Sparkhill Birmingham UK
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    welcome to whole new video we up here in spark Hill we’re going to walk around Sparkill it’s on a Friday we’re going to see what’s going on around there busy yeah spark side yeah this is Sparkle I said this is Sparkle but let me know know all green that’s up the road so this block look nice RSX look matter in it but yeah people welcome back welcome back to our whole new video yeah we up here in Sparkle just below H green we’re going to see what’s going on down there yeah up that road go up to Mosley yes going to rain I’m trying to see if I do this video before it rain come down voice might sound funny I literally pull through to today but yeah that’s not right or nothing but yeah going cover up with Ed cuz it’s drwing down and it’s windy so I hope you’re hearing me clearly yeah yeah M on I was checking my mic CU see set on but yeah anybody recall living on sparkular side back in the days you leave a comment but this part this are Stratford Road is well you got Somali V ledge up Stratford Road and it comes down you got all green and stford Road got loads of different stford Road run through all of them but yeah it want to rain and then it don’t want to rain people are they going up on the sidewalk I think this sparkle yeah Sparkle Sparkle late night Pharmacy so we around Sparkill side walk up and down yeah spark Primary Care Center but sparkular one of the big busiest part on Stratford Road as well smaller Village and up more pretty Asian girl sub and everything road is busy busy for Friday yeah they go um worship Friday and see people buying grocery on Friday Friday always [Music] busy cool as I said everywhere sweets real Asian shop and different shop on yeah welcome to Sparkill people get your shoes your clothes your tiil tissue and your y banana and dumpling if I can find a shop on here that sell um a Jamaican product that I want to go got go all the way right the M man gone smell from a mile fruit and vegetable somebody else jewelry the jewelry and everything you got East and West over there you want to go east or you want to go west what’s that Afghan yor Afghan shop I remember seeing Afghan shop I know Afghan is here don’t get wrong but yeah sh Yak Afghan sh Yak the food out here so most of them look nice you know I ain’t trying them loads of fruit and vegetable out here for sale and there some okra Newber yeah got Newberry I want your mango girl how much mango this one for the old something yeah all right when I come back I’m doing a video down and come back all right you like single sing No I might right all right M look I a been on here in a while mango even though I’m not jamaic mang some of them sayell sweet still I should buy cuz I got to do this video before get some grocery before I got my little grand kids them come over BL probably have five of them out of eight yeah grand kids come over come chill with for the weekend but yeah load of fruits rain come down now [ __ ] I’m going to lock this off it’s busy on there oh I need to it’s busy busy busy yeah I’m going to walk all the way up there to the petrol station or the swimming boat we got petrol station on swim B I need to do this video before it start start raining down completely yeah need to or up and do this video but this spark look well busy full of shops everybody Pro [Music] yeah I got music playing I think they’re on Ramadan you know there over there we going to come back come back walk down there when we’re coming back yeah loads of fruit and vegetable what’s up you all right nice fruit and vegetable yes yeah suitcase and child green but yeah Spar Brook for you I I think that’s on the park I never been around there but I can recognize that’s a park over there but yeah up the r don’t try take me Burger boy where I seen that I seen that somewhere up by um C Bram C Bram Burger boy ah the part nice still big empty look clean from here can’t complain but Sparkle busy busy I’m going to walk up to the I think the swimming B up there CU you got other busy part up there in the next part it’s big you all right mango freaking how much I pay for mang Jamaica day two grand but some proper mango and this like 12 6 yeah I think the s b up there I’m going walk up there to it and then walk come back down on the next side cover old spark spark here the park over there so look nice they’re playing ball and stuff over there private university Birmingham what university WTS D I don’t know what that stand for but yeah oh thank you Lord these up yes look a it let me walk sure spark Hill it meant to rain today know what’s that over there Sparkill pool okay next fruit and veg I mean okay Sparkle Pool there’s the center that’s the old one in that’s the library Public Library yeah we going to go back you know we not going to walk all the way down there’s a couple more Shops going all the way up man just going up to spark Brook got spark Brook spark Hill yeah you got in this look at is this a Indian temple just when I heard name g t g all this Indian is that Indian temple look like a Indian temple still Guru naak guard guard wire but yeah that’s the next little part where some shops at Stratford house surgery uh I don’t think I should go up there I’ll go and walk and see see if I catch nothing but yeah spark Hill yeah that’s a little part up to that right about it’s load the shop around there man load just striving business yo the sun coming back out now Sun I come out back the rain stop everything stop