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    good evening good afternoon good morning wherever you are in the world and welcome to another juralia uh comary live stream of the juralia 2024 we are seeing Migel on this 40 km long time TR course he’s got 34.4 km to go we still have quite a long way until we get the big boys in terms of the GC but it certainly doesn’t mean we have some good haven’t got some good testers on the road we’ve seen Eduardo aini just come through moments ago uh and the great two-time uh world champion Olympic champion note in the time trial discipline he is starting in about 6 minutes that is of course philipo Gana right now at the finish it is Dan hoola who of little Trek The Tall Dutch Rider who has the fastest time uh 54 minutes and 16 seconds of this 40.6 km to um roots and of course it has got a lumpy last fiveish kilometers and that really tests the Riders we haven’t seen too many bike changes we’re seeing Lorenzo M here for mistar the rider who was riding for DSM and of course wore the red jersey as well at the wel tpia uh last year but he’s battling at the former under 23 time trial Champion trying very peculiar helmet of uh Vis Lisa bike being used by some of the Riders not all of the Riders Christal laort deciding not to go for that monstrosity of a helmet but other Riders are wearing that absolutely weird helmet and uh I don’t I don’t think there’s anything other than saying what a peculiar helmet that is but I mean engineering at its finest maybe who knows but we got uh quite a lot of time until we get TI gatcha in the Mal Rosa we are seeing Stefan dad the um not South African Champion I don’t think he is it might be uh Gibbons at this point but he has been a national champion in the past good tester against the clock and we’ll see if he can do anything to kind of challenge the provisional top 10 that we have Eduardo aini very disappointed that he wasn’t able to unseat Dan hooler the Dutch Rider but yeah yeah just just to even get get in the hot seat for a bit before the big boys come but Philip bana is the next riders in well not next Rider but in four minutes time we’ll see the big Italian uh can he do something here that that is the big question can he win the stage he’s won stages in the past in the durti so maybe maybe just maybe he is able to do it once again he’s maybe um inos sc’s best chance they’ve got a few cards to play with Tian arensman of course as well quite good against the clock and tobs fos a former world champion himself the Norwegian but he didn’t actually win any time trials during his tenure as world champion but EF education easy post with the Cel with the pock helmet and Stefan debod is he going to be their best card when it comes to a good position here who knows but looking very fast but that’s very hard to tell just from the visuals Mig apologies Migel B the damee free time under 23 world champion but not had the greatest of success in time trials in his world tour career of course won a doof stage last year 31.6 km left for the Dane very good against the clock normally but maybe he could be a dark horse for a Podium or even taking a high position here obviously the UAE Riders are going to be reporting back to T gcha in terms of the win um quite a lot of you are saying that tacha is going to take the win 64% saying T is going to be winning the race today so we’ll see if he can repay your faith uh on that front but right now um yeah the former under 23 World Time Tri Champion is the rer that we’re seeing in front of our eyes but is he going to be able to do it I have my doubts there are a lot of fast men in terms of getting to the clock here and in terms of next riders coming up we’ve got uh gabra is the minute man for filipo Ghana not exactly where you want to be behind Ghana after Ghana rather we’ve got Andrea pascon not really renowned for his time trolling then you’ve got mattio Fabro as well and again more of a climber than a TT Rider but Malaysia is catching his minimum as well one of the Keta Riders so the mistar rider who I don’t think yeah we’ve had him through the first time check and he was fifth in the first time check behind Max valide Edward aini Dian hoola and Joseph churny who has the fastest time on the first intermediate time check um which comes just before 20 km to go but edini said it was very tough he said he knew from the start that it wasn’t going to be a very easy time trial but uh held his own Tempo we haven’t got a world champion here unfortunately uh the world champion of course being Remco Evo and no European Champion either who’s the European Champion is it one of the is it one of the Swiss Riders no it’s Josh tling Josh tling the youngster from inos Grande 29.7 km still left for the Dane M getting getting a bit of a toe from a car there um questionable questionable but the champion of Italy is the next Rider to start top GH call him what you will whatever Accolade you can win in time traveling he’s almost taken all of them uh apart from taking a win at the Olympics maybe he’ll add that to his impressive palarz this year but the pride of Italy is the next Rider starting and I’m sure we’re going to get a a fast time from him we not seen him on top shape um in the race so far he’s been a bit off the Mark I think um even yesterday on the gravel stage suffering a bit maybe he wasn’t suffering maybe he was just taking it easy because he knew what was coming up but his teammate uh tobas fos the former world champion not a great time by him two minutes down on Dan hooler so he is not going to be troubling the hot seat for the time being however with the pr to dativo coming up maybe he’s just saving the legs because he’s going to be riding in the assistance of garan Thomas the former top 10 finisher of the jayre the Norwegian former Toral laan winner such a nice guy as well of course he’s been um he’s been interviewed here on the channel before but Ghana is the man we’re all looking towards did aan yeah I think aan just touched Ghana there um H Ghana just touched by a f there on the lake not really what we want to see especially on a time trial where almost every single movement on the course counts for these Riders but we’ll see G what strategy is he going to be doing is he going to be uh false well negative split positive split etc etc that climb is going to be quite testing from him but right now migle has overtaken two of his miniman obviously some Riders don’t take the time trial as serious as others they’re just trying to get through it they’re not necessarily trying to do a good time they just say the legs and using this almost as a bit of a rest day to just save the legs and then with the pran Deo who could blame some of these guys for just taking it a bit easier than other stages but nevertheless we are 135 people in the chat great to have you all here and let us know who you think is going to win a lot of you think it’s going to be T of gatcha taking the win um I have my doubts is he going to win we got the pr dativo coming up some people on the preview Stage Preview in the comment section said they wouldn’t be surprised if uh pagat actually lost time to gon Thomas but if you put a lot in here maybe you get lose a bit tomorrow is that is that viable cycling uh cycling extrapolation going on there but Ghana is the riter we’re seeing right now 38.6 km still left of the inos granders uh well well the Italian Pride here 59% of you still are in the Tatam catcha corner so great to have paty done here as well great to have uh plenty of familiar names as well and Allan as well remember we have our competitions as well so get involved with that uh but yeah a fan just touching Ghana so that was a bit silly a fan touching Ghana just before the first or the second corner there so Ghana having a bit of contact from a woman strange really strange why do you feel the need to touch these guys when they’re racing huh yeah that will we will never find out but uh what what are you saying Patty I’ll be dipping in and out from a nice vitamin G ride vitamin G or vitamin C um so yeah top GH not many of you uh having faith in the Italian Stallion uh the Italian national champion won stages not in the tour remember hasn’t won that crucial time trial in the ttal France he’s won how many stages we’ve had that road stage he’s won he’s won six stages in in the Jalia so far absolute rocket and he had this impressive record uh until was it last year when he had a 100% record but right now we’re getting the roller van sink Martin Dyke uh the ne Pro from intermet Wy of course they’ve had a Tor time already losing bie crashes is Andrea PTI so we’ll see what they can salvage from this but having the blue jersey with Lilian Kaman and the youngster here the Dutch Ryder inside the top five provisionally so good ride from him and we’ll see if how long that holds but in Mar certainly in a bit of a yeah what would you even say a void of yeah it’s not being the greatest uh Juro from them and they’ve had great juros in the past as we know but uh Lorenzo my L is coming rocketing down the road now towards the Finishing Line the marar rider first year with the team can he do a good time here and his second ever uh gr tour looks like he’s going to be well inside the time we have a new a new Hot Seat uh ladies and gentlemen and it is Lorenzo mes the young Italian here what can he do can he stay here the former under 23 Champion here what a ride by him absolutely incredible stuff by him and uh maybe we can see him hold that time all the way well towards when the big boys come obviously Philip bana is up the well on the course right now but uh yeah good ride by him uh Lorenzo mes obviously changing from DSM we haven’t really talked too much about him this season it’s been a bit quiet in terms of results there two individual time trials he’s been of he was 20th in the UAE Tour on that 12 km time traal and then in the opening time traal in Tano atao he was 28th uh had a interesting start to the year but no real big yielding results for him the youngster but still only 22 years old so a big bright future ahead of him potentially and yeah last year was when he was the under 23 Champion so uh yeah World Tour Rider World Tour Rider last year when he did that uh but yeah we’ll wait and see uh I think uh the in Mar Rider is looking for something he lost on on the course so uh yeah obviously these Riders are human being Lorenzo Malaysia how long’s that time going to hold there are a number of uh strong time tralers still to come obviously one of them being tatcha next Rider to start is a CID this Rider obviously they haven’t had well they’ve won a stage so who am I to say anything about it and it is their stage winner who is the next ride to start Benjamin Tomas a priz winner a few days ago and uh yeah fairly good time trialist or fairly good um track Rider so maybe he can do something here against the clock Benjamin Tomar uh probably will be hoping to be on the track in the Olympics I believe he is the European champion in an event right now so I’ll just double check what that event is uh but cofes I’m pretty sure he is a European Champion right now because I remember seeing it uh 28 years old uh from lavor in France which I’m not quite sure and I’m pretty sure nobody can detect that from the poor pronunciation I did right there but he finished sixth in one of the muor stages earlier this year he won the team relay the team relay in the European championships the team relay what is the team relay do they mean the Madison I think they mean the Madison potentially but nevertheless um actually no oh different on the road on the road but in terms of yeah a very accomplished track Rider he woned the omnium in the European Championship so I was right he won something and uh yeah philipo has five successes in the duralia time travs as well only one less than Shak ontil the five times Tor France Champion the record is Franchesco mosa who has won 12 J Tire titles at uh the jro uh so Franchesco Moosa the darling of of Italian cycling the legend of Italian cycling and also has won uh Jalia on a bit controversial circumstances with luran Fong uh but yeah uh Benjamin Tomar also a world champion in the Madison back in 2022 but we’re not here to discuss his pedigree as a track Rider we’re thinking about the road he won the third stage three of the four days of Don Kirk last year uh individual time Char he’s won the de before as well the Bula de de la mayen uh that overall stage race and has been very close well he has won the time trial title as well back in 2021 and 2019 so he’s a very accomplished time Tri Rider as well and not just on the track so him and uh Mr Ghana they share a few similarities attributes if you will and uh vitamin G oh gravel ride oh okay Patty I’m with you I’m with you vitamin G um yeah we’ll wait see contador he actually said hi to a few weeks ago in borca um yeah former champion of the jro the tour the Welter um and yeah we’ll wait and see what who will do something here migle be the pride of Denmark when it comes to this discipline right now there’s no Bingle there’s no I mean we don’t really have any other good TT maybe Matas notore but I think he’s not here the moar Rider uh great to have uh Indonesia with Declan as well let us all know where you’re watching from as well and who you think is going to win do you think Pacha is going to take time on gine or is gine going to take time on t uh that is the big question between the two GC Riders sitting number one and two well no are they sitting one and two I think Danny Martinez might be second place of course the multiple uh Colombian national champion all these guys still waiting they might be warming up um not quite starting as of yet but in terms of next strong riders in the TT coming up we’ve got Yasha suland the German he’s got a good engine on him P Sanchez the winner of yesterday is coming up as well the marar rider stage winner in his first year rtier Marco fro as well the Israel Premier Tech Riders hardly any Premier Tech Riders left now and then Mato tantin who was up there in the break but Sanchez the hero from yesterday is the next Rider to start and uh I don’t think he’s too good in the time trial but let’s educate ourselves together in terms of the last time trial he performed in 76th in the tour of the B country and 41st in the individual time TR in the UAE tour so let’s just think he’s probably not going to do too well but he doesn’t care he’s still riding I’m surprised he’s even in the jro anymore he they probably were parting quite a lot um but yeah in terms of big time trialist coming up um well Malaysia was the last Rider that we saw take that hot seat he wasn’t actually the first Rider in any of the intermediate Sprints uh in the intermediate time checks uh malayi was in the first time check he was fifth in the second time check he was fifth as well but in the last Finishing Line he was um yeah he managed to take everyone and take the time and I mean that shows you something that that final that final Hill is probably what you need uh to get something in but uh well position it right to have enough energy left for that final climb but nevertheless Ghana has already taken his first intermediate well his first minute man here so the rider unfortunately being passed by Ghana top GH and we’ll see how many miniman he gets by the end of this gabia he’s already overtaken as well so it’s actually his second Min man he’s taking now so it’s his second minim man not first Min man but uh yeah the next interesting writer of note in terms of time traveling pedigree is will bter I’m sure many of our American listeners friends will be very looking with one eye on him but Stefan debod is coming towards uh one of the intermediate time checks now the first one and I think we are going to have a new provisional leader on that front um but Ghana we’re still seeing the beautiful beautiful Italian cols I almost think he fits the Italian national uh Jersey a bit better than than the other Jersey but