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    [Music] uh M Jesus blood of [Music] Jesus wake up wake up wake up wake up let’s pray hone what is what what what what is it I had a revelation we have to pray and cancel it wake up get up oh get up get up not another one please hone get up get up get up I’m to over for this now that’s the main reason why you have to pray and be strong in the spirit I had a revelation we have to pray and cancel that Revelation come on first it was it it was a bad dream now it’s a revelation it’s normal for people to have nightmares now eh please we go get up let’s pray now please we have to pray now we have to pray and cancel the Revelation please okay okay okay okay let’s pray let the spirit of the Lord come down Amen Let the spirit of the Lord come in Jesus name let the spirit of the Lord From Heaven come down let the spirit of the Lord come down Amen Let the spirit of the Lord our very good Lord will send his angels to guide and protect you amen you are covered with the blood of Jesus Amen m amen Jesus amen honey I’ve got to go I know but let just say word of prayer before you go now that’s what we be doing all night long okay you know what we’ll continue when I come back let just all theong we say would have prayed when I come back see you okay all right don’t [Music] well [Music] [Music] [Laughter] he [Laughter] [Music] [Music] oh Mommy good morning good morning to you hey what are you doing here at this time of the day I went to vigil nearby so I thought I should use the opportunity to visit you VI uhhuh anyway make yourself comfortable I’m going back to sleep going back to sleep mhm I thought you should be getting ready for work by now still too really I was thinking we will pray together before going me we will do that prayer later please H peace be onto this house though [Music] as I cover this place with the blood of Jesus I cover the arena with the blood of Jesus I sanctify the blood of Jesus all over this house in the rooms every rook and corner I cover with the blood of are you leaving already yes yes yes hold on let me just anoint you no no no no my Prophet discussed something with me he told me something I would like to discuss it with you when I get back we’ll discuss it you’re not leaving right now are you no not at all good I have 7 Days program here on the island so I intend to stay here for that 7 Days program great I’ll see when I don’t clean it I cover you with the blood of Jesus I cover your environment with the blood of Jesus as you’re going out I cover everything concerning you with the blood of Jesus Amen I cover the road for you with the blood of Jesus you’re going you will be coming back in Jesus name thank you MH you will be going come in the name of Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Father father I say thank you I give you glory I thank you for my son as I cover him with the blood of Jesus wherever he is his environment his office on the road I cover him with the blood of Jesus I cover his environment with the blood of Jesus I cover every activity send your angels to go and be with him oh yes Jared yes Mother Prophet David told me something mhm he he saw a vision he said he saw death moving around you that we have to pray hard dear old mother you see this your spirituality I understand it I respect it but please don’t bring it close to me I don’t believe believe in your Prophet what do you mean Prophet David is a very strong man of God are you saying you don’t believe in God I believe in God just your Prophet I don’t believe him okay I just need you to join me and do this prayer 3day midnight prayer I need you to join me B I can pray on my own it’s not a matter of you praying on your own we have to pray together together we have to do it I don’t joke with prophecy you see when it has to do with prophecy I don’t do with it huh hey baby baby you sound tired there a matter [ __ ] I am Mom dragged me to to some prayers all through the night Mommy Mommy woman of God and the son of a woman of God the most annoying part is that I miss you so much baby stop you know I can’t leave the camp yeah I understand understand sir the pitch team is ready for you we’ll talk later bab sure baby I love you by Jo [Music] them let the spirit of the Lord come down Amen Let the spirit of the Lord come in Jesus name let the spirit of the Lord From Heaven AB let the spirit of the Lord come down welcome Pastor that’s him oh the Lord is good all the time thank you Jesus thank you Lord uh please can we SE because the Lord has answered our prayer amen I’m fine I’m fine I’m fine yeah the Lord can speak to us while we are standing okay now that uh our worries has come to an end we pray to God he listen to us and he answered our prayers thank you Lord uh he needs the presence of a woman in his life says in proverb 31:12 for she brings him good good and not H all the days of her life amen good cuz I already have a woman in my life what he means is for you to get married yes as soon as possible because the crown of Grace a wife possesses can never be undermined any man’s life it is that crown that will lift the Hand of Death that the devil has place on his head Jesus yes thank you