Don’t have nightmares, do sleep well” Crimewatch (formerly Crimewatch UK) is a British television programme produced by the BBC, that reconstructs major unsolved crimes in order to gain information from the public which may assist in solving the case.

    welcome to the program where we hope you’ll see some faces that you recognize some places that are familiar and who knows some cases that maybe you can thereby help to solve you can call us on this number about any crime from now until midnight the detectives here are drawn from police forces right across the country though you can speak to a BBC researcher if you prefer they’re waiting for your call the three serious crimes which reconstructed this month are an attempted armed robbery at a bank in Darby in which the assistant manager’s wife was kidnapped in South London 22-year-old photographer l Benson was murdered after spending the evening with friends at an office Christmas party and if you recognize a distinctive motorbike stolen in norford you may provide the vital clue to solving an armed raid on a jewelry shop in Northampton our first full reconstruction this month is of one of the most frightening crimes abduction and mercifully of course it’s most unusual but last November in fact on the last day of November Wednesday the 30th it happened to a family in darbishire the victim was Pauline guest whose husband Bob is an assistant manager at a bank in the alvaston district of Derby our story starts in the East Midlands some 2 months before the crime as preparations for the kidnapping were being set in train hello hello I’m interested in finding the gold Avenger adti this week pleased to have found a buyer The Avengers owner agreed to meet the call her next morning on her way to work hello don’t get out hello yeah looks all right to me I’ll give you the full amount really well that’s great uh actually there are one or two things I should tell you about that’s all right I only need it for one job oh okay a man of the same description made two other equally quick buys a motorbike from Huntington and a white van from Kings Winford none of the three vehicles turned up till 1 month later this is the stalker Flats estate in alvaston in Derby in mid November residents here remember seeing a Bedford van way to B that bu that same resident noticed the white van behind him as he was driving home a few days [Music] later as he pulled into the estate the van followed while he reversed he was curious to see who’d been parking the van here all that week and he clearly remembers that getting out of the passenger door was a woman followed by a man neither of them has since been traced 10 miles away in Ripley the gold Avenger was seen several times outside the home of the assistant bank manager the last day of November back in alvaston just off alvaston street is Green Lane it Narrows to a foot paath it’s less than a mile from the national Westminster Bank [Applause] radi the news at 8:00 on Wednesday the 30th of November good morning I’m off now love oh Lely see you about 6ish have a nice day bye [Music] bye Bob guest arrived for work 10 mil away at about 9:00 but milder with rain later I think that means wet good morning there you are Vivian you’re Scottish here’s one for you great can I help you I’m the plumber oh no we don’t need a plumber oh uh must not the wrong house I’ll check don’t SP this out they’re getting the ass Shut up please don’t hurt me I won’t I’m putting these on so you can’t see my face anymore I won’t hurt you down step down [Music] he drove the 10 miles back to Derby and the top of Green Lane where the motorbike was ready he parked at Grim Shore Avenue remember to say three men have got you and he’s got four minutes 14027 that’s hello hello paing you’ve got to do as I say You’ got to what is it what’s going on three men came to the house what you’ve got to put all the money from the bank into a bag into and put it in your car yeah and leave the engine running you got to do it in 4 minutes Bob because the police can get 6 minutes Paul please do it Pauline it’s my wife Pauline she’s she’s been kidnapped just stay here don’t move I’ve got a man with a gun at the top of the lane I’m going to get the money 201 here’s another one thank you 7 yes there were three men three the manager alerted the security department and the police but after 10 minutes the money still wasn’t ready the robber forced Pauline to call her husband once again please Bob please you’ve got to do do it now I don’t know what he’ll do the lame bastard is called a bloody Polie they have plenty of time to get the money there the bank is bloody set me up I off for the money now the police will be there your husband can’t care for you that much I about the money ready spirit at least yeah in 15 minutes the robber made off empty-handed hauling eventually struggled free Jeff Brewster although Mrs guest obviously didn’t get out of a chance to see him once he’ put those goggles on her she did get a glimpse off of him and so did other people who’d sold in vehicles that’s right yes the man we look for