mistar they want to try and do two for two here and will B is probably their best card will bter good form this year winning a stage in the tour valenciana not a time trial um after a break of 81 km um he will well actually I’m saying will bart is the best card they’ve got meaz sitting first right now so I think yeah they’ve got a good opportunity to get a few top 10s uh moar here uh well when you when we’re talking about the man himself um will B finished fourth in that neutralized time trial in or gr Camino we had uh that’s basically his best result in terms of the time traling I think it’s his only time trial so far he starts now the the American 1 M and 80 second in the international well in the National time trial last year to Brandon mnal of all people 1 minute and 32 seconds down on his countrymen that’s quite a huge margin he was fifth in or Cino as well overall so that was quite a good result uh actually I think that was the points was that not the points uh no yeah no last year not this year so bit of Confusion by me reading the page there migle be we were talking about before the Dane I think he’s just taking another mid amount so I think the Dane is on a good time you can never really know until you see the intermediate time checks here he came through fifth faster so quicker than my laser in the first one and next we have uh Jaco YULA Rider and that is alesandro deari I think the only reason he’s getting picture time is because he’s Italian certainly not because of his time traveling pedigree he’s been he was really good a few years ago in in the mountain breakaways but yeah uh slowing down a bit I think and uh very slow uh yeah very slow opening to his time trial maybe we’re going to see him in the Breakaway tomorrow in the pr of DET evil H malbran is the next Rider to start one of the air trains riding for aana his first year on the world tour and then y tratnik friend of the channel he’s the next Rider to come up as well Stefan deard any South Africans hoping for him to take over the first intermediate time check provisionally that has not happen he’s rolled through 14 fastest 1 minute and 11 seconds down on the current fastest Rider of um yeah who Joseph chony who has the fastest time but at the Finish Joseph Chon’s 54 seconds down on the current leader of Lorenzo Mesi so it really does show you malaz was 24 seconds behind um no actually that’s not true he’s only 3 seconds behind churny by the time they came through that but it was 24 seconds down on Dan hoola uh the Dutch Rider who’s currently sitting provisionally in second 26 km to go for philipo GH top gner are we’re going to see the Italian M throw himself uh add another stage to his impressive record already uh Darwin saying how many riders will uh G I catch let’s do that let’s do that uh it’s time for a new poll anyway good morning Brian good morning Brian two Brian in the chat uh different parts of the US and uh yeah well done to everyone who’s hit the like button as well well done to everyone who’s joining in in the chat but Yan tratnik friend of the channel the Slovenian fast man in the when terms of the clock he’s won a stage in the torto Romy the prologue but yeah what can he do here one of the best C for for v m Spike obviously Eduardo aini wasn’t able to unseat Dan hoola at the time but Yan tratnik how hard is he going to go here it doesn’t seem he’s going to go too hard so uh yeah we’ll wait and see how many riders will Ghana catch so how many riders will Ghana catch that is the new pole courtesy of uh of Darwin so we’ve already had him catch um how many we’ve already had him catch two I think so he’s already CAU two so it’s time to it’s over two that’s what we’re saying it might be over three as well but Felix grat is the next Rider now great to have Seth as well uh let us know what bet you’ve got in today so close to winning $10,000 but G now the Austrian helper for tach the next Rider former top 10 finisher at gr tour himself as well and uh yeah cor Shak now he’s going to be a very big help for Tad they are kind of missing that little Sparkle Patrick and I have been banging on about it in the recap race analysis um on the podcast X Channel whatever and uh yeah a few of you not agreeing with us I think Brendan mcnalty is the key Rider that they were missing Milano get rid of him not really good for Milano or the team to have him in you’re not going to work for a sprinter so why is he there who knows but yeah uh grot now settles in for his 40 km time trial how high up is he going to finish probably not that high given that we have the pranto dativo coming up tomorrow a very big um stage uh for everyone UAE obviously L tach having won that stage in the past but the youngster the 20-year-old for VF group the one of the big stars for uh Italian cycling Julio Julio pelari is the next Rider coming up who finished on the podium in the to avaner and then we got the Italian Road Champion for Italy as well uh Simone Velasco the next Rider behind him and then Miko mestri who was in the breakaways quite a lot last year and then Alexandro ver um the next rider for AA samik after that quinon Herman as well didn’t even realize he was in the race the rider who’s won a stage of the tour of BS country already this year former prolific uh cych cross Rider and obviously finished on the podium in 2022 in the leage past leage Chris Hamilton as well for DSM DSM have had a bit of a toret time in the first week Roman B looked alive and well yesterday on that climb on the gravel stage the final climb of the day but uh yeah are we going to see Roma really mixing it we love Roma his Antics and uh such a nice guy as well in person 23 km to go he’s of course appeared on well not this channel he’s appeared on the pying Dane extra a few times two times actually but Ghana is pushing on Ghana is looking very good and where is Ghana uh just thinking about okay he’s coming up up to the first intermediate time check so that’s going to be very important to gauge how fast he is but Migel who we seeing the three time under 23 champion from Denmark a world time trial Champion um yeah never really translated those results into the world tour uh won a stage of the doire as we said last year and he wore the the leader Jersey as a result of that he’s been battling with imposter syndrome as well felt like he wasn’t quite as good as some of the other Riders but he’s really carved out a role of this very strong domestique for tacha he’s been instrumental in many of the wins tacha has has enjoyed over the years and is a really pivotal part of that team that setup and Ghana is coming towards the intermediate Sprint now or the intermediate time check and I think we have got a new fastest time potentially we’re just waiting for the confirmation here they’re having a bit of trouble with the graphics but I won’t say anything about having trouble with graphics on a live a live uh entertainment yeah we have got the quickest time from Ghana 2 minutes well not two minutes that would be lightning fast 21 minutes and 15 seconds is the time so he’s 24 seconds quicker than Joseph churny 24 seconds that is incredible and he’s 40 seconds I head of M migle who’s sitting in sixth place provisionally fifth place provisionally actually in the first time check Jonathan Milan uh Gana his teammate on the on the track in the Olympics in the worlds Europeans he’s just G through the time well the Finishing Line five minutes down but the points classification WEA is not going to be bothered by that at all he does not care about that but uh yeah Yan tratnik we’re seeing him on the course as well with that Dreadful helmet I don’t care what anyone say that is a monstrosity and a half of a helmet um we should almost have a poll of which is the worst helmet the pock helmet the this helmet um yeah monstrosities Galore uh but they it must be good it must be good engineering is not a beauty contest it is uh a aerodynamic uh contest they wouldn’t be wearing this helmet if they didn’t think it was going to be ging some kind of gains but I’ve very interesting um methodology to go down would love to see the cfd profile of this helmet that is kind of what is that that’s the computational flow Dynamics so that shows you the flow oh we could actually go into my whole engineering degree but we won’t do that it it just shows you the flow of the air on a certain object a very cool and complicated um uh computer software that all these ER dynamicists used I am certainly not proficient on that uh software but it’s it’s a a very interesting software to see um yeah the questions there Brian are you Chris now with the FR joke standing joke any any newcomers we have people who come into our chat into our little community and ask how Chris F’s doing even though Chris F’s never really in any of the races that we’ve done in well this year has he been in any of the races that we’ve been on stream for I don’t think so he’s not been in one any of the one day races um but yeah good morning hello afternoon whatever wherever you are in the world let us know where you’re watching from and uh of course welcome back really do appreciate every single one of you coming back to the cycling Dane and uh yeah plenty of big projects coming up as well on the various channels and uh yeah we’re following the time trial 40.6 km in Gloria sunshine in Italy and right now it is Ghana sitting in pole position in terms of the first time check the Italian who was touched by a fan yeah weird strange sentence I never thought we would be saying that in a time trial but he was just touched by a woman on I’m not even sure where it was was it the leg and uh yeah we’ll see if it doesn’t seem to have humed at at all really 24 seconds up on the first intermediate time check check 18.7 kmet left but the crucial point is that final climb towards the finish and we’ll see if uh yeah he can tackle that quickly as well are we’re going to see a tacha switch on that laan uh Giga Form is that going to happen who knows only time will tell at this point will Pacha win the stage I have my doubts uh the well one of the doubts being that prto is coming up but yeah I mean you can never discount Tad Bacha in a grand tour that is a Fool’s game uh to say the least his debutant or debut of the Jalia and yeah how high will he finish by the time we get into Rome but right now Ghana we have got the poll how high do you think or how many riders is he going to overtake by the time he comes to the Finishing Line uh it could be a lot Yan tratnik coming towards the corner here as well I don’t think traik is going to be setting the the times I like now but yeah he’s 9 minutes into it such a nice guy as well the Slovenian very reserved character and super nice super nice guy obviously having been with bar Victorious and then transitioning over to Yum visma now visma Lisa bike but he has been rumored to be joining Bora Hans I mean any team would love to have a Riders so dependable like Yan tratnik added to their team and uh yeah we’ll wait see if he can repay the faith uh to the team once again here another ground tour and um yeah another gr tour to add to his very esteemed collection of gr tours he’s bidding to help uh alter Brooks get that well maybe a top five maybe a Podium and maybe of course that white jersey the white jersey is certainly a very contentious Jersey to be battling for at this year’s uh retire when we talked about um UAE writers they should have included I think one other writer that they should have included could have been Isaac Del Toro but only 20ish years old I think a grand tour so early maybe Into His World Tour career could have been bad I don’t know but migal ba is coming up to the second intermediate time check he’s going to be outside the time of aini who’s sitting fastest time right now is he going to be challenging the of Joseph jurny on the second time check I think not I think the Dane is just outside potentially but a good time nonetheless he’s up there in contention for a top 10 on the stage today migle be out and uh yeah it’ll be a good time for him if he can get inside another top 10 m I’m not even sure if he’s actually been at the jro before yeah he has this is his second Jalia he’s never been at the Welter he’s been three times at the Tour of France as well and one time before at the jro so 25 years old yeah he has a rich history already being so young he was part of the Hagen Bowman Axion team as well um and yeah fellow C been haen there as well and yeah but only one win to his name so far but what a win the Crower D for last year and has been part of plenty of wins for Ty Pat but right now Ghana is ticking off another Rider and a G Rider is the next Rider to be caught by top gner so top gner I mean how many names does top Gana actually have uh nicknames let’s just see according to his Wikipedia page let’s see how many nicknames he has um I think they only have top gner registered yeah only top gner I thought he had more Maxim Willam shakman the former two-time winner of par is the next rider for Bor hrow to start the German where ing another silly helmet uh but I I’m I like this helmet more than the monstrosity of the visma Lisa bike I think that’s the next poll we’ll do after we’ve reached 100 we’ll do which is your least favorite time trial helmet The Cask helmet um which yeah The Cask helmet is that the is that the H which one’s The Cask TT helmet I think that might be the yumbo helmet we’ve got the pock helmet we’ve got what’s the specialized helmet who’s making the specialized but migle is catching another rer here one of the oppon right as he is on the climb right now 5.8 km to go uh we haven’t really discussed the climb profile and uh we’ll do that in a bit but Ghana racing around this course faster than the motorbikes and not exactly the guy you wanted to be your minan or even close to the miniman and Brian great to have you back and two Brian one in the Bronx one in Dallas so uh yeah two different Brians in two different um States but yeah Benjamin Tomar the stage winner of a few days ago from the break I was talking up his time trial pedigree his track pedigree he has not repaid my faith in him he is over 2 minutes down in the first intermediate time check so he’s certainly not lighting the time sheets up here and uh yeah Felix as well saying banging TT from Malay top 10 yeah for sure I think this could be on the cards and here we go Seth is saying $3,000 well no 3,000 plus uh four $4 um 30,000 Plus on $1 for Ghana wait can they right oh okay $1 okay well you need to tell us who your book is cuz your bookie is giving outrageous odds I want to be in on this uh but Ghana we’re seeing him 31 minutes into his ride so um yeah what can happen here Crow saying as well uh R has set off so that means that we’re also coming towards the clima Riders I’m not really sure clima is an adjective but it is now uh other riders coming up friend another friend of the channel Migel hon is one of the writers to start uh Migel B really putting the effort in here so he’s not just riding around the course to get uh a good understanding for T gacha he’s really going for it he wants a top 10 a top five or a Podium or even the stage win Manu Sheffield is one of the next Riders that’s going to be interesting for Americans the very talented Rider who’s very good against the clock and uh yeah can he do something here but Migel B is fourth on the second time point on the stage and uh has he just played well enough to get high up on the climb Damiano Cruz coming up as well Nick Schulz uh Jefferson Alex well Alexander sepa Jefferson Alexander sea they both have the same name the cousins Alexandro tonelli as well for evf group but plenty of riders still to come here we’re getting ever closer to having tarb gatcha and the big boy boys of the GC coming up but right now Yasha sudin is coming towards the first intermediate time check I think he’s going to be outside the top 10 maybe or just inside so the German ninth fastest um coming into the first time check here Yan tratnik