Lord thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Lord thank you Lord mommy what do you want I’m not getting married not anytime soon do we get married oh you will get married didn’t you hear what the pastor said huh he’s talking GI mommy you know this and you’re doing this so I can get married that’s why you’re doing this oh you think at my age I will go to this length just for you to get married I don’t know I don’t know why are you doing like this H What Am I Living For no tell me I lost my husband if I lose you I might as well die mom you always doing this just emotional what you are doing H that’s what you think all I’ve ever cared about is my family you are all I have please ger don’t let this Widow be childless please okay you know my mom I would think about it how about that give me time I’ll think about it is that time that we don’t have please let’s go to the city room and do this prayer please ger please please let’s go please Mommy please I’m please please please let’s go be cool please thank you sir the agent man called Sir what did you say I said the agent called but I’ve sorted out things with him okay thank you sir I think you need a break I noticed you’ve been stressed out lately what are you doing so just relax human company works best in this situation okay cheer out baby baby baby can you see what you’ve cost I’m sorry sir you’re sorry I’m just trying to help help bab J I wanted to find out are you still on call that’s all I wanted to find out if there’s any progress in our discussion I hope there’s no problem mom please please please please not now okay my life is upside down this week has been the worst week of my life don’t need any drama hey ger I’m not asking for too much I’m not asking for too much ever which way you going to get married I just wanted you to push it forward so that we can defeat the Devil no problem I’ll ask blon to marry no no no no no no no my spirit does not go with that girl we both know that this is not about your spirituality we both know that you don’t like that youve never liked her ever since she moved in with me in school is she the first person to move with her boyfriend is she the first person it’s old fashioned so where was her parents for her to live with you that’s so irresponsible and Unholy H okay this you want me to get married right yes H what’s the best way to do it than to marry the person that I’ve LED for 5 years H that way we defeat this devil that you’re talking about think about it Mom think I don’t have to think about it I will pray about it okay then pray first about it do anything you want to do go to the mountain do anything just leave me I’m sure your God will say yes hey bro what’s up now look I think I’m just going to do this thing that M has been me about it’s about time I mean I would make up a blossom and then I’ll satisfy her need I’m sure Blom be happy but what are you saying me that I’m already on my way to her place I’m going to give her a ring I’m on my way there don’t know man look every time your mom hasn’t liked somebody they end up stabbing us at the back yeah right like you don’t know that she doesn’t like you being with Shadow but do that St for me friends with him exactly we’re talking about the person you spending the rest of your life with here I don’t see see myself with any other person other than Blossom man I love that girl too much like say you better pass them Shake sh fine boy you show me the closest hotel around here hey just a few streets across just take your left then the second left then another left the first one so first left second left then the first left I’m going to beg you for something please can you take me there okay can you just can you just concentrate it’s okay um just watch out for the gutter please watch out for the gutter are you okay what what is wrong what is wrong so watch the car please just just be drive just be going just be going let’s be going let’s be going so sorry I’m so sorry it’s okay s go s do be inside please just just be going straight please let’s just be going straight please um straight straight it’s okay it’s okay we’ll take we’ll take the left take just the left please watch out for the go [Music] pleas [Music] [Music] hiy he hey you’re weak yeah yeah you stayed yes I did I I didn’t think that you were in a good condition to be left alone but it’s okay if you want me to leave I can I can leave no it’s 3:00 a.m. you can’t stay just out there you can’t go out this you can go in the morning when it’s bright I’m not afraid of the streets I walk at night I was on the clock when we actually met oh I’m so sorry um yeah what do you do for a living where do you work I provide company and I take care of personal needs for a living I don’t understand I’m an escort prostitute whichever name you prefer to call me how why you speak so well you sound educated I got an education so you you didn’t finish or you’re done with school or I didn’t finish okay um why you know what let me not pray um who what was wrong with you why were you so distressed earlier sorry I don’t want to PO nose I would just I’ll just go I got I got some very devastating news something I can never can never recover from him