is described as being about 5’9 in tall a proportionate bill with Sandy colored hair okay now that video fit we’ve got to be a bit careful of because that of course was built up from several different people’s views of him that’s right tell us about the the car the Hillman Avenger he bought it legitimately that was some sort of the end of October uh then the crime took place the end of November it wasn’t discovered then for another month just before Christmas no it was discovered Christmas Eve the Avenger was abandoned in Stafford and the unusual thing about this humanman Avenger is that in the back window it has some stickers and one of the stickers is upside down right NBF 944 P nothing very distinctive about that number plate but did you see that car with the upside down sticker in the back window what about the white Bedford van yes we we know the Bedford van has been in the alvaston area of Derby and uh we have a positive sighting of it at the Stocker Flats area it’s definitely that van you think we’re pretty certain that that is the van okay of course if it’s not if you had had a white Bedford van parked around that time in November at the stalker Flats estate for heav say do do call Us registration number of that van is wwd 389x why would people remember that obviously not through the registration number the van at sometime had the motorcycle in the bike and also the driver’s door of that van was prone to jamming and the passengers and Driver all got out the same door the passenger door ah which is why we saw the woman get out the driver again you need to trace that woman we do yes she of course might be nothing to do with the cry which case it would do her well to get like to eliminate her yes okay fine now tell us why you want to find a door a household hardwood six panel door what Earth that got to do with this now we’ve recovered the door from the van and this has obviously been used as the ramp to get the motorcycle in and out of the van right now the thing about the door is that on one side it’s got a lot of cut marks as though it’s been used perhaps for cutting carpets or liner or something like that on okay so if anyone these recognizes that would they call us as a reward on this it’s a pretty unpleasant crime of course and the man had a firearm that’s right yes there’s a a reward of up to £10,000 good okay well if you want to help claim that reward or want to help solve this crime here’s the number 0181 805 that’s 0181 805 alternatively you can call your local incident room uh the local incident room 032 29100 that’s 032 the code for Derby 29100 now before we move on with tonight’s case cases a look back at the results of the crimes we reconstructed last month on the murder of Blackpool pensioner Harry Howell Police have a number of new leads to follow up both on Harry’s watch and on the man in the baker shop police investigating the murder of the mini cab driver whose taxi was found abandoned in folston on guy folks night also report a good response from crime watch viewers at least three new Witnesses have come forward and forensic experts have now managed to obtain the offender’s F fingerprints using new laser techniques so the investigation does seem to be making progress also last month we appealed for sightings of a husband and wife whom several police forces were anxious to question on the Friday evening after crime watch a viewer from aale in merys side thought she’d spotted them in Southport and she called the police a few minutes later the police approached a couple as they were eating dinner together in a restaurant a man has since been charged with two offenses of obtaining by deception a total of about £65,000 and that was one of last month’s photoc call cases now we have four more pictures of people police are hoping to interview in connection with crimes around the country here once again is superintendent David Hatcher in our first case tonight we’d like to speak to this man Brendan Madden until last April he was the manager of a residential home in Bedford he may have information about a series of frauds at the home staff and residents there were conned out of cash totaling over £12,000 Madden is 39 years old 5′ 10 in tall and slim call us now if you know where he is next we need your help to find a particularly violent robber on Monday the 23rd of January there was a robbery at a building Society on Commercial Road in London’s East End the robber on the left grabbed a customer and held him hostage at gunpoint while a cashier pushed money into a bag a demand note left behind in the building Society was written on Zenith Car Hire paper a man went into Zenith carire and took away a piece of paper half an hour before the robbery he may be able to provide us with useful information about the crime the robber is about 6’1 in tall slim and softly spoken if you’ve seen him please get in touch and do you recognize this man his name is David Kingsley Evans and he used to live near Goran in Swansea we think he might have information about a £200,000 insurance fraud between March and December 1986 