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    [Music] question one what hazard should you be especially aware of if you’re turning left into a side road B pedestrians make sure that you’ve reduced your speed and are in the correct gear for the turn look into the road before you turn and always give way to any pedestrians who are crossing if you want to pass dvsa Theory test in the first time you can download ouros app app contains 2500 DVS s questions 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even 98 8.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by dvsa Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time let’s get back to the video question two you’re on a long Motorway Journey what should you do if you start to feel sleepy D leave the motorway and stop in a safe place if you feel sleepy you should leave the motorway at a service area or at the next exit and stop in a safe place to rest a supply of fresh air can help to keep you alert before you reach the exit but it isn’t a substitute for stopping and resting question three you’re on a Motorway what must you do if there’s a Red Cross showing above every lane D stop and wait a Red Cross signal above all Lanes means you must stop and wait don’t change lanes and don’t try to continue any further along the motorway question four you’re on a Motorway what should you do if there’s a Red Cross showing on the signs above your lane only B don’t continue in that LAN a Red Cross above your lane shows that your lane is close you should move into another Lane as soon as you can do so safely question five when may you stop on a Motorway D in an emergency or breakdown you shouldn’t normally stop on a Motorway but there may be occasions when you need to do so if your vehicle breaks down or there’s an emergency stop on the hard shoulder and use the emergency telephones to call for assistance question six what does a sign with a brown background show a tourist directions signs with a brown background give directions to places of interest they’re often seen on a Motorway directing you along the easiest route to the attraction question seven why should you test your brakes after this hazard B your brakes will be wet a Ford is a crossing over a stream that’s shallow enough to drive or ride through after you’ve gone through a Ford or deep puddle your brakes will be wet and they won’t work as well as usual to dry them out apply a light brake pressure while moving slowly don’t travel at normal speeds until you’re sure your brakes are working properly again question eight what should you do if your mobile phone rings while you’re driving or riding see leave it until you have stopped in a safe place it’s illegal to use a handheld mobile or similar device when driving or riding except in a genuine emergency the safest option is to switch off your mobile phone before you set off and use a message service if you’ve forgotten to switch your phone off and it rings you should leave it when you’ve stopped in a safe place you can see who called and return the call if necessary question nine you’re on a three-lane Motorway how should you overtake a slow moving Lori in the Middle Lane if it’s showing this sign D approach with care and overtake on the left of the Lorry this sign is found on slow moving or stationary Works Vehicles if you wish to overtake it do so on the left as indicate be aware that there might be people working in the O question 10 what will help you to keep your car secure B registering with a vehicle watch scheme the vehicle watch scheme helps to reduce the risk of your car being stolen by displaying high visibility vehicle watch stickers in your car you’re inviting the police to stop your vehicle if it’s seen in use between midnight and 500 a.m. question 11 a collision has just happen an injured person is lying in a busy Roa what’s the first thing you should do B worn other traffic the most immediate danger is further collisions and fire you could warn other traffic by switching on Hazard warning lights displaying an advanced warning triangle or sign but not on a Motorway or by any other means that doesn’t put you or others at risk question 12 why is it bad technique to Coast when you’re driving downhill D the vehicle will gain speed more quickly coasting is when you allow the vehicle to free whee in neutral or with the clutch pedal depress when traveling downhill this will cause the vehicle to gain speed more quickly as you lose the benefits of engine break it may even lead to a loss of control you shouldn’t Coast especially when approaching hazards such as Junctions or bends and when traveling downhill question 13 which lights should you use when you’re driving in a tunnel see did dipped headlights before entering a tunnel you should switch on your dipped headlights as this will allow you to see and be seen in many tunnels it’s a legal requirement don’t wear sunglasses while you’re driving in a tunnel question 14 what does the solid white line at the side of the road indicate B edge of the carriageway The Continuous white line shows the edge of the carriageway it can be especially useful when visibility is restricted such as at night or in bad weather it’s discontinued in some places for example at Junctions layb entrances or other openings question 15 what does this sign mean b no parking on the days and times shown ab and clearways are provided to keep traffic flowing at busy times you may stop only briefly to to set down or pick up passengers times of operation will vary from place to place so always check the signs question 16 why is it more difficult to overtake a large vehicle than a car a it will take longer to overtake a large vehicle depending on relative speed it will usually take you longer to pass a lorry than other vehicles hazards to watch for include oncoming traffic Junctions ahead bends or dips that could restrict your view and signs or Road markings that prohibit overtaking make sure you can see that it’s safe to complete the maneuver