was sitting 105th in the GC at the start of the day tman irman is sitting 100 well wait let’s just get this right uh 100 wait I’m getting this the wrong way uh they’ve done it the other way but Magnus Sheffield is the next Rider to start the young American such a big future ahead of him all already won a stage or already won the de branas pile and uh a great great uh start to his dur high already he was quite pivotal yesterday on the stage doing a lot of work for his team leader and we’ll see if he can salvage or uh reach out from some personal Glory here today um so Magnus Sheffield was the riter we just had we’ve got a few riders coming up well in terms of American eyes we’ve got Kevin verar is our last American to set off running for team DSM F postnl uh Rafa Micah coming up shortly as well uh in about 7 minutes time Nido kintana he’s not going to be lighting up the time sheets today in 10 minutes time but in terms of uh a fast time trial Rider we are going to have have to wait a bit of a while Damiano kuso as well he has to yeah he’s not been great they’ve been working for Antonio tiberi who’s coming up in 23 minutes the youngster the Italians t as the next Vincenzo nii but currently sitting behind the likes of filipo Zana and Lorenzo forun natu so two other Riders doing a bit better than the next coming of Vincenzo ni but migle bow is or is this migle bow I think it might be taking one of the Bora hrow Riders here but Bora they’re all in it for Danny Martinez who’s currently sitting third over all uh they have got danan poppo as well uh they haven’t got Sam wellsford as I incorrectly said on one of the the previews but yeah right now Mig be out powering towards the finish and now will B is coming through and he is going rapidly the American is coming through this first time check quicker then uh top Ghana so Ghana is getting unseated by the moar Rider of will bter what a time is he is he going to stop the clock before 4 seconds oh no okay no he’s not he’s just missed out on the time here um yeah strange there we didn’t see the clock stop so we we need to wait for the confirmation there but I think will B is very close to Philip has he gone too fast out who knows maybe he’s just been preparing for this time trout throughout uh the year but yeah Will bter looks like he is going on well going on a real fast time and hopefully he’s he’s measured his e effort correctly and he hasn’t got too too hot out and um but we’ll wait and see gner obviously has the expertise of uh friend of the channel Dan bigam those two both having taking the hour record respectively the currently has Ghana Ghana has 8.8 kilometers still to go here so what is he going to be doing towards the Finish Ghana could he could Ghana be on for maybe a a treble at the Olympics he’s doing the team Pursuit we assume he’s doing the individual time PR as well and is he doing the road race we have very strange rules for the road race this year with only four Riders I think from team which will be chaos to say the least oh sorry guys sorry they they uh they uh led us on with the times showing the time check so soon will barter is nowhere near Ghana’s time heartbreak for all of us heartbreak 1 minute and 12 seconds down on Ghana so just inside the top 10 on the first time check that was cruel by the race organizers to show show us that give us that little sprinkle of hope that we were going to have someone challenging Ghana uh well we don’t know if Ghana has it like let’s be honest let’s just not give it to Ghana yet he still has that climb to tackle as well but yeah right now Ghana is getting soaking up all their attention he’s the man the Italian darling the biggest name in Italian cycling right now Olympic champion world champion European champion on the track but is he going to add a sixth or uh seventh stage to his account sixth time trial but the final climb is quite hard on this stage the last 1.3 km is quite oh actually not the last uh the between kilm 32 and kilm 33.3 there is an 11.8 km climb and that is a challenging thing to do on time travel we haven’t seen anyone do the bike swap there have been um there is an allocated bik swap Zone but nobody has really gone for it maybe we’ll see some of the GC Riders doing it it was a bit of a detriment to uh to ging Thomas last year wasted a lot of time changing helmet as well but um many people will say that wasn’t really what made the difference um well maybe it was it was only 14 seconds that he lost the Jal by could he have gone up there by a time with the time trial bike perhaps but the final three kilometers of the stage are 3.2 km um in gradient oh yeah in gradient so it’s doable with a Time trop bike it does kick up to 11% but uh yeah Scott I hear you say show us the profile and I will do that I’ll get that on screen but right now Ghana is coming towards the second time check on the day and uh he has absolutely demolished that time check he’s demolished it 1 minute and 19 seconds inside the time check and he’s about to catch another guy he’s about to catch another guy uh so what are we on now so that’s one86 for T the pro cycling he races past him like he’s standing still and yeah that is incredible Ghana is coming racing towards the Finishing Line and I think this is the provisional fastest time check that are we going to see he didn’t go for the bike change top Garner fast Garner GH Maximus whatever we want to call him the Gladiator himself racing up this climb on the time Tri demolishing another stage potentially but up towards the front we’ve got Migel B overtaking 21 I think that’s one of their care Riders so M will be out on for a good time as well are we going to see the Dane get into the hot seat uh just before Ghana comes and takes it over I think we might see Migel in the hot seed so this is interesting stuff now the big time trialist are showing their muscles now oo this is getting very good so we’re saying okay we’re getting some odds providers and I think H we should have done it on the time trial shouldn’t have we have maybe we’ll do some bets on the next time Trav we got another time trial remember but right now migle is looking like the hot seed is going to be his Lorenzo M you have to step over step aside uh the not young well is he a Neo Pro I think he may not be but his first jro I think first jro it looks like it is going to be migle taking the hot seed is he going to get inside the young Italian the under 23 defending Champion is going to be unseated by a three time under 23 champ world time trial Champion Migel B 16 seconds quicker than Lorenzo mes he is the hot seat Well in the hot seat right now the D and uh yeah this will be interesting and yeah top Ghana is he going to take this I think we are going to have a new pole as well which is the most ugly helmet who has the most ugly helmet that is what we’re going to uh yeah uh which who has the most ugly TT helmet there we go uh so we have oh he’s just pushing the camera away that Mig is a weird character I met him in person and he was a bit weird um but Rafa m is the next guy to come up uh and yeah Rafa m not going to be setting the the yeah the my light here um but yeah so we got the three different teams okay we’ll put another we’ll put other as well so which team has the ugly time trial hel helmet um no performance thing doesn’t matter we’re only talking about Aesthetics very superficial this Melisa bike with that monstrosity of a helmet uh yeah we’ll win see but uh yeah aini wasn’t great we’re seeing Ghana rocking and rolling up this climb is he going to challenge the time of Migel B it looks like that is going to be on the cards more than a minute uh inside the time of actually a minute and 20 uh faster than the current intermediate check but GH looks like he’s demolishing this climb and yeah what a ride what a ride by Ghana just absolutely demolishing this climb and yeah Gold Dust gold confetti being thrown up the climb 1.3 km here um 11.8% and Max is out at 16% 300 well a elevation gain of 154 M ah sorry I should have included the r Rod one for V Baron Victorious apologies uh but yeah 5.2 km left here of Ghana’s uh challenge for winning another time trial adding another time trial to his already impressive palarz but is it going to be t versus garon Thomas in terms of that GC battle we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see we haven’t really spoken about other teams like other Riders starting so we might as well do so it’s not only about GH Nido kintana remember that name the 2014 Champion uh he is the next Rider who has just started uh not really a great time trist uh even when he was the best nid canana but yeah nid man back at the G retire and maybe he will be in the mix tomorrow on prano I’m certainly hoping that we’re going to see him in the break and maybe he can bid for the mountains Jersey who knows um but yeah he won a time trial stage up uh Grappa I remember 10 years ago so we are of course returning to Monte Grappa and uh yeah that is a very interesting climb to say the least very bad weather if I recall correctly but yeah plenty of big riders coming up gka best be in the Pelton is he the best beard in Pelton is that better beard than Simon geska right now Andrea Piccolo as well who’s up there fourth place yesterday the Italian youngster Julian phip as well uh was he second or third I think he was second yesterday the two-time world champion on the road has won time trials as well won a time trial in the tour France wearing the yellow Jersey what a day that was what an incredible moment that must have been for him Lilian Kaman as well um the blue jersey wearer is coming up in about 6 minutes T arisman good against the clock 7 minutes time and yeah then we have a bit of a wait but uh Antonio tieri the former world champion in the junior category I think in the time trial back in Yorkshire in 20 9 so a few years ago but still counts uh on that day he was faster than Marco Brer a former World Tour Rider Quinn Simmons as well Andrea Piccolo who’s in this race Leo hater Finn Fisher black uh johanes Stout ston M Mitten Andrea pamar as well Dario Gomez um yeah plenty of World Tour riders or Pro Continental Nal writers in that under 23 or in that Junior time trial but right now we’re seeing Ghana 3.6 km left so oh I can hear you all say Scott you promised us the profile of the time trial towards the end I will get you that right now um but we have got an interesting set of uh riders coming up GC Riders time trial Riders uh not too many time trial Specialists left I don’t think we’ve got any national champions uh well other than TI Pacha TI Pacha is Slovenian National Champion he’s of course coming up uh he’s the last Rider he’s not going to be wearing his beautiful um a national kit is it beautiful I don’t know I don’t know I don’t I’m not a big fan of the UAE ones but great to have uh 300 people in the chat let us all know where you’re coming from or watching from uh you can say nationality as well uh plenty of Americans plenty of uh friends across the pond but many people believing this is going to be ghas to lose today but are we going to see just yeah are we going to see uh Pacha just switch it on you never know with pagach you never know but an EF education easy post riter Stefan debod the former South African National Champion uh coming up towards the finish here uh well outside the time migle be out I’m not even sure he’s going to be inside the top 10 here Ryan Mullen in Ninth Place 2 minutes and 12 seconds down on the Daye but is Stefan debod going to come inside that time it looks like he’s going to miss out on Ninth Place is he going to be inside the top 10 provisionally Ethan Vernon the Sprinter track Rider from Israel Premier te in 10th place right now but he is going to be on C no Stephan dard 1 second outside the top 10 so hm probably not a great ride but yeah um but good form nonetheless maybe will see him up there in the breaks uh the South African next ride to start is the man we were talking about a few moments ago Julian alip what can he do on this time trial is he going to turn the engine on is it there is he thinking about the Break um yeah I’m not sure we’re going see rocket fueled um alip on today’s stage I think he’s going to be taking it quite steady and be gathering his energies for other days to get in the Breakaway a golden opportunity yesterday to take the stage but potentially one of many for the Frenchman big fan of julan very good Rider very nice guy off the bike as well um yeah 33d he was in the tour of romedy he was third in the prologue there 2.3 km is along Ghana takes another man there is anyone keeping count he’s taking another Rider here an inter mâché Rider I’ll just try and work out how many riders he’s overtaken here um but yeah Ghana uh taking 93 so okay that gives me a bit of a a standing Point how many riders he’s overtaken top GH uh yeah that that’s quite impressive the matters rers he’s already overtaken um of course he can’t take uh nid canana because he started after him but he’s overtaken uh who was 93 I think he’s taken everyone so he’s taken uh gabia that’s one the ARA rider that’s two pronsky that’s three uh K Kiplinger that’s four Marius moffer that’s five uh Thomas Champion that’s six and then Kevin colon he’s got in his sights now so that’s seven uh oh yeah seven Riders he’s taking being able to H catch the only Rider he’s not going to be catching is Stefan dard who finished a few moments ago but Ghana seven Riders that is impressive but okay we the asteris being that mini Riders are not going all out here um they’re just saving the energy so it’s it’s not really a fair comparison there but Bahrain with that bad Rody helmet as well actually I think Kiplinger might not be caught so it will be sixth Riders so Kiplinger might just stay away from the charge of Philip buana H Klinger the Austrian Rider from Baron Victorious looks like he might just be inside the top 10 quite comfortably he is the new number seven provisionally but he is going to be kicked down into eighth when gner comes over the line very shortly but Ghana has two Riders behind him here so yeah uh Thomas Campion or champion and uh Kevin colan um is the two Riders behind the top Gham man he’s 2 minutes already well 2 minutes right now inside the time of Migel ba when is he going to stop the clock m is just going to breathe a sign of annoyance but GH is racing towards the finish what a incredible penetration of a a ride here was touched by aan early on by Gana looks like he is setting the the time shoots a light here and he is going to be stopping the time with a time of what uh 1 minute and 39 seconds quicker of MiG so we have a new Hot Seat 52 minutes and 1 second for filipo Ghana he’s just demolished the time we have a new Benchmark top Garner the man the myth the legend filipo gner has he just added another jti stage to his fantastic palmares that is what we’re all pondering right now great to have so many people in the chat and let me know where you’re watching from as well uh time trial before the manchest stage tomorrow the pranto Deo what a stage that is and I’m sure we’re all excited to see what’s going to happen almost 400 people in the chat make sure to hit the like button if you haven’t already let’s try and get to 200 likes and uh yeah what an incredible finish there by Ghana really just demolishing their times and right now the VIS M Lisa bike is the most Dreadful helmet in terms of uh Aesthetics but I’m pretty sure we’re all on the same page almost 68% of you great to have Ricky back in the comments as well Christian great to have you back Josh as well B movies say seven seven right was it seven writers or six writers great to have Mariana as well from Brazil let us know where in Brazil you’re watching from uh rioot de Janeiro Brazilia I’m running out of I’m sure I have more cities in my uh in my mind but great to have Tracy as well from South Dakota but Ghana is our new provisional at fastest time Christian saying sixth Riders so six Riders GH in my actually