several insurance companies received false proposals from a company called Bar West Finance Limited in Swansea that company is no longer trading but the £200,000 it received is still outstanding David Evans is 35 over 6′ tall with a pocked mark face and short brown hair if you’ve seen him we’d like to hear from you my colleagues in Burnley want to talk to this man about a series of deceptions carried out in Lancer and the surrounding region on four occasions a man has offered valuable gold chains for sale his victims handed over their money and later dis discovered that he’d slipped them worthless imitations since he first struck at a cafe in Burnley last October the conman has netted nearly £3,000 he’s pulled the same trick twice in West Yorkshire and in January this year at Hull on humberside the man we want to speak to is aged 35 to 50 5′ 10 in tall with numerous facial scars including a burn scar running from the corner of his mouth to the base of his neck he speaks with an Italian or Yugoslavian accent call us now if you know his whereabouts the number to call for any of those faces is 0181 805 that’s 0181 805 our next case is one you may have read about in the newspapers just before Christmas shortly after midnight on Monday the 19th of December 22-year-old photographer Lorraine Benson was murdered after spending the evening at a staff Christmas party in kapam in South London the tragedy is the greater because shortly before she was killed several witnesses saw or heard things that made them suspicious but they weren’t sure enough to call the police it’s a message to all of us if any of us sees or hears something that worries us always notify the police they really won’t think you’re wasting their time because there are so many Clues and sightings of Lorraine that night there’s a better than usual chance that crime watch viewers may be able to help identify the killer our reconstruction begins to the south of London in Cen where Lorraine had been working as a photographer just keep nice and still nice big smile for M come on the rain worked for a company called pastel portraits which specializes in taking family portraits in department stores over the Christmas period She was based at the Children’s World store in Cen have your mouth and smile right lovely hang on Lorraine had a special way with children she was good at her job and determined to do well beautiful when Lorraine left work at 5:30 that Monday evening she was carrying a carrier bag and a blue hold do with a change of clothes in it she probably went by train to clam Junction perhaps you saw her she’d been invited to a staff Christmas party at the arding and Hobs department store in kapam where she used to work she changed out of her work clothes somewhere on route but the blue hold doll has so far not been found line was due to go back to work at arding and Hobs just after Christmas she was looking forward to it and seemed to enjoy the party meeting old friends again seven miles away Sarah Patterson was leaving rain’s Park station on her way home I’ve been out for the night with some friends to the cinema and I arrived back on the train from water about 11:40 I came on the tunnel across the road and began to walk down Kum Lane I Walk You Home what’s your name I’m sorry I’m Jeff I’m Sarah hi Sarah the man followed Sarah as she turned into Durham Road she remembers he was well spoken and had a nervous laugh a he told her he’ just lost his job in the city I used to work for Mor Grenville what do you Sarah crossed the road and the man followed no further fine will you go out with me Sarah at about the same time Lorraine and her friends were leaving the party in [Music] Clapham the asked two of her friends to walk her to the [Music] station the train for reain Park was the 1136 from waterl to chesington South it arrived at Clapham Junction at 11:44 George Holdsworth had just left the same party he was looking for a smoking Carriage George and Lorraine had worked together at arding and Hobs take care what are we doing on this try I going to see my maid staying the night at his place really what’s up he’s going off to Australia tomorrow so I’ll go down the airport to see [Music] off the train arrived red at Reigns park at [Music] 11:53 George remembers the station was almost empty as they walked out of the station Lorraine told George she had to ring her friend to ask him to meet her so George left her at the phone box take care yeah and you happy Christmas bye hello hello lty it’s Lorraine look I’m down at the station can you ask Peter to come down and meet me no I’m sorry love he’s not back yet oh it’s all right it doesn’t matter look I’ll start walking up on me own see you later Lorraine was never to get there but several people did see her as she headed down Kum Lane towards the A3 these skateboarders and this mini cab driver were about half a mile further down Kum Lane and near the road Lorraine was heading for as the cab driver drove around the cops Hill roundabout he saw a man standing on the corner the man seemed anxious to hide his face near the