I’m so broken um I’m sorry to hear that I’m so sorry but you know that the thing that can break us is what we allow to break us you want you to understand this this is my life this is my [Music] all sorry [Music] my I can’t come back from this one I can’t I can’t I can’t come back from this world sorry okayness Lord let your angels take absolute control Let The Angels Take absolute control wherever my son is right now get e why is he not picking his call let your angels take control wherever my son is I cover him with the blood of Jesus let your angels babe wait to you mean you don’t make any money yesterday I don’t tell you now I don’t explain all these things give you say I just leave the guy for de been this sad I conscience i i i this who they call you this look get a woman of God pick they call your number so you finally remember where you dropped your phone why do you choose to worry me where have you been all night hello who is this uh this is Gerald’s friend he forgot his phone with me yesterday the contact saved on this phone the name saved here is saved as woman of God huh so please who is this I’m his mother what’s your name my name is Jennifer hey where have you been I called your phone someone else pied I’m talking to you where have you been you kept me worried I have been praying I even have to call the prophet where have you been I killed someone Jesus [Music] Jesus Lord touch his heart Lord touch his heart Lord Holy Spirit take control holy spirit take control of him take control of him take contr of him at this time Holy Spirit take control of him Jesus name I pray amen you want go where you know to go meet who you know if she w’t collect the phone now make she woman I disrespected us you know where we come from you know say you like the guy use this opportunity not disrespect I go bite you I go put your wig you do makeup they go you do my they do your BR you don’t see everything you go see you your ground you just you say you’re Gerard’s friend um um I just came to return um his phone I never knew he had such a young beautiful friend like you how did you guys meet um we met in badagri um that was a few days ago I gave him directions can I return the phone now please oh your friend is here to return your phone what are you doing here I came to return the phone you left it at them thank you let me see your was nice meeting you Mom okay my you’re so kind take care [Applause] okay are you still awake some I like to talk to you I talked with the prophet and he reminded me of the orent need for you to get married mom my girlfriend of 5 years just died and I told you it was my fault can you let morning in peace I know but it’s been a month now the prophet said this is a matter of life and death I don’t want to lose you what will become of me I’m not going anywhere I thought you pray yes the prophet said the only way we can avert this death is for you to get married Gerard have I ever stared you wrong remember the last time you had issues with your W in school I saw it before it happened even your father’s death I saw it just pick any of your female friends and get married to her I don’t have any female friends what about um what about that girl that came here the other time she she’s beautiful and nice my spirit agrees with her oh uh Jennifer good she’s a m you see this your spirituality I don’t believe it anymore you don’t need to believe just do as I say time is running out I will do everything in my power to protect you son no I need to sleep okay look I’m totally not satisfied with this report so we can do better than this you know that right yes this is the last time we screw up like this okay I W I I won’t tolerate it just tell all the guys in ad me are you okay sir are you okay I’m fine just make sure that everybody are you okay are you okay thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus oh thank you Jesus where am I you’re in the hospital it’s Hospital yes you slum at the office and they brought you here thank you Jesus thank you Jesus slummed yes you slummed and they brought you here [Music] son the doctors have run different test they can’t find anything that is wrong with you son the devil is at work but we will defeat him we will defeat him I will not see my child’s grave I will not bury my son I will not bury my son in the name of Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you Jesus thank you yo bro I’m not going to lie I was afraid I was afraid man he reached my guy like we just L that explanation blood pressure perfect everything works well so what happened I don’t know but my mom says I’m running out of time who am I going to get married to there’s no woman in my life H guyos is big if you want a wife tomorrow I’m sure you can find someone yeah very funny so I’m just going to go into the street and say okay first woman I see come let’s get married what are you saying now it’s not that easy all the hungry girls on the streets that shouldn’t be a problem look guys we are talking about your life here if a contract sign I make you save yourself easy for you to say good evening good evening told you did you stop waiting up for me I I was I wasn’t feeling sleepy okay go to bed now please