pass so six riders that is a lot of riders but the is that Aster that not everyone was going 100% so um make of that what you will I think it’s still an impressive feat and I mean nobody wants to be overtaken uh by someone who started 6 minutes before you and yeah we’ll Wai to see what happens great to have the Philippines in the house as well from life on the Saddles uh Nicholas saying Luca mesich made it seven uh was it Lucas mesich or Kevin K Leoni um I’m not sure it could I could be mistaken as well but Magnus Sheffield is another Rider of Interest now uh the American good test of the youngster against the in the first intermediate time check he didn’t really set the times a light did he did he I can’t quite see it uh 10th will B 11th as we said but uh yeah we’ll wait and see if he can do anything here but right now it is U Magnus Sheffield coming towards the first intermediate time check so he’s going to be inside yeah I think he’s fourth fastest fourth fastest same time as Edward so inos granders as we know they’re very good against the clock so we might have a whole host of them in the clock uh well inside the top 10 and um yeah we know we know they are uh an impressive Beast as a unit against the clock here but will bter 2 minutes outside the time of Philip coming inside the last time check [Music] um yeah and I’m not sure ninth fastest there same time as Ryan Mullen the Irish riter is he Irish or is he one of the fake Irish riters who well fake uh has a distant relative who’s Irish I’m sure Patty dun can clarify that unfortunately Ireland’s best chance of big success at the jedai Eddie Dumba big fan of him myself is uh out of the race unfortunately great to have Dio as well from Queenstown New Zealand uh Felix flexi Junior from Switzerland as well Chicago as well with Doug great to have you all here and another Brazilian in the house as well watching from the UK uh the Netherlands as well but right now we’re seeing Taran irman how many in Gad Riders are going to get inside the top 10 by the time we finish come to the finish I’m starting to think four or five now uh Magus Sheffield arensman garon Thomas Ghana fos I think is sitting currently inside that provisional top 10 let me just get us the top 10 provisionally at the finishing line so at the Finishing Line it’s Ghana M Lorenzo mes Dan hoola Edward oini Max walide Josh Joseph Journey Rina Kiplinger uh claron Davey uh of France and then we got the interm rider as well with I believe the young longest surname right now Royal uh Sint Martin Dyke Martin’s Dyke so I’m sure our Dutch friends in the comments will give me a greater pronunciation I’m sure it begins with f um but yeah ant Antonio TI tiberi however you say it is is the next Rider who’s just started the youngster from Italy and baron Victorious touted as barin’s leader for this year’s Jalia make of that what you will but towards the Finish as well Luke lampy the Sprinter 26 that’s not a good bad time by him uh almost six minutes down though so that’s quite a margin to Philip oana but I mean I’m pretty sure I would be finishing a lot slower than that to Ghana uh Ghana still still breathing towards well he looks fine Ghana looks fine he’s ready to do it all over again uh but yeah tobas fos in 15th Place we were maybe expecting a bit more from the former world champion but the two-time world champion uh the vice world champion from last year Ghana the Italian national champion is the one sitting on top of the leaderboard right now 1 minute 39 seconds down to Mig the man who won at C dof stage last year in that time trial ahead of yonis vingle did yonis vingle maybe let off towards the end because he knew mle was in the hot seat I have my I have my suspicions but that aside the eldest man in the race Dominic Vio I count myself as one of his fans the nin tip figure for VF group bani CF is the ma next man to start he is a dreadful time trist an incredible climber but time tring is not part of his Forte so I think this is going to be a damage limitation exercise for the diminutive figure and yeah I’m sure we’re going to see him tomorrow battling it out maybe for the Breakaway or up there with the big GC guys former top 10 finisher and we’re getting y traik with that Dreadful helmet uh sorry I’ll keep saying it and I think most of you agree in the poll as well but Yan tratnik not quite the fastest time here on the second intermediate time check but he is going to be 15th fastest Slovenian the former national champion for Slovenia as well next Rider to start is I think yeah H Man by Day friend of the channel and a fan favorite here not had a great start to the Jan Higher by his account uh upep upset Tomic stomach on the first stage is what I was told by my French friends and uh yeah but I gr told was a long long race so uh I’m sure we’re going to see him up there towards top 10 top five before the end of the race and maybe he can sneak onto the podium but ran bade again not a man you would um associate with being a good time trist currently sitting 18th right now in the GC so yeah moved the two places up after yesterday but right now sitting behind some riders that yeah there’s plenty of riders in top 20 that you think are going to fizzle out Tian Aran is on the course 8 minutes into the road but Raiders that you would maybe expect to fall outside uh where they are right now Michael stora potentially estan Chavez how much has he got I mean EST bjz former Podium finisher of the Jirus haa but how is the form Juan Pedro Lopez maybe as well question marks over him he has finished top 10 before in the G Tire remember 2022 where he wore the Mal Rosa next round Tri to start is the Ecuadorian Road Champion stage one winner where of the Mal Rosa Jonathan hirez big fan king of Austria last year winning three stages of the tour of Austria along with uh along with the GC so um yeah we’ll see what he can do I know Rubio uh fifth place uh is the best hope for Colombia outside of Daniel Martinez are we going to see a Resurgence of Colombian cycling H question marks question marks I would love to see Colombia back on top not on top Denmark needs to be on top but they can be third or second uh nation in the dominance but right now yis vingo is leading a big vacuum in the Danish GC hopes um and we wish him all the best of his recovery of course but Ghana he’s warming down and who’s the next Rider to start it looks like it is going to be filipo Zana not filipo Ghana filipo Zana the winner of the Toro Slovenia last year a stage winner as well in in the Jalia can he do something here is he going to be bidding for potentially getting a GC uh campaign Luke PL also part of the team who of them is going to be their GC Rider 18th was uh his GC last year can he potentially improve of that he was just caught out there on the first turn clipping out un unfortunately uh his second year on the world tour spending three seasons with bani CF and we’ll see if the Italian can do something here very prolific Rider won the atrian iconica race back in 20122 Italian Champion that year as well on the road race being at the jro five times now this is the fifth time at that the wel sper he debuted I believe last year as well but uh yeah filipo an um not as quick as his almost namesake of filipo GH but certainly someone to look when the mountains return tomorrow and potentially is the plan B for um Jula we’ll wait and see what he can do here but Ghana oh this man what can he do against the clock uh winning Olympic medal he he well winning Olympic gold he’s still wai for that he has of course won Gold in the team Pursuit there is no uh event in the individual Pursuit which is absolute robbery for cycling as a whole but we won’t get into that r b as we said is on the course um jman irman what can he do as well uh good ride against the clock the Dutch Rider uh but Zana is the man that just messed up the first corner there a bit so a shame for the Italian you don’t really want to lose time already on the first corner and uh yeah we uh of course we’re going to do the recap race analysis after the race as well so check that out on the cycling Daye extra Channel or on Spotify but yeah it was I think he just took the corner too tight there maybe Philip oana uh not great not great just losing time there uh quite early on in his time travel but yeah s Luke pla as well uh he’s starting so um yeah Luke pla what is he going to be able to do here in the time Trail um a good rer on the track but not really translated that to a road individual time TR and I mean on the prologue in Tor Romy he was nowhere 130th he was second in the team time TR with his team in Paris knes he won the individual time trial in well obviously at the road n or at the national championship of Australia earlier this year uh and obviously that’s no easy feat CU there’s plenty of good testers for Australia so um yeah but yeah right now it’s uh interesting to see how many inos granders riders are going to be finishing inside the top 10 obviously Luke pla was an inos granders Rider last year but Luke pla is he going to be able to challenge the top 10 climb higher up in in the GC battle he was up there in the Breakaway yesterday uh did he play the right tactic could he have got rid of the two other Riders but sitting 15th right now in GC 1 minute and 57 seconds it’s a long long Grand Tour uh his last grand tour was in 2022 his first won the wel tpia but decided to leave inos granders maybe he felt like he wasn’t being utilized correctly and his best days were withering behind him we’ve seen many incred Riders being wasted by in your scen it is I mean Kenny um who’s the Italian the Italian Rider the Spanish Rider as well uh it’ll come back to me but plenty of writers Wasted by inos Grand over the years and yeah we’ll wait and see if uh lukee PLS gamble himself will pay off I think it will I really think it will top three at UAE tour last year that’s a good sign um it doesn’t translate completely but being able to Podium that race with uh strong roster of GC Riders gror uh Riders it really does show that you have some pedigree managing to unseat uh Adam Yates for his impressive record of so yeah we’re following Tian arensman the Dutch Ridder who had a disappointing opening to the Jalia and yeah can he potentially do something here on the stage yeah who knows but ryers coming up shortly Marian van out as well sudal quickstep right I don’t think he’s too good against the clock uh 11th place is of big interest Ben o Conor not exactly the strongest individual uh time trialist Alexi lenko the echon cycling podcast favorite he’s coming up as well uh sitting pretty in ninth place right now can he move up today potentially you never know you never know the kazak uh National Road Champion I’m not sure if he’s the national uh time child Champion 43 wins to his name already he was the summer Asian Games individual time child champion last year but right now we are seeing Maran seanut with that unusual uh helmet it looks almost like Star Wars It’s been liken to to the rebels helmet back in the um the first Trilogy of Star Wars um yeah but right now moar we’re seeing them with b b coming towards the finish I think is he going to be able to get inside the top 10 it’s looking he’s well outside the time of Ghana but he might be able to just Nestle himself inside the top 10 right now uh could be a good good performance here well it is a good performance by him but I think it’s not going to be a top five it might just get inside the top 10 quite comfortably and he is the new number seven for the jro provisionally so number seven is Will bter in the start list so yeah we’ll wait and see uh gner well not gner Danny Martinez a forus granders rider himself could be uh gaining some positions there um as said in the comments but right now we’re seeing maximum shakman catching his miniman and being drafted by his miniman that’s very naughty um I think they might get fine that ag2r Rider uh that is a no no to say the least who’s in the hot seat it is filipo Ghana top Ghana is in the hot seat right now so Ghana is still in the hot seat for the time being but yeah peruja is our final destination uh for the Riders many of them already there but alet Leno The Ninth Place finisher aak darling he is the national time trial Champion he’s the road and national uh time trial champ Road and time trial National Champion but I mean the kazak national time trial Championship isn’t as competitive as others um he beat his teammate of Dimitri grev grev so you can see the Riders it’s basically the aana N the estana team championships that’s what I call the kazak um yeah championships they don’t really have any Riders uh outside I believe maximiliam shackman who I believe he’s still inside the theana fold so I don’t maximum shakman no maximum in glinsky who doesn’t actually ride anymore so that that is not even true Scott but Luke PL is the next Rider yeah I don’t think there’s any kazak Riders outside of the St setup right now yeah but very Niche strain of cycling kazak as cycling but yeah it’s good to see kazak doing so well at cycling do we have anyone in the comments anyone watching from aana their capital or I believe they’ve changed the capu now uh but adri citran next R to start Alex Bodin bodong um yeah we’ll see what he can do I think against the clock the young Frenchman uh Ben o Conor of course their Chief star but right now we’re seeing friend of the channel Yan traik racing towards the Finish is he going to it looks like he might be on the cards for a top 10 provisionally with that toret helmet it looks like it is going to be that for the Slovenian former National Champion the VIS meisa bike rider I’m sure a lot of that data will have gone back he just unseats um will barter for the new seventh place so Yan tratnik is the new new seventh place in the provisional top 10 so good ride there but Yan tratnik and uh yeah Vis Malisa bik will be quite happy with if they can get a few Riders inside the top 10 I think aduo aini was the man that they were looking towards but uh yeah the man that they’re worried about is of course uh Ken alter Brooks is he going to be able to get inside the top 10 today that is very doubtful he’s not EX ly the best Rider when it comes to the top 10 let’s be honest but uh nonetheless um yeah it’s going to be a battle for that white jersey in terms of the white jersey we haven’t really spoken about that competition a lot uh we haven’t dwell on it because yeah um Al Brooks does sit 45 seconds ahead of Alex Bodin the daston ag2r rider who we just saw set off 49 seconds down on outter Brooks Luke PL still counts as well he’s only a minute and 2 seconds so I mean the white jersey could disappear from Ken alter Brooks today uh Antonio tiberi he’s sitting uh 1 minute 55 seconds but alter Brooks needs to ride a the TT of his career so uh we’ll wait and see if he can do that but uh yeah Ironman has passed Lilian Kam he looks to pass another Rider very shortly as well so Ironman I think is on a good time so Ironman he is someone to look towards but K Al Brooks only 21 years old such a incredible Talent already sitting fourth in the GC so far but in terms of time trials um he was 129th in the on opening time trial in the trano adriatico obviously ended up finishing seventh there and in the all ground communo one he was 109th but that one didn’t count so that’s a bit of a bad indicator in terms of the Jud oh the welia he did last year he was 35th on the vi do time trial so not a bad result for him but irman I hear you say fourth quickest F read the time check now on the first intermediate time check so irman going quite fast as well um yeah this is going to be very good writing by the inor grand team I think they will be the fastest team overall today uh two to Pro cycling I think this is Michael stora the Australian that we’re looking at and the three-time stage winner of the Welter espania a few years ago what can he do uh obviously changing from group fdj to Pro uh Pro Continental level with t Pro cycling