station bus driver Brian lerick was coming to the end of his route I come out of rain Park and turn right about 10 12 at night I was empty out of service no lights on the bus whatsoever I was traveling along Kum Lane towards Kingston then I noticed a girl walking in a white M she was walking alone she was on her own you just leave me alone Joseph cell lives halfway down Kum Lane something about that angry shout worried him and without stopping to put his shoes on he went outside to investigate he crossed the road and watched for some time what he thought was perhaps a couple making up after an argument but he still felt uneasy he put on his shoes to go out again now the street was empty Alan fentis is a Hackney cab driver I got to Cambridge Road and I see this couple the young lady was just standing there like facing outwards and the fella was waving his arms about like they arguing they didn’t show out so I just carried on sort of thing and that was it and one last disturbing sighting a couple were driving home past the cops Hill roundabout do you think she was all right yeah she’s probably drunk at about a quarter past midnight Jason and Nathan cook were still skateboarding opposite Cambridge Road Jason did you hear that the scream seemed to come from the direction of the allotments next morning police found Lorraine’s body near a path that runs alongside these allotments she’d been strangled detective superintendent David Fielding is in charge of this case just to get it absolutely clear to start with was the Lorraine the sort of girl to go off with somebody she certainly wouldn’t Lorraine put up a tremendous fight her honor was very important to her and of course she paid the ultimate price she lost her life and what I I mean I feel that someone certainly knows who killed Lorraine and I asked them to think about it call us tonight the sad thing is that the whole story is full of ifon so many people saw line in circumstances that concerned them but didn’t do anything about it well Lorraine telephoned home spoke to her father at about half 8 that night to say that she wouldn’t be home that night she arrived at rain’s Park Station hoping to be met and then would walk along to her ultimate destination um unfortunately her friend wasn’t there to meet her after that she made a telephone call and then she walked down this very wide brightly lit Road facing the oncoming traffic so she minimized the risks we’ve seen the sightings that those Witnesses saw what are the gaps now in what you know about Lorraine’s walk down Kum Lane well we know about the confrontation that she had about half a mile down but I’m certain that other people in that area saw something suspicious they may have seen bra either on her own or being followed down the road or arguing with this man who we’ve seen on the video and also it’s possible that someone else has seen this character who turned his back on the cab driver at the roundabout and we want to know who he is who is the man arguing with Lorraine yes anybody should come forward they might have this vital piece of information that might trace this man there’s his description there he’s 6′ tall thin Hollow cheeked unshaven dark collar length scruffy hair hair well spoken and he calls himself Jeff do you think um Jeff and um the suspect could be the same man it’s possible but someone must know who Jeff is and I would ask them know come come and see us we’ve got to speak to him perhaps to eliminate there’s one more sighting which could be vital and took place two days before the murder on Saturday the 17th of December a woman was cycling home down the pathway Lorraine’s body where Line’s body was found and she remembers seeing a man who looked like a [ __ ] and tending a fire he stepped into her path and forced her to Swerve so again that [ __ ] could be again the same man as Jeff and the suspect you’re looking for who was seing the rain could be we certainly want to know who the [ __ ] is and who Jeff is yes well finally we still haven’t found a belt that Lorraine was wearing that night that could provide a clue if somebody could find that that’s the one item of accessories that is missing and we certainly want to find it’s possible that it’s been thrown away or hidden even so yes anyone got any information about that please come and see us if you recognize that or if you can help in any way I know that the local people feel so strongly about this they’ve got together to put up a reward to find whoever killed Lorraine the number to the studio here is 0181 8055 or the direct line to the incident room at Wimbledon police station is 01 5411 1212 that’s 01541 1212 if you know anything at all that might help please do ring now so some more news on cases we’ve covered in the past and one disturbingly similar back in some reconstructed events leading up to the murder of Suzanne Greenhill a young deaf woman who was found dead in her flat in Wales Kat has provided many new leads on this case it wasn’t as a direct result of the program but last week A man was arrested and has been charged with suzan’s murder