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    Hello, I’m Thach Trang Long time no see Last time, when my younger brother flew back to Vietnam, my mother flew to Germany with me And this was when my mother had just landed and hadn’t even had time to drag her suitcase into the house yet but she was so tired that I cooked porridge and tea and all, and then we sat down to eat After that, my mother went back to sleep because she felt a bit jetlag Then when we woke up, my mother and I went to shower, change clothes and unpack the clothes my mother brought me Both suitcases contain only merch to send to Cá in Germany *cooking time* This is first dish’s Mommy Dung in Germany bowl of eggplant From the time I finish writing my thesis I would have about a month to prepare for the graduation defense presentation However, it wasn’t until the last week before the day of protection that I was able to start working on it Because before that, I was overwhelmed with too much work Because before I wrote this article, I had already stopped working So this time my mother came to support me while I was preparing to defend my graduation thesis My mother asked me to come since I wrote the thesis but I found that the process was too long and too arduous So I said but this time my mother came in the last week and I didn’t have to cook anything, I felt very happy *The feeling is returning to the time when studying for high school and university exams :v* My mother helped me pack the package *He wants to give a hand* One weekend morning, I took my mother near my house to go to the weekly market here Like every weekend people will bring agricultural products they grow at home and bring them here to sell, they are very fresh and organic and delicious I think it’s normal that when our parents go over there the whole family will usually drag their suitcases to go somewhere to play, travel, etc. However, I found it very nice that my mother stayed with me for a week like this Because she will feel what daily life is like in Germany, what my daily life is really like and I feel very happy On normal days like this, when my mother goes to the market with me and comes home we cook and think about what next for next meal and then we’re home together, and I feel very happy *90% of my time preparing to defend my graduation thesis* Mommy Dung, did you make a gift for Mi? Sure, Mommy Dung will make a necklace for Mi My mother taught me how to knit during the times when I had a break from studying After that, bring me fruit and bring me yogurt to my bed Also that, every day my mother asked me, What are you eating tonight? It’s been a long time since anyone asked me that and I just don’t pay attention to what I eat Having my parents with me makes my life much more organized and my house feels much warmer And finally, after many days of hard work, I felt difficult and uncertain about everything I finally graduated I got one everyone, being in move one is the highest score I still can’t believe it now because during the whole process of writing that thesis I was very nervous and confused and the instructors here would never read your work and say the teachers just only guide you in terms of ideas So it’s like I’m confused until the end After that, the instructor told me that my thesis was really, really good I’m like I’m going to burst, everyone *She flex her shiny skin* Hello everyone, oh my gosh, now I have done my makeup and dressed up If you want to see my dressing videos, you can watch them on TikTok Now my mother and I will go into the center to eat and drink, because we are so hungry This is the key to this hotel that looks like a gold bar If it’s heavier than that, I’ll probably send it under the reception desk because I can’t carry this with me, it’s too heavy okay. let’s go Hello everyone, we’ve arrived at the place to eat. My mother and I are kind of starving So it was the taxi man, he dropped me off and immediately saw the restaurant entering This is a Vietnamese restaurant, generally Asian food, Vietnamese food, Thai food, etc I’m eating crab soup, then fried chicken wings with fish sauce, then dim sum then beef rice noodle I’ll eat until I’m full and then I’ll go out Why is there this? ah, it is that pasta No, I think it’s a vegetable Wow, I’m going to feel dizzy when I go out to this square Because normally, when we go somewhere to travel it just has a beautiful building, and then it just stands there alone But here, around this place, there isn’t a single ugly house every house is meticulously detailed, gilded, sculpted, and so on.n I don’t know what to film because there are so many beautiful things here The chocolate bar like a comic book Oh hello everyone I just finished shopping I bought a small box of chocolate as a gift for my sister Thanh Oh, there’s a really cool cash register there I put the bill in and swiped it in Even though the cashier was standing in front of me, he wasn’t holding the bill But he instructed me to put money into the machine and then the coins would flow out and pay me the change But I couldn’t film that part because I didn’t have time There are many chocolate shops here But I bought it there it was the first store I went to, it isn’t?n Because people said they supplied it to the Belgian royal family so I was like Now I will go to the second shop to see if people continue to say the same thing Every store has samples to try This store is also beautiful but obviously not as beautiful as that one And its chocolate is really mass-produced packaging, not handmade so it looks completely different and tastes different toon I tried this one but I don’t want to eat it anymore because I just ate the other one and it was so delicious Where are you, Mommy? I’ll go there Does everyone know that waffle originates from Belgium? and I went to Belgium to eat waffle The most famous store is Maison Dandoy this brand has been around for 180 years since 1829 and is still very famous until now And when I arrived on a random day because this is not the tourist season, there was still a long line of people waiting in front of the store And it seems that the TinTin cartoon also comes from Belgium I see people drawing TinTin everywhere Mommy: oh we’re so beautifulnMe: hello everyone My mother and I walked all over this central area and passed through all the places that everyone on TikTok reviewed as a must-visit in Brussels It’s so cold right now. My mother and I are going to dinner There are two options: one is to eat at an Italian restaurant the other is to eat at a traditional restaurant in Brussels I don’t know if the food suits my taste, eating Italian food is definitely delicious But I think since I’m here, I should eat food here so I’ll take my mother to eat Brussels food At first, I was going to go to another restaurant but on the way there, I saw this restaurant. It looked so outstanding and it was right in the center and looked beautiful So my mother and I changed our mind about going there, and that was a wrong decision, everyone Hey everyone, the food here is not good Beef is dry This one I’m eating is the traditional meatball flavor sauce is goodn But you shouldn’t order steak here, everyone On the second day in Belgium, my mother and I took the train to Bruges which is also a very famous and beautiful city in Belgium And there was an incident that happened at the train station I almost got pickpocketed, everyone When I went up the escalator, the person behind me was shorter and he could reach into his pocket and he choose the hand that’s busy holding the phone so he can pick up their pocket At that moment, I don’t understand why my hand suddenly reached into my pocket then I touched the warm hand of the other person, oh my god, I