and what a gamble that is but maybe he got a free watch out of it as well um but yeah right now he is the best card in terms of a GC fight will he be able to do something here that is a big question but right now he’s on course the rider for the Swiss team who knows if he’s going to be able to do something here the two two pro cycling team uh first is this their first jro or second jro I I must admit I’m not quite uh that well drilled on the Tudor Pro cycling calendar Etc but right now it’s a fascinating ask going on in the race but yeah weird that Byron Victoria snubbed W pools for another grand tour start and sent him to the tour of Hungary instead very strange um yeah they could have used him in the mountains for sure but right now we’re seeing Luke pla is he going to be able to take the white jersey today is that actually that could be a good poll who’s going to have the white jersey by the end of the day that is on new poll I think who will take the white jersey uh Ken alterbrook I need to know how to spell his second name it’s not exactly straightforward for non uh Dutch Flemish speakers um yeah a very distinct unique uh surname Maybe not maybe not Dutch Dutch friends in the comments is it a unique name is it is it common I don’t even know what outter Brooks means but right now Magnus Sheffield is on that final climb rocking or rolling and it would have been a very busy day for friend of the channel Dan bigum to say the least what are we saying as well uh quick uh jro unrelated question what bike is Peter scan riding in his new pier baguette team actually I don’t know it must be specialized no uh they’re riding team bikes and I know he’s specialized it must be a yeah I don’t know you would think he gets like a special deal um and just rides his specialized bike um Ben Conor is the next Riders to start so oh pronky there we go Ricky yeah reminding of us of another kazak Rider but within pronsky isn’t is pronsky within the setup um he definitely was a UAE Rider if few uh aan Rider a few years ago well he still is he still is an aan Rider not you the ster Rider but yeah Ben o Conor is the next Rider to start 11th in GC not had the best start he was one of the Riders who tried to follow um tatcha a few stages ago couldn’t quite keep up with the Slovenian sensation but yeah an incredible talent to come out of Australia and has such a interesting relationship with the jur of course getting a stage win a few years ago battling it out with Yan tratnik uh on an occasion where Yan tratnik took a stage win and then a few days later I think it was Ben o Conor that took a stage win on stage 17 if I remember correctly but yeah um interesting stuff happening on the stage uh alandro V the Italian Rider just coming across the line the rider Garen Thomas we’re seeing him warming up here what bu will the man Welshman be able to do on the stage today um who knows really who knows time for the poll and as I promised it’s going to be who will be in the white jersey who will be in the white jersey at at the end end of the stage there you go we’re seeing tacha sing uh well looking to warm up uh what can he do uh that would be very interesting to say the least uh on this stage is it going to be is it going to be laan Dey T of G who knows really but Philip Gana he is ready he’s going back to just relax he’s not too bothered about who is behind him he’s done his day is over and he’ll just see if he’s going to get a trip to the podium later on um but yeah who’s going to be the white jersey at the end of the day an interesting little classification to follow uh on top of the M Rosa on top of the Chino but right now Luke PL the national champion for Australia is racing down the course and in the beautiful backdrop of Italy Italy my favorite country to say the least and uh I think it’s such a beautiful country but yeah we’ll wait to see if if uh Luke pla can actually get this win or in terms of get the white jersey can he just tease the top 10 is he going to be the best GC Rider I think not I love how nobody’s voted for the former Junior world champion Antonio tiberi in the poll so not much Faith but he has got a bigger buff buffer to make up of one 155 so um yeah we’ll wait and see we’ll wait and see right now we’re seeing EF education easy post with Esther B Chavez uh former J Podium finisher can he do something here we’ll wait and see but yeah it’s a interesting interesting uh Prospect here but Chavez is not exactly the best time trialist in the world a lot of the Colombians struggling with that of course we have got um Daniel Martinez who is quite a good time TR list and has been in around the setup of um inos sces for a number of years years so he could definitely be a guy who does something here in the TT maybe he could just tickle the top 10 get a Ninth Place get a 10th place we’ll wait and see but we are following the number two so TI irman I feel like Tian arensman has been on the course for like three hours but that’s of course not true um yeah it’s still interesting maximum shakman the next Rider the German rocking and roll in here is he going to get a good time against the clock he has a somewhat good TT uh capability not quite a GC Rider he’s got 400 meters to go and what is he going to be able to do in terms of a good time here we will wait and see but he’s coming towards the Finish now and who is it going to be what time is it going to be here riding on his specializ coming around the last two corners 200 met to go he accelerates and is oh he dropped something he just dropped something as well what was that was that the TR the tracker was that the time that might have been the tracker cuz we’re not seeing his time that might have been the tracker I don’t know I don’t know 5249 pretty good to say the least um I think he might have just taken second place there second place Place second place by maximiliam shakman that is a good ride by the German who would have thought that coming he just dropped something as well so uh yeah good ride by the German uh yeah I think surprising time there by maximiliam shakman what a ride by him and I’m pretty sure he dropped the time tracker there because uh it suddenly disappeared the time and we only saw the one at the finish but good one to say the least aana the darling of aana Alexi lenu favorite of the echelon cycling podcast and yeah what a rider he is 42 wins to his name winner of the J de abuto winner of the jro de Sicilia Sicily last year and can you tell I’m a fan I’m certainly am but ALU lenko the national kazak champion Starts Now and what can he do to defend his his position inside the top 10 or can he potentially move himself higher up in the GC would love to see it but yeah alenko ninth in GC so that means we have eight Riders still to start here eight Riders still to start and of course they’ve got bigger time gaps now uh I think it’s three minutes between them now Yan H is the next rider for sodal quickstep still sitting inside top 10 then you’ve got Juan Pedro Lopez Lorenzo Fatu I know Rubio Kian Al Brooks many of these riders in danger of getting caught I think as well but yeah who is going to win the stage today Ghana is in the poll position I think Ghana might not be challenged by anyone great to have 400 people in the chat and if you haven’t already make sure to hit the like button subscribe to the channel if you’re new here to see your name flashed up on the screen in front of everyone and immortalized forever um on the stream but uh yeah thank you all for joining of course I will do the pran Divo stage tomorrow as well so that will be an exciting finish at the Jala or not the final stage of the week which is strange to say the least but uh yeah they’ve decided to go for yeah a flat stage at the end of the first week peculiar there must be a reason to it but yeah we’ll wait and see what happens on tomorrow stage and that will be very interesting what will happen on today’s stage because if many of these pure climbers lose a bucketload of times we might see a very aggressive race tomorrow so fingers crossed but Magnus sherfield coming towards the finish here now I think uh rocking and rolling on his time trial very uh yeah hard up and down stance but the young American I think he can he’s definitely going to be on a good time here coming towards the last 400 m as we saw here I think he could be in for a good time here I think we have our next Second Place finisher here he’s only got 200 met to go here he’s going to be the second fastest time for inos granders this is an incredible ride by the American that is great riding by the youngster he is the second fastest on the day what a Time by him and the American 32 seconds outside of the time of filipo Gana and what did we say inos days a pric uh time trial team in total so uh yeah we’ll wait and see reminder to everyone who’s a subscriber and also a channel supporter um there are two separate competitions available and yeah please do enter in them so uh we can get those giveaways done as well but great to have cycling coach as well uh joose Leto Santos watching from Manila so many people around the world and uh yeah great to see so many people uh yeah in the bid for this uh stage and the GC honors as well but uh yeah we’ll wait and see great to have so many people in the chat and uh make sure to hit the like button I said that before so don’t repeat yourself Scott but right now the next Rider to start is Yan HT a former top 10 finisher of the jayre former stage winner of the JRE cck Rider former inm Rider and they would have dearly loved to have kept the services of the check Rider but he disappeared off to the Remco vle project but he has a rare opportunity to work for his own chances here so uh yeah we’ll Wai and see what can happen here but yeah I mean if you haven’t already also help us out on the new channel the cycling day action Channel I did really wanted to get that to 1,000 subscribers as quickly as possible and let me just put the Intrigue for you guys so the link will be me trying to facing off and I’m sure many of you will have seen that video with dsm’s uh Sprint Prodigy of tobas L and who’s actually at the J retire this year so that is a reason to head over there and subscribe to that channel and I will be forever grateful for you guys to subscribe to that and see the very interesting uh projects happening as well um yeah it’s a great Channel and it’s a pet project of mine and we’ll see how far that uh takes us in the years to come or the whatever you know what I mean that that went weird weird a bit quickly but great to have so many people here and uh yeah uh Enoch was the first prophet uh great to have you here as well one of our Channel supporters you haven’t entered in the channel competition so you need to do so uh that’s for sure uh what are we saying Big Unit cycling what is the juice they are drinking after the ride I think it might be ketones you would think uh or some mix or protein shake you would definitely think but we’re seeing Magnus Sheffield what a ride by him Young American sitting second right now I think this is his first Grand Tour if I’m not mistaken um I’ll just correct myself yeah first Grand Tour the Galia 22 years old his birthday was on the 19 of April and uh yeah already having this is his third ground tour oh well his third time on the world tour won a stage the time trial in the tour of Denmark in 2022 won a stage in the W Andalusia as well that year and the the uh the bran spel but Juan Pedro Lopez the former Mal Rosa wearer wearer of Le Tre sitting inside the top 10 he’s the next ride to start the Spanish Rider has finished inside the top 10 in his career already but he’s the next raid to start and uh we’ll see if he can really mix it in the i i let’s be honest I think he’s going to be losing a bucketload of time here um for sure there’s yeah he’s a very pure cler uh one yeah he’s actually shorter than me which is quite a miracle uh one mean to 70 a lot better Mount climb with that Mone for sure and yeah the little track Rider let’s see what he can do Al Len looking very fast on the bike what can he do the kazak darling and uh of course I’m a fan big fan of him let’s see what he can do by the time we come to the finish of course um Patrick and I of course going to be talking a lot about him in the recap race analysis later on on the podcast so um maybe if he does well if he does well if he does bad maybe not uh we want to make sure that he keeps that top 10 gets towards that top five by the time we get to Rome he could be a dark horse for a top five position uh the kazak alexen but another inos grenadiers Rider on the track here or on the road um irman has he not finished I feel like we’ve been talking about irman for through the whole broadcast but irman the Dutch Rider what can he do he’s also fairly good against the clock he’s a very in your scen is mold of Rider the 24y old definitely the future of this team uh having finished inside the top 10 already in a ground tour for them uh sixth in the jro Italia sixth in the welta espania for team DSM and we will wait and see if he can do something here sixth in Tano atao as well fifth in the Walter uh well the Walter alav um finishing 12 on the individual time trial on that occasion which was Far flatter than this uh Magnus Sheffield was second on that uh account as well and uh to give you some idea but right now he is heading towards the second time check he’s going to be outside the time of Philip Gana AR men but I think he’s also just going to miss out on the time of Magnus Sheffield here and a better climber so potentially he can claw that oh no no Ironman is the second fastest now on the second intermediate time check 2 seconds faster than Magna sherfield so maybe we can see yeah something happening I was saying Al lenko is the darling of aana yeah he is but Lorenzo vato is setting higher the rider who transferred from what is now ptia over to aana so yeah the former stage winner of the G retire winning on the was it monton I think that might be incorrect let me just get it correct uh what was the stage I’ll get it right don’t worry I’ll fact check myself as I always do so when I get it wrong I will correct the record uh stage win in 2021 um yeah but TM mman is on the clim it was up the mon to Sun he won so I was correct ahead of yan tratnik from that Breakaway and egam Bernal on that day finished fourth what a day that was for iolo Keta at the time and yeah Yan tratnik was riding for bin Victorious of all places but yeah tition adman six form is still to go for the Dutch Rider is he going to be able to rival the time of not only Magnus Sheffield but also maybe philipo Gana he hasn’t really had the best Jal start and he would love to get another top 10 finish of the jro but with every second ticking away we’re getting a second closer to seeing none other than Ty batcha taking to the start line we’ got five Riders still to go here and in about 1 minute time we’re going to get Rubio then we’re going to get in four minutes time we’re going to get alter Brook starting then Daniel Martinez in 7 minutes and 13 minutes time we’re going to get t CER to the start line so or kick well he will be at the start line before but he will be kicking off his uh what Seth is saying if Ghana wins you get $300 oh my God these bookies don’t know what they’re doing uh Brian saying I’m 165 not quite I’m 10 cm taller 175 5′ 9 and half if I think but um wait uh Enoch the first profit is saying the purple stuff what is the purple stuff what is the purple stuff anyone know um yeah who knows I I yeah question marks anyone know what that purple stuff is that Yus drank after the stage 16 uh was chilled organic tart cherry juice right that’s a interesting mix isn’t it it helps counter latic lactic acid buildup and it prevents muscles from locking up wow I have learned something very new there thank you for that um Luke PL 5.5 km still to go he’s past that that very sharp climb that they have with about 32 km into it uh Brian saying probably beats