one of last month’s photoc call cases was an armed robbery on a building Society in Kilburn in Northwest London just before Christmas we showed pictures of a robber caught on a security camera and as a result of viewers caught WS two men have now been arrested and charged with a total of 10 robberies all in the London area well now Aladdin’s cave last month several viewers leapt to call us when they recognize their belongings on the screen among them someone from Henley on TS identified some figurines and a viewer in harot identified two vases and some jewelry as a result two men have been charged with burglaries let’s see what happens this month to pick out the best and the most unusual pieces here’s John blle thank you Nick well I think I’d rather start with this helmet actually the chain mail here is a little bad condition but the rest of it is quite superb the state of preservation is wonderful it’s an important item and I think from originally now missing from an important collection little more domestic we got a little teac caddy now this is a little box made of Rosewood around about 1830 but what is Magic to me you see these two Marks here these two rings that is where somebody over the years has opened the box like that for the last goodness knows how many years it’s taken to get that sort of patina that’s quite magic and unique so that should ring a bell with somebody now onto some silver this pot was made by Robert henel in 1820 in 1812 it’s a very good example of the period but later inscribed as was there won but the inscription itself is charming this is from from Rosetta salamon’s theia Levy Michael Emanuel and Henry Emanuel in response of the services rendered by Sarah impy to their Dear Mother during her last illness March 1836 isn’t that Charming let’s hope it reminds somebody in the Imp family or the Emanuel family of where that might have been for the last 50 years now we’ve got a two handle cup in the sort of style of the 1890s to 1920s and that’s when this was made and presented by the WHL hunt races this is the farmers race cup 1921 won by Mr MB Hassel on a horse called Jupiter now to my favorite type of Engraving and inscriptions this is where a group of Chums get together and have their autographs engraved around the recipients initials and there probably everybody at the yacht club or down at the golf club and Mr jch received this little tray from his friends on the 25th of the 6 1948 not really an antique but a very important nice little thing at the front we’ve got some good quality porcelain figures those two aren’t ter terribly old but they’re M they’re hard paced porcelain and they’re in the 18th century style the 18th century we’ve got this portrait rather Stern looking gentleman an oil on canvas and over here we’ve got some little portraits in miniature now these are Miniatures which are very collectible today this group unfortunately are commercial reproductions there’s of no real value but here right at the end there’s one of most beautiful ladies she’s about 1840 1845 in her original frame and above her a gentleman about 1820 with a blue coat on and he’s got a marvelous twinkle in his eye I like him very much and to end with we’ve got a Bible silver back and silver front and inside yet another magic inscription from Mar to margorie Turner the red house from Grandma Christmas 1918 and I hope that jogs a memory somewhere and if you think any of those things could be yours give us a call 0181 8055 or you can ring the police station at beex Hill in Sussex on 0424 213 630 that’s 0424 the code for beex Hill 21363 if you remember on photoc call we showed a picture of a man who was thought to be a con man he had facial scars and thought to be the person who’ passed off some uh jewelry as gold in fact it was it was worthless we’ve now had four callers who’ve rung giving the same name and uh police are working on those tip offs right now we move now to this month’s incident desk and short appeals on crimes from around the country how the Pope’s gift of a ring was stolen from the Cardinal of all England a distinctive tie that might help trace a gunman who raped a woman and left her for dead the small Train Robbery how precious steam engines were stolen from their miniature Depot and the smoke that vanished Into Thin Air how a convoy of cigarettes was hijacked on the open road here’s superintendent David Hatcher first we’re looking for a man who carried out a vicious rape and attempted murder a woman was attacked in the early hours of December the 21st at swansom outside Graves end in Kent by a man with a black air pistol and a double-bladed Bowie type knife he took her to a nearby Quarry where he raped stabbed and tried to strangle her she was in intensive care for a week but thankfully is now making a satisfactory recovery we think her attacker left behind this tie it’s dark blue and covered in red yellow and white crests it’s a 1980 to 1982 School tie from the Downs comprehensive School in Dartford which is 7 mes away this one has been restitched by hand at the back and it goes all the way up