good night and so the cycle continues Jennifer did you go to my room I’m asking a question did you go to my room yeah sir I thought he needed cleaning so that’s the one place I told you not to go to I didn’t know I could good news did I not specifically tell you don’t to go to my room where are her pictures yeah there the pictures it’s in the Box by the Wardrobe good night [Music] [Applause] good morning good morning do you need help with that nope you’re fine thank you um I made breakfast you should eat before you leave I’m running it [Music] H baby girl husband reason this morning now so the b s I will I never do anything live my private life leave my private life live a private life okay no problem but wait wait wait wait I don’t understand though wait for 4 months this man never do anything girl you be a show man fo everywhere but you won’t tell me say this man never do anything to wait talk about no that man made my life better you made everything good so I always be grateful to him and I always be faithful to him gratitude what m sorry I startled you I’m just surprised it’s sit in bed at this time it’s un like you good morning good morning have a good day [Music] okay for are you okay um I’m sorry did I wake you no no no it’s okay I couldn’t sleep you too it’s the nightmares again no I don’t remember I know you’re having nightmares it’s not the first time I don’t know what you’re talking about it’s okay maybe this will help H what that’s [Music] something [Music] [Music] I keep telling you not you stop jumping in your own house St this is your house um I’m so sorry I’ll be done in a few minutes okay should I pack it should I pack it up for you you never listen I just don’t want to stay in this house and be useless like a table and not do anything what does that mean I’m just saying that I just stay in this house and I go to work I stay in the house I go to work I stay in the house and I go to work I don’t even get to talk to you at just let me cook for you you’re not a maid if I want they made I’ll will get one maybe I should get one you are my wife okay I’m not comfortable with you just waking up and trying to make me m all the time am I your wife I me [Applause] hey hey are you okay uh yeah is this something you like to talk about hm nothing the nightmares what nightmares I hear you every night I usually forget the next mornings you know you can talk to me about anything this is difficult for me to ask are you gay what you said we can talk about anything not have this conversation with you you are my husband I have the right to know and even if you are gay I promise not going to divorce you I’m not we not the typical marriage you know kind of you know Arrangement and all of that but we were two young adults living together with blood flowing through our veins how come you have not made any advance towards me unless you find me unattractive of course not do you have something you want to say to [Music] me where is the girl in the picture I she’s somewhere in the middle of all of this so you should go to bed now maybe I should a friend of mine will were visiting staying here for a few days coming in from the state okay is that okay with you it’s your house it’s your house too is that okay with you it’s your house people I like this story line don’t know why you like I beg the guil like rest kind for reality this kind sense happen now I don’t understand this just J happy I don’t miss this Jif how was man now it’s fine this where you not tell me make I avoid your private life rest rest rest talk to one of your friend they come here girlriend the M no you tell me say for your wedding only and I don’t blame you open my mou they tell everything you not tell me everything depression I you you your friend from don’t I mean he’s a private man hey a private man every time you get excuse for this your husband I be GR he is my husband husband husband for break head for I will defend him I will cross the river for him I will fight his but my dear be free me I say very soon I just change this F because the um I’m coming uh hi hi you must be Jennifer I’m JY um Gerald’s your husband’s friend oh oh come in come in oh thank you welcome she need help it’s okay so nice to finally meet you I mean you look way nicer in person thank you welcome um I I really have to start by apologizing um I’m so sorry I couldn’t make it for your wedding right thank you um I apologize I I have a seat after you thank you please make yourself comfortable thank you so much um um do you do you care for anything uh no I’m fine I’m fine thank you so um when does um Gerald get back from work um 6 6:30ish that’s like um a few hours from now no worries I mean we have enough time to have some fun together excuse me hey like get to know you better tell me where you from I’m E from Inu wow you know I heard evil girls for the preest so thank you so much for confirming that I’m sure you and I have a whole lot to gist about Gerald um I I I don’t uh I I have nothing to tell oh I do please sit a whole lot he was very very popular among the ladies but then he had this reluctance towards their advances why was he reluctant my man had this massive crush on this fresher Blossom really