as well yeah beat reduce could also do something but right now we’re seeing I know Rubio the new Colombian sensation the face of Colombian cycling right now him and Santiago brr they have a big big shoe to fill with the likes of miguelangel Lopez EG beral Nao canana but aan beral is on the way back so we’ll waiting and see here IO Rubio not the best Rider against the clock but is he going to be able to defend his top five position here I wish him all the best but he’s not my favorite Colombian that is Daniel Martinez Daniel Martinez let’s hope he can do something here um yeah but right now we’re seeing Alex bin bordon B bin um 2 minutes and 6 seconds down on Ghana so that white Jersy pole that we have going uh do we not have the white jersey pole going did I not remember to put it up I thought I did uh let me just make sure that is still going on yeah it is still going on so 49% of you believe that uh K alook is still going to be holding that Jersey by the end of the stage Luke pla certainly a great Rider on paper against the clock the Australian National Champion K AR Brooks never won the national championships for uh Belgium but right now we’re seeing the Watts of Ironman he’s going around 450 490 Watts certainly blasting out the Watts on this clim 5 K still to go for the Dutch Rider and is he going to be able to trouble the time of Philip bana who set The Benchmark right now I will wait and see it was an interesting start to the day for many of these Riders Ghana certainly riding well interesting start to his time trial peculiar one getting touched by fan on the leg but uh yeah rather weird to say the least right now we’re following arensman adman the Dutch Rider we seem to have been following him for an eternity the Dutch Rider can he do something here in the well in this time trial I hear you say Scott how has Ironman been doing in the other well the other grand Tours he’s been doing this is his seventh Grand Tour he’s only 21 years old but already having registered his seventh grand tour start e at the last time trial in Monte lazari so that was a good performance by him Antonio tiberi is coming towards the second time check now he’s going to be 1 minute and 20 seconds down and remember he’s 1 minute 55 seconds down on uh alter Brooks but he almost matched uh yeah he matched Mel B There He matched Mel bow what a dreadful helmet that is but that uh that out Brooks is carrying around there but yeah H uh V mik has a new sponsor there it seems as well Italy uh so yeah never noticed that but yeah Kat Brooks is the next rer to start super Talent from Belgian the next coming of Remco Veno many people have said the white jersey wearer his first year at Italia a lot of pressure on his shoulders wearing that awful monstrous helmet not the greatest time trialist in the world but maybe he’s picked up some some uh hints from jonis vingle uh those two sharing uh the team in uh well torano attico so uh he’s definitely have picked up some hints from the Dane you would think but TM arisman I’ve said his name like a bazillion times already on this stream racing Down The Descent here he’s coming towards the Finish 3.7 km and then we won’t have to say his name again on this stream but eighth place last year on that final time TR seventh in the sien Sienna uh time TR and 32nd on the opening time trial so a fairly good tester 16th at the national Dutch Championship so H not the best performance there but six at Tano adriatico but in terms of the opening time trial last year this year he has finished 21st of the opening time trial in Tano and 12th as we already said in the Walter Catalonia no Walter alav and 11th in the Tor Romy in terms of that time TR stage that was 15.5 km long so uh yeah we’ll see 26 currently in the GC but I’m sure he’s going to be flying up the rankings by the end of the stage inside the last three kilometers for him now and right now we’re seeing Ben o Conor coming to towards the first time check he’s already yeah a minute and a half almost outside the time of Philip Gana but he’s not concerned about top gner he’s concerned about the Riders relative to him so Ben o Conor just losing no time is the big big win for him today if he’s going to be able to do that if he can limit the damage that would be very very good for him but we’ll wait and see here but uh yeah uh garan Thomas a prolific TT Rider is going to is heading towards the start almost so uh yeah we’ll wait see if he can do something here today can he take time out of T Bacha these two friends on on on the off the bike but maybe not off the bike Daniel Martinez the multiple time child champion of Colombia the best time Trav Colombia has produced since Santiago B bertero he is the next Rider to start here the best Rider in GC for the Colombians sitting third right now and is the next Rider to S start he has a golden opportunity to put his hat in this GC leadership a battle that is happening in Bora hrow but uh yeah he’s the next R to start Danny Martinez can he potentially do something here as we see is this AA no this is nid canana nider canana as Daniel Martinez starts nid canana finishing five minutes down on philipo GH but of course nid canana hasn’t got his sights on the GC but yeah nid man it’s not to be in terms of the GC battle 41st provisionally and uh yeah Nao canana I think we might see him in the in the mountains tomorrow potentially in the Breakaway that would be a great situation for him but moar playing a great little tactic here with having nider canana potentially being up there in the Breakaway and Rubio bit behind with the GC Riders so they could be playing two battles um tomorrow so that that could be a great little opportunity for marar to really leverage their Riders and have maximum coverage to say the least so uh yeah we’ll wait and see and um uh what are we saying limit your to say the least okay fine Fair Alberto I will do that and yeah Daniel Martinez on course now we’ve got two Riders remaining of gine Thomas and Tad Bacha these two Riders are they going to be on the top to steps of the podium in terms of this time trial potentially they look to be battling all the way to Rome potentially for the Mala Rosa but right now number two is coming towards the finish in terms of number and that is Tian arensman we’ talked so many times about him and the Dutch Rider is a great tester against the clock and could definitely be uh great Mountain help if he’s just come over the initial lack loss of form he had in in the beginning of the stages but he is a great Rider he’s a rider any GC Rider would love to have as a serviceman as a domestique but right now in our poll you guys are putting the faith in alterbrook still only 36% of you going towards the Luke plat corner and Alex bordin and Antonio deiri are both tied with 8% of you I still have my faith in in outter Brooks from some extent here so we’ll see if outter Brooks can just defend that Jersey I mean his TT wasn’t the best last year but maybe spending the winter with Vis M Lisa B has just perfected his craft a bit Iron Man coming towards the second in no the Finishing Line not the second but he’s just outside the time of his teammate of uh yeah of philipo we might have a one 12 three at the end of the time trial uh from inios grenadiers he’s got 30 seconds to get to the finishing line now to get inside the time of uh M of Sheffield he’s got about 300 M or so to get there he’s got 20 seconds now he’s coming around one of the last Corners racing towards the finish the last Corner being taken by him now he’s got 10 seconds to get there nine 7 6 5 4 3 2 one and he’s outside the time of Magnus Sheffield but he is going to Nestle himself inside the top three of the provisional standings here but a great ride by TM irman and what more can we say than Chapo what a ride what a ride gon Thomas is the next Rider to start now so the Welshman are we’re going to see is some Challenge from him we’re just seeing him race past the the fans is he going to be able to do something here to challenge the likes of his teammates on the start ramps who knows who knows but he certainly is an interesting little Prospect from such a esteemed Rider of the professional pelaton he’s been Here There and Everywhere won the Olympic medals he’s won uh the Tour of France won on the upw won stages in the tour even in the time trial and won uh almost won the Jalia last year all just denied by Primos rugit on that final time trial unfortunately but he’s not in the situation of having the mosa but right now Luke pla is coming up towards the intermediate time check number two and he’s 1 minute and 20 seconds so that is a benchmark to remember in terms of this white jersey competition uh K AR broke sitting only 45 seconds down on Luke plop so yeah this will be quite interesting to follow for us as cycling fans but Al lenko coming through the first intermediate time check 1 minut 25 seconds down and that’s not too bad for him um 20th provisionally on that first check 18.6 km into his his check but yeah yeah uh tacha and G Thomas the two men that everyone’s looking towards they both have the same helmet here I think inos and UAE they both have the Met helmet correct me if I’m wrong but UAE have the Met helmet and do the other ones have it as well uh they certainly have I think they have The Cask helmet the the inos boys but H yeah the next Rider to start is the Malia Rosa weara the final Rider to start of today T Bacha the man the myth the legend the sensation from Slovenia the current Malia rosaa he kicks off oh he ends the Riders to start off the start ramp here so let’s see what he can do UAE versus inos Gres it is not visma lisik versus UAE it’s yeah the three biggest teams are not up against each other it’s UAE number one versus number three in your SC is in terms of the world rankings of last year but tacha has he got the llan deil F form in his legs are we going to see a replicant of that is g Thom is going to be beaten by yet another Slovenian on a time trial yeah who knows we’ll wait and see but right now 152 of you have voted and 42% believe it is going to be a outter Brooks white jersey by the end of it uh I think it’s time for a new poll I know some of you are not fans of polls but many people are who will finish the highest that is going to be the question is it going to be tacha is it going to be gon Thomas but pla is the rider we’re looking at right now can he do something to get that white jersey he’s wearing a bit of a white jersey with the national championship colors of Australia uh who will who will finish higher POG Thomas or Pacha that is a very simple poll and I’m pretty sure we’re going to set see maybe in the ’90s for Pacha from you guys prove me wrong prove me wrong um there is a gap between the two about 46 seconds if I recall correctly but right now Luke pla is getting up towards the Finish um he’s on this really really tough section great to music wavy as well and N canana is the worst is being said in the comments uh he’s the worst towards his fans one of them being my friend who he wasn’t very nice to a few years ago so uh doesn’t appreciate his fans maybe he appreciates them a lot more now who knows but tacha 38.9 km still to go for the Slovenian wearing the malio Rosa racing down this course now and signifying the end of the stage by the time he comes to the finish uh Peter is saying I’m just here to see if there’s any conversation about countries makes the best bagels o I’m putting B in the UK as the best bagels that I’ve ever tasted so we will see if any of you replicate that as well but the former under 23 world champion in the time child discipline is racing towards the finish the leader for uh UA memor this Italian sniper uh not uat memor but uh baring Victorious of Antonio Tiber the under the junior world champion back in 2019 in Yorkshire he’s inside the time of Migel and currently fifth place in the provisional standings what a ride from the youngster wow wow wow that was a great ride by a rider that they’re looking more towards the mountains a great wel topia by him and the Baran Victorious Rider has just taken back control of his GC so um yeah they’re hoping that they’re going to see him in the side the top 10 the white jersey certainly on his radar as well him and Kean alter bricks could be two Rivals for many years to come but yeah tiberi what a Time by him we’re seeing the white jersey here as well with that monstrosity of a helmet uh Ken alab Brooks what will he be able to do by the time we come to the Finish only time will tell but riding on a beautiful sell with that ugly helmet but uh yeah what will this Melissa bike be able to do what are we saying Brian saying Garen Thomas will not beat POG he’s not a galactico that is very true Garen Thomas despite having won the Tour of France despite having won E3 despite having won all these incredible accolades uh I’m finishing on the podium of of the Jalia last year is not considered a galactico of the sport that all conquering dominance that we’ve seen by machol wild vard tat Prim R Jas vingle and I’m probably missing something here um yeah Seth saying if Pikachu wins it’s still 140 profit oh my goodness who was the The Bookies I need to get in on this as we were saying um but yeah it’s going to be a good finish I think to this time trial it’s good to it’s only the first time trial as well remember we have another time trial coming up as well a more flat one deeper into the race tomorrow is prto deo that will be an interesting little stage to look for with PR dativo the king of the prto dativo is here Alex lenko who won the stage um of the J de abuto but right now we’re getting Ju Pedro Lopez coming towards that first intermediate time check he’s going to be about 2 minutes down oh just under 2 minutes down on filipo Gana so 45th not too bad from him not too bad um yeah let’s see what happens with his GC as well um very different uh TT setups for many of the writers as well that’s a factor to consider different helmets different setups different Wheels different from Pikes what are we saying here as well fifth pink jersey for taba right now uh the same as filipo Ghana 14th pink jersey day for Slovenia right now one step away from Ecuador who’s 15th overall in terms of that little competition between the countries and wearing that beautiful Jersey the Malia Rosa but yeah t Bacha rolling towards the 3 5 km to go Banner right now so 35 km until the end of the stage for Pacha is he going to be taking time on Garen Thomas that’s what you guys are saying in the poll 80% of you think that tacha going is he going to take time here um yeah Bagel talk pastry talk many talk uh that is in cycling related last yesterday we were talking about Joe Biden and Donald Trump who would win in a bike race um my money would be it’s a very close one who’s the fittest one of those two I don’t know don’t know um but great to have so many familiar names in the chat and yeah Tater racing along the course here he has of course got a bit of time oh who is this DSM Rider Romo V almost uh crashing into the barrier here looks like he’s on quite a good time he might just fall out inside the top 10 but a good ride by Roman B he has to kind of save his his top 10 or his GC escapades after that bad stomach he might just be inside the time of yan tratnik uh he will be the new top 11 so new the 11th Place the new 11th place so a good ride by Roman b day uh only well 2 minutes and 33 seconds down so I mean T irman is going to be absolutely going up thank you Seth as well DraftKings will check that as well that is incredible odds I will definitely get involved for the next time trial that’s for sure but uh maybe they will have fixed the odds who knows um yeah what yeah Pacha for yeah okay yeah we will definitely do something with that maybe they could sponsor the channel who knows I’ve seen them sponsoring MMA channels uh I didn’t even know they were doing cycling quite strange Daniel Martinez 28.6 km number 30 in GC he doesn’t want to be get caught by Garen Thomas