was completely shocked So when you travel, remember to be careful don’t leave things in your pockets and pay attention to your surroundings Because in the morning both my mom and I are busy working so we go out for brunch around 2pm And at that hour, there will be few restaurants open because they only open at noon and then open again at 5pm until evening So I couldn’t go to famous restaurants, but I still found a place to eat ribs Because here is very famous for grilled ribs and beer combo Mommy Dung ate salmon salad Hello everyone, in general, it will take my mom about 20-30 minutes to record her video So while I wait, I’ll walk around a bit After my mother is finished, I will have the task of taking beautiful photos for her While I’m waiting, I’ll come in here I saw this place selling Christmas items, everyone I think if you come to Bruges with a pretty figure, it will be very beautiful because you can tell by looking at these shops In Europe, there are often Christmas shops that sell all year round like if in the middle of the year, for example, you miss the Christmas atmosphere you just need to find stores like this instantly enter the world of Christmas no matter what month you’re in At first, I didn’t intend to buy it, but when I walked in here, I felt like it was magical, everyone I found a sparkling blue star among hundreds of ornaments hanging in that house and I was like I find this very connected to men And lately my life is also very magical, I feel like graduating and getting good grades and everything is very dream-like, everyone I bought this lucky star to continue to be lucky with me on my next journey After that, I and my mother climbed up to the tallest clock tower there to have a panoramic view of the city The more I climbed, the windier it got and the more twisted and cramped the tower became but I was very lucky because when I climbed to the top of the tower it was right at the same time that the clock rang And like I get to see how the watch works inside how each joint moves to create bells, music, and the time movement, all these experiences it really brings Gives me a very magical, fairy tale feeling, everyone Suppose, you are a bellman then you will be able to know what each person in this city is doing, on which street, and going where I think standing here is very cool standing here with a pair of binoculars, you can see how everyone in the city is living Hello everyone, I just rushed to the top of this tower After I climbed down, my hair was ruffled like a bird The wind up there is so strong Mommy: This is an extremely great project each stone step has only one person’s feet to walk on, but it digs deep down, until it’s smooth I just got mad at my mom because she kept filming her own videos and didn’t come with me So now my mom is trying to be in my videos to make up for it When I traveled with my mother I realized the importance of cultivating English communication skills every day Because when my mother goes on a trip, she doesn’t need me she can comfortably communicate in English no matter where she is When learning a language, the most important thing is the environment and if you are in an environment where they have little opportunity to communicate and use English then I would like to introduce to everyone a very good app called Elsa Speak Elsa has 2 learning packages: pro package and premium package I have already introduced the pro package to everyone Here, you will be able to read words, sentences, and conversations on many topics depending on each person’s level. Okay, mom, read this tell me about your hometown i grew up in Saigon, the Largest City in Vietnam Then here there are only sounds that you reads Wrong, it will appear like this *Try xN time* Okay, tada Next is Elsa premium premium will have all the features like the pro package and plus one more thing which is Elsa AI This Elsa AI feature is very good, it’s a way to practice those role-playing conversations, everyone I will speak and the AI ​​will answer me back as if I were talking to a native speaker This is very suitable for AIs who have little opportunity to interact with native English speakers every day I find this to be a very perfect alternative If you’re afraid of not knowing what to say, don’t worry because there are a lot of conversations here examples are interviews, chatting with friends, asking for directions or you can create conversations, the new situation as you like I’ll try talking to AI for everyone to see After Elsa AI chat, I will click on a topic I chose the *Taking with Elsa AI* That way you can talk about everything here When everyone is bored, it will give points to you Here, there will be overall and detailed scoring on pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar There is another very good function, Elsa speech analyzer you can use this for any purpose because it has no content limit so you can use it to Practice your long free speeches for example, giving presentations at meetings or practicing for the IELTS or Toiec speaking test In general, you can say anything, and Elsa will grade and evaluate it as well as provide editing instructions. After that, it will analyze right and wrong and predict exam scores for certificates In addition, this premium learning package also includes test preparation support packages for popular international certificates such as Ielts or Toiec The course content is carefully designed and selected by Elsa’s experts Well, with so many great features above I think that no matter where you are if you can’t meet foreigners or have the opportunity to talk to foreigners you can still improve your English communication skills perfectly If you are interested in Elsa Speak, I will leave here for you a huge discount code 60% for the Elsa premium package and 30% for the Elsa Pro package I will put the link below in the description and remember to enter the code Go back to the video Here is Bob- my friend who live in Belgium around 7 years Yesterday and today, my mother and I didn’t like the food so today Bob took us out to eat Today we went to a very typical Belgian restaurant There are also seafood and typical Belgian items here And this is a bottle of beer that I was recommended by Bob The beer is five proof and has a cherry flavor and it’s the first time I’ve seen someone pour beer into a glass like this I actually imagine that the beer in Europe is a 500 mil glass This cup looks very small and pretty and is the right color for Cherryn Trang, it’s so amazing, good job Food so good so I so happy we were born on the same day Lately in my conversations with my mother I feel like my mother often mentions phrases like or What I just suddenly realized is that my mother is also about to get old my mother is also feeling the onset of old age and has already stepped one foot into old age oh my god, I feel so sad Because in my mind, I always thought that my mother worked very hard worked very enthusiastically and was always active and cheerful so I never thought about how my mother and the word old were related But really, whatever comes, must come my mother talks a lot about the future about 30 years from now, Thach Trang will have a child the same age as you are now So our family will have 3 generations also, My mom kind of made a plan for the last chapter of her life and that’s also part of the plan for the next chapter of my life My mother also said that when she was a child when she went to school, my grandmother was very proud of her And now my mother is also proud of me and she also hopes that this cycle of pride can continue forevern I will do my best in the next chapter of my life and bring my mother a truly complete and happy final chapter I love you very much, mom.