he never mentioned her what was it that was it serious give me a minute please okay the door Bossman who am I like to bread how you good bro then you said try you’re chilling [Music] sweet how’s it going up see you bling bling everywhere yeah what’s going on now how have you been told me your wife to this bro you never told me you talk too much nice nice nice nice nice one nice nice nice nice when did you get in uh not oh okay cool cool cool cool you good good make I enter I did here nice carry your back come upstairs now okay uh-uh what are you doing in my room that AC in that your guest house not working man me no way I’m sleeping there you had better make plans spend some days with your wife uh-uh uh-uh uh-uh you can’t dude what exactly is wrong with you what were you guys even talking about bro just getting to know her huh I mean you never told me your wife was way hotter in person person you sure didn’t know how to make good choices [ __ ] stop idolizing my wife what bro if not loyalty man you know now you know you’re such a woman Isaac I do pass you no me I don’t do anything the girls just like me obviously they still do yeah because the boy is hot well I would be loyal too if I were you I mean I’m sure she’s really good in the hey stop my bad no sex talk but then bro you really haven’t told me how you two met that’s because it’s a long story the story which you would tell me I have all the time not now tell you some other time okay guess uh who contacted me earlier who Shadow you still in touch with that guy guy is not not that bad now guy be coming down he not that bad uhhuh the guy that almost got you into jail he was trying to involve you in his drug D do you remember but that was a long time ago the guy has his good sides good sides what’s the good side that thing he trying to do then I blame myself for telling you look the guy is probably changed now probably Gerald what if I told you this guy owns his own business now H what does he do for a living sir what kind of business is it look the point is he offered to take me around town and I felt he would be a good idea if you tagged along ain’t tagging nowhere count me out fine I’ll just have all the fun by myself you you have lost your touch go to your wife’s room I’m really not comfortable with you in this place I H he ate my food yesterday now he complimented me his Vibes Vibes on Vibes pure on high he well he well even just yesterday and he fine my husband Rush go out I need to go home early oh he said he has some G for me so I hear you I foring that this place okay give me that thank you very much Gerald is a softy but he would never admit it so yeah there was this one time he actually wore a couple’s T-shirt with Blossom back in school and that was something he swore would never happen boy we made fall of him for days you know yes so um bloome where where where is she now he really didn’t tell you so what do you guys talk about nothing lome is dead oh my goodness he was really in love with her how when she died last year in a car crash and Gerald became a complete shadow of himself after her death oh but so how long did they date for about 5 years what yeah we went in University a fifth year freshest Rush as they call it and honestly we never knew Gerald would take her so serious I mean she turned him down twice and that somehow made him so obsessed with the idea of winning her over MH he did everything possible to win her and ended up falling for her instead the blesson was a very spoed heart to good kind of girl with SEC was course he really loved her he still does hey are you okay oh come on don’t cry I can’t stand a cry woman please don’t are you sure yeah so what do you guys really talk about um wees uh hey man I didn’t know you were around I am apparently he he Cel on me one oh see good evening hi how was work go all right are you okay yeah I’m fine I’m okay sure yeah just what’s wrong with her your wife didn’t tell you what’s wrong with her I mean what wish you think I would no you guys have been gting now you should be able to tell me you’re good yeah let me see come keep this thing Jennifer where you they go I they go house ah Jennifer I know say I me tell you say make you fine man but I not tell you say make you follow your husband friend I know understand I respect my husband I would never do anything like that better it’s just that it’s been a long time since I had someone to talk to that’s just it and he tells me things about my husband that my husband will not normally tell me so that’s it now your husband man heing die likeor but you look for person tell you something about okay no your open off my lights too I I leave on me see bro I promise I will give you the money just do this job for me and that’s it come on all right I have to go I’ll talk to you soon okay he hey got sh hey hey are you [Music] okay are you okay hey you’re [Music] back Jennifer Jennifer are you okay Jennifer please say something are you okay I’m I’m okay I’m okay um okay fine um I’ll be in the living room if you need something okay okay just take it easy [Music] no yeah [Music] yeah how you and this guy like youing anything for us easy easy easy easy easy you’re having a nightmare