably to the ride of fox but even then barely I would just say they’re more in the conspiracy stuff you know like the I think you gotta go to like what oann yeah that that’s like full-blown like magga freaking Mike Lindell stuff yeah I think they only run like Lindell ads anyways like that’s probably their Only Money Maker is like lindell’s company yeah Lindell and you see that picture of Lindell a couple days ago I think I mean you go on oenn and like it goes it cuts to commercials it’s literally just my pillow yeah it’s my pillow some like coffee and whatever else is suppl it’s like the Alex Jones stuff at least with Alex Jones he’s like an independent thing well that’s how he have to make his money to pay off the trillion he owns that’s insane the amount of money he owes absolutely insane he like he owes a trillion to the new town families yeah attack of the Clones we Star Wars movie no attack the Clones a masterpiece compared to Revenge of the Sith or not no not Revenge the Sith no Revenge of the Sith is the Masterpiece of old masterpieces but it’s better than um rise of Skywalker and The Last Jedi I should say that easily hot take if Michael lell ran for Senate in Minnesota he wouldn’t get a close single digits yeah just because like all the Republicans would vote for the guy even against clure but even then it’s he would still lose um anyways folks I think I’m G to end the stream here I was not expecting to stream today but a lot of stuff’s going on ARF Kia’s a worm eight part of his brain uh Taylor green in a motion to vacate and uh yeah we have some news by the way from Biden um President Biden tells Aaron Bernett that if Israel invades the city of Rafa which they have the US will stop supplying it with artillery shells bombs for fighter jets and other offensive weapons huh I wonder and he compar and then he also compared the Hamas attack to Holocaust like yesterday he said what he compared the Hamas attack to Holocaust like the I think the initial Hamas attack are you again he’s just flip he’s flip flopping I hat listen those attacks were awful but the compare it to the Holocaust are you serious I mean it’s how he’s trying to appeal to the neocons and Neo appealing to the neocons that he’s losing because he’s trying to F for the college students without I guess abandoning his principles whatever principles whatever principles he has let’s see here oh do we have new OV pole people were saying yugov pole it’s released yugov let’s see here um oh that’s earlier yeah so they had the yeah Trump’s tide B need to be impeached for stopping Congress approved a military a As Trump was impeached for doing Ukraine yeah Trump trump got impeach for it so should Biden but iared up yug on Twitter and went to the latest tweets and it’s all just replies to Jill Stein it’s just Jill Stein but anyways F A apparently a recent poll found that in a free wve matchup against Biden and Trump Jill signin is polling at 22% of on voters under 30 16% of on voters 30 to 44 [ __ ] [ __ ] there’s no’s not get he’s not even gonna get that much considering she won’t even be on the ballot in those States well no she’ be in the ballot in most States but she’s not gonna be ballot in every state there’s be a couple where she’s not there’s no no shot she gets 30% of young people that’s insane I mean if they’re all vot well I mean if they’re all voting for her because of Palestine I I don’t know all right I think most of them just won’t even vote I don’t think they’re even voting for anybody they probably wouldn’t even vote for Jill Stein because he’s white right but anyways folks I think I’m G end the stream here if you guys did enjoy these T these streams smash the like button down below subscribe share with your friends hit that little bell follow all the social media accounts in the description down below and of course join the channel today again folks we’ll see you guys in the next stream video


    1. The garbage Wisconsin Quinnipiac poll makes no sense when it has Biden at 39% approval and with abortion being the number one issue it was probably majority Democrats that they polled.

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