his former teammate former team leader as well in the past and uh we will see we still haven’t had a bike change have we seen any bike change anyone seen a bike change on the circuit I don’t think so but right now uh we’re seeing uh who is this I think it’s philipo an coming towards the Finish as well uh the Italian good ride by him he’s about outside 2 minutes over two minutes behind and yeah it’s uh looking like he might just be inside the top 10 in terms of provisional standings fipe oana is he thinking about a potential bid for a top 10 this year with Eddie dumbar out him and Luke PL might have a bit of a jle for who’s going to have the leadership provisional Ninth Place for Zan so it’s going to the next Rider is Luke pla so that will be the Intrigue of this team who will be wrestling control of the team is it going to be luke PL is it going to be phip ozana but right now Luke Lorenzo Fortunato another team with dual leadership right now of fortunat and Ali lenko I think alet lenko is winning that right now so four 4 to is losing it yeah Seth being so close to $10,000 from a $10 bet is excruciatingly painful I think um but yeah right now Ghana is the man on top of the time sheets his leader um G Thomas is the one pushing on right now 29.4 km still to go for the Welshman and yeah are we going to see Garen Thomas mixing it in with the top 10 I think potentially if irman is on a good time I think so I think this is why we had Ghana doing it a bit easier yesterday and wasn’t quite on full force I think he was just permitted to just knock it off a bit in order to uh eek out a bit more performance get a bit more recovery in his legs before he was uh back to doing something here and and Ghana if they have done that they’ve played it to Perfection here Luke pla coming towards the Finish is he going to be beating his teammate of uh s and taking well and true control of this remember he was ninth was it yeah I think we’re going to have PL as the best Jakob YULA Rider what a ride by him the Australian he takes it well he takes it he takes it in terms of that little inter Team Battle that we saw good ride by him and yeah Jak aula will definitely like this little uh this little problem they they have with both of these two Riders being so high up in the in the GC battle now so good ride by the both of them and yeah jaku aula sitting very nicely now potentially in that GC battle if they got two Riders inside the top 10 by the time we get to Rome they would be all over that Ben o Conor coming up towards the second time check this isn’t exactly the result he would have wanted in outside the top 10 but he is on the way back and it just makes you see how how uh costly that uh move trying to follow the pace of tacha was in the second stage so big shame there big Shame by him but he really tried uh no guts no glory that’s for sure but uh Rubio he’s coming towards the first time check here and that is 1 minute and 55 seconds down on Ghana so quite a way down on the Italian 48th but a lot of the Riders around him in terms of the GC are around that same kind of time so it’s going to be a twight battle between the strong climbers here and it is going to shake up the GC to say the least it’s definitely going to shake up the GC uh completely but we wait and see if this has any impact on the The Wider picture of Rome uh being the Final Destination and uh yeah who’s going to win today I think it might be Gus to lose right now but Ghana has already put his best foot forward so can anyone do anything to challenge Ghana I don’t think so I really don’t think so yeah Al Brooks we haven’t checked in with him for a while so uh he will be an interesting figure to see um as Ricky said as well all the Riders are on the course right now so it’s the last stand for these Riders now who is going to be the man on Top O out Brooks out Brooks not a bad time from him it looks like he’s going to be inside top four 40 so alter Brooks this is not bad writing potentially when is the clock going to stop yeah 33rd for alter Brooks so not a bad time there not a bad time for alter Brooks considering previous performances from him so arter Brooks well well done um yeah we’ll wait and see what he can do here but uh yeah alter Brooks great great little start there to his time trialing escapades in this year’s Jalia and um yeah um many of you saying that Trump would win the race between him and Biden I mean we’re not talking politics I mean American politics is far more right than me because Denmark were more to the left so uh you can see both of them are out of my my uh realm of politics but right now alter Brooks with that Dreadful white helmet is pushing on this m Spike definitely want to get something out of this and uh yeah is it going to potentially is he going to defend that Jersey that was what we had as a poll a few moments ago H I voted for outter Brooks and yeah I’m glad I did after seeing that very dramatic uh start or not start dramatic defense of his white jersey he would dearly love to take that Jersey all the way to Rome he could definitely be the chief card to do that uh Antonio Tiber a great great time by the Italian youngster from um from bar victorus putting his hat in the ring to try and do something here as well but nevertheless 27.3 km still to go for tyacha the Malia rosaa and is he gonna eek out his advantage on garan Thomas that remains to be seen Garen Thomas certainly an interesting figure when it comes to cycling as a whole GC riding everything I know a very good Talisman for the team as well he’s been there since their Inception back in 2010 uh when he transferred over from B bow world and has really grown with the team as well but yeah is he going to be able to unseat uh tacha today I don’t think that’s in the cards for today’s stage I don’t think any of us are believing that uh but right now tacha is looking very pretty in pink and it might be all the way to the finish that he manages to take this in room but 26.6 km left for him but Daniel Martinez coming up to the first time check this is where we get a good picture of the top three and remember Tiber a great time when he came to the Finish but he’s not inside the top 10 as of yet 1 minute 24 seconds so a bit quick quicker than alter Brooks about 20 seconds quicker than the Belgian so he’s going to defend his third place against Al Brooks but that’s not who he’s concerned about he wants to try and gain time on his former teammate of garon Thomas is that going to happen very improbable I would say and uh but it’s not it could happen it could happen Daniel Martinez certainly a great Rider and riding on a specialized now instead of a pinillo how much that difference does that have uh Channel Echelon favorite here Echelon T podcast favorite of Al lenko coming up towards the second time check inside the top 15 so that’s a great time by the kazak rider here we’re seeing the dangling figure of Gan Thomas here as well racing towards the Finishing Line very good TT Rider uh five time trial wins uh uh well five time Tri winners in this year’s Jalia with Ghana with six wins Grant well stage wins TI Pacha winning those two stages one in 2020 one in 2021 Shan phip winning a stage n canana winning a stage as well Garen Thomas having won that opening stage in the 2017 Tor of France what a stage win that was so uh yeah 22.7 km that’s all that’s left for Garing Thomas of his his um stage here today finishing in peruja beautiful place as we’ve always been saying about Italy and great to have so many people in the chat of course we’re going to be doing the planto Divo stage tomorrow so I hope you join us for that as well and yeah Gan Thomas tacha right now he’s it’s saying about he’s outside the time of uh filipo Ghana but he is racing towards that first intermediate time check in about 3 minutes time or maybe sooner we are going to see tyacha great to have Josh here in the comments as well great to have so many familiar names returning and uh yeah uh we need bagels I actually had a bagel for lunch so keeping on the bagel theme I had a bagel for lunch very good bagel um what was it called Columbus something it’s probably a chain sadly it’s a chain I think but well fastest on the first intermediate time check for Gan Thomas so reminded that that’s about 18 km into this race so garan Thomas very fastest say the least uh 12 fastest of the the the all the Riders and uh yeah it’s uh not bad not bad uh to say the least uh but right now we’re seeing Alex bin coming in towards the finish the youngster one of the 82r Riders who’s sitting very high up the French rider was bidding to challenge out to Brooks for that white jersey it’s not going to happen he’s outside 4 minutes to Ghana so just a bit quicker than Vasco so um yeah um we will wait and see we will wait and see but it’s not for his his overall white jersey campaign but 23.3 km is still to go for Tat’s time tral here riding in that beautiful Malo Rosa doing about 45 47 48 it’s jumping up and down but I would like to see the power data uh what is the power data um 21 seconds into his race 54 km an hour here give us the power data we want to see the power from these jut of the sport but yeah tacha is such an accomplished Rider we all know his incredible palarz already uh great video here on the channel about his a comparison between him and Eddie MKS on some factors he actually outperforms Eddie MKS can you believe it he actually outperforms Eddie MKS in some categories and cycling is very different to back in the day with Eddie MKS it was more a profession back then they had to race the whole calendar almost every year um but yeah he’s looking very smooth on the bike and we’ll wait and see if he can do something here it well if you can extend his Advantage he’s coming up towards the first intermediate time check he’s going to be outside the time of Philip boana but he is going to be faster than Ken Thomas it seems the times the clock is ticking down right now are we going to see him inside the top he’s going to be outside the top 10 maybe no just inside so tacha is the the 10th fastest time on the first intermediate time check but will he be able to translate to the back end of this that is the big question now so he’s very close to uh to garan Thomas very close indeed sorry I’m getting very hungry it’s been a long stream but um we have t Gat sitting in 10th Place um it was 12th so provisionally he would be 13th on that intermediate time check so the time difference between him and Garen Thomas is not very big we’re seeing Juan Pedro Lopez here 41 seconds or 41 minutes into his race the dommin figure of little Trek an outside figure on the team built around uh Johnson Milan you would say principally but right now he he is riding for his own chances here of a potential top 10 by the time we come into um into Rome a great great Rider already having tasted the malio Rosa back in 2022 will he get another top 10 here who knows but 81% of you going in favor of tacha still uh Beno Comer coming towards the Finish is he going to be quicker than Bodin I think he’s on for a good time here the Australian he might just get a top 10 he might just is he going to fall outside the top 10 the top 10 is getting ever faster uh Migel B he’s just outside the timer Migel B he is looking for the time of Lorenzo M here he is going to be inside the top 10 what a ride by Ben o Conor here what a ride what a ride by Ben o Conor um eighth place for the leader of ad2 and that is a spender ride by the Australian what a ride what a ride by the Australian but Juan Pedro Lopez is coming through the second second intermediate time check apologies guys I’m just trying to get some substance it’s not just the Riders um yeah and one Pedro Lopez second intermediate time check 3 minutes and 17 seconds down 18 seconds down on Ghana but GH is of course not his uh main competitor in terms of that top 10 finish had pater racing around the corners here so smooth and doing his best and uh great to have Ricky advocating for subscribing before you’re leaving as well uh yeah we would dearly love your subscription and what do we saying we haven’t had you haven’t had a bagel until you had one in New York City I’ve had one in New York City and I might have been in the wrong place because it wasn’t that great so uh that’s on me that’s on me I’m sure there’s better Bagels 40.6 km left for tat I think is wrong by the the organizers I think they’ve just messed up the graphics a bit here but we’ll wait and see Pat I certainly he certainly has less than 40K to go he’s been through the first time check that’s 18 km into the into the check so into the stage so yeah um great to have over 300 people in the chat let us know where you’re watching from and don’t be shy get involved we’re a friendly bunch and if you want to see more of um more Jared high com get over on the second Dane extra Channel where I’m going to be doing the recap race analysis and the previews of the stages as well we got the pr dativo coming up such an incredible climb and uh one man who has taste the victory on that uh climb is tacha back in the 2021 Tero atao and Alexi renko as well this year in the J abuto butach racing around these Corners 18.3 km still to go here and uh we haven’t seen much of garine Thomas in the last few kilometers from the race organizers but the Malo Rosa and he just appears after requesting that so maybe they’re listening to us um yeah Garen Thomas has 15 5 km left here of the stage about half an hour into his race they have a very strong position in terms of the team game in the top 10 right now but Gan Thomas not liking this situation of having to be against slovenians in time trials and ground TS at the Jal did so last year with Primos rogl had a great time trial um on the second one I believe G Thomas finishing very close to Remco Veno he’s a great Rider against the clock so yeah as Ricky said as well Pacha has about 8 Seconds of a lead to U Pacha but he’s going to be using all the resource he can get from his teammates here um what are we saying Josh saying that man I knew Pacha first I can’t believe he was just minus 200 or whatever what does minus 200 please explain it to me as well I’m not quite used to the American odd system but alab Brooks we haven’t spoken about him in a while the white jersey wearer he’s almost 37 minutes into his race here will he be able to limit the damage to some of the other r just behind him he was sitting fourth in the GC very high up and he has the white jersey which is dearly wanting to protect as well with dies bike haven’t had a good start to this year um so we’ll wait and see but uh on the recommendations of Seth I’m definitely going to be checking out this for the next time TR as well but right now Juan Pedro Lopez is doing a stellar ride um well is he I don’t know 46 minutes into his race he still has 5.3 km to go he’s not going to make it to the finish before that remember the time of Ghana is 5 52 Point 52 minutes and 1 second that is the time of Ghana is is one Pedro Lopez going to do 5 kilm in 5 minutes I don’t think so I really don’t think so but F1 Pedro Lopez this today is more about limiting the damage that is going to be in be inue well imposed on his GC aspirations and uh maybe he’ll be up there tomorrow for sure in when on the pr too I can eek out some advantage to say the least um yeah Brian don’t just don’t eat a banana I do have a banana but I’m certainly not going to be doing that uh that could be memd all over the world but yeah F Pedro Lopez inside the last 5 km but that doesn’t matter anymore because the man of the moment Al lenko well podcast favorite of the eing podcast he has just overtaken estan Chavez and he’s racing towards the finish the kazak national champion looks like he might be on for a really good time here is it going to be a great time by the kazak national hero is he going to be quicker than Ben o Conor I don’t think he will be ooh it is a solid time he’s not going to be losing too much to some of his Rivals and can he can he get inside