    1. nhìn vào Trang là em biết với lựa chọn của mình, bản thân em sẽ phải cố gắng rất nhiều, hy vọng quyết định này sẽ đúng đắn❤❤

    2. mẹ chỉ cần nghe giọng của em thôi là biết em đang có chuyện gì luôn, cô ấy mãi là nữ siêu anh hùng của em

    3. Trong đời, ai mà không mong muốn được thành công, được tin cậy, được công nhận, được yêu thương,…nhưng sẽ không có ai đạt được điều đó một mình cả. Mình thật sự nghẹn ngào khi xem tới cuối video, Thạch Trang thật sự hạnh phúc khi có được gia đình yêu thương và luôn đồng hành cùng bạn trên mỏi nẻo đường sự nghiệp và cuốc sống. Mình cũng tự thấy bản thân mình rất may mắn như vậy, vậy nên hãy cùng nhau nỗ lực nhiều hơn nữa nhé, tương lai chúng ta mong chờ chắc chắn sẽ đến…. Love u ❤

    4. Xem đến đoạn chị thông báo tốt nghiệp mà em xém khóc ý 🥹. Cảm giác quay lại năm trước em cũng làm khoá luận tốt nghiệp trong chật vật lo lắng, áp lực lắm luôn. Đến hôm bảo vệ khoá luận em vẫn mông lung 🥹🥹trộm vía cũng qua và kết quả vượt ngoài dự đoán. Huhu xem đến đoạn đó muốn khóc thiệc á chị ơiii