you’re having a nightmare it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay come here come here come here it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay what was I doing just just try to sleep okay TR to sleep just lay down lay down sleep lay down [Music] sleep for [Music] what’s going on here [Music] good morning hey Sleeping Beauty good morning huh it’s past 10 oh would you look at that it is past 10 please I’m looking for my phone I anyway here your friend called by the way but I told her you will not be coming to work today why didn’t you wake me up me wake you H other that’s from above Gerald specifically ask that you should not be disturbed Oh see now you’re not complaining again Sleeping Beauty um I’m sorry I just I can’t shake this feeling I I feel like I know you from somewhere sometimes I get that a lot I mean I do have that effect on [Music] people you’re going out already yep how do I look I mean you look like it sorry sorry so your friend what up sorry to bust your bubbles a be is not ready for that kind of commitment and who says I am you are a terrible person you are terrible have you ever heard a phrase bum Chow sorry what a exactly okay look how about you fix a bit with and bury myself I mean this looks like fantastic place I don’t think so I don’t think ger is going to like that very much it’s okay I’ll probably just um meet with her somewh else you know suddenly I create for company ever since I saw Gerald sneak out of your room this morning so we do have a deal no we no we don’t yes we do look you are our wife so you best be on my side we don’t have a deal whatever all right uh let me start heading out okay think about it I’m not thinking [Laughter] about oh you said that sorry um good evening I thought it was JY sorry to bust your bubble it’s me sorry we snooze your alarm in the morning my fault no it’s okay hope you Wen too Bor at home I mean I when we got married I used to stay at home for a weeks so you remember right yeah okay yeah uh about last night I know I know you don’t like to talk about your nightm I understand but then is it possible that you get help it’s becoming iness it’s coming a lot and before you judge me and say I don’t talk about my my ex blossom I’m just I’m just not ready yet and it’s a bit complicated it’s okay uh I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know I don’t know how to start I don’t know where to start from take your time and you don’t have to say it now no I want to I want to okay I want to say no [Music] okay I was raped and it didn’t when I told my auntie it didn’t just it didn’t go so well so that’s why I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t tell people I just I didn’t say I was 17 when it happened uh I went to buy fruit for her for my auntie that night very very late in the night she would always say make sure nobody hears about this make sure nobody hears about this why would she say that um because the kids who did it were rich kids from my area even my that if you were a daughter would she say the same no I’m not [Music] that um so um I kept the secret and I lived with the pain so that I could at least finish my schooling but it got to a point she would make M of me in reference to that incident so I I I had to run away from home I couldn’t do it then I had to fight for myself had to take care of my school in my school I should have stayed the right thing this woman emotionally abused you if you saw any of these guys would you recognize that oh I mean that not his friends but him I think I can recognize him I give him back I think I give him back I think Miss car I think so you did the right thing by leaving because I wouldn’t have met you if you didn’t not like I’m a better person than anything I mean I’m happy I met you even though I’m very cold maybe not too cold you not freezing just like you not cold you cold don’t worry not about to first breakfast on eat today okay have an amazing day you too thank you bar I mean what’s the deal between you and Gerald my brother that guy don’t like me at all you know they even want me make I visit their ass I just my L want trouble but but you know I do like you right you like me of course I literally borrow this car just to impress you I beg our broad guy try and stop her okay okay fine just so you know I’m aware that Jennifer and yourself do talk about me he they me uhuh which one be that I’m up come I needra that’s no problem now you can have mine let’s go all right for your money here hello hello hi um I forgot my key at home and J said that he’s not coming back anytime soon so I don’t know if I can come by and get yours if that’s okay by you yeah yeah sure you can okay but I don’t know your office address please send it to me J sometimes you they worry you know I don’t like this guy you know look I mean we’re just around your office and they asked after you so I thought we could just do a drink so just tell him oh he’s not around or something tell him anything how would you tell him I’m around fine I couldn’t but the guy is in the car waiting and a drink harm you now guy I’m just one drink now one drink and I’m out of there I mean it whatever you’re just to kill joy and we’re