the top 10 provisionally he’s not going to be faster than yeah I think he’s going to be faster than Dan hooler but he’s not going to be faster than the ninth place so we have our new 10th Place finisher right now Alexis lenko not a bad time for him to stay inside the top 10 in terms of the DC so great ride by the kazak National time trial champion and yeah he will be very interested now to see what the other Riders can do and I will definitely be interested where he finishes by the time we get to the finish at the end here but great ride by him next Rider to come is I know Rubio oh this is not pretty not pretty he’s about 3 minutes and 17 seconds down already uh on this second intermediate time uh this second intermediate Sprint so this is not a great ride to say the least um yeah he’s not liking this time trial one bit but maybe he can gain back some time on this The Climb etc etc great to have over 320 people in the chat let us know who you think is going to win the stage is it gas or is out of the two big GC favorites of Garen Thomas and T gotcha who’s going to be taking time with the other one in the first time check it was Thomas who lost 8 seconds but we will wait and see so yeah what are we saying here Josh is saying it’s betting so for every dollar you bet whatever it’s minus 200 on okay I I think I get it now um makes more well makes a bit more sense yeah uh thank you Ricky as well for the kind donation and um great to have you back as well in the comments but right now 5.9 km is all that separates tatcha of course you can see on our screens that tricky is profile that they have in the last 3 km 3.2% is the is the gradient and uh yeah there’s something wrong with uh the graphics I think on screen because yeah I think it’s a bit behind but right now alter Brook’s coming up to the second time check uh 28th so 2 minutes and 43 seconds he’s going to be losing a bit of time to some of the other Riders gaining on the others but yeah not too bad of a Time loss for alter Brooks you have to say Ty Bacha doing his best to just keep the pressure on Garen Thomas there’s about a 46 second gap between the two of them I mean the Gap isn’t that big to say the least it’s not ginormous between the two GC favorites and he’s coming towards a Hil section now so tyraa in the malosa riding PR pretty and pink and yeah what can he do here eing out a bit more of an advantage I don’t think he’s going to be taking gas uh time here that’s for sure but I think we might see Ghana uh well I don’t think Ghana’s going to be too worried about uh tacha today he could have maybe we don’t know we’ll see we’ll see maybe he’ll absolutely negative split it today but uh as of the timings right now Ghana is not threatened by T Pacha or his teammate Garen Thomas uh K alter Brooks is 43 minutes into his race he’s got six kilometers still to go here on the climb where we think he would be the better it it suits his attributes a bit more but he is on TT bike so maybe it’s just not uh just not exactly in his Corner in his favor but Daniel Martinez remember him the third place finisher at the beginning of the stage he’s uh coming towards this first time check or no he’s coming towards the second time check 34 km into the stage and I think he’s suffering a bit now as well um is he going to stop the clock before z z is 14th right now on that second time check we will wait and see here we’ll wait and see uh Daniel Martinez is the new 14th Place finishing well provisionally the F 14th Place Rider on that second intermediate time check as he comes into the more Helia Terrain so a great performance from Daniel Martinez there and uh yeah Daniel Martinez doing Columbia PR doing Bor handcore PRI as well and that bid for a Podium position or a top five by the time we come to Rome is certainly still on the cards here but right now Martinez is just motoring up this climb big fan of Martinez myself and we’ll wait and see if he can potentially be challenging for a top 10 in today’s stage uh maybe this this uh more lumpy part of the time trol will do him good and uh could favor him completely but uh yeah thank you Ricky as well for the kind donation and yeah we’ll wait and see what happens later in this stage is it going to be tacha and Garen Thomas are they going to be tickling the top 10 I think maybe because of that lumpy part and yeah what are we saying Josh saying let’s go I slammed more money at 200 plus so that means for every dollar it’s plus oh okay that makes sense I get it now completely um do they give live standings that’s pretty good I didn’t expect that at all uh yeah Ghana looks like he’s gonna be taking it and Seth uh yeah luy you getting $300 it seems uh hopefully Ghana stays out of trouble and then we can all do something for the next one uh 7 km that’s all that’s left for Garen Thomas now Garen Thomas 4 kilometers away from that last final that we saw um he’s yeah coming towards the second time check as well he’s outside the time of maximam shakman he’s outside the time of aduard the next Rider he’s looking towards time of Luke plapp his former teammate outside of his time Max outside of valai Migel B he’s got three seconds to get to the line if he’s going to be inside the top 10 he is ninth fastest provisionally Garen Thomas ninth fastest right now so Garen Thomas is the ninth fastest Rider as we speak so um yeah are we going to see him having done a negative split um yeah we will wait and see if Ghana can reply well not Ghana if tyacha can reply to this Luke PL and Ghana looking on here so that quite a a funny little picture uh to see and uh we will wait and see here uh Juan Pedro Lopez racing towards the finishing line here desperately wanting to stop the clock for his GC aspirations and 3 minutes oh it’s going to be 4 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes just inside 4 minutes 33rd not a disaster quicker than Ethan Veron by 1 seconds it’s not a complete Disaster by Ethan L 33 Juan Pedro Lopez almost the same time as Yan her so not bad T Bacha doing his best to keep the pressure on um gar Thomas the next time check is going to be very interesting 7.5 km to go for the Malia rosaa and that is it for this stage it’s saying he’s got 10 well let’s see 34 km is where we see the time check and it will be a close battle between him and tacha potentially but has tacha just ignited the afterburners here is he going to be quicker than irman the time is ticking here he’s looking to be inside yeah he’s outside the time of Ghana for that second time or the second time check 47 seconds down on G was irman on this second time check can can he get inside that uh tyacha is he going to split the two uh I think he might I think we might see tyacha being sack fastest here oh that’s worrying for that is worrying for in your SC and de they might be winning this stage but they’re not going to be winning the battle here oh Tad batcha has just shown that he’s the second fastest now second fastest on that intermediate time check so that means he has taking more time out of Garen Thomas Panic stations for Garen Thomas and inos granders they might be winning the day they will probably not be winning the battle here good ride by TOA really measuring his effort how much has he got left in the tank that is the interesting part here we got Loreno foru coming up battling for being the leader of aana Kazakhstan he’s outside 3 minutes 3 minutes and 15 seconds 3 minutes and 20 seconds maybe yeah 20 seconds so the top 10 Italian Rider might be losing a bit of time of course in the recap race analysis will pick through all the GC movements as well so that’s another reason to subscribe to the second Dan extra Channel or check us out on Echelon uh check us out on Spotify um Tater very fast Rhythm here on the climb what can he do here riding with that met pink helmet uh maybe he can take a bit of time out of GH I don’t know but he’s certainly going to be taking a whole chunk out of Garen Thomas for sure but tyacha is he going to be able to do something here six kilometers to go that’s all that separates him and the Finishing Line oh come on taracha how much can you take out of the Welshman here an intriguing battle between the pair but I think it’s swinging towards that of t t t t garan Thomas doing his best but before them before we see them finishing we will see out to Brooks in the white jersey fourth place at the beginning of the stage still has a bit of time before he gets to the Finishing Line and then Daniel Martinez to say the least Josh saying I messed T and he that he needs this and said okay bud um but yeah we’ll wait and see here 2 km to go for outra Brooks he’s not going to be getting to the Finish Finish Line in one minute to beat out filipo ganos that’s safe but it is getting very tight now in that top 10 battle who’s going to be losing out a provisional top 10 right now there’s certainly a few names that are a bit worried about a potential top 10 that might be disappearing but what right now the GC battle is very close Luke plat is on course to be moving up 11 places in GC so that’s amazing to say the least uh Daniel Martinez still looks like he’s going to be defending that uh third place right now but the big movers are Antonio tiberi phip oana and Luke plat in the GC right now Rubio falling down five places provisional but we’ll go through all that in the recap race analysis in a bit on the second day extra Channel but right now uh there’s 4.5 kmers left for Garen Thomas uh Ty Bacha is just powering up this clim with all the fans um yeah screaming his name golden confetti being thrown up in the air we saw that with GH as well but yeah right now tacha has 5.3 km to go I’m not sure he’s going to be catching Garing Thomas they had three minutes between them show us the power data they show us the kilometers he’s doing 20 km but that doesn’t really mean anything show us the power data they don’t want to UAE cuz they it’ll be monster wats but these Riders are absolute incredible specimens I know Rubio coming towards the finish here one of the top 10 Riders who is going to be losing a lot of time here but he’s certainly going to be attacking tomorrow you would think and yeah more than 4 minutes potentially here to Ghana it’s just uh he’s going to be out on yeah 4 minutes and 3 seconds 4 minutes and 3 seconds 3 seconds behind uh Juan Pedro Lopez so these two Riders definitely need to go for it tomorrow they need to be aggressive but yeah we’ll wait and see what they do all right Daniel Martinez powering on here the Boran Rider incred inredible incredible ride here by him 1.9 km to go has a fair bit of a way to go before he stops the clock but um Martinez certainly interesting Rider to come out of Colombia um part being part of that golden generation to some extent having won the Criterium D Doan won a stage in the toural France and also fifth place finisher of the um the Jal but right now we’re seeing alter Brooks alter Brooks a great time here coming up towards the Finish remember we saw some of the Riders finishing outside for minutes but he’s got 400 m to go here the Bel young Belgian Rider with that atrocious helmet is he going to get inside uh it looks like he’s just going to be outside top 10 but if he’s top 20 that will be an imp impeccable imp pable ride by him given the what we were fearing at the beginning of the day he is not going to be the best this Melissa bike rider is he going to be inside the time of Roman bade who similarly did a quite a good ride here as well he’s powering towards the Finish he’s just going to be outside the time of Roman bade and just a few seconds better than the time of will B so a great ride there byan alab Brooks we only have three Riders to finish now three Riders is all that’s left of today’s stage great ride there by Alter Brooks I think he will have defended a top five position to say the least but I’m not sure he’s taking the white jersey I think the white jersey has now gone to Luke PL so he has won lost the white jersey but I would say that outter Brooks is a better climber than Luke PL but that white jersey is going to be an interesting battle it’s going to really come down to the wire between him tiry as well who puts his name back in it 3.3 km left for tacha that is all and then he will be in that final 3 kilometers that you see on on the graphic in front of you so yeah perua the setting for this great uh battle between the titans of the sport and tomorrow of course uh I hope you all will be back because we got pranto Deo what a climb that is a lot of history associated with that climb and T pach would love to get another Victory up there as well but filipo Ghana it looks like he is going to be taking the stage win so uh yeah that is very good by inos granders getting another stage win to add to their account for this year yeah what more can we say then Shao Shao Shao um who’s going to win the stage that is the big question for tomorrow’s stage not today’s stage anymore Daniel Martinez the Bor SC darling the new boy for the team coming towards the Finish Line he is going to be well inside the top 10 here quick and then mle be out what a ride by the Colombian Rider that is a ride and a half by by uh Daniel Martinez Seventh Place 1 minute and 32 seconds defending anything against um plenty of riders there wow wow wow that was good riding by Danny Martinez good riding by him we said he could potentially get inside top 10 and even Ghana thinks it’s a good time as well former teammate of course but yeah Pacha what has he got left in the tank here he’s got four minutes to get to the Finishing Line if he’s going to take it from uh from Ghana 2 km this is get he’s motoring up it he’s doing his best ramping up the Watts why are we not seeing the Watts we all want to see the Watts right now this is when we want to see the Watts from these great Riders what a terrific performance by T gacha he wants to keep hold of that Mara Rosa can he keep it all the way to Rome that is a wider question but it looks he’s like he’s in poor position here 1.8 Kil slowing up a bit is GH worried is Ghana worried about the flying uh the slow yeah he’s saying Slow Down slow down is he worried I don’t know I don’t it will be a very uh fascinating battle going on all the way to the finishing line now he’s got three minutes to get there three minutes less than three minutes now 1.6 km that’s a mile for anyone across the pond a mile left 1.6 km gar Thomas hasn’t even seen the Finish now as well where is gar Thomas garine T is coming from behind you need to hurry up you had a thre minute Gap to him so he can’t finish within you or overtake you cuz that is going to be detrimental for your GC right now Garen Thomas is looking towards the Finishing Line he’s going to be outside the time of his teammate of Ghana outside the town ofan adman and I think garan Thomas is going to be losing quite a bucket load now on G on tacha is G tacha going to be coming flying behind him we will wait and see it is very close as Salvador saying as well between Ghana and Pacha who is going to do this that is the big question is it going to be GH is it going to be T of gcha but Thomas is outside top five it see is he going to be inside the time inside the time of Luke PL it looks like that is the next Benchmark he’s trying to aim for but I think PL has gotten the better of his former teammate and yeah now Garen Thomas sets his sight on a potential seventh place on the stage no he’s going to be slower than Danny Martinez oh is he going to be slower then Migel oh this is not good sighting for inos granders he’s outside the time of Migel so o 1 minute 43 1 minute 43 and garan Thomas is in a bit of a bother here that is not what we expecting from him but tacha racing up towards the Finish we want to see the time what is the time one minute to go for tatcha to get to the Finishing Line This is worrying stuff now is tacha going to be able to do Ghana one over here 50 seconds to get inside the last time 400 m to go

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