    5. Chúc mừng em đã tốt nghiệp với điểm cao nhé:))) Mong em luôn xinh đẹp, học giỏi… chia sẻ văn hóa các nước bạn qua những video thật hay và ý nghĩa nhé :))))

    6. Ỏ🥹. Chúc mừng chị đã tốt nghiệp nhe🎉. Chị đem đến 1 video thật tràn đầy cảm xúc lun í. E mún sau đi Đức để gặp chị. Chị nhớ đợi e nhaaaa🫶🥰

    7. Chapter cuối của mẹ và là chapter tiếp theo của mình…
      OMG, u make me cry 😭 Một chiếc vlog dễ thương và ấm áp quá🩵🩵🩵

    8. Ở đâu có mẹ thì ở đó là nhà 🥹 vid mang lại cảm giác ấm áp nhất từ trước đến giờ của bác Trang.
      Không cần đi đâu xa, không cần đến những nơi ồn ào náo nhiệt. Chỉ cần có mẹ là đủ ❤

    9. Xin chúc mừng bác Trang nhé, em đã xem bác từ hồi còn học năm lớp 11, đến giờ thì cũng đã 6 năm rồi. Chúc bá Trang thật nhiều sức khỏe để làm tất cr những gì bác yêu thích ạ

    10. chị làm em nhớ mẹ quá huhu… qua bên đó lúc nào cx p tự nhủ ráng học cho mẹ mừng… e cảm ơn code elsa của c nha vừa hay e cx vừa hết gói premium ạaa

    11. Máy tự tính tiền như vậy ở Đức cũng có á bác, cụ thể là em thấy ở tiệm bánh Hamma, sẽ có những máy đấy🌷

    12. Video của bác Trang vẫn như ngày nào, vẫn chữa lành người xem bằng 1 cách thần kỳ nào đó. Xem bác Trang từ hồi còn học cấp 3, giờ sắp lên năm 3 đại học rồi vẫn tìm bác để chữa lành, để trốn khỏi thế giới bận bịu xô bồ trên hành phố. yêu bác Trang lắm lắm

    13. Thật sự thì em là con út và người ta hay bảo con út sẽ rất thân với ba mẹ, nhưng với em thì khác có vẻ vì em được sinh sau đẻ muộn có khoảng cách thế hệ khá xa với ba mẹ cộng với việc thường xuyên bận làm nên em thấy mình chưa được thân với ba mẹ. Hồi trước em hay trách ba mẹ tại sao không dành thời gian cho mình nhưng giờ nghĩ lại tất cả những gì em đang được hưởng từ việc được đi học đầy đủ là nhờ những ngày tháng vất vả đó. Mãi đến khi đi học xa nhà lần đầu mới dám thổ lộ là "nhớ mẹ rồi", lần đầu trong 18 năm ba nhắn tin chúc mừng sinh nhật vì đây là sinh nhật đâu tiên không ở gần ba mẹ. Ba có vẻ lúc nào cũng không quan tâm nhưng hay hỏi mẹ là "hôm nay út có gọi điện về không?". Chưa bao giờ em than hết tiền với mẹ nhưng có lần gửi đồ cho em mẹ có nhắn tin bảo là "mẹ có để cho con ít tiền ở trong hàng gửi đó nha" ôi lúc đọc xong em đã không kiềm chế được bật khóc ở trong lớp. Mẹ không phải là người sống thiên về tình cảm nhưng lúc mới xa nhà mẹ lại nhắn tin động viên "cố lên nha út, ngày này năm ngoái con đang ở nhà với mẹ nè". Càng lớn càng thấy CON YÊU GIA ĐÌNH NHIỀU

    14. Chúc mừng chị, thực sự chúc mừng vì chị đã tốt nghiệp . Một chặng đường nhiều điều đã qua và tới đây lại bắt đầu một chương mới của cuộc hành trình mãi 20s.
      Một người mang lại rất nhiều sự tích cực và chia sẻ nhiều điều hay khiến em cảm thấy thực sự luôn muốn ngóng từng Video. ☺️
      Hy vọng trên đoạn đường mới Chang sẽ luôn mang theo nhiều sự tích bên mình, gặp nhiều may mắn và luôn 20s ạa

      Cuối cùng Congratulations bác Changgggg 🎉🌱

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