here a name tag might have been ripped from here and a small piece is missing from one end of it do you recognize it the man we’re hunting is white aged about 20 5′ 7 to 6 feet tall with round chubby face and fair to blonde hair he was wearing a dark padded anarak with yellow and red tucks on the shoulders and black gloves with red padding On The Backs the same man may be responsible for indecently assaulting a woman just last Saturday afternoon at darrenwood Lane near Dartford the description here is 20 to 25 years old 5′ 10 with short fairish hair he wore a brown cloth bomber jacket in jeans and told the victim he came from nearby swanley please ring us if you recognize him or know about either attack next the hijack of a lorry carrying over £300,000 worth of cigarettes and tobacco products just before 7:00 a.m. on Friday the 2nd of December a lorry like this was driving down 7 Mile Lane near West Ming in Kent it had been in Convoy with another Lorry but it had become separated it was forced to a halt by a yellow BT van registration a416 tyx which had been stolen from alington Just 2 weeks previously the driver and his Lorry were taken to this empty warehouse in New he Lane Larkfield inside the warehouse police found the abandoned Telecom van and empty Lorry think the thieves must have unloaded the contents into another vehicle of similar size the driver who was roughly treated describes at least two men who were black clean shaven and in their mid-20s one he says was 5’8 in tall and had a round face and the other was 6’2 and wellb built if you have any information please get in touch there’s a reward up to £30,000 being offered next we need your help to find three gold rings which Belong To The Head of the Roman Catholic Church in England Cardinal basil Hume who’s seen here wearing one of them they were taken from his residence archbishop’s house in Victoria apart from their financial value the Rings are of considerable religious significance one of them was presented to Cardinal Hume by Pope Paul the6 is one of only 19 in the world it’s 18 karat Italian gold and shows Christ holding a lamb and Shepherd’s crook the paper seal is clearly marked on the back above the letters m a c r i the second missing ring is similar to this one it’s also 18 karat gold and has a large amethyst stone and a solid band at the back there are no paper markings on the one that was stolen the third ring is also gold and has a green stone with red veins that’s known as a Blood Stone we’d like to hear from you if you’ve been seen or been offered any of them now I’m sure these will bring back a few childhood memories but these are locomotives with a difference they are rare expensive and identical to one stolen during a burglary in cwind Bay North Wales last November this one rolling in now is a replica of an Argentine State Railway locomotive made by Layman of Germany as were these other two this one represents the hiroo state Railway of Colombia and this one the Indian State Railway now they’re valued at between 3 and2 and £45,000 each while this steam locomotive is an OS Porter Mogul it’s valued at £3,000 but lastly the pesta resistance is this Aster’s electric model of the world’s largest locomotive and it’s called the big boy there are only 30 models in existence this one was lent To Us by London toy and model Museum and each of those is worth £10,000 their size and Rarity make all the locomotives particularly distinctive so if you know the whereabouts of those stolen engines call us now indeed if you have information to add on any of those incident death cases please do ring us on 0181 8055 well next an armed raid on a jeweler shop in Northampton which happened at the end of November two bystanders tried unsuccessfully to foil the attack thankfully neither of them was hurt but police are worried because the robber seemed pretty unpredictable our Reconstruction begin six days earlier near Downham Market in Norfolk David Roberts lives in open Countryside in the heart of the Norfolk F his home is eel pie Cottages a remote Terrace of five houses surrounded by fields before he went to bed David brought his motorbike his pride and joy into the conservatory for safekeeping it’s a most unusual Yamaha a 350 XT off-road bike that’s only been available since August at 20 10 at the other end of the Terrace Martin Watkins was watching television when he heard a vehicle coming down the lane it’s unusual for cars to be down here only visitors to the Watkins household come to the end of the lane so Martin was curious he noticed it was a registered a hatchback and to use his own phrase blood red 10 minutes later the car was back Martin noticed a VW badge but the driver clearly didn’t want to be identified he used his indicator to see his way out of the lane sometime that night David Robert’s bike was stolen Northampton 100 miles from Downham Market it’s 6 days later Wednesday the 30th of November PC Cliff Wilkins was on Mobile Patrol as he pulled up at traffic lights in Abington Square he spotted two men on a motorbike and began to take the number he