no fruit on fridge still loads of shops you get everything you want R now it’s a busy on there I I don’t want to drive on this road it’s too busy let your dresses need a juice yeah loads of Shop people loads of business jewelry Indian jewelry Asian jewelry yeah there loads of business on there everybody trying to survive and there are in the local community that is selling what they each other need and want but they know best for themselves I want to watch that I can join our yeah Sparkle this this church I know where this go down St John’s Sparkle Church yeah at least a church still around there yeah still old this ground Shakespeare Street yeah so a church still around Spar Brook yeah nice beautiful all AR building yeah when we going to Gman sty look pretty yeah there some pretty girl on the side I think you gots and all of that h can’t believe that’s a Muslim woman on sidewalk can’t believe that’s one my mic don’t drop off yeah yeah people Sparkill for you how far am I walking on Sparkill I for got the spark all way come all the way down so I ain’t going to the stop light and then you got Spar Brook but you get the drift it’s 20 minutes since I back up my camera so if anything I got 20 minutes up I got to walk down and look further I’m going to walk a little further yeah sun coming back out nice and warm round Sparkle all the dresses elegant brand nice elegant dress I just need to cool jacket man fling Zoom yeah I need to close this so I feeling the coldness yes book I ain’t going to go don’t F try go across there I think we walk all the way down right just so fo cross yeah nice dress look at that nice but yes we going go back on the next side I see what’s going on people Community SP Brook cross this on the next side spark book so we going to Contin St spark the border line is just right there these borderline are crazy what’s that Israel FL palestin Israel palestin see there yeah it’s nice man dress come get them dress be on there need the juice that juice but M got M those are mang is a 10 lb there look on the other side going up I don’t know too much hisory SP I didn’t look up too much thist par all I know you can tell what community it is right now simple it’s a Muslim Community watermelon different watermelon those the fruit nothing right don’t nothing right now there’s a church holding strong the only British tradition around here [Music] yeah I think that lead down I forgot where that road lead down to I know it I drive down there but yes people the funny thing is I P teat I can’t eat [ __ ] want to get drink I need to go to a shop on centry road go get me some grocery where right yes mud days around here it’s Friday anyway this on this part but I show it on the other side BS and shops loads of shops the shop shop shop and people shopping people get on the life people looking contribution everybody get on with their life man yeah music playing I need Z my that swe come more ju aloe vera hello GAA hello GAA you’re going you didn’t see coming yeah just want that how much today Friday busy day ain’t it um y’all on fasting still fasting yeah yeah yeah 40 50 yeah yall on fasting still yeah okay when you break later later like 8:00 okay okay okay all right G good luck yeah have a good one all right bye-bye it’s Friday and fast must me greed aloe vera people I ain’t trying to do no ads to them but yeah yeah don’t spot BR I meant to do this video from long time so me just coming and doing it now but yes SP Brook this old spark Brook look knock par I’m not sure I by ass right now is that Indian temple is that Indian temple or Pakistan hu okay all right cheers man all right there indu Temple B Bosnia I don’t know what’s that British b a country BOS bries flag man I don’t know what flag is that the library the old library all building probably been here for years I don’t look clean though spark cult C there too and that’s the new Sparkle Pool looking good brand new building yeah over there looking nice free swimming if you don’t know to swiming around spark here and I think you got the park next door to it I need to try zip up this duct it a yeah we’re back we’re back we’re back still on Sparkill just let y’all see the buildings the scenery St John Church of England school okay still St John Church of [Music] England that must be the park yeah the grass look like it just cut you can see got football over there got the occasion with play football and everything but yeah people spark Hill not spark Brook and the Stratford Road nice tree that say Springfield shopping parade welcome to Springfield shopping parade okay that’s what they call it Springfield shopping parade and Sparkle that must be it over there on Tik Tock or something but yeah people let me know what you think about spark here in the comments yeah the area Burger boy they taking the pistol to the gang or the Gang company franchisees somewhere in the gang Burger Boys Burger boy that’s good taking the nick name you know Burger boy you know any want know the burger boy gang turn Burger selling burgers now they stop selling drugs and popping guns they’re selling burgers [Music] go that so special his w de people look like it right there walk off this road one I didn’t know this P things them all right all the fruits and vegetable across the road one pound hour parking that’s not bad H freeer everything Halal halal for lots of fruit and vegetable I think the M very them in Jamaica we got them in a Jamaica no fruits east and west Asian SP yeah Sun come back down that’s good no