going somewh around not going anywhere f with you Geral You’ve Lost Your Touch I lost a touch did you ever have a touch let’s go a big Bram me with this guy I don’t like I’m at that restaurant close to the you know it now just no come now come come come do you want me to yeah another for some all right I’ll see [Applause] you Shadow hello M how are you it’s what are you saying it’s him what that night it’s it’s him I don’t understand what you say you sure I take why she pointing it’s you it’s you what’s that about I understand what you do to my wife what’s the mean what kind of question is that I haven’t seen her spoken to her before why would you be asking me well if I know you I don’t know her Shadow are you sure I don’t know her bro Shadow I’m going to talk two times St you what happen I saw his face I saw his face again I saw the scar that I gave him the mark on his face that night I saw his face Jesus Christ H he’s friends with Gerald and J and why why why like why is my P following me around Jennifer Jennifer why they cry you don’t do anything now this guy do you something make you know they cry you you don’t cry tired for this matter H you supposed was than one slap but no worry I happy see that give I’m still in face you come they cry don’t worry very soon everything will be okay come it’s okay don’t do they cry they [Music] C I’ve been calling you Jennifer look listen please please can we just talkop please please please come on sit please I I’m so sorry I didn’t I didn’t figure it out of time I I never would have asked you to come it’s okay it’s not your fault it’s fine I’m sorry what happened to your face oh I just say I got into a f fight with him with them you shouldn’t have bothered oh my goodness there are some battles that you leave for the almighty God to fight for you he’ll take care of you he will guide you he will take revenge for you you don’t mean to you sound like my mother something like what she would say I asked you to leave why he um was one of the boys from that night what I didn’t mean to bring your past back to you like this I’m sorry that night the the other day that we um met at badagri I was just coming back from Blossom’s family house she had come to my office you know and she didn’t tell me she was coming she just came and she found myself and my secretary very awkward position I just lost my dad I was devastated I was it’s not an excuse I’m not trying to make excuses but i’ be calling her I was calling her calling her and I went to a family house and then that’s when I realized she had died she got into an accident she was angry she got into an accident after she left my office she ran under a truck she died I killed her I just keep bringing back luck to everyone around me now see see see what I’m doing I’ve told you before I’m Happ you I met you you’re my blessing you’re my BL and I mean it you messed up okay but you should forgive yourself and I don’t want to say um um she would want you to be happy or she would want you to do anything I can’t I can’t speak for the dead can’t do that so I would just say be happy Gerald for yourself it’s 5 years it’s a long time I me to move on to you have you have so many years ah heard of you like you need to be happy Gerald for yourself life is too short to be unhappy all the time just okay my dear I saw the Just [Laughter] sh welcome even me sir hi oh good evening h how was work you look tired or not yes I am tired okay so yeah we’re having a sleepover just what we’re just uh um having a sleepover to to we’re having a sleepover just chilling and resting and talking and sitting and sh um can I talk to you you know what why do you keep taking yourself back to your past is that like you desired so much or what my past you heard what I said my my past make I don’t like you know what I’m talking about make they go no no no make I carry my back don’t worry no maybe it be just may how dare you I walk with a what is the difference in having a sleepover here for someone that cannot get over his dead girlfriend you’re telling me do not bring blossom into this don’t talk about about my friend like [Music] that AB bread of a [Music] Feather can’t believe it I’ve been wasting my time my life ah why they talk like this forg I stupid idot all the signs were there I was ignoring them why I made a mistake marrying a stranger right uh I tell you something E I don’t say that man like me you know they use eyes see me I not send them I know they see face but see that man tried for you in fact he tried for both of us okay make I ask you question if you be your husband now you go allow your wife to follow a show you be a again now you don’t come off for Street me you know that one your husband don’t know anything yes so so I they they calm down e everything go soft everything go palash no worry just the say my house calm down e Jennifer Jennifer Jennifer wait wait wait Jennifer I’m sorry okay I shouldn’t have said what I said I’m sorry this is crazy what are we like what are we even doing one minute you act like you don’t care how I come in when I go out you don’t care and one minute you want to control everything about my life what do you what do you want from me what do you