before you start to overtake question 17 what does this traffic sign mean b give priority to oncoming traffic priority signs are normally shown where the road is narrow and there isn’t enough room for two vehicles to pass examples are narrow Bridges Road works and where there’s a withr restriction make sure you know who is priority Don’t force your way through show courtesy and consideration to other Road users question 18 what does this sign mean c cycle route ahead where there’s a cycle route ahead a sign will show a bicycle in a red warning triangle watch out for children on bicycles and cyclists rejoining the main road question 19 what does this sign mean B contraflow bus lane there will also be markings on the road surface to indicate the bus lane you mustn’t use this Lane for parking or overtaking question 20 what should you do if you think the driver of the vehicle in front has forgotten to cancel their right indicator D stay behind and don’t overtake be cautious and don’t attempt to overtake the driver may be unsure of the location of a junction and may turn suddenly question 21 you’re on a Motorway when can you use Hazard warning lights B when you slow down quickly because of danger ahead briefly using your hazard warning lights will warn the traffic behind you that there’s a hazard or here turn them off again when following drivers have seen and responded to your signal question 22 you’re driving on a sing single carriageway IA why should you keep well back while you’re following a large vehicle B to get the best view of the road ahead when following a large vehicle keep well back if you’re too close you won’t be able to see the road ahead and the drive of the long vehicle might not be able to see you in their mirrors question 23 which is the cap for the radiator d d make sure you don’t remove this cap if the engine is hot otherwise you could spray yourself with boiling liquid question 24 what will the speed limit usually be where you can see street lights but no speed limit signs a 30 m per hour the presence of street lights generally indicates that there’s a 30 m hour speed limit unless signs tell you otherwise question 25 how should you react to inexperienced drivers B be patient and prepare for them to react more slowly Learners might not have confidence when they first start to drive allow them plenty of room and don’t react adversely to their hesitation we all learn from experience but new drivers will have had less practice in dealing with all the situations that might occur question 26 who may use two cam Crossings D cyclists and pedestrians there are some Crossings where cycle routes lead cyclists to cross at the same place as pedestrians always look out for cyclists as they’re likely to be approaching faster than pedestrians question 27 which sign means that there may be people walking along the Road D D always check the road signs triangular signs are warning signs they inform you about hazards ahead and help you to anticipate any problems there are a number of different signs showing pedestrians learn the meaning of each one question 28 which sign means no stopping b b stopping where this clearway restriction applies is likely to cause congestion allow the traffic to flow by obeying the signs question 29 you’re traveling along a single track Roa there’s a passing place on your right what should you do if you see a vehicle coming towards you D wait opposite the passing place when you meet oncoming vehicles on a single Track Road you should allow them to pass you should pull into a passing place on your left or wait opposite a passing place on your right do not move onto the Verge as there may be hidden hazards question 30 when may you drive a car in this bus lane a outside its hours of operation some bus lanes operate only during peak hours and other vehicles may use them outside these hours make sure you check the sign for the hours of operation before driving in a bus lane question 31 you arrive at the scene of a motorcycle crash no other the vehicle is involved the rider is unconscious and lying in the middle of the ra what’s the first thing you should do at the scene B warn other traffic the motorcyclist is in an extremely vulnerable position exposed to further Danger from traffy approaching vehicle need advanced warning in order to slow down and safely take avoiding action or stop don’t put yourself or anyone else at risk use the hazard warning lights on your vehicle to alert other Road users to the danger question 32 when are you allowed to use Hazard warning lights a when stopped and temporarily obstructing traffic you mustn’t use Hazard warning lights while moving except to warn traffic behind when you slow suddenly on a Motorway or unrestricted dual carriageway never use Hazard warning lights to excuse dangerous or illegal parking question 33 you see these double White Lines along the center of the ra when may you park on the left see to pick up or set down passengers you mustn’t park or stop on a road marked with double White Lines even where one of the lines is broken except to pick up or set down passengers question 34 the conditions are good and dry when should you use the 2C rule B when checking your Gap from the vehicle in front in good conditions the 2C rule can be used to check the distance between your vehicle and the one in front this technique works on roads carrying faster traffy choose a fixed object such as a bridge sign or tree when the vehicle ahead passes this object say to yourself only a fool breaks the 2C rule if you reach the object before you finish saying this you’re too close question 35 what’s likely to happen if you use a hands-free phone while you’re driving D it will divert your attention talking to someone while you’re driving can distract you and unlike when someone is in the car with you the person on the other end of a mobile phone is unable to see the traffic situations you’re dealing with they won’t stop speaking to you even if you’re approaching a hazardous