rain that’s Indian says Indian and Pakistani it makes it Somalian all different one man was wearing the punch some man was wearing the scars I ain’t lying that’s what I see for these pretty man theab Muslim Arab Muslim I’m going to cook up fresh here daily see a lot of business on here getting along doing what they got to do might survive at the end of the day these places think about they never have business on these places on the community it wouldn’t be none of these business cuz the government other people leave the area for they stop invest so they come and invest and open them up the look small shops FR and V everybody on the sidewalk and V that’s us hustling doing their thing I need to get cross here I need to get cross here but yes Sparkill people another Sparkill this really coming to an end now down the road then I got to go find that Shop YouTube camera yeah man what you saying what are you saying yeah good man what you want to say you want to say something about Spar Sparkle no no no yeah yeah this like Springfield it spark yeah Springfield ain’t it yeah yeah but the sparkle area what Springfield what the eara or Sparkle area which one well originally this is all sparkly up you go to the college arms that’s that’s all green yeah yeah behind the school here that’s Mosley yeah I know cuz I done up that up that road up there and up there that’s all green I’m telling you done up near to the KFC yeah yeah KFC that’s where I’m going next what’s the video about anyway just on video where we do around the a for show people cuz do you know that Birmingham get the worst rating on Google yeah exactly they say Birmingham the worst place and I’m showing them that Birmingham is a good area I live here for 20 that years I’ve been here born and bread born and Bre yeah and I’ve been reading on the paper spark is a nogo area this and that look if you go into an area you look for trouble you’re going to get trouble going get trouble you go around drinking smoking whatever you cause attention yeah yeah uh well you attract attention then you’re going to get in trouble but if you keep yourself look look everyone’s getting on with each other everybody get on everybody doing everyone’s everyone’s getting on with their thing there’s no trouble around here do you know what I mean I never hear no trouble around here from I been around here look even the bird piece so look how close G his nest yeah but no respect all right bless you thanks yeah’s King Fire King Fire King f i e yeah let me show you all right I just do video I even go jeric where my phone so King f i r e yeah damn where the I doing my phone don’t tell me I leave my phone that’s funny you know I ain’t never check for my phone from I come out the yard no so where’s your phone I must have left is in my car man I I park all the way though I walk all the way but King fire on YouTube King fire I do enough of Birmingham all over all different area you tell them yeah telling them Birmingham good everywhere cheaper than tesos yes all right all right BL where’s my phone oh damn I really realized I had my phone on me and I’m walking all this time so where do I do my phone then that’s [ __ ] up Sparkill spring spring Springfield yeah I’m rushing to get back to my car now cuz I need to say if my phone is in my car hope I lost it cu yo phone got P information on it bar shop I don’t know what people saying Ain nothing nothing around here a good Islam a bad carach Park View City my bad yeah spark I never heard nothing around there really like I said Asian community that’s puzzling me now I don’t know where I did my phone people I’m going to see hope it’s in my car I’m trying to remember my steps I don’t remember if I heard it in my car either I even come out with it I hope I got to go straight back to my yard man but yeah first choice this road lead up to MOS right there down the road is right near there that road lead up to Mosa right there on the border yo yes yes I back reard Urus but yeah yes Sparkle nice nice unique unique barrier Lamborghini look nice you know yes yes D Lamborghini Us in know the spark grook spark Hill Side yes people look at that place Mongol Hasam here is a restaurant nice restaurant I’ve been in the car something else and you got this I don’t even know what’s this over here I don’t know what is leading from or what it is in a Jamaica we call this goie but I think this yeah I forgot to call this water flow down can I get across need that fast cross like CR I go across the right way M get your [ __ ] s knock down the road trying to do a first one that’s done for Sparkle for people I say I hope my phone in my car like I said but yeah I catch up on that t girl up there yeah we going done this video like And subscribe comment share let me know what you think about spark Hill don’t follow the rumors yeah come visit for yourself h all right peace out


    1. Brings back many memories, I used to live opposite the swimming baths and worked there a few times. Sparkhill hasn't changed hardly at all in the last 50 years! The Bear pub is closed at the bottom of the hill and the Antelope at the top by St Johns church has also turned into another business and the swimming baths themselves have had a major face lift, I haven't been to the new design.

    2. Place is not very good its a shite hole we get abuse has contract workers they think we need to pick up there shite we only doing a job they think we there to clean there shite up

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