really want from I want you I want you Jennifer I want you I’m competing with a dead person I don’t want to do this I don’t want I don’t want I don’t want to do this I don’t want any I know what I want I know what I want okay I know what I want it’s okay um just give us a thought give it a thought whatever you decide I’m going to respect it so just I know what I want give it time can you J think think just just think I know what I want I know what [Music] I forgive you I can’t look at you right now but I forgive you thank you Jennifer mom what are you doing here when did you come back I’ve been back since two weeks ago I’m just res you didn’t tell you have come yesterday have been falling head you covered okay what are we eting for okay Mom H son you wanted to talk to me yes please make it brief cuz I want to go and pray yeah um yeah I want I wanted to talk to you it’s about how I met Jennifer does that really matter now um so thing is so Jennifer Jennifer she she us to be she us to be prostitute but she has changed blood of Jesus blood of Jesus i c i c and bind Center what did you say you heard what I said now besides you remember that you said your spirit agreed with her you said God okay do you remember you said that now yes and I this one is hard though hey hey and I like this girl I like her too I like her too and and she’s a nice person besides we are married now so there’s nothing that can be done hey anyway the Bible says to he is human to forg for is divine if God can forgive her who am I what something can be done about it what can be done again Deliverance momy everything Deliverance deliveres she have Demons Inside her Deliverance when no she’ll be delivered Chief deliverer H don’t say that now call my wife prostitute now she’s your daughter in the to hey hey how’s the day good good evening yeah good evening um Jennifer yes I know I haven’t been a good person to you I know I’ve hurt you several times I haven’t treated you well and I’m sorry but I promise if you you will let me I’ll love you right I have no doubts anymore I’ve loved you from the start I was was just too scared to admit [Music] it but what I’m trying to say Jennifer I catch you easy what I’m trying to say is please marry me make an honest man out of me please uh but [Music] uh we already married I know I know but let’s get married for real now I want all of you pass your present our future please I love [Music] you yes can I get up now yes you guys is that okay just put it in there still so it’s like three LS [Music] [Music] yes okay where we going he maybe to my room why are we going to your room because I’m not allowed in your room always want to do [Music] this aren’t you cooking something I me it can burn because I burned for you but don’t bur on my can’t believe I’m in your room right now like in your arms on this bed m I’m seeing your tattoo for the first time you seen my tattoo for the first time yes I’ve never really looked at you I never looked at you I’ve always wanted you to come to my room I’ve always wanted to come to your room I guess I just I didn’t know how to tell you [Music] maybe I was scared you are cold I know sorry stealing with my own demons I love you I Hur see you


    1. I’m glad you enjoyed MARRIAGE OF INCONVENIENCE 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 Pls like, comment, subscribe if you haven’t (subscription is FREE) and share the link with your friends and family ❤❤❤

    2. African American 🇺🇸 from Atlanta watching and showing love. I’m obsessed with these films. These messages hit on a spiritual level to me. This is true film. Please keep these coming. And please come to the state and have a few pop up film screening. That would be amazing and fun.

    3. If you have not yet make Jesus Christ the Lord of your life. Today is the day of your salvation,this is your moment
      Just say the prayer of salvation below!!!

      “O Lord God, I believe with all my heart in Jesus
      Christ, Son of the living God. I believe He died for me and God raised Him from the dead. I believe He’s alive today.
      I confess with my mouth that Jesus Christ is the Lord of my life from this day.
      Through Him and in His Name, I have eternal life;  I’m born again.
      Thank you Lord, for saving my soul! I’m now a child of God. Hallelujah!”

      Congratulations! You are now a child of God

    4. Chioma has a Raunchy Sexy Voice at times, in this Movie, which I think is Sexy Kool.

      But even though this Movie is Touching,

      Heart Warming and Beautifully Made,

      it is One of the Saddest Nollywood Movie I’ve Watch.

      I mean, the Writer who Wrote this Movie Script, didn’t realize what a Gem of a Movie, he/she had Come up with

      and to Top it off, for the Writer of this Movie Script, he/she, Found Two Great Actors and a well Balanced Cast, to Make this Movie a Memorable Occasion to Watch.

      Very Nicely Done!

    5. Wow her name is chioma okafor. Beautiful. I can watch her movie over and over again, is like every movie she acts in she brings diffrent game to play. I wish her higher growth in her career. @omonioboli she is a huge investment

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