situation you need to concentrate on your driving at all times question 36 what part of the card does the law require you to keep in good condition D the seat belts unless exempt you and your passengers must wear a seat belt or suitable child restraint the seat belts in your car must be in good condition and working properly they’ll be checked during its mot test question 37 when should you flash your headlights at other Road users D when letting them know that you’re there you should only flash your headlights to warn others of your presence don’t use them to greet others show impatience or give priority to other Road users because they could misunderstand your signal question 38 when would you increase the pressure in your tires so that it’s above the normal value D when carrying a heavy load check the vehicle handbook this should give you guidance on the correct tire pressures for your vehicle and when you may need to adjust them if you’re carrying a heavy load you may need to adjust the headlights as well most cars have a switch on the dashboard to do this question 39 what does this sign mean d water across the road this sign is found where a shallow stream crosses the ra heavy rainfall could increase the flow of water if the water looks too deep or the stream has spread over a large distance stop and find another route question 40 why do motorcyclists wear bright clothing D to make them more visible motorcycles and scooters are generally smaller than other vehicles and can be difficult to see wearing bright clothing makes it easier for other Road users to see a motorcyclist approaching especially at Junctions question 41 what should you do when you see this sign as you travel along a Motorway a leave the motorway at the next exit you’ll see this sign if the motorway is closed to here pull into the left hand lane as soon as it’s safe to do so don’t wait until the last moment before you move across because the lane may be busy and you’ll have to rely on another driver making room for you question 42 you’re driving in traffic at the speed limit for the Raa what should you do if the driver behind is trying to overtake C keep a steady course and allow the driver behind to overtake keep a steady course to give the driver be find an opportunity to overtake safely if necessary slow down reacting incorrectly to another driver’s impatience can lead to Danger question 43 how should you rejoin the motorway after a breakdown on the hard shoulder a build up speed on the hard shoulder before looking for a safe Gap in the traffic to rejoin a Motorway from the hard shoulder you first need to build up speed on the hard shoulder you can then look for a safe Gap in the traffic in the left hand lane watch for traffic that may be returning from a lane on the right into the left hand lane question 44 you have to make an Unexpected Journey you’re carrying a 5-year-old child on the back seat of your car they’re under 1.35 M for feet 5 in tall how should you seat them if a correct child restraint isn’t available B using an adult seat belt in journeys of unexpected necessity and when a correct child restraint isn’t available the child must sit on the rear seat and use an adult seat belt in a collision unrestrained objects and people can cause serious injury or even death question 45 you’re waiting to turn right out of a minor ra is clear to the left but a Lori is coming from the right why should you wait even even if you have enough time to turn a anything overtaking the Lori will be hidden from view large Vehicles can hide other vehicles that are overtaking especially motorcycles you need to be aware of the possibility of hidden vehicles and not assume that it’s safe to turn question 46 what should you check before you start a journey in foggy weather see the windows and lights are clean and clear if you have to drive in fog switch your depth headlight lights on and keep all your windows clear you should always be able to pull up within the distance you can see ahead question 47 why does this Junction have a stop sign and a stop line on the road C visibility along the major road is restricted where emerging traffic has a very restricted view of the main road you may find a stop sign and a solid white stop line you must stop at the line and then check carefully before you emerge question 48 why is it particularly important to check your vehicle before making a long Motorway Journey D continuous high speeds increase the risk of your vehicle breaking down before you start your journey make sure that your vehicle can cope with the demands of high-speed driving you should check a number of things the main ones being fuel oil water and tires you also need to plan rest stops if you’re making a long jour Journey question 49 open the Bonnet identify where you would check the engine or level and tell me how you would check that the engine has sufficient oil B find the dipstick and pull it out I did nearly the engine should be call open the Bonnet find the dipstick and pull it out wipe the dipstick off and put it back in pull it out and read the level it should be between minute and maximum if it’s less than minute put some oil in it and retest after a minute to make sure it settled don’t overfill it question 50 what does this sign mean see minimum speed 30 mph this sign is shown where slow moving Vehicles would impede the flow of traffic for example in tunnels however if you need to slow down or even stop to avoid an incident or potential Collision you should do so if you want to pass DV VSA Theory test in first time you can download our eo’s app app contains 2500 dvsa test questions 250 Hazard perception videos 630 traffic road signs and 300 Highway code rules even 98.50% people pass their test first time after using our app you can find Link in the description download app for free from App Store which contains latest 2024 material licensed by D VSA Authority get 3 days free trial for a limited time


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