planned to stop the bike for a license check but soon he lost it in the traffic later as PC Wilkins was parked opposite Gold Street riding up reports he saw the same bike this is Michael Jones Jewelers on the corner of Bridge Street and Gold Street staff were taking the most valuable items out of the window displays for the night get down stay down get down Sam you’re not having that shoot [Music] this young passerby tried to have a go at [Applause] them the robbers still brandishing the shotgun rode off through the rush hour traffic down the main shopping street [Music] this is a mile away Lawrence court on the north side of Northampton where the robbers abandoned the bike just around the corner at 5:30 James Adams was fering books and files to his car which was parked in Deal Street [Music] having dropped off his first load HE headed back for more where the hell have you been I’ve been waiting here for ages he remembers the car was a red hatchback possibly a Metro possibly a VW Golf well smile let’s go on back to that car in a moment it’s the motorbike that’s intriguing because I gather that XT 350 was so rare that any biker who had seen it is likely to have remembered it yes it is a very distinctive model and as you’ve heard on the film at that time it was a considered to be a quite a rare model now I’m desperate to find out where that murder cycle was in the 5 days between it being stolen and being used on the robbery in Northampton so if anybody saw a Yamaha a black Yamaha of that sort XT 350 trials bike we’d like them to to call us anytime what the six days up the end of November really absolutely must have been stored somewhere in that 5 days now why was it stolen from this place near Downham Market I think even even locals will accept it being called the back of Beyond this particular area because it it’s really very difficult to find I’m absolutely baffled as to where anybody would go to such a remote area and go to such lengths to steal a motorcycle and then use that motorcycle 100 miles away in Northampton I’m totally baffled on that one now let’s come back to to the cars there were two red cars one of course was seing seen where the bike was was stolen tell us about that one that’s we think a passet we said that’s right we believe it to be a blood red a registered Pat okay and the other one which was seen in Northampton also read but could have been a Metro could have been a golf we’re not sure on that one uh it could be a red Metro or it could be a red golf but we’re fairly happy that it’s red and fairly happy that it’s a hatchback right there must be somebody watching uh who knows who did this there was a SAA shotgun involved they’re not pleasant characters they were described as pretty unpredictable and there’s a reward yes there’s a substantial reward which is available for information which leads to the arrest conviction and to the recovery of this property okay well thank you the number here is 0181 8055 if you can help or you can ring Northampton police that’s 0604 700700 ask for the incident room it’s an easy number to remember 0604 is the code for Northampton 700700 well we’re getting quite a lot of calls coming in um in our photo call we asked for um news on the whereabouts of somebody called David Evans who has wanted in connection with a big insurance fraud two callers have rung in to say they know him personally one says he’s gone to Spain but the other person has given a UK name and address for him so that’s being followed up on Lorraine Benson a caller says he or she saw a man fitting the description of the Trum the day after Lorraine was killed this lead is now being followed up and another caller believes that they know the mystery man called Jeff and has given a telephone number to blee so again those are being followed up Brendan Madden another one from our photo call cases a caller has given a current address for him and police are on their way he’s wanted in connection with um conning people out of money and in Graves end the attempted murder there one person claims to know the person and U the police are finding him too oh they they think they know who used the tie so um that’s being followed up that’s just about it from us for today at the moment we’re going to have more news on crime watch update later that’s on bbc1 at 11:15 right after question time if there are developments overnight you can hear about those on open air May at 11:30 tomorrow morning calls are going to be coming in here until midnight so if you have any information please do ring you’ll find all the local numbers on cax page 186 if you have that or you can write to us if you prefer at crimat UK bbct TV London W12 7rj and some news just coming in about the ja abduction more of that an update you don’t have to call yourself a a guardian angel to help cut crime anyone can do it simply by helping the police hundreds are doing it right now do join us next month if you can’t stay up for crime watch update don’t have nightmares do sleep well good night good night [Music]

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